xt7s1r6n365k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n365k/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/2 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 18.1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing August 18.1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt7s1r6n365k section xt7s1r6n365k -.~.,m’4;.'~ ',/ ' . .
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Vol.1 No.2 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator August 18, 1939
North Carolina Cuts Natlmgl C913“ 0f Qweli' Labor Pact Outlaws
- 0 ° In S 511118 on ressrona ' ' ° °
Housrng Utility Rates g Approvgl Jurisdictional Strife
Housing authorities in North Caro- Census enumerators in 19 40 will Further assurance that the 'con—
lina won an important victory in their h 11 , their struction of public-housmg pr0jects
struggle to secure the lowest possible count oduses as vlve asi rioses in k W111 be uninterrupted by labor dlffi-
rents for tenants in public housing gegzuzzg -ecf.m:11a 13101131121”; egqu' culties was obtained as the result of
projects when the State Utilities Com- ' ’ m 10 uce y ena or. ag- instructions 011 August 10, from the
mission on August 4 ruled that pub~ ner, .Of liew Forgtindlentacted .111 th: Executive Council of the Building and
licly owned and operated nonprofit vaaning ouitshd 283800883??? Construction Trades'Dep’artment. to
' housing projects are entitled to spe— NgrtingT—svslr’id: hgilszfils c’ensus by 0th: its affiliated unions, directing striking
cial low rates for electric service. Bureau of the Cens 1‘: of the Depart— membersback tO'thell" JObIS- . .
The ruling was granted after the m nt of Commerce For the first These instructions, as indicated in
. ‘ Carolina Power & Light Co., at the t‘e . h' t I. 1 , th a letter from the Department to W . V.
l . instigation of the Raleigh Housing 6:229:11} Stftgslflywillrelb: 223:8? and Price, Director of the LaborRelations A,
» Authority, had filed an" application “classified according to type facilities DIVIslon of the USHA, directs the
with the Commission for approval of . , , Pres1dents of all national and inter-
' age, State Of repalr: number Of 0001* national unions affiliated with the
(see NORTH CAROLINA on p.2) 13:11:23; value, rental, and mortgage Department to “immediately return
- - s a us. , _ , their members to jobs which had
. Blrmmgham Preserves Old Home The hohsmg (3911598 W111 prov1de the been stopped on account of j urisdic-
As Project Community Center first Nation'WIde Informatmn HES tional disputes until such time as an
, country has hadto gttlde both 1”th understanding can be reached by the
Convers10n of a well-preserved, and private act1v1ty in housmg. It
- . - . . . . (See LABOR PACT on p. 2)
two-story colonial res1dence which W111 produce information Vital to all
‘ HOW stands on the site 0f the EIYton local housing authorities and to the P l- d P d S
Village Project in Birmingham, Ala., USHA program. 0 my all r068 “re ummary
into an administration building will Not only must the local authority For the convenience of local author-
save the local housing authority an know housing conditions, but it must ities and to ensure compliance with
estimated $10,000 and contribute a know them in terms of people, their the provisions of the United States
note of variety to the project plan. ages, family composition, and race. Housing Act, the USHA has issued a
Plans for the renovation of the old The 1940 housing census, under the summary 0f general requirements
residence call for office space on the experienced supervision of the Bureau and minimum standards for projects
first floor, and a community library of the Census, Will provide this infor— built with USHA assistance. ‘
and reading room on the second. The mation in shorter time and at less ex— The material brings under one 1
2,500 square feet of Office Space will pense to the Government than could cover the requirements which have t
DTOVide headquarters for the Birm- any other method. It is estimated been set forth in detail in the Policy *
ingham Housing Authority as well as that by combining the housing count and Procedure Bulletins issued to i
for the management 0f the project. with the regular census, at least $5,- date. Copies may be obtained from l
The transformed administration 000,000 can be saved. the Informational Service Division, j
- , . building Will overlook a surfaced play Housing investments in the United USHA, under the title “Summary of )
area for project tenants. Its simple, States represent about one-fourth of General Requirements and Minimum A
colonial design will harmonize with the national wealth. In loans, com- Standards for USHA-Aided Proj- ‘
.. the surrounding row houses. (See NATIONAL CENSUS on p. 3) ects.”
