xt7s4m919104 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m919104/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-05-may2-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-05-may2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-05-may2-ec. 1944 1944-05-may2-ec. 2011 true xt7s4m919104 section xt7s4m919104 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, May 2, 1944.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:15 a.m.,
Tuesdays May 2, 1944.   The following members were present:   Judge
Richard C. Stoll, H. D. Palmore, H. S. Cleveland, R. P. Hobsont and
J. C. Everett.   President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D.
Peterson were present, and Attorney General Eldon Dummit also met
with the Executive Committee.

     A. Rgignation 21 James Park.

     Judge Stoll called to the attention of the Executive Committee
the resignation of kvr. James Park as a member of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky.   Whereupon it was moved, second-
ed and unanimously carried that the following expression of apprecia-
tion be adopted and that a copy of same be mailed to Mr. Park.

          It is with profound regret that we learn of the
     resignation of Mr. James Park from membership on the Board
     of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

          We, the members of the Executive Committee of the
     Board of Trustees, desire to express our appreciation to
     Mr. Park who has been a member of the Board of Trustees
     representing the Alumni of the institution since 1928 and
     a member of the Executive Committee of the Board for 16

          Mr. Park was at all times interested in the promotion
     and welfare of the University as evidenced by the regulari-
     ty with which he attended the meetings of the Board of
     Trustees, by his counsel given on administrative problems
     and in his understanding and support which he at all times
     gave to the institution.

     B. Election of i. C. Everett ag Member 91 Executive Committen.

          2. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously car-
             ried that J. C. Everettt a member of the
             Board of Trustees, be appointed member of the
             Executive Committee.

     C. Reauest t&hat Auditor  f Puble- Accounts AuIdit Funds 2f the
Univ ersityo
     Judge Stoll then related to the Executive Committee that he had
asked Attorney General Eldon Dummit to be presents    Several matters
connected with the aff irs of the University were discussed with the
Attorney General and the Comptroller was directed to furnish to Gen-
eral Dummit copies of all documents that may be requested by the
Attorney General.



     The Committee read the Haggin Trust Fund Agrcement and an opin-
ion of a former Attorney General relative to the use of money from
this trust fund.

     There was then presented to theCommittee a letter from J. W.
Jones, Attorney, of Lexington, Kentuckys which is as follows:

     Eighte en
     1 9 4 4

     Judge Richard C. Stoll
     Chairman, Executive Committee
     Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
     Bank of Commerce Building
     Lexington, Kentucky.

     Dear Judge Stoll:

     Mr. H. A. Harper and Mr. James M. Molloy, citizens and tax-
     payers of Kentucky, desire to have made available to them,
     or their agent, who will be a Certified Public Accountant,
     all records showing the receipts and disbursements of  L 1
     endowment funds of the University of Kentucky since January
     1, 1940, to date.

     A few days ago, President Donovan was requested to make the
     records herein mentioned availalle to Mr. Harper and Mr.
     Molloy, but he said that that was a matter for action by the
     Executive Committee, or the Board of Trustees. As counsel
     for Mr. Harper and Mr. Molloy, I am making this request of
     you, and will appreciate it if you will submit the matter
     to the members of the Executive Committee at their next
     meeting and advise me of the Committee's decision.

     Very truly yours,

     (Signed) J. W. Jones
     J. W. Jones

     After discussing the matter fully with the Honorable Eldon Dum-
mit, the Attorney General of Kentuckyt and with his full concurrence,
the following resolution was offered, and upon being duly seconded,
was unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, that

         The Honorable Charles I. Ross, Auditor of Public Ac-
    counts of the State of Kentuckys be and is hereby requested
    to make a full and complete audit of all records showing the
    receipts and disbursements.of all endowment funds of the
    University of Kentucky since Jwnuary 1, 1940, to date, and
    that when the said audit is completed, that It be made
    available to any citizen of the State of Kentucky. Be it
    further resolved that the said Auditor of Public Accounts
    be and is hereby requested to cause said audit to be made
    as soon as he can conveniently do so.



    D. Attorney General Leaves Meetings

    Attorney General Eldon Dummit left the peeting at 11:05 a.m.

