xt7s4m91cg1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cg1x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1971 1971 1971-02-19 2020 true xt7s4m91cg1x section xt7s4m91cg1x . .t
Friday. Feb. It), l97l UNIVERSITY OF KENTI'CKY. LEXINGTON \H' l ‘-H \ r "" -. ,f ( I
' " '_ "" "' :If'. 'j v‘:
d ° 1 l 7.; t, :c
‘11] ) ' y retail
SG votes to 1880 ve asse V_ ‘ w
.1 J? I $ I'III,I‘ .’ I' I -'.
lh “{an “1“ch tor .ntion on issues of tumor nary not a Student (itflt'tiittit in! the :l,. In; 2 s} l. ”iffi . , :5? .I with
Kernel Stat" “fit“. tanee to them, .tl all iu'n sntvzi \ tn .t u .; . 1"ti'l: Vi it .'.
Student (lmerninent Assein- MS“. lllt‘ new Student Senate “The t't'ptt'sv'ittdlnt's in the It twn minim in-i m' as p. ,-.t'__'t \ , '> 1' . :‘L
l)l_\' Voted Thursday night to (155, will establish a series of ('om- Student (Iain-i'niuent Asst-inlil} \\ hat is iviiui' Ili~».turl»in.: w V n I ’ I} 11“,".
___.., .‘s()l\'(‘ ItN’t‘lf itl|(l suhstitute for injures and “(lnijiijstrativp de— tltls year, . \tti(l lll‘lL'lit~ ”l (‘()H- ilmll tln' ltt’fllt‘tl All llti‘, littllt’t‘l '_ MT'WTI" i
the assemhlv a Student Senate partinentst with the aim of elim- Sidt'l' ‘0 lHH‘ lM‘t‘“ 115 K‘N’tl 1" ‘dl‘l ”HM” M“ iii“ '-l“"*"*l" \ “$6 ‘1’; --":' V ‘-l f"?
composed “f the student inem— inating Overlap of duties he- any we've c\'ethad. This has presented in support of that \IL'~ ‘ ' ' r” , 'I "1.2.312
hership of the University Sen~ tween them. Along with this, heen a group oi conscientious‘f tion 'lltt' passage of the proposal II .' . 4/ . .:- .'. ,-
ate. said student hody president hut trustratetl~—representatives. without a student t't’lt‘i‘t‘lttlttntt. l I 'I .« ,.
In a 21-0 vote, the assembly SteVe Bright, it is hoped that “a Bright said he hoped that the “I’l‘llt‘ argument that the issue '” ’l as“, l. I ,
took action on the proposal for well defined relationship” he— new strueture calling for a Stu- is far too Ieoinples for students W “T." : I ‘-I
a new Student Government tween the University Student dent Senate would he a step ot this I nnersiti to adequatels _v » , ~.I- , 1
structure, following the adoption Advisory Committee and the touards the passing' of the orig— acquaint themselves with prior , III.I
oil .4 “compromise" Tripartite new Student Senate could be de- inal lripartite P r up 0 s a l. IIIe to such a referendum is indeed ,. . II II _ II If
Resolution by the Board of veloped. sand that the new Student ben- insultingr and ahsurd. This takes ” . "I..I- ‘f’é
Trustees on Tuesday. In the past, said Bright, with ate planned to “push for the added weight in light of the fact ,. IIIIIIII WWI :3 .' l": .
In the compromise measure, two and sometimes three Stu- adoption of the original pro— that those most skeptical of the
. the board accepted an increase dent Government committees Iposal‘ and that he expected the referendum are also those who MI I W. I‘ '2, _ iI
. in student membership in the working on the same area of Tripartite resolution to he on past occasions have prided M Ig"I .I
University Senate of 12 over concern, each of the committees adopted next year. themselves on the argument that I .:'-"5;"13:Jg' I 3°; '3' I. II ,
the present number of five. was afraid to act until one of In another statement, Student ('ollIege students certainly are in- a»?! ' '. L‘ g}
This provides for a student the other committees did, with Body Vice Presidvnt Skip Alt- telliizent enouer to (l(’('l(lt- issues , .I .I ,v‘
member from each of the Uni- the result that often nothing was hell said he was in agreement which atleet them. - IIII '. . .III
versity's 16 colleges, the seven- done. with the formation of the new “My fear is that couVenienee I I , ‘I . ‘_ _
film-”h student member being Too. Bright added. in at least Student Senate. hut protested Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 8"] [‘VI. HRH.” I I -I I. I.
the student body president. The 0119 instance the University StU‘ I \ : i
o r i i: i n a l Tripartite Proposal dent AdViSOTY Committee “L ._ . '- i." I i
asked for an im-i-eiige in the eentl)‘ had almost duplicated , If: - .. - V .
faculty senate to a student menr lll“ “”0”“ “l another ‘l(‘l’i”l‘ . _ ' «l- .I . ‘i.
lwrshii) of ~10, ment in Student (Lovernzm-nt. ' ' ' " " - _ 5 f ' 9 ,' .i {CIR-f.
