xt7s1r6n3843 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n3843/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1979 1979 1979-12-06 2020 true xt7s1r6n3843 section xt7s1r6n3843 ‘\
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Vol. not". No. 73 K2 I e] lake‘s"! of :emucty
‘ 979 , .ex ngton. entuc y
Thursday. December 6 I an Independent student newspaper
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-. art-tlme ]O S taboo
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5:232 - ' ' ,6 f
, . . or law students
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”ilk, 2» 2 .
:. ,., 2.5.19, . .- * 52’” :
t ,.,,,,,,,_,_,,,, , [U . 5 B) ( HRIS ASH Htl\. \llld *\\*~0t‘l‘.tlt‘ Dean Paul \ an
ace" : '--.;;;:;23222' 22,, , ,»222 2 QB ; * RL \ttllt‘l ”omen. l\ a tealttt'matton ot current
fig? “-“27’222. »: 34:" ,, ’.'- '-.-. " "1.13:: : : 22.51? 0535:". 5 .: . ' . .- :' A I
{3‘3 ,5, ' ' ~ -_5 , _, 2,1» , /// ,' , - ‘ _ ,\ \Chtml pulley"
,-,2:2*.5, -:",',-:£;:;+2;3;e.\',2_:g,,.:?, ,_ , ~ ,,- 2222553,?" ,.gfi‘agzizi' '74:--2,.-»2w/’ ' ..., 3,,.'-”’ - . . . , . . _. . » '
, Wizaaigigggg, ,, , ' , -- ,/234//, W, 3 l ttst 2t polttt adopted )txtttda). ()ne ttnpottattt detatl ol tlte resolu-
3, z 37’33 ' 5“ aduxed not to hold a part-lune nth. tto prtHlSlUIlN ha\e been madetordts-
,2:.,-;v.:-:-.2:;-;:-4'.w 27' ,6 2 ' ’ 2' , 2 .. ,1 _2; 2 “i“... ‘ vhf,-,,;f.’:g:;;’t’;:;2_::,' ,5 2.52: - . .
"3;; 24 , {/ 32 7 -,, , 222:” ““116 0W“ are 101d 1U hlnll lhctn: etpltnan aettottxagatnst \tudents \\ ho
::5:"2-::'g.:2.;--',-:‘: :::,;5v.-v:-:':':-:='-;:r_'-'.', ,., ’ , _ , .- ;" : ‘64:}, 2,1251%; ,, :;.2;,_:;,_:""=" -- - , ' I
'33, 5:35,, _,:_,;5;,,_,2-,_t W, fl”; , 2;,» ' ’"Za’ég‘éigfl ..;, /, .,,_.:":5,, _;:' \L‘h L‘\ U) I) htlltfi (ll Clllplt“ tnent pL'l \ ltllLlIL‘ tllt‘ \\ U! k lthltl llmlh.
.:W"232532.755?222.1537:.:. 4 ' “2 i. : 7 ' "2.6-? ...522:5"35-3333525214'233.2765" :":"'.'"'" '51:" '.5"2--.-'.""' ‘ . . . ~ 2 -
. ,.I ”V” -5 W“ (mmm'mtw Wt ”W nt'tw hwdcm
, g : W/ , : e2 » . '35? Hottetet'. there h tto pttthttll tot Bat '\.\\tlcl;tlltlll l’t'wdettt .lott telde
:52 65:5 , Q: 2 -: 4,955.» , , f2; ptttttdttttg \tlldtnh \\ ho \ tolate these and he dtdn t tllltlh tt “at llt‘Ct‘xst’lH tttl‘
,, . 2x, 2,... t—‘U'dklmu the ( ollege ot l a“ to wt m wrong I
" : . .22. // 32'.2327*»?:::t:».255:'::5:,» 46:55" sift}... =§-5‘:'2:3'éi..=6z'22'.'3” -=E§5321;... . . : . : .. * » ‘
. 612%” ’2 , ”i 1,, _ ,;:_, 2 ._ Bat »\\\Ueltltltm polte} that dtxeout~ l qllcfllttll the L'llldt‘llllt‘h ol restat-
'* 23,,_3,522,222,2523,22,, 2"--.»//":.:22,/~g;,;;.,2 :5 23°; ' 1,15»? . '25-'-.5§€'215,'§;;§'£C:::3"-:.. 5 2 . . . 2 , . . . 7
' » .. . [9,2ng . 2 .21'": 1% agu part-tune “mph“m‘m ”I 1"“ ‘m' ”‘3' the M“ Wm) because ot the 2
fifi’fl: 2,, : ' ‘ -i 6.3;: dent~ Ihe r'exolttttott ptohthth ltN- tll\t.‘t'\ll\ ol optnton among the hot
- . ,: ,, '22.»; ,2’2- .5..2"=/-,,.,2.’;.;;..,:.5 -: 7‘02? - ",7-13’222525527;2'2...= :52.225321egalzitsfréfifl“W . . ' k -
__ : ",-*-"’2/2 :37, / : --:;f;f3§j7g§5f_5ii,-,2j)1,“ ,\e at \t u d en t 5 ll o ttt \ee k l n e latuln eoneerntng the pt'oprten ol
. ,: ,,. v-;;2::;;.':=r.,--I;:,g- :: ,»..,,v-;;;2g:,;{,,;,.5,5;i- :zr’,.'.g:g-,':'-t-'-. ,5-.£.*:.",:£2£:';I;i§‘.2’2-,',,/,,2. , 2 2 - '2 .. '
* :5 _ ~ ’- ° 2 / 6225.22.21.21,52“22:;232-22525153'9'42?. etttplmtttent attd llltllh \eeond» and t'euttlattttu the students llCtlHthx. ~
» » _ , 5. 1,2,2 2.2153 ,, /?2 ..:;:;c«:-:675-//: .5»: ~ 2 _
" , -. 1"":"5' , ,flV/lg thud-t eat xtudentx to a ntaxttntun ol 1 elde. a thtrd~,\eat‘ |'a\\ \tlldtfl’tt. \uld. ,
_ / ,W’ ' 15 hour's pet' \teelx “It the ptolexxor leelxstt'ongl) about
2 H V "I 6” 4%: lhc ltmttatttom “Ill be tn et‘tcet lot the edtteattonal \altteot la“ elerkshtpx
' I ' ” VHS-5.5.: 35" , . ,,y, -- 2- ,5: "*1./.5 .-:_2,*. ,14, ,
, 2 , , :3-25331':2-21iz§" , 2, , 24,5,5; '22 ,_.,2§5%f9 onh the tall and \pllng \ClllCNIL'h ol ttthteh man} partttme iobs are). he
, ,5, ' II _ 5.' ,, 2*? ,,_ ,2: ,1 . ,‘ ;/,__ :Ze/é;% the at'ademte teat \tltllltlL‘l‘ \L‘\\|ttll\ \hould (Ullllxcl the student ax to “ht
t . 5 , : ,. _, . .' # .;,,//’” 7/1214 .5 . “g, 2;”2022 at'en‘t emered he leelx that \\.'t\. and let the student
, , _ , _ _ .. ”92,5 ,. 7543,5233, 22 , , . 3,552. , .,,",.,;3./;,a,., , , , ' ..
