xt7s1r6n0v4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n0v4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1946 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 17, 1946 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 17, 1946 1946 1946 2012 true xt7s1r6n0v4x section xt7s1r6n0v4x %z ·
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Auuuw nun umu mers Ama: arnwnaw cvzuuv cm:} z mtv mzuu ,0:01 wuz zwroiv cuuu rx/s rurcf rruxur ,
Awlr A1u1z1~m» aww;//#11 nw mrur Garam Jun Amar Axis AHM! 0 my smuaw 64.4; news, maav MVA!
lull DI//IK I {LT1! /4 $ J OFIIYXI l/{RV/#$145 LE}, ,’!N£’H K/»"*Te•' /I/I‘f[l'S/Jl AGV.0 [OW! ?Kl0>UA’ AWG! I/EMU! ~
nroniszzr ta! I/ll/40 sowv mrn; mum sw/·—l1·m’ ./:/01/ xvwuv wwnr su nsw; rmwsn »;:rr»7·su2rm..v,
ui!} nn'; lll/C own r/.1l wwf A zyynzmz Luna 11mm» uw nu:./:47   umu aww; :;»/xw {mam; {Jaw JLTUHS H I
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An!./11 I1 J1! znvv zzmvir Arun: Awww 6*//HM, Alb"! J, Jr //47 »3’>{,P',/OH wouv t*!;2r umm? VM L'*I.'¥Jl HN/LW Muzi! ·
M F l1M|Ibf'/Kill (/I/I/{I II! C /¤ @$0 RHI'? .£#JFlK&S IZ}? /Y('¥»‘ I-V·U"QY L`!/iz'? .24/’>¢7l HICHEY WH0 JE UCIAPIJ _ `
wu xw umu av.u» /’Irll’A/r,/1l·&LO mm, zisw M¥‘Pr'i new um. min ,¤uw·= snug; xm wsr Munir sn mul!./1 \
Milf uzuh Awww turvuuzz nre: urn Akl1fJ‘1¤0"<¥0.’FLsllS lJG¢J1L"»i % »¤,¤·'·2r A:»‘:’/L4 [AU! $seL•!1»L\’Z7 Miki HAD! >’&'¢i5é1 ,b
rm ur zzmzrunr uxmv M.; .wx·u 4~ Mau   swf/»u¥,·? AV/umu KA/I1 srs; new pavoixr lmrsf url Fal/au '
Alilll i'/MAI {.9lAP/7 {AW. fllulzv 7/(MH IKMUO. iff} [Till? [4l(lS(A1,;2’W1l!r<'fJAs”i' i AV'! .L§i¤·‘ Mk{~"Dl J WIZIIP 5f 5243* `
50=•.rr.* raw rm; mm xvmw {nsw; umu uruuuzsqaxa 14*:1, {Ar/S Myfcw :941, siuyy u/zzwl llzuqf .L`£;·¤·’ unlky
ML'!/1 iw! Mz/1 It {ML lwwzrx .G•mm:l.JUI$ C 11/r:1¤4t$, Ce2lR¥·J»”J'»‘!r ·H1>m= :.:44 mzr rvxucs zion IY/IKM I I
Allin? IBYH L’M-kh'! NU/DTI .4.*4/{AP! AM-HMI, FYIMUFTEU/lb MIS`} NIA`? 4Nli‘!.'J K".’J` 4Lfi/0 FRF, IMC 56495 Av
Jllzn /'r¥!l:>rJ A!/{JV ufrzo 5 lmitil. /W/UL Lsdrlr.2 AFA"! HLH Mu/¢•s Aww SliWL’Ei‘S IWHER ./ACI wmch .