The “I“, Student (lovernment 'Hiu» t()H(‘lll(lt‘(l Bright. the . "WW“ - , II II III .. I_ II
\Ulu‘l'u't‘. to he t‘ilt't'll\t‘ as soon (‘l‘N‘l' l"‘lilll"!!‘ltll’ ll “ l “V “ V ’t I, . . ll 1 t l .. 7 l .,
as the new l'ni\ersit\ Senate 1‘75 \(I ““‘l ll” ml“ Slllil‘l'lll . l , 3 l t -I Z}
mrnilieis .m' \t'.ilt do will ttlttilr \"""-i“ l‘ ’l""‘l"’l- ', 13:. , v I.' i I XI 3‘1 V
lslt the position oi “lM'tll‘J r of lll'l'ilzl said la' asls’ezl tor the II : -. .. Iv W , t? w ,‘ ‘~ 1.:
lin' asst-inhlx. lnsn ad, the nut restrux. tui‘int: oi Stud: 1»? (Los'ei‘n- . ' I_ . “(I ~‘ ' . 5..
, (ltttl lmqli })|‘i-\)(l(-!I( will sem' ment paitl‘.’ l‘ecause oi the .I'I .. '6 ~ by t ‘7 l '-A
as presnlinfl oiliter in the Stu- ‘mt’t‘lllt‘l 7”“ l"’l(lli"ll‘llli) ll” ' ' i;:;___ fl ' a, -: i ... , . V , U '.' ,. .‘ "
dent Senate. tueen students. latulti. and ad _ . “"i‘III { . 1'1", II I; :~ ____ t m .. ~ ’ , , .‘*7*”“
with the am studio Senate ”WINI'H‘WL '15 "<'9l"“t<‘
- and was threatening to inyadc the fact that the two countries possible incursion into North 1‘ r0," AP rel)0rts
. North Vietnamese territory. lt have Communist regimes and he- Vietnam.
raised the possibility of lied cause China signed thel962Cen— V1“ Binh said‘ “All this S:\l(l()N-~l“i\e V-S- helicopters “""1‘ reported downed
. Chinese retaliation. eya agreenieiitson Laos. . U ii -. r, -_ 'l‘liursday in Laos. where South Vietnamese torces said
,. . ) , . ‘ _ - proyes that the Lnited States is - , . ‘ . . ,
‘ . lheleoples RepublicoHJu- "lhe statements w ere made at feverishly preparing ,1 new mili- they had cut three main branches ot the Ho (.hi Miiili trail.
na will not stand by idly while the 103rd session of the peace , , ,i . ,, , - . , , Sharp fighting was reported in (famhodia. where South Viet-
. tary ady enturc against the Dun- . ,
. its neighbors are attacked by talks. ocr'itic Republic of Vietnam namcse troops also are making a parallel thrust armed at ,
the L'nited States. ' said Nguyen President Nison saidat anews .. .. . enemy supply lines and war stores. ;
, . Thanh Le. spokesman for the conference Wednesday that the I Mr. x“”” Slum” he has ”I“
i - North Vietnamese delegation to Chinese liaye no reason to in- “til” t” attackIany country" to l’.-\lilS—-North Vietnam charged 'l‘hursday that the L'nited ~
‘ . ”WPLIHN[X‘ds‘s'tilll’W I i“ll”t ill“ 50“”1 \Ylt’tlla’llt'w bomb and inachineguii any place States had inyaded Laos and was threatening to inyade .
.' Earlier. Xuan Thuy. head of driye into Laos as a threat to and MI "NIFMKI‘W Iitll301‘e-I AlIthIt‘I North Vietnamese hay-“(Hy it raised the possibility (,Q‘ lied
llls‘ (ls‘lt‘il‘dtmll. said that the their security. saipetllneI ltisenwslpr) est ””1 (iliincse retaliation. The statements were made by Nguyen
”present lai‘gcsscale operation I Both Thuy and Mrs. Nguyen “8‘“ to thm‘lu (L “l“ ‘m( 'l'hanh Lei spokesman for the North Vietnamese delegation,
‘ by the L'nited States in Laos, Thi Binh. head of the \ iet Cong “I“V'WC' at ”w 103”] eve-5h,” ”f ”H. l’aris pm”. ”Ike;
_ the concentration of LS troops delegation. reacted to other Nis- US. Ambassador Dayid K. E.