- am- ' _ ,. 5:2,, /g’9”g{/ ”,3,” £2; 76,22, [he ptlllL} \tatex. deetde on htx tl\\n. he added.
» : -. 5 . , :2;,;.2 2% 7- ' ' I; , ..
m2, .- , ,5 vzgyraw / 2 . 3: 7 , 2 5, 3%, l lltpltt}!tlL‘tll duttng the school lhe laeultt meettng. unprecedented
' ' ' ' We , “R , \L‘lltt‘flt‘l‘t‘tlt’ntltlptlllht\tlltlcttl'nthlh tn that 11 ha» open to all students.
§ ‘3‘" “'12:. §X‘ ’ l m to detote the tttne needed Iot' lull» atttaeted about 40 obxerxetx How
n $5: ' ttltlc la“ \(llt‘l‘l altttl} [he lacltlh t'tel . lllll‘. l-eltle and tlm'd~\cur\[ttdcnt .
s2 l .
. 2% »-,_ % xttongl} tll'gt'x tlllldllltc\tlltlunt'w not to lo; I (ltlldt‘h. a member ol the col-
Iose hair =,\,2_ ._ g , W :.= undertake an} L‘mleMIlL‘lH dttttng luge‘\ \eademte Status and Regula~
, ‘2 ,2: X lltL‘ll' MRI or \eeottd \etnutetx. e\eept tton ('otttmtttee. “ere ttllooed to
in ratest tn e\lt'aotdtnttt\ ett'ettntxtanees and \pculx
p " tttth altet L'Ulhlllldlltlll \ttth the dezttt'x Duttttg the tneettne. the taeult) ,
AP and m” ”pom , \2 , tlltlt't' ( onttnued on page 3
,, ~.. 2m." --*":,§g,:=" I I
The battle cry of Remember 2 ' P k h Omln .
Pearl Harbor" was recalled yes- ' '21:: “ " :32". | ar Ing C anges C Q I
. H5". -":-_,, -. , 5 _.,. _, ,_ --." 3:5,, ,
terday as Amertcans ltkened the »- *1.'.» : . ‘3 , 2, "W
holding of hostages in lranto the $ 5 , ‘ I
' ' \ 2: '<»:‘< I? <:. --\‘\X‘ '
Japanese sneak attack 39 years . .5 e“? .21: 2. y '~'*-2’=\2= but don t bet on a neSty
' -‘ t? w»- 2922» .r-x‘ "*-v-r='.‘iii-*=E:1.; . I I I
ago thts week. , , ,.‘15 gt have _. \w . ,_., \2\.\
In a show of patrtottsm rare - " .2 = ,
sin W rld .. . . ‘
reniewedode waft”. there were :5 14113:: ‘ B} l).»\l t, “ORION l t'ont tllx olltee. the plllpl‘\itt\ \\tll
ers and ttmon: rattops, pref g§£ 2,2. -. . 5, \\ he \Clll [U Itlt‘ l lll\t‘t'\lt\ ltiltllk dlltl
ll rt r 22 ' -' . ' v '= t 2 '
pe o 5 omtle 9909? We 2» ,, .2 _ __.:;:;:..,. Patlvttnt.t (onttol tontnttttee. “melt
and assurances from Vtce PreSt- 2" X: ‘\2 llltht L‘l\t‘ ll\ 'lpptt“ ll hetore lht:\ ‘ll't'
dent Walter Mondale that "we \Q‘; " - I” “”“H‘m m”Wm"W’I‘mgu'm NK‘IH ‘to l K Pl't’hltlcnl ()tlsv k»\
’ are "OI going to forget" until the ~23“ mm” eonttol "”“lmd Cttmplh, [ K l‘ Stntht u\ lot ttn tl tuthot‘t/ ttton tttd
5'»'.-.‘\"'-.‘.. X“ “‘ -~ ’ xv ‘ ‘ . ‘y I ‘y i
50 Amertcans are freed m t X eottduettne a \et_\ eontptehenxtx e , ‘
3.12.2 H: _ .. , , _ ttttpletnentatton. ladeett \tlld:
Tehran, : 5 .2, ; \ltld\ tttat \\lll texult ttt ehanues ttt tt~ ‘
, . 2 \2 . , 2 _ ' \1at‘._\ ol the pt'opoxala tune on the
At UK the demonstrattons ' " \\ § Mm“ “mm xt ll'lllL’ ol 't next buxtness 'ttt'tlh '
took a rather btzarreform, Fresh- '» N 2 *- _ ' ’ "‘ ”ll“ ‘l‘:”‘f~'°‘~ l“"“""‘* ““m gttttlplttt‘t aim-m . ‘ ‘ '
men Jeff Gatser, Buddy Whea- 5: 2 - \§ l tntttalh lllyllale‘ the anthem da\ lot I“, “Hm,” hu‘mp“ mu“ Hm, .
