xt7s1r6n3439 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n3439/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-11-05 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 8, November 5, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 8, November 5, 1914 1914 1914-11-05 2015 true xt7s1r6n3439 section xt7s1r6n3439 ct ok;
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lv llllllllllls IS llllllllll llllllllll HIESIIMHII llllllllll Hllilll IIFHBEIIS Elllllllll FDIIBHI Ellllllllllll
Undoubted Talent is Un- Game Called Saturday, Nov. State Colts Run Up 96 to 0*Much Interest Shown in With Extra Weight and
covered Through Per- 7th, at 2:30, on Stoll Score Against Local I Student Governing Live Backs·—Final
formance. Field. Boys. Association. Score 14-7.
      The Freshman team of the Univer-     A large part of the student body as-      
, slty will meet the eleven from Somer- sambled ln chapel, Wednesday at the
tl—llghShlStrdyaft noon , rl tl h d
(ny mu- c»··¤»¤·.>   Sm Fi;m°° Th: ‘;,_:_M xl be me may u»• Freshmen ·n¤w¤¤ °‘:_;'w°°';'°f";’“ °;: "‘ 2** com ¤.m»e·. csumlon of football
A novel amateur performance was ' what they could do in the scoring line °°° ° °° ° °°" °r °°m° "
away and thus giving the fleld for this cusslon of the merits of the honor st"' h"° um h°°°' °‘ Km"! '-h°
’ given Hallowden night under the when they ran over the L•X|¤8f·0¤ Vild
. contest. The Somerset team ls a system l °°"° adr mn d°‘°“ °t nm 191*
· auspices of the Strollers’ Dramatic High School team by the score of 96 °
strong high school aggregation and as The following ofno•r• were elected· °°"°° '°'° s°““`°“' ‘”h°“ uw “m¤°‘
b grub gf {hg Un|vg"|ty_ to 0. The Colts had things all their `
yet have not been defeated this President., Wayland Rhoades mndmns °wi"°d um au °‘ uw wml
The object of the performance was own way and the High School boys ' , _
season. The game promises to be one Vice-President, Karl Zerfoss wm °° °h° °““° °‘ 1* '·° 7· Tm uncy
more comprehensive than simply to did ¤0f have I 0hI¤¤8 M N1! IKIIO or ° .k
of much interest. The students and Secretary Grace Crulckshauk. "°° u°m* °°°“°"°‘ °‘ T°ddY b“m`·
furnish amusement to the students. the same. ’
others will be able to witness a game The above officers and the represen- "°rb u°°°m‘°• Hmmy M°“t$°m°"Y
Wh|l8   WEB U18 GDGOIVOY to lomc   S       t this d to   h The     t°‘m W`.   and Flshback   Our   [Of sun]
ou"`, me more important purpolvon t e •. a on w c from their uma with Louuvmo Mu. tatlves from each class compose the
they had expected vacant. ex•cutlv• committee of the organiza- "°m °°° yud *° Mm ‘* umu uw
wan to give those students who wish °¤ um P”°°°°dl¤U snudq nd '"“ un Th { h U I ..nldcat defense tightened up and held
to b•c¤»m• members of the Strollers,] “ unable to present umu- strongest line mn °d°y::mth° °°wl°;·;; °; Jie hem, Red md Huck ban but at
a tryout. Tho-bill put on was certain-! .p against the Freshman, who made V"' y an W ° m°" nl ° no 1 i _
the majority of the students will be- ° m° d d U" C““ p“‘ W '·h° “°*'l
ly` Indicative of a good supply of touchdowns on forward-passes, llne b mi mg game that they msphnd quant
t•.l•nt`ln the University, still to be ac-I BAYII       .·cks and end runs whenever they °°m° °’ r mt °°°°°°°' A_ & M The, md not _•m to have
. { _   I .