1 l

 Ir . 3.3.1,. ’MMWuéyfifi’ .1
North Carolina New York PrOJects Cut ~ igflnw We ‘ ‘
(Continued from p. 1) To f D ' C t — .ffig'fl “ , , ,. . l
a schedule of special rates for electric lme or rylng oncre e ”1 in ~ ”#:313me '
services to be furnished housing proj— The new quick-drying concrete l » ‘. s “M”
ects built under theState housing act. process, used in building the Red « " 51:24:»- . , ‘
Commenting on the Commission’s Hook and Queensbridge Projects in . 7‘1: 5:3 by
action, USHA Administrator Nathan New York City, has attracted the at- ‘ ,,
Straus, said: “Such cooperation be— tention of the construction industry swish-“W33;
tween local housing authorities and all over the country. Sofiaé’ffifitfiwiw%s
utilities companies must ultimately be With this process the excess water Mae‘s» :‘é‘wet’
Obtained throughout the country if is sucked out Of the concrete by a vac- Modern technique dries cement by suction—saves time,
' ' saves labor cost. Suction mats at work on Red Hook _
the essentials of decent h0us1ng are to uum pump. Plywood mats, each Project in New York City
be made available to the very lowest 8’x4’, are laid upon the wet, newly complete their job until 5 to 7 hours
income groups.” He pointed out that placed concrete. Each mat is cush- after the concrete is laid and forms
without reduction of rates in low-rent ioned with cloth and edged with rub— can seldom be removed ’within less
housing projects, utility costs would, ber gaskets to form a tight contact. than 6 t0 8 days.
in some instances, amount to almost The vacuum pump sucks up the water During the winter months at Red
as much as the shelter rent. through a small hose in the center of Hook and Queensbridge, the concrete
The North Carolina Commission the mat. beneath each vacuum mat was treated
justified the special rates on the In the hot weather of the summer, for approximately 5_ minutes after
ground that it costs less to service an the sun and wind dry Ollt newly laid the vacuum was turned on. The con-
entire neighborhood With one meter concrete fast enough to permit finish- crete finishers completed their job
at primary voltage than to service a ers to begin work shortly after it is within a half hour after the concrete
similar neighborhood with special placed. In (30101 weather, however, was laid and forms were removed '
lines and meters for each family; that concrete finishers are seldom able to within 3 or 4 davs. .
there is little credit risk involved in . v
projects built under the USHA pro- New Jersey Housmg Conference Labor PaCt '
gram; that there is presumably no Approximately 800 people attended (Continued from p. 1)
promotional and new business expense the First Annual Conference of the international unions representing the
to the company; and that the project, New Jersey Council of Housing Au- trades involved, or a decision ren-
equipped with permanent appliances, thorities held recently at Asbury dered by the President of the Depal‘t— . t .
assures a steady consumption of en- Park, N. J., in collaboration with ment.”
ergy by families who could otherwise the National Association of Housing As an immediate result 0f the order,
purchase no electrical services. Officials. work has already been resumed on
The Commission further pointed Delegates representing local hous- two public—housing projects where ju—
out that local housing authorities ing authorities, civic, social work, and riSdictional disputes were under way.
have been declared by the Supreme labor organizations, discussed such The instructions followed imme-
Court of North Carolina to be public, important features of public housing diately upon the press announce- l
nonprofit corporations devoted to pub— as legal aspects, planning and con— ment that a new national agreement I
he use; and second, that project ten— struction, local authority administra- had been entered into between the ;
ants will be families who could not tion and management, initiation and Building and Construction Trades #
otherwise aiford decent housing and development of local programs, and Department of the A. F, of L. and the .
whose incomes may not exceed five rural housing needs in New Jersey. Associated General Contractors,
times the rent plus the cost of light, The value of such conferences as a which will assure uninterrupted oper-
heat, water, and cooking fuel. clearing house of plans, methods, and ations on all jobs where jurisdictional
Consequently, the ruling held the ideas in the new field of public hous— disputes occur. The agreement ex— i
Commission’s action is based on “rea- ing was clearly demonstrated in the tends to private construction inter—
sonable differences of facts, condi- spirited general discussion of the ests the advantages of nonstrike »
tions, and circumstances.” There- afternoon session, participated in by agreements which have been such a '
fore, it results in “no unlawful dis- housers representing the entire east— significant factor in getting USHA .
crimination” and “amply justifies” ern seaboard. construction costs down. i
the approval of the application. Michael Weinstein, Chairman of Although occasional strikes have .
