xt7s4m91ch70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91ch70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 1985 1985 1985-04-03 2020 true xt7s4m91ch70 section xt7s4m91ch70 é
a ; _ Wig; N WIN Unleerslfiofltermdry, Lexington, Kentucky IWWIWI WM. Aprils. 1905
S tt t ‘N h. . b, . t. V
11 on accep s - o. 1 coac mg JO 1n na 1011 _
”in“ : * 3 .. . '
New leader a» :5". .- . . ,. . A rkansas coach takes JOb, ' . -
,. I. ‘K L 3, E ; i .
5 . n Hg» fl 1' ’ i O , ‘; ,
p R . ready to carry » ~- . g. .. v ends UK committee 3 search . ; .
o o ‘1 ._ .. “e, ‘ ‘ g_ - ,. ; ’.
. on tradition ~ . -- . . ~ ,1 madam" _— : - '
f .. - ‘ ‘ s.) l r ’ . -
symmmmn =5 :f’ ; We " . Z, m w hr ded h “Whenyou talk about , .» . i;
' ‘ t ' ‘ . .i mys rys ou searc i . . .
sum Writer . i . .2: a 3‘ for me “best" basketball coach in ZGSketblfu’lfi’mt .1: . ' ’
omen after ’ r . ‘ iffgi the nation to fill Joe B. Hall’s entuc . [ S t K ' _. - » .
intimtiniamhgymrnw ‘ix .,. ., » “ ’5 shoes has come toan end with Ar- . . y it (I e. U ‘ » ., - . '. 1
, “y Sutton me); to a V . 4x 5. ”e ‘2‘“ .1 kansas’ Eddie Sutton being ap- pOSIUON)t eon )jOb] .' . j ,-
writer tint curt Hagan had given “w _ ' k r Wintedmmewsmm- would leave the - ' . . .
, . him the Wildcat tie he had worn __ ; 1;: i Sutton. who coached at the Uni- , , '
. m his Mon to me * ; . _ '1” . . i" versity of Arkansas for ii years, Unrverszty of A rkansas ‘ _
' media . '_; a" was appointed to the head UK for n . ,
t ' ~ . . " ' coaching position yesterday af- ' . - j ’
gawnitmedegt bms'dtm had ., ~ .. p . i temoon by the Kentucky Athletics Eddie Sutton, . , _
igned' 1:” not! the UK - m " i "" L ‘i Wrd- Kentucky coach ‘ .‘ 3
‘ ch ‘33. cheulnd waned _ i " ; _ 'A1‘ The Kentucky position became , _ ‘. '
c“: ya my' (1 timlingthe " . ' . . " ' available March 23, after former _— » , . ;
raipom dity ca: J B ‘ ‘ 3e ' . ~ coach Hall stepped down. Hall, “They couldn't get Bobby _ , ‘
Biflnsqu: Shag a” a“ ' «is; ' 3' a ‘a ‘ i who was coach at Kentucky for 13 (Knight! or Dean (Smith) or ‘ ‘ .
Adol over": “if: . . 7 iii . years. announced his retirement Denny (W) or John (Thomp-
ph RUDD 13, season ‘80 will ‘33} "ti 1 ' . ' 3' "I after the Wildcats were knocked son), so I guess I was next on the ~ '. -
just 5'8 sum" 3 m Q‘s gt -. T- : ‘" t .. out of the NCAA Tournament by list.“ Sutton jokingly told the .
sornetlmeinthefutufl’l. I“ '2 e“ “lsiliezrigsfl 2;.- ~ ' ’ J ‘ St. John‘s in Denver. large group of media representa- ' '
“m that Srtrtgtlznot fully a f BEL ; " ‘9?st SE , _ “When you talk about basket- tives. - . . '
had “go MW fig’fi’m 31%. 7 ' f "‘; ball, that‘s Kentucky," Sutton said Sutton was reported to have
“V?“ windy t ' - .. §§1l*‘ “is: . ‘ \ yesterday after the appointment. withdrawn his name for the Ken- .
Razorback . grea “Wm? . shit???» ‘* ~, ‘7'; ' I" [ “It‘s (the UK position) the only tucky job, but yesterday. he .