    E. Minute8 Aproved.

           2. Upon motion duly made and seconded. the min-
              utes of the Executive Committee of March 24,
              1944, were approved as published.
                         *F * * * * it * * * *

    Fe Statement of Frank L._.YcVeye.

    President Donovan presented to the Executive Committee a letter
which he had received from Dr. Frank L. McVey, former president of
the University of Kentucky, which letter was ordered received and
copied in full in the minutes.

                                         April 28, 1944

     Dr. H. L. Donovan,
     University of Kentucky,
     Lexington, Kentucky.

     My dear President Donovan:

          I am in receipt of your letter of April 27 with en-
     closure of a copy of a letter from Honorable R. B. Hobson
     bearing the date of April 26.   In your letter you ask me
     to make a statement concerning the employment of Dean
     Graham and his work at the University of Kentucky while I
     was president.

          In response to that request, I am including in this
     letter a brief resume of the period in which I knew Colonel
     Graham in my official relation to the University.

          Dean Paul Anderson, who was connected with the Uni-
     versity of Kentucky as professor of mechanical engineering
     and Dean of the College of Engineering for forty-two years,
     died on April 8, 1934.   Dean Anderson possessed many
     qualities of leadership and had a large number of friends
     among alumni and business and professional men. He served
     the University enthusiastically and helpfully.   To find a
     successor to Dean Anderson was a difficult task.    I made
     many inquiries, visited a number of men engaged in engineer-
     ing education, and conferred with several persons who were



recommended for the position as dean.  During the interval
between Dean Anderson's death and the appointment of Dean
Graham, Professor W. E. Freeman, then assisting dean, was
appointed acting dean of the College.

    For many years the College of Engineering at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky had been working under difficulties; the
appropriations for equipment and maintenance of the School
were small, and the only buildings that were added were
the one erected in the first World War of 1917 by a grant
made by the United States Army, and the Wendt building. The
plant had gone down so far and the equipment was so obsolete
that the standing of the School was in question with the
Engineering Accrediting Agency.  The problem, therefore,
which faced me was to find a man for the deanship who could
be recommended to the board of trustees for appointment.
With that problem was associated the question of a new
engineering plant, a marked increase in the College equip-
ment, and the reorganization of the curriculum.

     I had n t Colonel James H. Graham but had no special
knowledge of him until the question of the deanship came up.
I made a good many inquiries and then had an interview with
him in April, 1935.  Colonel Graham had a large and extend-
ed experience in the field of engineering and business enter-
prises but he did not have any experience in the field of
education. Though this latter was a handicap, neverthe-
less, his other qualities were such that I felt that he
could do the things that needed to be done in the rejuvena-
tion of the College of Engineering.  He was appointed dean
at the meeting of the board of trustees May 30, 1935. Dur-
ing the five years from his appointment until my retirement
on June 30, 1940,  Dean Graham was a colleague of mine at
the University of Kentucky.

     At the meeting of the board in May, 1935, there was
considerable discussion about the need of buildings on the
campus; among those was included the Student Union.   It
was at this time that PWA grants were open to application
for the construction of buildings on college campuses. The
program which the University had in mind amounted to more
than a million and a half dollars.   Colonel Graham, after
he became dean of the College of Engineering, was helpful
in carrying on the negotiations with the federal authorities.
He drew up many of the papers and discussed the various
problems with representatives of banks and insurance com-
panies in connection with the placing of the bonds.   Pro-
ceeds from these bonds were used to supplement the 45%
grant of the Federal Government.

     Dean Graham directed the preparation of plans and speci-
fications, and I am sure that his knowledge of construction,
finance methods, and procedures resulted in savings to the
Univcrsity and in the construction of sound and effective
buildings.   These buildings were the Law Building, the



    Student Union Building, the Biological Science buildings
    Home Economics building, the three buildings in the Engin-
    eering College group, a dormitory for women erected on
    Euclid Avenue, and a heating plant. Under his direction
    the construction went forward rapidly, and in the course of
    two years the University had added to its plant a million
    and a half dollars worth of hew buildings.