‘ ' ' I at the thh Parallel and the inI—I on remarks.I .. . Bruce made a yain attempt to \VAS}!thL'l‘()Nv—rl’residcnt Nixon. rejecting calls for na—
A . V ~, "ltd-“I‘M I'lllmlk‘t' ‘>lI\‘iU'\lI|ll>5 “ll Th“) “”‘Slfll "l” NLyon ‘ start negotiations going on mu- tionalixed health care. asked (longres’s 'l‘hursday to require
i I \“ltll .\ ““5”“ Et’mtmlt‘l ‘l iitltu'lti'lt ”Mt ll“ “illl l’ll‘u'“ ll“ tual troop withdrawalsfromViet- that \‘irtually all businesses pi‘oyidc ctimprehcnsiyc federally
> I ‘ , menace to North \ ietnam and ”'“li‘lIl‘m "H ”K“ “-‘t‘ ”t A‘llf‘l'l' iiani. lie noted that atlast Thurs- prescribed priyate health insurance for cmployes and their
‘ ('l'llI'LL I fill! “I‘llml‘til i" ill-”t9” L~S~ day‘s St‘SSltnh the North Viet— families. The employer requirement was the centerpiece of
- . , I lhe spokesman «-\pan(lingon ‘I‘Irs (’5 ll lllt'lrfiitt‘t)’“threatened. nainesc spokesman did not deny the Presidents $2.5)3-hillion sis—point health care proposal.
- . Thuy s remarks in answer to a \i\on excluded the useof nuclear the presence of North Vietnam’s
. ‘ I newsman \ llummm‘ “ml “ PMHT‘ troops in Laos. \V;\SlllN(L'l'()N ».-\ tii'st moye to cut off a Southern—led
I ' ' filibuster against a proposed rules change that would make
'. o . it easier to end Senate filibusters fell nine yotes short 'l‘hui‘s—
. I -I. I tevellson llOt Sub Pct Of S (lay of the necessary two—third majority 48 for ending the (lc— .
-' I J / pylngv hate and 37 against. Immediately alter the yotc it was an- ,I
. ' ’ . 1 ~/’ nounced that the 37th cloture petition will be filed Friday. :
. = .- sa ’8 secret * of ti A y
' I' . y l I ary le rm \VASIllNU'l‘ON~Secretai'y of Defense Melyin R. Laird I
.s . . . established new machinery \Vcrlncsday to tighten ciyilian
, “ASHINCTON lAP) 5“” Nu )"mtdl b) intelligence DH and filed “hull contained refcr control oi domestic inycstigations by military agents. laurd
‘ ‘ tin of the Army Stanley R Re- sonnel could have contained the eiices to prominent fi ures it - ‘ ' - -
, - ‘ - ‘ , _ ‘ _ .. , . ‘ .. . .. g “. was spurred by allegations that military agents spied on
- . - - sor says the names of three top names of political figures such said. Our inquiries have indi- ”mm.“ .md (“Tl-l ”up“ pink.”
- .I ' . ' Illinois officials including Sen. as Sen. Stevenson, Rep. Abner cated that there was no system- i h i
.r ‘ . . ’ \ . - . i ' 'v . Mikya or former Gov. Ott atic at . ' y . .. . . ,.
. , - -_ ._ ‘l' " ' "WW ". "' WW 1 , _ 0 “3"“)? ‘0 .gobewnd Flm MIAMI BEALIL—lhe Arr—(.10 demanded lhui‘sday that .
_ hm- shown up III llltt'llig't‘licw Kerner eyen though they were and gather (105818“ or detailed ~ - - - . -~ . ', . .
I . . I . I . . _ , . I , . ._ (.ongress nationalize the railroad industry if it grants IreSi-
'. I » II reports l)llt none ot tllt‘lll \\:l\ a not the subject of our military files on prominent figures. 1‘ t \~, a .. . f _. ,1‘ , l' .. .1 I 'k y. Y} ;
.' I , silliieetol \rlllI\ spying intelligence activities," Resor's Resor said hindsight shows :(“t31IN)11\~\.IUlH}Ht in d 11““ law l(()‘ unit ”1}“? “5 mi]:
- l ‘. A '. . ~ . 5 .'~".. ii i.‘ i H . Y‘h“ i.‘ "1
. 395m made the disclosure m letter said of the three Demo- the Pentagon did not put adequ- (l s H ( “.0“ “5 "mm “(H 1” ”mm.“ W“ 1. “pt?“ i
I . . , . 9 ‘ , , bill to deal with a threatened March 1 nationwide rail strike.
