xt7s4m919g09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m919g09/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-02-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1944 1944 1944-02-18 2013 true xt7s4m919g09 section xt7s4m919g09 THE

On Fage Four
Wildcats To Play
In National Meet



Bond Purchases Open Drive
At AlhStudent Convocation
As Goal Of $3,600 Is Fixed
Faculty Campaign
Gives $100,000

Women's Glee Club To
Give Musicale Sunday

To Buy 84 Jeeps
Purchase of bonds by Dr. Hermaa
L. Donovan, president of the University, and by Vincent Spagnuolo.
acting for the Student Government
conassociation, at the
vocation Wednesday gave the Victory committee of SO A $1,125 toward its goal of $3,600 tor the opening week of the student drive. The
goal for the week is the purchase-pric- e
of three Jeeps, according to
Eleanor Bach, chairman of the
Faculty Campaign
Reporting on the faculty campaign, which closed Tuesday, Miss
Bach stated that approximately
?! 01.863.50 had been collected. This
to enough to buy 84 jeeps.
The Victory center, a bond booth
in the Union building, was officially opened with the convocation and
mHII Mmatn
man frnm in A m tj
6 pjn. each day except Saturdays
and Sundays, according to Bettye
McClanahan, who is in charge of
the booth.
Books in which persons may sign
up for work in the surgical dressings room being opened in the
Home Economics building or for donating blood will be kept in the
center at all times.
Dr. Vera Waits
Dr. Vern Waits, public health of
ficer who was at Pearl Harbor during the attack, told the convocation audience how Honolulu, as an
American community, took the assault. He emphasized that the people there had "merely tasted 6ur
way of life, but they exerted themselves to the utmost for its defense."
Slowing how university students
there suffered from the war, Dr.
Waits described their digging of
bomb shelters.
Explaining that Hawaii has exceeded its quotas in all bond drives.
Dr. Waits urged students to avoid
feeling that their bit will be too
small to be of use.
Vnirersity Band
Appcarh.g for the first tlihe"thT
year, the University band, under
the direction of Dr. Alexander Ca- purso, provided music for the con
vocation. Patriotic
ed as the students
after the color guard had advanced
to the platform, the band accom
panied the audience in The Star
Spangled Banner.
The University Wildcats,
basketball team in the nation, were introduced to the audi- -

Program Set
For 4 P.M. In
Memorial Hall



The University Women's Glee
Club, under the direction of Miss
Mildred Lewis, will present its annual Sunday afternoon musicale at
4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall.
A special feature of this program
will be four American songs arranged for women's voices by Tom
Scott, formerly of Lexington and
the University. Scott is now a singer and arranger with Fred Waring,
and these songs are published as
the Fred Waring Choral series.
The assisting soloist is May
Louise McCown, pianist, of Versailles, a junior in the music department, and the accompanist Is
Ruth Pace of Ridgeway, Va., also
a junior music student.
The program includes: Holy Art
Thou. Xerxes, Handel, organ, Lela
W. Cullis; Love Me or Not, Secchi;
Whither. Schubert: Through the
Silent Night, Rachmaninoff; On the
Steppe. Oretchanlnoff ; Why,
Oh, Peddler, Tell
Me, Russian folk song; by the rlee
Partita in B at Major, Preambule,
Couiante, Bach; and Nocturne .in
C Minor. Chopin; by Miss McCown.
American Folk Songs. Arranged
by Tom Scott: Careless Love, a
Kentucky mountain ballad, Anita
Roos: Erie Canal, a work song. Lucille Haney French; Salangadou, a
Creole lament, Ann Scott Mah'er;
When Johnny Comes Marchtog
Home, Gilmore, Betsy Simpson.
TeU Me. Oh Blue. Blue Sky.
Windy Weather, Elinor
Remick Warren; Jaunting to the
Fair, Louise K. Pottle; Sea Moods,
Mildred Lund Tyson.

