xt7s4m919f91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m919f91/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-02-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1944 1944 1944-02-25 2013 true xt7s4m919f91 section xt7s4m919f91 oesi uopy Mvanaoie



'Cats To Play Last
Home Gam Saturday

Higher Education
Takes The Count





SGA Votes $700 Allotment
To 1944 Kentuckian After
Bitter Discussion Over Issue
Pledge Made
Last Fall Kept



to the Kentuckian the
last fall, the Student
Government Assembly met Tues
day night in one of the vital meet
liigs of the year. The vote was
In favor of the appropriation after a bitter debate lasting for apVoting


700 promised

Majors In Music
Plan To Offer
Variety Of Solos


Military Enrollment Drops
To 223 Effective On April 1;
9Si No Housing Plans Made Yet
Former Dorms
Will Not Be
Ready By Spring

Kampus Kousins
Holds Meeting

. . . will speak at oenvocation at
a.m., Friday, in Memorial hall.


Kampus Kousins, a student corn- mlttee organized last quarter to
promote better understanding cf
faculty-studeproblems, held their
regular bimonthly Fireside program
at the home of Dr. Frank L. Mc' As finally adopted the motion
Vey, president-emeritu- s
of the Unifor the transfer of $700 of the
versity, last Friday evening.
SGA's funds into the surplus treasThe upperclass leader of the
ury of the Kentuckian. All proffis
group of sixteen was Joseph Clinton
of the Kentuckian over $50 and not
Wells. Discussion centered upon
exceeding $700 will be paid back in- vocal solos.
Fragrant Given
activity in excess
to the SGA treasury after the anThe program will include TOO" q n nnnosMl tn a tH trM n r aH Mm in ca
nual's books are cleared.
cata Finale in D Minor, Bach, by reer. Dr. McVey cautioned students
Petition Read
Joan Akers, organist.
that war and peace following war Lew Sarett, poet, forest ranger,
Representative Alice Watkins
Separazione (Italian Folk Song) 'demand skilled workers in science
university professor and lecturer,
read a petition which had been Arranged by Sgambati; Sen to nel
I.J,,,- .will be the guest speaker at an
ternoon the Kousins
convocation at 10 a. m. Friatudenu asking that the $700 ap- - Eyes. Bishop, by Lucille Haney
day, March 3, in Memorial hall.
the Opting Club in Its
propriation be withheld, charging French. Contralto. Ruth Pace. ac
s 100 te
tret- keePm8 with The subject of his lecture will be
the Kentuckian'. surplus is companist.
tUn new,
Slow Smoke, which as a book of
ample for operation of the book on
Sonata. Opus 10. No. 1. the AI- - fhf thing. f Also planned s,tude"
clety of America the best volume of
a cash basis. Jack Walters, as rep- - fcgro molto e con brio. Beethoven, tato
a Fireside at the home poetry published in America in 1925.
resentatlve of the American So-- I by Mildred Buchanan, pianist.
poems was voted by the Poetry So- 0"
ciely of Mechanical Engineers, also
Dichterliebe. Im Wunderschonen
Sarett's life is kaleidoscopic. Aside
asked that the sum be withheld. Monat Mai, Aus Meinen thranen J:, Virginia Baskett will preside at
occaslon- from the interesting story of his
when the body suspended rules and Spriessen. Die Rose. Die Lille, Schu- nation-wtd- e
allowed him to speak.
mann, and Mariettas Lied sur La ' The organizational setup includes rise from obscurity to
chairman. Bill Barton; a general distinction as one of the most notPointing out the magnitude of Laute from Die tote Stadt. Kom- poets of this generation, his
printing and engraving costs. Miss gold. Anita Roos. soprano. Mildred committee, composea oi ouisianu able
ing seniors; and a board of dlrec- - life has a fascinating variety of
Watkins asked that the money be Buchanan, accompanist.
Jaridns sous la pluis. Dcbussy, tors, composed of students. Each occupations. He came out of the
appropriated in accordance with
general committee member is as- - forests of the Lake Superior counHelen Lipscomb, pianist.
the pledge of the SGA. President
In Chicago he was a
Mabel signed four freshmen and is to see try as a boy. a bundle-carriVincent Spagnuolo, speaking from
in a
Jimmy Gumm, violinist. Beth Caddy, ac- that his "family" gets "into" and newsboy andstore.
the floor as
"stays out of" appropriate activ- department
