xt7s4m91cb77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cb77/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1893-02-15 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 6, February 15, 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 6, February 15, 1893 1893 1893-02-15 2015 true xt7s4m91cb77 section xt7s4m91cb77 ,, __ . ’o e " " "‘—‘_—"" -' h " “M” 3“ V ' 7777‘ V V o < 1 ,1.“ ,yv _
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‘ ‘_ r/ f ' __ ,2212'""f':""1il, 22, ‘3".
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£5"st ) E “El , E E E "E -— - =’ —\ .. t k._ 37-7—5- ,- '\...]il j ‘
gr? ’L'PJ ~‘i 255:5 l '=_F§n2-—., 5-7. .é-fi _.
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I :1. 5.5 a as: 4/” ~ 3,111.3, ‘ ..‘llik';..i" V ' e- . 2 - __'.1
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Vol. 3. . Lexin ton K Feb. 15 1893 No. es 2
. 5 9
NATURE'S VOICE, ies so faraway that the human! i
__ mind can have no conception of the “2,?" 2" 1, 3'1, 4:2", iii-$2 22:; {t :22 w W,
. . . . '2 . 2. - 2. .. . -_ :3':} 125. “ 31,-? '5212.‘ 23%;»er ,; 3'; 52' 2:
In taking,r this sulgect l. lclt that (im‘mfh ‘\11('l“t1‘11?g(; ‘11“ “ onde1 2-,}; L gm; {'31 [‘51, ;, gaff», ‘,2 {51-3.
it was one far above my powers, and iul as Itl 111ay1seen1, 1t‘ “1101““ to be {ft :55 22,. iii ,3 '3' “"15“. '51:" ,i'f f ""2 '
- f-tet t 1"1t he most 2 ist‘int :tn‘s ' " ' "' " " ' " F"
one worthy the earnest contempla- ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ " ‘ * ‘
tion of the greatest of minds; but wit? 1““ 2’05" piyiiadstlof :i’fhms Di“ \1 l 1’9 I\'
. '. '. . - . - . . . w11c1'2'o 0 name up 1e 11 {v — . 12.. .——~—~-
xct it is. .111 object of my eainest *3 ~
longing, and I know should bea “av, are composed of identically
subject of interest and 1110111ent to the same 31mph" elements that are ‘ 3 R O C E R I E S P R 0V i S I Q N S
all. tound 111 our own little world. i y
7‘ ‘ ' .' , .’_
To even the superhcml Ol)S(31'vei-l lhus pending to .1 00111111011 011 PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE
of nature there are facts prescntedigmi and scientific thought has, 111 “ '
. which both surprise and please, and the same channel, gone farther, andi | R S d
. . . . - .22 . i ates to tu ants. 2
this Inpqlost and pleasure increases seems to pomt now to the idta that Spec 3
in direct proportion as he becomes there 1"" but one element, 1B)" {12413-9 Hori‘n i.l'.‘1iii~~";'()f{ll.
more familiar with nature's werk— i‘neans Of the i"1"‘3Ct'1'05u-)l')C It ”151
him [(10 not cm, to (,0 into de- been observed that the more highly ‘
(,2. . . . ,3 , . .2 2 —.————____________________...___.___.
tails even were Icapable of doing so, heated, and consequentl; the mote ,.
but merely to call vour attention to rare any heavenly body ‘Sr the more 17““ "’2‘;- ° 0 I
some of the general features of na- snnple becomes its eoniposmon. itiilllldi 1 i E E e . leq : 85 .
, turc’s “NM-kings) :and to draw from This has led some men to the be— “if?
2 .2‘ them some lessons which it occurs lief that all elements {110 but modih- 011.312,. Representing the makes of -
l ‘ to 'r"“”"‘”.‘ ‘ cations of 'ust one irodueed bv the ,.::-i'-'?i5;,.~"'a2\ -
"i2"‘""3’“ 1. i‘ t'J 2' _;1 no t1 .. } §y\\\ All American Manufacturers,
~ ' 1W?" 2. . ~ c0111 111121 ions 0 is 1 ms 1rouri x~2222 . 2
h f‘ ICE-[fill fact, that 111 all the 101110 ' of sour: subtle force 1f0t ‘L"f£:2o§i\\ M53“0'51“"57“"55'501V’2502592VO2 £102 5’5 ‘35“
me ':t~~'~‘,v~.r'1ty of 1,1l1ysical phe- ‘ ‘b° '3 “ L * ' ‘hgdifli'ig'h <20, <22 2‘2: $30 and upward
' ' ' I ‘ ‘ “ -‘ 2 '
nomena which are observable, each 1‘1“""1- ‘éfa‘t’fizwillfli ~—~—»o—~~~»
. . . . 2 ECEEE'EEiiii-‘an-Irh' r‘i‘f’ci : xvii-1112' 1 ".ii
1art1eul21r one is set a 1:111 hv itself The Mutual De 1endence oi phe- digit? ,‘m
1 2 . I . 2 2 ,. I . 32., FRED J. HEINTZ,
hut vet tliev tit closelv into one an- nomena, Whlch are otherwise Uli- vgqyd /2: . , . , , . , ,
' “. . 2 .: . . . . .7 2/5}? .\1.\.\t me 11 RIZ\G Jim 12.1.1512, .
