xt7s1r6n344w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n344w/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1941 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; 33 leaves, 28 cm; Includes Bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81cc/6 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Stanly Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Stanly Association 1941 1941 2015 true xt7s1r6n344w section xt7s1r6n344w I I V _' I _ I   I UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
QI I_  II» I‘~ i.` I I II I I
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    I I ~
I I Inventory of the Church Archives
    Of `
I I II North Carolina
I I “`“—‘“"’
»I I Southern Baptist Convention
I ‘ STANLY Assocnmior
I -..._...._.
I North Carolina Historical
I _ Records Survey Project
I I Division of Community I
I I E Service Programs
I I Work Projects Administration
I 4 Raieigh, N. 0.
I February, l94l
I _ INIVEHSIW IJF I2i¥‘"iis;“‘im—¤#miss, ieee, p. s;
* ’ listed in Minutes, Stanly·]EEbEiEtioY:'l§E§J,n. KQ-“`— 4
6. Not 1isted—sl;?EEdm;%mET—any ossooidtiors which had churches in the
territory new embraced by Stauly Association.
7. Minutes, Stanly Association, 18SQ, pp, 12-15. A
f 8. lbidT,NlG5lT_pT-?T`_—1F%YlZhdon later became inactive}w
¥     ioozs, p.  
I 10. Tdild., 1905, p. 5.
{ 11. THE., ieee, p.  
` lg]     p})| ll`, Gt
'  :1-5Q     DQ 4Q
 *· 14. THE., wits, p. <1.
it 15. Ihid., 1915, p. 5.
 I 16. TEE., 1916, p. 4.

_§ - 3 -
if l919;l7 Grace and Yadkin in 1921;18 Richfield in l925;19 Stanfield and`West
—§ Oakborc in 1926;2O Pau1's Crossing in l955;2l Oak Grove in l936;22 Fairview
{Q in l957;25 and Pop1in's Grove in 1959.2% Other additions came from adjoin-
gl ing associations. Prospect Church was received fron leck1onburg—Cabarrus
ii Association in 1894,29 and Chancey's Hill in 1903.26 From Pee Dee Associa-
1 yg tion came Anderson Grove, Kendal1's, and Palmerville in l888;27 Badin and
, ·n Gold Hill in 1889;28 and Norwood in 1900.29 Elizabeth, Corinth, and
. n? _ l Mineral Springs in 188650 and Mount Zion in 188751 were received from
#~ Rocky River Association. Mission Church appears in the minutes for the
_¤ I first time in 1895 with no mention regarding its being received from an-
' t other association or being newly constituted.52
t Since its organisation the association has lost fifteen churches. NR.
* Pleasant, Wyatts Grove, and Corinth were disnnssed in 1927 to unite with
E Rowan Association;35 Midland in 1938 to unite with Gebarrus Association;54
QL and Miami in 1911 to unite with Kscklcnburg-Caharrus Association.55 Other
- é churches have simply ceased to be reported as hmndcrs of the association
Y and probably became defunct near the date last mentioned. Those churches,
_ , with the dates of the last minutes in which they were reported, are: hk.
~i Q Zion, 1888; China Grove, 1889; Elizabeth, 1895; Zion Hill, 1897; New
§ London (old), 1898; Poplin's Grove, 190i; Gold Hill, 1907; Yadkin, 1925;
é and Smyrna, 1929. An effort to revive Smyrna during the next 2 or 3 years
§ failed,
_- ‘ The membership of the association has increased rapidly. ln 1885 the
{ ,§ constituent churches reported a total membership of 417; in 1895 this had
¤ Qi increased to l,4Q7; in 1905 to 2,259; in 1915 to 5,624; in 1925 to 5,001;
E in 1953 to 5,962; and in 1958 to 6,621.*6
1 The organization of the Stanly Association is simple. Its working
body is composed of all ordained ministers serving its churches, and three
` or more messengers elected annually from each church. No courtesy·seats
g_ 17. hinutes, Stanly Association, 1919, pa Es ` -
1 is. -lbi.~§-,m1€:1-2lTi~E- """e. ""“`°" `
y 19. lbid., 1925, p. 5.
g, zo. TbT&`., iozs, p. e.
»   21. TBEET., iess, p. s.
  22;. TEE., ieee, p. 7.
1 25. Tbid., 1957, p. 8.
24. lahbtes of the Fifty—Fifth Annual Session of the Stanly Association
had not been printed at tign of survey.
25. Minutes, Stanly Association, 1891, p. 5.
1 2G. lbldTT`190Ej`§T`5§"T5i%TEhhnged te Midland, 19225
27.   ieee, p. 4.