quir•d h by that organization. Thel hose. me pep mu may have shown in pw
monologues, readings, music and danc-{ . , . The Lexington team plays Louisville     mms conmcu md me muy mm, out
lng were up to the mark in every   Young Women Of Manual here nut Saturday. The M, NN"., mum umu wu for ·
O , tlcular and combined to form al Uhlvgrglty Arg Taken Qeds pat up a tlpqgama against tho lm_w”_
crack-a-jack vaudeville hill. Into Various Bodies, Freshmlh here last month, holding         The gum. wu me in Nsummg
Prizes were awarded to the follow- —-— them to a 7 to 0 score. so from dope ) '
mg. A Tuesday, November 3, was the an- have 8 nut ulvlnt-so But me ___ nalmer kicked 02 to Park Ou Ken-
' l"Pld D"f hS itl I k’thl -
William Adams, G. H. Dean, Misses Emma gnizrsity MT; Ev; (xggrvgg locals may pull a surprise and put nplOf'llCOI‘S Elected 3lld Work Lugo); sha}? s:;nt;u:::° in umw
Virginia Stout, Celia Creagor, Helen y' la close game against the Louisville . O   · p' 8 8 wu °u'
with appropriate exercises. ' ut llléd by ACUVG he Cats could not gain and Park
Berkholdsr, Evans & Co., Soule k Co., I boys, so the game should be worth
md Charles Hen Each of the sororlties entertained watchin: Body -·¤¢k6d to Montgomery on the Red and
` Tuesday night at their rooms for the ° I ° .slack‘s fifteen yard line. From here
Mr. Adams offered a monologue that new ms l -—·· I to Cincy mam d d d th
, .l
was clever and well done. Hls charac- g I Th° Pmmbmw L°°gu° °‘ Sum mn 0 own 8
ur of 5 usouthem Colour, was not The Alpha Xl Delfn S0¤‘0¤`iiY did not, University, which ls an auxiliary of dem °¤ °· $8*188 °Y line b¤¤k¤ bi
3 simple one but his iutammtnion SW6 out the ¤¤m€¤ of their Dl°d8°¤· I lthe Intercollegiate Prohibition Asso- ·“’·°h'· G°°Sm“¤ and M°¤¥8°!¤¤¥'Y to
was good and his talent unmistakable Those Dl6dB€d by the KBDDB D€l¥¤S I clation and a member of the State In·l°“" ¤V°`Y“d une- H°l'° UW Wlldciw
· Min smut,. dramatic reading wu; were lViiS¤e¤ Lois Powell. Richmond;       tercolleglate Prohibition Association ***1** and Perk kicked nur of denser. '
wan com not Mao dmwt being B Lois brown. of Princeton. Bild H¤l6¤ ·of Kentucky, will hold an important " “'“ “ °l°“° shaw and had iu the
•°°°‘°‘ ’°;*""· "‘?F.T§”e?.$ S$:Z°; .l.. ... .........1 "" “?°°°’“‘ F""‘“’ °'°“‘““‘ “‘ ""° `{"?"`°`"   "° ”` °"°
Mr. Dean was an exceptional black me following plidgey pmsses Mary W1ldC3tS Tackle Purdllé EI]- 0cl°ck'Ti: me Y' M' C'   numb? New [gi boiguumg °t um °°°°°d
faced comedian, whose ready wlt was A _ ` · r°°m‘ em am °°v°° eagues D `*u8'n°r t° t°r°°pt°d °' t°'w”d
Parker, of Maysvllle; Adclla William- glneers at Lafayette Kentucky at present: Georgetown pass and the Cats started a parade of
so much appreciated by the audience
mt he was me hn of the pmom ¤¤¤- of H¤¤ki¤¤v¤¤c: Elizabeth Fmh- Saturday, Iomega. Kentucky wesnsyan, eastern .heir own which ended over the gw
mcs man, Eloise Allen and Helen Morris, _, ]State Normal, Transylvania, Berea ine when an alleged fumble by Scott
Miss Cmagofs reading of ..Hagm_ 0Y'L"xl¤gt0¤·     GAME1C0ll€gB, Asbury College and State’gave the ball to Cincinnati behind
in the Wudemessn was excellent in its Phe Alpha Gamma Delia Dledgesl t Unlverslty. Each lnstltutlon ls en- their goal line for a touchback. From
interpretation mu delivery. ?;‘;l;:S€2fMé‘;;t;:;l':“ll‘°;a‘:°GI;T;;:I Next sam.-any the wtldcua go to l ‘“""’ '° S°“" “ '°"'“°“°““°“ ‘° “‘*’ "‘°" °"“ "'°“""“"’ "“° "‘° C‘“°’
. a; · , - ·
Mm Berkhcldws character song t ` ullafayette, Ind" to may Purdue. This btate oratorlcal contest to be held ln. backs again tore down the held and
and Mary Oglesby of bhelbyville U . S 1 . . li `
was well done and Mr. Hm_z_B violin . » . lt pr ng, the winner of the contest .1 s time were not to be denied, uoos-
0 selections were good Usoula & C0',. were `lvhitwvrth. of H¤l`dl¤¤b¤*8ifB¤'“° is ****0*** ***9 hardest $***1** °“ the will be awarded $50 in gold, and the man going over for a touchdown,
added much to me mmm pm of the Ruth ¢»n¤¤¤<1v. of Versailles. and Annie I lllue and wmte schedule, and coming honor or representing Kentucky ln me from which Palmer kicked goal.
P,-0gmm_ Laura md"' °t L°"i"g°°“‘ [us it does near the end of the season. *“*°"·=*m° °°¤*‘¤‘¤¥ with 8 °h¤¤°6 nfl on the next kick-on mshnack gave
HEVEDB & C0-., put on u mock debate lr 'lllté lgéfll Chi rhiapter of lhinppa it will und both teams in top form and Wlnnlng 3 $150 prlzel and after win' [[19 Kentucky B\1pp0l'[Bl'8 ll10[hQI'
that was rldlculously funny through- xappa Mmm D 6 gas um Bags give a more correct comparison be- "mg th°°° tm °"“°r men g°°° t° me Scam when he returned the ball to
Mildred Taylor, of Lexington. Eliza- Lween mem than could be mhamd at National contest and tries for a $500 our thirty-five-yard hue, une lute.-.
out beth Booker Anita Crabbe Katherine 8
Miss Ruth Parker closed the pro· S d Au' G   Eu P { any other uma, pri" ln $°ld· cepted a forward page but F;·leg_ [hg
t · er, c re r - . .
gram With beautlful clnsslc dancing. t L) [ L :3 iu 80 ydm;-A I ia I; The englneers have a strong team Any student °r member of the hcul Ilféd Bild Blacks big lineman, broke up
~ , o v e, ·- . .
