xt7s1r6n397d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n397d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1990 1990 1990-09-24 2020 true xt7s1r6n397d section xt7s1r6n397d  

Kentucky Kernel

UK Partner
A Step trial"

Part one of a three-part sorted







UKPD serious
about keeping
campus safe

Special Projects Writer

When UK Police Sgt. Bobbye Carpenter
arrested a man one night and took him to
the Fayette County Detention Center, the
man complained to the city police officer
on duty that “she can‘t arrest me, she's just
a security guard."

The city officer replied, “You’re in jail,
aren't you?"

Carpenter‘s anecdote shows how inaccu-
rate it is to think of UK police officers as
anything less than “real" police.

The UK Police Department is a profes-
sional force that takes itself seriously.
From officer training to criminal investiga-
tions, down to the gun every officer car-
ries, the UKPD is a bona fide police force.

“We basically fall along the same lines
as any municipal police department." said
UK Police Chief W.H. McComas. “We're
trying to have a totally safe campus."

To do that, the UKPD views UK's cam-
pus population of about 27,000 as a minia-
ture city. It patrols campus as thoroughly
as any major metropolitan police force
would cover its jurisdiction.

The officers do much more than just cite
traffic offenders.

“There‘s a lot of felonies, and we inves-
tigate them all here A— we don't turn them
over to metro." said Capt. Ben Anderson.
head of the UKPD Uniformed Patrol. of
Lexington‘s Metro Police Force.

Although technically. Lexington police
have jurisdiction on campus, UK police

have jurisdiction over all University—
owned land in the state and bear the bur-
den of campus law enforcement.

“That takes 800 acres out where they
(metro) don‘t have to worry about we
focus right on the campus," McComas

“They assist us and we assist them,” said
Howard Langston, assistant chief of police
for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County

Calling UK a “city within a city,“ Lang-
ston said the two forces have worked to-
gether on some cases.

“We have a good working relationship,"
he said. “We’ve used our emergency re-
sponse team (on campus) we’ve com-
bined cases since students live all over the

Lt. Terry Watts, head of records and
training for the UK Police, said he thinks
the UKPD can protect the University com-
munity more effectively than metro police
because of the smaller area it covers.

“From a safety standpoint, I think here
on campus they (students) are better off
than out in the city." he said. “To put it in
perspective, in a day, we might get one as-
sault complaint. In that same day metro
might get 20."

Anderson said the most common com<
plaints investigated by the UKPD include
car thefts. bad checks. vending machine
break—ins, assaults. and “a lot of indecent

Thirty-five percent of campus crime in
volves students, McComas said. The rest is


The UK Police Department has a minimum of tour otticers patroling the UK campus 24 hours a day. Each officer under-
goes training equivalent to that of other police officers in the state of Kentucky.

the result of individuals coming from off
campus, an element McComas said is hard
to control.

“We're a public institution so our
grounds are totally open; anybody can
come in," he said.

Although students aren't the source of
most campus crime, they are affected. So a
large part of the police force‘s efforts are
directed at crime prevention and safety

One precaution is last year’s installation
of emergency telephones at several loca-
tions around campus. Btit UKPD has yet to
receive an emergency call on them, McCo-
mas said. lrislt‘tltl. the phones have been
used most frequently to report traffic acci~

”We didn‘t put them tip because we
thought we had a problem to begin with.”
\lcCoriitis said. "We put them up because
we believe that there is ;i total campus
safety package."

Other campus safety measures include
improved lighting, a UK police radio riet~
work linked to the Student Escort Service
and promotion of safety awareness- or.

Last year, in fact, UK Police used a local
pizza company to deliver safety pamphlets
on pizza boxes. McComas said.

Despite crime prevention strategies.
there are times when LTK police officers
must resort to using firearms.

“If something puts them in a situation
where circumstances indicate that their life
could be in jeopardy or someone else’s.
then they draw the weapon." Watts said.

”A certain part of their training is geared
just to firearms, ‘ and every officer qualt»
ties twice a year with his or her gun. he

.\n oiticer recently had to use his :ttri
when .t t_dov itticked \C\t‘f1l people the
Kuwait Bl. liltllllL' cornpltx, lhe thirtial
was shot after attempts to lend it off with it

riightstick failed and ll attacked ,: second

As a salety measure. .i rspcrt must be
filed whenever a w eapon l\ ti'iholstcred.