MMI HMYIHIP W/3777 Walk'! lil!} `» f~’4PlIS. JK! !I'ltI5,,k A/»':Z‘CAI! [VIM MIKE »'!'>’·&i! A”:.£·’ #L$·"’ Ml/VE , .}O¢·1 IHF!/7·'
!lI‘l'7 /A/1.9 Pfflw 50)*/**. LUMID lilbf 4W7Fl.IlW77 MSM! JIUUJI JU! Gill! A EGF A5/T .=!·‘ ,111 MUTE SFEIYAYY 55474/LU *
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Nur mw rruvu Jp {xw! 1,*/»‘!z,·‘I2·n¤‘ ,v lm [PEO AKA}! M no/AN was .·`.—;.Z’ @5** .’¤ vt ·:`r’»!»’: mm!9Fx‘ mu! cursr *
www vim: UIHII /1;;:I MDMA rwwl A· IWZMPO, 6K.W{ {lll? www zwéz IHMF A&}7¤T`¢M , La/we Mlfiii ssuum yew/v_Ja `
50125 ({UfY¥ JAMA I [/I/T SIGN? MIYKAH MZIIAWIVSF AZIYY ILiL’.*w· wtlir éfllfiilk) »:\·Jé·'T- H5; ;‘&L'ti> I/H N·'U1L7 AQUFJF
/./ur AIIIAIIAW I {zur.! LTL] 1 mow, An: L‘ uww ur :.1: mv ua; 1·5¤1o1+ Irma .75.1; mv;
AMW}? MII? [Li/AIO /[lI'z7V4WVl¥$' KXMWY NUI!/7 STPYAJ MPI! .T~¤‘l·"IF.\` IKITDI il`! ¤'··‘»Y {YEMEN ,9 IN?/W lll/if {Jun/I
Mmxf 0uu·r;.J.· [Ali' JAu[·u'!M'l AF; »T}f·"I’ mw; rxw.6 Am Wulf
NIIHIS, IF/lllfbilll /5/W Axis ZXIAHIS Kyiv, DW SMH Mania, }IiV)U‘MH»Y`r A wg A :»,»z.:i rwvé D./W
’ UUAIHI [/In rxr/S [MU AMW l’ A· M1}? I/uw! L1 4u1’·v, mursr Hur; y It ; 43 ~ au · uzsr FHL/LY HGYU
(WNIM , HUM! /064V ifi IFXJLU MYA7 IIFUYV KPMHL MYUIII MUN! {ME!. #40**4 QUJEE f’~2£'."l' £·L`Ui`.’J J: Mule'! GUY A I
Clllft Nmioi //1*.:;./ /·'Y.4WAT 4 eihuvs lu4dA»‘(!11,l_.h .•us'!££. Jul.; iam! $01.n 1 <; ;4:w;;.· 1: x/rr urn nuxv
Qlixm Luwi lurf cw ,11: » /001.**0, ,·.w.I<‘n'ci IUYKTAN ¤:xi‘+ 1**1:1 >W.¤·¥»` Psi iz: A.£L*1·Fr Anvu/S .4.*2*4*1 /[lil!/I ,1
LM, wu lh/If x··.a/v nw mfr Aww, Au! 11 ew .· ¢u’ir•:& V.   £·”ifW.”9_,r S4' SF ke-; r ·2 Illini: Vnurl u ¤
(*‘Kl/if, run/I r xair m.·u.1·> unynr 4zm•,s»t·v_ nvm Mm ww .>z7¤#a· mw s ~;_e®v_ ·u.w ·w.=ur awww   Jura
atrmfu um UAIQW mm .·?J;?dW[Mf§ www .0u:u;w. vri5»,m·;cs, .uwhr..y=.t¤ www ¢Z¢u’· ri¤•Ju;av stwsrx `vvvzc•cr1;c.<0•r·!
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(WUI. uhm l‘ h"/iw www syn'; ».1'·vr, A/Annu- u!7J:;:s unvn .4 :`~:`¢i'e'»’ 194771 ·;:;.{.< s/Z!Kx’£ .¤·w;< [zu'! ··"
_ dur!. nw ud/r uw. wm; uxvv A .107.4//, 11:.*1/M! mw MAH. H./1 » swm 042.5; 1.1*/Lian $`¢¥»K¥4 ;1rrs!w·*$·;»v
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ttltar, F£/BW Cum! [aww HH JCM/mw mu/Ii xumv Jr m‘¢¢•‘u:r xii! 'KWS SW!5 A WW AIM? 5£&7!£A¢WS,.0Ml '
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i On October 19, the University of Kentucky Alumni Association presented to the Uni-
versity a Memorial Roster dedicated to the Gold Star men of World War II. The ALUM-
' NUS lists the names of the University’s Gold Star sons below: V
_ Report as of October 15, 1946 Bailey, \Villiam Russell llertelsman, John \Villia1n U]
A Adams, xvimaym Frank Baker, James \\'illiam Black, Russell Postletliwaite _,
i Baker, \V1lll2llll Harold Blanton, Wllllalll Lee, Jr. i PI
Alexander, Robert XVarren _ _ , W
. Balden, “Tllll2lll1 Edward Blevins, George Hunt BYE
Alfrey, Malcolm Pershing i . ..
i Xu I ¥ L _ ]_ Barclay, lnntlsey lrlateh Blumer, Philip Edward -
iulem kom €W1S’ ° I' Barnett, lrlenry C. Blythe, XNinston Layton Tl
$511* aylmtnd Edward Barnett, Paul True Boaz, Shadraeh Wlritis tuck
Aww", 1*08110 Bazzell, Paul Galen, Jr. Bolt, Warren Guy Satin
Alsop, W alter Jflmoa Beasley, Virgil Kinniard Bosworth, Charles Clifford ll o
Ammevs, Robert Jomoo Beeler, Robert »letterson Betts, Seth Saunders wei;
Al`oh¢l€¤€o¤» John ·l0$<‘Dl1 Benton, Mortimer Murray Betts, Walter Coleman Vl‘1·s·
Back, XVilliam Breekenrimlgze Berry, David Render (Continued On Page 41)   Star
> _ '(’l`(
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V Scene at Presentation of Gold Star Memorial  
l' n ' ' • and on th> w¤.·t   Tl   t
lfxljte _ Uulverslty Alumnl is seeludetl 2lll;l`(1l£lfl( and gitsllle Y  
ly, Present   Star Roster ]ll€lllOl`l2ll ‘C{lll. he- ohserred ·hy __,___ A {
BY ZMARGUERITE MCLAUGHLIN Uhauucpv IJOYWQV of lxshlaud ])2lSS(“l‘S g()lllg' lll (’llll(’l' (lll`(’Cll0ll.  