I _. = a seyen-page letter to Rep. Og— Hats. I ate controls on the intelligence
I . . den Pi. Reid, R—N.Y. the Army s It is also possible that some effort and ”some field person- i‘T BF\‘\‘1\'(‘ (- 'l‘ 1 f 1- - 1
. . .. . . ‘ 4.. l , yi.— ' “‘i "';‘.“a""
‘ . most detailed description to date newspaper articles were Cllppt’d nel, perhaps out of an over-a- v” .j,, . tl-t 11‘ \\"ill' mid]; (.lm. pf" (kllitnits ‘LHHI
- . of its ciyil disturbance intelli- bundance of 2831, on some very .1961“le M]. 4i} l “.1.“ 1d. ‘0 ‘IZ‘WV-M “ t.“ ill-Liilt‘l
‘ ’ I . genee—gathering activities from limited occasions may have ov- “PM" .0 pan H ”M55 ”Hm.” .0 “SMITH“ (Slum
. I I I 1967t01969 iMCGOl’Pr’l (willg erstepped the boundaries of neaily three yeais ago at My Lai. (.alley. ;_i. is on trial for
I i ' V (“‘1 - ‘.. . ’ if , ‘ L . ‘ '1 s i. ) ‘ .- i O , - s . .' ., .
__: .- +1..-- weoeiieye malw‘nereports . good sense and the Spirit of our picintditattd Intlltlti otIltL min. “0111“) and tlilltlHn dui—
.. I , (lerOtver 1139 policy ., mg an assault on My Lai.
' , i, . r I- ' i / if The policy was rescinded last
. .- , W...w..,-va_-_~g . _ ‘ . ' ;.: Hid—7’: "3; .- .t _, . ,
. I. I W_:__:IWAI~—I ____ 980(ll(1t10n June 30. he 5,de and replaced I LOSI .\.\( l l lISIIlI ltlIlItIll l\l(n\\lllls(l calmly eonttsstd on
. , I t with one that permits Army m_ t itIIwitan'ss staan lI iuIist .iy that she ran down and killed
. I . I . II I w_ \\ \s}l|\(. I()\ l \l’,I — Sen. telligence only in Specific ClVil coffee heiress Abigail l‘olgei' at Sharon lates home and the
II I y I itl'lil . 9mm“ S. \lc(loyern. l)-\.l). disturbance situations for which next night stabbed to death the \yite of a wealthy market
. .-- lliIursday called l’residcnt \i\- federal troops may be called owner. lhe 23-year—old member of (Iliarles Manson s clan is
I . I : IIiIriIiImIn II wmfl on s use of IainIiower oyerIIl.aos and puts strict limits On such in: the second of two women defendants to admit slayings :
I I 'm, lI "‘l "illi‘ :indt ambodia barbarian and telligence activities at the Tate murder trial.
- _ , A ___a said by encouraging fighting so i
I I .I , ____————— Cltft‘ to Red China Nixon is 0 O O
. ‘ ——‘——_'—_'.-———_ ris 'iiig World War III. l h t B bl
i . ' i 55;: 5.33;??— l’resident \i\on's statement evl wars 1P en ers l e e t
- -. I I —=—q{g4; Aw*‘= \\ednesd:iy that he would putno . Hl l\\ ., i l l’ , i V | , - l ,
. - ' I ‘ ' i limit on the use of \nierican l . . H" ' \ ” "V“ l” ‘m. “HHWU‘. \ “l “ll‘l‘ and Chuckles. ”Satan is Dr. 11d- I
-. I > . II , ‘———'—————_______. airpower in Indochina is a ma~ young disciples liaye brought tlii- luau) scrHccs arcpei’forinedwitli Vey."
