xt7s4m919z3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m919z3s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals 003 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.3 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.3 1922 1922 2014 true xt7s4m919z3s section xt7s4m919z3s .  I
 ” ‘ i
 i Regulatory Series: N0. 3. Issued December, 1922. -  
  I I
 `i   t
-; . . ` . I I
 ,Ij Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station I I I
 * Q
  , I l I i I I
  July 1, 1918 to June 30, I922 I 1 i  
 Q ey P. E. BACON I I I  
 ._ _ . I I
S. P. E. BACON, Inspector, in Charge. J. IVI. DORR, Inspector. I I
· I I
· . I 1
  J. J. HOOPER, Chairman, Lexington HARRY HARTKE, Covington    
; J. M. HOWEY, Anchorage. I I
 i The Creamery and Tcster’s License Law (Chapter 74, Acts I
 ; of the Kentucky Legislature) was enacted by the Geiierahjis- I  
 1 q . I
 ; I senibly of 19lb, and became operative July 1 of that year. The I I
_"  ]l1'0\'lNlI>I1S of the Act are enforced thru the Creamery Licensc I l
I Section of the iientneky Agricultural lixperinient Station. j
Beyond a. general summary, made by the Director in his Au- i I I
 I nnal Report, no information concerning the work of the de-
 `I lllll`llIll`1Il2 has hitherto been pniblrisheil, The purpose ot this A I
 I ('ll`l°lllEIl' is to set forth the requirements of the law, and to Sl10W I
 i h‘l“' lll0SC 1‘cqui1‘ements have been earried into effect by the I _
  Cl`@‘lllll0l`y License Seetien l
  I \\ hen milk or cream is bought on the basis of the amount of  
IIlIl'llIl` fat contained therein, the person or firm so buying it is I I
I. l°qllll"?€l to llOlcl a license and to employ ~a licensed tester who l
I· Sllilll Silpervise and be responsible for the operation of H10 Bal?  
I cock test used to determine the amount of butter fat in milk or Y
`· cream. _ Q
  I ll(l@l' T-lIC act it is unlawful to bake unfair S?IlTl]ll€‘$ of milk L r
  T flcillll, {.0 fraudulently inaiiipnlate such samples, or to félliilfy ' ~
  I ~?

. lil  ·
ills t  
s· ‘- »
  2 Report of Creamery License Section V
l   the record thereof. Under—reading or over-reading of tests is  L For
  likewise prohibited, or any other manipulation of the Babcock ’ FO,
it it test.   For
  The law provides that no glassware shall be used in making   Fm
  the test except such as shall tirst have been inspected for ae-  _
i curaey by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, or   Wis
i §, its deputy, and indelibly marked with the letters "S. G. K."   ik i
T ;   (Standard (ltlassware, Kentucky).   5.0,.
V The purpose ot the law is to protect the producer of milk or  .» IM
i { cream against untair praetises on the part ot those to whoin he i
,; sells and whose weights and tests he is, by the very nature of ~ um
' the transaction, obliged to accept as honest and correct. Pro-  
, l teetiion is also afforded the ereameries against those operators  3 rm,
.   who might be unscrupulous enough to over-read tests in order ; 
, to gain patronage. i ing
  The Examining Board consists of three members, two ap  
l t pointed by the executive committee of the Kentucky Dairy Cat-  t not
fi w tle (`lub. and the third member the Chief of the Dairy Depart- em,
I _` ment of the Experiment Station. The Board is empowered to i- `i
i reconnnend the revocation of licenses of testers who have been Q
1 proved guilty of violating any of the provisions of the act or _
t   the rules a11d regulations ot the Kentucky Agricultural Experi- ; Y
=   ment Station. Operators whose names have been reported to    
* , the Board by the ("reamery License Sertiion, are called l>(‘li(ll'(l _ Lic
that body and given a. fair and impartial hearing. i
  . ('reainery Lz'eviz.\\'al licenses; ,__,,___________ _ ____________ I ____,___ I 340 I 428 I 290 ’
-"l° Y Licenses ti·ansten·ea __,,____________,_____,_ I 16 I 48 I 73 I (ss
·  I I I I
I I **7*77 5i I   I __A_‘74`7 ~?___< V
_}  Smiieiis operated .,___________,________________   415 I 722 I 725 I   0 ·
 V I I I I
me  ¤ if _ I I l I I
om- gn Number and Kinds of Licenses Issued i
the   W ` 7 H I I " I iiiiii i ””4_ I
III,·  _` 1918-19   1919-20   1920-21 ' 1921-22 I .
