xt7s1r6n0q0c_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n0q0c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n0q0c/data/62m95.dao.xml Kentark Land and Timber Company.. 0.45 Cubic feet 1 box The Kentark Land and Timber Company records (1913-1920; 0.45 cubic feet; 1 box) pertain to the business' operations from 1913-1920. In addition to a book of minutes from stockholders' meetings, the collection consists of business-related correspondence, receipts, and agreements. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Kentark Land and Timber Company records Corporate minutes. Land companies--Kentucky. Lumber trade--Kentucky. Lumber trade. Timber. Correspondence, receipts, agreements text Correspondence, receipts, agreements 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s1r6n0q0c/data/62m95/62m95_1/62m95_1_3/12291/12291.pdf 1917-1920 1920 1917-1920 section false xt7s1r6n0q0c_3 xt7s1r6n0q0c Lexington, Kentucky, Mer.23rd. 1917
To the Stockholders:——
The regular ennuel meetinf of the stoclholders of the
ienterk Lend & Timber Company will be held et its od?ice,»
Boom No. 805 Security Trust Comneny Building, in the city
of Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday, April 10, 1917, et 2:50
P. T, for the election of directors to serve for the ensuing
year, the confirmation of the ecte of the directors curing
the pest yesr, ani for such other business ee mey come before
the neotine. If you ere 7H%»zble to be nresent in person,
please sian and return the enclosed proxy in accompanying
stamped envelope, in order that we mey he sure to heve e
quorum present.
»{7 K 2 ,»,
[ LL,     J   V —» ,4. fz   __  ;,¢»1(‘*#"¢`£4
The undersiene` hereby  ,2;;;z,//
¢@@$L__true and lewful ettorney end proxty to re -*·» reeent end
cast the vote of the undergipned et t»c uunvel meeting of the
stockholders of t e Kenterk Lend & Timber Comp ny, to he held
in Lexington, Ky., on Tuesdey, April 10th. 1917, or et any
adjournment thereof, with full power of substitution, he shy
authorizing said ettorney ani sroxy to do everythine the
undersigned could do if bersonelly present, and hereby ratify-
ing eni confirminp ell thet sail uroxy may do hy virtue hereof
Executed this_f3€;_ dey of__?%%?Zgg§géi/~ 1917
??'1J6¤G$S Y   V/” / , "  
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 R. CARNAHAN, mzzsnnirn G20. K. 6nAv¤s, vlc£·PREs|0EN'r C. N. MANu¤N0. sEcRETARv
Kéntafk I43Ild & T1Hlb€I COIHPHHY
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Lexington, Kentucky,
February 18, 1919.
The Eoerd of Directors of the Kentsrk Lend & Timber
Compsny met this dey et the Office of Security Trust
Company et Lexinqton, Kentucky, President H. Cernehen in
the chair end Directors Graves, Cox, Willis end Manning
being present.
The President of the Compeny having reported that
there would be on hend shout Ten or Twelve Thousand Dollers
for distribution to the stookholders,end the Company non
owes no debts, upon motion duly made end seconded, the
President wes requested to borrow such en amount ds edded
to the sum now evsileble for distribution would equel the
feoe value of the preferred stock, to»wit, Fifty Thousand
Dollars {€5C,ZCO),end to notify the preferred stockholders
to send in their certificetes for peyment of one hundred
per cent (lCO¥) in liquidation of seid preferred stock
on April l, 1€l§, et which time the dividends on the
preferred stock would cease.