         In the meantime changes were being made in the Engineer-
    ing College; the old vocational type of instruction was
    eliminated, additional courses arranged, and the College
    as a consequence presented a curriculum that was comparable
    to the best engineering schools in the country. Colonel
    Graham was moreover responsible in large part for the fact
    that the legislative budgets for 1936-38-40 carried appro-
    priations for equipment in the Engineering College. Because
    of the new plant for the College, a rejuvenation of its-
    courses, new members on the staff, and the additional equip-
    ment, the threat to the standing of the Engineering College
    was removed. Heretofore only two of the four engineering
    courses had been recognized by the standardizing agency
    but upon the completion of the new plant and after the ad-
    ditions in the equipment and staff, all of the courses
    in the College of Engineering of the University of Kentucky
    were accredited.

         This not inconsiderable progress, accomplished as it
    was during a period of financial depression, advanced the
    interests of the University of Kentucky materially; to
    this progress Colonel Graham contributed much.

                                       Fraternally yours,

                                       (Signed) Frank L. McVey
                                            Frank L, McVey

     Go Statement 2f Olawe Motor Corporation.

     President Donovan presented to the Executive Committee a letter
from the President of the Mlawen Motor Corporation, offices in New
York, which was ordered received and copied in the minutes.



                    500 Fifth Avenue
                    New York, N. Y.

                                       April 3rd, 1944

The President,
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:

     In view of questions raised recently with respect to
commercial undertakings conducted at the Aeronautical Lab-
oratory at the University of Kentucky, we consider it de-
sirable from the standpoint of all concerned that we re-
cord herein our understanding of the basis on which this
work has been performed in relation to our contract with
the University of Kentucky for the maintenance and opera-
tion of the Laboratory.

     Some two years ago when the subject of commercial op-
erations first arose, the question of profits from such op-
erations was discussed with Col. Graham by kVessrs. George
Carlsont then President of Mawen Motor Corporation, and J.H.
Anderson and H.B. Griffith, Directors of Pan American Cor-
poration, S. A. (Pan American being the majority stockholder
of Mawen Motor Corporation).   At that time it was agreed
with Col. Graham that commercial contracts conducted in the
Laboratory would be executed by Mlawen Motor Corporation who
would assume the risk of loss inherent in such business.
It was explained to Col. Graham, however, that Mawen Motor
Corporation did not propose to profit from its contract for
the operation and maintenance of the Laboratory and it was
agreed the operation of the Laboratory should be conducted
on the following basis.

     The cost of labor, materials and overhead connected
with research and development work on the Mawen engines was
to be borne by Mawen Motor Corporation.   Any profits re.l-
ized in the conduct of commerciallactivities in the Labora-
tory were to revert to the University of Kentucky, and Mawen
Motor Corporation was to assume the risk of loss resulting
from such activities.   However, it was understood that
because experience would be required to execute commercial
contracts.profitablyl losses might be retlized in initial
contracts, which losses were to be recovered out of profits
from subsequent contracts before any settlement was made
with the University.

     We are enclosing herein a statement of Income and Ex-
penditure with respect to commercial contracts performed
from 1st May, 1941 to 31st December, 1943, showing that
Mawen Motor Corporation has borne a net loss on these
activities (including the cost of equipment specifically



purchased for such business) in the amount of $15,276.37.
In addition we wish to point out that it has been virtual-
ly impossible, because of wartime conditions, to pursue
research and development work on the Mawen engines. Despite
this fact, Mawen Motor Corporation has continued under its
contract with the University to operate and maintain the
laboratory at an out-of-pocket cost of $53,536.76 for the
period from 1st July, 1941 to 31st December, 1943.

     We will be obliged if you will indicate that the fore-
going outline of the a nditions under which this commercial
business has been conducted in the Aeronautical Laboratory
conforms with your understanding thereof.   It is under-
stood, of course, that this in no way alters or affects the
terms and conditions of the agreement between us for the
maintenance and operation of the Laboratory set out in your
letters to us of 20th July, 1940, 7th October, 1940, and
18th March, 1941.

     We also wish to take this opportunity to record our
appreciation of the friendly relations which have existed
between us in the past, and of the cooperation and courtesies
which we have received from the University.