..  5 I I I I .
01}, ; #-- -1.,"______ V7 I )'4__ I .
 . I i‘*` I? I ·
—ani . , _. _ I .
[_ Ir · C‘°"““‘lI€S (mfg. butter) ____,___________ I 15 I 14 I 12 I 13 ·
lllle `_  ict} CI`F}{lm I)].jnt; ____________V·_V·_‘__’·.__   S I 10   12 I 17 I I
TPM  · églk Il1SU‘ibuting plants ___________V____ I 11 I 11 I IS I 18 " I
yntli ` 0 ‘l’l"“=?»“ SUIUOUS ...........................__. I 376 I 687 I ess I 507 I
   _‘ I I I I I
 i I.  

Ir 7 P
t] P  ·
l 4 Report of Creamery License Section
l t
  The large decrease in number of shipping stations for 1921-  »p
i     might seem to indicate that the dairy industry is losing . tw
yi ground. As a matter of fact nearly 3,000,000 more pounds of  _ . V
5   creamcry but-ter was manufactured in 1921 than during the pre-  - me
  ceding year. The loss in cream stations was due to the fact   Phi
i that producers in increasingly greater numbers are selling their   ui
. tl product direct to the factory or ereamcry instead of thru the   (Ti
J i cream station. From three to eight cents more a pound for   im
3_ g butter fat is paid for cream shipt direct than the producer re- ‘  mg
Z, ceives at local shipping stations. Approxiinately 50% ot' the   Til
-` cream bought in Kentucky is now being shipt direct-.  i Hm
Licenses for Testers; Every person employed to operate the it ml
    Babcock test where milk or cream is received and paid for on t will
, the butter fat basis is required to hold a. license. Before tl    
0 l tester`s license may be obtained the applicant therefor must f LL
it I have passed a satisfactory examination showing his proficiency  -
    in testing. Names of those operators making the grade of T5, or  - the
Q   more, are reported to the Chairman of the Examining Boaril . l’ltl
. i` who then issues a. C‘ertiHcate of Proficiency to each successful  T SU
i l_ applicant. This certificate, when presented to the Experiment  ‘ (10
l Station together with the fee of $2.00, entitles the holder to H e RV
  · license. Tcster`s licenses expire June 30 of the fiscal year lll   lllt
    which issued, a.nd may be renewed by reniitting to the Expert-  _ sor
  ment Station the renewal fee, which is $2.00. The Experinieiit  ’ iis
t Station reserves the right to withhold the issuance of fl 1`€· g  ant
f , newal license to any operator who is under charge of violallll¥   epi
I t. any ot the rules and regulations under which licenses are grant- · p tici
  ·‘ ed. The number of tester`s licenses issued during the }’e1ll`l}' ' lie
I gap periods ending June 30 are given below; M ji pa
i t l I t 0     M
2 l 1918-19| 1919-20l 1920-21l 19-1·-—  . ,,1,,
l - l l l l gi  {'H
. l i l   _   me
  New testers licenses ...................... t 327 ] 340 t 276 ' Irl  Q ml
` Renewal tester’s licenses .............. l ........ l 250 t 290 l 3sti 3
  i i i__,,n=#/{ _ - ha
Total issued .... . ............,.._...........__, l 327 [ 590 | 566 t 53b ‘,  of
é { 1 _1_{_..1___L__J___._;,.l,/. ° 
t°`i- g 
W  i
1 c ‘.%’ `

t i
i Report of Creamery Lz`e0iz-so Section 5 ‘ i
m` i  Pernnts; Cream stations are constantly elianeine opera- L l  
img   tors and many new stations are opened each year with new and l  
lot  Z, inexperienced operators in charge. It is often impossible to l  
   3 place a new operator under the supervision of one who has had i    
hm   experience and who is a. lieensed tester, So in order that a new g l ,
thc  ¢ operator may become familiar with his work and at the same ‘ Q i I l