"If an officer reels threatened enough to
remove his pistol or rcvolxcr tion. in» hot.
ster. the thief wants to than
Warts \Llltl,

While the l'KPl) lx \t’l’lltlh .l‘i‘tl’ Law
enforcement. Anderson .nipi; «st/ed the
personal side of the l 'K Police

He said that w hile working t-~r Hie lay-
ette County Police before commit to T K
he never knew "the average John Doe ’

“We‘ve got olficers on this 1‘tt!l‘;' ture:
that probably know
maybe not by name

he said.

.dmul it."


Lt llll‘t;\ t iii
but in ~.‘.‘ti.;_‘
also results :11 ,ricrcaml
through lrcducnr patrol
"(on may \cc flat

\llilC _. .

3ee UKPD “ace E




‘UK News’ to premiere tonight

Contributing Writer

The format of the new UK News
Report isn't exactly based on the
movie “Broadcast News."

But originators hope the monthly





The exhibit
‘Photographs of
Africa and
Kenya,‘ is being
displayed at the
Rasdall Gallery.
The exhibit is
free and open to
the public.




Meryl Streep
stars in
front the

Story, Page 6

Campus Calander...,...,.. ....2
Sports ................................. 3
Diversion ............................ 6
Viewpoint ............................. 8
Classifieds ........................... 9


television program will offer and in
formative and entertaining look at

The program, premiering tonight
i 7:30 pm. on Telecable Channel
16, will air once a month with CO-
anchors Chuck Ham and Carl
Nathe, both of whom work at UK
Public Relations department.

“We hope to produce a quality
product that people will be willing
to give a r hance,“ Ham said

While the program won‘t be a
“talking head show," he said he
hopes it will be an interesting and
incitel‘ul broadcast.

The news report Will consist of
several taped interviews with [K

“We want the public to know that
you can come to UK and do things
without a dime. and you might even
get something out of it " Ham said

Nathe is former sportsc istcr with

Men for sale

Bachelor Bid raises funds for charity

Assrstant Arts Editor

Twenty-four men clad in red car-
nations and cummerbunds strutted
their stuff Friday for the Cystic Fi-
brosis Bachelor Bid at the Radisson
Plaza Hotel.

In a mixture of excitement and
nervousness, the bachelors paraded
down the runway to raise funds for
the nationwide Cystic Fibrosis

“I'm extremely pleased," said
Lois Craigmyle. who was responsi-
ble for organizing the charity auc.
tion. “(The bachelor bid) looks great
to me. It seems like everyone is
excited. The bachelors are circulat-
ing, they‘re having a great time, and
I think they‘re excited too."

Bachelor David Snow, a software
development engineer at IBM. said
he was nervous about being auc—
tioned off. but “it's a good cause
and looks like fun."

"lhe opening bid for bachelors
was 5500, which included a date
and a weekend package, which indi-
vidual bachelors paid for and



“(The bachelor bid) looks
great to me. It seems like
. everyone is excited.

The bachelors are
circulating, they‘re
having a great time

lois ( raigniyle.
organizer of Bachelor Bid

(‘raigrtiyle said she bid tor a bach-
elor herself. because “every event
like this makes a difference.”

Bachelor Sandy Kcarris. chairman
of the volunteers for the Bachelor
Bid, said he has “great admiration”
for the bachelors, because they are
“taking a chance that they could be
slightly eriibarrasscd.

“It's going to be like going into
the Twilight Zone when you walk
up on that stage. You rust don‘t
know what‘s going to happen."

Kearns' date package was a
“Bluegrass weekend." because he
said he can't find anything that's
more exciting than this area.

Channel 18 in Lexington. Ham has
done work in television before.

.-\ltcr the first show interested
students may participate in the in
vcstigattng, shooting, and editing ol

The l K News Report will accept
broadcasting vrdeo material from
students or campus organizations.

For more inloririation. contact
Nathe or llam in the Matthews
Budding basement.

'\ltcr the bidding. loiir grand
pri/e packages were rallied. \ltisler
ol ccrcinonics was ‘Btinttriti‘ [‘ori
Edwards oi \\ [K 1 FM.