The entlre program was as follows: I; ne; of 3/Zmaw an av n u L .his year as usual, and wlll·be a tough ty may b°°°m° ° m°mb°r °f uw *’¤¤`k¤ im-e¤1Dt at a forward pass.
a . .   ..
0v6m,,.,-0rchw.»,_ _ _*__ ___v H gm nut rm- me cm to cms. when they ‘°°¤“° *’“° °¤" °'“°°°‘° "° °“°"°° Furkey than vnnted te Montsnrnerv
Readlng—Marle Becker. ··1mr Perklns' ronoggau Slide"- nortoupnant. this year with me Army, ‘° "Y °“* *“ "‘° °'“‘°"°°* °°'“°"- and the quarter ended shortly after.
"The Yarn of the Nancy Brig"- Lawrence Bradford. they lost half the strength of their Every student' both boys um xml' in In the third uarter Tedd Baehr
. Jullus Wolf. Buck and Wlug Danclng—-G. C. team. Chicago and Wisconsin both uw °iv°"“y' wh° is mt°r°°t°d|ran the kicked back thirty yards, On
Character Bong--Helen Berkholder. \\’llson and O. M. Edwards. have defeated the Hoosier aggrega- either in pmmbmon or public we-k"that terrible Minnesota shift, to which
Monologue-—Wllliam Adams. "Resolved, That Christopher Colum- tlon this year. bllghtlng their hopes mg' um expected W coma out Friday _ the Wildcats can blame their defeat,
Readlng—Lols Powell. bus was a greater man than George for a conference championship. mgm and join mo l“gu°‘ Them wm the Red and Black forwards o ened an
"The Unknown Speaker"——E. L. \\'ashlngton"—Evan• & Co. Coach Brumage and his charges will b° wveml su-(mg °ddre"°° d°uv°r°d'¤lu1mense hole ln our line, through
Frazier. Uaclslon of Judges. leave here Friday night in a special     which Goosman made flfty yarda,
Muslc—Soule & Co. Judges: Mr. Enoch Grehan, Mr. W. car over the Q. & C. road, arrlvlng at ’ ' taking the ball to our tlve- ard line.
"A Rehearsal"-—Emma Holton. tl. Mctlomas, Mrs. Lloyd C. Daniels. Lafayette about three o'clock Satur· —-——···—— The same gentleman took the ball
Mon0logue·—G. H. Dean. During the dance which followed day morning. The Wildcats will send An Important meeting of the Stroll-lover on a straight buck with three
Readlng—Vlrglula Stout. the dramatic program, the members their strongest battle front against ws wm be held Thursday November bluejerseyed men hanging on huh,
Violln Solo, "Dreams"»—Chas. Herz. of the Woman's Club of the Unlverslty the Engineers, so a close game is ex-, ° , Palmer agalu kicked goal and me
Readlng—He1lyn Agnew. lserved refreshments at the cafeteria. lpected. 5, ln chapel. All Strollers come. lscore board opposite the grandstand

 ?_______.._..____.__.   y_____T}}£·;u;¥B§_é__,_s_,_·_t_ - ;_,_t_t_____.__..m me ..._ t • I   ·
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go'! G0. _
”°°* IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"‘° ~ ’
Me At Admission 10c
FIR8T·CLA8! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H'; STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. QQ 11 P. M. `
' road: I'. (`, 14; opponents U. \\`iI4l<·a1:< xx lll Imve a job on their" Q •I• Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I ton was drawn and I\|bmIttOd to tht
    Finally the \\'lld<·ats pant busy und I lmmls but it is possible that we may ·I•     OIDoard of Hggnh Tuggdgyv by R_ [_ `
alter n series of forward passes, Tut- rome h·mn· with the long end or at` AHGD. held of the Pure Food Lud DN} V
  O O 0 O O O
tlo got one over the goal line and I lo-ust a tie score. I am suing, BTP you? • •   • • · • UBD8l'U¤B¤t of UIQ Kentucky Elpid-
    lsooretl our lone touchdown from whi<·hI vv I I _ -i————_ I J, W, Reed, Anglgtqnt, State lnspec- ment Button.