for Q time take eharge ot a cream station, a permit is granted allow- i     , ,
_1_c-   ing the operator to buy milk or eream on the butter fat basis, , { [
1,],,  I snb_ieet to the same responsibilities as a li·ensed tester. l.’er- , J l  
  mits are issued for a period not to exceed GO days, and auto- t } l
,,,10  , niatieally expire upon the date of the examination to which the i  
F OH  P holder is notitied to appear. The tirst permit was issued March i  
FC H   28, lflltl. A total of 1165 permits had been issued to July 1,    
mist   1922 ,   i
Gm,.  t ]2'.rroii[itu/ions; 'l`ester`s Lieense Examinations are held, as i    
5, O,. _  the need arises, at the College of Agrieultnre, Lexington, the    
Owl .,  lllillliié ol? the lieatriee t‘rean1ery t`o1npany, t`in<-innati. Ohio; i  
ssp,]  · Nagar Creek Creamery Company, Louisville, Kentucky, City E l
ment   (`enstnners Company, Padueah, Kentucky, and the plants of the l i
ton  j ]`iV*lll*\‘ill<‘ Pllre Milk Company, located at Owensboro, Ken- t l r
H- in  t il\<·li_\’, and llenderson, Kentneky. Speeial examinations are Q
peri- , ¤<>1n<*tiines given at the eream station when they are deemed ad- ` l
ment Q  Yiazilile. lixaminations eonsist of a list ot written questions,
a Dre   and laboratory work in the testing ot? both milk and cream. Any i
atm?  j t>1>f‘1‘<or who fails to appear for the examination to whieh noti— .
j1‘i1Ni‘   llttl iN not allowed to eontinne the operation of his Crcalll SUI- i ·
eH!`l}'   lm'], Unless a reason for his absenee, satisfaetory to tl1iS d0- {
7/J A partment, is filed within Eve (5) days after the examination.  
921,,, V  ;;;]£li;?`“??`t’f ONG Out ot every seven persons examinedjflail to  
  4 ie grade necessary to obtain a Certificate of Protieieney. l ,
,./   K ( *ll`(Fl<‘##1less in preparing the samples before weighing the 1li!1<*-    
lgtl  - gmlll "lli*l'Q'<*, and improper handling of aeid are two contrib- i
336  · ;ll""Y l`t‘Pt*<>11s tor failures, Many operators seem to have had i ·
    (E‘;,£`Q"Elhiilfjiiiiiieient instruetion, and hare little or no knowledge 3   i
 i_ V (lDlCS underlying the operation of the Babeoeli test. ` '

 I 11:1, 1  
V I    an
11 1 0
1 ii L 1
11 1
1 6 Report of Crco1111ery License Section  
1 1 1
  1, T11e f011011*111g table gives the iiumber ef PCYSOIIS ex11111111e11. 1 Yi
  the 111111'l1)L‘l` ef f2l1.1l11‘(%S, and the pereeiitage 0f f2111U1`CS for the  1 ru
*1 1 . - . . v`  '~
1   periods 111111e21te11. Q W
. '   {'4_?`4Té#?'MT$”  
1 1 > sr
‘ 1 _ 1 1918-19 1 1919-20 1 1920-211 1 1921-22 4
1 1 1 1 lg 11(
1   _”—%””#?—???f|é;1_“  1  
» 1 Number 01 persons examiiied ...... 1 390 1 409 1 331 1 168 5 11
Number of failure; ...,...................... _ 1 68 1 G9 I 48   18   111
_ I Percentage ef failures ..1..A..,,.r......,r 1 17.211 16.871 14.5   111.71  0 M
1 1 E
;. _#_j?____ 4 Wn1fr p1 p?!pW_ W 1 iWvi_  g. 1·11
(}/11.111`-}`CH1` peried. 1\1z11111f211et11re1‘s ef {],'12ISS\VEl1`C are 11011* f11111111111‘ 1:  11
0 11*1111 111e high 1·eq111re111e111s ef 111e 1§(‘l11`111*1{}’ S1`2111(1&11'11. '111E11 .1 1
3 1*1101* 2l1'C 111z11<111g (*011813111] e11’01·1s 10 111:1ve 1211eir product 1110131 1111*   U1
1 S1111l<1211’(1 is S110\\'11 11}* the steady decrease 111 peree11'121;1‘e 111101*  =
E je1·1i011s.  ·_ 1*1
_ _ (v}`V(IH1(`}'_1/ and N/1111011 Z11spe1·t1`011.: The 1<(0‘11111('1{}' (r{\'(‘i111]"lT I 1**
1 1 2111(1 Tes1e1·’s Iiieeuse Lz111* makes 110 app1·0pri;1t*i011 er 0111e1‘P1`1" 0 11
1° 1.  