Bachelor Stan Webster. a pharma-
CM lrorri \V'inchcstcr. has participat
ed in other charity events. llltllltllIlL‘
an illlt tron lor the \llllk h ol llinics.

"lhc crowd looks good tonight. ll
looks likc they ‘rc getting here early.
t‘dlttl) they seem to be in a pretty lcv
tivc mood." Webster said.

Webster \‘dltl lie ollercd bidding
women an “cirhcrlor datc p.itk.igc”
in which they could pick lllt‘ll ideal
date lroiii three choices. The choices
included: an extended weekend .ll
Paradise Island in the lilllllllllds. .i
l .ikc (‘iiriiberlarid getaway w cekcnd
or a ski trip at Denver

The lllltlltlll came at a perlctt
tinic lor ('y slit librosis. because re
cent discoveries about the gene that
carries the disease may enable rc-
scarchers to had a cure within a

Dr. Jamshed F. Kanga. director ol
UK's Cystic Fibrosis Center. said he

See BID, Page 5



Student volunteers
enjoy experiences

Assistant Arts Editor

Most college students face a
common life of books and par-
ties. That agenda doesn’t suit
Mark Prince.

For the last two years he has
been a volunteer for the UK
Chandler Medical Center. Instead
of being one of many pro-med
undergraduates who learn only
from textbooks, this Biology jun.
ior is learning from life situa-

Price, who began volunteering
at the suggestion of a friend, is
one of many UK students each
year who contribute a significant
amount of time doing work.

“College students do it for
many reasons but usually they do
it to seek a career move," said
Bonnie Thonon. director of vol-
unteer services at the Med Cen-

In past semesters, Price has
worked in diagnostic radiology,
the pediatric clinic, the emergen-
cy room, and in sports medicine.
Through his volunteering, Prince
said he has learned the functions
of different parts of the human
anatomy as well as how to inter-
act with patients.

Prime said he has personally
grown from his volunteer experi-
ences. He said he appreciates life
and the roles that doctors and

mnmséé playTri meteors ." V W "

Valerie Hathaway, another vol-
intoor who has worked at UK
Med Center since May. said she
admires the cornse of sick chil~
then she worked with in podiat-
rics recreauon‘ . This sophomore
ion beam had I) confirms

one hundred work hours to apply
into Patient Assistant School.

She said she really did not
have any preconceived ideas of
volunteering —- but as soon as
she came to pediatrics recreation,
she was struck by how mature
some of the children were.

“One b0y who had a bone mar-
row transplant was walking down
the hall with me when 1 com-
mented on how beautiful it was
outside,” Hathaway said. “He re-
sponded. ‘Well, I can‘t go out-
side because I might die.’ That’s
depressing because you have tor.
minally ill kids who tell you
(they’re going to die). What are
you going to say to that?"

Hathaway said her job was to
make kids take their minds off
being in hospital because it's dif-
ferent for them than adults.

“It‘s more of a traumatic expe—
rience because they don’t know
what's going on. And there‘s not
much to do in the hospital,”
Hathaway said. ".mo parents
need to take breaks from seeing
their children being sick all the

Hathaway also remembered a
time when she stayed with oncj
girl for three MUS. “She was in,
traction. She had fallen off I
four-wheeler and she was in a
body cast.” Hodtawoy said. ”She?
told me that nobody hid me In

in. something for mehody M
know tha you 'ro unfit; o m‘




 -i I '

a. “\ -n I 3'




Monday 9/ 24
0 Exhibit: 'New Faculty Show'; Center
for the Contemporary Art;
fl. 9am-4pm Monday thru Friday &
3; lpm—Spm Sat. and Sun. ;Free
5 Exhibit: 'l’hotographs of Africa 6:
‘1 Kenya‘; Free; Rasdall Gallery
:9 Other TAR is seeking short stories,
poems, essays, art 6: photographs;


\‘é'uesday 9/ 25

f," Concert: UK Orchestra-Phillip
Miller, conductor; Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 8pm; Call 7-4929

Wednesday 9/26

- Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles'; $2; Worsham Theatre;
7:30&10pm; Call 7-8867

