xt7s1r6n3503 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n3503/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2005 text GLSO News, March 2005 2005 2005-03 2019 true xt7s1r6n3503 section xt7s1r6n3503 LESBIAN Q .
~ amt March 2005
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 20 Number 2
Whisitttts Chair Faisies Will Be Flyin'
10th Anmvcrsam Concert The Oscars and Grammys have all
Whishing Chair has spent the winter been doled out to deserving candidates,
months working on their new CD, but now it’s time for recognition of the high
Underdog. There will be acombined CD drama, glamour, and artistry that take
Release and Wishing Chair 10th place onstage in Lexington clubs, back—
Anniversary Concert on April 2 at stage, and in the community at large.
Memorial Hall, sponsored by the UK’s JOih the Academy Of Drag Arts and
Women's Studies Dept. A portion of the Sciences as they present their 9th annual
proceeds will go to benefit UK Lambda Faisies Awards on Tuesday March 29th at
Their very special guests for the the historic Kentucky Theater. Ticket sales
evening will be The Reel World String begin at8p.m. at the box office.The cere—
Band. Tickets will be available through the mony will begin at 9 pm. Get there early,
UK Student Center in early March. Come as we have had to turn folks away.
join us fora wonderful evening. Admission is $10, with proceeds benefit-
Miriam and Kiya appreciate the gen- mg the Charities Of the CCU”, including
erosity and support from so many in the GLSO, AVOL, and Moveable Feast.
community during the recording process. The ceremony Wi” include recognition
They now need to pre-sell 100 CDs in order 0f hair, makeup, costuming, dance, char-
to pay for the duplication process. Go to acter impersonation, male impersonation,
http://www.folkout.com/id29.htm. You can community service, technical support
pay by credit card or send in a check or (hagging), offstage drama, bartending,
money order. and comedy, as well as performances by
You will be buying the CD at the favorite local entertainers. And we promise
reduced rate of $12; they will pay the ship- it won’t take as long 83 the Oscars.
ping. You will get your copies first, they willl Mr. Ky Leather - next page
send them straight to you the day after they Mmmmuwfi W?fiez‘mx‘iu‘m.EMWWHFemf
receive them from the manufacturer. 5: Sponsor of the Month
it: ‘5‘
CONTE” e e” Ernesto Scorsone
GLSO’s Pride Committee is pre arin s? rt 5”
for a two-month search to find Kentflcky’g ,3 Attorney at LEW
most talented vocalists to compete in the .3 . _ c' ‘ 223
first ever Lexington Pride Idol Contest. 7:: 254-5766 “it
...continued on page 2 3,3, :