1 1*
T 1 11 _
l 1 *11

 · t
·». t t
i i
  Report of Creamery License Section T  
NL   vision for financing the act, beyond the fees collected for licenses   L
Hm  ;. and for the inspection of glassware. The amount of inspection l  
A__   work carried on by the Creamery License Section is, therefore, i    
N j somewhat restricted. Expenses incident to inspections are p l
" I'  necessarily heavy, due to the fact that cream stations are widely t p t
—   scattered in many sections ot the State. Of the 74 counties in ,     I {
S  l which stations are located there are 29 counties having not more i j    
3 an than one or two stations each, and about 44% of all stations p   g l
ll·Tl  _ are located in country territory, necessitating the use of hired l t § l
i_ g  couveyances to reach them. ‘ l  
lm;   ln spite of these handicaps ettective work has been accom-    
sms  Q ptished. A majority of the cream stations in Kentucky are l i
Hm _·  visited one or more times during the inspection period, which i  
MC   extends from April to November. Some stations are so located p l    
N   that the expense of reaching them is out of proportion to the    
bds  V amount of good to be derived from the inspection. No attempt    
  is made to visit such points unless a. special investigzation is l
—- -  L necc;-;sary. l`nspei·tions are intended to be educational as well t I
1.22  = HS rrl1ulat‘ory in nature and the wisdom of this policy is inani- t l
  tested in the great improvement of the work of station opera- ‘ l t
fd  ° WFS, particularly during the past two years. At the tinlc of  
   ‘ lll$llt`t‘iltlll a. complete cheek is made of the kind and QOl1LlitiOl1 i I
12   et cruzipinent used in the testing room, and the operator is rC-
»:  tlllircil to demonstrate his methods ot sampliu! and t<‘ llloalis that the average variation iu all tests mil£lC ll)` lllc l
the  j lll‘<‘l`1llor must not exceed one-half polllt.  
Eli I lll tltlditiiou to the regular work ot inspection, SDO<‘l21l lH· .   ,
 Q \'t’€ll§!?l~ll0l1S are made whenever an operator is chargetl Wiiill Vl0-   l
lll`l`Y  EN lilllll! l-llC provisions of the law, It the result of the invCStif»§i1— V
p1`tl‘   ll"ll llldicates that the opeeator is at fault he is warned ag&lillSl? _ r`
.. r ,

 A it ll i `
1 iii  5
l XZ  i
{E? 1
, 8 Report of Creamery License Section ]
1 1 4.
1 it a eontinuation of sueh practises as he may have been found *
  eommitting, and is given an opportunity to make the changes  _ tr
. 1 eonsidored neeessary by this department in order that satisfae- _`  pi
-   tory work might be done. lt has been found necessary to revoke  · tr.