                                Very truly yours,

                                   I'AWEN MOTOR CORPORATION

                                   (Signed) J. L. Kilduff

                                   April 6, 1944

Mr. J. L.Kilduff, President
Mawen Motor Corporation
500 Fifth Avenue
B4ew York, N.Y.

My dear Mr. Kilduff:

     This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your com-
munication of April 3 and the enclosure, "Statement of
Income and Expenditures on Operating Projects from May 1,
1941, to December 31, 1943."

     Your letter interpreting the conditions of the Uni-
vorsity's contract with the Mawen Motor Corporation con-
forming to our understanding of those conditions.

                                   Cordially yours,

                                   (Signed) H. L.Donovan



                         * * * i* * * * * * *t

            3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the understanding as expressed in
               DoctOr Donovan's letter to Mr. J. L. Kilduff,
               President of Mawen Motor Corporation, was ap-
               proved as being the understanding of the ixecu-
               tive Committee in regard to profits realized on
               contracts with the Mawen Motor Corporation, and
               the financial statement of the Mawen Motor Cor-
               poration for the period May 1, 1941, to December
               31, 1943, was ordered received and filed with
               the records of the Executive Committee.
                         * * * * *u  * F  * * *

     President Donovan stated that he had been requested to report
to the Executive Committee a resolution of the College of Engineering
adopted on April 14, 1944, which was received-and ordered copied into
the minutes.

               Faculty of the College of Engineering
                      University of Kentucky

                      Adopted April 14, 1944

Whereas charges and criticisms have been made reflecting on the com-
petence and integrity of Colonel James H. Graham, Dean of the Col-
lege of Engineering of the University of Kentucky, and

Whereas the members of the Faculty of the College of Engineering after
nine years of service with Dean Graham feel qualified to evaluate his
character and services to the University of Kentucky, and

Whereas this Faculty knows the following statements to be true. (1)
Dean Graham is a man of the highest character and integrity. (2)He
has always dealt fairly with the members of the engineering staff and
student body. (3) He places the University and the College of
Engineering ahead of any personal gain either financial or honorary.
(4) He is unassuming, honest, a man of his word, and an excellent
executive. Now therefore,

it r     Qe l  by the Faculty of the College of engineering in
regular session assembled (1) that we express our confidence in the
ability and leadership of Dean Graham as an engineering educator
and as an outstanding engineer; (2)that we commend the President
and the Board of Trustees of the University for the stand taken by
them in the defense of Dean Graham; (3) that we reaffirm our loyalty
to the University, to the College of Engineering, to President Dono-
van, and to Dean Gm ham.



EL i furthaer resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to
President Donovan, to the Board of Trustees, and to Dean Graham at
his Washington, D.C. address where he, at the time of the adoption
of these resolutions, is serxng the War Department on important bus-
iness directly connected with the war effort.

   (Signed) D. V. Terrell             (Signed) S. B. Walton
            Perry West                        A. L. Chambers
            M. W. Beebe                 H     C. S. Crouse
     N      J. S. Horine                      A. J. Meyer
             Robert D. Hawkins                 E. A. Bureau
     if     F. J. Cheek, Jr.                  R. E. Shaver
            W. J. Carrel                      L. E. Nollau
            C. C. Jett                        E. B. Farris
            H. A. Romfnowitz
     "f     Brinkley Barnett

     I. Letter from W,= Departmant Concerning kenr en Laborator=.

     Mr. R. P. Hobson related to the Executive Committee that he had
written Senator Albert B. Chandler to secure information from the
War Department concerning what information the War Department may have
had in regard to the contract with University of Kentucky and the Ma-
wen Motor Corporation for the use of the Wenner-Gren Laboratory. He
presented the following letter which was addressed to the Honorable
Albert B. Chandler and forwarded to him.

                          WAR DEPARTMIENT

                                            April 28, 1944

     Honorable Albert B. Chandler
     United States Senate
     Washington, D.C.