 PRIDE IDOL CONTEIT The contest will start
“‘“j ,_ f; as GAYand with preliminary rounds at local bars and coffee
7 LESBIAN houses. We are seeking seven locations and have
Oiw'HON some dates in early April set up. Up to twenty indi-
"3;" Wu, Mucky viduals will compete at each hosting location in the
preliminaries. There will be 3 contestants chosen by
the audience from each location.
The 21 preliminary winner’s will then perform for
@LSQ NEWS our panel of judges. The judges will select 12 from
this group who will go on to compete in the finals at
Volume 20 Issue 3 the Pride Picnic on Sunday, June 12 where the audi-
published monthly by ence will be the final judges. The picnic will be at
v Windy Knoll Farm but not on Father’s Day this year.
7718 Lamgt‘m Gay The grand prize will consist of a trophy, a gift cer-
Lgsbian Service tificate to Disc Jocky, and studio time at Grooves
, Professional Recording Studio to produce 10 copies
Organizatian of a two song CD. And, of course, the title of
389 Waller Ave. Lexington’s 2005 Pride Idol!
We have a few dates set for the preliminary
W rounds: Tuesday, April 5 at Mia’s, Tuesday April 12 at
Mary Crone The Bar, Friday April 22 at Crossings, Tuesday May
10 at Club 141. A complete list of dates, times and
BoardMembm locations for the initial contests will be in April’s
Thomas Collins, President GLSO News. Applications will become available near
, , the end of March. . ., J2
Sarah Martin, Vlce-Pres. h s: _.-_-;..- 'v,
Ben Salyers, Sec. Harnesses, Jockstraps, War"
Mary Crone, Editor and Chaps! Oh My! éfi
Joan Branon " Tim, _,I‘
Tom Collins The weekend of March 4th-5th, join ' ‘ A "
Lindsay Mattingly the Imperial Court of Kentucky at Club 141as we host
Terry Mullins some of the region’s hottest leathermen as they com-
Jen Sayer pete for the title of Mr. Kentucky Leather 05.
_ The weekend’s festivities will begin Friday with a
(30:53:32; reception from 8-9, followed at 9:30 by a Leather and
Lace Fantasy show and Contestant Meet and Greet.
GLSO Annual Dues & The contest will begin Saturday at 9:30 pm, with
Newsletter $20 a silent auction of erotic art taking place over the
‘ ' ' . course of the evening. Admission is $5 each evening
82$:ng ffiggisséfidthénamogfii with proceeds benefiting the charities of the Imperial
don’t necessarily represent those of Court of KY. Doors open one hour prior to show time.
the GLSO Board SubmiSSIons ,are The second annual Mr. Kentucky Leather Contest
welcome and staff reserves the right . . , _
to edit submissions and advertise_ IS produced in aSSIStance With Kentucky Leather
ments as well as thefight to reject Productions and the Lexington Lyons L/L Club. The
SUDm'ss'ons oradvemsements' winner will go on to represent Kentucky at the
International Mr. Leather Contest (IML) in Chicago.

 Communltt News
Bar Complex Events Sista50und Invitation
On St. Patrick’s Day, Thrusday, March SisterSound is looking for interested
17, come out to The Bar for the “Wearin‘ women to join the chorus. We do not
of the Green.” The best three green out- require auditions. Come to a rehearsal,
fits will win prizes. meet some people, try singing with us and
On Wednesday, March 30th, The Bar see what you think. Rehearsals are at
is hosting their annual Turnabout Drag 6 pm every Sunday at Lansdowne
Show, Springin' Into Drag.A night where Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 333
those who do not usually perform in drag Redding Rd. For information email Patti
(well at least in public) turn about in The at paowens@excite.com or call 806-0243.
Gilded Cage Cabaret and strut their stuff! www.geocities.com/sistersound
Door opens at 8 pm, show begins at
9:30pm. Admission is $5. There'll be raf- Rainbow Famllles 0f Lexmgto"
“9 draWi“95- 8‘ giveaway door Prize and Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL)
iii” for all. Proceeds from this dragaroma pulled off another successful gathering on
Wiii 90 i0 Moveable Feast Lexington 50 February 12th celebrating Valentine’s Day.
bring lots 0i dollar bills. Eight families with children ranging from
D/VERS/W [N GENDER ALLIANCE infant to age 6 gathered on a wonderfully
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA sunny day to enjoy great food, laughter,
_ _ _ . fun and friendship. The kids played with
'The Lexmgton Diversrty in Gender toys and new friends while feasting on a
Alliance meets on the met Saturday wonderful array of Valentine’s Day treats.
evening of the month (March 5th) at a pri- The parents enjoyed exchanging stories
vate location. Doors open at 7’ the meet- of parenting, home life and activism. The
ing starts at 7:30. Call Julia at 255-7306 for day was pretty enough for the kids to exert
information. some energy outside on the slide, in the
We welcome all people who tran- playhouse and enjoying the sandbox.
scend gender norms or who are question- March will also bring loads of fun as we
ing their gender identity, including trans- spring into Spring! Saturday March 12th,
sexualsl, intersexuals, effemi'nate men, RFOL will launch its first annual Easter
masculine women, drag Kings, drag Egg hunt and pot luck picnic. Location
Queens, gender queers and more. Family and time is still TBD but we hope to have
and supportive allies who WOUid like to more participants than ever before! The
learn more are also welcomed. little tots will enjoy an Easter Egg hunt and
We discuss a variety of issues at our the older kids can enjoy running, playing
meetings and support each other as we ball, croquet, Frisbee, badminton or any
consider who we are and how we want to other games they wish to enjoy.
present ourselves. ii is not, however, a Our events aren‘t only beneficial for the
therapy group. . children; parents are realizing the benefits
There is an article on page 14 con- of networking with other parents. To quote
cerning some of the recent research on one parent, “I thought this group would be
Intersexuality. good for my kids,
GLSO page 3