Textile Show
Is Sponsored

Tribute Paid
SEffiSiTo Lambert

Art Department
Displays In Gallery
The art department is sponsoring
an exhibition of textiles in its gallery, under the direction of Raymond Barnhart, instructor in art.
The exhibit, borrowed from a
Spanish importer and rare indeed
because of the various hand work
work of the many countries that it
shows, will close tomorrow.
There are clothes for draperies,
table coverings, scarfs, wall hangings, table mats, and material for
The famous original batiks from
Java, the one from Egypt which has
a story woven into the cloth, the
brilliantly colored ones from Mexico and Quatemala, the deep tones
of the ones from India, and the
Tine lined ones from the Orient are
shown. There are also
textiles from Austria, Turkey, Holland, Egypt, England, and Sweden.
prints, prints
by Ruth Rieves,
designer, and the famous pi'ppet
prints of Tony Sarg are on exoriental mats
hibition. Hand-wovand brilliantly woven purses add
Interest to the collection.
In the Art center the students of
the Art club have started an exhibition by a group of girls tf their
"sketches in oil."





Phi Beta Will
Hold Pledging
Ceremonies Feb. 23
Phi Beta, honorary music, drama
and the dance fraternity, will hold

Report For
Army Camps





Members of the ASTP unit on
the campus who were transferred
to army camps have reported at
the following stations:
Camp Crowder, Mo.: Pvts. Dale
Brown, Walter Orenell, Robert
Frank Mahnic, Howard Morse,
Paul Tennenbaum, Michael Kiselyk,
Carl Smith, and Thomas Knepp.
Camp Grant, 111.: Robert Fenton,
Robert Seymour. Loren Cole. Sid- ney Richman.
Fort Custer, Mich.: Paul Kelso,
Joseph Love. Jackson Yeomans, i
and Ralph Thompson.
Camp Siebert. Attalla, Ala.: Norman Gott and Leonard Rus.
Army Air ' Field, Greensboro, N.
C: Robert Conrad, Ben Gaulden,
Vincent Lillo, Clifford Longcore,
Leon Ridenour,
Walter Krugh. Joseph Manes, Warren Roemer, William Selvester, and
David Singley.
Camp Davis. N. C: Leroy Billing
and Celil Kappenman.
Depot, Tullahoma.
Stearns. Donald
Clark, John Conway. Charles
Thomasson, Edward Warden, Robert Jennings, Clyde Hansen, John
Loftus, Frank Fitzgerald.
Camp Campbell: Myron Yavits,
Stanley Hershelman, Henry Penta,
Henry Rosinski, Murry Etlinger,
and Edward Himmelberger.
Camp Breckinridge: Merrit Stanton.
Camp Forrest, Tenii.:
These men' were formerly members of Co. A and Co. B of the
1548th Service Unit.
Five members of the ASTP-ROTunit who transferred to the Air
Corps have returned to the campus
to await orders for Officer's Candidate school.
They are Pfcs. Randell Hammer,
Thomas Ewing, Kenneth Jones,
John Jackson, and A. B. Duncan.





Dupre Speaks
In Final Talk

All Classes Will
Be Dismissed
From 2 Noon




Post War Plan
Is Discussion
By Gene Whicker

The final discussion in a series of
eight topics dealing with the
United States after the war Vras
made by Dr. J. Huntley Dupre at

by many








deliver a patriotic ad- dress in his first speech to the Uni- versity student body since his in- r..y
The speech will be
given at the special convocation
scheduled for 10:30 a. m. Tuesday
. . . commanding
officer from Fort
in Alumni gymnasium to honor
Knox, will speak at the special convocation at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in ASTP men stationed on the cam- j
pus, who will attend' in a group.
Alumni gymnasium.


much-discuss- ed





plan, designed to restrain
aggressors and keep peace, would
assume a delegation of sovereign
power to the federal government in
areas that can be better served by

by unrelated and competitive legislation by separate states, he said.
Several proposals for the representation of member states were
reviewed by the history professor,
most of which provide for the admission of the defeated nations
when they have demonstrated their
capacity for such world citizenship.

University Calendar Is
Accepted For 1944-4- 5
The University calendar for the
school year has been ap- -'
proved by the Board of Directors,
The fall quarter will begin Sep- tember 22 and close December 14.
The winter quarter will extend from
January 2 until March 17. and the
Spring quarter from March 19 un- -

It was emphasized that demand
for a long armistice is being favored by many people, during which
program of rehabilia world-wid- e
tation and reconstruction would be
and popular government of the
Axis Powers as key policies.


til June


eral peace conference at which experience gained with the old League
of Nations and during and following this war would be utilized. Dr.
Dupre pointed out. The International Labor office, the World
Court, and the International Bank
of Settlement would be incorporated in the new government, he said.
According to Dr. Dupre. these various proposals, plus the moral basis for peace, merit the close study
and analysis by active citizens everywhere.