tley and Eric Redfield (left to rtght , ‘2: ‘ * 2§ I p.l\lttt’lll “I; pat‘ktne H‘Mh' “Inch pte\ltlt‘ltt \ lld. the l nnerstn Ix
in the top photoldecided to shave E.“ .55; _§_ , + 23%, .. l 2 o m .. ttt e ll‘. h e t \ oi St 11 d, e n t eonxtd _m'w e\p'tndtttu "ttd upd'tttnt: .
the” heads to ShOW support for § , “l5 , : ‘§ (ttthllllel. lulu thll ulllllll:V tut lt\ (\lqu, (“”1me “stem . m
the hostages. \ ,, (555" x , l K l’tthlte Salet) Iht'eetot lont ‘ ,.
The "'0 was in Blandtng ”I' " ' ' fi I ‘de “I“ ”u \tud}. (”MUMMH 1“ "l m “WHNJ‘W “”d W") P”"“"~‘ -
They were Shem, like Wheatley, 332%,, 2.213.. »' § , §§§ " é‘ " »-'-.~ * .. * _: 5:2,,, end the ex L‘l'~plt‘\t‘llt pat'ktng pt‘oblemx about H .. lte mm, "1 hate to do thtngs ,.
' ‘ * \ , X1; \\ $2.35 2 2 t 2 ' . ‘ ,, .
at rtght, whtle other reSIdents of X \ , :22 \\ § , ‘2 _ 22...... t l t_t. u l mg. l k . \\ l ll tn \ o l \ t m w mm Mr the m,“ pm” \
the dorm watched on' , 2““ '2 32,2. 5: ”mm" ””‘L ”"1 “mm? “”m One Item :mulahlc “tth the new ,
/ Other college demonstrattons M "‘~ “3% etw$vx .:. \at'tottx ptottosah made bx Ha rlattd. eo'ttputtnu “Km" \mttld be an
I too". a nastier turn. An, am" %‘ ' . . *1: 2‘0 ‘\§*‘>§‘§* *M‘\‘ “A” ”l‘lmm“ Md ”M ‘ "HU‘ " "t”lmk‘“) till)» ”1“ “WM hk‘ *1 dil,‘ '.5'
"amen marCh 3‘ Washtngton \ > 31' " “322%“ :" X‘V‘D ' . * M‘nm'm' I‘m" Unw‘mmg mm \eheduled lot' \thteh thoxe \\ ho hold
and Lee Universnv tn Lemgm e -. * “‘. 2 5:6; It m- tu t m p... a... at... .....a , aa- 222 ... - :
Va.. Tuesday night developed W\\\ § a \1§O‘M\*. '* ' ’ ”“l‘l‘m'nlt'lm- imm “hull "“C “MC 2 1-2-21..ch Hu- ' ”'7- V
. . 3..‘.'\~--=?'==***-~;*?\2,\ ,5, ,_,,.\:.,,g;. ._ . .:. 2,22% \*\\‘22.\‘* *» .. 5 1 *~ . , ‘. _ . 2- ‘ ' ‘ ‘ _ Ii?
”“0 a screamtng, torch-carrying ' ' E' @ . ' : ‘* ‘ s " m Emu“ “Id” M “m do MUN“) d”) “i“ “N WWW“! “1 '»:
" crowd of 400 students that 2§2* \ .“ *X‘ ' * ' 5“"‘9 t'eeonttnendattons “’H b“ \‘(t llNl \prtng bt \Cll'lttth Br'td '
burned two Iranlan flags and " e“ ‘»' New K " * ' "g”“h‘d “Tm“ "1 ‘l 1M“ "' “HM" \‘tutueon polttte'tl \tt*'nceitttttot' and 2 '
three efflgtes 0f Ayatollah Ruhol» " 2xe 4\\ I adeett “W 1C” ( ll'"P“‘”~ agrteultural eeonomtex '
lat: kKhlomelm While Chammg 3“" ““3""! ,_,_, t" l’tduetl t'tted ttte addtttott ol WWW» S“”1139” ht" 1”“) mild“ lh“ »
u 3 ran,, and Test the Ne” '§\" ,_,, , f: pat'lttnu \paCL‘x behtnd \lentot'tal ptopoxal 2‘15“” ”"3 .‘L-“- g '
, tron omb, <“‘{\2 .:‘-¥' 2 ~ 1- . . . l l . . 2 t , ,2 Ill) lhe ot'tgtnal tdea “in to dewlop u ‘
Ab 200 h ' . \‘\*\\\\»e 2‘. ,- ( o mum aat tlL atqutst tt n t . , _, ,
b 01” mam ed on netgh5 ‘2\§\\\“<\ * ' ‘ p‘lrktnu \P‘Ieu 1" put ol the recent PM” ”‘1” “““Id "Pm“d“ ”1"" tor
ortn Vtr int 'Ii “V ‘ * ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . . . . : . . *~
where; fine?! :2;er INS1::Utea . , - . x, plll'L‘lttht‘ ol l’ted’ae \latket (.n South \tudtnh \\ ho had made a rtttxtake.