other, as 1t were, athusung each like, Is21stl‘lklligfeatmeoi natures ”Ugfi’V/ . Cuzslonlilnusc Square.
other, sustaining each other; but workings. ' \Ve. see this well illus-| ”:gfiy/ —~--03~— ,
neveronee in alltheir workings in- tratcd in the two formsof life which i ,rlv“ Rié’filail Orders Receive onr Prompt Attention. . .
fringing upon each other’s domain.1 are so unlike, viz: plant- :nid aninial2 a .
Again there is to be found a close life. They are self adjusting! .
- . . l v .
connection batween things which at' W hat the animal breaths out thei 2 \A/ th - Lf
‘ first sight appear whollv difl'erent ! plant breaths in, and xiecversa,andi ‘ 2 ’L, 2 a in. I I IS i e. 5
and oven opposite. I niav illus—iihcse very substances are necessary 0‘95 l,‘\ 9/5. ._ '.
t 1 il . l il l . 1 t" 1 . iiO tllt‘ \'(‘i'\' life 0,. (“1(‘h Animal w \\1=\12l'hi."// 42;, You want to dress warm from head to foot to '
1‘1.“ ' “5 . ’.‘ H L 050 H. 11210115111), ' ' ” ‘ - '. _' ' ‘ " §\\\\\ \'\\2"‘ii“'"'/'/i//// O enjoy good health, and you want to do it con» i
which cXists between all common i-llfi? W11“ “(it (“ISL “'ltl‘ “’0 great it "' \\ \\\\A_,:‘§///i//, nmnically '-'
20,005 we meet with in daily life,,‘lufmmt} ol (aibonu, dt.1(l gas 111 tht {WE ,‘lL 7'1. \_,’it,:€,)/N We meet your “mm. m both. we mm.
. . . . - . ~ <65, -:~- ‘..§5;' . - . '
\‘iz: motor power, heat, llglit and 1' RH", ”Hill” (“’Ultl plants fJ'l'UW \\'1th- 11:; A}; )Léiffj (‘nly the best goods in the market and our
electricity. These forces seem tolout a (-crtain amount of the same 2/; Tv:E/\‘\\\:\.:~ PRICES ,\51.(1\v AS AN\'\\’I'U'3RI‘3 IN'rnn 13$
_ . 1 r2 _ - 2, //' 1 . 2 x ‘ 1 . . 1 - . 2
point to the lX~—f .
”WW." “1”." be stored “Pa and this Shall we not lift up our voices to Staple, Fancy GI'OCCI'IQS, 1’1‘()(I “(‘07 (@811 (',
i is “WON-V whatis (1011“ “the“ work the echo of sweet music and exclaim ' ‘. r .