     Dear Senator Chandler:

          The Legislative and Liaison Division of the General
     Staff has referred to me the letter addressed to you by
     Mr. R. P. Hobson of Louisville, Kentucky, dated April
     15, which letter I return.   This letter pertains to cer-
     tain contracts between the War Department and the Universi-
     ty of' Kentucky for testing oils provided by the War Depart-
     mentp the tests being conducted at the Wenner-Gren Aero-
     nautical Research Laboratory owned by the University of
     Kentuckyo   The part of the testing done at the Research
     Laboratory is performed by the Mawen Corporation under an
     arrangement it has with the University of Kentucky for the
     operation of the Research Laboratory,

          All of the officers and directors of Mawen Corporation
     ae United States citizens.   The majority of its stock,
     however, is owned by Pan American Corporation which, in


    turn, is controlled by Mr. Wenner-Gren, a Swedish National.

         Mr. Wenner-Gren was included on the proclaimed list
    of blocked Nationals on February 7, 1942.  The shares of
    stock of the Mawen Corporation owned by the Pan American
    Corporation are in a blocked account in New York City and
    the affairs of the Pan American Corporation are managed by
    Mr. John H. Anderson of Nassau. We are informed that in
    no way can communication be made to Mr. Wennrir-Gren as to
    the affairs of Mawen Corporation or Pan American Corpora-
    tion.  The Mawen Corporation, being foreign-owned, op-
    erates under Treasury Department license and makes monthly
    reports to that Department covering its tm nsactionso

         I find that copies of all pertinent documents relat-
    ing to the Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory and to the
    maintenance and operating contract between the University
    and the Mawen Corporation have been in the files of the
    War Department since early in 1941. Accordingly, to
    answer specifically Mr. Hobson's inquiry, we are fully
    advised of the operation of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical
    Research Laboratory on the campus of the University of
    Kentucky by the Mawen Corporation and this arrangement
    is entirely satisfactory to the War Department.

                                  Yours sincerely,

                             (Signed) JULIUS H. AMBERG
                                       Special assistant to
                                       the Secretary of War.

    J. I. D.. X. Corporation Contract.

    President Donovan presented contract or agreement between the
University of Kentucky, Experiment Station Division, and the Inter-
national Business Machines Corporation, which contract or agreement
was for the use of certain I.B.M. equipment.   The contract or agree-
ment was recommended by Dean Thomas. Cooper and was examined by the
Comptroller with recommendation for approval of same.

                          * * * * * *f * * t* *

             4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
                ly carried, Dean Thomas Cooper was authorized
                to execute contracts in behalf of the Universi-
                ty of Kentucky for the Experiment Station, with
                the International Business Machines Corpora-
                tion, for the services set forth in the con-
                tracts, copies of which were ordered placed
                in these minutes.

. 10



   Electric Accounting Machine Division
   590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N.Y.


Name  University of Kentucky

Ref. No. SJ 096_527

   Street Address

Lexington,            Ky.
City               State


International Business Machines Corporation agrees
furnish the services detailed under Specifications
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Ser-
vices") in accordance with the terms and conditions
this proposal.



Specifications   (Note:Here set forth the Services to be rendered by
              I.B.M. and the rates to be charged therefor).,

EsteCards           297-Household
Per Application     059-IndividUal       Total     1356

The facilities of our Card Counting Sorter and incidental
clerical work in processing tabulations as outlined by
you of Urban Status of Rural Migrants, Household and
Individuals, separate groups, for which the following
rates will apply.

Card Counting Sorter



$2.50 per hour

$1.00 per hour

   (Note: Here set forth what the client shall supply
to I.B.M.;for example, approximate number of records,
Electric Accounting lM.achine cards, X terials, controls,

           Punching and Verifying of cards will be done by you,you
           will furnish paper forms with outline of tabulations to
           be made. You agree to pay all transportation costs to
           and from our Cincinnati Office Service Bureau located at
           30 East Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio.

           Any balancing to controls will be done by you.

   Purchaser agrees not to hold this Company liable for delays in
beginning or processing the work which are due to our inability#
without fault on our part, to obtain suffictient qualified personnel;



or, because 1f priority regulations and alloocation orders, our in-
ability to obtain machines, equipment or other material necessary to
perform this agreement.