The Doerd edjcurned,
  ` """§5Cé?é`%E?§}“`i“`

 A/1/19lQ memo. Henberk ;&nd 1 Thmber Co. lends Jeffers0n»Lonoke
Acres per TOTAL Prin. Pr1¤.pust Int & Taz
SOLD ..0re Amt PAID due—Dec.1 pest due. Name
=•=·¢>s<»•¤¤t·-uswx ow 1·¤s¤»k=x-y.·...~k·exw a».m=1<¤.>x»m<=:»s¤a»·v¤·»•=vs·¤smhvnsw=¤¤•=s¤*»r¤•==us=·•¤¤•·>4=¤•=¤·h¤•·¤h·¤».~e<>¤¤•z~k*w=¤•¤••¤#=•=xn¤=•=¤•=¤•¤¤|•=•¢¤k~•¤¤•=·•¤¤i¤·r¤ez
` 20 $20 QAOO. §110. $60. 019.95 D.0.A11e¤
20 20· 400. 150. J. Alexander
20 LO A00 100 50. 0. Austin
20 20 400 100 A0.25 F. Anderson
AO 50 1200 150 150. 67.50 Simon Adkins
IU` 50 1200 200. W.1gnew GEC
EO 50 Goo 100 L. Agnew GBC
AO 55 1A00 75. B. Jrmstrnng 2
A0 50 1200 150 J. Armstead
40 25 1000 500. B.G.Bsyne
JO Bo 000 200 100. J. Bailey
20 20 A00 150 H.B.Eurt0u
20 GO #00 loo 50 H. Bullock
¤0.' 50 1200) 200 g 100 ) BA.oo) Chas. Banks )
20 20 A00 500 same
A0 20 900 100 200 50.27 L Byndon A Bro.
EO 20 A00 100 50 20.25 Andy Byles
A0 50 1200 100 J. Brown
AO 55 1400 400 R.L.Br0wn
A0 50 1200 500 55.80 Bankhead & Gtribling
WU` 20 800 200 100 55.50 J. Britt
H0 25 1000 500 E.B:0WH
20 20 A00 140 10 20.25 0. Briggs
A0 25 1000 552.50 Jes. Bernes
A0 50 1200 200. L. Bates GEC
A0 50 1200 200 J. Baker G EC*
A0 55 1A00 150 J.Burnhem
R0 AO 1G00 200 Rev J Bowe
158 20 27Qo 820 °* "
2ZU*` 25 6000 1000 G.G.0&rnahon
100 P0 12000 500 Cnrnqhun E.: Holsnsn
A0 ED 300 loo 200 1 4€.5¤ W A Curry
A0 20 @00 500 2 Campbell
QU LO A00 100 50. 3. Coulter
WF 20 Q00 515.50 J. Zunningham
T0 20 1600 500 100 A9.50 Ed Conley
00 50 EAOO ¤00 W. Golclugh
RD 50 600 100 " "
Ro 50 2/00 900 E. Colclugh (Pd ahead)
40 50 1200 200 J Ceson GEO
GAO EQ? lgooo 200 G.H.COOKHAH{$e0 17) GEC
· 80 50 2/100 /100 Coburn &SOIl
TU" 20 900 175 200 91.62 P¢Deve¤p0rt(1n e01d)DEED
Y0"` EO @00 #00 A Dolphin
20 55 700 100 R Dodson 2
FO 55 700 loo J. Dodson 2
im" 55 ::1400 :1:5 5035 sm: mm
20 20 I00 150 E L Ento
20 55 700 100 2. Bvens 2
7HT` PO »00 50 250 H. Franklin
A0 55 1400 170 250 109.15 LiF0r;uson 55
A0 ‘¤ 1A00 200 200 1o7.‘ T "
7G` §0 @00 500 53 J. Fisher 33
AO zo 800 21*.97 85.05 0. Frazier
A0 20 900 A5 215. 102.59 G$F¤FOX
80 50 2400 600 W H Ferguson
A0 55 1400 15 185 Joe Ford (Kerr}
20 50 600 100 Chas Ferguson
TU` 50 ”O0 200 Albert Green
20 50 goo 122.55 27.45 Amos Green
50.Al ? 1690 ? 200. 115.15 Chee Greg0ry(C1esr1ng)
;§t09 ? 1560.65 595. H. Gregory

 (2) -· `- ` l
Acres por 5130001 Prin. 1>r1np05t Int 3. T0: Home
sold. acre Amt F110 Due 12 1 pest duo
20 20 0400 $$150. J01m Gordon
/.0 55 1400 100 E. Green
71 0 20 300 100 200 /27.10 G Hawkins
20 20 /100 100 50 0.H0.rris
A0 2O 800 500 FREE;) HUTT0-PHs.1•1·&¤<—
A 0 50 1200 150 150 67 .50 1; .H.H·i¤mmouc1
130 50 1200 1 ‘0 150 G7.50 J.H.H0·um0m1
AO 50 1200 35 225 72. 0 G.1;0rr1s
20 20 300 150 Joe Hicks
/0 2 0 00 5 00 .1 . G . Ilo rn
20 20 /*.00 150 1`2.E£.1!;11
20 20 ‘ /*00 100 50 J.f..E£¤;.z·r1s Rev.