; is accoml'dished. The energy is not with Israel’s poet, Fl'lllts {Hid V (‘gCttlblCS-
. aimihilatcd.luit merelv stored 11’). m , , . , v . > L
, ~ ln past. ages nature took care it) ShglflfhlillgfvciiigsjlllTiieltlngs)ofmylife, Telephone 240‘ V g ,. 36 S Limesmfl ~
l store up an immense quantity of fiffii‘gflig‘efiflthe Lord fOl-Cver'“ - . ‘ . _ ‘
, energy for man’s use in the form of In the dead of winter there are LeXI n gto n PI U m b I n g CO m pa ny ,
i great beds of coal, )etroleuni, and da 5 to ether in which we nevcrscc ’ :
i natural gas. the lattei' of which sub- t1“: 5111511,: is hidden by clouds; but H IG H G RAD E PLL M BI N G . ' . I
l ””11"“ “cm“ to bc at the present who would for one moment doubt HOT WATER AND STEAM HEATING. -
, . time, consumed at an alarming,r rate. that he is in the heavens when the . \_
“”5 energy may l’U turned IOOSC at light of day appears. Even so we WI n d M I I IS __-_ Gas M aCh In es, it
. will, for instance, by. burning these are surrounded by the bright light ’. I V - \‘
same substances. Not even thclof God‘s countenance. “'0 $0,. in Sewer and Drain Tile.- a.“ , . \
' Sliflht fur“? ””7119“ l“ the b10010 the movements of the celestial bod 19 East Short Street, Lexin '(y. :“
that causes the leaves to gently vi- 105 the light of His power; in the _____..______———————————‘3.~.m\¢fl'—- ,
bratc can be annihilated, even green lawns, in the mighty forest ' v I. . ‘I AI
, “mush 11‘“ t1)“ forces 0f ”10 “HIVGI'SO trees, in the bowels of the carth,and P. H . E A ST 1 N 9 lltdltl ill I i 10
' should combine aeainst it. In tlie.jn the little snow flakes we see the , , ' - .'_) J, I _ . . ‘ | ‘
workings ofnatur: we have. a reali-l lirrht Of His wisdom' and in the OPTIC? "m1 \flud 30‘ 1'3" l‘v‘lh’t MM“ Shut
- ‘ ’ ' h . . - ’ chnwton l\v_
, ration oi the wild dream ol perpetu-Ifiemg of wavlng grain, and the bur- : v .. .
I :11 motion. In mechanics it is laid dened fruit trees, we see the light of __________________________.__
I down as a law that every force pro— His mercy. We can not see His
i (111005 its (’flhi‘t- It (109“ “0t say face because there intervens that ‘ STU DENTS I , . ‘
i fil't'flt l‘W't‘Cfl l-HJtuUVUI')’ IOI'CC- The black cloud of flesh; but shall we
I conservation ('1' “WIT—W $901115 WI not with the same readiness with GO TO ’
point in characters of pure gold that which “.0 concluded that the gun . — r .
i ‘1'“ plan ”f “‘1" creator in all his was in the heavens conclude that \Afatlil 1/1 S & S 1/1 1 1th,
l \\"”‘l\'-*' is IIIHUOI'UIHU- Nothing God’s countenance is ever shinimr
i that is in the physical world, so far in the dome of heavenls citadel. 7 b , FDR BABGnINS’MiNIALL KIFDS 0F F901. WEABQI w
I “F m, 1mm“ mm (W, mm to exist. In this “11”me existence all is l‘hey keep the best *3. {pt and fl») lines of bubstautlal i. rots
i There. are presented to our sonscsl finite. We are hemmed in on all “de and guill‘untfi‘o (WNW I’m“ (“"0 me ‘1 (“H at 16 E'
two forms of energy, viz: physical sides by the hard chains of vile Main St, Lexington, Ky.
cucre‘y and lifc force; that subtle, flesh. We have no conception of _____________—______.W...._m.m__
mysteriousi'orcewhio'h underlies all the infinite. May we not hope, 0 C’ V - 7 7 .
life: which rules and'g'uidcs in‘ ac- when death has rent asunder the . a [70 /Y )‘g{ ’ql l I ‘
i cordancc with its own purposes all black cloud of flesh, and forever ' ' v" / (. h, ’ ,7
I other forces; that force which is (311- closed the entrance to mortality, toI . _ _ _ _ _ ' . .
i (lowed with intelligence, with feel see with eyes not veiled by 'the im- PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST, ‘
i ines, with aspirations; that f01‘ce,,penet1'able distance, to bear with v Comer Mai“ “MAW“ St- Li-‘X-“giomkefi ;_ .
l which when severed from its earthly I ears of ke‘en preeeption, and under- TCIQPIM‘C 200'
5 abode leaves the body nothing bet- stand with intelleets not finite in- ——————-——-—-—-———-—-—-———-'—-——
, tcr than mrrs matter, That higher deed, but in a sense of that word Great COHlblllatiOll 0f Cigars,
1 t'orccfitl'iat noblci' creation! Shall not known to finite minds, infinite, 1. . _ .
i we conclude with the atheist that all the workings of our (.‘rcator‘? . 141110 COIISlg‘nment 0f SDIOkIIIg.
i this mundane ‘cxrs‘tence ends this lilay we not hope then to grasp in a . Large Trust of Cigars.
f noblcrcreation? lhat tlic-(Trcator smgle thought not only infinite
, in his wisdom has chosen to make a nice and time, but also a true con- SIG N S I TTI N G I N D IA N
all things besides lil'cimmortal;thatIccption of the infinite. power, wis- ’
he has choscn that his noblrst work Idom and mercy which has created1 , . _ . 101 EAST MAIN . ST . .