to the date.
General Scott, who was hi North
Africa as an observer with the
British during the battle of
will discuss the progress of
the war.
Seated on the platform, together
with President Herman Lee Donovan, who will preside at the exercises, will be the deans of the various colleges and the comptroUer
of the University, who will be introduced by the president.
A patriotic musi&U program will
be presented by the University band
under the direction of Dr. Alexander Capurso and community singing of patriotic songs will be led by
Miss Mildred Lewis. The Rev. John
K. Johnson, pastor of the Maxwell
Street Presbyterian church, wtll
pronounce the invocation.
The general public is invited to
attend the exercises, it was anAle-mai- n,




March 17 Saturday Quarter
Spring Quarter 1945
ClassificaMarch 19
tion tests, physical examinations.
unrf arivisnrv ranfmnrcs frr nw
and deification for aU students.


The summer
open June 11.
closing July 18.
closing August

Celebrating the birthday of
George Washington. Got. Simeon
S. Willis and MaJ. Gen. Charles L
Scott, commander of the armored
forces at Fort Knox, will speak at
a patriotic convocation
at 10:30
a.m. Tuesday at Alumni gymnasium.
AU I'niversity and ASTP classes
will be dismissed and fTices will be
closed Iron It a.m. to 13 bom to
enable students, facmlty, aad staff
members to attend, according to Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and registrar of the Vnirersity.
Members of the ASTP unit will
attend the convocation in a body
and will be seated In the center of
the gymnasium. Students and staff
are encouraged to be seated by 10:15
aJn. to allow the soldiers to inarch
into the building in view of the re
maining audience.
Pmrpose Giren
purpose of this convocation,"
' The
Dr. Chamberlain
stated, "Is patriotic in character and offers an.
opportunity for all of us to rededi-ca- te
ourselves to continue fighting
the war. It is an opportunity to
recognize in a special way the Army
Specialized Training program.''
Governor Willis, speaking to a
University audience for the first
time since his inauguration, will
give a patriotic address appropriate

Monday Period for
filing applications for degrees.
Wednesday through
Examinations for winter


Permanent territorial and political decisions would await a gen-




the Central Christian church Tuesday night.
Using as his subject, The Peace
Within The Framework of International Government. Dr. Dupre
elaborated on the federal principle
as applied to international govern- ment,


Gov. Willis, General In Army
Scheduled To Speak At Convo
In Gym, 10:30 a. m. Tuesday

Copies of The Kernel will be
placed in University post office boxes at 10 a.m. each Friday instead of at 8:30 a.m., it
was announced by Miss Carrie
Bean, postmistress.
This plan will be in effect for
the duration of the war.

Co. A, Co. B Men

Billiard Match
Will Be Held


Kernels To Be
In Boxes Later


Receive Orders
For Stations

Ghost Is Risen





quarter of 1945 will
with the first term
and th second term


The calendar allows one day for

teen days for the Christmas holi- work begins.
A billiards tournament, sponpledging ceremonies February 23 in
day with no provision for a spring
sored by the Activities committhe Union building for Bette Ann
March 28 Wednesday Last date
Allen, Ruth Bradford, Lucille Ray,
on which one may enter an organ- tee of the Union board, will be
The entire schedule for 1944-4- 5
is ized class.
Evelyn Kenyon, and Sue Ann
held the week of February 28.
By Casey Goman
as follows:
April 9 Monday Last date on
Interested students are urged
The University Philhirmonic OrMiss Allen, Lexington, is a sophFall Quarter 1944
which one may drop a course with- to sign up at the Information
- out a grade,
Delchestra, under the expert direction omore and a member of Alpha
September 22. 23 Friday, Saturof Prof. Carl A. Lampert, presented ta PI sorority. A pledge of Alpha
day Classification testa and physi- desk in the Union building as
April 16 Monday Period for fil- - nounced.
a polished concert Sunday at Me- Xi Delta sorority, Miss Ray is a
cal examinations for all new stu- ing applications for degrees.
soon as possible. Deadline for
morial hall.
from Jackson.
May 27 Sunday
signing up is February 25.
September 25 Monday
The selection from Humperdinck's Bradford is a Junior from Lexing)
(Continued on Page Three)
man registration and classification.
ton and is a member of Kappa DelMay 31. June 2 Thursday
Hansel and Gretel was given an
September 26 Tuesday
Registhrough Saturday Final examina
'appealing, childlike, and trusting ta and
upper tions for the spring quarter.
pledge of Kappa Kappa Gamtration and classification of
interpretation. The Introduction
The Secretarial club, composed of
June 1 Fridav Seventy-eight- h
and Scherzo from the Symphonic ma, Miss Kenyon is a freshman stu
Betty Tevis, sophomore
September 27 W ednesday
students in secretarial and business
dent from Anchorage. Miss Thomas
annual commencement.
Cantata, Hymn of Praise, by
Richmond, has been named sports Classwork begins.
displayed excellent tonal is a freshman from Lexington.
June 2 Saturday Quarter ends. education courses, will meet at 3
An educational movie, The North editor of The Kernel.
P- Monday in the Union building
October 4 Wednesday Last date
A dinner will follow the pledging
Summer Quarter 1945
Miss Tevis, president of Alpha on which one may enter an organ
June II Monday Registration to elect officers.
The group of selections from ceremonies in honor of the new eastern and Southeastern States,
'dealing with the people and their Lambda Delta, freshman scholastic ized class.
Memoers or me faculty in charge
for first term.
Gounod's Faust, The Adagio, Tempo pledges.
October 16 Monday
Last date
June 12 Tuesdav
Class work lkTe A- - J-- Lawrence, Miss Goldie
di Valse. Soldier's Chorus; and the
customs will be shown at 6:15 p. m. honorary, is
a on which one may drop a class.
j Wilson,
and Miss Jeanne Lowry.
Activities . . .
Ballet Music, Entry of the Trojan
j Wednesday
in the Y lounge of the member of the Student GovernA11 students in these courses are
October 23. 24 Monday, Tuesday
.' . . committee of the Union board Maidens, Solo Dance of Helen, Bac- June 18 Monday Last date on
round-tabl- e
disment Association, a member of the
wiU meet at 5 pjn. Monday in the chanaTe and Entry of Phyrne, prePeriod for filing applications for which one may enter an organized urged to attend, it was announced.
Henry Aldrich, Editor, starring Union building. A
members YWCA cabinet, and has been on degrees.
Union building.
sented some fine work from the Jimmy Lydon, will be presented at cussion of the picture by
Koffee Klub will follow.
The Kernel reporting staff since
November 30 Thursday Thanks- - j June 22 Friday
Last date on
Pryer . . .
5:45 p. m. Monday in the Bluegrass of the
All students and soldiers are in- her entrance at the University in giving holiday.
which cne may drop a course wih- society will meet at
Dvorak's From the Western room of the Union building. Ad...
Monday through i out a grade.
vited to attend, it was announced. January, 1943.
7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Biologi- World, Allegro Risoluto and
mission will be ten cents.
Wednesday Examinations for the
June 22 Fridav Period for filinir
was given faultlessly, with
cal Sciences building.
i fall quarter.
applications for decrees.
some especially good passages from
Bacteriology . . .
December 14-- -- Thursday. 8 a. ni.
July 4 Wednesday
Fourth of
... . society will meet at 7:15 p.m. the reed instruments.
Quarter ends.
July holiday.
Following the Entr'acte from
Monday in the Biological Sciences
Winter Quarter 1945
July 18 Wednesday First term
Schubert, Lee Crook,
January 2 Tuesday Classifica-master,
gave a tribute to ProFreshman club . . .
tion tests, physical examinations,
July 19 Thursday Registration
fessor Lampert, reviewing many of
. . . will meet at 6:30 p. m. TuesBy Shirley Mebler
and advisory conferences for all for second term.
day in the Y lounge of the Union the things he has done since he
new students.
July 20 Friday Class work be- -'
building. Father George O'Bryan founded the orchestra in 1918, and
Question: Do yon approve of war
RegisJanuary 3 Wednesday
will speak on the Fundamentals in telling of the benefits the orchestra
tration and classification of all stuJuly 23 Monday Last date on marriages?
has presented to the campus and
except professionally.
By Wanda Lee Spears
Catholic Doctrine.
Pvt. Donald Saver.
which one may enter an organized
the community.
Double Life
TWCA Cabinet . . .
January 4 Thursday Class work class.
hall: Yes, if I wanted to marry
Tall, dark, and dynamic, Frank
In conclusion. Professor Lampert
p. m. Tues. . . will meet at 7:15
For years he has led a somewhat begins.
July 26 Thursday Last date for someone I wouldn't let war or anyconducted
the symphony in Fowler, director of Guignol theatre,
day in the YWCA office in the UnJanuary 10 Wednesday
thing stop me.
double life. He acts as director of
Last filing applications for degrees.
Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz.
could easily use as his motto, "Be
ion building.
Guignol In the winter, and in the date on which one may enter an orJuly 31 Tuesday Last date on
Rita Kravetz. AAS sophomore:
It was only right that Professor anything but dulL"
summer he works as a director in ganized class.
which one may drop a course withSocial . . .
Yes, although I'd settle for an enLampert's last number on this, his
January 22 Monday Last date out a grade.
the Pasadena theatre, a training
. . . committee of the YWCA will
gagement ring.
His personality radiates vitality
last concert, should be a Strauss
school for Hollywood, and as an on which one may drop a course
August 25 Saturday Quarter
meet at 4:30 p. m. Monday in the waltz, for he is without a doubt and one can easily tell by his draPvt Gene Bolt. KJnkead hall:
actor in the professional theatre. without a grade.
Y lounge of the Union
No, it's foolish, 'cause a girl doesn't
one of the best authorities on the matic way of speaking that he is
While there he has started
know what she's letting herself in
interpretation of Viennese music, of the theatre. As he said, "I have
stars as Dana Andrews, Wayne
will meet at 4:30 p. m. Mon- - and the orchestra did credit to his never yet found what part of the
Cre-- I
j Morris,
Victor Mature, Laird
day in the Union building.
stage interests me most, but I know
Peggy W.itkins, A AS, freshman:
gar. Sanna. and Peggy Wynn on
Howard Hall's
it is first and foremost the stage!"
It depends on the length of their
their way to stardom. His office is
. . dancing class will be held at
English-Bor- n
lined with pictures of famous stage
6:15 p. m. Wednesday in the Blue-graPvt. Rome Delriaceo, Kinaead
and screen stars, either those he
Born in England, Fowler came to
room of the Union building.
hall: No, because a soldier doesn't
has helped, or those he knows so- -I
America with his family in his early
Kentucky Kavaliers ailS a floor know in what condition he's comCampus Sine . . .
cially such as Jeanette MacDonald,
youth. They made their home in
The Red Cross surgical dressing New York and Los Angeles. It is
jshow stressing
will be held at 6:30 p. m. Thursthe international ing back.
j Gary Cooper, and his first cousin,
tneme W'H I presented during in- day In the Bluegrass room of the room which will open Tuesday in indeed strange that neither his
Mary Lillian Davis, A AS, sophoin
(Vera Vague.
room 1 of the Home Economics father nor his mother were contermission by University students.
Union building.
A great believer in the non-pr- o
more: Sure, if you can get a man.
building is open not only to stu- nected in any way with the stage.
fessional theatre, he feels that, "At
ad- Members of the
War Effort . . .
An International motif will be the
Pvt. Stan ProMn. Kinkead hall:
. . . committee of the Union bo&rd dents and faculty members but to
last Broadway Is beginning to see ' theme of the
leap year visory board will act as chaperones. I do, but nobody 11 have me.
His education consisted of the
persons interested In working.
that the best talents are not from dance from 9 p. m. to 12 midnight
cill meet at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday all
regular high school course with
Grand March
Geergianne Mom, A AS, junior:
Coats and caps will be furnished
that crowded stem, but from the Saturday in the Union building
activities in drama.
in the Union building.
A grand march will be led by Nor- - No, because
they're usually on such
to men working and women are
college he obtained the degree
main streets of the nation."
social man Chrisman and Carolyn Splcer. short notice.
sponsored by the
Mortar Board . .
requested to. wear either a white of bachelor of philosophy, then
& p. in. Friday
presidents of the
. . . will meet at
Success Gains
re- FRANK FOWLER . . .
Pvt. Pine hey FaAeiii. Kinkead
uniform or a clean wash dress. master of art in drama. He is now
The proceeds made at the dance spectively. followed by the other
the Union building.
Fowler's success has been steadily
hall: Sure, love always finds a way.
Room is being provided so
working for a doctor of philosophy . . . tall, dark, dynamic director of improving each year here at the
be contributed to the World ficers of both Y's which include
Student Government
women may leave their uniforms in speech.
Polly Van Buren, A AS, freshman:
Guignol, says the theatre Is his first University and he has had few dis- Student Christian federation by the Helen Harrison and Bruce Ken- . . . association will meet at 7:15 in
the building.
If they've known each other for a
p, m. Tuesday in room 204, Union
His greatest source
The tentative schedule at
time yes.
linaux and Bill Johnson. Secretaries:
International Group
of satisfaction is "the freedom
His greatest inspiration was a
a.m. and from 5 p.m. on
Prt- - Henr? Webb, Kinkead hall:
and Virginia Baskett and Jimmy
This federation is the Internawoman Jessie Bonstelle. She died stars as Katherlne Alexander and which I enjoy."
Economics . . .
Tuesdays and from 7:30-1- 0 pjn. on
No-m not ready to settle down yet
Hurt, treasurers.
tional group to which the
pians iur uuig-nrecently, but while living she had Ann Harding.
into tne post-w. . . club will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursdays.
Parker, Breckinridge
Chairmen of the various commit- - '
church groups, and student
of "the greatest maker of
he inserts "a department of
Fowler is a bachelor and he tells
Monday in the Home Economics
Workers are nut permitted to the title
building. Dr. J. Huntley Dupre will wear nan polish, it was pointed out, stars." She discovered Fowler, who us "Based on my desire of a career, drama for the future in which stu- volunteer groups belong. It has tees in charge of the dance include nU: Yes, tt gives a soldier some-Acoun- thing to go back to and
drama. The
discuss post-wand all dresses and uniforms must subsequently played the Juvenile the theatre became the most im- dents may major inimportant part membership in 45 different coord- - man, Herndon and Norman Chris- something to wait for. These a"spur
decorations; Billie Dale and
teaching will be the
tries and is an organization
absolutely clean. Head cover- - lead In her stock company for two portant tiling
Chi Delta Phi
in my life." In other
mating the activities of these groups. Helen Carroll, program; Barbara of the moment" marriages are out.
. . . will meet at 2 p. m. Monday in ingt will be sold for a tnall sum years while finishingsupported Dur- wofls lie hasn't Tnuch time for and entertainment will be the
of the te?.chirs."
this tine he
vie r?ca.
rvoa C4, HcVey heXL

Movie Slated



Secretarial Club

Tevis Is Named
As Sports Editor


To Meet Monday

For Koffee Klub




Movie Slated









"It Is First And Foremost,"
Says Quignol Head Of Stage



International Theme Feature
Oi Dance Tomorrow Niht





Red Cross Room
To Open Tuesday




LeaD Year Event
OatUraay llgnt













of-w- ill

















Alice Watkins




Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, Keutuctj, M
cecoca rjaaa matter under the Act of March I, i7



Retty Bohannon


Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
national Editorial Associstion



National Advertising Service, lnC.
fuen Mtmmuu





One Quarter


VooH. H

News Editor
Business Manager

The Kernel Editorial Page



Berry Tevii
Betty Lee



We have comosed a little
prayer for about five little girls
we know
and manv. many-otherwe don't know. These
little girls, Ruth Boyd. Sonya
Gravenkem)er, Marv Frances
Helmick. Phyllis Freed, and
Wilma Berry, ought to kneel bv
their bedsides every night, bow
their heads, and sav in all reverence: "Bless Mom and Dad
ami Uncle Joe and Thank von.
God, for the ASTP."

Lee Wood

The SGA Has Come Lately
Article Six of the Student Government Association provides that the budget of the
shall be adopted each year not later than
November I. Today is February 18 and the
budget has not yet been adopted.
If the SGA has been able to conduct student
affairs ever since last September without a
budget we offer our admiration. We wonder,
though, if the controversy concerning the STotl
appropriation for the Kenmckian could not
have been avoided had the. budget been adopted
by the set time limit.
Had the Kenttickian been informed last November that it would not receive the $700 promised bv the SGA it could have adjusted its own
budget accordingly. It cannot do so now without curtailing and thereby harming the 191-Asso-ii.iii.t-

this: Let the Kemuckian keep its present surplus to do business on a cash basis. Fath vear
when the Kentuckian budget is made up the
SGA can appropriate from its treasury the
amount necessary to complete the budget, nith
the provision that any profit realized by the
yearbook, not in excess of the appropriation, be
returned' to the SG.1 treasury.
The students should pay for the Rendu kian
Ix'cause it is theirs, but if the Kentuckian shows
a profit it seems only reasonable that the student subsidy Ik-- returned rather than go to build
up a kentuckian surplus bevond reasonable


Here Is A Ghost
We Can Do Without

In all probability the Assembly at its
ing Tuesday night will recognize its moral obligation and appropriate the fund for the annual.
But, such action would not prevent the same
problem from arising next year and the vear
after that.
The Kentuckian has a surplus which has
lecn built up over the last 20 years. It needs
this surplus to do business on a cash basis, and
thereby make substantial savings. Since aft revenue derived by the Kentuckian comes from the
students, it is the students' money which would
le lost if the Kentuckian had to lose discounts
lecaiise its surplus was depleted.
Our compromise suggestion to the SGA is






big-nam- e


has been weeping
with sackcloth and ashes accessories over the departure of Johnny
Kilgore. Her sisters have been busy
washing tearstained hankies, towels,
and sheets.
Look! up in the air! a bird? a
plane? No. it's CUuidine Gibson!
Mistress of the gentle art of Ju
jil.su, Beth McCullough throws her
over hei head Just for the ride!
Our wandering bevy of basketball
beauties has switched affections to
June SMtt and EWm William.

By Adele Denman

who confused her name with that,
of her "Sig Ep" date.
Peggy Ward was buzzed by a
lieutenant and a captain who flew
over Tuesday afternoon. The officers escaped unharmed In spite of
fire from the Zeta
Tau Alpha house on the next street.
Joe Gardner and Nancy Jane
Dempsey will remain true. In fact,
Joe has been receiving calls from

ministers stressing $2 00 rates.
4. Once in a Lifetime:
Every now and then a columnist
receives the greatest thrill of his
life he finds he has a reader! We
?.. f'hi Omega House:
are sure Miss Hubbard did not willintend such flattery, but
A bronze placard is being unveiled fully
over the living room couch. Tom- thanks a million. We might have
my- Faring sat here" (past tense). never known.
Mary Saunders is buying a new 5. Alpha Gamma Delta. House:
pillow for the KD couch in honor of
The Valentine dance resurrected
his arrival.
And there was the man who
went to tbe ChiO House thinking
it was the parsonage. Prom the
females he saw he gathered that
the parson was having a Ladies'
Aid Meeting.

Delta PI House:
Gayle Neat and wife came to
visit Patsy Horkan need we sat
Billie "Fuzzy' Dale was accused
cf being named such by Ski Smith,
3. Alpha.

beene caught up with. One Dave
Disbrow. Phi Delt, is only dating:
Beth McCullough, KD; Dorothy
Robinson, Alpha Xi; Laura Jean
Blake, Alpha Xi; Martha Fisher
Beard, ChiO. He dates one at a
time for a solid week, then changes.
Billy Stiu--f ill dates 10 girls in the
Tri Delt House and gives the rest
a good line.

t. Tri Delt House:
Tom Moseley and "Si" Cramer
are reported to be wearying. Can
they hold out longer or will the
Street regime take over?
Scoop: Is the safety catch on. B.
F. Workman's pin secure? Is he?
That hasn't been his ghost who

dated "Sis" I toiler.
Cecil Crimes Just dropped in to
days. Sev- see one (?) of the Joneses.
four tuxes from
The till; ut the Phi Delt House
eral GI's Just Eat around and
have been enjoying our mail, men,
Walker's and mushey (Just to rime) ca!".s.
Flash: On Rot, etc
sweater lovrry Field's Sigma Chi They get more dates out of fhe
gruesome similarity.
IV-Fubank never does things in 8. Alpha XI Delta House:
a small way. Said big operator
"D. the R." has been having a
presented Jean Mills with a white big time on Maxwell. We called
orchid p. m . and red roses a m the police and, boy, were they cute.
6. Box Cars Service to
Jean Runyon gets calls from
Girls! Do you want to know who Alaska, one dozen rases, three telyour man is dating besides yon? ephone calls, and two telegrams.
"Ping" of KA fame must Vie wonderful.
Aim Cantrill can be happy with

Flsc-ae- r

By taking a poll of all our soldier
friends stationed overseas, to find
out what they would ask for if they
could have one wish come true, we
find that they unanimously want
cookies. Therefore, girls,
we are printing the recipe so that
you can make your man happy?
Step 1. Get out all the stuff that
you usually throw Into cookie batter. You know eggs, sugar, ehoro-ifct- e.