A ruling on this same subject was the Housing Authority of the City of arisen on projects assisted by USHA
handed down by the Pennsylvania Asbury Park, was General Chairman loans since a year ago when the first
Public Utility Commission July 18, of the Conference. Carl H. Monsees no-strike, steady-wage agreements
when the Metropolitan Edison Co, represented the N. A. H. 0. Speakers were signed, construction bids, on the . .
was granted permission to create included Administrator Nathan whole, have been from 10 to 15 per—
a special rate for public housing Straus and Assistant Administrator cent lower because of them, and labor .
projects. Jacob Crane of the USHA. interruptions have been few. ,

 \I‘J‘ .'. f, .- . , , o.“ . ' :, "Buff, ,
Y . . L ”3;; ,/ ' /
, New Britain Referendum 3- 1- l'lovde Appomted USHA Issues Bulletin
‘ Favors Pthc Housulg Appointment of Dr. B. J. Hovde, on Planning the Slte
A favorable trend in New England Administrator, Pittsburgh Housing “Planning the Site,” described as
. > . popular opinion on housing was indi- Authority, as Special COHSUItant_ ”1 “the first authoritative manual on
cated by an informal referendum at Charge of the Management ReVlew community site planning ever issued
New Britain, Conn, taken on July 18, Division, USHA, has been announced in the United States,” has just been
. when a comfortable majority voted to by Nathan Straus, Administrator. published by the USH A as Bulletin
, instruct Mayor .George J' Coyle .to Mr. Hovde obtained his Ph- D- at No. 11 on Policy and Procedure. It
:hiHIQZalchgil:lietlilitlecieietement Wlth the University Of Iowa, and later replaces the earlier bulletin of that
, The vote wasg5 403 in fig,” of low- taught European history and political number.
_ ’ science at Allegheny College and the The 84—page manual, illustrated
rent housmg and slum clearance, and - - - . . .
4,138 opposed. In contrast with the Univers1ty 0f PlttSbmeh' He has Wlth 35 diagrams and 5 plates, sets
light vote in housing referenda in been a member 0f the Allegheny forth prinClples and practices devel—
other cities, nearly 35 percent of the County Emergency Relief Board and oped from the experience Of techni—
city’s registered voters, or a total of was Director Of the PlttSbu1“gh De- cians in designing over 250 USHA-
, 9,541, went to the polls. partment 0f Pllbllc Welfare. aided projects. It is intended as an
Both the size and results of the vote architects’ textbook to help in cutting
demonstrate how much ublic hous— ' the 003’“ and improving the quality
ing has to gain from widlespread dis- congress Defers Housmg 0f b0th public and private housing
cussion. The prohousing forces, led to Next Session projects.
by Chairman Edward A. Mag, of the Of special value to local authorities
‘ New Britain Housing Authority, and Congressional action on S. 591, are the illustrations of actual USHA—
, aided by the Citizens’ HOUSng COUD- amending the United States Housing aided project sites showing first the
, cil and labor organizations, conducted Act to authorize an additional $800; preliminary plan, then the various
an active campaign. Opposition 000,000 in loans and $45,000,000 in stages in its improvement until the
came from the local real estate board. annual grants to local housing agen— final plan is evolved with buildings
National Census cies by the USHA, has been post- well spaced and related, service drives
. , . — (Continued frmn p. 1) poned until the next session of Con— Gilt t0 a minimum, and advantage
t mitments, or guarantees, the Fed- gress which convenes in January 1940. taken of-topography and climate.
eral Government has an interest of The House vote of 191 to 170, re- Sntressmg “land, buildings, and peo—
approximately $10,000,000,000 in fusing to adopt the rule for consider— ple as the three major elements Of a
housing. ation of the bill, effected no change in housing pI'OJ ect, .the manual shows
Only scattered and fragmentary the status of the legislation which has how land and buildings may best be
. fiata'onithe status of the national already passed the Senate and 1.e_ fejfidtlci: (1:115:30: 16151315332? £8226
T R21:Hilfigiigmegvzilcitrydfg' 1;}: mains on the House calendar: . . munity Open space is thoroughly dis-
. conducted by the Department of Com— Punds authorized 11.1 thoer blll’ It IS cussed as a Vital aspect 0f planning,
. t merce in 64 cities, and the subsequent estimated, would prov1de “$000900 and the various types 0f recreation
Financial Survey of Urban Housing, man-hours of labor on prolect Sites areas are.carefullyconsidered.