  2s. TEE., nasa, p. 4.
gr 29. lTEEQ, 1900, p. Z.
* so. Tm'., ieee, p. 4.
. 51. TTEH., 1887, p. 6.
Q B2. TTEF., 1895, p. 11.
$5. TTEHL, 1927, p. 4.
, 34. lEid,, 1936, p, 6, Admiticd cs Chancey's Jill.
it Z5. Ibid., 1914, p. 12.
5 $6. Bata drawn from statistical tables in minutes for years cited.

  - s -
lf are extended except to these persons. The ministers and messengers meet
wi in annual sessions for worship and the transaction of business. The
Ԥ elected officers of the association are a moderator, vice-moderator, his-
ti torian, clerk, and treasurer. It is the duty of the moderator to preside
fj at meetings, appoint committees, and perform such other duties as are re-
Yf quired of presiding officers. The duty of the vice-moderator is to
,i preside in the absence of the moderator. It is the duty of the historian
tt to submit at each annual meeting a historical sketch of one of the constit-
1, nent churches. The clerk is to keep a record of the proceedings of the
;i association and see that the minutes are printed and distributed among the
y churches. The treasurer has charge of all funds of the association and may
Y pay them out only under the direction of the association. He must submit
5 annual reports to the association of all receipts and disbursements.57
lt Committees are usually appointed to encourage subscriptions to religious
éi periodicals; to solicit support for missions and for various denominational
institutions; to encourage attendance at denominational schools; to stimu-
, late Sunday Schools; and to select the date, place, and preacher for the
E next annual meeting. An executive committee supervises the general affairs
g of the association and devotes itself especially to the provision of ade-
` ` quate ministerial and missionary service in the area of the association.
Q A promotion committee works in connection with the State Mission Board in
V Q matters pertaining to general denominational interests within the associa-
Q tion.5B
The records of the association are kept only in the form of printed
’ minutes of the annual sessions, which include lists of delegates, minis-
Q ters, and committee members; a record of proceedings; reports of committeeg
_ financial reports; and statistical reports covering membership, Sunday
g School, property, and finances of the constituent churches.
p E Since the organization of the association the following men have
Q served as moderators:5Q
3 'W. J. Mertcn,"A1beterle, N. C. . . . . . . 1886-87
é C, C, Foreman, Silver, N. C. . . . . . . . 1885, 1888-89
1 E J. C. Denny, Heiligs lhlls, N. C. . . . . 1890
i D. S. Morton, Whitley, N. C. . . . . . . . 1892 ‘
1 E E. F, Eddins, Palmerville, N. C. . . . . . 1893-95, 1897-1906
j Z J.`W. Suttle, Albemarle, N. C. . . . . . . 1898
. T C. J. Black, Ei; Lick, N. C. . . . . . . . 1907-14
, ¥ E. M. Brooks, Palmerville, N. C. . . . . . 1915-18
N Q. C. Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1919-24
· J. Marvin Smith, Albemarle, N. C. . . . . 1925
J. M. Page, Badin, N. C. . . ....... 1926
; F. A. Bower, Albemarle, N. C. . . . . . . 1927-32
F $7. "Constitution," Minutes, Stanly Association, 1938. The censtitutiwn
. is also to be IW{EEYd3Ydi§;dYfHuteE—YErtiE;t_other sessions of the
_ _ associations.
l $8. Minutes, Stanly Association, passim.
. se. l"EH`Z"` """""""""_"" _

  - 4 -
  M. L. Dorton, Albemarle,   C. . . . . . . . . . 1955-57
  J. D. Marler, 1lew‘London, E?. C. . . . . . . . . 1958-59
Y   LI D |     in,   I C I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
  The following men have served the association as cle1·ks;€LO
  Dc Sn Morton, .A,].b€Zi1?E}.I`]..G, 1\1• C• • • • • • • • • •  
·   W. K. Littleton, Palestine, IJ. C. . . . . . . . 1890-91
. {_  E. DQ Teeter, Locust Level, ll. C. . . . . . . . 1892-99, 1911
 f D. S, Morto11,‘Whit1ejr, N. C. . . . . . . . . . . l900—l91G
 I S. A, Jenkins, Rt. 2, Locust Level, N. C. . . . 1912-15
  J. C, Gillospio, Norwood, N. C. . . . . . . . . 1916-18
  CQ LTU   I I I 0 I I I O I I I O l O l Q | I  
{ 3 E. A. Bl“91'1C1'1`• ........ . . ....... 1921
  J. R. Miller, Norwood, lT. C. . . . . . . . . . . 1922-24
  E. M. Broolcs, A.1bG1.l%`.I‘1·E?, FF. C. . . . . . . . . . 1925-28
  TF?. A. Hough, Fox-: London, E?. C. . . . . ..... 1929-55
j j VII S •   I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1  
3 LQ DI     DTI CI I I I I I I I I I I I I  
  Richard Buss, Albenmrle, N. C. . . . . . . . . . 19*10-41
  =10. Minutes, Stanly Association, pcssim.