!Thursday 9/27

D Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles'; $2; Worsham Theatre;
7:30<lpm; Call 7—8867

0 Theatre: The Lion in Winter'; 58;
Guignol Theatre; 8pm; Call 74929


Friday 9/28

0 Concert. David Benott-Keyboardist
3: Composer; SlS; Memoiral l lall;
5pm, Call 78367

0 Theatre: 'The Lion in Winter'; 38;
Guignol Theatre, 8pm; Call 7-4929


Movie: "Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles; S2; Worsham Theatre;
TSOSzlllpm; Call 7-8867

- Movie: 'The Adventures of Bucharoo
Banzai Across the 8th Dimension;
52; Worsham Theatre; Midnite;
Call 718867

Saturday 9/29
0 Theatre: ‘The Lion in Winter';$8,‘
Guignol LTheatre; 8pm; Call 74929

0 Concert: Guest Flute—David
Jacobson; Free; SCFA Recital l lall;
8pm; Call 7-4929

0 Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninj
Turtles; $2; Worsham Theatre;
7:3()&l0pm; Call 7—8867'

0 Movie: 'Adventures of Buckaroo
Banzai Across the 8th Dimension;
52; Worsham Theatre; Midnight;
Call 7-8867

Sunday 9/30

. Concert: UK Symphonic
Winda-Tom Brawner,director;
Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 3pm; Call

0Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja

Turtles; $2; Worsham Theatre;
7pm; Call 7-8867

C 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday. September 24. 1990
a x

A I I u



must be fitted out at tho Student Activities ottico W ofPhorogrmhn a Grophicsao encouraged Doom: No later than the Monday preceding the publication date.



' Um ll

Yoko Ono ti;

of their individual

A portion of Shawn's art work.
Celestial Vaulting. will in
operation during the current
exhibit "New Faculty Show"

at the Center for the '
Contemporary Arts located in

the Fine Arts Building
on campus.

Along with Shawn‘s pieces, the show will feature art work from Garry Bibbs (sculpture and ceramics), Bobby
Scroggins (ceramic sculpture), Teresa Unseld (art education), and Melanie Walker (photography). The New Faculty
Show runs through October 14th and gallery hours are 9 to 4 Monday through Friday and 1 to 5 Saturday and Sunday.
Also, the reception for the artists is on Wednesday, October 10th from 6 to 8 pm.

.culty member Shiv.“

‘ . Cni'tbrook Art l.‘..:’.
A 3 SONY ’Aliltilhll‘rrir'i ’i: Wig"; ,
light. The light or: T‘W—l gallery vrsrtors bodies is {FT‘CC‘dE‘d with the sound
.~:r hologram


' cantor seen discussing his Celestial, ,
“T lswri‘on oilihition wrlii . " 2

'h r. landing a stirreo optical

red to ilSlii‘ll to nior ulaied

Photo cou'tesy oi the Carter tor Contecm'ay Art


- Veetirg Cyl "g C ob. Free 9 39b”, Car 233 7438

”teen"; CommuterSuderfaoa'd Free Stce'r ‘06 5159M.cail7»


~ Pie IgtOuS Catholic Studs"? wadershio Mee' "gs Free, Newman
C"? 88. Noon. ca“ 255 8566

- Other Ae'obirrs; Free, Newman CW ‘62. 550 73M, call 255 8566


- Meeting SAB Contemporary Altairs Comm'tee Meetirg, Free, Stu
dent Center 228, 5 300m Call 273 3556

~ Religious Holy Euchar‘st Free. St Augistre s Chapel S'30pm, Call
254 3726

- Fleiigious Encounter, Free, St Center 205 Tom, Cali 278 9533



- Religous: Catholic Newman Cnir Night (CN2), Free, Newman Coir
3&4; 7,30 8.30PM: Call 255 8566

-Religious Fellowship of Christian Atr‘etes. Free, 502 Woodland Ave.
9pm; Call 86556

- Other' Aerobics; Free; Newman Cnir 182, 5 SOATPM, call 255 8566

- Religious Mass; Free; Newman Center, 6pm; Call 255-8566

- Religious Mass; Free, Newman Center; 9H 30_ 5 & 6 30, Call 255


- Religious l-‘oly Eucharist, Free, St Augrsl'r‘e's Chapel, 10 30am Call
254 3726