‘ in 61 of these cities, though invalu- and 531’0001000 man—hours m Indee— “Planning the Slte" may be pur—
‘ able, covered only a small group of tries supplying materials. An addi— chased for 60 cents from the Superin—
cities, and computed their results on tional 46,000,000 man-hours of labor tendent of Documents, United States
.' the basis Of a sample enumeration. will be provided for administrative, Government Printing Office, Wash-
l Substandard housing which will be demolished to make land aCQUISlthD, and'demolltion em- ington, D C
) way for the Camella Courts Project in Pensacola, Fla., ployees and for architects and engl- . .
, £:L::;;l;ot‘li:dgeneral construction contract has recently neers. It lS estimated that $1,162; repliaczielgyfilliefilfiiliulzfillhtgogfojstilcltms are soon to be
i 000,000 would be spent for land acqui—
J, sition, wages, materials, and other ,
’ ,» ,. KC“ , contingent expenses. This sum rep— 5 t]: W
' ‘L; sea“; %@-a resents the $800,000,000 authoriza- ”fewef’za‘g?”
e” . j m " 5i . ‘ , tion in the new bill, plus unused funds lfi,1,w*"wfi:;mf~~ 1&3,
E egg” : i w— 115: “f; available under the present law which ,¢,e:¥fia’i:§fvée Nflg
. . ”sew .f would be freed by increased subsidies, i - m
3%“. plus Federal and local contributions, ej‘fisefilfaw’ 23:30 e‘ 'lifeil.:'e,;§ ~
: gieeieigwfififie and money heretofore set aside as a e" 7 x W,
. «agate , 10—percent margin of safety. ,. ”mmvwggvgi'fii’ '

 / 3
fl .
3"7537337":1“”‘”'“"" ' ' l" '” \' :15 '3
,.L Monthly Statistical Summary of
te-i:nlr’...re..2mc§eflo§ In addition to the brief weekly sta- iwgdfl,
tistical summary of progress of the
SEE How THEY EIVE,§)Y Louise 13. Sherman, USHA program, PUBLIC HOUSING Will ————————Num_ Date
F7 eehold, July 10, 1909, pp. 04—09. 1‘1111 the following more detailed State and local authority Project No. bertof of bid .
Accomplishments at Jane Addams Houses, :1 PWA . a unlts opening
project in Chicago. Outstanding is the development monthly summaly 1n the fil St Week Of ——————-——————————
of community feelinl,r among the tenants. each month: BID OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED
ACHIEVING Low COST IN Low COsr HOUS— ____—.______._____
iNG, by Elwyn E. Seelye, Engineering News— Summary 0‘ USHA Program as 0f Aug. 1’ 1939 1130mm, Maésm Mgss—Huu 1,023 3—23—33
. . i 0 r :— ew York it ,N.Y____ N —5v4_____-._ 44 —- —
Recovd, July 20, 1909, pp. 04—07. Item finisaso Covmgton, Kyy K,._,_,________ 203 9421.39
A cost study of the Queensbridge Project in New . ‘1 ”g“ 1’ 1930 Covington, Ky.1______-__- KY—2—2________ 168 9‘21’39
York City, with illustrations, architectural plans, and PROJECTS UXDER LOAN CONTRACF: .,. ———-—-———-
cost data Number of pi‘o]ects---______c________s 29;
' Number 0f 103“ comrtfcts"f"f"‘i"‘ 11,6 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF BID OPENINGS2
. Number of local authorities ieplesented_ 1-9
OUR NEW MUNICIPAL LANDLORDS, by Morris Number of States represented 1_____--_ 30 _.____..__._.__—__._—_._
. . . . ' ‘ __ A________ 2 118
B. Schnapper, National anczpal Review, Numb” 0.5 51“”ng “mts‘ “ .- 10 ’ Laurel miss_,_,__,_______ MISS—2—1_____ 150 9—15—39
'lotal estimated over-all cost 01 new I . -