“..,—9 mm- . ~‘WF"“IL‘“M"W-M
NW,».Au...._——___fim___..__w-wwm-_-b._______._I__...___._fl___‘..__._g____,,__.._.-,...__._._..___-~_..._.~...,-_.--_._.. .. .7
all. rules all. and is all Mar we praised and applauded ’ ‘ i
I ' I . " 7‘, '.-'(.4-:. ‘ ,- ' -;- i ' ', ))'1‘,7 .I.\I‘l';\l)l)l,:—\I l
not say with the poet: v 1 Phi: 30010th is greatly .indebted to “ ' H' “ A I‘LL)“ l i . \ ‘
”1:0”.lePC‘i illlto the ilillture'fm as ! Messrs. Jones, Murrill and Norman ' A
lllllllO i ' ‘ , . . i . ‘
Saw the visiloii 061"}telizoxlsiorldfiind all i lOI‘ the care they have. used 111 theI a/I‘I/‘e I I I [‘08 E30 C ers .
the wonder that would be- | selection of the paper, inouldingand I .. _ ' i ' '* '
May “I“ In“? “101% ‘»l1"‘—‘St0‘~1 Oflother fixtures for the hall. _ i 5‘ .,
I._IIeIaijthl_y liIn'iitations, be able to lift! Cole, I). L. S. i CORNER Hum AND LIMESTONE.
the curtain that hides the n‘iyster-i ;
-- ~. .., , . —~—-——-——— _ . ‘1, .- ).
10.. (it God s “()Ilsé, and sec, and lStaFIe and Fancy (11 0081 18$, 1 1 ()(11108 and
know, and understand. And higli- DECLAMAT|ON CONTEST, ' 1 II .
er, iiIibler and liolier than all is that . « Dressed thrlne and P011 11 y.
beat ‘0 "L" . - ' ' > - . v ‘
. . ~ :N-(m'md'l “C not hope to The annual deelamation contest v - ' .
he“ God 5 . face, PC enlightened by of the Patterson Literarv Socictv Teas and Spices. A» fine line °f Cigars and Tobacco,
Itlifll'iure lightI of this countenance, which was held in the college ehap- II . I . _ .
an men attain to a knowledge of 01 proved as had been expected thei—-——-—-—-—-—-——,—'—_—"'
his mighty and infinite plans? event of the “(E’lQOfl ‘ ’ I V , '
W. \V. Woic'riiixcrrox. ('4 '
. __ ”.1 , .I . . .‘ The attendance was good in spite "
*T—fl‘ . . ’of the inclement weather, and every - -
‘ Pi. L S. . one was-delighted. ' I
‘ ""——— ' The progi‘fi'ih {01'le evening was '_ BEST MAKES AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT Afr
A delightful afl'air was the regu- [IS f0110WSI . '
lar monthly open session given hr» “Here’s to 'OltlE‘StaIte Coll:ge".Clee Club I... O W I I a I C E S
the I’attcrso,n.I Literary Society ,Q'ii “Kentucky Belle"........J. W. McFarlin .
tl1e,_evening O},- Ft‘lilfuitl'y 10, 18933.: é’l‘he lQh-ave Man". . . . . . .Ernesz‘IHugso: ‘
T I 1 I I v i. ( _ rowt.011g...................xee u ass
II he hill 11 id ldttl) been papeIied -*’I‘l~ie.Sou,tli—.71ts Chivalrv and Love" I. _ II . . ,
and the apljiearance by the gas light ‘I"'" ' - ' ’1‘. R. Dean . ' ' v
was splendid? I As usual in our "‘TI'lieI'Dr‘i'i'iikaiitl'g'heath"..Felix Kemck . ‘ 20 East Main.
meetings, evéry' nlo'mber was prcs- “Christ A‘To'se". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glee Chll) '—___——_———_——
ent. »' - - ' “Attorney for Defendant'KD. D. Rayborn ' ' ' *
After chapel exeréises by the :Emmcgis'pefense: ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' .J‘GCI- 130216;: F res h B read a n d R OI IS
Chaplain, Migii; i-i. Hill,'Mr. Hud- tiff“? “Eff“,“m? ?e C “ ' ’
sonIread :1 Ivory amusing article, fol- h'féiiirIflI‘e-j‘lem-‘IOID OfIthIeI.ll]ld§=’I°SiI M’MILLAN (S: OSBORNES .
lowing wl‘ilcli IMi‘. .l. R. Johnson :0 n“; {i- “as presented ’I} ' “(Igc . I
read an essay “One Hundred Years Iriulob’ImngltoI Ntl J' “ ' Mal/Zulu}. - . I I
, From Now.” The essay was a good (i 7 cc. ' u) 1“" sang ‘ “’0‘ ‘ ' ' '
i one andmiyjr. Johnson credit. Night Ladies,” the, benediction was .' I .