- Religious Ho’y Euchar'st & Fellowship, Free. St Augistrrie‘s Chapel.
530pm, Call 25473726

- Religious Spaghett. Supper Nrg‘it $2, Newman Crr'r 3&4. 69M, call
255 8566


- Other UK Judo Club; Free; Alumni Gym; 5 6 30PM. call 2552625
- Meeting SAB Concert Committee; Free; St Critr Rm 228. 5PM; call

- Otter UK Judo Club. Free; Alumni Gym, 5 6 309M Call 255 2625



[/11 v



Break out the "ACME"
havok-wreaking equipment this
coming Saturday at Midnight as
WRFL-88.t FM presents The
Carl Staliing Project. While
Warner Brothers Merri Melodies
cartoons were capturing their
ears with his lunatic sountracks.
indeed, Bugs, Daffy, and Road
Runner are only a few of the
lovable ‘toons who benefited
from Stalling's genious.



'1" -.-, 13-.

Compiled here for the first time. IS a chronicle of vintage Stalling cartoon music from. when giants like
Mel Blanc and Chuck Jones presided over the cartoon kingdom. The Carl Staliing Project is a long over
due posthumous tribute to a true original. It is bound to be treasured by anyonewho ever “thought dey
thaw a puddytat" or wondered what was up (doc).


. “r
W s»
. o .
.o is“

" bun-us" .o’

Intormot-on on this cdondor oi events is coloctod from the Student Activities. Otiico 203/204 Student Center, University oi Kentucky. The Hormotion '- publhhoa as supplied by tho on-compus sponsor For Student Organizations or University Department 3 to motto entries on tho Cotonou. o Compu Cotondot Form


Monday 9/24

0 Lecture: Brown Bag Forums ’United
Way: llow Students Can Help‘;
Noon; Old Student Center Theatre;
Free '


United Way .
How Students
Can Help

Wednesday 9/26

- Seminar. 'Nucleoside kiphosphate
Kinase-a new clue to cause of
Cancer Matastasis'; Free; MN 463;

Thursday 9/27

0 Lecture: 7th Biennial Mac Swinford
Lecture in Law; Free; SCFA Concert
Hall; 7pm; Cali 7-4929

Friday 9/28

OSeminar. 'Metals in Biology:
Enzymatic Redox Reactions 6: the
Metalliobiochemistry of RNA';
Free; Chem-Phys T37; 4pm; Call


Monday 9/24

0 Other: Group pictures for
Kentuckian Yearbook; Free; Grehan
Bldg 32; Call 7-4005 for appt,

Wednesday 9/26

0 Worskshop: Volunteer Leadership
Development-Marketing; Slil;
Lexington Fed Savings Bank;
9am-Noon; Call 278-6258

Saturday 9/30

0 WRFL: Saturday Midnight Album
Feature: The Carl Stalling Project:
Vintage Cartoon Scores"; FM 88.1
(WRFL);Call 257-4636 or 257-WRFL
for Requests

Sunday 9/30

0 WRFL: Sunday Midnight Album
Feature: Youssou N'Dour
(Senegalese Pop): 'Set'; FM 88.1
(WRFL);Call 257—4636 or 257-WRFL
for Requests


Monday 9/24

- lntramurals: Tennis Singles starting
date; Free; Seaton Courts; Call

Tuesday 9/25

OSports: UK Volleyball vs. Ohio State;
Memoiral Coliseum; 7:30pm

'Sports: UK Volleyball vs. Bowling


The “Faces of Kenya’ exhibit
opens at the Rasdall Gallery this
Monday. This show captures the
faces, culture, spirit and diversity
of the people of rural Kenya as
seen through the lens of
photographer S. Preston Jones.