1 classes to "look for tragn :n en * 215 .1 . . »::*? - ~ 2...» .5 ._ ' PPCI ‘1'?“ 3“ ”"l‘tlmnl “N “Cl“ WWW” ““d‘
, l .. ' , 2;. , .;_ .\w , _. ,_ , :,.\,,;,,~,-:j§'£:§ \\ , ._ > , , , , __
S ‘ 2%?“ "2 22*, “‘32.; ,.- ,\ tottat'd tntpt'ot tut: patktng pltlhlclth \lllm‘l} KIM “WM ht d “m 5m" ,
Phom by mm Hwt'tts * . . 222 22 ,*** * . . . .2 . "MM ‘ “I”! ”"0”" "WM ( ' a t '
' ’ M "*2'2‘ ""5 -'. * .. ,. -\ ,, . ..,\. ,~ ;,:"<.--~...» eonte belot'e the end ol the \t‘mLWlL‘l': unttnue 0“ P329 -
oday———~~__________#m ._ ,
* local ltltnl: rt'lllll‘.\ "\ttthr-ut the “tenehtng transtttonal ta\pa_\cr thent t-lcemtnx and mmn.mon..ll\ ”(Wm/Cd tndependent'eatmed 3 .
_ , , _ , , _ , , , , , , Plllhlt‘m‘ (‘tt,\ t)ttlL‘lAtl\ “ere expected to lake theltnt \tt‘pnll )t‘\tt‘!- ..t ettdtne the ”weal-old “at \thteh has taken more than ' -
,l FBAN ( ()l NT\ ('0‘ ERNMI-NT | an ( ttlllllll\\ltil\t‘l the department \ubmttted the ptopmal to the aunt tntertm da) \ (‘It_\ ('ounetl meettng topretent a t‘t't'ttrtenetwtt \llt‘ll dh: Ittlltltl ll\t‘\
\thltam I ear \atd )esterda) that agroupol about 45mlnlslch ( otnnttttee on \ppropttattons and Rewnue. uhrch I\ also .htcrx \1a\ot'.l Kenneth Blackwell “ammo“ lamgntnuthe V
‘ \ 2 2 . . . a . ‘ l . . .‘ ‘ ~ 1 2 . »u w s 5 - 5 V L ‘
ha‘ “[1,: :hl’ml otobtatntng ' “'UU‘WI“ “'1 ll“ “Mk “I "' Wm'dmnt- ”W P'd'l‘ ”HUN: hulk! h) a tonsultant. cu} ltrm control ott-r t'ltt\\tt\ at publtt CH'nh tntludtng the TIIF NI \Il l)}l’\R'l'\lF\l l\ ‘ [d “ thttth l n ‘ '
t ' . - . 5 .2 . 2 2 . . . ‘ , . ~ ' 2 t I 'X ‘ - t I ' ' .V
. )car 0 UL a“ banning Sundat retatl win ”It department \ plttpttMll \tould Include tax rates rtght to t'antt'l them It olltetals leel that x needed to enxute , H" L ‘ - ‘ ,I '
. . [he mtntsterseall lot a relerendttnt lollotted t‘tldlt\\ rul» tlcupttt‘tl lot pl’ttglt'\\l\ll\ meantng the tan would be based pttblte \att‘n [Cd MM“ 1‘ "Immg '1‘ mm”‘“ m lr'pUh [mm th‘ l lbw" ‘
- mg by l7a)ette ('trcutt Judge (ieorge Barkerthat theta“ txtoo on .thlllt) to pat. “uh the poor pattng prttportmnatch lg“ ' Ktm‘rnmt‘nl M‘kno\\lt‘tl,t:t'* ttwpotmhthn lot a mob attack at , ;
.‘ \ague and the rteh proporttonateh more waid Vthtt'h the btttldtng “ax l.ll1\.tt‘ht.‘tl and burned ‘ ,
- ’ Smeralstnrcso *nc i - * ' : : -~ 2 I _ , , , , l‘ S olltetah \tlld the at'tton doex not antottnt to \exertn '
_ _, , m d nthwtumwn Sunddtttmlhgwm _ sultan no Tut. mo sluts lll mt- ltmhahue ,, , . _ 5 , » . g
, . of Barker 2 rultng. nocrtattons MR. mum b\ Pt‘llfl‘ 5mm” rtlatmm mth [ht gournmtnt ot ( ol \loammar khadah .
‘, more are \Chtdulcd loupentht S nd l d t I Im‘on Rhodestan guerrtlla “ar agreed )e\terdtt) In | ondon on the \
: . ‘ s. u a).tneu tngmox \ ores . . . . . t . - t - '
. f m the NIH tour shopptng mallx and t'hll’lnd Sho “n, , , , , _ , , , ptlntll‘lu ol .t tease-tut. appartnth outwnttne tht laxt wmher .
7 t (‘cntcr 7 ‘ ‘ ' Pl 1‘ H NIERAIh U". N "EDI |.H)lod.t,\ and tomorrow tn mator hurdle to peace In the breakamn Hrttoh eolom , ' ~
. g . ' ‘
t ( tnetnnatt tor at leaxt \u ot the H persom lulled tn a pushtng Hrlthh loretgn Secretary | ord (‘atrtngton.announetng the , 2
. f I I erowt ol rot'lt eoneert lam Mondtn ntght at Rtterlttml aecord. \atd a final settlement \hould be posted \ttthtn a ten I" E.-\5.\\l' “t AH” R |\ H)l)»\\\ FORM AST. . ,, ' I»
' . ‘ ‘ l a ( “"“"”“ dun Detatled arrangemenh were to be \waked ottt h\ nttl- l'atllt mnm and nttld tooa\ tuth l‘lglh Intht'llm ‘02 “mm '5 ' ~ .