”4"?" I 3' , . 1 ‘7 '- . « yv, ~ ‘)‘|2‘ ' “’1‘5‘
M '. b-gn , .I, , h .. , . gnen b} D1. Tell). and the meetingr LOR- ‘11‘17 AI‘D [“1412 SFREI‘ ..
. , 1 Ill/1’ 5;“ told I .tm) 01 “to - . . Best Bread Rolls and Cakes in the cit'v. Fresh Bread and Rolls ready every even
' loVing l:-. _ I..Iieparated by fate in dispciscd. ‘ . ' ' . ’ mg {t 5 (”lock
the youth of life and united almost ”‘0 Isomety feels deeply indebted —__.___—._____._—__———-—-
‘ in death, she having found him old, to the Judges, Mr. John Shelby, Dr. . .
, sick and poor as she went her daily Felix and-Judge Soule Smith, f”? ' ‘ i '
,0,de as a sister 0f mercv trying their services on the occasion. H AM I LTO N FE M A L E C0 LLEGE .
l to 1,611, the needv. . The. medal was very beautiful! . . Lexington, Ky. , .
‘ ' Tl l i . . I . and is no doubt high“. appreciated i The Largest Female Boarding School in the State. Accommodations first class
. 1e (cclamation glVen by Mr. l . 't‘ . I: t . 'I "q . l CH ' Heated by Steam and Lighted by Gas. Hot and cold water.
' Rayburn, according to your eorreS- ll 1 5 P190“ ‘ 0“ no" a: can i," "(In i Bath Ro ”Us and Art Gallery.
Iiondciit’s opinion, surpassed those .1)“, notIitcmgIthe caiIc “ ”h “ 1m.“ :ei send for catalogue J~ 3- SKINNEK Lexmlflml- 1x51
._I . _ . . . . ..-. , ._ l wears i . on us Yes. , __________________—_______.
$251032;le chapel in the dulama i Our advice to the successful con-| . .
I Mr. llobdy refused to film the II testant is come to every meeting I II
' . ’ . . -. . y . from now till .lunc and therebv , _ g »
subject of his oration saying, that in l l _ t't l ‘ I ' -' 9
. .. I r. v, . . . . siow us iis Ura i m e. :' \t;_ 5;“ ,3 - '
domg so, ll(, game himself more . I" I II . . l s: in; _— N0I6 E. Main.
, ””‘ng to talk (”I but vour corres To the i,iii/.ii((.t.sstul \H sa) come . . l‘ ~. 4, \k _ ’
' ‘I = ’ . ‘ . . - i , . .1; i \. ‘ii5""g.,,-L'—.it’sfiflfi a . -
pondcnt thinks Mr. :1]... had a ..text MM" mg t and .fit )ourselus btttu .--', ~If?"I"f"'—..,;él;‘f:i.,_§g.It;_ l 'li‘l)?‘ ljllcl (“Q9 §t0Ck 01 91100“,
- - - - - . for the contest next vear Mm .- - ‘ ‘5‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
in his oration to which he did lull ' 0' ~ 7 ‘ ~' -" ‘ "‘aéL—xQ-i-l’ji' = . I. --
justice. . .. -- . , - .~~2—.x—r~.—.———-—--———-_ , l " \\‘§__'IIII . '- ‘cii per cent reduction to eilery student who
. _ mentions this advertisement.
Mr. H. described the course of the EXCH ANGES ' , .
sun around the earth from the idol-‘ " : 1‘1" " ‘——+——_M—
. 7 :‘It:“::1:;:v::;:tl 51:15:13"Smirtuilu “mt‘i— \\'I‘ii. Astor has promised $1,000; SHELBY KINKEAD & BRO. .
i' V ’ .f , l i ' 1‘ 1 '0 )C, 'l' » , ,'
“[hopi‘i.” which he locates in [Ken 000 to found a negro uiiiverSity at
tu<=k‘}'- 'lOkhthoma, , . a. ': - . , Sole Agents GLEN MARY COAL & COKE CO.