‘ 035%thme Show';
K Omhwnflagknm

Kenya‘;Rasdall Gallery

Wk” NW” A" 0 Other JAR is seeking short stories,

'Unmd Way: How Student: Can
' 0 lntramurlls: Tennis Singles

,l mondoy

poems, essays, art &
photographs; Free

week at glance



0 WRFL: Saturday Midnight Album
Feature: 'The Carl Stalllng Project:
Vintage Cartoon Scores”; FM 88.1

0 Theatre: The Lion in Winter'fis;

0 Lecture: 7th Biennial Mac Swinford

. Theatre: The Lion in Winter‘ Guignol LTheatre; 8pm; Call

Jacobean; Free; SCFA Recital Hall;
8pm; Call 74929

0 Movie: Tango Mutant Ninja
Turtles‘; $2; Wonham Tho-tn;
7:308:10”; Call 7&6?

0 MOT/h! 'Admtum of “no

J 0MfiWotAflht

atoning date

0 Concert: Guest Flute-David

Lecture in Law

0 Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninp

Banal Across the uh

.- Y,vw......~.~v . - .. 1


State; Memoir-a] Coliseum; 7:30pm

08pm: UK Volleyball vs. Bowling


[amt/mum Kmmmctuetomuoioncer
. ;,W W’

. “WWW OMTmMuhntNmp
, , W

‘ 3


0 Concert: David Benoit-Keyboardtst
4: Composer

0 Theatre. The Lion in Winter“

050mm". Moth in Biology:
MM Iain ”action h the

- Concert: UK Symphonic

Gum-o Pop): 'Sot‘; FM 88.1
Winch-Tom anncmtrcctor; )

Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 3pm M

Call 74929 T
. wm; Sunday man

Future: Yam N‘

Metaltiobtochemtstry of RNA'

' Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja

o W Th. Adm!” of Durham
hunt Acton the In: My






 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 24, 1990 -. 3


' I

Cold Cats to feel heat this week, says Curry

Associated Press

The Kentucky Wildcats will be
feeling a different kind of heat the
next two weeks.

After taking
Sunday and
Monday off, the
Wildcats will be
sent through in-
tense practice in
hopes of ending
their three-game

“What we
haven’t done is
develop the ca- CURRY
paeity to respond under pressure
and make the big play," UK coach
liill Curry said during his Sunday

“We simply have not learned to
yet it done when the heat is on. The
i.i:ly way I know to get that done is
to go on the practice field and put
men under heat. I know that works.
'1 hat never fails in the long run."

UK held a 13-10 lead over North
(‘arolina (3-1) early in the third
quarter but failed to stop two drives
that led to field goals by the Tar

Kentucky (1-3), a 16-13 loser to
.‘xorth Carolina on Saturday, has an
rpm date this weekend. The next
gxiiiie will be Oct. 6 at Mississippi.

"The next lesson for our team to
learn is that it really doesn‘t help to

leads Cats
in Canada

S‘afl Writer

The UK men’s cross country
team lived up to its lofty pre-race
rankings Saturday by capturing
second place in the16th annual
\‘i't‘stcm Invitational Cross Country
\leet in London, Ontario (Canada).

Senior James B. Kaiser led the
t ‘ais' attack, finishing second over-
.lll with a time of 31 minutes and
it seconds.

Kaiser said that because of swirl—
ing winds and a competitive field,
the 10,000 meter race developed

am a tactical battle, bunching sev-
‘iLll runners up-front.

But with a mile to go Kaiser
surged ahead, hoping to shake the
pesky field.

"I tried to weed out a few guys
that didn‘t belong there,” Kaiser
«iid. “Two Michigan guys stayed
ith me - I dropped one and one
beat me."

Kaiser, whose time was third-
‘iiest in Western Invitational histo-
vy. said he was pleased with his
team’s performance.

“After a few smarter races plus a
little bit of time, we’ll be able to
i‘ial better teams than Michigan,"
Kaiser said.

The Cats backed up Kaiser‘s
~,ii'ong performance with a solid
tullll effort placing seven runners
iliead of Michigan’s fifth runner.

Sophomore Eddie Melia posted
.m. 9th fastest time in meet history

32 :12), finishing seventh overall
.tnd second for UK.

”I really didn't know what to ex.
peci in the first meet," Melia said.
“I just kind of go with the flow.
tint, I‘m really happy with the
team, especially with the young
people like George Yiannelis, Ke-
‘.'lll l-ledenburg and Neil Crouse,
they‘re a big bonus.”

Yiannelis placed 10th overall
i32132) and third for UK.

Crouse, who was competing in
liis first cross country meet as a
collegian placed 16th overall
. 32:36) and fourth for the Cats.