I ' . 5 HI ltank l’ ( Int-land. l|.tmt|tott( ounl) eoronerultnh Ildt\ \pcetaltstx «lottdt “lth a ehaneeol \htmt-n tonttzht “uh hunt" the upper ' “ '
._ , THE STATE. DEPARTMENT OF R!“ l-Nl l".~ubmttted tried all the deaths to a~phutatton, \aytng the \tcttms were (’arrtngton told the Home ol I ords ht‘ “Rh \t'ndlnt: 1| xmk‘r V" I" ll)“ 40‘ \1o\l|\ sum“ and mold tomorrow \Htl‘ .: ht-ah , 2 : ' ,‘ , '
2 ' 3 , a proposalyestcrda) tn hanktort whtch It \auuould \tmpltly preved under the uetght ol othen who stepped and It" on nor to Saltxbutt to take control ol the uoternment [X‘llttlnpl l” lht‘ l0“ ‘lls l l .’ ,. l
, - } -.. . .-.-.-
. , s
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. . ’ ‘
I turn-”....“ I~'.~--v"-’"'>"""I'“",1.O"."5‘f-I«-'-..;h- - ,-:, ‘-~.-.,....»-.2~.~.a.2. 4“"*V"" “3""“"?"”’ X) . ‘ ‘-- H ' - ‘.v A“... . re:,'2,.2~ .1 '-
' . _ - ‘ V ,I . ; '> i A 5 b. _ . ' , __r .. fl ,7 _ ”1.... ,,,_ ,. , , 1 .M- “ “ " ‘ . \ -
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3,3,9. :6: w: 7' 52¢ ., . ' . l .
9:: 5. heat, 11!” an.» t.» 2‘ : 2 , , . -_ . -.---.-5W.___._..—5»~-- ....5 - 7"""“""'" . * -

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KE 'rvcm .
N Debbie McDaniel Mult Green . ’
. lilimr m ( hit-r him um I-tluur J" Fol-t1 Thorns (1an 10h (‘in (ill! [le t i .
p". Minn hilerluimm'nl [ft/Hm Spur/s Edi/m [)im'im 0] Photography '1" ‘
in, wins Lin Doussnrd Rich-rd McDonald it a
”WWW”: MW, Mum“, “In“, ('indy McGee (‘ynthiu [MM-nus Brian Rklterd David Maynard T?
Kirby Stephens '4‘-“"‘”" Amount! Spout Editor Phoiii Manager 'i;
d.t 0 Is & CO ts 5“" Massey Teres- \ounl (ll/ll fill/mi hnlerlunnmnl hdilur g t
e l ala mm” (um/my I‘m”, .Slieiiul kill/tony hliliir {2: ’t
25 i
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9.3 l
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‘ StUl‘ lll NBGdS t0 aVOl COD lCt 0 interest l'OVG BS"? 110 COl'ltl'l ute i
' I 13.2. i
Environmentalists are raising serious questions southeastern Kentucky. at land and mineral leasing the federal strip mine law which has hampered the because he hasa“strong and deep desire to makea '2
about William Sturgill‘s appointment as energy secrev organization. and Hazard Explosives. production of coal. Won‘t this affect agencies which COhtrthUttOh to Kentucky;“ because he “wanted to do ' :
tary these questions must be answered before be He is also director of Seaboard (‘oast Line the regulate coal production? somethinginameaningful way forthe coalindust:y;“ .r
' assumes office 'UCSdttt . Florida—based parent of the Louisville & Nashville Sturgill said he imagines he'll have a supervisory ah‘d becausedhs wantsftoIStlilppprtéo the fullest extent t. t
Last Monday. tht‘ *‘Pl‘ithtt‘h'uh RCSCJtCh and Railroad Co. which transportsthe majority ofeastern role on Brown‘s Coal Policy Council. which Brown t (Latins ank Besnes o 'dOStn I” rolylvrtt’éJr. 'bl .‘
Defense Fund in l exington said. I UNITE! Billl‘Stprgill Kentuck)’ coal from the coalfields. has said Will coordinate coal-related actwtties Within for :tshewee stillriiiivrrfafhlbd udfparti/fiientsr:rsihohli:siv'lel t
2 ' uI“r)).\‘ . . . . . «,i. - . . " - l .=
in as secrett‘ary of enhergy is like’lertting at Ll e (t i; The fact that be Is a good businessman 15 revealed the state and represent KentUcky s coal industry in have a voice in the state‘s overall policies toward the i
- -i ' T.’ iiiiiio . . . . . . , '
m the hm .Ou“ as, e 15 0m t t t n.“ s m t H ‘ through his different postions in companies which WdSh'hgtO" and overseas. l ' d . .. '
the cart." taster" “much *ttthmmm if‘linked could form one ofthe best coalo erations H- '~ ‘t'll h" 2 wk“ B . d it 2 ~- UK C°a2 in “wt 2 - 2 - ‘ t
4 A six—state environmental group. the Appalachian in the state h ‘ h' ' : '5 ”h' C airman 0R b' 5‘ 0“; 0 ‘ rfustees. . This power combined With his extenSive control ‘ ;
Coalition. called Sturgill the “father of strip mining." ‘ _ ' . , _ . ‘tb . ouglft t: protect ‘ 0. inson orest rom strip- 0"“ companies involved th the coal industry COUld ' i
Given his background and his many associations According to Sturgill, his appointment asenergy mththg- t ‘3 Cdttdl btrtl’ mine id“ '5 Chdttged t0 pomt to dangerous times not only for enVIronmental- . i
with the coal industry. it doesn‘t appear Sturgill can department secretary won tereateaconflict ofinterest allow more ‘0‘“ 230ducttt0t; dt‘StPtteh damage to the ists. but for all Kentuckians. lfSturgill is sincerein his ‘ t;
. ' 2 . . ., .. " ._ nvironment.Wi ‘ i; ' ' 2 .~ . - - :
support his statements that tlieyob won t consttitutea because. he says. itdoesn tinvolveissutng mining per t? d Nb] . (u nt t s tene it t e coal industry aim F0 make acontribution to Ktthtuchy' he should . :
conflict of interest. mits or involve agenCIes which regulate coal ‘fth P35“ 3' harm the env1ronment or even UK 5 conSIder reSigning some ofhis pOSItionsmtheinterest t
The 55-y'ear~old Floyd County native is president of hrttdttCtttth‘ orest. 0t impartiality. and more importantly. ”t the interest
a mining company which operates four strip mines in However. Sturgill has said he will work to change He said he accepted the position for three reasons of Kentucky.