June 1939, pp, 420-427_ housing 2___--______________________ $484,007,000 McCombv Miss____-_._,__ MISS—34m» '6 “2'39
Total estimated development cost 3___1_ $525,142,000 BOStQD' Mass________.__-_ DIASS'2fi4"" 342 9—},3-39
An aCCOunt of municipal housing authorities, now Value of 10a“ contracts_______________ $472,525,000 Mobile, Ala_______."_-__ Aid—241..-”. 100 iii—33
numbering well over 200, showing the reason [or their “AdvanCes” by USHA to date____-___‘ $71,148,000 Phenix CltY: A1a_,_______ A A“5‘1————-— 144 '
establishment and the procedures and problems in- PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Pensacola,Fla,,___,,,___, FLA—G«l______ 120 9—22—39
volved in their housing programs, Number of DFOJECtS—————~—~—~--—-e~e—— ’75 Athens, Ga__________..___ GA—3—l.....-_. 50 51-18439
Number of cities represented__________ 53 Athens, Ga______,_,______ GA—3—2________ 120 9—18—39
, . Number of States represented________e 19 Atlanta Ga____._..______ (EA—64.--..-" 004 10— 3—39
RECLAIMING QUE SLUMS’ by Meilo J. Pusey, Number of dwelling units_______,____ 33,825 oary,1ncl_.__________,___ IND-1H".-- 305 9—1039
The Yale Review, June 1939, pp. 724—748. Total estimated over-all cost of new
, , ' housing2__-________________________ $158,712,000 Baltimore, lVId.,___.__.__ RID—$40.-.” 298 9—15—39
An appraisal of the USHA program With emnhams Total estimated development cost“_____ $171,455,000 Lowell, Mass,_____._.___, MASS—14".. 473 10— 5—39
on the feasibility of its financial policy from the long. fiontmy nay rkoll at sittesrt._-__-_______ 581.333.8133 Egarlotte, g1. 9-0....” Egg-1......" 3:; 13—3338
.. ' - . .- - on y man- ours :1 SI es___________ , , ‘ are e . .r__,,_,___r l —‘—‘_____,__ u — .
tcim pomt of View. Concludes that subsidies must be Peak men employed at sites during Wilmington, N. C_______, NC—1—1_____ __ 116 9—26-30
trimmed and costs reduced. month________________e_‘__________ 12,863
. r‘ , , Zanesville, Ollio___.._.__, OHIO—EH..." 324 9—22—39
LOW COST HOUSING The Wall Street Jour— Home” BEING WMNTED- Reading, Pa_____,_______ Pix—04...--." 400 lo— 3—39
’ Number of PTPJeCtS—nn——«~————————- 5 Columbia.s.c-__.._.____ s0~2-1_____.__ 250 10-3-39
ml. July 24, 1939, pp. 1—2- £331,333 5556,1369: gggigggggggu—«m- g LosAngelcsCo.,Calif___. CAL—2—2._____ 300 9—26—39
First of a series on the factual results of the PWA Number Pf d\velling units in 1,3522%: 3,394 Columbus, Ga_.._.._.____ GA~4'l—R‘"" 360 9—21—39
housing program and that of the USHA. Describes got/211 estimated ldevelopn'ien’c cost a"--- $10,042,000 Laurel, Miss-..________.._ MISS—24“.-. 125 10_ 2-39
the USHA and analyzes the broad economic effect of umber 0f dwe 1mg units completed"- 688 113101100an Misb-_._______._ %Ié%fi2""‘ 022 13:23—38
its program. “luggage the District of Columbia. Puerto Rico. Egrrfifigg‘fi%:::: ’11‘,1i5_§__é__3_'_':: 2%, 3:333
' ' ‘ .- ' ‘orpus risti, cx_.____ l — ~ _.__.. —
Local Taxation (“1d HOZLSL’flg, MaJOJ-lty Re‘ ZIncludes: (1) Building the house, including struc- BOStOD,MBSS.__.__.__.___ lVIASS“2—2__n 866 9‘29‘39
port of Taxation Committee of Citizens’ mm} 905“ and Plumping, 1‘93““! and elecmcal in' __——————————-—-——-————
. . stallation; (2) dwelling equipment, architects’ fees, .