“The course surprised me.“
(.‘rouse said. “The hills were hard
and it was a little windy. But, I'm
still pleased. If Franklin would
have been there, we might have
beaten Michigan.”

Freshman Glenn Franklin, who
l\‘ an Australian native missed Sat-
urday's meet because of a foot in-

Senior Charlie Kern rounded out
UK‘s top five. finishing 16th over-
all (32:54).

()ther UK men finishers include
senior All-American Bob Whalen
(17th), sophomores Kevin Heden-
burg (18th), Daminan Nelly (56th),
senior Alan Thomas (79th), and
freshman Rashid Derricks (8130
and Rich Tremain (97th).

The UK women's team, who last
season finished runneiuup to Villa-

play hard unless you also play
smart, meaning the drive-killing
penalties that we committed,
meaning ball security, catch the
interception when thrown into your

But the UK coach wasn't critical
of a 42-yard pass completion from
North Carolina's Todd Burnett to
Julius Reese that set up the game-
winning field goal in the late fourth

“Sterling Ward had it covered
perfectly,” he said of the sophomore
comerback. “They made a great
throw and a great catch. There‘s
nothing much you can say about
those things. I don’t include those in
the error category or the big play
category that we gave up.“

The few positives Curry noted
were Doug Pelfrey’s long kickoffs,
Bill Hawk’s punting and the cover-

“Bill Hawk really grew up,” he
said. “I think he was really being
challenged early in the game be-
cause North Carolina’s punter was
just dominating the game the way
he was keeping us bottled up. Then
Bill joined the battle and had some
great kicks of his own."

UK‘s running game continues to
be nearly non-existent, picking up
only 86 yards Saturday.

“I haven’t seen anything in the
running game to make me happy,"
Curry said. “We haven’t blocked
like we should. We haven’t run like

we should. The running game ought
to be generating more than it is. In
my opinion, there is absolutely no
excuse for it. We just got to coach
better and they got to play better.”

Quarterback Freddie Maggard,
who suffered a separation in his
right shoulder in the second quaner,
will be held out of practice this
week, according to trainer Al
Green. His condition will be re-
evaluated at the end of the week.

Tight end Neil Page, who had a
sprained neck, is expected to return
workouts by midweek, Green said.

UK's remaining seven games
will come against Southeastcm
Conference opponents.

“We’re going into the SEC and
that should help," Curry said. “Our
record is 0-0 in the conference.

“It’s obvious there are a lot teams
that are capable of winning in our
conference when you consider the
Vanderbilt-LSU game, the Georgia-
Alabama game."

Vanderbilt upset Louisiana State
24-21, and Georgia defeated Ala-
bama 17-16 last weekend.

“There is a shift in the balance of
power, and it apparently is going to
be more evenly distributed." Curry

“We need to jump right in the
middle of that. We need to put our
best foot forward anti we can do
that. We‘ve got nine practices be
fore we have another game. That's
a tremendous advantage for us."




Assocrated Press Phci )

On The Ground: North Carolina player Julius Reese (#8) and Randall Felton (9) fight for control ot a
loose ball with UK players Sterling Ward (4) and Bill Campbell (9) during the first half of Saturday‘s game
at Kenan Stadium in Chapel Hill, NC. The Tar Heels recovered the tumble as they won the game, 16-13


N. Carolina
fall Victims

Managing Editor

The UK volleyball team showed
two different styles in beating Pur-
due and North Carolina this week-
end at Memorial Coliseum.

The Wildcats
used intensity
and a strong
blocking dc-
fense to de-
throne Big Ten
foe Purdue Uni-
versity in four
games on Fri-
day night. .

The follow-
ing day, they
usedapatientat- DEBOER
tack to oust a defensively tough
University of North Carolina
squad in three games.

“(Purdue) was a big win for us,“
said senior Laura Linder. “To-
night's win was good in that you
don‘t want to get into a pattem
where you win-lose, win-lose."

The victories helped to extend
the Wildcats‘ winning streak to
three games, while raising the
team's record to 9-3.

In beating Purdue, the Cats were
led by the blocking attack ofjunior
Cathy DeBuono and the hitting at-
tack of junior Yvette Moorehead.
While Moorehead was burying 15
spikes, the Boilermaker offense
was having trouble getting the ball
past DeBuono's blocks.