·d —l903 , ' " ' . . ’ The (3€1'(·)lllOlll2ll was attended by I
Tl (V . , _ ])l‘€Sl(l€lll of the rllllllllll Assoeia- ` ‘ k
on 19 N46 Umvorslty of Kon- _ __ about n thousand g·m·sts, niany of _
{ucl, ,   V - llOll, 2lll(l lll?   \\'2lS 2lCL‘0PI(’*(l by . . I  
l Q O]llC('Oll1ll]Q' \V&LS l)€gu]1 _ \VllO1ll CHIHG fl‘Olll l`?ll` H\Vtly pOllllZS_ —  
gémwday mm_HiHg_’ Ocmbcr 19 at Pres1deut II€l`lll2lll Lee .DOllO\’Hll. Quite early me 1_QS€1_\V€d chairs B- L ·
{ford 11 <>’¤1<><·l<, when me Alumni AS- H°"’*“"l G B°“""“ °t H"”"V"}· were <>ccupi<¤l by the invited w .
. ‘, · . .' ' , T I , .. ·
*0Q1<1l101l presented to the Um- lnebldellt Ot UNI I'- K- \ €t‘1"“ S guests and 1112111)* students, faculty S_ A
m l"`I`S1lY P1 memorial to the 320 Gold 1*1ub €Xl)i`€’S$€‘r‘ I ll
*0 l11`<“N011t21tiou was made by js di;-eotly in front of the Armory (Continued On Page 6) n _

 STATEMENT OF THE OVVNERSHIP, tion, University of Kentucky, Lexington
Th2 K C nt U C lc Y   U m H LI S MANAGEMENT, C I R C ULATION, (non-stock corporation). Officers are
ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF Chauncey E. Forgey, Ifresldent, James
  CONGRESS AUGUST 24, 1912, _AND S. Shropshire, XYICE-PI`€$l(l€TliZ end Treas- ,
Official Organ of the Alumni Associa- MARCH 3· 1933- umn Helen G' Kmg’ Same mly‘ *
[ion of the Uhl\`€\`Sl[)' of K€lltUCk)’ DUl)· Of I{ENTLyCKY AALUNINUS, published 3, That the kuowrn bcndholdérsv ,
.\ lished quarterly on_ the campus of the quarterly, at Lexington, Kentucky, for mortagees and other Security homers
U¤lV€l`$lr3`· er L€Xl“gl·o“· Sljlllscmptmn N0\’€mb€¤` 15. llllol Smlé or I\€lltLlokY» owning or holding 1 percent or nlore of ,
to Il_0Tl·Y{'l€Illl)€l`$,_$3_~ Flggfggggllggbggxge County of Fayette. total amount ol' bonds. mortgages, or ‘
I ‘_' \ ' _ . . .' '_ . ._ . Y ·
ggulyettlge _GT3$‘l§U:?l Before me, a Notary Public, ln and Othm Secmltlcs mc' 1\Olle‘
  for the State and County afogesaid, DEF- HSBIQH G Iiing L
sonally appeared Helen G. (ing, W 0, _    ·
_ __ M tt ,_ it the having been duly sworn according to law, Q Y _ t , I _ I Fleflgetfllil f _ j
Plllpllgétl RS rsoiilxguggggb   EMSV ,,9 deposes and says that she tlS Jhe edllegr thisll gyld Io SEN “\L¤;éll;;€ll1§E16 lo ole THB  _
OS 106 a · · ;· ‘~ ""* a d lusiness manager, o’ K6 (rf- if · U · `
1929, U¤(l€l` lll€ not of M*ll`(`ll ‘l¤ 1S79‘ TVUCKY ALUl\·INUSband that the fol- _]-mw J_ Nichols  `,
  lowing is, to the best of her knowledge N _ _   N ._ _ J ,_ ,,4 19 ,_ _
_ and belief, a true statement of the (·l} *·omllllb*lollrxllllob ll} ··· ll) ., 
Helen (;_ King ____,,_,,__,,_,l. , ,.,,,,..r.rrr.,r.. E€lltO1` ownership, management, etc., of the  
G· Me M<=¤1¤*¤ e-—e A e—e»eee-—e M***mg€" E°‘?“"" i‘,E§*i$§‘,§$€"2E}}&%El°'§.8€f.§`i,Y§lf {}f?tihi"°,¥l —"*""‘_?__  if
ll'l*ll`F·`l'ol`lro )Il`·La“ghll“‘s·‘\SSOCmt9 Edltml of August 24, 19112, embodied`in section ° ' ° I
Oppycygng OF THE ALUMNI @1,1, Postal Laws and Regulations, to 1 a a    
_ , _ . . if _r_ii_______ _]’>· 'd tg ]. That the llama and a(lill`BSS€S of V} V •O] nlug Of he i\lu1n] ·
$hauH(;}   " 7 msi en the publisher, editor, managing editor Pl? L ul t Ht   _1uS
zlmes *· ‘· ,.l’ " . M ‘**··**‘'* M   '‘‘’’‘’ _   and bUSill€SS mHuHg8l‘ 9.1`€2 are ( €v0t(>( () IQ (lgsgnuna-  _
·- · .· T L . . ‘ / .