fr. _, \ , ,r*" ’ ‘\ The Kt’rililt‘kl' Kt'I‘Ilt'l welcomes all contributions frequent writers may belimited. Editorsreservetheright '
‘ {aw/v ‘ from the UK community for publication on the editorial to edit for correct spelling. grammar and clarity. and
a” (, lg; st and opinion pages. may delete libelous statements. ‘
i: 1 . . . '
‘9'"1,’ ”“8 “NA ‘2 Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed . . , ‘ g . .
if” ‘2 ' [.2 ALqE ' and triple-spaced. and must include the writer’s J (Ohth‘bhhohh thttthd beKdelivered LtOFOOh‘ :(14
“f ‘r‘ ft Be Lir signature. address and phone number liK students ngnlllsm, l’h'Vel'Stty 0f entucky. exmgton, y. i
if “t CAMPAIGN", \w ‘ he should include their year and major and liniversity 40‘06' f .t.
l . it’l‘t‘ employees should list their position and department. For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK lD
| \ 9 . . . i . . , . i ,i
‘i _ l‘ .' 1 lhe Iwme/ may condense or reject contributions. and before the kernel Will be able to accept the material. ~_
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j -‘ f '\ ,-; l t - y \ ‘ Human existence consists of three body can rebuild itself properly. by the body in response to exercise '
g ’ ti ‘ f . t. a o 2 Lib“) components intellectual. spiritual. Remember what you learned in basic represents an improvement from the .
. \k t L.- '1 r and physical. The human being human biolo v the bod ' is alwa 's normal condition OfIhC bOd ,exercise '
t _ E; ., \_\ \ . ‘9 g~ ‘, I -‘ ' 2 4 interested in living a balanced. healthy budding new cells (out ofthe food you must be CODtanCd on a frequent and 3
. ' ’ ' . j ' ’3', _ lifetriestoevenlyintegratethosethrec eat) to replace old ones. This occurs regular basis or the body tends to -'
i / 2 '~_ - r . ,; aspects to create a whole being. primarily during sleep. Because of revert backto its originalstate.Thisis 3
*2  ‘ g, 9323, lntellectuals are known to criticile metabolic differences. the amount of why people get “out Of condition”
M‘ t‘ / athletes who neglect their mental sleep needed varies from person to when theydiscontinue CXCFCtSC- ’
z- ‘ ‘m ’ K development. While a jockhead is a person. Though most people seem to In addition to the above. the b0d)’ . '
. ri"| ([3. 2 i pitiful spectacle indeed. I consider it need eight hours nightly to function at operates according to a 13W 0t ;
.~ ’ ‘ ‘/ ‘ME ‘ \‘ Cm no less a sorry sight to observe a peak efficiencv. some peopleneed only SpCClfiClly. This meansthat in orderto ,
‘y . _ r . ' 2 2 . ~ ' ' - ' '
3%“ :6 o ‘ . 3‘ 2. , 4 t” \vrfj/i/ . .‘i l t i r 7 5% mental genius packaged insidea lousy four and others need as many as 12 improve Wt" endurance tCfitleVaS' ;
t )l‘(fi “4' ‘ gig I “its?” 2:. , §$k t M- excuse fora body. And the sad fact is. nightly. Find out howmuch sleep you cular effiCiency) you must engage in
i, o .‘ 23g ‘ v} \ _ (in, ,- c‘ r“ ”magma—- too many poeple are pitifully out of require by noting how long you sleep BCttVIttes WhtCh cause the body‘s i
- . r. 1 2 shape. at night when uninmrrupted by an cardiovascular processes (heart rate '5'
(iood health does not necessarily alarm clock. and try to get that and breathing rate) to work hard, i
. indicate physical fitness. A healthy amount ofsleep each night. Of course. thereby causmg the stress that forces :3
person is simply one who is not sick. the demands of college sometimes the bOd." tOthFOVCttS cardiovascular :tt .
(iood physical fitness indicates make it impossible to always get ”Ste-"t2 It you want to improve your ’
excellent health. enough sleep. but do the best you can. muscular strength. you must engage in 1‘?
. . . i.