ho klcked goal. This was in the linal m` dong pmudp “M mcg lem' . .. `
I I I _ I v_ _ _ tor of Mines, has just returned from _ -
·t·»»m·—r. nm ¤em¤¤ the mm on wm ""‘ ""‘ “"“ ""‘“"· “$ “"°"‘“" ’“""Zt¤ Eastern mp, on which he inspected Tm "‘°“‘“' ’°”°"°° °"'” ”‘°‘
2       Ikivkonv me U. (1,. men bv uw Smm_,m··nt and magnlmlnity when he joined UW mines of the Consolidation com Tuesday evening In its rooms in un I
3 If=\<‘ti<‘S used earlier in mo ,mmp,I I***`*‘*IF·l ;*`NvI¤ 13** 5:ale trowd and or-T0. and the Elkhorn Mining Corporal Law ])epM·tme¤t_ The f°"°'I¤· pm, I
3 ° °     ° ° Irushed the ball down the lleld and I " "( ls an as losmge HOD at Jenkins. Mcnobarts and Fleur gram Wn lhem
. ——;-— * \V l . . . ·~
were lt not for penalties at opportune I_hv_ Kpmwkv dole umm C nslmm Ing' The muket at present I. had €¢01¤8 tddrell-C P Nleholgon
, ld I . ,,,,, I, ‘ · K · ° " ··wny w• snoula n• n¤¤•••··-n m
      moments, vvou une prom Y SCOP? of Ihmeen mrloads OI- r00I€,.s_ rw and none of the mines are putting Cullen ' ' I
again' Bm the CMB NWO Hmm just win-sl a royal welcome at the hands Om much cou- ,,Dev;wcmu " Repubucuun 8 H .
I       as (Mosman mm on www Iards Um. . I the Cincinnati routers and t€um_ The Lake trade, which takes a large Monarch ' ’ ' A
“*d° 0* t'*°k‘€· by the “‘“"'s g““· ,,,-,0,, pIpId_ me mma or the con- W" <`°“* °* uw °“*p“* °' “‘°“° ""“°’· ··why .Y°u Should be , ng A.
Although they could not gah! elim, was de<·orated ln the colors 0f~'“ fa¤*¤s Om and they are depending . ‘
"”"°' ‘""'°" "°" "‘"'°°'"°"' ""°"“" ‘*"‘ Q“°‘"‘ ""’ ‘“"“` “"*‘· ""‘I —» tiwal q tm After tt E crowd l·m·—t»»· on domestic trade “'“" M°""’°"*·’· H- °°'·¤•¤· ·l
l l~‘ ` ' . (' . ‘ I ' , ~ ` · ’ U , . I l
Wildcats opened the eyes of the ()hio~| . _ I Kentucky! Bi! Gnu-, °-R- I- L-
I ~\hn·h nas said to be the largest at BI Murphy
Innsdby the Tastevfiilfuste of tlve   Ivvvtbau game in Cincinnati In tpnI Irtsldent Barker delivered an ad- · ~
· ‘ · l ·   l
v Iwar pass. »ut tue ea ure 0 ie v(_m_S was smiled. the mug and Wmvddness to the student of the Wilbur R. PROFESSOR MELCHER I. ,t
Igamo was the tearing runs of Captain I _' (med IO Oumumbvv the Red and I Smith Business College Tuesday at PMD FINE COMPUMINT I;
y   |"l`eddy Baehr. Not ruined by the great. mvvvk to (lung at big extent the invitation of General Smith. The  
Ipubltcity he has received from the address was received with much In- of Prof C R M  
4 _____,,+  . . . elchor of State
V`, newspapers, he played a wonderful ·|· ·I· 4- ·I· ·I· ·I· •I· •I· ·|• ·|· O •|• O •I· O *|• O {HBS! by ihé 8¢\¤d€¤t¤· University faculty, the Bourbon Neva, A
{I , . ti
game or football. but without him + AT THE BEN   •|* *1* Paris Ky has this to sa `
H . - y on COHEN-
lf /I \ and Goosman at is doubtful it the 4- ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·t· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· ·•· "‘° N°'°m"°' “‘““"°" °‘ “‘° tum with rum popular tasu-new pu- ?
Cincy team would be one-third as ____ [`I`1\I1BYlV8.¤i8Il WB! issued to the stu- I I KI
I \ v A PAIR OF 8IXES• mm f T I I U i - tc patlng ln the program ln that city 4 I D
- good as it ls. As usual, Jimmy Park, 8 0 !'¤¤¤Y VRD B ¤ VBl‘¤|tY Y6! of the Ashlmd Dilmct Edu"'. 1
I 'I ` Tuttle and Scott were the Kentucky; Laugmev has alwgs been acknmvv t‘~’;?aY· :*19 *:0*****;*1;* 8:9 '"Y :*1:;* Association:
~ . . . .‘ es n an am n ,,
I Q stars, both on the defense and offensef odgvd Um univvjvsul vvavmcea for an I vg"? rt ttgzp img suzntibo F pmt,. C. R. Molcmrv of un. un}
· _ _ rs e 0 s 0 . BU m , ·
.· TM '°'““"’ "“S"‘““ “““ "i‘°“";g " amt of the body and ol me mind. tr _ mms r H v Th ° “" versity. was summutea on ut. pm.
> ·· I .· _ _ we omsn oe. e cn-
Q *“"‘ "“"*" K°"‘“°k’ “‘ °‘"“‘°M’“° glhis at S0, you wtll be able to man Hm of vie ma jmepam as { H vg arm to supply the place or Pmtd•¤t
‘ -' ~ 0 0 sz
ments and early nn the game ont Imursclf with many dollars on your The New P in al Ed H Eu Henry S. Barker, who could not o0m•.