 but I didn’t realize how good it is for me!” UK Support Group
But just to show how excited the kids are, . .
one child asked another before leaving the A GLBTQ SUppO” Group '5 meetlng at
Valentine’s party, “Will you be at the Easter UK- on Thursdays, 12:30 to 1145- Nm a
egg hunt?” therapy group or social club, just a safe
Rainbow Families of Lexington is an place to get support. We talk about issues
organization for gay and lesbian parents that can sometimes be difficult to discuss
and their children that reside in the greater lncludlng: coming out, filrtlng, sexuality,
Lexington area. RFOLs mission is to show splrltuallty, famlly, employment, relatlon-
our children that there are other families shlps, homophobia.
like theirs out there. This group is free and for UK/LCC stu-
For information on this event or to join dents only. Facilitators: Colby Cohen-
the group, call Jen at 533-6260 or email Archer, PH.D and Sherry Rostosky, PH.D.
jen_cheryl@yahoo.com. You can join Call 257-8701 or crcohe2@uky.edu
RFOLs Yahoo Group . . . .
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rfoiky KaleldoscoDe DISCIpIeS 0f Chl’lSt
Kaleidoscope is an open and affirming
MACT KY congregation committed to building a com-
munity that crosses all boundaries and is
MACT, Men OfAHCOIOFS TogetherKY welcoming to all people regardless of
is a chapter of the National Association of including race, gender, ethnicity, and sexu-
Black and White Men Together. We have al orientation.
social get togethers regularly. For informa- We meet every Sunday at 11 am at the
tion email MACTKY@ao|.com. Lexington Theological Seminary, 631
Limestone, in the Mary Ann Sanders
Lyons Levi /Leather Club Chapel. There is plenty of parking around
k. R /' ' N 22-
The Lexington Lyons meet every third bac more elglous 9W8 pages
month at the Pride Center. Their next . '
scheduled meeting will be in May. The PndeMonth Planning
Lyons will be assisting with the Mr. KY ,
Leather in March. Contact Paul at 312- 77111175 )’ MarCh’ 10 (“5.30
9346 for more information about the club. Pride Center Open a) All
Pride EvmtRegistratian Pg 16’
Family Dentistry -——-—-
_____________________ Research Subjects Needed pg 8
7:. V .3? f“ * Cosmetic Dentistr -
* Zoom Teeth wooing Falrness News pg 10
g. :1- * Tooth Replacement
» * Tooth Colored Fillings Intersex Research pg 14
‘ * Nitrous Available
Mon -Frl 9,00_5m D N is Y Women Singing The Blues pg 19-20
SaulrdayAppolntments r. e on oung - - -
2130 Nuioiasvme no. Call for Appoinmni Rel1g10us / Spirltual
Sulte5 850 276-4700 Resources pg 22 ~ 23
GLSO page 4

 I A_______—___.___—_____.———————-—-—-—A I


[— Att 1'11 at L3 W

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I 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Fri 10 am. - 3 pm
Volunteers help us keep the Center open after 3 and on Saturdays. ”
Call to be sure someone is here. We need volunteers for Saturdays!
Pride Month Committee 40+ WOMEN

The Committee planning Pride Month The next 40+ C'Ub meeting WI” be on
2005 will meet again on Thursday, March Sunday, March 13, 2pm at the Pride
10 at 5:30 at the Pride Center. Swing by Center, 389 Waller Ave. Come with ideas
after work, we are keeping these meet— for activities you would like and plan to join
ings short. We will be discussing the Pride US after the meeting for a meal at a local
Idol Contest and the pride Picnic. restaurant. All women over 40 and their

