xt7s4m91ch8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91ch8k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1985 1985 1985-10-10 2020 true xt7s4m91ch8k section xt7s4m91ch8k ‘ ‘ or ' .
_____________.___.__._«————— .____——————————————-———-——"_———‘—__———
Vol. XC, No. 4 Establish“! "9‘ University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky indgpgndgm um. 1911 Thursday, October to. l985 ' V , ,
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Ron Shelton (left), Merin Brewer and Gary'Hamiton disassemble a crane used to ball easier when UK takes on Mississippi State Saturday night in its first South l l' xvi. enam- '>_.-i-. . u 3 - ‘1
replace light bulbs in Commonwealth Stadium. The new lights will make playing eastern Conterencetootball game l ”1“?" "'H“ l" *1 1 V ' i ATM" A
l time i‘epicr‘xshrxei.’ I!» w - * ' if, . ‘4 :
:nei tit-iii; ri'w'i-vf ‘ . .‘." -‘
C . new Iir v'stwi .i ' ' ' 1 ‘1: . ' i ~, ‘1: r1:
ac 0 un S e a S automation O 1 rar dOOl‘S W ’ "
where .l' 'tir won: ~11 .-‘ * 1 _ 4/}
sthlfllltilgrfixg the library. said Jake h’arnes. direc- ment to help handicapped students prmiding for handicapped students. side the library could t‘éifill‘. prh‘tillc 1119;; :1” 1-1:: I 11:11:11 If: " ., . :72 .'.1
- tor of Handicapped Student Sen» have easier access to less-used who are looklng into the pristimiiwt Mimeone to open the doorsiiir haiui l“. ‘t,,i.£“ th. it .1}? .11. 11'. f ' . 5 ‘ ' ' ' :‘i '
. 1 1 ices )Uildings and those which haw of raising fund-t 11.1 -d students ‘f '1 T I, H ’l’ fl '1 f .» " ~' 7 ’~ ' . 5
. Handicapped ' blUdenlb , cannot The campus plan to break down heavier doors. such as the Patterson He said he hopes enough mun” 3:51.; Ray. 1.1»th 1111 11K. 1”":“2 'f‘f . INT” 1“ .. .' ,’ . ~ . “
“ll” lh‘ M l hing Library “llhOUl architectural barriers for students l)f{l(‘(‘ Tower Karnes explained He can be rai'ed th o ih i 't t' . ' . ‘ i p H "h" .m ‘W‘ “mm” x 'l ' " ‘ "" ‘-
the assistance of other students. and in wheelchairs began in 1977 but said donations lt‘tillbsludenl grout) pl‘()\‘lde mtire it: ugt {”ndtwim t“, mm M; dmemNrmmn m“ Hat": gemmd . \ K I I; i
. , . . . ' ' ~ ~‘ T 'lt'\t‘ > Lli en > n' tor ) a lrnlalflt’r '1 n .\' t - "l . “ 1.. m, .17- at ,. ,, . . '
:Ctort‘ltélg to a poster inside the li- equipping doors with electric open- were used to fund conveniences such “Although something {\Hl required [flinefl‘sllv Conlplt'lt‘flua“l\\\l‘:‘l.'ll'ili:' linii. ,ut uh . i‘ . f. :' .~ ' h' '
{gt-\Illfmrs' ”"5 ‘5 a “013m" 0‘ ers ‘5 not required h} federal law. as electric (lOOF openers. "11351)‘931‘ by law. we're not going. to stop review" of structural barriers ‘lllti ”5”." H: ,}’Sf,‘lllvl>,:in. TL ., i} " l ‘: ‘
1 £th d“ . . 1 H 11 1 1 Karines said some money was raised to cover aux there. 'he said 11ut11m11111. 1,111)“ 111.1. not 1 high flux? V Ni ' ~ ' . 5
T 9 DOSK‘F Matte Discriminat- Bill thlinger. chairman of the Li tomatic doors -for the library». but When asked about the Us.- .it l h. 11mm“ There 1111, 1111,11“ 111 W'lllt' :“vf‘f‘lllf *:: \~ 1- . ~ '.<. 1 1 _1 .1 .1
mg against qualified handlcapped brary Student Adm-5'0"." Committee. ”“5 WOUld ”01 (‘OWF It It W85 {00 \ersify tunds for such protects there atthelibrar‘. tor issistaiice (Ilillflflqh I I. H . . ii.» I I: ‘- " l .. ‘ ‘ ' ‘-2
“Udell“ m any program or aetw‘ty said automatic doors are "er.“ mUCh (“pen-“"9 Of a PrOPO-‘lllon for U?‘ l“ Karnes said. The l'rii\ei‘si'\ would "The \tatute retiiiireo .11 (9“ it) ,1" I: 31 ‘:I\ I l I .‘ I ’1' '- . l 3 . . .