' I 'I ‘ ‘\—‘—_—:_—'——_'— jor t'M‘dlation of the “I” Mc- ‘ liurchIIol \atan to the fringe 1‘ ll‘ll'fl ”hf” 4‘ scantily "L”l \\eirc not our brothers keep-
.I . . I. I‘ / C()\'crii said. of tlic lvible belt here. I woman who is considered sacred er.“ say s ( l|;[[|(‘\I \'., (.‘n. our
‘ ‘ -_ , ‘,\n(l “1. seem to be getting l.I\crI\ lI‘Ii‘Iday a score of local and thus. untouchable. lliat s |)r(,th(.,f\1+“,de
V i l. 1,16? l’t"l(i\' for 'lll iiiyasioii of \orth ”MSW" ilzltht‘r before a ""t W‘Tlm‘mt‘tl l“""'~ \lH' \ilid-
. ." ‘. ‘ lil-ick 'llt’lr 't tl- l - f \‘1 ' )l'l“ ‘l‘ l' l"l
2 . > ' - \ ietnani With full .\merican su )- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘l H "Hm ” ‘ ln” l‘” U L” \ ' °
I : . , port.” he told a news conftlr- t liarlIes and Ilanet. who \\'('n‘ the black-cloaked members in Nathllal del)t
. ’ ' \Hicn linyn‘i ' pic-em.“ ence. transferred here more than .‘l ”W “ll“ll‘ iX'Tl'H'mHl l“ ”W I'Nl . . .
i . . ' s'tms nul one Icwclry you \le(;oycrn s'lid tlle M’idmim.“ month ago from San l rancisco hill” ”lilil‘ l)1|\('”“'”l ‘Vltli "Hill“ llllllt lllcrease
, . I; l min: pl .- .\ Noah" tration is guilty of runnin 1 out “lu'nl ll'" “1" “3“ l‘HIIHlt'd fiye ”"Ns' playing in the nut runny.
‘ i . ii iii h'ndfk if H l i on broinises it l]i'l(lt to tht “Swim” Ilanet h “("ka l” hWle approved
-- t ‘.tsii. ‘\ - r ‘ ‘ .. -. , ~. ,
'.' ' - k l I “”th \ I -.. . . ... I . inc couple doesn t wanttlieii' tlll‘tlHrtl priestess in tlielaitli.
. . MWIHI m, II,“ Hit rlt an peoph two years ago. I . . f l l . .
' ' ' 1- wni iic oi ihe more rm to get out ofVietn‘un " Mt name ”\Hl h” ll“. “k0 ”t \ouut H will \Inton ”and” ll." WASHINGTON (AP) — The
I _ . I t s i ‘\\ i ‘ ~ ' . _ . . . ~ I ». - . ~ I
f . f ‘- t-nim know in “V” “”l’m l ”0'" ”f K“"‘ Iwill --ia- . -l - - (”in , ”i. ,“N .iuwl‘m ”l “9““ Ways and Means Com-
. _. I lltltlc'l’sluliel [tic nne sas. the licpublican national IIII I(I IIqu IIy iitu.i Is aicIkind “iIiIus (IIr illilIHJritllit wIIIo iIIs other— mittee approved a 335 billion in-
, - I I .‘ IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III chairman. called a news confer- III i)I\);Ii<)-(III.HHJ\ Iyy ierIe we ie- IIiIst iIipruIas tIicI i. .ic iope. crease m the national debt limit
‘ , '. ’~ . IIIIIIIII I H -‘ cnce to dismiss .\lc(Lovem's 1.l\(I iustmtions. says ,lanct. -I\ sit tnmnty roasts about Thursday- 35 billion less than
‘ h' i ll ‘ nil! In ii it i ”iota statement as politics. l I” “tulip“: “hell “ill haye hill)? lll("lll"'r‘ tl”“HL'JNHIt the President Nixon's administra-
». l‘ " ” ss‘ \-. -- . .. . . . a curse ri ua cyeryonc ocuses “’0”. ' - -
. ' . ' ' ’ g ' mcnil‘cishli‘ in the . I set ”N statement ‘“ ”0th- thcir will on the ob'e't of tl - \"-e use \‘lt‘lll 'l\ ‘l sl l i -‘ tlIOD asked, bm Still the blggeSt
. \. . ing more than the statement of _ .\ . , l ( " . . I ‘ ' ‘. ‘ ”H“ Single increase since World War
I I I I int inanhcm Society a candidate who's ninning (Inise. we think its better to “f“ ('llt‘li-I ""l’l't“""l"lil tllt‘ ('iltI) II.