XKQ P1€`l(l€l]t_(/li]? Sleqstxl? Publisher, Alumni Association, lllll- . . . _ , .
Heloll G· l\lll¥ r~rr—rr·*r Exeolltlla eclle my verlsity of Kentucky, Lexington, I{€ll- UO]! of HQWS Wll1Cll IS of g€1l€l'3.l ·; I 
·, ·· ·· is c BIMITTEE t“°'Y· · ,. .   . r. . _
l TXIQCT Fig! ioJ B I E,,,t%,, Helen G_ King, LBx,,,gt0,,, ll1t(,1€Sl to gladuatts and fO1- ,
Ll· G°"· {‘*““€ ‘   are wm {€"'*“° y· 1llG1' student· ot the .lllll\’€1`SlI[’  S
, l Tllgglo I-I. D. Palmore Managing Editor, G. Lee McClain, k r l U )' _ 
i G. Lee McClain Grover Creecll ]3Zl·l`(lStO\Vll, Kentucky, _but__  
Jenn A. \Vhitaker Jolm R. Bullock _ Business E]) US tl ·
- - ~ Y, .. wort s, IC l Ullllll ' ssoclaloll . .
  I _ l _’ card \\'ll€ll anything ot 1l1()lll€lli _
along \\'1tll youl· Alina Mater, IS V , -
· _ _ OCCUYS to YOU. l\“C \\'tlllt to e  
G O W °) really on its way, lacking ollly the · ··
0111 ur ay. . l , l{1lO\\' all about you——and so do ~1
added Z1), the added enthuslasln
. · _ _ _ your l:()1'lll(’l‘ classlnates and t ¤
lll the Zllllllltll ll1€llll)€1'Sll1p let- whleh YOU eau gl-We lt, to make }1.i€ndS  
  TP1'. will UNT lll ·llllY to grilrlllotos it the vital, living lillk between i  
Html l'<>l'lll€‘l’ Slllrlollls of lllo Ulll‘ the ll]ll\’€1'Sli}' 2lll(l its children IT IS UP TO YOU TO  
vcrsity, we told you that the Uni- “-me], it needs to be KEEP Us INFORMEDl
versity, at long last, was well on Y I _ _ _ _ *
· - ’ nn *r . 11 a ,*1 0 ·
l its way lll the most successful 1 (iu RF1 1 (1 8 1 PO? HOU tl
= · · · · l‘ o' ' l' ‘lS. I
l period ot liSlllSl()1'Y. (10 t di _t1 ir Ou ( gOEat1O1§&a1C
, . . tll·ou···l 1., for vour l 1113. l· ater U    
i \\ hat t‘()ll(‘€l'llS the University, . P i A 7 , ,   , T
' ,, . which we here on the (:21111pUS are
what attects its progress and de- . _ _
, . unable to do without your help. U B   G   -  
· velopnicnt. also aftects the illlllll- , . , ,      
. . . . . X ou can spread the gospel ot your B
' lll ;\SS()<‘l2lilUllg Tl1€l.'CfOl'€ lt 1S tt . . . V _ , Y
, , Alllllllll Association broadcast, so To Finance Mens
· l()l'("{I()1l€ ('()llClUSlOll that your as- H T oth ,,0 t 1 t 1
, . . . . . 1*1 cr . rnlcr S ut cn S lear- • ·
S()Cl21.il()ll is enjoying the ]ll()Slj suc- . ( , ’ . Dormltory Plans r
fl, Th IN t OO )€ lt.` nl 1ll§l' YOU ]U’O2tCll, \\'1ll lL)€COH1€ lll-   1 \ I  
U(*SS"l , <’ l )Si (' 1'E 1’€ it ( . . . . ' 4 ‘· ~ I' .` 'LKCHCY fl" "
th ll, t (H ( I 0.,1,} X H ,1 its tlOCi1'l1lHt€(l l\'1ill the 2),11118 ot the Phe F°d€1‘ll géolis *5 t‘ (O, 'dt
0 1 is * l‘>ll'2lgl ‘ jtzr l .‘ , . , . ‘ V l M YUSQQS ye.