l   the lieenses of a few operators who failed to heed the warning  F 111
    given.  1
_     Vvlieueyer a. station is found with faulty or inadequate et1uip— __ l)t*
.` mont a notitieation is mailed to the company responsible. Satis-  _ 111
_ Z faetory eooperation has been given by most of the ereameries,  __ 111
·   and suggested ehanges or improvements have, as a rule, been  
il readily made,   1.1,
a`, The following rules and regulations govern the work of  `_ 111
  lieensed testers and of operators holding permits, and the—e re- Q-  at
1 qnirenients are strietly enforeod: 1 th
e   1. lt shall be unlawful. for any operator buying and pay- l di
  ing for milk or eream on the basis of the amount of butter fait   gi
l   eontained therein to under~read, over-read, or otherwise l`rau·l~  · th
  ., nlently manipulate the ljabeoek test. for butter fat, or to i'alsil`)’  _° 111
I A l the reeord thereof. A ra
1 2. it shall be unlawful to read the test at any teniperalute j 111
V exeept. the eorreet temperature, whieh is 135 to llt) hall surround. the entire length of the lat _‘  111
i l _ eolunin in the ne:·k of the test bottle, and the test shall renniili   i1_
in the bath. not less than three minutes in warm weather, nor I pt
  , 1 less than liye minutes in eold weather, befoie being re.1l· _;  ol
Q lowing day, when they may be emptied. At any eretnn station  _. tl
  not operated daily the eream samples 1nay be emptied at the ` ol
i elose of the buying day. Samples obtained on Saturday Nb'},   lit
E also be emptied at the elose of that day.   **1
1 4. lt is further provided that if, at the elose ot any testinf   w
i day, any held-over eream is on hand, the 8111011111) of butter tilt  1 l"
  » eontained therein shall be determined by weight and test, and *1  ji hl
  _, reeord thereof entered on the next daily report sheet.  . SH
ill. Q
xl    l
1 ‘l 1
1 1 lll

l. l
 i ! _
` 4
  Report of Crcctmcry License Section 9 ,
mt  Y 5. 1t is further provided that the transfer of 1nilk or cream ll '
gg;  p- from sample jar to test bottle shall be made by means of a i    
it;- _.  pipette, after the sample has been thoroly mint, and that sueli » y L
»1;e   transter shall not be made by pouring sueh milk or eream from y l
ng   the sample jar or any other reeeptaele into the test bottle.   y    
 g 6. lt is further provided that in warming samples ot eream i   I
ip-   betiore weighing ont the nine-gram eharge, the temperature ot V ’ l    
;iS·  2 the water used for the purpose of warming sueh samples site/I V     l
es,   not (~.»·¤·ee(I 110 degrees 1t'(/]I}`(’ll]l0I·{. ' l Q   l
l0l1 ‘  ]i[rri·/ .\'/1[ppers; As has been stated. approximately Gt) per   i
 i eent of the eream sold in Kentucky is shipt direet from pro- l l
of  ,j dneer to ereamery. The eream is sampled, tested and paid tor   {
re-   at the reeeiving plant. (`onsiderable work has been done by i   t
  this depaiitment in securing saniples from eans being shipt . `    
uy- _  ‘·· llS I {
 , V l`illl¥`lllg‘ l.l'Ulll seven points low to live and a. halt points high l l
irc   have oeenrretl. Seventy per ('Ullt (70%) of lll€ <‘*lllS» “`l""l l  
`l‘*‘* ; Silllltllwtl and tested at the ereainery, averaged 1.823 points loiver ,  
he  T than our tests, but when an allowanee is made tor several ab-
llll r'  llt>l'lll¤il tests, a. l'airer and more general average is found to be y
lllll ’  l.2?3 points. On the other hand, 21% of the eans averaged 2.28 l
W"`   l">llllHlll;‘l1(‘t‘ than the tests of the departinent. and 9% <·lie4·lllt‘ll  
inf  ; llllll llll‘(‘trl‘—sl1ipt, ereant with the idea, oil Cllllllllillilllg lllC (‘tlll$€‘$ { l l l
tal   l"`*llt>ll*lllle tor inaeeuraeies_ the grea.test single t‘tlllll'lllllllll§! ' ` l
tl il   l`*l"ltll` of whieh is believe;] to he hasty, and 1l1C1‘<*l` _
Z of producers to the necessity for care and cleanliness in the { Cr
¤ { handling of cream. Cream grading demonstrations were held  
. `{ at central points in eighteen of the more important cream pro- 5 ni
during counties; and the station operators convenient to these  
. · points were instructed to appear. Field—men from most of the  gr xl
.   creameries operating in the several territories were also present. iA·,
. ( A specialist in dairy manufacturing from the Extension Divis- i
_ l ion ot the lixperiment Station rendered valnahle assistance and  L `
  cont‘ril.nitele" discus- ttl
3 sion of the care and handling of milk and cream on the farm  Q W
· 4 and at the cieam station, (it) actual grading of cream re.·eivcnS   ll]
·   were held. Much interest and enthusiasm were manifested at  {
‘ . these meetings and most of them were well attended. llefote   lll]
heing taught how to grade, station operators received and paid # ltl
  ( the same price for all classes of cream, whether it was liF#l · m
j V grade, second grade or actually untit. for human consumption. "‘
"   A dift'erential of three cents more for tirst grade cream is llttlli  · lr
  Qi heing paid atr most stations where strict. grading is practist, and , °|_l
t this has intluenced the producer to strive for a higher dnalit)'  _ ll
§ product. As evidence of the improvement that has taken pl2l<‘<‘ _, lll
  sinee the grading program was introduced, {ignres from oH·‘   Nl
  creamery, covering a. four-month period beginning at the time  ` ll
  of the tirst demonstration, show a decrease in second grade  .