“I felt (the blocking) became a
lot natural," said DeBuono. who
had eight blocks.

UK coach Kathy DcBoer also
was pleased with the victory be-
cause the Boilermakers had played
teams like top—ranked University
of Nebraska.

“This is our biggest win so far
this season," DeBoer said about
the 15-12, 6-15, 15-6, 15-8
triumph. “This a good confidence
builder. We fell apart during the
second game, but we rebounded

But it was not the best game by
the Boilermakers, who were com-
ing off a win over Big Ten rival
University of Illinois.

“We were flat," Carol Dewy
said. “Everybody was flat. You


Clashing styles produce wins



WNW "5- nfixw, «when... I.- ’ 2: -

STEVE MCFARLAND “(9"613‘ 1.“

UK freshman Betsie Aldridge hits over the outstreched arms of Purdue‘s Alisha Mitro during Friday's
contest at Memorial Coliseum. The Cats came away with a 15-12. 6-15, 15-6. i543 Victory They tol-

Iowed that win, with a
have to be emotionally tough and
we weren't. We let Kentucky get
its confidence, and they just took


North Carolina posed a different
problem for the Cats. Using a posi-
tion defense, the Tarheels frustrat-
ed the Wildcats hitters, who only
hit .143 and .085 hitting efficiency
in the first two games.

“I tlitnk that North Carolina had
a lot to do With it." DeBocr said.
“They dug a lot of balls. That was
a little intimidaung. because our
players had to attack the net so



many tunes."

The (arts handled the situation
with great poise. as they posted
15-". 15-11. 15~ll \'lCI()l'y.

“We were a lot more steady to-
night," senior setter Laura Linder
said. “We took our time and
played our game. and we came

Delioer added. “We coped well
enough with the defense to wm
the match.“

The this were led by sopho-
more .-\ngcla Salvatorc‘s 15 kills,

Visiting North Carolina on Saturday


while Moorehead \llll‘pk‘tl Ill 1‘\

North Carolina \\.’l\ led by .-\111-
bcr Douglas‘s 12 kills

Despite the weekend \iciortes.
DeBocr noticed symptoms oi ia-
tiguc among the 1K players. who
had played three matches III a
four-day period.

She said they wotild have a rest
yesterday before preparing tor
their match ’l‘uesday night against
Ohio State University at Memorial



nova in the NCAAs entered Satur-
day‘s meet in the unfamiliar posi-
tion of not knowing what to ex-


Decimated by injuries and grad-
uation, the Lady Kats looked to
their sophomores: Christa Holms,
Dana Dietz and Jennifer Kendal to
tarry on UK’s tradition of excel-



Holms, who placed sixth overall
(18:20), and first for the Lady KaLs,
guided UK over the hilly 5.000 me-
ter course to a competitive sixth
place finish in the 14 Aicam iniema-
tional field.

“We could of run a lot better,"
Holms said. “But, right know it‘s

not that essential that we win every
meet. Our goal now is improve our
level of fitness from week to week."

Rounding out the Lady Kats‘ top
five finishers are sophomore Daria
[)lCll. who placed 20th overall
1 18:59), junior Kerry Rink who was
23rd (19:03). senior Laura McSpad-
denl who was 37th (19:28), and

sophomore Michele Schwegman
who finished 38th (19:23“. .

“We have a lot of room for im-
provement." Holms said. “But we‘re
keeping a positive attitude.“

Other UK women tinishers in-
clude tumors Shannon Steiner
(56th), Khaliliah Muhammad (70th)
and freshman Lisa Jewel (83rd).

Club fights
and loses

Sta.“ W'te'

When asked Tuesday to prod .‘
the kind of contest tam could
peel to see in an upcoming gas..-
with Eastern Kentucky 1 ni\'ci\:,.
L'K Rugby president ieff \lacl
said “brutal ”

The game was plined \Iaturd '
afternoon at I'K’s Rugby Field :
\lackcy was right on target it
like many rugby cam-ex. brutal

l.'l the llg‘hlrlllétfft‘tl i'i.it;h
(‘ais lost their leading scorer ll}.
Barnes. only minutes after he "