himn " ()l'§§2lll1ZHT10ll, and with the neces- Houmell Jul} “ ttl t t 1 Cl, I _ l
. ·` ".'· · · - - .     Y ' (en uc<\’ W " i ll i
_ _ _ sity ot becoming active members. Hm Uml€l`1t}_(;__   ,_ l
AT this lull? WG ll¥lV€ lll01’€ 21Gt1V€ advanced $3o,oob to lllldllo you
Ill€ll1l)<’l'S than at the Stllllé given lle llooll €Vol'Y lorlllor Stlldollri preparations of plans and SPN if]
period ill any previous year in the WG 1l.€€fl your interest, your en- ,fiC_at_i0,,S fm. u meH’S do;-mlt01‘}U _. A
history oi' the association. X\'e Tllllslilslll AND YOU? m€H1b€I‘Sll1P Total cost of the dormit01‘)'ll`*l$ MQ,
have reached an Zlll.-illllti high in 
 #9  i   5, `

axington l
ers are - _ » 1
Q James »   l ` i · t . ` l
1 Treas- ` i $ A _,.v.v V i     _ {
y' i % l   ·     T .   ` ¥ ~ ·. t E
lholders,     Y   } V .   ‘ i -=‘
holders: 4     4 · ”‘4·*_·J` T '4{     ‘   .3 ‘     `
[ESQ? 3.- A   V; ; j   ¢   A (_V~ A     -~z¥i$.i.~· 4 :4   V _
efore me .   , ` V ·. ¤ ' V* U U-   · ° ·
, »   · — A Q .,   " V .‘ •• "'
A         ,»~»§‘   l A sA V ‘  
alfnolgots   4 XA 14 wg, uj;     * -   -
" "’     Q,     f c V A   » °  r e
V A   V A {   J' A
; 1 --24, .- '   I ` V _
is = ye! A   A  a   ~      ‘    I ·
umnus q _   - A. V   t
en1ina— e t   K         ‘ . '
general ;   i _ "l   ` ‘§ — A , ‘ _
u you q     4     A   J _
·   [ = V VVVV  . . VV-   ·   1 · A
'“`S“"· A *"*V*<;A»·-~   AAA»   lt A AA~» -9%      ; `A p ' —  ` . lZ
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      §=¥[V ’   · · '· { .
we are     AA I   t  . `   ’ V - ' A
record   {  X   l A 24  ;~ r V ..   · _ s V .
orrows, V L    A  `V · . .   l ‘   V . ’
“   A   A   e r A o VV   ~    YY     1
. ’:` ' ¤   ia Z2,:‘-I  i —-    ` ‘ - ·
gp us a A .  ;_ e   A   , 4
tneinent V V     ~ t _   , ' ‘ it V
_, =¤;~· ~ . . i¥·ZYi‘ SN. Q .
rant to   T   x,  4   * t ,
cl so do  ’ . i M   Ae Q   ` V V I E .
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g     Az ..··, i   ` i     A ‘* f__Aj’  §  
[EDV a     V   ’ . A A   `   
U Alumni Guests for the Homecoming Dance 7 '
,56   Were Here day one to be reinembered a long beauty and the happy CO1lV€I`S&-  
  ·   Thousand Strong time and then some; It was Ken- tion (much of which was tootball) €
BY tucky 1t)—Y anderbilt 7 and that made the nnnutes go quickly by. w
MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN . , . __ _ _ __ _ _ _ .
__1903 IS the story. btoll Field was a It “ Gltllcr T
gcky \\`;u·S{2 If you wom thou {Janie alumni, faculty and friends baskatbzllt OY feetbel but (mfmg Q_
lillmw you lmmv all thm-o iS to ton but strolled down the ramp, and up im Condmons of accommodatmns -  
aud Spec- U? you were not th€H_h€1_€ goes ROS? Street to Maxweu Place for 111 hotels many do not plan to stay E-
Q()l'lllll0F?; _· MCLOHH Stadium with HH the tw and 21 Pleasant Visit with P1_€Si_ over after the game. It was dxf- W
um-v we M, I ’ _ {_ ,_ A ferent this year after the Ken-
. _ eay Wy goats Obmmable was (ent Donovan and Mrs, Donovan A sA
L is to ur mul 4 _ ¤ A _ 1 _t _ tucky-Vanderbilt g a m e, Old
_ _ A _` ( to Capacity and there were AN mb N - ]- ‘] ’ it-
uoumes, · of QOUNQ hum] _ 14 1 4 J _ L`l3( s dic u t seem to worry about ld
We equip Y 4 s _ 1ec s yy 10 heald Maxwell l lace was lovely \V1t·ll f00d·t11€y just Wautod to talk the 4
U (M1 W6 radio ofthe XV ld t t ·' f· ll fl * ‘V l l i ` ` ‘ T I
4l44“_u V. - 1 . C21 S 11p a oneis, tie adies living up Hung Over and they did' |
Z! 10to1‘y Lane to make the to the best standards ot Kentucky (continued Qn page 5)
U M N Us T H   21

 University Alumni  
Present Gold Star Roster ·   ··`*‘ 1   ; _ i 1, {Wit   ’ J1
,45 _ ·r  a ¥·   , 1 . •
1 (Continued from Page 3) i‘`‘ ` ` ` ` · V ‘ ~ - Fl
l was perfect and the slightly low- ·_ t* . _   $1 ‘ . W
ering clouds reflected the distress     1 , i` Q _ "   1  ‘
· ’ 1 » ‘ • —» — a‘ ~ .. .