FNMHHE 0T benefiting from federal needed. "I think that not only stur consider " look at each case by .i case in case dc itiemrc programs ' !{‘d\‘\dttl.n(it 1‘9”? “hm-M an. M V' H l I K ‘ l. . ~ ,~ I .1 1
financial asststance '5 P'TQh'bFled by dents here at l'K. but also other The money was instead used to in basis The) compare need 'o what the that classrtmms are rest-hwiuled “~11.“ [llmmhm . . .. . I. ~ ’L‘ h '»
hfidlgnjm Of the Rehabilitation AC! handicapped people come to use the stall automatic doors at the Student it's golng‘ to cost what l.\ practical ll they are not accexflhh. t1, hand 1 ”191‘." “1‘". 1‘1"“ ' 1 "1‘ ‘ ' ’ '1 . . " ’ 1 '
0 19:3 library. Since it is one of the best rev ('enter. he said to do If there is a student rived. it mapped students She said librdr\ i Inf-wifihhfltnom. "',...?..3, Lu.“ ' 3' 1 . :‘ ';
But the absence of sufficient funds source centers in this area." he Karnes said he has spoken to needs to be brought to mx atten» workers also are willing to help [ruff r‘ it Timid. , ....~ _| 1‘ . . . ’ -
can account for the continuing dis- said members of the Student Govern tion ‘ - handicapped students 5th“ need 11 i: ”11‘”: ["1 l1”: ‘1‘." l 1”” ' ~ ' ' " . '- '
crepancy over automatic doors for hlectric doors began as an experi- merit Association about their role in He said the constant traffic out. bookliut cannot 111111011 l‘l‘;l}llh:.l.t i} tape 11. .. ... 1 , 11 ‘1 . ,
i .iiis‘;ii§.tui. ' iem .'- ‘ . _.. . 1
Wh t l . 151.21,.” 1, .1, . . .\iii1 rie xiii: 'l‘m'i' \ 11 ~ ~i - ’ 1~ .- . _'
it if. 3"": ’- ‘ . ‘ k t f t‘ci'ii ei ’iie \ rem: tri. wt .. < ' ' '1 -
en a king UK basketball, - .111 Tic e s or . ,. .
_ _' ' i. 41‘; _'f-“‘_. H iot of its think there siiuulii '» .- " ., . ,
. ' . ‘ .1 Q ‘7‘??? more iii-time oi tii 11.1 3i, 1- .’ ‘ ~. , 1
McGuire never] t z r» - R.E.M. on ., ~ .
eSS :’ .. money imiilted , " _’ I. . -. _'.V
i The funds mi. 'ie t-iiir‘t-zw‘ ~. ’Ilt‘ '_ ' - ' :1.