"ed n tcountryé boutm - h if? 3f k ' 6 9 job I would leave the University of glossed over reports that he had ~ -
5;} red tlmiem 8:] ’ 81er m ' K . ‘52 i Arkansas for." doneso. .
e d upf‘ ”is a m% ' g. 7 is. . ; Last Monday, President Otis A. “This is where I want to be." . . .
m in Hall didgrea d W ' "v s . i " Singletary appointed a fivemem- Sutton said. ' , '~
oe a marv "at? 0 ”i ~ ber search committee to inter- Singletary and UK athletics di- ,
$3:ng can carry on g view coaches interested in the rector Cliff Hagan refused to dis- _ .
. - - ' ~’ Kentuck position. Singleta close the terms of Sutton‘s five- ‘
Hrs lifetime record indicates ’ 0 said theiandidates that the com): year contract.
u‘" be cm W ““9 “ch ‘“ mittee interviewed all met with Singletary called public dis- ;
Arkansas. Sutton compiled a 260- .ré? ~..‘ thefive—man board in Lexington. cussion of salaries “unseemly," ' , '
75 ”w"! "a '31” m‘ an ”First of all, I want you all to but added that the figure was
average at 23.6 mm a W' and “I know that we saved a lot of money comparable to what Hall was paid
led the Razorbacks to mne NCAA ‘ by not traveling to interview any. and what other coaches at major , ‘
Tournament bids' - ‘ body." Singletary said. “They schools are receiving. -
As a result, Sutton has the confl- ; ; (the candidates) were all here for The new coach‘s first order of '
dence that he can contlnue the -- the Final Four," he said. “so it business yesterday was to offer
Wildcat program and. M wrth f made it possible, in a few days. Leonard Hamilton, the associate r,
they ureot’thepmitlon. ‘ (to conduct) the work it will some- coach under Hall, the position of
I In very MM! I 9‘.“ coach . times take a committee months to assistant coach. Hamilton. who is -
“I? game 0‘ basketball, Sutton do." respected by coaches around the ‘
said. .I ve Md a great teacher ‘ ? Singletary, who said he sat in on nation as one of the top recruiters .
and Ive Md great assistants only one interview, said that Sut- in the college ranks. accepted the .
910'“ the way. And I dm t M it ; "" ton, “is the best coach for the pro- position. '
Is any mu'e difficult to each at #~— 7%“ u “”55.“ “menu“ gram at the University of Ken- Sutton said he and Hamilton are
Kentucky than It “3‘ Arkansas or . . . . .. tucky thatwe could find." hoping to get on the road. seeking
alotofotherplaces. President Otis A. Singletary announces the apporntment of Eddie Sutton to fill the head coaching Sutton responded to the commit- recruits for next year. The nation- ,
The Wt ”8me position yesterday duringameeting of the UK Athletics Board. tee‘s decision by saying he was al signing date for high school
8“ I .peaez thenextperson in lineforthe job. prospects is April 10.
W - . i
0' ° W'“ G d b t d dd't' ' "
mm 1 marmacnou l‘Ollp e a BS CO e a l 1011 - t,
; By ANDREW OPPMANN _—_—— ”At this time, (the amendment) is ' »
Study SD orts ””‘"""'""“""°"'“'°°"'°""’""“ Conmbutinswriter unnecessary." he said. “Formal ' , '
m.” It!“ mm.” ‘ ‘ ' ' adoption of the term ‘sexual orienta- . '
. . d mnemonic?! succeeds Dr. M;.c:|°|ldn:flwomwm An- unscheduled organizational We are "at In- a V0161. tion' would lead only to confusion."
meeting of a Board of Trustees com- . . . The (revmon) - - -
me lClne W.WMWWP¢|WWMW- mittee discussing the fate of the pro- _ Bell. Citing several court cases, . .
ed “sexual orientation“ amend— committee came [0 the sad the tlmverSity Md be “over ' .- ‘ V , I "
By JOHN VOSKUHL on. porn m PM —- Frododdr It. Cohen, a protes- pos t to th U . 't . St d t . . stepping its bounds ' if the Board ap- ' ; . . .-
Editor-in-Chlef oer or M. touts mm, o preterm of pl’tormq. Tom 0. am. ' $13; when?” 235:5ng ism g 3'; concluszon that this proved the amendment. ”UK would ; ;- .
' . _ hay. a professor of mthropoiogy and m 5. Wood, a W of histo- bate overthemeritsofthe proposal. type OdeSCI'IMIIlaUOfl be acting‘prematurely in adoption of ‘ . .