The debate between Messrs, JoneSi 'IBy order of the Italian govern- 51 N, BROADWAY,
; and Garred on the atlirn'iatii'e and i nient. English is to be added to the PATTEBSON & MERINO STS.
l\:Icssrs. )lcl’arlin and Woods on the I school curriculum. . _—_———-———————-——_—
negative, was won b\' tlietlatter af- “7, . , ' . 3» ~
, - ien German students “flunk . a I” -~ b v I r r
H: '- - - . . - . .. 0111]“ 31911 . save 20 81- cent " )11‘ 111
i {“4“ “‘imi (.UllflI-st- 1 . .I it seems that they kill themselves. Y b , i . p ‘ ' g“
I Io win in :uc iIa dIeIiIateIaIs thr‘IlS It is reported that. in the last six 4 . . '
. an li‘m‘II’l: ‘m‘ t” "0 feat“ ”0 (“5' years 38;) students of the Prussian ' B 0 01:5 Sb 0 gs and Rubbg r5
gl‘m" schools have committed suicide on . .
“1" l“"‘l"“‘ 1“"‘1‘1 1‘." M“ 00mm“ ‘ account of failure in examinations. . ' , "‘“—““OF THE ‘ .
‘ was one of the best yourmrrespond- Ai'iilierst is building a Y. MJC‘. Lexington Commission Companv.
cut 0"01' heard “11d ““5 warmly i A. structure that will cost $100,000 ‘ ' ‘0

 I Regular Meals Only 25 Cents.
Meals to Order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring (‘hickens a Spec-
. I ialty. Seating capacity ofhall 150.
' I H ~ Gus. Luigart Proprietor
‘ I , ' ’
‘ "V ‘ " ‘ " ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘ lwav throuWh a larve yard to a crreat
1 < 4 t y z: c . b i
, ”IL SIAH" LOLLUIL tADhI’ dingy, brick building, entered one i '
Published Monthly during the Collegi- 0f its numerous doors, ascended I
ate Year only. in the interest of every about half a dozen flights of stairs,
7 Pipfrfmém Ofgm_:t_":e_l'flx_e:c___ l and having laid aside my wraps in
TERMS. ‘a small ante-room, I followed the O F K E N T U C KY
7 OneYear................,..........75c . , . 2 ~. _ .
. Six Monti-15.........................50cl0theI glltb‘is 11,1“) '1 hplC‘lOUb, uncar . « . n _
Three Months ,oc peted, unfurnished room, and there . .
Singlccol’y"""”""""""""‘°C the (rame was in full swav. The . . . . . .
—~-«——-v————~—~—~—--————~—~~— _. F . _ “ _ Agricultural, Biological, C1v11 Engineering, Mechan-
- dist]nguielnngrr leatuic of the AS)- _ . . _ . .
; EDITORIAL STAFF lum ball is that no ball is used. It lcal Englneerlng’ Screntific, Classmal, Veter-
H. M. Gunn’ Editor. lids]: ('lmi‘l's pan; folotjmll :tind his? inary, Normal School and CommerCial Courses.
. V r . - ' iq -
F.C. ELKIN, Alumnus Editor. mt m 1;“ 11111511“) 11"C‘\(“' 0 Part 1:1 z
. , 1713“,”, pa 0. am a ic 1):in are se 0 . _ . , , RS
‘ Associate Editor and Business Manageni music, On entering I found the TWENTY‘BIGHT PRGFBSSO '
\V. T. DRURY. lcompany engaged in what a fellow— AND INSTRUCTORS
(“T“‘F‘Pill‘le‘liPatterso" 509“)" I't‘llol‘lt‘l‘cfllietl “threading the giddy I . I i
7M. AT’I‘ERSON, i . ., . . .. V,,,_ _ _‘ ~ _ _ , _ , .
Correspondent L'nion Society. lm‘l’“ “f Rh“ “4“" r ‘1“‘1 a” they County Appointeee admitted to free .l‘mtion. Board in Dor-
‘ MissLizzm SCOTT. “Wt glldmg 1’“St t" ”“3111“th 0f mitor ' 2.00; in )rivate iamihes $3 and 4 )er
l . . .3 , l _
Correspondent from Hamilton College. the orchestra, I began to, think. how week Fall Term begins on second \Vednes-
C T- 1R. {Hi-Mi! C \ inice it would be to have the base day in September. Fm. catalogues and
, ,orr-5( ~ .i‘. ..-. , . “a, .'.. .y i ' ' - ‘ '
l t 1”” W hall llllts at to music, to have the other information applv to
i H’ H' “1L!" lpitchcr deliver the hall the batter . I
\ Correspondent Athletic Association. i _ ' ' V “q ’ i . ‘ i
l C C. COURTNEY, , gstrikc, and the fielders “root” all by JAMES K. PATTERSON, PH. D., PRES.