· I ra c - -
gomery sam that he could not hope toldmvvovs bm by attending the vhme zabeth Ron uca on Prof. Much",. addr". on ,¤w¤°m’
gain around Tumes end' performances of "A Pair of Slxes," at ' in Ed“°¢U°¤° WU D?0¤0\|¤¢•d ¤|I| ct
The "“°‘“p° the neu A11 next Friday and Saturday Following um Sum ` Pnl the r¤¤¤t intvrentins the most thoushb
Clnclnnati Position. Kentucky Smith-
mgm, and Saturday matinee, N v m- ful ¤¤d ¤¤¤vi¤ci¤s •¤dr••••• of thc
Palmer ..... . .... LE ......... Wright bw 6 and 7 0 6 Poets Mid T6¤.k¤ttles—D0u¤.ld G. session md he wu wcomod · h I
‘ ' B tt. '
I§ri;[s€   ''`''’’°'   '''''`' grutciler ll. H. Frazee ls bringing this laugh inecaptaiu Clark wmv *'°°°Pu°¤ bi the d6l¤K\¢¤| NN NI}-
. orr s ........ . ...... own ng · —— e. ,,
I making play direct to Lexington from , wre-
. ......... I ........... B l . War I i —D M
IC Gregg SG Patléy va successful run 0f nearly a year at porter mpmss on any com   • O
I? .| Sclllleider ....... . ......... e ru, ILO Longacre Theatre, New York City, ` · W S G  
- .,· _ E_ Gregg ________ RT ______ Thompson I 1 vv tl tri I t f vv B l·.dit0ria1s—The Forum, Athletics, ’ '
* ’ · wu te tea ca pa rons o ne eu t
· ......... RE ........ s n d _ Hook Shelf Al i N t Local. • l
  gauge!. QB (C C) IE el: All will probably crowd the theatre 3tI ' umu 0 98, The Sanitary Glue!. *
ontgomery .... . .... ap ar ——-
both performances. Not in tw nty- A
Goosman ........ LH ......... mae M mrs has a comedy had mem I “ ;"""‘;"°; "’°"°‘“fd";' ;e";°“‘ W 8 U };h°¤°vZ29I I I A
· ·l nspec ono a meatsso n xug- · - V" °”• U N"! V•·
....... RH ............ Ht
Fishback te cessful a run on Broadway as "A PalrI
Baehr (Capt.} .... FB ........... Scott of Sixesv enjoyed and the Success was I
TOuchd°“vnS_G00Sm&n 2’ Tuma all the more unprecedented for thei   AM I  
Especially     Goals from muchdOwnS—Palm€r 2’ I`G'l€0I1 that the author Edward Peple   To
Find our Styles way above T"m°‘ S°°"’ by p°"°dB"C*°°i°°m Mn never dabbled urcomeay before`
0-7-7-0; Kentucky State 0-0-0-7. Ref- ` I · I • t D ( I
l l·d d ' f I
the ZVCTZKC • • • • • • greg-Hamm, Umpire- H0||0¤¤b€<*k· IIHIHIZ Su;0;;dh1l;i[;l:;;i:ss;?1l ‘?;;:g;;          
Head Linesman—Clarkc. Time 0fI _v___)_, and __ThB Limestt Rebel', UA,   • I ’
quarwrs—~F1fteen minutes eavh. Sub—II,,_I; of SIXOSH has certainly éemon I    
--7- 1 —B f D - I- · I
, Stmmons Cincinnati OSS or en unrated his unusual versatility  
Fal]   ser, Anderegg for Frlese, Porter torI I
Schneider, Richardson for Goosmanl HAMERICAH C. C.   &    
Langenhelm for Richardson, Goosmant Th? hon AH Theatre will have asl
'   for Langenheim, Gemsler for Morris. IIS next attraction. beginning n8xtI   I
Sh d K¤¤¤¤<·*•·4‘at¤v·· of the lntrlvate s¢·e·nit·  I I
U , ,t L h Stand     »»-e we e tltwts and the p<·<·uluu· llippodrome —— ’
nlvcrsl y Tlnc 8 d I DR. J. I).   '|U\¤‘|ii\\ whivh are brought into play ,
Cahn •xcIu•Iv• y to tu •n¢• _ _, _ I
EYE EAR, NOSE and THROAT at MM) uppullunlty, lt must lp uu-     *
•¤•* '•°°'*¥ °' "•*• U"'"'•'*¥ I I 8"E°'**-'ST I. I-rmt.; out u..» lt¤I..,t.tlm¤..¤ tttfge ls EGE WO A SPECIALTY ·
A. B.   (nxt; Tirozmg t$d9rd°r. HW IiU`l4¤‘5l Fvul lllvatre stage in the     N h  
I <= • an ¤· ·¤¤- I I _ · 0Yt |\\¢8t0I\0 Lexington Ky. ·
COI. O. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX Offle• Pharm 932-X Re•id•nc• 739-X “h"l" “"'l‘| , ·_“‘. ’
I _ I . ·· I

 O 1 I • I
P ; 1 1 —""" `—”`"`_`_
I_ r  •|·4·+·I·+•+·•+·•+++++++OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQ
, • + ·•·
l at at sA r1cultu1‘a1 at J SELECTS ”*’“*“`E"S • w"""‘ °F ’ WANT °°'·UMN *
w.— THE CAMPUS *·•»••••••·•••·••·••••·•
_ Inter-Society Cont••t to Be 8t•g•d °" °•' '·' "' "' "' * * " * ‘• "' • "' * "' "
—_*-wm   S I  H S S ll ll P     S December 18th. * ·*—**~* ,
Tlnere e-omes a burst of thunder sound “AN'l`ED—EV0¥’Y Itlldcllt lll the Unl-
H r I 1 1 tl . h I d ,.;.