The UmveI'SIty will betahng [to- ry. m nursed University Research Professor: tor "Cs-85. The prdouon Although no formal action was . t n this code. he said. . . ,
[13.813 ti? develop $111811)? rec- flbmmmhfluhmwhmtrohon research. taken _ with the exception of stu- exzs S. John Darsie Jr., University legal . . ‘
M 8m omelet mmummmmm—mm den‘ ““5““? “m ”Udenbe’g's can‘t‘m“ P- Wilson, counsel. said he told the Student -
“1:82“; the Board of mistees Mom in dbrod iron to cum hoot-tier at am degree mi "mm" ‘0’ pos‘9‘"‘e"“"“ — mem‘ Board of Trustees Code Revision Committee. a cam. -
tliiizedy'the dmlnistration to ism Jami”? a education ' be” °‘ "‘9 Ward's Student 0°“ puswide screening panel, that the '
all“: M {or the complex new ” mm ' Committee bantered back and forth term would be the only category not ' . .
W “a cater d um H by, ' concerns am“. the need and legality protected from discrimination by '
Dr Peter Buomwa'th chncellor ti t Bosornworth said with and vention W focused on of theamendment. The amendment would add the federal and state laws. The group ‘ . .
00"!“de Cantu: 5:33;] care, elements ’ sporgm and ”he problems “I was caught off-guard because it term sexual orientation to two lists endorsedthemeasure. however. ‘_ - ‘
The t d the ‘ has not . A mm? .‘ re- Bosomworth said after the 'meet- was my understanding that this in the Student Code of characteris- , - , _
been “unrated hm search one X W ' that drn'nistrators would be ac- would be an organizational meeting ties that the University cannot dis‘ ”1 9°de Wt ‘0 the ”mum '
. es hmds would be med ram “Miam- “3 . a l ls concerni the only," Freudenberg, president of the crirninate agaimt in admissions. that we would be departing from the . . '-
Qstmd no state - i that ' lng. . on, ti perfor- ”page W " m :3 the Student Government Association. scholarships and financial aid. The categories covered by statute. All ' ‘ -
We thirt that “a possible th th: mance, injury 32:33 on. pg“- 39°: 30mm ecomeda ”0811.190 locations said. “I was not prepared to argue measure was proposed by a coali- other categories are protected by '
piibflcofivate Whip win Mfldemm‘ W’c - "9" ’3‘ thesubstanceotuieproposal." tionoistudentgmps. federal andstate law,“hesaid. ‘
investment of private capital will oAn outstanding education pro- havebeen proposed for the center - Committee Chairman George w. Trustee Tommy Bell at Lexington _
My the money. he said. We malnatiorlal, rector; andlocal mrcufins‘eatonwcangd‘tfiilinms courts Griffin told commnee membm ”my, told me Wt” that if Dame’amemw of "New
would be 1m usentially for in- significance for 90“ ' tralnearr'; In meow fl terda the during yesterday's trustees lun- the phrase were added to the code. committee, said he voted against the ;
mttntocomefa'wu'd. athletu, “minim people r so (an ymiayi Otis cheon that the meeting WOUM fOHOW the University would be asking for proposal during a preliminary vote. ' .
The W hell"! ”I“ m wmwflim~ 3““ med ‘° ‘ °“’ ' “ thefullBoardsession. “nothing buttrouble." SecCODl-I. vases
centrate on teaching. research and 0A mm to advance treatment SeeCLlNlC,pageS _ _
. . . “p?" . _ .
59mm“ “95 SAB OKs cultural center Site "'3'"
for SGA ~ >: Unanimous vote puts proyect at Student Center game room
no 0-." ml Tabb Tennis All
. , By FRANK WALKER board with a list of alternative areas your (game room patrons) desires.‘ a“ Gun. TM held
reSIdenc ; Reporter they prefen'ed. shesaid. is: may die- . few NCAA spec-
p Loom Straub. SAB president, pre- Staub said. ”I‘m glad the black tam - vi as I good UK crowd.
The Student Activities Board sented the list which listed the fol- cultural center motion passed. It is For more. as m
3,.me \ voted unanimously yesterday to allo lowing locations: mezzanine area. a worthwhile project that will bene- ”a,
wwmww Ti cate the proposed space for a black the area beside Student Center m the black students on campus
l culml center. The space. which is and space oratside the Visitor’s Cen- along with the University comma- 11; UL rye-en‘s ad coach said the
JohnCaln'sthysdbelngthelone l‘l currently bdngmedus game ternHeolsoaaidinhisrepor-tthat titty." unmatmdowmitthe
candidateforsmdentoovemment mn,islocatedonthegrurndfloor unguidentswereopposedtobeing “lwishedtheSABcouldhaveot- “huh“,m
Association president hire come to of the Student Center next to the putlnthetelevisionroom. fered the students exactly the space momma-:3.