; Correspondent of Normal Departmentinotc. No doubt this improvement Lexrngton, Ky-
l l . . .
l R. A- BURTON, l Will be made in time. _—______—_________._ '
(2- -: ‘, ' . 3 i . ' . '
wallcormslmudem g l lound out that any one could ,
,p , - - A- _, MW~~mw~~~ljoin in “threading the mazes,” the E- KUEHINE, l V “B- FOE‘SF‘H k
«Address all communications to theiOlll)‘ reliuiisite being a partner. I Phoemx HOte‘ BARBERS' End” 1‘ a) ette ‘ _‘n '
' misgfgifgfivudd' “- & M' conegevlsoon procured a partner fromamong ’ ‘4
‘ WW";_____:m_:__fl ____.__. jmy young lady friends, and away l< El [H \ E A \ D » F0 I SCH
. jlwe went across the ball room floor. y V ‘OV 'Y
: EDITORIAL It all looked easy enough to me be— _ _ _ LE‘EIRVGI'I ‘ i 7 1‘ ’
; __._ ”01.0 trying, but it turned out that WSpeeial attention paid to etudenta.
‘ gun-quid agunt [(liscipulij- ,, i, its a little difficult for a fellow—no —_—--——‘_‘———_—_—""
nostri cat favrago libelli. i . . . , . . ' . i
jno. SM. 1,85. 5'5. . matter how 1good a 1:811 player he ils .
“\\'liatc‘r students say or do, think or l—t0 1611.101] KIT to \,Ce1' 15ml) “it 1 I _ N Ottn a g I e & B r0-
, dream, jthe musw. My feet interfered With n ‘ . ‘
. Our motley paper sauce for its theme." 1 those 01' my. partner quite strangely. 1 ROIRIE’IORS OF
; )lic. lini'ron: lbut I never like to lcavca thing half . ' i
, 7 . l . . ‘. l
1 .\ lcw days ago I was the happyltricd, so we kept it up. W hen S 1 al E 0 er 1 S
J, recipient ofan invitation to a soircc} about half way around the room my ' - v , ‘ l
l (I would not advise you to attempt feet suddenly slipped from under MANUFAC’i‘L‘RERS AND DEALERS IN ,
I to pronounce this word if \‘ou arel me, and away I went sliding over . . . .
‘ v . . , ~ 7‘ 7‘ l _- - Fancy Familv Flour, Corn, Meal, Mill Feed, etc. Paragon Patent. Sterling, Chorce
, not a lficnch scholar) at the la. Kline floor him 1mr the VUUD" ladv ' '
1 g b h . . . .
. . ' V l . fl . " ,, ' Family, Silv ‘r Leat, Roller Patent, XXX Family, Sunerfine.
L. A. llcing curious to know tlicl With me. As a slide-under it
. .‘ i . l , z - i 66 \Valqu St" Lexington. Ky
- , nature oi this entertainnicnt, your; “’OUld have done GI'Cdlt To ~ihe fa- i
i correspondent on the appointed cve- 3 1110113 K011.“ '
I ning. lu'mrdcd a car which had the; 0110 Of my friends who beheld .it ‘ 2‘ l . h d M
l above mentioned institution for its ‘ said afterwards that I cut one of the rlg t an A eyers, ‘
i destination. On the car weiw in l v l most ludicrious s )ectacles. It is ' i ‘ . V
~ , . . , 3‘ ”3’ 1, . .. DEALERS IIV -
1v lonnd lor the same place, but m the true that my spectacles did fall and ~ A 1 *1
l conversation anticipativo of the I got broken, but that was probablyas Fresh Meat, Bacon, Lard and bausage.
; coining: event, the "soil-cc” was nev-r little ludicrous as any other part of | , 7 “l , ,
‘ ‘ cr inenlioncd, the entertainment al-I ilk? catastrophe. ' i 14 “ ' 51101 t Stl Get.
- ways being l'l'llf‘l'l'lKl to as the Asy-i Of course I was very much morti- 7
‘ lum ball. . lfied, but not nearly as much so as I , EXI N CTO N KY-
, Asylum hall is a'gamc that I had my partner. She seemed to think m.