This committee is open to everyone; friends are welcome to attend. _
we invite you to show up and get involved. seideeYr March 19 I5 Girl's Night OU’t-
We are looking for someone interested in We Will meet at the Pf'de Center at 5330
hosting a pride Reading, an event where and deCIde where we want to go out to eat
people share various forms of writing and what we want to do afterward. For
such as, poetry, essays, stories, a n d information call Ginger at 253-0061.
so forth. For information or to volunteer - . ‘
call Mary at 266-5904 or the Pride Center DISCUSSION Group
at 2533233. The discussion group meets every

Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride
66* on Board Center and is open to all. We strive to

Get On Board now is accepting applica- make this a safe space where you can be
tions for the Spring 2005 Class scheduled yourself. If you enjoy lively discussions,
to begin April 16. Applications are due by please join us. For more info contact Jane
March 25 and are available on line at at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com

Get On Board is a United Way of the DRUM, FOR PEACE
Bluegrass initiative that recruits, trains, and . There M“ be a drum C'rC'e and gather-
places under represented people to serve mg every Sunday between 5 '6 pm at the

. . Woodland park Gazebo. (weather permit-
on nonprofit boards In the Bluegrass. For .

. f . I S . ting). Open to non-drummers, dancers,
more in ormatlon p ease contact u3le children and all seekers of peace.
Cavanaugh, (859) 2334460 ext. 238- There is also a Drumming Peace Wave

planned for noon, March 20th,
Write _ International Earth Day. Contact upken-
. gees Keep the love you find, tucky@yahoo.com for information.
fie? ‘ ‘ Get the love you want.
J _ B "_ GS Volunteers Needed
338th ll Iflflfll‘ I' W *to keep the Pride Center open a couple
certified Imago Relationsnin of hours on Saturdays
TIIBI'flDiSI *to write articles for this newsletter
. couples, family, individual *to host a Pride Reading in June
. . *to distribute this newsletter
ima oconnectlon.com 859-552-6533
9 call 253-3233
GLSO Page 6

 g»- TheathAnnual , . ., .
5‘ V” ’éi'”
/ 0 ._ , (.1
le i
as , t t ,
ill Include:
at T 1'. :5 . Half ._
or i; ’ “ ""77 ' fji “ ' "t ’Makaeup
.. 1. . ‘ :2: *GD-S'EUITIII'I‘E :7 :
le - - : Impersonation i
)e i ‘ f” ' ' i ' I. “ Impersonation f
s, . . .
le . , ” ’Hew Image 3,
d " ‘. "Z , '. .7 *cornrnunity
I g” H: Service. 3_
'ie ’ i i " J - ' 7 ‘ j t ‘1, *Newuumer 1
Ir: ’Speeial '.
V9 ' l . V ' a"-‘Sumlmrlin ' :
”h . . _ B ,
in: ”‘ . 1 Rule
I . I , f 1:: *Karaoke t
-h . g ; . *Offsiage _ 3"
)le. lPrace-eds to '32 g Drama 5‘
, benefit the f J“B‘izirllendinig
' chanties of ‘k‘nz - ‘ :2. i: "Technical .1-
j, , ‘f The Imperial “ff-m F‘- 1..
. Court of t" é . ' t? Support
i he Kentucky l i 1'3". ,, i 5 1"fitmnerl'iir :7
. . , . '. ‘ \Ll HEY-‘IJ'XNAZ'JLW
-'-: GLSO Page 7