20 20 /100 lozi.75 /15.25 IJ. Eieys
AO 20 800 100 15/i. J . riuzuphray
80 20,%.25 1800 1000 0. zmggxm. (pa aha?-hd',
[10 ’? 860 1.25 255 9.60 Rev Lewis Hill
A0 50 1200 200 P Hunter (E0
/10 50 1200 200 1.. lbmter GEC
A0 50 1200 200 F. Henderson (EC
.40 50 1200 200 Kev C   Harris
20 35 700 60 /10 (comm unsold} melee z1e1e¤ 2
A _ ‘ 1750 250 C G Helton
100 L7? jgg?50 .4126.95 1000 A _ 5.J.1iO1zuan
20 20 A00 100 50 20.25 .1.J0nes
20 20 1100 50 100 Elie Jones
A0 20 000 1 0 1*}) 55.00 J. Jones
AO EO 000 220 H. Johnson
A0 55 1/100 :*00 2002x@ /*.92 H. Jones
EET 20 A00 150 Bic Jones
20 20  0 150 17.75 VJ Jonas
/1 0 20 000 /100 2.i.‘.%’.J0¤es
20 50 600 210 L .10110 ss( Lzoese 2 acreé}
A0 50 1200 200 A. Johnson GEC
A 0 70 1200 20 0 EE. -3%: okson GCC
FCLQ   1522.50 200 D Jackson @0
04.;,. 50 2551.1*10 1000 J. Johnson GEC
20 55 700 loo E. James 2
—-——2° 12 KS3 .72 O   2
20 Q2   2 5 mm :.11
20 20 000 100 D.V£.LOgan
#0 ‘· 20 000 20 200 25.20 R.L.L0ng ( euspond Cont)
50.M 50 1 15. 20 200 S Love ‘ GEC
[1;*,55 55 1265,65 200 D. Lundy 2
/*7.. 3, 55 1675.55 200 Brit Lundy 2
/*7/-96 E5 107( ·— ¤ 200 " " 2
A O 2 1000 C.E.Ioor0
A0   300   260 50.20 C !.i~_;.x·re.v
A0 20 900 100 200 12. J Liyles
gg 20 A00 50 50 /T/1.50 2.1110010 7.Ioe1ey( Brooks}
20 QU [*00 loo 50 20.55 Il Y Moore
A0 20 000 500 f   EE i.I;_d.d1e1:ou
A0 50 1200 566.06 holding: J·?¥JZi;r¤2e¢=
A0 55 1/100 200 200 {two Balm; C}ot}1o/1.52 I I.ioore(2 B/C I·i:.mmc’ct 0:.)
20 50 GOO A0 155 I1 Z.T00re(?TC~ T`7‘i?ES—0*1‘ION
AO 53 1200 150 150 81 . 50 0.?.£02.·o1 md
$30 @0 1000 G00 J 2: ..1. zzeewang
A0 20 $00 50 250 /25.50   Liglionnell
2 0 25 500 250*     Guire
‘;f5` QQ    ,75 ZZ éiynogell
QU EO ~ 0 5 2.;.111 on
A0 EO Q00   100 J. I·.IeE?o;.1
20 20 A OO 20 250 2/1 .05 B 11 Liwksf OPTION}
/15.53 50 1507.41 0 200 W 155*:0110 11 GEC
20 5) @00 100 G i.Zc2.Eu110n CEC
/*0 55 1/I 00 1 oo Y.'.L{cC0. 11
A0 55 1i7.O0 50 150 A Lluldrow 2
20 5 600 100     Eéerrs

 ( 2) · Y “
Acre s par Total Prin. I¤r1np¤;t Int & Tax Hama
sold. acre Amt mid Duc 12 1 past due
20 20 @:400 @150 . J¤1m Gordon
JD 35 1400 100 E. Green
7{. U 20 BOO 100 200 A7.10 G Hawkins
20 20 /100 100 50 C·Haz·ris
AO 20 BOO 300 FREE;) HUT'I.‘O—PH&1¤1·é¤~
A O 30 IEOO 150 150 67 .50 I: .H.H&mm0¤d 0
  50 14.00   150 97.20 J.H·Hamm¤11d.
go $2 1200 2 225 72. O G•Ha1·1·is
2 ADO 15 Joe Hicks
/0 20 8 OO 300 J;. {2.1E01·n
20 20 AGO 150 I1.E£.Hgl1
20 20 ‘ /*00 100 50 J. i`..zZ:1rr1s Rev.