General     Information,Electric Accounting Machine cards and/or
          records delivered to us hereunder by you shall be retained
          by us for a sufficient length of time to complete the Ser-
          vices.   It is agreed that we shall not be responsible for
          the loss of or damage tosuchiElectric Accounting Machine
          cards and/or records unless such loss or damage is due to
          our gross negligence.

            We agree to furnish the Services and you agree to pay
          the charge therefor at the rates stated in the Specifica-
          tions.   The minimum charge for Services covered by this
          agreement which you agree to pay shall be $225.00.

             The information, Electric Accounting Machine cards and/or
          records required to perform the Services covered by this
          agreement, shall be furnished to us approximately April 15,

              The Services shall be performed in normal working hours
          and on regular working days as established by us unless
          otherwise provided in Specifications.    If special handling
          of the work is requested, you agree to pay the charge there-
          for at our rates in effect at such time for such special

             Services requested in addition to those which are set
          forth in Specifications, will be furnished, subject to
          available facilities at our rates in effect at the time,
          which you agree to pay.

             Unless the price quoted in Specifications includes spe-
          cifically the cost of Electric Accounting Machine cards,
          supplies and materials to be used in connection with the
          Serviced, all such cards, supplies and materials furnished
          by us shall be an additional charge at our rates in effect
          at the time.

             If Conditions provide that cards, control figures or
          other records shall be furnished to us and (a) if the cards
          so fiuinished are not according to our standard Electric
          Accounting Machine card specifications, we shall not be
          under any obligation to accept them and you agree to
          furnish us with cards complying with such specifications,
          or (b) if the cards so furnished shall not be in good con-
          dition, although complying with our standard Electric
          Accounting Machine cards specifications, you agree to pay
          our rates for the additional machine and clerical time re-
          quired by reason thereof, or {c) if the control figures or
          other records so furnished are not correct, you agree to
          pay our rates for the additional machine and clerical time
          required bp reason thereof.



          Unless Specifications include verifying and/or checking of
          all punched cards, and unless you furnish us with Pontrol
          figures, you agree to accept as complete compliance with
          our obligations hereunder all tabulations and reports pre-
          pared by us, notwithstanding the results occasioned by such
          omission to check and verify or to furnish control figures.

Machines     The Machines listed in Specifications and additional or
          replace equipment (limited to Key Punches Verifiers and
          non-printing Electric Accounting Machines5 will be fur-
          nished to you under the terms and conditions of the form of
          Machine Service Contract hereto attached as Exhibit "A"l
          which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part
          hereof, except that the period of the contract for each
          machine covered thereby shall be                     months
          from the date the machine is installed ready for your use,
          and thereafter miF be terminated by you or this Corporation
          upon receipt of written notices unless terminated by us in
          accordance with the stipulations of said contract.

Taxes         There shall be added to the prices and charges herein
          amounts equal to any Federal, State, or Municipal taxes,
          however designated, levied or based on such prices and
          charges or upon this agreement or the machines and devices
          provided for in this agreement or the use of such machines
          and deyices, or any such taxes or amounts in lieu thereof
          paid or payable by us in respect of the foregoing, exclu-
          sive, however, of ordinary personal property taxes assessed
          against us and taxes based upon net income.

Terms        Thirty days net from date of invoice.  No cash discount
          for prepayment.
             This agreement may be terminated by us forthwith by your
          failure to pay any charge when due.
             All orders are subject to approval by this Corporation
          at New York City and this agreement shall become binding
          upon this Corporation only when so approved.

                            (Electric Accounting Machine Division)

Xiarked Ex-                          By  (Signed)
hibit A                                    Local Manager
                                        Approved at New York City this
The above is agreed to:                             day of        19_

Dated                                     INTERNAiIONAL BUSINESS
                                           kACHINES CORPORATION,

             Company                    By
By ________________Authorized Signature

Officer's Title



                           590 Madison Avenue
                           New York 22,N. Y.

Office of
The Secretary and Treasurer
                                              March 30, 1944

University of Kentucky
Experiment Station
Lexington, Kentucky


     This will acknowledge receipt of the following, relating to
the Manufacturers' Federal Excise Tax:

x    Conf