Hurt presided, attempted a com- companist.
Returns To North
Romance in F sharp Major. Schu- ities. Alice Jacobson, the Danforth
promise in which the Kentuckian
Later he returned to the North
would receive only enough money mann, and Scherzo, G rices, Ruth fellow. Is official advisor.
Pace, pianist.
Plans are being made for Fire- where he was in turn a
to pay for the SGA's page.
O Don Fatale, from Don Carlos. sides next quarter at the homes of a teacher of woodcraft in
Letter Gives
soprano, Miss Jane Haselden and Dr. M. M. mens camps, a naturalist, a guide
Verdi, Betsy Simpson,
Secretary Elotse Bennett read a
in the Canadian North, and a U.
Pace, accompanist.
letter to the group from President Ruth
S. Ranger in the Rocky Mountains.
L'shers Listed
Herman L. Donovan asxing the
Alter he received his education on
The ushers at the concert, who
body to observe the "sacredness of
funds that he earned in part by
are also Phi Beta members, will be
the contract" and vote on its
his work in the woods, he became
Laura Jeane Blake, Kathleen Hag-aconsider the budget and
first an instructor at the Univerty
Marie Louise McCown, Mar-jorLie of last fall. He asked that the
of Illinois, and later a professor at
Freeman, Virginia Long, and
A billiard tournament will be Northwestern university.
submit it to him for his approval. Mildred Williams.
sDonsored bv the Activities commlt- He is respected as a
Following the vote to go through
The student body, civilian and tee of the student Union board the Society of Midlandmember of
with the obligation to the
military, and townspeople, are
week. xhe tournament will and the Authors' Club of London,
$3,600 surplus fund, the vited to this concert.
begin Monday, and a reward is be- England, and equally respected by
Assembly adjourned.
ing offered to the winner.
the voyagers and lumberjacks with
All persons interested should sign whom he has worked and the Inup at the Information desk in the dians who have adopted him and
Union sometime today.
given him the name
If I Were King, featuring RonThe entrance fee is 25 cents.
ald Coleman, Frances Dee, and
Sarett's Poetry
Basil Rath bone will be shown at
Out of this colorful life Lew Sar5:45 pjn. Monday In the Bluegrass
By Casey Gemaa
ett's poetry grew. He has contriroom of the Union building.
buted to the Atlantic Monthly, the
The annual Sunday afternoon
Bookman, Saturday Review of Litmusicale presented by the Women's
erature, and a dozen other journals.
Glee club, under the very able diHe is the author of five volumes of
rection of Mildred L. Lewis, was
The Outing club will entertain poetry on the American wilderness:
marked by fine tonal quality and
wiener roast at 3 Many, Many Moons. The Box of
balance. The Glee club, composed with a hike and
p.m. Saturday at the Needmore God. Wings Against the Moon, The
85 University women, opened the
by the Kampus Kous- - Collected Poems of Lew Sarett, and
nfnn, am with tha a.mjvuvw T a rrrf farm assisted
j,Vic,a ...... wai. mo4octf
ft. .
Slow Smoke.
from Handel's Xerxes, accompanied
Reviewers are loud in their praise
The group will leave the Union
by Lela W. Cullis at the organ.
of his lectures. The Detroit EveSaKy
and the hare
The Glee club sang Secchi's Love
ning News said "Lew Sarett Is one
. . . will meet at 4:30 p.m. MoiidH-iMe or Not as their second number, 30 cents per person. Anyone inter
sign up at of the most successful lecturers on
the Union building.
and then Whither, by Schubert, with ested in attending must
the Information desk by noon Sat- - the American platform today. This
Freshman Clao . . .
charm and expressiveness.
(Continued on Page Four'
:30 p.m. Tuesday
. . . will meet at
Rassian Group
in the Y lounge of the Union buildThe Russian group Through the
ing. Rabbi Julian Fleg will speak Silent Night, Rachmaninoff; On the
ot: Judaism.
f ; Why,
Howard Hall's
and Oh, Peddler,
. . . dancing class will be held at Tell Me, Russian Folk Songheld
6:15 pjn. Wednesday in the Blue-graall the plaintive, tender nuances the
room of the Union building.
composers desired. The group displayed exceptional balance and coWar Effort . . .
of the Union board ordination in these selections.
. . . committee