AGRICULTURAL BODY ,,§§,’§_Y[,‘,§‘ ,j,§,f,,§`f‘ ,,,Qf,§f, ‘§,,‘,Q,,’}‘f,`,Q°,,,‘Q np s»..ss dm.).1.or1m.,k,.; mo to read tt,. s...,,..., M,.
I .
      (Ihmpp on S°wrd°'y• Ucwbm muh me “"‘ The solemn Juniors turn around ln! Pont Mid C0\|¤U’Y G0¤U0¤II¤.
___ »· nnal tryout for the Patterson debating wi ‘ FRANK W. TUTTLE A
` ' Tl1e Agricultural Society met Mon- This promises to be one of the bestltmm was held at the society hun TI gh :mmpd’ mghmned loo"` Mmmm SL ’ um' 125 m'
day evening. John McDonald, pres|· apple shows of the season and lt will Tl (_ m tm W V k le `lm Ummm mm pale wml grid'
le ·° ve On M srv een “m°“K' For that f'\lHllllll]K sound declares  
dent, presided. Plell Richards was be a flne trip for those Interested in U t t t t d it I
_ H t H d h ld [ h I It '° en con as lm B an was °“ Y That another luckless Freshle      
ur °n tmt :)mR;°m as | ° t° ° mt cu ur°‘ after much deliberation and consult- [R tumbling down rho Hmlm ·
{ 8 recen rv 0 the °ry tum to ’“1*'°'°_;‘ lng that the judges, Professor Barker        
Chlo“80•       and Judge Ch¤lk]€y’ agreed upon [hg K. 8. U.     ·
l Claude Taylor also told some Inter- _._. f H i _ o R wm t J 140 Went Short St.
pmng fact, of the experience, of the The Home Economics Club held Its l?°:;yngandm;n`0 May; with cc; C` (Revised List) SUITS PREOSED WHILE YOU WAIT
l ,..,,m_ regular meeting Monday afternoon at wilson as lwrnare Th; n 'wni "vomedy or Errors"—Tug or wor, P"°"° “°
a . se m
I All wgrg gntgrggtgd in hearing of 3:30 °’cl°°k· meet the team of the Union Literary "Th€ MRKIIBLH-—·PBf. Hall.  "‘_*
the football Sumo in Clnclnnatl Sm, The program rendered was one of "floing Snme"—Llttle l’aul’s auto.
‘ t ‘ ’ Society and on the result of this con-   I I
many, and Abraham nom told about Wat *¤¤·r¤¤¢- Mm AM D¤¤¤ d*¤- t t wm d d th r hl Mh '"The S¤oMer¤"—F¤c¤nv.
A ‘ d __Th I rm I H es epen e owne s p o e U __—
"";,"‘;‘i‘°   .. {“cZ“.IL...c. .2   JL., é’.II’..°           ··   “’ ”“”B "‘ nn. 1. r. sum
` ‘ 8 Y m°m em ° e mc ° y were i the most coveted trophy in the literary ' ` `
tl pmmnt . muntty," emphasizing the Importance I ld (St t U i it "Trall of the Lonesome PIne"—To 127 Chgqpgfdg
._......•......_. I to the health of the wl1ole community. M". 0 A 9 D ven y' Agrigulturgl hu1|d|¤g_ Hours 8 8 m to 8 p m Phene 864 X
" LEXINGTON HORSES Miss Elizabeth Moore emphasized the ··w11d An1ma1S 1 Have Khowyp- ` ° ` ' -
» BOUGHT FOR CAVALRY -·1mp0.»s.ms ofthe rsschtng of Home HISTORY CLUB HOLDS t-,,,.,,.,,,..,,,_ I r ········ -·--—--—
z ·‘**‘·‘ Economics ln the Communlty," from       ··Thr-no ·[·w|ng·*-A1y¤o Epo, Mao
·. A bl hl t f l f '
·’ 8 S pmen 0 Seven cam 0 the standpoint of the city's good. -— and Begg      
_. horses for cavalry service in the M the I Se of U m mm BI short
‘ » C 0 IB ' " "— •
I French army were due to have Um r l i wa sl: nd ever II The History Club held its second V¤¤ltY Fall W¤¢<>h Pat HRH The but a none too Iood
·: ·-»¤¤»»~   ¤···~¤··»~» T···»=··~-’ ,1ll2."'1$.‘Z.§’.‘i,”.“.f.’ “....Z...,3 ‘.‘2.t.“wh.§`h   °‘ "‘° ’”" °‘°""""‘" 2* “‘   —- P t 1 ""°" " °°“‘°‘ *° ‘ *"‘°“*
l Wllcthef   rG8.lly   Bt the time   Societ Lidjourned I     mn   R large Humber ln at- HOUSE of   — !‘0f€BSO]' A OBS   Be on      
z 1, .