HOUSng‘ Connoll of New York, July 1939, local administrative dexpenses, financial charges dur- 1R93dV9rtlSCd3‘21'39-
~ - . . Ins cons l'uc ion. an contingency expenses; (3) land IThere is usually a 30-day period between bid adver- .
72 pp. Mnne‘ngalflled- for present development; (4) nondwelling facilities. tising and bid opening. None of the bid openings shown
Report on the relationship of taxation to the hous- 3 Includes over-all cost of new housing pills the cost here have as yet been definltley scheduled.
' ing problem. Discusses forms of subsidies and meth- 0f purchasing and demolishing 01d slum buildings and
Ode of financing them the cost 01 land bought for future development.
' Housing Authority of Galesburg (Ill.).
Houses We Live In, issued by the British New Local Auth fit. Henry County (111.) Housing Authority.
Ministry of Health. London, H. M. Station— 0 les LaSalle County (111.) Housing Authority.
r ‘3 , . , 1 . 1.
e 131" Otffife; May h119°9h Unpaged.1 f Nineteen new local housmg author- £11061?” (Sailfitgljoglsmg. Antchomll' .
us ra ei pump ct s owing examp es 0 English - - 1 .. - . am ramc IC . Ousmg 01111111551011.
houses in which the ordinary functions of a house and ltles W618 C1 eated In 12 States dul 111g Housing Authority of the City of BilOXl
alchitectuial good taste are combined. June and July. The addition 0f the (Miss).
HOUSING IN NEW ENGLAND, by John W. 19 authorities brings to 256 the total St. Louis (Mo.) Housing Authority.
E‘lemiiigé, The New England Townsman, for the country. Those established Housing Authority of the City of New
11 . — — . - '
u e '9 9, pp 3 6, 12 13 Since Julie 1 are: Brunsw1ck (N. J.). . .
Describes the need for low-cost houses in New Eng- Albuquerque (N. Mex.) Housmg Authority.
land and the USHA program. Housmg Authority of the City of Montgom- Pawtucket (R, I.) HouSing Authority.
THE ALL-EUROPE HOUSE, Journal of the 910’. (Ala). Housing Authority of the City of Providence
Royal Institute of British Architects, June Housmg Authority Of the Clty 0f Lakeland (R- I-)- —
26, 1939, pp. 813—819. (Fla-h . Housing Authority of the City of Marshall
_ A description of the "All-Europe House," with illus- Granlte Clty (111') Housmg‘ Authority. (Tex‘)'
trations. floor plans. garden layouts, and tables or Champalgn County (111.) Housing Author— Housing Authority of the City of McAllen
costs. jty_ (Tex.) ‘
m Coles County (Ill.) Housing Authority. King County (Wash) Housing Authority.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be
addressed to Informational Service Divi— Weekly Construction Report
sion, U. S. Housing Authority, Washing- ——-‘——-——_————-—-————-————
ton D. C. Publi j 1 ' Week ended Week ended Percentage
’ ' cat 01 IS apprOVEd by Item August 12,1939 August 5,1939 change
the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as .
I‘equimd by r1119 42 0f the '10th Commit- Numgcr of grojelcts under coiistructionflfln,"VAMWH______,__________,___ 87 81 +7.4
) .- - Num er of we ingsunder construction________._.,___.___,__________________ 36,034 3’,029 4.6
tee on I “ntmg' Total estimated over-all cost 1 or new housing____,_,.,,,,.,______._.________,_ $170, 445, 000 $102, 95:, 000 14.0
For sale by the Superintendent of Docu- Average over-all costlof new housing per unit....................._......_-__ $4,654 $4,652 No change
_ . ‘ Average net construction cost 7 per unit._.___________________.,.,.,,_.__._____ $2,912 $2,912 No change
merits, Washington, D. C. Subscription
price, $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per 1Includes: (1) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation: (2)
, _ dwelling equipment, architects’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency
year. Single copies, 5 cents. expenses; (3) land for present development; (4) nondwclling facilities.
I 1 The cost ofbuildiug the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs.