xt7s4m91cc66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cc66/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2012 text GLSO News, February 2012 2012 2012-02 2019 true xt7s4m91cc66 section xt7s4m91cc66 é GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Feb 2012 Vol 34 N0. 2

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Sponsored by the Brenda Cowan Coalition for Kentucky 1364 Devonpon Dr, Lexington KY 859-276-4457

 Issue 2 20 12 Feature Story
GLSO launches
CONTENTS membership campaign p. 5
Free Spanish GSA Meeting
Classes 5 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
Identity Study Saturday, Jan 7, 6:30 pm.
6 Pride Center
Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Thursday, Feb 9, 7 pm.
Senior Discussion Pride Center
Group 6
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, Feb 12 & 26, 6 pm.
Pride Center
- GLSO Board Meeting
ggfic‘éa'entms 8 Thursday, Feb 2 & 16, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Board Meeting
{,‘éfirsfiffigfiw 10 Saturday, Feb 11, 9 pm.
GLSO_ Domestic Violence Support Group
ClaSSIfieds 12 Every Monday, 7 pm.
Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 2 2012
The GLSO News is published Aaron Baker President
monthly by and for the Lexington Vice President Vacant
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Paul Brown Secretary
zation members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA
t0 the GLBTQQIA community. Jeremy Law, At Large

Don Lowe, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Ginger Moore-Minder, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza-
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA
community through voice. .
Chad Hundley, Office Manager
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
serwce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
GLSO Pride Center new contributors and editorial
389 Waller Avenue staff. If interested, e-mall
Suite 100 editor@glso.org.
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Pride Center Hours
859.253.3233 Sun:i Mon & Tues - Closed,
WWW-Q'SO-Org %em?%ir3PTiZfii“—‘sr¥n'l”£%§ps”§i
2012 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!
E-mail editor@glso.org to pick your package today!

 GLSO launches new - -
- and the Ga Straight Alliance

I Membership Program for youth. \X/ithout your dona-
As promised, the GLSO has tiofr'ts, these programs would

I created a new way for you to su er.
donate! Our goal at the GLSO is to sup_-
Many of our frequent support— Riorlgutth SveG EBA-$3130? wi‘tT‘h‘gTjt
ers had been asking us to start your support When you sup-
:‘ophgtgng trséusmeeoihi; port the em you sup-
donation so that tfiey could porting your community.
32%; :2: marshes To Dame... m t... p.09..m,
programs without havin to p:ease “St 0'3; slite a; www.
spend time writing a checE ev- gigg'gggrli/tmfiglto rgoliglte 2g $33

I ery month. We heard you. Ell/val? hatYe/ be; mfiklrllg one-

. ime ona Ions yc ec or on-
We are roud to introduce the -
GLSO lfllamber Program. By line on our webSIte.
partnering with an online pro-
cessmg serwce, we have creat—
ed a secure system where 1you
can set U8 a recurring) dona ion
of $5, $1 ,_$20 or $5 monthly.
Your donation Wlll automatica -
|y re_cur each month, charged the GLSO
to either your credit or debit
card, for a whole year.
This program has a donation
amount to fit every budget. If
you’re on a limited income, but
still want to show your support .
for the G_LSO, the $5 m_onth|y Free Spanish Classes
donation is only a commitment
of $60 per year. If you’re for- man effort to exBandJDrggram—

‘ tunate enough to be able to min? at the GL5 P” e enter,
afford more, you might even Pau Brown certified Spanish
want to donate at the $50 teacher, Will begin offering an
level, which is a $600 per year Introduction_to SPaWSh .C 3.55-
donation. This class Will be a continumg

education class for adults who
As many of you know, provid- want to expand their horizons.
ing the pro ramming that the There Will not beIa strong focus
GLSO proviges requires a con- 0” grammar bUt instead 0“ de-
stant influx of donations. The V€lOP|n§l vocabulary and com-
majority of our donations cover munica IO" Skllls- N0 grades.
the cos 5 of running Kentucky’s N0 stress. JUSt 5h0.W UP and
only Pride Center. The Pride have fun Whlle learning a new
Center provides the base from 5k'll- Classes W'” be 0“ Sat-
which we print our popular urdays starting March 10th-
newsletter, as well as Prowding Classes WI“ ta e place at 11
a meeting place for he Pride am and last about an hour.
I Festival planning committee Its free, 50 come 0”“
l _

 Join Senior Social friends, flexibility in gender ex-
pre55ion and roles, increased
Group compassion for others, fighting
for soaal JL_IStIC€, and a sense
The _GLSO is interested ,in Of communlty belonglng- The
startln a Senior SOClal book includes exerCIses to in-
rou ghat will meet Satur- spire readers to cultivate their
ay, Blarch 17th at 7PM at own [gosmve narratives and
the Pride Center. streng h5-
An one 55 or over interest— There WI” be a b00k Si "in
edyin joining your commu- at. Moms 300k ShOP (832 Eg-
n'ltY t0. organize some 50— ngh 512% on Wednesday, Feb-
CIa _actiwties for GLBTQQIA ruary 2 f from 5130 — 8300
seniors, please come and Em. Re reshments fprowded
bring your spouses or Y the Department 0 Women
friends. Or come alone and Gender StUdIeSKUK) For
and meet someone! Let’s more information, Vi5it www.
plan dinners, movies, Pristesearch.org.
sports, trips, and outings. _
Lets get together or spe- W_ednes_day Night
Clal in erests in short, any Discussmn Group
Iexcuse to get out and have Is Back
The Pride ,Center is handi- Wednesday _ night Discus-
capped friendly, so don’t Sion Group is s arting back
let that stop you from com- at 7PM on Wednesday Feb-
ing. Call2 3-0061 to let us may 1, 2012 and every
know you are coming, or We nesday thereafter.
if you ave _any ques ions. _ _
We are hcéping for c? large The DiscusSion Group, held
crowd. ome an meet at the Pride_ Center, 389
some new friends! Waller Ave, is a support
groulp lf)or Inewly coming oudt,
. . . new ro en up new WI -
A POSItlve VIQVI! 0f owed, widower ' roblems
LGBTQ Identities Evith work,ffriéndsl%r family
Ellen Riggle and Sharon Ros- figfieufi Shoftexé‘lr? oggfifi