Marie Louise McCown, solo pianwill meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday
By Wanda Lee Spears
drop football in college, because of
ist, played the Partita In B flat
in the Union building.
Major, Preambule and Courante, by
Sharp wit, surprising frankness, the lack of time; he worked his
VWCA Cabinet . . .
Bach, and the Nocturne in C Minor refreshing vitality, and a conta-b- y through college.
; . will meet at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday
In 1928 he was awarded a scholChopin. Miss McCown plays gious. booming laugh, characterize
ut the VWCA office in Uie Union
arship for
Bach with sureness and mastery.
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, who seetns Department graduate work in Unibuilding.
of History at the
Folk Songs
surprisingly young to be the acting
Campus Stag
versity. In 1930 he became a teachThe Glee club presented a group head of the history department of
. . . will be held at 6:30 Thursday in
er at Western State Teachers colthe
the Bluegrass room of the Union of American folk songs arranged over University and the author of lege in Tennessee; in 1931 he Joineight books.
by UK's own Tom Scott, with four
ed the faculty of the University;
members as soloists. They were
Dr. Clark was born July 14. 1903 and in 1939 he became associate
Dutch I.anch . . .
Careless Love, Kentucky Mountain in Mississippi. His father was a professor of history.
Now for two
. .. . club will meet at noon Friday
Ballad, with
Roos; Erie Canal, fljtton farmer, and
at the Colonial Bowling Lanes. Work Song, Anita Lucille Haney "every single relative as I he putsare years he has been acting head of
the department.
Huguette Balzola will be tike guest
French; Salangadou,
Creole La- cotton farmers except my
It was at Duke university at a
ment, with Ann Scott Maher; and brothers." He went to high school party that he met
the lady who
Secretarial Oak . . .
When Johnny Comes Marching in Mississippi, and received his was to become Mrs.
Clark. He
. . . will meet at 3 p in Monday in Home, Gilmore, with Betty Simpson. bachelors degree from the Univerlaughingly speaks of the tiny girl
the Commerce building.
The solos were very well done and sity of Mississippi. He received his picked out for his date. He was "a
Art Committee . . .
the Glee club did excellent back- masters from the University and two hundred pounder" until he saw
in ground work.
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monday
his Ph.D. from Duke university.
his future wife. They have two
the Union building.
The final group of songs, which
He became interested in history children, a boy and a girl.
Fellowship roup . . .
Included Tell Me, Oh Blue, Blue, because "the family was always
History Honor rics
of the Maxwell Street Presby- Sky, Glannini; Windy Weather. Eli- worried over the South losing the
Dr. Clark is a member of the
terian church will meet at 5:30 p.m. nor Remick Warren; Jaunting to Civil War, and my mother was al- American History association, MisSunday for supper, at 6 pjn. for Uie Fair, Louise K. Pottle; and Sea ways interested in history, so we sissippi Valley History association.
Evensong and at 6:30 pjn. for a Moods, Mildred Lund Tyson; was in had a lot of books about it. My Southern Valley History associadiscussion on Dealing Justly with turn tender, wild and windblown, reading Interest developed into a tion, Phi Pi Phi, Alpha Phi Epsithe Defeated led by Martha Jane rollicking, and deeply moody. The vocational interest."
lon, and an honorary member of
Wanted La
club, under the excellent direction
Phi Alpha Theta. He is also a
He went to college originally to Democrat and a Baptist, he says.
of Miss Lewis, did very fine interKitchen Party . . .
He has written several books intake law. In high school "all his. . . will be held from 5:30 pjn. to pretative work on these.
Ruth Pace, accompanist, deserves tory seemed only a series of dates." cluding: 1933, The Beginning of the
7:30 pjn. Friday at the Maxwell
Street Presbyterian church for nil praise for her work, and especially English, political scieme, and foot-1- ! L and N; 1936, A Pioneer Southern
helS - Interest He hac! ' to Hs!
A Hltor1 9 IT.5n- naer.ts art: eoir.ers.
xi 'he last grov.p
com-ptcmi- se