“I“. Student Government Association ot- Kathy Ashcroft. SGA's College of they asked for, however, I think the
ToddCorIilio,aanlanlangmge flees. ArtstSciencessemtornndauser spacecanbeputtogoodme,"he luminance-oath
senior terda entranced m 'l‘helocationbecametheoenterol ottlngarneroorn.saidinatele nid.“ldon’tknowhowtheywill “hum-I'M”.
“mmmmmu Tom’commo mmthenthelmdents ptminterviewuutehehndpoued reactbutlencorngethemtocome Hummus-seer.
gum.” AproblemwiththeUKcourse mtlyuimthespeceupressed ”peopleandtheirthirdchoicefor backtoSABandmtheiroptn- m.-m~6.
Cornillo,a21—yosr-oldmernbcd load,heaid.isthattoonmchtime mmmmdbphced unaltemtivesp-cewuthedown- ton.
theNevyruervesneldhebchl— mmtbedevotodtoananeolsmdy wltlmteltermtetacilltles.SABet- stalnTVroorn.ShetelttheSABs SemEden,epolidoeleciericeoe
minke-Inc'fidon’tfod mmmmmw. tomptodtoeddrustlutproblemby neornmendatonwulnadequete. nior'whovlr‘aspruontetthcmoet-
III anthem-fiddle“ lnnjlrJ-leaidthtwhileharén’t mummmwm 'WWUN‘MW‘N mth‘mlly'lmt':
dents."flehnlldr'asawflt&in advocate detracting m the ahhmmmfinaw “thmbmm,”m Mmtmymlem
candidate bee-m he nun-d the mom.mliin¢diedoau malt-fled use-anteater a”. .mm‘mmmmm ammhkhdflflntmi‘htbefl-
UKWJ‘mnmhhfl- “Mm. mummmw. “We tin cul- apnea hm!“ a“. ~”,*Ihh--
aui‘t‘le anthem mm m she the some pllrl tor ”“"'“"’ an! m. We mandated in sand (”damn”) Seem thorn L‘h‘"m££’£"
undulations-um. hmwm.m whibmm filth end the SAB {Mr W “Woodman-mud» »» ~
”Hunk“. ”m", you. ” Ml’e m mwmndontcsroaboiit NM- -
o . ‘ .

 z-xmvxm MM: 1“ __-
Courtyard Physics talk wraps up forum
turned Into W’ I ayaoorrwano nerthatwillallownon—phyaiciststo deemedbytheCoilegedArta
_.- . .. -_ - . mmwnter mdesundit. am.
' Michael Beer, dean 0‘ the College Administrator: in the dean's dfice
ame board _ The Dean’s Fenlm lecture sates of Arts a Sciences, said MacAdam aid a. ram i... ban mm
‘ _ iaounimtotheenddita firstyear was chosenasalecturerin these- andtheyhopetocontimeit.
. , '3 today with Keith MacAdam's lecture rice because he is the leading atom- 3m aid the than “i...
Students deszgn I ‘ one-redephysics- lc physicist and an excellent scholar achieved what we intended to do,"
. 5‘ . ‘ dchdam, .31 3:1?er andcanrztiliecator. the top Wm which was to facilitate interaction
. ' ~ I g - plwsics. sa ' ec . ' He sai thinks' ic ' among faculty members in the col-
. metal Chess pleces l_ _..J- c . “s- “'Iheae Moat Delicate Atoms," will draw a fair number of faculty mem- legeacrma deparmienul lines.