lg - 5 -
IQ 1. POPLIN’S GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH, ca. 1800-1904. Near
E, Albemarle, Stanly County. Y"
§§ constituted about 1800. A member of Rocky River Association 1880;41 of
fi Pee Dee Association 1881-84542 received into Stanly Association 1885.43
Q; Church services were held in a one—room frame structure from organization
Qj to date of lapse. First known resident clergyman, Rev. J. R. Littleton,
Q 1880, The church reported a Sunday School as early as 1889. Church
‘Q nembcrship in 1880, 27; in 1895, 76;and in 1905, 58, See also entry 45.
43 Record Book, 1890-1904. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church confer-
yi ences, membership rolls, names of pastors, and incomplete record of
E organization of the church. In custody of Mr. C. E. Burris, R. F. D.
    _, AlbGI1l9.I`].G •
U 2. KENDALL'S BAPTIST CHURCH, 1850--. 5 miles northwest of
?i Albemarle, Stanly County.
T? Constituted January 51, 1850, by members of Rocky River Church under the
Q leadership of Job Calloway. A member of Pee Dee Association as early as
§ 1841;*4 received into Stanly Association 1888.45 Operated as an arm of
1 Rocky River Church 1825-50. First building, 1820-1904, known as Ken-
¤; dal1's Meeting House, a small log chapel erected through community co-
;‘ operation on a plot of land donated by Sam Kendall; located near the site
J of the present building. Present building, 1905--, a large frame
ji structure with 5 Sunday School rooms, bell, and pews of native oak which
t were used in the original building; dedicated 1907 by Rev. J. B. Richardg,
A son, son of the first pastor. First resident clergyman, Rev. Noah
Richardson, 1850. The church has reported a Sunday School since 1881.
Church membership in 1841, 50; in 1855, 55; in 1867, 95; in 1876, 66;
1 in 1889, 75; in 1899, 121; in 1909, 157; in 1919, 161; in 1929, 159;
and in 1958, 161.
lj Record Book, 1955--. 5 vols. Includes minutes of the church conferences;
{ membership rolls, showing how received and how dismissed; and quarterly
t reports. In custody of Mr. J. R. Pickler.
" Financial record, 1956--. 4 vols. Includes record of receipts and
A disbursements. In custody of Mr. DeWitt E. Henderson.
f Sunday School record, 1955--. 4 vols. Includes membership rolls; names
Y of officers and teachers; and record of attendance, visitors, and col-
li lections. Kept at church.
Q 41. Minutes, Rocky River Association, 1880, p. 8 (earliest available
  ?HiETu%T%` iEi”$iHTcTT¥B‘6 E"h"u`r'&T, `°T§"11sted) .
i 42. Minutes, Pee Dee Association, 1881, p. 11; Ibid., 1884, p. 15.
i 45. ldnuted, Stah1y“Association, 1885, p. 5.
. 44. hinutes, ?E5_Bee-AEE55iati5h, 1841, p. 2. (earliest minutes avail-
¥  *Z>“1€)`2," “"` """` `“`“""`"-
y 45. Minutes, Stanly Association, 1888, p. 4.

  " 6 '
tr 5. BADIN BAPTIST CHURCH, 1856--. Main St., Badin, Stanly
QQ County.
h% (Ebenezer Baptist Church, 1856-1929)
Constituted April 17, 1856. A member of Pee Dee Association as early as
Qi l84l;46 received into Stanly Association 1889.47 First building, 1856-68,
ti a one-room log structure. Second building, 1869-81, a one-room frame
?§ structure. Third building, 1882-1924. Present building, 1925--, a brick
'E structure, Georgian architecture, with 50 rooms, heating plant, art—g1uss
` windows, and bell; dedicated 1956. First resident clergyman, Rev. Benja-
_, min Lanier, 1856-41. The church has reported a Sunday School since 1877.