a) wii.i.ii-:iii.-\1'r ——-—-———-————‘—‘——“—‘_ " ' sale tOday thi’hif‘wt imiwfztz' '1. l H "7 i .l ' . f 7 x . ‘
Sports-Editor . , _ ’ '2‘» - 1 . 1... New SW'NI; w . _. ._ .1 1
“No matter who 15 picked to win the ,.. sic. . mfmpom “r W- W “NIL.“ M or.» ”M" ' ‘ .. ,, -‘

1 . , _ - ~ '- c: i ii: . -~ .m'i: fie . - .'
salhiil‘frropl‘ifnie leé‘i'liin?§‘§x§lie§2 COnference, (Kentucky’slstill the team to beat, ' ' Tallinn llH'iir'tn-Mivlluv we}... L -L.- -
‘ _ _ . _ '1 . . . - ~ . Tickets for the \"oi it it lrl.\l p v. \ ‘rit ‘ 1'\iij-"1'_~ uni-m: ' ’ 1" ,‘ '
game or at his office desk in Wiscon- and CVen (LSU coach) Dale Brown Wlll admit to l \ ‘ concert go (in gale at it. d in the,” l1141‘.[111.11:(1h:,1t(11} :( 1k: . A“ P . . » ~ ‘ = = f
bi‘i MC m e 15mm)"V emwens It. It’s still hoOp, roundball, net. When vou ‘ - 7" ' it. at ”“3de ”m" “‘k” “”W’“ W ”1""'L‘i‘dn-W: ‘ Ii nvinv'» I i -
l egameofbasketbal. _ 1 _ , . _ We said Student Activities Board con that had been ‘{;\F)1'"\V.l:'1"“: 3U; _, . ' 1 " 5

Since becoming an analyst With mention roundball, you mention Kentucky.” ' . cert committee Cl)-(.‘h’lil‘\\t)ln‘ill r)I‘('\']t)LL t. . ~ .. .. . . i x 1-“
. ‘ . . s t r \ sttli Ma. .l‘ii litiieal. iii. ..« :1 i - .i
NBt in 1978. the year after he 1' Kakiel'rch n1 1111,1111 11 1, ,1 1 ,. 1,1 _ , 1 '.. . .- ..
coached Marquette L'niversity to the The ttckpts are $8 for upper arena 71th; 11:1 :21 “1”, ' 1f . ALLA: TN“ :7 .I' .' 1 U i ' - .
NCAA championship. the flamboy- A| McGuire . ’ , seats in Memorial ('oliseuni and $1” (wars The entitlinvillt'v ,l-i-iii :Ti‘il: I '- ,- I'l- r 3 ' '. ,2.»
a?“ McGuire has been Widely recog‘ ' . . ~ for lower arena Todai tickets are not reqLi're \lll(‘\“'i‘k "‘t' ‘ Altiiuhl U" '- I' " " i
iiized as one of the most colorful fig- NBC sportscaster available only to t'K ;[uden[\’ tum and “.1111.1 m 11 ‘1" 1,11 “71 i l . ' ‘- '-£.
. . . .x . ~ »~ s . H "cl.\'.‘il.ii"1'sild‘l .. . r.-
uresirt 590m broadcasting. . ’ Al. MCGI'IRE “ll-V and staff with an ID. l'rch ”a”, dll‘t‘dd‘ llt‘t‘llfipl‘l‘m'” l“ ""71>":"“ 9 I l'f' ‘ i " “ ' ' .
MCGUJFR who hardly keeps hls re- 1. . . . . 1 There will he an (’lghlrllet‘l per cusr t ,n1.;1111r1.1. .111; .h1.‘1 5\ t 1 JI1\K1i.4 . " 1". 1." ‘ - ';
spect for the [K basketball program he matter who is picked to win him. he may have an oddson coaching positions » Hall for tomer hm”~ and “CR1.“ “1“ be 50“ V111 11, 111 1; 1.111 1, “1311 ' . ~ :. 1 " i
to himself. will speak on campus at the Southeastern! conference. it‘s chance of getting it." Adolph Rupp in the 1972-73 season ttxiayonacashonly has” \h. “1111 i r1111), 1:111: 11:11:” T115 .1‘ 1‘.‘”, . '
3 pm. Tuesday in the Student Cen- still the team to beat. and even (‘onSidering Sutton‘s Arkansas and Hank Raymonds for McGuire at Tickets go on 51111. t1, 1h1 general 1’11 n “’11 r' ”‘11 ‘ ‘Q 111”]‘1 . . . 1 . 1
ter Grand Ballroom. The lecture is (LDUISIana Statecoachi Dale Brown reputation for an up—tempo game. it Marquette in 1978-79 McGUire p11hh1. tomorrow The “1111‘, mm, 1‘ 111‘11h‘_“:_ ‘1nM1L1 1‘ ”‘73:"; . . -' ' .1 _ .‘.
sponsored by the contemporary af— vvill admit to it. McGuire said. seemed surprising that McGuire said Sutton is an outsider. someone open 10 11 m t1, 7, 11111 “11111111 11,1. ,‘11 om“.tufltml‘ffxil‘w.‘ ,1“ 1‘ ', '
fairs committee of the Student Ac- “Its still hoop. roundball. net. Vlhen predicted that l.'K's offense would who wasn‘t “weaned on Wildcat bas- through ”1113‘. ' " 1m .h‘1 “pf? 1h“ '1w'nffhm.‘.”' l," .' - ' ' .‘1 '3
tivities Board you mention roundball. you mention work the clock more and be a little ketball"and doesn't “bleed blue " R F \1 1g the 111.11 11mm.” 111- 1111, 1111‘111L‘f’1'1121l‘1f11:2? -\1 \f1‘_"""‘ “ ‘ . . .‘ 1
. 1 . . m , 1 1_ . 1 ._ .. 1» -. s ’ -i ‘l‘i ‘ xii ilt :iti'1iu 1'1 . 1... "- _,‘
In a 191910110119 ”119“le earlier 8 ucky 1 slower than itwas underHall. . In typical McGuire fashion. he "Athens-Scene bands from Athens. ..Th1,1 1.1.111>.iii the mini.» mi: . _ ,1 . ,~.1_ . 1
this week \‘chuire €01“an have _Mc(;uire has no doubt that Sutton I think that EddleS offense WI” drew a horse analogy when he spoke G11 The fourxman band's Char'lClOP 1 id n '11“ 11 1 (111 _ 1 1 , - . ' '. 1 .
’ ' ‘, . . Will continue the successful program be geared down a little bit from the of Sutton‘s succession to the L'K bas- _ . . ' ‘ a I a d N “NH" M‘ “m , ‘ . .. " . '
been more candid about UK basket- at Kentucky He said Sutton's clubs tradition of the Bi Blue and l ketb ll th on MIC sound h d murky. mohx’lc gui b} [hemnwmmmw " ‘ ‘7 ' I '
ball. With his usual animation, he ' '1 i . . - . - . - . g, ' '- . .. a r e' . tarand melody layering. The bowel l nioii iii\.itletl \tulitiii. ' ' '
joked about UK coach Eddie Sutton at Creighton LniyerSity in Nebraska think the defense will be a little bit The Rupp thing was an orderly 115 well~known 5mg“ ”11.111111, 1, 111111 1 11-11 _ 1 1 1, 1 . 1 1 .1 .
filling Joe Hall's shoes _ "He were always teamoriented. with a more agressive.“ McGuire said. thing like my move at Marquette." "Radio Free Europe -- "f’rettx- Per 51"”:11 iv” 1‘ ‘_ 1\‘l‘\"n"1‘ 1f” 1, . "
. . . lot of play on the weak side of the "It‘s exciting. Everyone is trying to McGuire said. “You're stepping out- . . .. -. - 5 ~ . ‘ re. p0“ ‘nl‘ 0 " n‘qu” M “I“ “”1“ . ' .
doesnt have to fill Comerse. What . 1 , . . . , suasions, “’11 (ant (rel There the .\larx1st Afghan aoiei‘tiiiieizt .n . . ~ ‘
1‘ 11 Nike"" he laughed _ and court~thestdeaway from the ball. out-guess or say what is gomg to Side the confines of the stable. \our From Here“and"Driver8 -' 11,1111] ‘ - . 1 .' t '
about UK now having a coach with. 1"All I know is that you got the happen. Look at me. I'm saying the bloodlines and Thoroughbreds have Rh M comes to [K on Part III 1,, ‘311 1,131 1111111, ”1, 11 1 _, 1 ,1 ,1 " . - ' ' ' 1
out aSouthern accent right ‘person. . You got a great offense is going to be slower and the been set in the Lexmgton area This 1“. “Reconstruction Tour ~ which 1 hm ’11. '11: 1’1““: ”l ' ”1”” 1‘” _ l ' _
‘ 1 ' coach. McGuire said. adding that defense faster It‘s just that we all is sort of like gomg and getting a has taken the hand through Furope \1, r ,t1 1. in] A! 3 :‘t‘rhnthlhl. ,M? i' I .‘
Make no mistake. however. that Sutton may be one of the people have our inputs and we all don‘t horse from Arabia. or out in (‘alifor- and the [bum 51111“ ' 1’ “1;:1 1‘ ‘ ‘ a)”: ‘1‘ ‘ “‘ . ‘ - _ . '.
whenever McGuire speaks of basket- mentioned to coach the United know " ma. which would be worse than Ara- h “m 13‘1“)?!” all“ h‘ V till" “wk ' ‘ ' . ‘ " ~ I?
ball “dynasties" he talks about States in the 1988 Olympics. “With Unlike in other dynasties. when bia " 10000 Maniacs will open the Sht,“ "N“ ‘ ~‘ “"1”” “H “”“l‘ R“ ~_ . ‘ 1:
Kentucky. the overexposure Kentucky can give assistant coaches took over head get “em [RI-:1p11gt' J for REM ' '
( ;. as“. "$.22". t 1 1
y 1 1. a. ’ .~"‘-§‘s( 1 ' (um. Martha Layne (ollins entering '
B 1 “1 . .11.?” ., 1 -1... the second half of her term. icccntly
~ . _. 1‘ - t 1,“. 1'“ . 1 Ch Ph passcdahih-wi n' k .h- '
1 ‘ 1 . .. 1 . 1 ' “1,. \ 1 3 - it acr idr lf‘ tr ca
B) BETH LAWSOS 1 The retreat'is a very mean. é . a. - ’y~ Q13 ‘ :1" “A ‘11 «'3 em S rccr For a profile of the state's first ‘
StaffWriter ingful but Simple ceremony ,’ . ’1 QT" :, x 1' 71193;“,4‘. woman goicrnor \(‘t‘ INTER-
, which honors the nation's flag at -“ "itfim ‘ 1. W“). - ~. ‘ " Staff I”990'“ PRIsri page I i
The bit ROTC cadet do the end of the day." Maddox said _ .. ‘ .. . ("v- f * xix; :4 » ‘ . ‘ _, A? «a ' ‘
tachment' ' performed 'lts first before the ceremony. 1 -,, 31.3.: ..,.tt. ' - ill _ (“111,151. i, The (‘hemistrwahysics building
myorRigqgary production at the Preceded by the firing of the . A. * ' 'i ' 1 ll ,1“ . ~. ., ‘ “.111 1 was evacuated yesterday. shortly
a Retreat Ceremony Pershing Rifle Canon the second ' ‘ V; v’ Two. after the Registrar's Office received
. . . Q r, 1 t e ., 1 . . - .
yesterday afternoon In the pa bugle call. “To the Color," rep ' ..,-‘ .1 “5 a1,- ‘Qxi . he ': ' . _. . abombthreatat12245p-m 31°11"? ””1””; :"fi'; ”a"
rade field. resented the lowering of the flag. ,‘ g" k\ :— “ L" «- .1, . "er, 'fi ‘11. Officials at the Registrar's Office tgtoerozzganiifnll‘al :5 i “till?
' . i ._ . . - - -. - 1 _ — _ . . . ' . t g 1
“Today's formation is a com- An audience of about 50 people. it v. 1 , 11.-» 1 _, gt? . 1 , ,1 ~ . 1 0 ,'—~ said a male called and said a bomb seeSPOItTS "1:11ch p
munication of a far different sort‘ including Art Gallaher. chan- " l . «i. - . 1‘ 1 ' v ;‘ A was scheduled to go off Within the ‘
for today the message is one of cellor for the Lexington campus, “,1, ' . '. " if «44" a m hour in the Chem-Physms building.
pride, achievement and an ex- and Michael Baer. dean of the , ’ -_ M 1 '1. theClassroom Building and the Pat-
prasion of dedication to the prin- COME? 0‘ Arts and Sciences, . . .V' 3.1. L 1 ‘ I tersonoffice Tower. . WEATHER
ciplea which both the officer stood With the detachment 1 - ; . Battalion chief Anthony J Modica
corps and our nation signify," thrwshoutboth buglecalls. . 5"“ he. had my "83“" l“‘°’"‘a“°“
said Col. Edgar D. Maddox, 3 ”Customs are very important _ but sa‘d "‘9 €311" claimed there Pant n" k.“ r “1.1“ 10'
profssorofmilitaryscience. to the military.“ Maddox said. , . ' was _a bomb in one of the three way “110‘! :1 ‘lh ,3 e! hr: It 70!
In the retreat ceremony, which “They preserve tradition. add t . 11 . y , . buildingsul-le said fire offimals con- Ton'yhtn :d '31 '3” o “W?“ be
military institutiom hold daily, color. pageantry and ceremony to M9" “ nperfuncmry seam "f a" m if loud 7... r W20“l ~ t
the first bugle call. “Retreat“ daily life and deserve careful buildings. a y c y M a -pmu-1
signaled that the “38 was aw! perpetuation." . Neither the office tower nor the chance of showers. Lows will be tn
tobelowered. ““01“ page7 T b 1 loomvrooo "wise” Classroom Building were evacuated "'9 ""d ‘° “W“ 50‘ "‘d “‘3'“ "‘
RO C mom or: lower the flag duringaceremony yesterday. Clam resumed at 2 pm. in the mmm'mdm-
Chem-Physics building.

 t . f r
2- KENTUCKYKERNEL My, m 10, 1“
Sports Editor
Mom 590000566001
_ .. . o o
.5. Gymnastics almost a ‘10’ under Little
. ' ' ‘ ByJEl-‘FASHLEY m— was really exciting." Little said.
.' Contributing Writer “There was no scholarship program and not “Every time we would go out. we
. . . . . . . would break the records we broke in
‘ “hen Leah Little came to UK to that mUCh talent- I was bnnglng ll’l ““13 lelS the previous competition. It was the
' .' . - *' . ' lake 0"" as ”3°" 0‘ ”‘9 “me"‘s from another gym to demonstrate That’s how ”m‘mfint! "38’“ l have 9V"
‘ ' i . gymnastics team. the program was . H ' had."
. . . I y / . Virtually nil. I ha d . k bad it was. . The team has even more depth
, I I ‘ . , v" i 4 ‘ But afterI 12 liars ofb r h‘thgl'ie Leah Llllle, this year with the addition of fresh-
. l l u ; and dedication. S e has Iroug women’s gymnastics coach men Cindy Jasper of Lexington and
‘ ' ~ ' , 4' l v team “P‘°T°PZ°P°"~’"E‘3‘ Diane Sill of Philadelphia. “There's
- . ‘ j . Coming Off the team 5 best season * no question that this year's team is
' ' ' ~. V ever. Little wasIappomted vice Pr,“ off for Little. as she received such was brought in to take over a shaky a better team." Little said.