II I .I I. . ha. been “mum“ 01 mm seared 18 months ahead of any- :amIn someone in the ritual than plI nIiIan raised toIIa godliead. The ceiling on the amount of
f I .‘ I I I I, ItHlle‘il IL‘\\L‘lc‘i‘s thing." Dole said. »” you've 0 (I0 it out on the street. .‘ |.|l isIIsaIiy s. .hai “I, t"l‘" outstanding borrowings will go
II .I . . , llii(\11;,'liiii|[ilig l nitcd only got 2 per cent in the ”MM II I") lanet sI description the lo- iIssiIiIe wit i are the inIsItitiitions from $395 billion to $430 billion,
. ‘ I f . I \l-ils" Ni” dt‘mln. l guess you have to make state- (A group \ ntuals “.11”: a “MA ml: up illmmd ( 'llriq' if Congress approves the com-
. -. . I; I llll» mm. flit only some merits like this.“ if“ 1hr” “I? ml; ilml llwr In.“ h II} ”timid“ ri‘cogmn- him} il‘ ‘l mince recommendation.
. ' 'Ilv-, .\ . . . ;- i"- 2.?(‘ i -c.‘ -- ‘
, - I .4 . I,” “‘il“ ‘ ‘ h . ”ml to ”ole said he hadjuat returned ”N ”H (mm W Li ‘1“ ill in tlni mk' ll” din rill l ”mg '9'” The figure chosen for the new
. . ~ m. this ill\lll\\'llllll \lay from a five-state speaking tour _ ( lirlilstll'snt‘frftr mI ft“ '1'“ up“ debt hm“ assures, members
I . ' , \\k'\\c‘lcitlt1\‘\()ll mon’ and I find widespread synipa- ' ("hrfsti II'I‘ iii‘sltihitim . ISIaid, that the Treasury Will
. I I I III I I I I . .- . . - I r ' 5 ‘FIIS. \£I)\ ave to
. . ll I I l I.I I ; thy with tlit lIrcindtnt s polity THE KENTUCKY KERNEL ( harles are ””1“,“ they ih' come back to Congress
. I . ‘ i in Southeast .\sia. . ‘ - ‘ ‘ . ' ' ' ' Wt m a year for 3“Other raise
. . \ t The Kentucky Kernel University I , - - l ' '
I .' . 3.- , r - - «emu Station. University of Kentucky LeX- (”Hm " "“"'I‘ ”1"]? "l" ‘l""“~' Secretary of the Treasury
I II . -._-_:II-:—.—x——r— , m‘ . . . - I . I ington, Kent k 40 . ' l“ 5m" l l 3 ' . . - :
II I I I ‘.;I I _— I Spend an Ulilolgcttahlc postage paidugt hxmtoieclgggtucgzgs IIIII\\IIIIIiIIIIIinIIIIiiIs InyIIIiI (:1 I . Illtl john B. Connally had testified
, n. . .a..._, r_...;—. 74*; r ~ ~ r t . » ~ . ~ Mailed five times weekly during the . “ os II)I i' ”Wt" that ‘d I I ' ‘ ' ‘ '
I . ' I -::. - - M____.- ~ Shi‘l [ZS TLR \] Sl‘r‘ school year except holidays and exam all sy stcliis to the 1N'Uplt'. t‘ k .340 b11110" Increase “Ol‘ld
. .’ I I .::_.__.:_ “(:11 a I I I()nI {hp loIrnicr II I 3:333: and once during the summer ”We exmse ourchildren"(the 33 (igigred of needs tip Ito June
I '. , II 5? III‘ (A Ql th ELI/,ABLIH Plih‘lizlzisti‘cfri btyxtige 13%;? 0183131581: couple has a 3-year-old daugh- 't‘ 'B‘ tesmte continuum defi-
I -. t. i'y_'.t -. os ice x . - C18. ‘ ' -' .
I I, ‘ f — uEt’rItIEngiIiIndas thIo Cadet in 1894 and tcr, Julie) ItO Satan and to all Wilbur “Dflocihfilttee Chairman
- ~ [ILLER &\ ILDFR -- x Km... mas ..m....ii..g, lyl .. ~ . . mm.
v J i ‘ ‘ K i . I I . | . V. .
. ’ ‘ ' mm. m ‘."‘*a-..._ ,1 I Agyélertimp‘g published herein is in- then we let them decide when “ml“l ”m “‘_" ”Ml l'u'm'
' i i O (luv/(24») s.“ l ' {gl‘sepor‘iiiisledgdi‘ri‘g argsgfilisiliiizyéhgiig they're old enough " “"‘""l ””t W‘m‘l" enough hor-
. ““- . be reported to The Editors. ‘ intanists arlnurcchildren.he m“ mg power for more than a
‘ . ' , ‘08 ESplanude $E3§3Rg§123§ EA$I9ES¢5 say s. her .uisc they are so (”N-H. year.