of th o s e assembled for the   ` ’   , I A A
ceremony. Feelings of S3d11€SS 1   ‘ * ·  . T
and of pride wer·e evident and in 1 · ` · _ hot,
: . , _? ;,
. keeping was the gentle fall of the x ·   alm
leaves from the branclres over-     tod:
head, those gorgeous brown and _ ` g__  _ hav
golden leaves that come wrtlr the •   :5 {= T
1 at Aj- J ‘
fall i11 Kentucky. ,_   Lim
The tirnc required for the un- [   O,   111191
Q veiling and presentation was com- »   1 _}   { A   11"I1
_ paratively short but very definite-     l   . 111111
ly the occasion was impressive. _ 1 A   A__A 111`11
The devotionals were offered by   1 il :V.v· A ___r       1111111
; Barr Peak, r‘rrrr·Qr-my r,n.e..r.       __  2  111111
. , · , · 1 113* * ‘ ‘   ‘ (`on
secretary and the nrusrc nas fur- · · _ 10
· · · · -; T -.; 5 '`A`'   ` ,1 . -7
nrshed by the Dnrvcrsrty band. `Q     ‘`;°‘ 1 ¤   1
At the conclusion of the program 1 ‘-i·   r I 11
"Taps" were sounded. Strangely     “ 1{111
·   1%   , ‘1 nr·
sweet were the strains of "Taps"   . J 1 1 1
as they were wafted on the · Q l
_ . , reer
breeze to the accompaniment of · A mw
the muffled roll of drums. The " ‘ tm,
‘ 11S*1’111b1}` STOO11 OS 111O Colors W€1‘€ President Donovan, Mrs. Donovan, Col. and Mrs. Hugh Finley and Hugh, Ji". 1 mn,
. carried past and the band play- tm`,
gd the lmtjomll tmthQm_ With the of l). Y. Terrell, E. B. Farris, Mr. otl1er·s, many ol’ tlrern, wrote an- ` B
benedietion a memorable occasion K1111111111 1111 11 11111`¥11‘11`11‘1 MC- 111"1°11111‘“1 aclmowledgments 1111111 ern]
. . · · . . . . ' · ·r · ·r · 1 1
m postwar- campus events was Laughlrn, to formulate the plans 111911 1<;i111>· LAW
. 1.(rc01.d€d and design the memorial. lrater 1 "
{ I _ . ltllll
_ _ utter the >l·1n had been C‘ll'l'l€(l
1 At the annual nreetrrrg rrr June, ( 1 ( _ I __ A ( V1 _ They Were Here {OHS
( r t t ,, _ Ollt l() UOl1l]}l€ll()1l lll? l;ll€ \\ 11Cll   Thousand Strong (AA _
I 1.140, George lrendall of Lexrng- l Tm 1 tl 8 QA it buildil AA =~1111
ees · ver 1 s ·v ·e r · · - .
ton, a returnec addressed the ` . ,, 1-1 , 1COmmu€d hom Page 51 · 111111
m(_€tiAAAA_ Amd Alglred that BA rostm also destroyed the memorial. lhe L rorrr 5 to 12 o’elock the r\ll111l111 ml (_
, < <» » ‘ . . . . .
- of theirmwg of tht Ullivarsityk task was undertaken anew and Association errtertarned IlllOI`111111‘
, ( . . 1 »` . , A 1
Y Y - was completed in time for the ly 111 1110 G<>1d ROO111 et 111C 1*‘1' ‘ 111
\1\or1d ll ar ll dead be put on a _ _ f_ Y . ,. l _H fw rrrpm
Mmpt TO bt BPM ted OH the Lampus presentation on Homecoming Day <1} H10 HOtO1 and 111‘ 111`1 *1 1 IA
r . . , Z ‘ _ A   _ (rtru
_ _ ·. , . . rr · · mer- students -rrrd old erads 11*
The chairman explarrred that the 1111* 11*11 1118 Comlmttca m · ( . · P *11lQ than
_ ,l . . . t 1 , { .   . . COIHB in and dance tor a ll 11 -
s _ V - c rarge o. tre rrral arrangements _
L reld House nhrelr had been lan- V1 1 1 Y 1 1 1 Dlrar
P , t . V- Approxnnatelv .300 rx ere present-