 SoulForce Plans selves and their kids to Focus staff.
. . "The love that shows in our smiling
FOCUS on The Famlly COI'IlTOHlalIOI'l faces will be more powerful in confronting
Jamie McDaniel, coordinator of the untruth than any of our words."
Lexington chapter of SoulForce, has In March, Dr. Dobson’s group is hold-
recently been hired by National SoulForce ing a one day workshop, “Love Won Out,"
as their Webmaster. His work is not yet concerning their X-gay ministry in
available on line but there are a couple of Louisville. There may be an alternative
sites worth examining including event organized by the Letter,
SoulForce.org and DearDrDobson.com, a SoulForce Lexington continues to
web site concerning soulforce’s plans to meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each
confront the ideas promoted by Focus on month. SoulForce members come from
the Family, James Dobson‘s right wing various religious backgrounds and follow
anti—gay group, Congradutlations Jamie! the principles of non—violence practiced
SoulForce will be going to Colorado and taught by Ghandi and Martin Luther
Springs, the home of Focus, April 30 King Jr. They believe thatto create mean-
through May 2. GLBT couples and fami- ingfull change. GLBT people need to
lies, single folks, and allies will take a tour directly confront the religious organiza-
of the Focus headquarters and eat lunch tions and individuals that use the Bible to
in the cafeteria. They plan to be out and preach against us. For information call
open as GLBT people and same—gender Jamie at 859 230-5625.
families, holding hands, introducing them- www.SoulforceLexington.org.
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 BLUEGRASS FAIRNESS ANNUAL RETREAT 7:00 pm at the Pride Center. The meet-
by Laura C. Harris, Treasurer ings are open and all Fairness minded
folks are welcome to attend. There are
The Bluegrass Chapter ofthe Kentucky also a variety of committees that would
Fairness Alliance had their annual retreat welcome new volunteers.
at Blue Licks Battlefield State Park the To betteraccommodate our needs sur-
weekend Of Feb. 18'20- The agenda and rounding the Kentucky legislative ses-
priorities were mapped out for 2005-2006. sions, the Annual General Membership
See future GLSO newsletters for upcom- Meeting of the Bluegrass Chapter has
ing events involving the Kentucky Fairness been changed from January to October
Alliance. and the steering committee will go on
Bluegrass Fairness has no specific their retreat in November.
events scheduled in March. in April, For more information, phone 859—806-
Bluegrass Fairness will co-sponsor/particl- 4114 or check out http://wwwbluegrass-
pate in the Human Rights Commission fairness.org/.
Fair Housing luncheon, the Kentucky
Conference for Community & Justice din- Research Study of
ner, and the AVCL AIDS Walk for Life. Same-Sex Couples
Fairness Will continue to lobby legislators
and educate the community at large. Be Dr. Sharon Rostosky and Dr. Ellen
looking for our outreach materials at local Riggle at the University of Kentucky are
establishments and events. looking for gay/lesbian/same-gender lov-
One highlight of the retreat was a seri- ing couples (at least 23 years of age and
ous discussion regarding building the com- together at least two years) to participate
munity from within. In addition to increas- in a study of spiritual and/or religious val-
ing our allied support, we must keep ues. Couples will participate at a time
apprised of internal issues. The anti-mar- convenient for them and will be compen-
riage amendment to the Kentucky consti- sated $50 ($25 each) for their time
tution was a real blow to the LGBT com- (approximately 1 1/2 hours).
munity. Much of the post-election experi— During this session, the couple will be
ence involved a lowering of self-esteem interviewed (together) about their views
and retreat back into the closet for LGBT and experiences with spirituality and reli-
persons and sympathetic allies. Bluegrass gion within the context of being a couple.
Fairness is developing a seminar sur— The interview will be taped and latertran-
rounding this dynamic. scribed and then all interviews will be
Bluegrass Fairness is updating and compiled for analysis.
compiling their referral lists. The latest Each couple member will also be
versions of our LGBT supportive attor- asked to individually (and confidentially)
neys, counselors, et al. will be available complete a questionnaire about him/her-
soon. self and his/her relationships. All informa-
The monthly meetings of the Bluegrass tion that is collected will be treated confi-
Chapter of the Kentucky Fairness Alliance dentially. Couples interested in hearing
have been changed. Beginning March more about this study are asked to call
14th, the steering committee meetings will (859) 257-7880 or email:
be held on the 2nd Monday of the month at rostosk@pop.uky.edu.
GLSO page 10