20 20 AGO 1oA .75 45.25 1}. Hays
210 I 20 800 loo 1*}* · J - Ehmphrey
80   180 0 1000 0. Huggins ( pa ahead,
[LO F 860 125 235 9-60 Kev Lewis Hill
  3% 1200 200 P Hunter (EC
,. F 1200 200 :4.. T5 is *· GEC
J -·.1I1 e-
A0 50 1200 200 F. Hamdezrson GEC
A 0 30 1200 200 Rev C P Eigrri, »
20 35 700 60 /1 O (4 Cotton unsold} Eiaaria Iielem 2
A9 .99 ‘ 1750 2¢=O C G Zieltoz;
100.77 j;§?gO A126.95 1000 A.J.HO],mam
20 _* 20 ACO 3.00 50 QO.25 `.'€.J0z1es
20 20 QLOO 50 100 Elie Jonas
  /.0 { ( . i · • V • 1, I ·‘
AO {O     350 93 00 LJ ig ms
0 d J .c. 1\• dg}`.|llBOZ1
  gg 1/100 {SOO 2C¥J£x$2 /*.92 II. Jones
20 2 /*.00 150 2.Ic Jones
2 O RO ./10 0 150 17 . 75 YJ Jonas
/1 0 20 BO 0 AO0 FLW. Jonas
20 750 $00 210 L Jane s( Lxcess 2 acreé}
AO BO 1200 200 A. Johnson GEC
A O gf} 120 O 20 O   J2. cécson GEC
QUE? gi) 15:22.50 200 D Jackson GEC
A. _,._ BO 25 31.A.c 1000 J . Jqhnscm GEC
20 35 TOO 100 TE. James 2
20 $5 700 75 J·J02ms0n 2
20 220 400 1:20 $0 Emu King
20 20 HOO 100 D.V£.L gan
*0 " E0 @00 20 290 29.2o 12.1...3gng ( suspend Gout)
50 ..*7/I QO 1213. 20 200 S Love ‘ GEC
AQ'.? 55 10 65,65 200 D. Imzxdy 3
A 7. r~1— $5 167é. E5 200 Br it Lund? 2
n7._g6 gg lG7r . Q 200 ·» ·· 2
A O   1000   G.}»£o01·•z,>
AO 20 T30 O A O 260 5 O. 20 C Hux·;•.¤;;y
A0 20 900 100 200 A J Myles
go 20 ./TOO 50 50 /?/1. QO Qizlacie 150 sley( Er Ogkg)
20 ZJ »” O0 100 50 :30.55 3; \" Moore
A0 20 900 $00 Xi 23 Ii;_d&1ct01;
no go 1200 566.66 mmmg J.:¤La:;¤ge;;
AO fgfj 11100 200 200 ( two Bazlms Ggt H0/? .92 I Z£e0rE·.( 2   Ham matt 01% )
is $5;)   IA?) $33 Q Z2 i.Tg·;re( EC T`?¤€?ES—G*1‘ION
V .f— ¤·re’L1
3 53V »· 0 S Z3.;:iilt.011
A U 20 QOO   loo 5. Helical
20 20 /*00 20 230 2/E .05 B H Lizzrksi OPTION}
A§.5’3 50 1§O7•!1 0 200 YF Ligtche 11 GEC
20 $3 000 loc G 1ni¤2.Zu118I1C€!I‘
T§2"0 Z3 0 50A.00 1056J. Dx- J C To 1116:61* 010;;
20 2O A/00 5}) zwfizdolo
90 20 1G00 A00 200 109. %( Exoo ss 25. 53) G YI Thomas
A0 50 1200 150 150 67. 50 D 'iluomog
A0 55) 1/100 200 200 107.53 H Thomas
20 2 AOO 150 LI Turner
*10 50 _ 2/100 A00 .q.Throw¤r EE0
A0 50 1200 loo . ET Thomas GEC
/*0 55 1//100 50 C L Tubbs
77.79 55 167:1. 30 2 0 - Z3 Vinson