' ' (i V I f H P" mpifmm “195‘s” ”'l"‘l"‘l -””l ll‘th lice from Tl‘llrfilay‘s actions are sub- 1
. ‘ ' , . . c“ ower rates: u credit for KERNEL TELEPHONES guilt. bet to a ‘ ' '
_ courses. Write today for details Edit”. Managing Editor 257-1755 I’ . .. J final committee Vote
PATRONIZE YOUR I . - Editorial que Emu" In re. tell lls \ylio “itan ls Monday, but no chan es a
from “orld ( ampus Afloat. ('hap- Associate‘Editnrs. S'ports .. 257-1740 her father says as she runs into pcared lik l ’ Th g i P‘
KERNEL ADVERTISERS! man ('ollcgc. rim (‘(‘l6. Orange. Advertising. Business. Circula- H . ' e" . "9 were "0
—___—____________ (\ 92666 tion 258-46‘6 H "NIHH' r01] Call Votes In the clog“! ses-
_—————— _'tlll(‘ link“ (I()\Vll ilt her toes SinlL a spokesman said.

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_ m THE KENTlinY KERNEL. l’ridax. i’t-b, l9. l97| - ’i _ ’ I ,
Alex ' one 0’ the year 8 ’8 be I
. n 8 1 ms , =
' By LARRY KIELKOPF C011” x. “Ml“. (Milking It 5()\ er, is ”H” a break ill lllt‘ “WNW titl) \ttflllt‘. ”.‘\lt-\ lll “oinlei l‘ilt'ill’lllli l“"llllll and l' .ilif ' 5'- 5' i
' Question. What do you want he pays a Hm ‘0 a PM-‘U‘lUlNP A“ ”W 'd lN‘il'l'lllll ”ti“ ““1" land ' talus a hairl look .it lllt' \l'iltxm “ll" Al"! dill" 5”“ ~"" ‘ - ‘ ' . “
to be when you grow up? That‘s e.\ecuti\e product-r5 at a major plausible reality to total ill)\lllo ,_ all (,l ”mil“... “mt“ w“... PM" lillllliiiitl} [mutiny-(l l.) lit-vi: l . .._ _' , i ‘ U
_:, I - . . . , . - . t - . .: .
iiglit, wnat do you want to be:’ “0‘13“”ml ”mm”- n“ K“) _“"’“ (NY dittion .is to oin Lli.tll(t'\ ol \lllv 1W l‘i'llHH Mal .ltumhi' \l'I-“Wi -' ,' ', in
A” architect? An engineer? proves to be a schniuck With a Alex continually changes his ”Hut: it. Mug emu.“ .\ U”, l"'ll the most poi imln l.l <’ , -'
\Vliatcver the specific occupil- IO?" “1 bad “rll’tsull‘l bad "19"” ”“ll‘l- H" scraps ”'1' Mi‘ltl’l'“ -\ lutuie suct ms. ”is litlllllt' ls oin the lilin must go it. lllli t 3H! l’.i:il ‘ .. -' _ ' .
tioii, you certainly wish to be It 5 93'4“th the hype ”1 scent-Alex Phil and 11005 ll” llH‘ “W111“ luture lailure. So the onl_\ tint-s. \lu/Jtt'slq .mil ill‘tll'l' "1 low“.- "I ' ' ..i
successful, right? 15 ”Milli l0 MUM» “0 Mys llt' ll picture. Emision the ratial riot in,“ that remains h “1),,H l”. link“ “in: .ll\‘ tiniiwii‘ .5, -' ' ,_. - ; fl 5
N0 doubt We are going to think about it. film where the blacks, instead ”ML-i. ”a 1).,” l”. “ml ”my \H \\lllt‘ the stit't'lllilti} 'l'Eirii ' , ., ,-
achieve all “f ”I” .At least that 5 While visiting a producer ill :il htltrvmlltuhdgwll'tilt-ill 0““ gluit- ond mm? That h H”, ”“lll‘u- ““‘mi‘i‘ :l‘dt h” “ll", U‘ 1“ l" :73? ' .jj.