 :: GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
1:: Ilnpcrial Court of Kcntucky........252-3014
A Charity Organization
ii; 2006 Pride Maura Sponsors
W ScoflAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
on For all your real estate needs . . (mobile) 338-8483
GLSO News Sponsors 2005;
Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter .......................859-806-4114
Promoting equality for all people
9“ EmestoScorsone. 254-5766
if: Attorney at law
ii: $iste150und......................................806-0243
ai- Diverse music for all women
3: RichardsonVisionCenter..........................278-4201
1e 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
3e UnitarIanUniversaIistChurch......................223-1448
l: Seeking a Diverse Congregation
e. TheBarComplex.......................255-1551
:13: 224 East Main Street
’y‘: 1513 Nicholasville Road
’r' MndyKnollFarm......................299-7410
ii: V Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
‘5’. LauraMfiggieswoflhGEFianancid..................264-.9.926
“‘ Long Term Care insurance Specialist. 1-866—582-2426 ext. 4212
" GLSO page 11

 .“g “while! ‘fllfindfll To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 .
Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comluserslglsoqxnet 4.
Ma rch 2 005
Sunda Manda 'I'uesda Wednesda Thursda Frida SG'UI‘dGY ,
_ . Pride Center open til 6p 8P ICK LOW 3‘ L3“ 9a Frontrunners/walkers
More information about many of the events are 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Fantasy Show Q Club 141 Arboretum
in this newsletter. You may want to call or email 266-5904) Grou PC 730 p _ Diversity in WOO”, “Mi“:
the group to confirm the date and time, see the 7p One World "Free" p- Gender (Call)
directory on back page. . 1 . Films: Mujalyldss’fhe Holy , 8p ICK Mir. Kentucky Mondays:
Pride Center may be'abbreviated-PC ' Wamor@Publc Library W MW“ 8pm -AA Step Study (Co/I for
Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call Location}
[ _ , . . . . , .. . ,. ... . , W Tuesdays:
. . . Pride Center open til 6pm . . Pride Center open til 6pm 7pm ' GSA (GOV Silaigh’l
iiiz13508;1s1ttflli/iirtiizaiiurCh 23:? Center open “I 226655;?“ for place 7P GLSO Discussion 5630” Pgmong: 7:30 P Gay/Lesbian AA QRaMFronEtrmunnesmégglmfu Alliance]
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's 8 AA Ste StUd (Gail - ) Group-PC h 9. (call for place) WedneSdflys:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal p P y . 8p AA Step Study (call) 6%,} 7 pm - GLSO Discussion
3:30p One World “Free" for place) . . _ , 10 a, 1p, 7p One World Group
Films: Feat-Kine @ UK ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "Free" Films: Paper Clips 8pm _ Gay/Lesbian AA (Ca/l
Student Center @ Kentucky Theater 3 for Location}
‘ . . ‘P 1 League Southland Lanes
2p Women 40+ Club-PC Pride Center Open til Newsletter 7p GLSO Discussion St. Patrick's Day Pride Center open til 6pm 9a Frontrunners/walkers Fridays:
xhggihvgglciifigzcsnms 6pm . Deaét-line Group-PC . Wearin' of the Green 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA Arbmmm 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
Mambo @ Public Library it'll’sfigm‘sijj'fiia, 336693232” f°' p'ace 8P Gay/LeSb'a“ AA “3“) contest @ The Bar (call for Place) [Call for Looafion]
4p Integrity @ St. Michael‘s fopr lace) P y Complex Saiurdays:
6p Imperial Court Mtg-PC p Lent l 9am - FrontrunnersNValkers @
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- Orthodox has “8 UK Arboretum
rmii____#_umsv#_#__fi_fiw________________ Sundays:
I ' . . _ , ‘39:15&llam-UUChurch
9215 8: 113 UU Church Prlde center 0P3“ til 6pm 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO DISCUSSION Pride Center open til 6pm 93 Frontrunners/walkers WOiShip selViceS.
10130 a Si Mychal‘s' 7:30 P GLSO 30“ “99» 266-5904) Group-PC 730 p Gay/Lesbian AA Arboretum 1 0:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's 8p AA Step Study (call to 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) M OWL
(75: mg??? Rehearsal ’ place) Gaod Friday ' " 4pm- Integrity @ St. Michael's
Palm SUMO! 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal
7 Spring Begins @ Landsdowne Presby.
3‘ ‘ 7pm - LMC Rehearsal @ St.
9:15 & 11a UU Church Pride Center open til 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Michael’s EpiCOpCII Church.
10:30 a St. Mychal 6pm 266.5904) Group-PC
2P Women 40+ Club-PC. 8p AA Step Study (call aplcx Fables Award 9:30 The Bar's Annual "um
4;: ifiiiigicgfihMlicrgaetz for place) Q Ky My Tumabout Show, to 6pm - The Imperial Court
SouIForce (call Jamie 2250- Mt W Fm SOU'Force CG" tomie 230‘
5625) 5625
Monihly Adlvllies:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [3rd Mon.) 7pm - Fairness [4th Tues] 8pm- Diversity in Gender 2pm —Women 40+[2nd. Sun.)
(131’. Sat.) 7pm —l\/IACT [3rd, Sun.)
GLSO Page 12 GLSO Page i3