i cream of 35%. Statements from other ereameries indicate that   ln
3 ~ the improvement. in quality is general tin-aont those sectietn  Y  
i ie`, where demonstrations were held, ° 
  t il
; l"
'. J lil `

¢ l
  Report of Creamery License Section 11 1
11 ‘-  · Figures taken frem statistms1pnbl1sl1ed by the United States 1  
S0  ~ lkepartineiit of A;xr1enltnre 111(11CEl~'[€ the steady growtli of the   1
L  . dairy industry in Kentucky. 1 `
   Q I 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1
111  . 1 1918 1 1919 1 1920 1 1921 , , 1 1 1
11  z »—e eee— eWe 1—— e   »ee—»——e21e   1   1  
10  . Creainery butter inanu- 1   1 1 , ¥ 1  
id  1 factured ..................».....,. 1 2.898,0001 5.321,0001 7,875,0001 10,746,000 , 1 1
0- f Increase over p1·eeed— 1 1 1 1  
QC L ing year, per cent ,,._...... 1 ..................,. 1 83.61 48.01 36.4 1 1
10  1 Nik cows (Jun. 11 ..........., 1 435,0001 452,0001 457,0001 525.000 1 1
11   Inerease ever preced- 1     1 `   1
‘   mg year, per cent; ..._..,,   ,......_..1,..1...,. 1 3.91 1.11 14.88 1    
`“   1 1 1 1 1 1 1
111     1 1
11   1.1111 aheve ngiires show that the 1ll('1`O2lS(‘nt.tei· tat, 50111 11111011 of its ])1`O(1ll<'1 111  
IS  — the 1.01111 ot sour ereain. 1 1
1,1  i '1`110 il(‘(‘()lll1}2ll1}'1l]Q" map (Fig, 1) gives a general 1111.*21 011 , 1
,.0 1*  there >·1·¤ti11iis where mill; er 1·r1·an1 ia l11111g·11t 1111 the 111|1'1<‘1' 1
111 11  1111 13121818: 1)ll1 tl10 1:11111110r of stations i11 illly (‘0l1ll1}' is 11_\' 110 1
N1   1111*1111s 11l(11t'&l1l\`C of the yeliiine of tlairy 1)l'()(1lll‘1`N s01<1 lll 111211 1 · `
m_ 1.· *’1’11111_\'. Mneli 01* the 1QO1']‘ll()l'}' 2ll1_12l('Cl]i' to cities is 1·0\‘01‘011 hy  
M  E 11`11*‘1< 1‘<11110<; while iii other 10;-alities a large llll1II11k‘1' 011 PFU- i 1
111   ‘11111'<`l`$ #11111 tlireet to the ereaineries. AS a. result <‘l'l‘2l11l $121- 1
1\· _ 11011* HP0 110t ninnerona in siieh tei·i·itr1ry, even tho ])l‘<1<1l1t‘1'10l1 1 1
110  ‘ lll21}' he large. The ]1il’(‘(]llCll(‘}' with whieh ereani stations 1>.‘1*lll'   1
up ,  HWY- 1"*“'<`\'<‘1‘, 110 115011 as a guide in priinting mit those Nt‘§‘11(111N 1 1
110   1111010 <1C\'t’1(1])lll(}ll`1` of tl1e 11airy intlustry is greatest.  
do  _ T11<‘|'f‘ i1l’(‘ yet C(1ll111l1‘S in Kentucky that ()131l(’l' S]J1<‘ll<11(-1 011- 1 Q `
1211   1*"1,'11l1l1110s for (leyel01>m0iit_ Some (‘l'(‘2lllll’l’lO1< 21l‘0 2l1l'<‘2\<1y 110- · 1 ,
,11;  11 H1? 1.‘*l`<’<‘<1 10 seek new 1-reain 11l`()(lll('lllrQ‘ territory in <1r11er that ·
  \·11111m*` HWY 110 S11$12l1l1(‘(1. The United States eensus 011 111111 _ 1`
 , L 1

I Ii?  I
  ·  -
W4,  .
it ' `
I 12 Report 0f Creamery License Section [
I . . . . , ·
I ,1 gives the production, stile and value ot dairy products 1n ken- .
  tueky, by counties. The Iigures are ztvziihilile to anyone inter- »
Il ested and will be furnished on request. The census figures »
. I . . . , · A
· I show that the production of country butter 15 quite large 111 5 X
I innny counties, while the sale of butter or butter fait is relatively  I- 3,
E ; small. lt is believed thnt, creaiineryuien will {ind it protitnble   H
it to investigznte the possibilities of such counties us Adair, Allen,  I B
I Bnrren, Bl‘Cl‘l{CIlI'l(lg'(", Butler, Calloway, Carter, tIi·nve.s, ttruy- - B
, [ son, llzirdin, Hart, Hopkins, Lawrence, Logan, ]l;u·slu1lI, Mon-  , C
Y, roe, Muhlenberg, Ohio, l’ula1sl;i, and Roelzcustle.   C
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1 I
  Report 0f Creamery License Section 13 I
Y- { (As of January 1, 1923.) I  
ES I  Name Address Product    
- A1·111o111- Creameries .................... Louisville ......,.....r.,_ Butter I I
ll J Aglilainl Sanitary Milk C0 ......... Ashland ................... Milk and butter I I
IY  Q 11111;; Valley Creamery C0 ......... Louisville ................ Butter 1 I ‘ .
Ie L  H_ 1}. Bosse & Sons .................... Latonia .............,...».. Milk and butter I I I I I
ii, Y  Brown Ice Cream Co. .....»............ Bowling Green ....... Ice cream I I I I I
\._  = Butler Creamery Co. .................. Butler ....................,.. Milk ‘ ¤ I  
I1-  _ Camizbellsville Ice & Ice   I I
Cronin Co ...............4.................. Canipbellsville .,..._,, Ice cream I Q I
I" City Consumers Co. ..............,... Paducah ,................i. Milk, butter and lee I I I
I  cream I  
 I Coleman Ice Cream Co ............. Hopkinsville ....__.,.., Ice cream I
 ‘¥· Cuscadens Ice Cream Co. ........ Louisville ....._....,...__ Ice cream   I
 I Dawson Springs Ice Cream C0. Dawson Springs __,. Ice cream    
 ·1_ Dixie Ice Cream Co. _______.........._ Lexington ,...__.,..,,___ Ice cream ,    
  Edgewood Dairy Co ...,._.............. Paducah .......i,..,...... Milk and butter ’ I I
 · Elizabethtown Ice & Ice I  
  Cream Co. ................................ Elizabe·tht·own ........ Ice cream I  
  EV21HS\’ille Pure Milk Co ........... Owensboro .............. Milk and ice cream ` `
  ll H. Ewing`s Sons ...................... Louisville _..,,,.......... Milk, butter and ice I I
 Z; cream I I
 _ FHFINGPS Dairy Co ...........1...,,.,...... Niqeliolasville ,......... Milk I  
 ` TIIG Feldman Milk & Cream CO.NQ\V1)O1`t __________,...__... Milk and butter ` I
j FI`0Zlll7lll`€ Co. .....,........_________.._,__, Louisville ___.__.,........ Ice cream _ f
E GI‘2l1‘-Von Allmen Sanitary I
_` Milk Co. ........,.,....__.___.._____,____,__,_ Louisville _______,__,_.._. Milk, Ibutter and ice
l-  cream I
I HB Milli C0. ...........__..._.._____....__,, F1·;1111;,fo1¤t _________....... Milk and butter
 ~ Kentucky and Indiana _ `
  DHIVIGS C0. ................_______,___, ,___L0uiSvil1e __________,._... Milk and butter I '  
 E LN LMVIS, IHC- l........................... Louisville i............,.. ICG Creillll I
I E· K Mick Creamery Co ,___.____ Louisville ______.......... Milk and butter  
 ? Mujm Ice Cream Co ........