xt7s1r6n3h64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n3h64/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1796-01-04 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 4 January 1796 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 4 January 1796 1796 1796-01-04 2023 true xt7s1r6n3h64 section xt7s1r6n3h64 Tons ch
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.ViciiIr: ’ 0111' , 11111 sorvoit (IO 11:11:11‘71z11Ic 1 ' 1:118.

I“ '.1 ‘ 1' franfnis, 1115111" . .1 '.-.':1.'-; -I11 III-F11 :1
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_' (11222112121211.2111. 011 21011 (1111: 10 111.21. - 512.5 1,“;th

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111111» .ivrnir'l', prcsvi'ii. 1112 121.111.1111
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