1 Church membership in 1841, 51; in 1855, 56; in 1866, 121; in 1876, 127;
;· in 1886, 105; in 1897, 120; in 1905, 84; in 1914, 109; in 1918, 245; in
g 1928, 274; and in 1958, 289.
si Record Book, 1902-19, 1924--. 4 vols. Includes minutes of the church
if conferences; umrmership rolls, showing how received and how dismissed;
A record of deaths; and financial records. In custody of Mrs. Henry Hall.
if Sunday School record, 1951--. 2 vols. lncludes general monthly summar-
#1 ies; and record of attendance, visitors, and collections. Kept at church.
l` Baptist Training Union record, 1957-58. 1 vol. Includes nwnmership
y rolls; topics discussed et meetings; and record of attendance and col-
1,i lections. Kept at church.
ff historical sketch written by`W. K. Littleton, five doub1e—spaced pages,
tf typewritten, dated July 50, 1919; revised in 1956 by Rev. L. D. Munn.
iQ In custody of Mrs. J.`W. Miller.
PE Stanly County.
Y Constituted 1845. Received into Pee Dee Association 1845;48 a member of
yy Rocky River Association as early as 1872;49 received into Stanly Associa-
Z$Z tion 1885.50 First bui1ding,il845-92, a log structure which stood 100
1% feet from present site. Present building, 1892--, a large frame structure
,{ with 4 Sunday School rooms, hand made pews, and bell; dedicated 1894; re-
f3 paired 1908. First resident clergyman, Rev. Henderson Carter. The church
pq has reported a Sunday School since 1892. Church membership in 1872, 48;
Q}; in 1886, 75; in 1905, 87; in 1922, 170; in 1952, 186; and in 1958, 208.
th` Peccrd Book, 1886--. 4 vols. Includes minutes of the church conferences;
it rules of decorum; membership rolls; text of sermons; records of quarterly
ii and annual reports to the conference and association; and financial
EQ records. Includes also roll of local and visiting ministers, 1886-1909.
ii 1 vol., 1886-1909, in custody of th. Luther Whitley. 5 vols., 1909--,
LQ in custody of Mr. H. T. Dick.
s 46. Minutes, Pee Dee Association, 1841, p. 2.
T  47. THEERET, §,T§n`i§f“A_§`sT?>E1`Z.*t`Ic`§$j' 1889, p. 4.
  4c.   i¥·§`Tn'é‘s~“Y4Eé‘6¤?iEHEa, isms, p. 3.
  rs.   T€6E157`£€i%Tr‘iX§ET56i’5tiOn, 1872, p. 10 (eariiest mmiabie
,4Q minutes).- —-
52 E0. yhnptes, Stcnly Association, 1885, p. 3.

Q Register, 1925--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, showing how received
ag and how dismissed; roll of pastors and church officials; and record of
it deaths. In custody of Mr. Luther Whitley.
1 Sunday School record, 1958--. 2 vols. Includes membership rolls; names _
€ of teachers and officers; and record of attendance, visitors, and col-
;; lections. Kept at church.
i` 5. MIHELAL SPRINGS &AP7IST CHURCE, 1845--. 2 miles southwest
x of Oakboro, Stanly County.
i Constituted 1845. A member of Peo Dee Association 1845-5G;51 of Rocky
River Association as early as 1872;52 received into Stanly Association
p 1886.55 First building used until 1910, a one-room log structure, located
M 1 mile east of present building. Second building, 1910-27, destroyed by
{ windst@w®:. Present building, 1928--, a seven-room brick structure with
€ wings on either side which are used as Sunday School rooms; dedicated
p 1950. First resident clergyzwn, Rev. E. David, 1855. The church has
t reported a Sunday School since 1905. Church uenmership in 1655, 57; in
jp 1856, 59; in 1872, 55; in 1882, 48; in 1892, 57; in 1905, 52; in 1915,
FQ E9; in 1925, 156; and in 1958, 156.
r 1
JQ Record Book, 1951--. 1 vol. Includes minutes of the church conferences
It and hoard of deacons. Includes also financial records, 1954--. In
qt custody of Mr. Fred Austin.
tg Register, 1951--. 1 vol. Includes membership rolls, showing how received
pi and how dismissed; and record of deaths. In custody of Mr. Fred Austin.
Ӥ Financial record, 1928-E9, 1951-5%. 5 vols. Includes record of receipts
yi and disbursements. Kept at church.
Vg Sunday School record, 1926-F9, 1951--. 10 vols. Includes membership
I2 rolls and record of attendance and collections. Kept at church.
` 1
ig? 6. ANDEFSON GROVE BAPTIST CVLECH, 1854--. Near Albemarle,
A1? Stanlv County.