‘ never lwloi'c heard of, but being very I was to blame for the whole affair, .
i loud ol all athletic sports, ‘I looked saying, among other things, that I J B R E0 R DO N &"CO
lorward to the pleasure ot the eve-I, should have listened to the music " ' E
‘ Hing With the highest degree of ex-‘and waltzcd in time- I told her
I . l
pcctancy. Soon the car reached its; that I was naturally slow, and HIV HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS
‘ .l"“l'”“." -" “ML “Dd » “‘0 made 0111"; I’n'ofcssoi's are always after me for 40 East Main Street. , Agents for the l‘unlap Hat! _ , . ‘

 3 ' l
‘ ’1-
m WW . .‘l
not being in time to class; that I spects from any other place in the[ \ r, . , :
had a )001' ear for music and the universe in fact a ver' )rctty sontr B 11 & A / .. ' ‘ ,i
(‘oloncll was after me for n’ot march- has been, written to‘ the1 efl‘ect that GO to e « 111111.161 111811] 5 . 5,
ing in time at dress-parade; and _"there’s no place like home.” My; 3 and ,0 \\-_ SHORT 5'11 lit :
surely an untimely end awaited me. soothing remarks seemed to mollit'y { , I i
I Showed her that I was in no~man- her indi rnation, for she smiled and . - . ~ , , . : , “1' _ . , ,, , - ‘ '
ner to blame for the accident, that stuck or: her foot with the remark, i For Forelgn and -1)Ulllehitlc It i U :15, ‘- V lili‘, 0\( ‘ ‘
the floor, which was polished as “I‘ve been bare-foot ever since I Headquarters for Oysters, Fish, Game, etc. Staicn \ La 1e ..‘.peei.i!li' koiiz‘ted ,
smooth as glass, was dangerous even been here_” No“: it, stood out as 3 Students trade especiaily solicited. All goods delivered free. ’l‘elthhone 79. ,
to walk across, and that those whoseidistinct deliverenCe ofmy conscious- ._ n I
duty it was to sprinkle saw-dust! ness that her foot" was about as '
over it, were guilty of criminal care-1 neatly clad as one could wish; but - I
lcssness. In the meantime the mu- perhaps she looked at. the object For Fl n e P h 0 to re p h S '
sic had ceased, and the game stop-1through a different medium, and M l
ped. I guess some one had called what right had I to dispute what GO to PaU| , uel lei". :r’
time; prehaps because my partner l seemed to be her candid opinion? , . . , l
and I had dropped out. lMOI‘evcr, she stated [herself with Above Lyon’s Jewelry Store, Mam and Mlll’ Le xmgton, 1A)" . 1:. “
‘ I went to inquire into the Immerythat force that carries conviction ————————————————4— , .
and met one of the oilicials ofthe in | With it, SO I ill-St smiled in return ’ 'i
stitution who. seeing my ignoranceland said “how “ice-n AhOllt this * 9 . . 3'
of certain matters, volunteered to l time the IhUSiC started again, the Gordon S caSh Store. I:
give me some very invaluable infor~ prompter shouted “salute )‘0111‘ part- ‘ if
mation. The ball is given for thci “01'," “balance all,” and away we 67 EaSt Main Street ‘ ‘1
benefit of the inmates of the asylum i went With 20111 that thOkGDS thor- MEN’S LADIES - .
—hersons whose Opinions differ sohllgh enjoyment, every face beamed ' i ’ i A:
widely from those that are orthodox, with satisfaction, and even those AND CHILDREN’S 3,; I A
that it is thought their minds are countenances which I had noticed - ' A . 1:
out of order; so they are sent there as sullen ordinarily, seemed to be . z
for treatment. Dancing is consid- lit up with brotherly kindness and Special prices to Students. Try our Men’s Calf Shoes $2 $2.50 and $3 ..
cred as an important mental restor- good fellowship. Thus the evening in all the latest. ,
ative, and the next on the program passed off very pleasantly, and not- ————————-—-————-——-——-—-—~_-———*‘—-— " :3.
was to be a quadrille in which the. withstanding the. little BPiSOdCS . ' I ‘ a .
guests were expected to join with IIICDtiODGd, “’38 one Of the most LeXngton Steam La'un {l-l'y' “£1,231;
the patients. I was introduced to agreeable I ever spent. special Rates to students.
one ot the patients, and was soon in NOW, Mr. EClltOl‘,VSIDC€ the above 109 and 111 E. MAIN ST. l -
the nndst t-,::”:;,’lrille. Th