Lew Sarett


To Address
Next Convo

Poet, Lecturer
To Discuss Poetry
Before Students

extra-curricul- ar











life-sav- er.

prom-Assemb- ly


Billiard Tournament
To Begin Monday


Tone Quality
Is Expressed

Coleman Featured


"Lone-Caribou- ."

Outing Club To
Entertain With
Hike Tomorrow



P-- -






ken ovef ,n the fttU ,
as women's residence units. These
Included Sigma Chi. Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Kappa Sigma, and Sigma
Nu. The University also took over
several other houses for use by
The dormitories will probably be
ready for use at the beginning of
the summer term, Miss Haselden
Civilian - student enrollment at
the University is now 1.360 but no
additional drop in the civilian-studebody is anticipated.

Dr. Quill Talks

In Reading Series
Dr. L. L. Quill, head of Uie chemistry department, will speak at the
regular "Invitation to Reading"
hour in the Browsing room of the
Library, Friday, February 25, at 3
His subject will be "Today and
Tomorrow" and will Include a discussion of the newest development
in plastics.
The seventh in the series of programs is scheduled for 3 pjn..
Thursday, in the Browsing room of
the University library.
Dr. Margaret Ratliff, assistant
professor of psychology, will review
by Katharine
Little Locksmith,

Sharp Witf Vitality Describe
M.ississipian, Dr. T. D. Clark




tucky (now used as a text book In
the University); 1939. The Rampaging Frontier: 1939. Exploring
Kentucky; The Rivers of Kentucky;
and Simon Kenton.
His newest book Is Pills. Petticoats and Plows, published by the
company. The book
will come out the first of April. It
is a "book on the Southern country
merchant," and refers to the element of country stores since 1865,
"hardly as an institution of rural
life but largely as a factor to Southern agricultural economy."
Since the ASTP has been on the
campus, Dr. Clark has worked with
lt. He says he wishes he could
have had these boys in civilian
Dr. Clark's future wishes are to
write and to teach. He is trying to
modernize the curriculum and rework.
work it to fit in the post-wHe wants to make the subject serve
a "practical end," trying to get
away from history as a mere matter of dates and unrelated facts
and giving it some meaning, making
it play a part in every day life ol
the students and trying to eneour
aee students' reading and under- standing the times in which they


Convo Slated

For Women


Second Balloting

Set For March

An all woman student convocation will be held at S pjn. April 6.
in Memorial hall in place of the
annual women's banquet which is
usually held at this time of the
The decision was made at a meeting of the Women's Administrative
r?nunrn this wsk
This new method of awarding
women nonors lor the year was
brought about because of war restrictions on banquet meetings, according to a report made by Virginia Wesley, president
of the
Women's Administrative council.
Assembly Informal
The convocation will be informal
although those on the stage will
be in formals. This also breaks one
of the traditions of this annual affair.
The purpose of this affair is to
honor outstanding women on the
campus. Among the organizations
which will tap their new members
will be Mortar Board, senior women's leadership honorary; Cwens,
sophomore women's leadership honorary; and Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's scholarship honorary.
Alpha Gamma Delta, social sorority, will present a cup to its
choice of the outstanding freshman woman. Theta Sigma Phi
journalism honorary will give its
plaque to the freshman woman
having the highest standing in
Journalism. Mortar Board will present a cup to the freshman woman
with the highest scholastic average.
Alpha Lambda Delta will present
a trophy to the senior woman with
the highest University standing.
The Women's Athletic association
will make an award to the most
and Phi Beta will recognize its
most outstanding senior.
New Members
Mortar Board will announce the
names of sophomore women with a
2.6 standing which will be placed
upon the organization's sophomore
plaque. Phi Beta Kappa. Phi
Omicron, and Chi Delta Phi
will announce their new members.
Miss Jane Haselden, assistant
dean of women, acts as advisor to
the council which Is composed of
presidents of women's honorary organizations, presidents of the residence halls, and presidents of sororities.
Roos Heads
Anita Roos, president of Phi Beta,
is in charge of the program. Betty
Fraysure and Betty Broaddus are
in charge of the decorations and
Sara Lee Mock is in charge of the
programs. Other committee chairmen include Betty Fleishman, invitations, and Alice Watkins. publicity.
Pat Thornton was named secre
tary of the council at the

TJp-sil- on


. meeting of the council
will be held Tuesday, March 7.