ByJULlAPHEll-‘ER l 5 concern Rydberg atoms, those bars and ”hopefully some students This interaction was sought be-
Reporter ; “ . « which have an electron in an orbit as well." cause, “people tend to get stuck in
l N ~ 1 _ higherthannormal. MacAdam has published several their own disciplines and fields,”
The courtyard in front of the Pat- 1 . c .- - However, he said, “I think I can journal articles and has been asked said Nancy Dye, associate dean of
terson Office Tower has mm faces 1 ‘ ‘ relate this subject . . . to much more to speak at international scientific ArtsdtSciences.
than that of other campus side . 5 universal things." He said the basic meetings. He also has been a board Dye said that in general, “I think
walks. The checkered design also j ' _ theme of his lecture will be how the member for international commit- it (the forum) went very well . . . I
' doubles as a giant chess board and l 5 study of atomic particles such as tees. think peoplereally enjoyed it.”
has just received a set 0‘ players l “h Rydberg atoms can be used to study His research is funded throughthe
‘ from IOarchitecmre students. - a. natural phenomena on a larger National Science Foundation. MacA- NW no PM have been made
“No one ever knew it was a chess l a scale. dam said the process for getting yet for a forum next year, Baer said
board before." said Gurney Nor- f I * MacAdam said his lecture, at noon grants from this government-funded hethinksitwillcontinue.
' man. an English professor who wit- . . today in the gallery of the MI. King organizationis “very competitive.“ Dye said she hows it will become
nessed a chess game played by the l- g , N, Library, will be presented in a man— He is the third speaker in this se- apermanentseries.
architecture class yesterday. x: ' r 5 ~>
Tony Roccanova, an architecture : .. 3 ~ '~
professor and instructor of the class, ‘ ' ’ " ‘ ‘ e ' - . SG A
- , said he recognized the possibility of .. »‘ ~ * \\f'””
a chess board and assigned his first- , . . ‘-* . . , - -
year architecture class to build a . .. A: , .. 5. Continued from page one
largescale chess set out of scrap " ,» ~ - he said he is not necessarily against curity officers, who currently walk He said if “students take a little
. metal. 9 . ‘ {A— , a tuition hike, “I’d like to know the campus with no weapols what- effort to vote for me,” he will put a
. Students were divided into two ““ ”ma/Km“ 5“" where the money’s going," he said. soever, be increased in number and lot of effort into serving them. “I'd
. , {2:312:1er 8:395:01 mg}:- fie Brian Hutson, a first-year architecture student, captures black’s Consiliodzmailllgd like to 53¢:th pttlhb allawlgdmto cafgyhlgghgglchjhd lik to “kt: whim“ need for people to
C 86- 000 "8 0 an 15 ~ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ’n t r ’ if t Iished, accoun ow e 0 am a w e vo ," a .
. er, an architecture freshman, there 22:52:)3:125:33;iZergiklliazzrlggnwgif£2$353rs 1 yes it day s f s tuitial moneyisbeing spent. increase student participation at the
is a basic element on each side of ' He said the way tuition increases Student Center by allowing the cul- Corsilio said he has exhibited his
. the chess set. One side is made up are made — by comparing UK's tural center and the game room administrative ability as president
‘ mostly of muffler pipe while the In Stockholm, Sweden there are next to Miller Hall. Many passing rates to benchmarks — should also both to exist there, planning more of the Chess Club, a position in
. other side consists of reinforcement actual pieces used to play a game students expressed interest in the be changed because the system does activities there and extending the which he is serving his second term.
bars or re-bars. Re-bars are used to and he said he feels the chess set game. not take cost of living in the other hours. He has directed nationally rated
reinforce poured cement, hesaid. fills up “passive space." Because _ . . states into account. He said that as He said he would also like to ex- tournaments and opens for the club.
Since the re-bar side is msty and someone has to move the pieces, .Matt Kelly, a Jim“)? I“. commu- a member d the Board of 'lYustees, pand the part of the Physical Plant He has also been a member a the
the muffler pipe side is shiny. Paul there is activity in space that is mcatlons, couldnt tell it was a he would be able to lobby for these Division in charge of campus clean- war games and photography clubs
Kapp. an architecture freshman. unoccupied. Chm 33"}? ”9? “We.“ the 3!" changes. up. He said they doe!l good iob. butif and is a member of the Civil War
, . ' compared the set to the barbarians . “Wk was nifty - The difference m About campus safety, Corsilio their number was increased the Round Table,adiscussion group
' versustheRomans. Yesterday ¥h°mme the StUdems 9‘15 was obVlous,hesaid. said he would like it to “reach a campus couldbecleaner.