L-}; and over the route expected can not y t°ndm°°‘ r°°m` md $9
4 r‘ , The SOCl€t,y     ltS next meet' The mggtjng was cgugd [0 Order andl "Root of EVll"·—G€rHI3H.
l be certainly told, as every effort is
made by the French and Engushling Monday night in joint session with presided Over by M,-_ E_ p_ McC0y_ "Masqueraders"—Night shirt bri-      
` ltlw Agricultural S°Cl°tY· These The program consisted of three num- S¤d€·
A S _ . lt 1 s H _ "__ _ •
agents to keep such things secret to meow] are always une a tram N C 311 W M , Strat
prevent any possibility of trouble from g q be"' chronicles °f hur°p°°n W"' Much Ado About Owing ut lm
German ships after the horses leave to September Ist' by Ml" J` H' (’°l°` ling Freshmen hah-' The student" Ph°‘°InPh•f
the Shores of the United SMMBI STUDENTS UNDERTAKE man; "Chronioles of European \Vg,rN "'I`heI Cast"—Walt for the Junior
Homem mules and any other stock DISSECTING WORK from September 1st to October 20th, Prom. awk"` aI Forum Pr°pr|"°"
that could be used for similar pub —-—- by Miss corr1o Bnsar, and o o1sonss1on "'l`hP <‘llm¤x" — Cvmmencemevt.
mm are among the things that have 1·rort~ssor w. s. Anderson, or the uf the political i¤¤¤e ¤f the ¢<>r¤l¤s lm- Eag|€ Barber  
been declared contraband by the hou? Department of Animal Husbandry, has ¢l€€ti0¤. by C- P. Taylor. H6 held-‘;"°‘•"f mmdmfs hand and said my south Ltmugon, 5;,,,*
erunt nations and these Shipments of tentatively directed a part ot the stu-1 The following officers were elected; M I th u IIII ' 0ppe•lt• the Phocnlx Hotol mock
*   es on o .
horses and ID’\1lB8 from th9 United dents of hls clBSB to I1l'ld€I°t8.k€ 801116 Nll`.     C0l€m8,n, Pfegidentu   ay] benguher relztp head L°xIn¤t°n° Ky'
States   undoubtedly be convoyed dlssécuflg work lll COIHIOCUOII   Nllss   EBIBS, vlC€·P]‘Q5idQ¤t_ T?Y§3?,dyb€;Ier quegjon ypopn      
by British or French cruisers or WSI'- mel" St“dl"S· Specimens mr this Miss Sue Hunt Fmsn R°°°rdmg _Comou Widow Mee! M8 After lhs Gina |t
• O Ships as soon as they leave the three practice will probably be obtained atlsecfetafy. ,
moe umn along the United States the Serum Lnhomt0r·y_ Miss Carrie Blalr, Corresponding A Sorority Freshman named Hannah   S
l The lack of such laboratory work $€c1‘0t¤l'Y·
11 coast. o 1 d 1 f b . · 00
l has been one of the most serious han- Business was dispensed with for a nczlsl Img ii; a pie if a anmma' where dl I. wen md G D'
10 w as as ,
Mr, P, E, Karraker, o former nn- dicaps tor the students in several ¤f,=»<>¢l¤l half l¤0¤¤’· in Whi¢h M¤‘¤· Tuthlll And Said ,.0h pmy gosh, ,Hot Chocolate, Candy and logo
nois man, has boon seoured by Prot. the classes of animal husbandry at W88 hostess. Punch was served and I fear I hav; deltéd my grmiman  
George Roberts, head of the Depart- Hate and this has been a very lm- every One reported a pleasant evening. _The Mmnehrha )
ment of Agronomy, to take the place portant feature in preventing the stu- The large attendance predicts·an `
of Prof. S. C. Jones, who leaves No- dents from getting as good and interesting and enthusiastic future for GO To   J Edward Gordon
vember 15, to go to a much better thorough a grasp of their studies as the club. ’ ° °
place at Purdue University. Mr. Kar- might otherwise have been possible.   Johns Drug Store DENTIST
r raker comes to Kentucky very highly It is to be hoped that this example LAY 8Oc|ETY‘ N°xl t° P°" cmu
l recommended and has already taken will be followed in several of the mfmbers of the legislature which iS!F0I° h¢SCYlPtl0¤S, $l1ll0II¢I’Y, Soda Mccleuand Buildin-