lwd w( 1 t 1 _ _ _- t . was composed ot Miss Helen lung, ’ · sl -
_ 111 1 1L (1 memoua but 111 Doct I, Alex C NRO It C 101191 An orchestra furrrislred the (l2l11€@ ·A11h>
the discussion it was brou ht rr 1) ‘ 12111 ‘ 1 J ‘ O   , _ , .,   · =. esi- 1nn-
g 0 Mlm (,m_t€1_ and H D P_tlmOl_C nrusrc and the assocrat1onSP1 _
that such a tribute would be de-   ‘ ( ' ' ° _ _ ' dent, Chauncey FOI?-py, and 111- 111¥`
layed possrbry two or- more year-S 1;1t1]"1“1"’°1·" T1? 1{1 111° 1{1111111‘1“ rr c_ Errroa, ner-are srrrvely, 11211 "*1··
and that a temporary record could 11 ` 111 10110161 CM Cktem mg an Vtllritelread, H. (J. R 0 11 1111 011* 11111111
be ¥U`I`&11g€(l Wllll p1‘O[)I'l€l3y. The 111\'11i11111111 11) 1111*111 to z11;t€11d 1116 _]`(rml(;tt(r Gyuves and ]V[arg11€1`111 11111111
then presiderrt, Grover Creech, services. Many who were able to )[gL;mg-lrlirr assisted in e1rt<’1‘11111‘ 1111111*
alrpomted a committee composed do so earrrc to the campus and ing, las
rl '
..-   .-».`.-a,.r,_., ,,r-_.E._A,__ _ A

 1 1
f 1 1
· 1
* · 
ld Grad Celebrat     M »»v  1 v·—i—     .§,.   » .1 .. at     . .t ..  .     ., 1
  O BS ¢?;§c;‘$•$1·,y··€r;j&Z·31?W5;,t  j‘1¢l¤1’ ·’%~1,{!1, ~           {1¤¤§f·f"‘r, ?’1‘t`€ 1 
• •   _ ?’e§»"1`¤.·;:»,1‘~¤a,,3f»"‘7g1*¢§**~"°`.€1.·;  ‘   ·~ 1,i,.11$».=.s»¥,5,**?gi‘¤,**¥:r‘•¥$ <.‘v £·'¥‘·'·  ' wiig'7   ‘l
’ ‘ Fl1‘St HOHl€C0mlHg       ; {1Q, ,,_, ·     1 1
. ew _.e.,··,,.a,1,_ 1;;:   1;_#· .,,.2 1 M, M · *,· ·· ; ;·_,_ ,;_·   ~ ¢~· , * '1‘·  E
° I             l  
` Will 11 Yéats   V V
qv:;a;¤;-<‘:,+11>·é—i’,2   ·~~" . eg tf;     ¥<.~i~2:¢; ¥1’*;;15=Z;*._s?`1`.  ’
A By A 1926 Graduate l -¤. >*$‘._{»A;:Nl1   _A   ·e     1' g
1 - 1   1
. The story that has been in the     v_Ve      
- - ~, ,   ev ,   ‘vv~ ·   V   Vv.·   4.e*·           A'A`   o
  hopes of Un1verS1ty of Kentucky j  rl-·     wi. >e*~¤i&§ga.;E aw  ; »» ; ca¤s§ .1E
·,·_ . . ·· S;  E `»¢·»·r¤ ;._1.¢.;:·.`Q;_:,_§;;1:TI,;_;gy, -/·· ._ ,_`.., s.·   E ·  1·»  `
  alllmlll 101' 20 )’€21l‘S CE111 be lZOl(l *      R?   A1 ·—·y¤ y   ».-ZZ -i1·1T      QQ,     l
  . . V 1 " 1-      ‘”‘‘’ *11‘_'.¤‘1: ·_   ‘°,~ · {Y 1?'giE1"¤_S·.¢$    '
 2 today . . . tht? Big Blue W1lClC3tS ` J ·`’V ._   j ,,‘`       _‘_V N11            
`·- 1 · 1 ·‘ ‘‘’—   R » e»`· i-.1       -.-·.·»     ·/=»V··"·   e’:’ —’1·J‘?}'¥—§`j·;:°·**E£ ~_.-,   ‘‘~° e<»i€;i€€i2§~ `
riwj have W011 21 HO111@C0111111g‘ gallle. » ., - Q “       ·` _   V   I· f =   ··_V     1 
  ,   ‘   ¤'   Y`T’·L;[;i.~ tz 4'¥7i»1"1“;,*` 1 ·—`‘· · '’‘“ ‘ 'Y »·‘'VV T1 ,,VV  
  The "old grads" of the South _ V   *’1 · { .Tt,   ,et.». _     ‘’`‘   ee.t     ;T\,;2Q¤1  '`vt  il ·’t`   ‘‘A·   _
  Lmmstoue lustltutlou “,hO have   ·. .· V . r .. —=-e 1 »·    .,1:;.  ¤e:m.:;.‘;.i 4 .r-.“ *2, 11   ¤.1?e1  ··f’ I
  been Wllllllg to l)1`€lV€ 1'€l)€&lQ€(l Best Band in D. . S A , 1 I .
.e . . . IXIB C0l‘€S 311 ·· _
"‘·· :3;;; ll'1l)S to L€X111Q,`tOH to WHQHBSS 21 g I Y ·
  Blue ?1111>e that the young mentor L i.