. “ll'fi‘tAI‘Vi’ lffl‘t'lcvtt‘lllmg ourselves. Home, Alex runs across Frulerico ()ilIJidctus iii‘tttrl) i ll 5-5 I and woe he unto l'(‘\l(‘\\t‘l\ “ho ainona th: top it'll .it ili' final , o .155 5- 5 '5 5-
i» .. 4 .. . . . s‘is C(‘t a‘ ' .. ' . . . . .
l 5 t.\ in on( trland, no“ Felliiii\\'orkiiig inacutting rooin. f f 5 l L. I t l “5' ii-J‘tlll’ dnulgt tndings. Lit it snlhu ind -. z ,
5, s rowing at tht D()“nt()\\il Cinc- Alex cant help but impose lUr o5 ritnt s, an iigunitir tnsnts to say that Alu is Ullt- “end l)irt<5toi ol ph itogiaiih,5 .5 5 55 55 5 5 .5 .
nia, Is a film about a movie a f) , - , 11‘, 5 , . 5.4.1 mer the belie\ability oi sluli a hliii. Lil/.ll) lsmats. proud“ ,1 mm,” w 5, -.
, _ t“ minutes i c any tsti u 5 , , , 5 . ., .. ., .,
director, Alex, who is 36 and has hero worshipper A Fellini fan “013’- Loud fill‘flmllL’ “t llll‘ilfiilii‘ Donald Sutherland play s assist, and \'\lillt‘ sonn- oi tln 5' 5_ - ’. . , .
' ~ " " -. " - i ' . - nant medium qtand'n r '- . . . . ‘ - , ~ . . . ,3 ' Q' ‘
qust finished his first successiul anyway. the meeting 10ml,“ 5 ti 555 k! l l 51kg (illitkll) A)”, cind although his pirlor- tannin \\(irl\ is Slititlyl. nit s «lit 5 5,
“llm' Just aft”) away tronibeing Alex‘s fixation, So much in tact. 1” 11:! M? ham” ( ll“; I‘m-tuft” niance lalls short oi that turned lllt‘ Sim“ are 1’“ “‘1‘ ’1} hm"; '- t- -- -' ' .;-"-.'.
. . .. '. . .. .. “ ‘._-“'- i f * ‘2 . . , ‘ - - i ’ t. "‘
L310“ 1] u!) and estdbllhht(l (15 that h(. later has SllrrC‘dl VISHHIS flirt! (\ S ftdr U“ l( “I: if r 1“ d5 tllt llld‘l (“Kitr Ild\‘l\()( PHI tll()\t, llldl it“ llill \K}.iti It! .\ 55 A . .55 , 5.
- - -' . . ant ' nwo )('( ' 1 ie “‘ ' “ , '. e, , ,'~ .
a lirector, the questiongis what which contain Fellini-like cliar— d 55H” )5)‘5’ Ail” t 5 1n .\i.A.S.H. . lit is .idtpt. mg HIM“ \ UH 'ltllil\l. 1’ 55 Ml H ‘ 5 .. 5 .5 ,
. l. ,x ,_ 5 ,. s: l i. I. 5' ( , 5‘ A . _ ‘ H . 5 5 . . , i i s. 5i 5. ». ‘. 1‘,
is ie going to do “u". Every acters and at hm“ caped ligures luml lint 5* it 10m 51:1 “U 5 “1‘”. Hurts“. (lots as iLWKl ,, l)t nottd that \\lilt .\ <\ 1 ._ . 55 _
body wants to know—including depicting Frederico himself. ‘5)“ M5 it“) 5115“] WHUOUSIH‘SS Job as is possible \Htll thi- nn- dosen t have the owriioxxt-iing 51:5. ‘5
Alex. either self directed or to“ ards challenging role as me “ if“ My“ images of 55 Spam- ()d} sse} «,i 5... _» 1' _5'- ~ .; 55 '. -
One idea he is‘iiitatuated with The dreams themselves area each other. It s really very nice. Mazursky and aim,“ Sergent Fantasia. it does haw the . ' ‘- 5‘ 5.
is to (10 the lite story of Mal— stroke of directing genius. There and one wonders if they dont were beautitul as tliedaughtcrs. saint irrtxeiantt- toi it‘dlll) ln j ‘ ._ 51,
have the “WV” and were it not tor their age. short, it (loscu t inattei \xhethci ‘i‘ 7 i ' '
But ”“5 15 only “”9 theme. both would be potential Enniiy you enter the theatre stinight 5.*;'5 ‘t -
SS 1 t c an“ There are others. To be expli- “mm.” or mini-«,1, Yon le;i\c it \iiulsed 5-52 ’ UM.“ -‘
. . >5 ' ’ . l" ‘, 5, ‘5 l , is
5 Continued from Page 1 Government Assembly Thurs- + ‘ l a S S l f I e d + ‘ I I I t.. - .
is the guiding consideration of day night saw the passage of a - .5 . 5-