• l • d k 1 on ` ’
. up his work at the Station and in the othir Clegg? un [thi-ztwsf la:¤I;l;;ry composed or the mw SOCRWI met in a`wIt¢!, cullffy, HWS ud clKZl°$
1 · o e o
3 class I-00m' y [19 ai din Ousu a there is no busy session last Monday night. The ——-——————————————
._.._. prac ce n ssec ng, as
bill to prohlbit all form of h i ' ' ' '
'l`he selection of the apple judging other means so good for glvlng the in me Umversny excel): huh cutilgg      
team that is to represent State at student a thorough, practlcal l1l1d0!'· . ‘ "" "` """""
was taken up immediately after con-     . . _
Morgantown, W. Va., will not be made standing of the anatomy of the ani-] V _ _;_ _ W   T _
f I th t P f I d t d ]1ening. A new amendment was mtro- k -·~—- y — · · ,
1 or sevora mon s yo, as ro essor mus un er S u y. I 1 _ b R This is a specialty that ma es our · , _ "_ ‘
l   (liked y epresentative \VuHalnS to tailoring JU·tI°l¤ht·   studying your `   "_ _ ’_ ‘ l',
__ _ l strike out of the bill the phrase which pgsorralitr we are aimlohto tailor indl- ° “ `
1 A _ . 1V ua ty nto your c 0 es, as wo cut ‘··
1 o permitted hair cutting. This met wlth and M an garmemS_°u me premises
opposition with the friends of the bill to your measure at our popular price
1 and several warm discussions fol- y      
lowed. Representative Combs made   8 UP BY walking on tacked
• y     the fight for the amendment and took Call and see our large display of lm- soles, when we SEW
{ fu _ ki i ported and domestic woolens and have then on for the same
up mos o 16 evening in spea ng n your measure whom _ W k d  
Y0u’ll find them all here- "S *""‘°·“· ws GUARANTEE avsnv pr'°°· , m` mw W l e
the new greens, browns, \ Representatives Nichols, sartin and T guszgtlq:-1:* goR:|5:1L_ H od YOU Walt.
b1u€S.a¤y shade you hlge ;*f·j1*ét jr m¤*“;~=   ¤;*"€ d"g;* r....,°gsi “;.‘€?.}‘.l€J0¤“n 3$‘sy“d&211. clllcagt] gum gmt gtpmng
and every Shape that IS I   sgans ne amen ment an no ou t we stand back of every Order mkom
new-   crowns, wide   id will speak aganlst its adoption at the with 0¤¤' 8¤¤F¤¤¢69· 113 S0\lt.h Broadway
and narrow bands, curl io;,;y£;{;_‘ ·___ I next meeting. lt is also thought that RzM::;:l;:V:Nc$gEA:: SLQLL "__"“"“’“
· · • ,·¤:.»-·"  ' · tl bill win g t t t t tl t A E ° ’
grtrrrs orlsltraxght bnms—d tw rm gl 3, $,4 [img G ·· ~· *0 *3 ¤ *6   t...,.,,..·. .......,.. ..... 0,.,..... Kmkcad Coal Co.
6 S 3. GPG-COHIG all 1 l Y ‘ $18 Tallorn. . . .
  se€5;h8mI I IW    .lll.l   Tqaamtgggggl _ _ Anthracnte and Bntummous
‘   . ·»   ' -`“" ‘ l||$tf|[llt Tillllflllf C0. , CGALS
‘ . - .   ·‘·f·‘»./;¢ · _. , , 'i"" l
Stetsolfs & Dunlap’s ·· 1 ,   l`h¢— Plnllosophlan Islterary Society N- E- c°""°" sl'°"* ind M|*`k•Y· 1 ·
. » ';»I.,· j- . _
`   ’ w§;.}'P‘ .4,,, met Wednesday night, Oct. 21, at Pat- _-N_?j£g g§9p_’, ...__E€ntucky
V _ 'ir f 4 '** t
the two best makes are Z,. 5,} TI '_‘_   _ - tvrson Hall. The program was a splen-
4 the hats wo feature l -· · ?&·&"A’l did sucwss, belng greatly supplement- L, M, LA", JACK DUNN
‘ Prices $3 $4   ip _' .€u   ed by several charming German folk
’ ’ ° jr   songs rendered by Professor Zembrod, ,
—       I log" ·jj•" a<·<·on1pnnled by Mrs. Zembrod.    
| . 3* ·';{;_j_   , .......,.._....
' 1 Lcxingmk Bmw Sum  `I 5:.* V.   { Fair nun--··11no1o, 1 wah yous gw., Styles for College Men
4 I} ·,_;;_- _ · me that beautiful lace l1andkerchlt·f and
·,‘».`. .·   ‘  {    “‘ °““ "’*'“’ ‘°' ""‘““"“°· l' “““ Makers of Englrsh Clothes
• I. ·.;; _ _ I ;.·f I Y', only tive dollars."
. . . — 1 ·‘
_ ` l "“r J   l W 5 I H l'lll'l¢* ."NlX2 lllut`s