— H . . · `
· 1 reason to throw caution to the of The K€11t11€k5’ P1'0J€0l3 l1&S 3    ·
111*1 111110 1121% 111`O1“’11 11111111Y winds inacelebration. The years Steck of S111111&1` 190111bS to d1‘0P    `1
l)ll(lg‘QtS to pay 1’GSp€C1S to Ol`l1‘ have been lnayked by adverse l&1€1' 011 Arlélbéllllél. aud TGHHGSSGB, ... i  1-
Zlllllil. l112lt€1` y€H1‘ lll and year out SCO1-es and next y€aI•’S prospects   y€a.].°,S 111(31111 TVC look fOr- 1,  
011 HO111eCO1H111g OCC3.S1011S have until yesterday \V]1€1]’f01· tlle first \\'£11‘(l to . . , Alaballla, That, \V(-) 1    
been tramed to take defeat as a time m 20 yemsy We were able to hope, w1ll be another Homecoming y 1 ·
1l1?1tl€‘1‘ of COHPSG. VVQ ll21VG f0l1gl1’[. SWag·e·el· Off Stoll Fi€](1 and gather \'1C101'y that will Sll1`p2].SS lllle   ·  
l01'110191-1‘€SC1'\'21t1011S 21l1(l lJ21l)fle(l in d0“yntO“yn hotels to eelebyate I‘IO111€CO111l11g‘ of 11118 yG?11‘.   ._  '
Hugh, J1’· crowds w1tl1 a hope that our loyal- mtlml. tlmll drown results There was not an unhappy UK 1 , ‘
lv would be well invested, grad vestcrda and next ear l  il
lvrote ap- Saturday, Oct. 19, 1946, was a ieqli) back y ' ` ` ( y I  t'
. 1 - . ' . . . ' 6 . I 1[
ems with B111 1119 $1111*11116 11191*115 111 1119 red-letter day in the lives of grid- ‘ ,  3.*1
¥`°’111*1`1111°11 111131 118116 S`11’€11 11S T€11- minded UK grads. We found the L€X112)g1t°1; H‘;1g11§1é1l-·§ad°1` 3  
11"“S°° and A111b1111111> 1111€1`11111@<1 011 sun in vesterdav’s overcast skies Editors Nil; Gllgm; Gradu te l ’  ·`
_ _ · . · .1 · · · · : _ a s *2 » 1.
‘_ llO111€’L0111111g events, and lnstory om] we patted t11e backs of fool- KY1€ W1111€11"ad· `1 11 2*
11111* 11111 Story- The Vols have €11· hall players after the game rather _ _  "‘ Q . _
*11g §`11lf9(l us on uneven years here than the baeks of the ba11d’s b1‘&SS French   Gets 1 1 1
ee  mmi 1lll(lAl£1l,)21l11é1 has been our nemesis segtlglr For onee in a long time  l
1€ 1 1 1 · Y . ' ; *‘
_ folw °11<1<1111€H1S. we an we had been to a football UK Scholarshlp ;1  »l
111 1 ’ _ E T
’f the LW _ But, golllghgw, `Ve Xvhe left gzlllle 1‘&tl1€1‘1l12l1`l to H l)Z1l1(l CO]1- Bliss IIOIGUQ Bourdis Of GTG- § :1 
gbl alli01'· 111°111°1‘1€S 011 1119 UK @311111118 11%*6 Cert' noble, France, has been selected °_   1 1
,,.,.,,dS l0 1*911 11111me to take one more The ewls of the 1111n‘¤1·S11y<>f as the 11116-17 1-eeapnnt of the  M
L. Ca while Cl1t111Ce eaeh ygalg \Ve have found Iielltllcky, Hlllldflll of 1llG l11l3€‘l`@$t I(Q]1t\lQl{)' Fgdelqltioll of \\,T()]`l](;1]] 15 · ` 1
TQ present p1€11S1ll`G in the reuexval o friend- Dr. H, L, Donovan, president, has Clubs S(.lmlm.Sllm to the Umvm._ R s Q
tbo (lane $11111* 111111 elassinates, In foot, 3 paid to a winning football team, my of K(,,,tm,k}.7 Mm Jam — V  bl
·   — ., .-· .. ,· .. ri _. _  =
onus pl-g51· 1l111\ t‘1b1l)1 of I&[1]ltI1Cl{§7‘ }IOnleeOln_ ale f.1l\1]]g (1 11€\\ l11tG1(1S‘E. .ll1(‘y lrlueeldena asslsl-unt (l e H n Of B 1, 
.7 and D1. 1119 WHS lnrned many years ago H1`? 1111911112 1119 $11191* (111'1"'111111Z1"1 \\'()11lQ]1, has Hl1110lll1(‘(‘(l. W E  
ivehnlgyle 1lll‘o a lest of loyallvy to Classes lyltmll ln voms that are Q`1`O\\'l]]}.{' A gl.,,(lu,,n, in lam, from tbl. S. ~  
)blllS011, 1`111l1<“1‘ than loyalty leo football old. University ol' (i1‘QllUl)l(‘, Miss 1* E 1
M;o·guc1‘1l1 {*11111* We have