Thomas Boyd, an architecture earned the Pm‘hm’h Pence "a" , point where our students are safe," Comilio said he will make himself Consilio is not running with any-
. freshman, said he sees the differ- 3.“ set them “P m the .°“'y Clear Another Sheen!» Wand Mulhm. but “I would not liketoseea perma- accessible to students. “I think it’s one else, but said he tllinks he could
ence between the sides as decadence elght by 93'“ space available near an English Junior, thought the chess nent armed police force," patrolling important that students know what’s work well with whoever is elected to
versus purity. the fountain. 59‘ Wes h “neat idea" and 3150 hked thecampusonfoot. being done“ by the SGA. He said he the posts of senior and executive
Roccanova sees the set as rebars . . the artistic valueof thepieces. He said policemen carrying guns will communicate with the students vice president. Consill'o has no SGA
’ versus muffler pipes. He does not Strateg‘sm BOYd and Brian Hut- Earlier in the year, Roccanova on campts would be “making it too through regular meetings or by just experience but said he knows other
see the chess game as a war, but as son. members 0‘ the “355‘ PlaY‘id a proposed a chess set for Central much of a police state." Consilio talking out in the free-speech area of senators and thinks he could work
a psychological sport. game. 3‘1th they had a prob em park, but his idea was rejected. He said he would rather see the UK so theStudent Center. well with them.
- - ~ - aVOldlng student traffic. Roccanova . ,
His lnsplratlons for the chess set observed and offered advice to both said parks such as Central and 'I‘rl-
came from the Italian town Marosti- . . . an le rks are passive s cc and
ca where the town square is a chess S‘da' Hutson won the my game. negd agat‘ivity. He hopes themset can $500 RUBY SCHOLARSHIP
board, he said. As a tradition. the When the sun disappeared behind be left outside near the office tower ATTENTION: _ Who-“Ameklm
townspeople dress as chess pieces the Patterson Office Tower, the and perhaps stored in nearby Miller :gdgthsgtlb‘r‘cngatgghllhg
an" perform meChess game' game was moved to a warmer spot HAIL w e Diversified Academic Curriculum and Interests
. . . . . 0 Intergratod Understanding of Natural 8 Physical
FlnanCIa] ald deadllne nearlng Recreation and Special Ed Maiors' Applicants should submit latter/essay outlining qualifi-
- . . . ' cations and why they deserve award.
Comp posmons available (water seafofy In. Mallorlrlng to:
' By LINDA HENDRICKS Halsey said there are a lot of stu- Also. the University’s financial aid atruefora oepoelclly needed) for the Dr. move. Aaaochon
Staff Writer dents who will not apply because application must be filled out and month cf June, working with mentally dis. CollogoofAmcnd Sciences
they don‘t think they are eligible. returned tothefinancial aid office. oblod individuals. Apply 336 Waller Ave. 17‘ "”m om“ 7""
Students who are planning to “Students should not decide suite "9. 00211
apply for part of the $31 million whether they are eligible for finan- Undergraduates enrolled at least By April 17. 1985 257-6689
available in financial aid for the cial aid," Halsey said. If they feel pGart tlimfatcan aplély for lthe Pei: . .
_ 1%5-86 academic year have less like they need aid and they aren‘t ran. 5 e gran - SUPP ementa
than two weeks to complete their ap sure, the best thing to do is to talk to education grants, National Direct “Uh", Activities Board prmnta...
plications. a financial aid counselor. Stllléllent Loans, tale figilaegfn work I h h LIBW
. - - “If a student comes in and his 5 U y program an 50 '05 Of- Ton f of ‘I’ O
theAgigltllcaflbzzsofmtzh: fiifli‘ifi Ellie): Parents make $100,000. he Pmbahly “3"?" by UK 9 .«
Tower and must be returned by wont get ald, but there are a ‘lot of \ \ {6‘
April 15' factors that can Change that,’ Hal- Graduate students cannot receive _/\A I
sey said. Pell Grants, state grants or the sup- v I P
Last year more than 11,000 stu- There are two applications that plementaleducationalgrants. TA
dents received financial aid in the must be filled out. For a small fee, qr a’
form of grants and loans with the the Kentucky Financial Aid applica- “A lot of factors come in when de- Y
average gift being $2,822. said tion must be sent to a processing termining who gets financial aid," PA m
Bobby Halsey, assistant director of agency to determine applicants‘ eli- Halsey said. “The best way to find all
financial aid. gibility. out is to apply."