. . . . I recall hearinga rofessorexclaim aCttv't'es that cause the muscles you '¢
.hemed ' and a ainst whom hast thou ‘rs need a s ‘Clal .a ‘ " ' . . h ‘ f .‘ 2 ~ - "2
Great reluctance p . . g” . .. . e . ‘ ‘ pe . \is .an uncanny “When I feel the urge to CXCrClSC. l he stave want to strengthen to work ashardas 42';
exalted thy \OILL. and lifted up thine ability to grasptheirawe-inspiringjar- . - .. rrihl th r b c ' th t t
ltiswithgreatr-lut'in"th'tl " 't eyes on hi 1h" even atainst the Holy yon iti rain 'idmitt'n ' t 1 th" down until the feeling goes away. ' rt p0... Pt e e y ausmg e sress 3i
to the anti-; *mitit‘ 1*tt"r Lif('lili it“ (inc of Israt‘el'" t Isaiaht. Witt-‘1) . Exotic ie'ifim Ahd l'nti' Ct ll?)0 k “l With that statement. this academician welnga en Wthh leads the bhdy to compensate m ‘
tiyer , rit|2 t t ; t t‘ ht,“ ' ‘ '“ “ bi _ \ll " 1 "5d t" he” demonstrated his total disregard for the form‘ ,Ot increased muscular 3: '
at e“Lain m ‘Srri . impson t at Dear anti—Semites. pleaseaecept my uries . . his physical 5e”. He. as well as others “Debilitating habits" refers to the strength. This means that you choose ; .'
at): A‘ a 3‘“ indtlcphgxluliimt ,t'h“ sincere apologies for spoiling the loo reluctant yet to be buried alive Who share his negativeattitudetoward habitual consumption of substances your phySical act‘ivny according to 2i
:3 ontidtt- I 1‘ 2t,“ . dfcfhthl party But the Jewish people have in obscurity. I sincerely invite illumi- exercise. should realize that studies which weaken the body‘s defenses your goals. It you're interested solely ii i
icefihmtm Er:s\:t,mstmliln' [Edict “"htt‘d tt‘t 400“ .WarS- and we intend nation from the lTKcommunity. l her- have shown that exercise increases :1 against sickness. These substances incardiovascula'r fitness. you dchoose 2: 2
them “n c" wh' t [thrtt‘thd‘ "h ‘ tttlit- to stick around fora little while more. eby solemnly proclaim that | Will offer person‘s ability tothink clearly.as well include alcohol. caffeine products rtthhmg' ,tt you re interested solely ‘h g i
absofut t on”: t t); ‘t with ”:1 t CW“ tt It EN" WU “1C9” $0”). $2 to anvone who would be merciful as ODC‘S attention 5Pan and such as coffee and Coke drugs and strength improvement YOUd choose g i
» ' ‘ ' i t ' ' . . , . . . ' t ,
t t ‘ t th- mt t ‘tt enough to explain to mein plain Eng- concentration. Definite benefitstothe tobacco. The dangers of all these weighttraining. . ‘ 9
America has ever aspiied to represent 0 ,- - -. - - - i - . - . i if youre interested In balanced ‘ ‘-
Hiwev‘ tb- 'd . t h' . h and Ben-Nahum lish the satire. senseor nonsensein Mr. intellectual. ()ther general benefits of substances have been Widelv h . If y I, 1" 29.
”1:“ {:2 mt :d ,hTt‘_‘t‘.t‘_thg t ll“ (‘ommunications graduate student Dizney"s profound essay. First come. exercise include reduction of mental publicized. so I won‘t repeat them pwfilca "he” what dofyoufchoose. '3 f
.t ,l “t: d,“ litmm‘ (mi first served.until my$4fund runsout. stress; a cheerful outlook on life: here.ldo.however,feeltheneedtoget ”3 “3”} sportsare Uh or most _ i
encourages them. and gives them the improved sexual ability“ deeper more something off mv chest so here oes PCOPIC235 fitness bUIldersthey rate 10w . z
teeling that the\ can get away with it. GObbledygook . . y _ ‘ ‘ _ ‘. . . . ’ “ g " marks because they cause very little 't‘ i
80 M haw “mm )m M m M Gilbert D. (hen restful sleep: and more self- (onsidering the fact that the strength .nc eaeand gen t l ”i2 t
t t‘c‘t Ct sgs ~ - . . 2 fl . . y . If S eraeonya -'_
and hm them hm l was amused by Richard W. English teaching assistant confidence. Though .htt. one can frightening hazards of Cigarette s“ ht cardiovascular res onse (Note 1‘ I
. . - . guarantee you a long life if vou keep smokin are known to evervone lam g p t ‘
VI . ‘ l)i1ney's“ln the Mind ofan Agitator“ N h h 'sicallv m (Iifes an is determin d ' dg h be f r . ‘ that team athletes use exercise other it
y il’ltnd Steve (ioldstein went to “(my Dec. 3,. mumblingto mywlf; 0t enoug space h .t ‘l j b2 ‘.h . ‘ . e . amaze _at t e num r 0 tdIOts who thanthat provided bytheir sport toget 3' . i
great h‘httth t0 CKlthtth tht‘ tithitt‘tttu‘ “Aha. another pieceof gobbledygook" itirrilllnrhiilkte .3, gelrifctics) d healthtylbodé persist m endangering themselves. 3.5 into shape.) 5
. ”4‘0””‘8 oi the letter. lhis was a so familiar inthe Rome/Ty opinion sec- ‘lothe l'K meter maids: meanin fiil ur iemoreenioya can well as others by.C°ht'hu'h3 th's Swimming is a good endurance §
noble but futile effort. since anti- ti0n.thistimefroma PoliticalScience Beadvisedthatthere arethose ofus Ph *sgical “me“ ‘onsist‘ f useless habit. lf youre too gutless to builder. but it tends to “rerun?!“' 5;.