151 (Liberty Kill Baptist Church, 1654-86)
ti Constituted Oct. 21, 1854. A member of Pee Qee Association 1856-G8;54
§§ of Rocky River Association as early es 1872;*5 of Pee Dec Association
{Z 1885—87;56 received into Sturly Association 1888.57 First building,
QE 1854-86, a log structure. Second building, 1886-1904, a frame structure.
gl Present building, 190d--, a frown structure with brick foundation, hand-
ri made pews, main auditorium, 7 Sunday School rooms, and bell; dedicated
1  ·1 1900; repaired 1056. Church named in honor of Dr. Anderson, who donated
< 4 land and lumber for the church. First resident clergyman, Rev. B. H.
1   -—--—~—--———-——-—-·—
tg 51. Minutes, Pee Dee Association, l8&5, p. Q; Ibid., 1856, p. 15.
I * sz.   TQJEQFnjRT5`FT.`§§EEéEta.O¤, isvz, p.'T"o.
.  55.  , StEE`1;·WlE`s`o`c1`:H1B1C°1¤81l6, p. #1.
ii 54• Parliegt andP1Etest—avai1able minutes in which the church is listed
fg are Minutes, Pee Dee Association, 1856, p. 15; Ibid., 1868, p. 16.
 ,  55., 1nmF€e`s`,°T€5ck`;7T€iR¥§F”"""’".¤.sSO¤ia‘g_`Z>'_1j, izwz, p. io.
  56.   P§>_1lrz?§`TE's—ocic.tion, 1885, p. 4;   1867, P- 5-
  i sv.   `S'5T¤1`§F1E7s5“"¤ia-t1E5T mes, P. 4.

y - 3 -
if Carter, 1854-69. The church has reported a Sunday School since 1889.
ti Church membership in 1856, 15; in 1860, 20; in 1866, 15; in 1872, 15;
E, in 1882, 48; in 1899, 102; in 1909, 154; in 1919, 209; in 1929, 295;
§ and in 1958, 554. .
rz ·
li Record Book, 1885--. 4 vols. Includes minutes of the church conferences;
ls membership rolls, showing how received and how dismissed; and record of
fi deaths. Includes also record of reports to the association, 1925--. In
custody of Mr. Cecil Rumnage.
_ Financial record, 1957--. 1 vol. Includes record of receipts and dis-
bursements. In custody of Ur. Cecil Vickers, Rt. 5, Albemarle.
Sunday School record, 1915-19. 1951, 1955--. ll vols. Includes neun
I bership rolls; names of officers and teachers; and record of attendance,
yg visitors and collections. Kept at church.
y Baptist Young People Union record, 1924-28. l vol. Includes membership
% rolls by group; topics for discussion; and record of attendance and
gy collections. Kept at church.
li Albemarle, Stanly County.
ll Constituted 1857 with 12 charter members, following services held in
°l 1855 by Rev. David`Nright, an itinerant minister from Troy. A member
,51 of Rocky River Association as early as 1872;58 received into Stanly
h_ Association 1885.99 First building, 1858-89, a one-room frame structure.
lj Second building, 1889-1927, a frame structure. Present building, 1927--,
la` a brick and stone structure with auditorium, 9 Sunday School rooms, bell,
Ii and seating capacity of 500; dedicated 1928. First resident clergyman,
fi Rev. C. C. Foreman, 1857-55, 1875-75, 1880-81, The church has reported
,5 a Sunday School since 1895. Church membership in 1872, 51; in 1882, 105;
Yi in 1892, 152; in 1905, 500; in 1915, 529; in 1925, 295; in 1955, 550;
ti and in 1958, 556.
{A Record Book, 1872-94, 1905--. 6 vols. Includes minutes of church con-
LS ferences; membership rolls (male and feunlc listed separately, 1872-94);
S; church covenant; and rules of deccrrm, Includes also record of deaths
C? and quarterly and annual reports to the association, 1920--. In custody
$1 of MP. N. C. Efird. Vols. for 1572-8*, 1889-94, 1918-19 have loose
;§ leaves and torn pages. `
ti Financial record, 1886-88, 1890-91, 1897-98, 1959--. 7 vols. Includes
W record of receipts and disbursements. 6 vols., 1806-88, 1890-91,
f, 1897-98, in custody of Yr. Fred Russell; volumes are badly worn and
i, writing faded. 1 vol., 1€5G—-, in custody of church clerk, Nr. M. C,
i Carpenter.
` Q Sunday School record, 1905-6, 1909-15, 1916-18. 5 vols. Includes mem-
;§ bership rolls; names of officers and teachers; rnd record of attendance.
1 Includes also monthly and quarterly reports of the Sunday School and
g record of receipts and disbursements, 1915-18.
pj .......