. 940:3!) Fro. Drinks f
ea er wlth $3.50 cover
. ' Continued from page one 10330-1300 $ 1 .00 Drinks
‘ that Sutton would be the one cho “the No. 1 coaching job in Ameri- are that much different,” he con-
sen to carry on the tradition came ca," he bantered with reporters tinued. “We believe in discipline Also 75¢ Miller 300?
g ' as somewhat of a surprise. It was yesterday in his slight Southern and we believe in getting players ‘fl‘ ANNUAL
rumored over the weekend that drawl, apparently at ease in his to play the game with great enthu- AMER'CAN COLLEGIATE
. Arizona coach Lute Olson had position as Hall‘s successor. siasm and intensity. And we be 1. ALENT SHOWCASE
- been offered the job. And former “I can remember listening as a lieve in strong deferse." a,
t . ' UK assistant Dick Parsons and little boy to Kentucky basketball," . 'h. LIBW Friday. April 3 2:00-5:00 lel.
‘ South Florida coach Lee Rose Sutton said. “That‘s what I told The announcement, which (Murmur-lilo h-mmc-nm)
. were still comidered to be among my wife last evening. I said all leaked out early yesterday morn- ”film-"W “MIAMI"
thefront-runners. my life I have grown to (believe) "18v ended the suspense for the
' “I haven’t really talked to any- thisls wherelbelong." media, the fans, and maybe most
one‘ Wildcat forward Winston When asked about his philoso importantly,theplayers. “I I m mu m an lm
- Bennett said about the reaction of phy of basketball as com red to
' his teammates. “But I think they Hall's Sutton seemed td’aunder- Kenny Walker, UK's second
’ ‘ , are as surprised as I am because stand the situation Hall has faced team All-American, heartily en-
, . there are so many who were after here at UK as he . . . dorsed Sutton. “1 don’t think you 4 “ I
, . ,, . Joklngly said, . , t
the Job. Bennett likes the thought “If you win the dorm care how could find a better coach than <
. ofSutton‘s transition basketball. la ' y Coach Sutton (to replace Hall)," . ' , g .243; a0 If h 1
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 “WVKM Wu“), 1.-:
Sports Editor
UK golfers Off to slow start, Committee adapts 45-second clock
. (AP) — The NCAA Basketball ingly approved of the clock in a re- also is expected to make it more
t 0 on ecutlve losses Rules Committee voted yesterday cent survey. and i9 conferences difficult for underdog teams to pull
su er w c to adopt the 45second shot clock used it this year. but it lost by a offupsetsi
forcr'inll'collegiaécagasrnef. fused t narrow vote in 1%.
_ , , . _ irman iz re 0 The decision was expected to , - '
3’50""me ogmze handicaps when she sees aw”? ":8? 15: Ede}? say what actions the committee Coaches believe slowdown mean that Villanova's 66—64 upset .'
StaftWriter them. ts . “m““m nth; dyRSPI'lns 9h); took during a daylong meeting, but games will be eliminated by forc- of defending champion Georgetown '
And after two tournamen m w‘ a o '8“. ogersons o a member of the panel said the ing teams to shoot or give up the in the NCAA championship game
mummmwmwwmm 3:? mswfmdjusflgnfwwwmsém"; gram??? 230. h‘ghl‘gh‘ed by a clock was approved. ball within 45 seconds of when they Monday night wiu be the last col~ x - ' .
a . - - . ' . - - . . - r . .
tie Lou the); this 'a me its main l'cap. The nations coaches overwhelm gain possessmn. Usmg the clock lege game Withouttheshot clock. . . y
squad had the potential to be one of areflectionof its slow stag; of Concrete-like conditiom on the Co Cg GE ’ ’ '
thebeatteamsintheSuith. The squad finished 1 out 24 lumbia course caused many a drive NERAL CINEMA __ , a , , a , . ..
teams in the Lady Paladin lnvitatio- and approach shot ‘0 8° W the aaaoammmu-Ivmoav _._. \ V0 H N t H O L B R L) (W K 5 —— " . . '
A frosty January and February nal in Greenville, and rounded out fairways and greens, and it prevent. ‘2 50 ALL snows " _ .. , .
kept the Lady K8“ m end its long spring break with an ath- ed the players irom adapting to , ' uranium \l\l'\( \lil‘ . , , ,
MW their valuable We“? place showmg' in the lS-team South their new surrmindings' .she said. rIURFlAlib MA“. ‘ ‘ _ 1, ' -. ’ .
timetaprewe-Ammwtmths CaroiniainvitationaiinColumbia. im "mm” . (‘l I‘lf . g , . . , »
Betsy Rawls Invitational in Austin. Freshman Kate Rogerson said ins hard to practice on Me ‘ °°‘“'° “ ' ' ‘ . ~. ‘ .
Texas. their tint Went 0‘ the their finish is not a reflection at the courses because here ha - m ' - a .‘ '. '- .
d was . . we ve. , . '
season. top player Amy Bea waytheyreplaying. .. - .. . . . ,1 .
unabieto play because of anillness grass, Evans said. I cant be too “a“...mmo, . , .
. “We're hitting the ball great, but depresssed bythéhe will we 3133:: iataoaziutoo . introducrng . 7v . . .
“it’s like UK starting without we're just not scoring well,“ she “'5' 9”"8 C0" ‘0“ = ”m. . . i . 1 " l -
Kenny Walker —— it’s exactly what said. mason, who along with ju- courses. . — DOW" Barman.“ ~ .' _.
182%; when Amy's not in tiiere." nior Cathy Edelen, is taking up the I! d it t't t d . _ .. Certified Electrologist . - , .. . g. n:
“i - slack for the slumping Read, paced “ we on' e l ge us own. we » .
But Evam is especially one to rec- admin intheColumbia tourney. can stillbegood."Evans said. .tillhilli‘aflhhhm Inexpensive, Polnloss. Permanent '1. . , : - .
ormuoitro ' .
Tourne s attract man articipants _i‘“ . "°""°"‘°"°' ’ '
y y p -; using the latest technique - The Kree Method y' ‘ 1' ~
ByJAMESA.STOLL of seven. Christine Weisbach came topseeds finished in the same order I —: approved by AMA ’i ‘ l ‘. _l I ‘ 1
Ed“: “Editor insomn- weseededthem." . lifliiultu'ltfi‘om 2 Body Waxnng also available . ' ‘ '.
“We had four players sponsored Heath said awards will begiven to ’ . ‘ _ .' I
The a—ball and Table Tennis All by their organizations.“ Heath said. the top two places in each competi- . 1 . , '
Campus Games Tournaments held “and next year we hope to get more. tion. “I talked to most of the win- g g walfi Tanning Beds ' ' ' .
last Sunday at the Student Center We feel this tournament was truly ners and everyone agreed on tro Wri. ‘ ‘ '_ ‘ - a
game room and the Seaton Center representativeot the wholeUKcam- phies, so that’s what it will be,“ C ‘ P i ‘ V ‘ ‘ For Men & women 4
squash courts drew an “excellent" pus,butwereally hadalotottun.“ Heathsaid. . 5 Beds _ - ‘
turnout, according to game room In the open table tennis competi- Heath added that his plans for Announces - ‘ ‘_
managerJimHeath. tion, there were 19 entrants, mer next year would be for an even SpoclolWookond 0 Face Tanner i « .
and women mixed. Second seed greater turnout. He said the games Roios . C stom Air Condit' n- i ' ‘ '
And that included some spectators Anto Yauwanta held his own against of table soccer (foosball). darts and U '0 mg _ , _( , -
in town tortheNCAA Final Fair. the field to take second place in the chess are also involved in regional $39’5 Pl!” text 0 AM-FM Cassette . . . ‘
doubleelimination tournament. los- game room tournaments. and he . 3 m Fridoy . Towels F rn'shed 1. ~
“We had a whole lot of people ing only to topseeded Aron Fried- would like to see them included in p. ntll U ' . ,y . . "
frog! out of wwnhjtop in,'f’ Heath man. his Second Annual All Campus 10. I: Monday 0 Make-up & Hair Stations Provided '-
sai . “An 8-ball c mpion rom St. . Games Tournaments. Also. he may ' ‘ - - - - . -
John's even came in and wanted to mm" ““93““ Yauwanla 21‘ include 8 doubles category for the . 19M and ms 0 Complimentary Skin Analysrs 8. Consultation
. l 12, 16-21. 22-20. 16—21 and 21-13 In the . . . CD
play. Fortunately, I didnt have to tab] ie . f‘ l 'nn'n the tour- table tennis competition. 7'
‘9" him he wasn’t eligible; he knew e tnmsuinmats. $5.“! g 'n l e This year‘s regional competition ovolloblo A
italready." 2:1"th M l g a 5‘ g was held six weeks ago in Johnson 0 No mlloogo H , 9 10.30 M Th ‘ .
' City, Tenn, so this tournament chorgo ours. ' ' _ on.- urs. ‘ .
In the men’s division of the avball UK Table Tennis Club Sp