' ._ . ‘ . .. m.“ _ ident ,Of the National Gymnastics honors as Kentucky high school UK program in 1974.
.. M . Collegiate CoachesIAssomation for state champion, regional collegiate .. , . The Southeastern Conference is
‘ . , . ‘ “9’"9” While serving on .the 9?“ champion at Eastern Kentucky Uni- I t°°k over m m'dseason and considered one of the strongest gym-
‘. " - .V “me board of lhe association, Little versity and a qualification for the even thoughIgymnasticIs was COnSld- nastics conferences in the country.
‘ l ‘ '3 “'1” be responsxble for helping to put nationals her freshman year in col- l." ed a varstty ,s.p°."' 't ‘5‘” really Five of the six teams are nationally
' '~ ‘ .' . . I» out a newsletter. working to reorga— Just a club deal. Little said. “There - ~ '_
.. . . . t _ . . . lege. , ranked. With Florida No. 2 and Ala
‘ . v I . i l . ml" the assoc1ationIandI taking a Then hard luck struck. She was was "0 SChOIarSh'p ”03’3"? and "9t bama and Georgia in the top 10.
I ' I ‘ . .1 ‘ J l L --.. K. closer 100k at Iqualification proce- unable to attend the nationals be- 3181‘??th talent. lhwas bringing m Little is confident. though. and
. ' '- ' l ' * dures for theInationals. . . d cause of expenses, and her college m e ' from not er gym toIIdem- thinks team members will be strong
’ “ I v " . ‘ ‘ , \ ' . She (10%“ let these duties 5m". career was cut short by collegiate onstrate.That 5m“ bad ‘t was. if they stay consistent and believe in
. I .I . . - t . . . in the way of her coaching responsr red tape themselves
;. - :j 1 . g‘ , bilities. however. ' . . After much work. Little finally ‘
; .5 ; . : g i . _ ““9“ 5K.” meme“ "‘3‘ W19 brought up the quality of the pro— "I tend to push the kids to their
. ;- it I- . I p t g . -. "I tend to be somewhat of a (1150- was accepting money for teaching a gram. She has established the team potential.“ Little said. “I believe
.- ’1 . I, ' 3 ‘ l _ Q -- , plinarian because or m." back» local YWCA program. ,the S°h°°1 as a Top 20 power in preseason there‘sastrong lesson tobe learned
. I V’. . I‘ _ II ‘ I . . ground.“ Little said. "When 1. com- g0t concerned and dig“ l allow "19 rankings for the last two years. with in all athletics. It teaches discipline.
' , ‘ . . .. peted. my coach didn‘t care If you to compete any more. 5P9 said, I the team finishing an impressive sacrifice and dedication. and that‘s
.' '. , ,. '. . ‘ la were beat UP or covered ““th bumps was deemed professtonal. 25th in the nation last year. what life is all about. If my girls can
, . ' n 2" and bruises. Y0” were expected to But that didn't stop Little from look in the mirror after a competir
‘ ; I i I ‘ ’ . .. give200percentandyou d’d' participating in gymnastics. Her ”We broke every school team re- tion and know that they did their
' ' .’ .r “m l:- _. This philosophy must have paid reputation grew as a coach. and she cord in every event last year. which best. that‘s all lask for.“
. . , lt' .
‘ l . ‘ ’ A u; h ziaimwmmme-s ‘r
. ' . I one Inowu Kernei Stu“ ‘v n ' .., W " ' A!” __M_B— “_—~" ‘ _.._...__._._ fil W -
V I I- ~ ‘- UK gymnastics coach Lech Little helps sophomore Jocelyn Arm- §
.‘ IV V _ strong on the uneven parallel bars at Seoton Center yesterday.
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