htmhe‘ “c‘cr‘t‘trf't‘dt‘tt’mUChttht’Ut and l’hilosoph} major. 'l hen I felt who are a little disturbed (to say the cardibvascular (mime ml}; I: quttasmok'ing} 8th least have some certain muscles at the expense 0t ii ;
their reasoning. ()urtwowritersdidnt slapped In the face when the editor least) about your parking ticket p0“- stren th and flexibilit '3'“ wellctaiszi ‘02:“ ”litt'thh‘stt 'oseoLuswho'want others. which leads to lopsided k
h“? t“ “Wit “‘0 hittd t0 tt’tmttlatt‘ kindly pointed out formethatthegoo- cies. For instance. I live in the new tenertiil lfeelin’ of enetriviand well mh reat t M :11"me “It; priKate. muscular development. The same t}. ‘
their ideas Some of their arguments bledvgook was meant to be satiric. apartment complex and last night I icing The [factors fhvolved in I: {thrt 2‘0” ctahnc oFeyt.Jhrse .dw't 0‘" argument holds true for tennis and
("the . . ., . 2 . 2 . ' - . _ . - g o ering o ers. .noug sai . - - - - f
Uhhttl.‘ dlhdhtt “t \t“ thrl‘ Of course I recognized the title and received A tld‘et for parking on a yel acqutringa high degree of any orall of errciseis probablvthe most widel stmilar sports. Running ls probably it? ‘
banking Interests and the target or .. ‘ . . » , low line. Normally. I would pav the - . .' ‘ ‘ - y the bestendurance bmlder but it does ‘.
, , « the assumed author. Scion .lawboner. . ~ . 2 these aspects include I) proper diet. 2) misunderstood of all the factors . ‘ g
international [ionism . lare remar- , .y, .. ticket and forget about it. However. I . _ - 2 . . . ‘ ' . . nothing to strengthen the upper body
both played upon .lohn Scarborough s . . sleep. 3) absence of debilitating habits involved in physical fitnegg Put . ‘3‘
kably similar to those employed by “In Mcnte 2\gitare .. even before I have a question for the UK campus and 4) exercise .. | . " ‘2' muscles. Running does strengthen the ?
Hitlerin the 20\ and .tfis.()therst“the , _ _, ' , Barney Files: whereisonesupposed to . ‘ ‘ . “mh )' an improvement m the leg muscles but only to a certain ‘-
started reading the WhOlC dl’IlClC. But ' . A sane person WOUid never lhlnk Of cardiovascular or muscular g stem IS ‘ . "
repressive dictatorship in is] Am") ‘ ‘ _, y . .. park when there are no spaces left in . . . . . ‘ ‘. .y. degree. I won't explain the reasons ‘
docsthi. real author. or anoverly sym- either lot reserved for R9 stickers" filling the gastank of his car With the result ofcompensation bythe body h b t 't - t th t b 3
WHO“ thclayorite StHICIanll-Scmilic pathetic editor. of a competent satire ’ ‘ " alcohol and expect the car to run. in response to stress. Read that .ere. .'u :1 I3 not rue a y
terminolng} Readingtheletterlactu- have to helpthe reader out by reveal- When the University informed me although he might use gasohol (to sentence again and think about it. increasing t e istanlce you run. yo: .
ally wondered how the writers had Ingthe“true"intention oftheauthor‘? that there would be“enough parking percent alcohol). However. many Exercise isaform ofbodily stressand were?“ ttlhuém eg s'trengi- .
failedtomentionthefactthatwe mur- hhouldn't a satire contain built-in for everyone."lshould have been sus- eo le think nothin of eatin h b d' f ' proporionaey. at you increaseis
. - . - » '- i » . p .h g g t e o ycompensates orthis stress by our bodilv endurance as well as the
dered ( hrist. and ”m we tried m take clues to in real intent.’ l)id Jonathan piCious. The liniversity never told the TWinkies and HO-HOS and drinking increasing either its muscular strength y l ' d t f l
2 over the great mosque in Maui m Swift feelcompelledto tell his readers tuthhetorCJdOn'tknow whyitshould (‘okes all day long. Then they wonder and or cardiovascular efficiency. musclu arb en urznce o )2”: 2:8 .
order to use it for Passover. that his “A Modest Proposal“ was start now! I must admit thou b one why the' feel so lousv all the time d d' h f ' mucs'es, ."’""” eirsrrengt ‘ gain,
2 . . . . . . 2 . g ' - 3 - ' ape" ”‘3 0" t C type 0 “cm“ bear in mind that endurance refers to
y _ meant to be eating] \n Swift's c533“ space for everyfour people seemsto be Your body can only be as health 'as d S nde t (1’ th' b ' 2 -
Anti-Semitism |\ old almost a. old . . . - ) one. ‘0‘ u rs an ing '5 a5ic sustained effort while strength refers
.. ~ _ as Judaism And it has changed very itselftellsexactly what it .c by hmkin- enough! yourdiet. llsingthegasoholanalogy.a principle. its easy to understand why to a short maximum effort
_ g little through the vears therefore the ful manipulation of. an assumed So you see. Meter Maids.fheticket- diet consisting of 90 percent nutritive golf. bowling or a walk around the Weight training is the best form of .
. ' most snitable answer lcould give ”1“ speaker and by providing the readers ing of automobiles parked on yellow foods and .tO percent Junk Will allow block Will not lead to high levels of exercise notjustformuscularstrength - '
‘ ‘ letter is the one the Prophet Isaiah again Wit-hm the CM" me” With hh“ "t the new apartment complex you to mutt your we“ tooth and hhyhcat fitness these activnies alone but also for the best results in i
saw Rabshakeh.the Assyrian general