 lntersex Research surgery to make the genitals match this
by mary crone decision. Doctors more frequently chose
. female in part because the surgery is sim-
A number Of, medical researchers pler. The surgery mayinclude “reducing the
have recently published studies that sup- size” of a clitoris that is “too large”, creating
port the belief of lntersex persons'that no a vaginal opening or in other ways creating
surgery should be done on babies that a more “normal” appearance This proce-
are born mm a both male and female dure is based on abelief that gender is flex-
traits. They suggest that such children ible and that the social conditioning of
should be listened to as they mature and being raised as a girl will successfully cre-
given the hght to claim the gender that ate a person with clear female identity,
they believe me them. _ Dr. William Reiner, a urologist who per-
The lntersex SOCIety of North America formed sex-assignment surgeries on
(ISNA), the organization Of lntersex per- babies, became aware that some of the
sons that has called for such reseerch, '5 children he operated on, later came to iden-
celebrating and encouraging the distribu- tify themselves as the “other gender.” His
“on Of the information. interest led him to retrain as a psychiatrist
lntersex '8 a relatively new term refer- and to study this phenomenon. His latest
hhg to persons born W'th, mixed sexual review of 94 lntersex children found over
phySiology, including phy3ical manifesta- half the children assigned “girl” came to
tion ef genital, genetic, and or endochri- identify themselves as boys as they grew up.
nological differentiation that is different Another researcher Dr Eric Vilain sug-
from the cultural. norm. h, '8 term chosen gests that there are many factors effecting
to include ihdiViduals With a variety of a ehiidie gender identity, including some
issues that place them outside our cul- that we do not know how to measure
tures dichotomous conception Of gender. Through his research on mice, he identified
(two genders, very different from each 54 genes that work differently in the brains
other) There are a variety Of ways Of of male and female mice embryos just 10
Viewmg gender, other cultures see more days after conception, before sex hor-
than two categories and many people are mones are even produced
novii Viewmgngender as a continuum.“ Both of these researchers support the
lntersex, is'replacmg the'term her- position of the lntersex Society of North
maphrodite which means havmg phySidal America (lSNA) of not doing surgery on
atmbutes Of both genders. Hermaphrodite lntersex babies. A child can still be raised
retains the concept Of two-genders. as male or female with the understanding
When a eh'ld '8 born W'th genitals that that s/he may announce at some point that
are not eaSIIy classmed, doctors check s/he has been mislabeled
other indicators including sex chromo- It is difficult enough forachild or adult to
somes and levels 0f sex hormones 'h the claim a different gender identity without
babies. blood. They use that information having the issue of infant surgery that can't
to aSSign gender and often W'” perform be reversed. In addition, too often the sur-
surgery to create genitals that fits the gery damages an individuals sexual
aSSIgned sex: , responsiveness. lSNA’s position is that
When the indicators of gender are not doctors should stop pathologizing children
concluswe, doctors are likely to aSSIgn a that do not fit their standards for what is
female gender to the child and to perform “normal” and stop infant surgery
GLSO page 14

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_ GLSO Page 15

I l'ricle Mulltll Event Ileqistraltiun I
IThe Pride Month Committee has established a calender of events for June 2005 and hasI
Iset dates for a number of events. We are asking all groups that are planning an eventl
Ito call Bill at the Pride Cen