Mortar Board Plans
Party For Juniors
With 2 Standing
Mortar Board, senior women's
leadership fraternity, will honor
women with a 2.0 standing
with its annual Smarty Party at
7:30 p.m. Thursday in the lounge
of Boyd hall.
Held in the winter quarter of
each year, the party enables mem- bers of the organization to become
with women with the
required standing for membership
in Mortar Board.
Women who have the 2.0 stand- ing but who accidentally failed to
receive invitations should attend
to Virginia
th nartv
Lipscomb, 'president.
Carolyn Spicer and Adalin stern
-- k...
for the
Martha Koppius. Virginia
Weslev and Celia Bedennan are
arraneine the program. Helen Har- Mullinaux form
; rison and Claudine
rnin:itt?s in char?s ?I iv:3.




Enrollment in the ASTP unit a:
the University will be decreased to

approximately 223 on April 1. ac- cording to Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
dean and registrar. This repre-"
The announcement was made after an efficial report from the Fifth
Service command to the University
confirmed the rumor
units throughout the country would
be reduced to about 30.000 trainees
Activ Daty
Men removed will be assigned to
active duty with troop units. It waa
explained by the military depart- ment. Those remaining will be
vanced engineers who are training
in Term 4. 5. 6. or 7. Of this group.
the majority will receive their diplomas at the clone of their present
term in May.
If the soldiers in advanced ASTP
work are permitted to finish their
training, there will- be a limited
num&er of soldiers on the campus
unui reoruary j, 1943. Dr. chamberlain asserted. At that time tha
Midlers who are taking electrical
will complete their



Arts and sciences: one lowerclass
man. one upperclass man. one Tow- erclass woman, one upperclass wo- - training.

man- -

N Xotieo Given
Although no official notice has
manbeen received concerning the status
Commerce: one lowerclass wo- - of the medical and dental students.
j It is believed
that they win be In- Engineering: one lowerclass man. eluded on the shipping list as they
Graduate school: one representa- are enrolled tn the third term basic
They have not entered
tive at large.
the advanced medical or dental
Law: one man at large.
No representation from the eduUntil further notice is received
cation college will be chosen at this the ASTRP will continue in operaelection.
tion, according to Dr. Chamberlain.
At the end of this term, however,
the ranks of the ASTRP will be re- duced to 41 through the graduation
of trainees who will have reached
their eighteenth biratay by that
"'ot To
"I don't think it will be too serious
Captain John L. Jones, former
matter for the University, and we
ohall on wlaVtr am 4tk mio AfnAa
reported killed in action, returned '
to the campus this week to get his
diploma which was awarded to him
On the other hand, Dr. George F.
while in New Guinea. He com- pleted the last of the work needed
"'TiZ .7 ha. predicted
while based at an advanced fighter Co11
ri,oul.effwect" " schols
station in New Guinea.
by the war but
Unable to explain how the re- - stated ttat
port of his having been awarded hardest
posthumously the Silver Star. Cap- - nave
women students and no
tain Jones admitted, however, that Navy contracts.
several times he thought he was a
eso Gives
wnne taking part in 90
Reason sriven for the curtailment
missions as the pilot of a
of the program is a shortage of
""w:r200.000 men created by the inability
Captain Jones was awarded the of Selective Service to deliver per- suver sur, though not posthom- - sonnet to the armed forces. Stuously, the Distinguished
Flying dents affected by the discontinued
Cross with two oak-leclusters, program will be assigned to com&at
and the Air Medal with one oak- - units, the War Department said.
leaf cluster. Also he wears a rib-Before April 1. 110.000 men in the
bon which represents a citation by ASTP will be removed from col- General MacArthur. His squadron
Continued on Page Four
has been credited with shooting
down 190 enemy planes.
His plane has been riddled with
Jap bullets on several occasions,
but he escaped without a scratch.
te hoc 1. if Anlv nm
by a crash landing into the sea.
EnlUting in November. 1941. he
left for overseas in September 1942.
He was given a leave to return to
the United States after having comBy Shirley Mefeter
pleted more than 18 months of combat service.
tlanlioa: Waal do yoa think
As a student at the University. aboat the cartailment of the AST
Captain Jones was a member Of the program?
Donald M hilehe-- d,
fencing team, participating in the
Eng.. tmm-- !
in the national amateur man: It mill make me more in d- -:
mand by the government,
fencing tournament.
Roger Soringalc, AAS.
It'll put a big load on my hands.
Cart Dancaa. Eiur jwnior: IU be
able to get more es
and get out
of school sooner.
Margaret Erskine. Danville, was
Janet Collins. Commerce, wpho-more- :
elected president of the Secretarial
It doesnt bother me right
club at a meeting at 3 p.m. Monday now. because the boy I dated ha3
in the Commerce building.
left, but I sure hate to see the boys
Other officers elected were Janet go.
Helsel. Altoona, Pa., vice president;
E. M. -- Tana, -- ng, sophomore: I
Martha Thurman, Crossville, Tenn, guess the government knows what
secretary; Evelyn Wright. Perry-juniit's doing.
ville. Pa., treasurer: Betsy Ross,
Jimmy Saanden, A AS. senior: I
Anchorage, social chairman; and
Emily Jones and Marie Junes, think It's being curtailed because
co - publicity public opinion is that too mans
husbands and fathers are being
drafted, while boys who are better
Tne club wU1 htld iu ext llleet. equipped physically are going to
Monday at 3 p.m. In the
school at the taxpayers' expense
merce building,
and are not doing their part toward
the war effort.
GeraMine Gooch, A A S, freshman:
11 le Kampus
A AS. sophomore:
Jack Kid-e- ll.
The boys are ok. but the program
as far as education goes is a flop.
W from 6
pjn today in
Anne Mitchell. Ed- - sophomore:
the Bluegrass room of the Union It's horrible but it won't hurt me
Roberta Parker, chairman of the
Darid Stanonis, A AS, sophomore:
House committee of the Union! I think most of them have been
fc, In charge of the arrange- - wanting
now they'll
j board,


one lowerclass

wo- -



War Hero


Gets Diploma










11 1






Election of nine representatives
to the Assembly of t he Student
' Government
will be
held on Thursday. March S. it was
announced yesterday. This will be
the second balloting in the quarter
rotation system Inaugurated t h 1 s
year, which causes
of the
members to be elected each quarter.
Students who wish to run for The
offices must file at the office of the
registrar In the Administration
by March 1. according to
Ray Garrison, chairman of the
election board.
To be eligible for office, a student
must have a 1.3 scholastic standing
and have been a resident student
for at least two quarters, according
to the SGA Constitution.
Offices to be filled at the elec- tion incjUcle:

Meeting Replaces
Annual Banquet



Nine Members;

tryouts must attend
very Important meeting at
4:30 pjn. Monday lu room 204
of the Union building, it was
by Bill Nickell.
All SuKy

former women's dormitories, will
not be available for occupancy for
women by the spring quarter was
the statement made yesterday by
Miss Jane Haselden, assistant dean
of women.
Miss Haselden said that because
the definite date of the departure
of a large number of the ASTP
men stationed on the campus is
not yet final, no definite plans can
be made as to a new arrangement.
Dr. Leo Chamberlain, dean and
registrar, stated, however, that
steps will be taken as soon as possible to put the women's residence
halls now occupied by these men
back into civilian use. The remaining trainees can be accomodated in the men's dormitories, he
Affect Frats
This action will affect the college
fraternity system greatly as the
fraternity houses now in use will
be emptied. There are too few active members on the campus to
maintain the houses.
The men's dormitories were vacated by civilian students on April
24 of last year. On April 30, freshmen women were vacated from
Patterson hall which was to be used
by the soldiers coming to the campus. They were moved into Boyd
and Jewell hall for the remaining
part of the school year.
Boyd HaU Taken
At the end of the first term of
the summer quarter, Boyd hall was
.taken over by the ASTP groups
and women students moved Into
Jewell hall.
Buildings formerly housing fra- -

Decrease Comes
By April 1 In
Army Unit

SGA To Elect

SuKy Tryouts

That Patterson and Boyd halls,

Group Meets
With McVey

Kappa chapter of Phi Beta, hon- rary fine arte fraternity at the
University, will present its annual
muslcale program at. 4 pjn. Sunday, February 27, at Memorial hall.
The students selected to perform
In the recital are majors in the
music aepartment. Many of them
have been heard by University students and the Lexington public in
musical presentations offered during the past.
The program is planned to offer
the representative works of the
classic, master composers, and to
offer a variety of instrumental and

proximately two hours.
Defeating an early motion by
Representative Bill Embry to withhold the promised funds, the Assembly deliberated over the amount
to be pledged, defeating a
at $350, and a motion of a
(30 payment for the SGA's page in
Che annual alone.
Both motions
ere defeated by a narrow 10-- 9



!Phi Beta Will Present
Next Sunday Musicalc

For Yearbook


23. 1944



Secretarial Club
Elects Erskine



bweater SWing





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tetiy Let f1isKmat

Lullan Davis, Adeie Dei.man. Betty Lee Fleishman.
Jane Oaliaher, Catherine Ooman, Carolyn Hill. Eleanore
Keen, Mlidffd Lone. Shirley MelMer. Dora Merrnbloom. Rulh
PeHinulier. Dons Pollilt. Wanda Lee Spears, Betty Tevls. deDe
Wnixer, Jrnr Ut Wood.



eoasldered f






thai all bin a few
Army trainees will leave the campus by
fpiing. Although this will result in a drastic
thange in ibe campus scene, estcci:illy ilie w
tial scene, the University will si ill lie doing busiii will mean

You Can Help Cure

M. Cbambei lain, ibe
than a mere passing
event." Although its main job of educating
will be greaily diminished, ihe University
will go on through the war years (Homoting cnl
tine, and contributing new knowledge and serv-

To quote Dean fIjei.



The University will not Ik' hard hit, nor
piobablv will many of ibe major instil til ions
having AST programs. Thai those colleges and
universities not having women students will
lated with serious problems is unavoidable.
No. American educational institutions may
Mtffer little, bin ihe blow ai higher education is
another siory.
The men of the ASTI are a highly selected
group representing the cream of American youih
intellect uallv. . They have lieen selected to
training in technical fields whic h are neces-sarfor our winning of ihe war. Siuh t





especial I v needed in a proxies-sitworld.
he Armv realized this when it instituted


4- -


the final outcome.
Ii is prevalent among prisoners of war, ton
lined in small areas, and completely shut till
barrier. To
from i lu- world bv a barled-wirtine the disease, these men must have something to do with their minds and hands, sonic
interest in life, anil some feeling that
still reincmlxT them, still tare about them.
Books, both fution and those of a technical
nature, tan do a great deal io assuage the utter
iM.iedoin of these men. A drive still
on il.is campus foi such books, to be transmitted
to prisoner of war camps tlirotiiili the World
Student Service Fund. A search through vour
... j .. .
i :..


"Mamie trail", forget she tisetl lo


Mary Louis Mitts

But you cannot tell him much.
Don t work in gardens save your
strength in case you can t escape
th draft and have to eo to war.
Dont waste Ught studying, walk
Instead of being bored by dates m tne free illumination of the moon
chemise, eamisoie, etc.
wi.K-i- i
take your Dest gin along to doosi
unc wt- your morale
Quest axis and Aa.sm
What will prevent eold feet?
Wear silk shirts and socks; save

(uJ for the nice spring weather.
Permnality f ihe Week
This week our award goes to Fraze hall is now thawed out and
Jamie Lee White, who returned the missing freshmen have been
from Louisville with a beautiful lotmd, thanks to the courtesy of



Who did Elaine Swift travel the
long way to Nashville to see? It
could have been Charlie EMea.
This is on the J. T., so let's keep
it that war.
marina neara, a memoer oi tne
uniu cian, aiso iraveiea to a cer
tain Army camp to see an unknown
in khaki. We haven't seen Jigs





What Goes On There...















H.ni '











into having




a;H nrw


i.. remain unnaniedl who made iid
NsncT Rohertn. of Chi a sons? aliotu the UK math de- Omega, the little house behind the p.utment some months ago. but
church, or take that Sunday morn- - wh() has
afrai, If) p,,blish
tog hint, is hoping that TJK will
get another game with DePauw
serve liis counirs. we ifunt u
it. vm like one nt ihe
non made quite an impression, w
Pokie Rhodes, a cute little gal










Bt to offer that Lexington hasnt
eot? This will be answered next
week by Georgianna Votmr, a mem- er 01 tne moon cian, wno is irT- emg to Riverside for the scenery?
a new inauctee to tne iti ueit s
pledge class is Babs Walters. She
now fervently waiting for me
owner of he