80 20 1600 200 /100 1/!7.%6 YJ 'Ji W111i0ms
AO 50 12 00 A/1/1 . 30 - Dm 0 Uri @10
AO QD Roo 200 loc /1.0.50 J P Wilson
A 0 20 800 2 00 loo A7. 10 A Wins ton
20 50 Qoo 50 1QO 22.75 J Washington

 · 4 y 0
( 4 }
Acres Par Total Prin ?z·P3.st Mx?   at Hmm
Sold Sara Amt   id c1uol2/ 1 dun
**•u¤kvi¤ *#¤t$$* •¤¥*>k**•I¤¤<¤1=k>k•k¤¤¥¥¤!r8=I¤*$$I¢*#·1=*$**tn<##$****¥:$i**¢;•n·t!=#•h$m *4+4~=*~¢l=¤<¤:»=·¤x<¤tw·t ·»·¤<*$=é<¤i¤»•- *#t¤•¤t¤|¤$
A 0 35 *51/; 00 *:1O 0 030 0 @109 .93 0 J was
A O *50 1200 100 — 200 70. 50 G00 Tashingtozx
AVO 30 1200 3%.66     fw. mums
EO   AOD 276.75 lT7·f§5 EL   Yfiley
1120 27 · 50 $$0 0 IL;0 O. Z5 L 0%   ZZ `{/ILLEY
.103 30 1200 50 150 70·· J V0 06 and {excess)
A0   1200 $25 350 ZC;2,1‘1.?. Tilsou
10 20 200   . 72 @.0 . ;F] * »’ "ij,~a tt
@0 00 IQOO 1169 1§1 zi 2m~ my
12 O   0 A O0 150 .}:11121 Tfillizams
zi O 50 600 210 ( 2 11. 0::00 ss ) Lic €`71·10;,*
/*0 . 56 jg 1/219 . 60 219 • S0 Ii » ‘.L'0 0 0011
#0 BO 1200 200 S 2T¤z·thy
20 30 600 10 0     `.‘-'illinghzmz
_ 40 QQ 1200 150 C Ii Williams
AO E 900 200 100 A0. 50 I5 1"01mg
150 30 AS00 80OL 1101;:211215,11;; COIPEEACTS ) T A Tjxmona @$0
:k#>¢.:¤=·\¤#-=M~h *0*;* v¤=L=.¤=¤.=;¤·.k‘l= a.¤4=><.»= k4k=<$·»k=¢4<.#v¤r<**¤»·>k=k <"v ·f··‘5r>r¤·¤m>¤~¢+¢h=3r1¤¤=¤l< ·!==t»¢=»#·i·—:t¤k·sz z¤a>i·¤s=x»k
GEC Ccm. deduc ted- IIE t pri 00 shovm, 0:~;c 0311; 00::1 3:0 out 0f 00 sh fi FST, peg ..
1C=.$vIO3   z=tLme1» t   Com. xw J . in sac 2—— 31011 in Sac 36- 100 11 Sac A :21 1 Jeff G0.,   f*5··¢*3200.
Ori gmail 8CT€¢&€6 Hlgg/¥2•O5
I1·;=¢20.20. in 17:.111 7]. ’• 
if ,"I'2"<;= . 25
ifgmtr; cts ab 01:0 11,'f{,1. 10
Unsold If3,"3N.IE
1*01:01 acreage sold in 030 mm 100501-   r; 01 contrfzc is F ll .751 . 10
T0 tr 1 Mznpunt land so ld for i296• 7§8•j~5 3 _ __ _ _1___¤{ , B6
T0 1:01 amount pam on wins ipa]. 00 @@*69   DM   NH ¤>·— —*¤ l"7°
.?’1?1.l1Gi§?`J§§J. paws 2: 'C.°C.`LS‘ L; ds; 00 "`lfé ,306-50
Int & 1*32:1 " " · " "   5• 18‘j··’!2

 Lexington, Kentucky,
September 5, 1919.
The Board of Directors of the Kentark Land &
Timber Company met on this day; President R. Carnahan in
the chair and Directors Graves, Sim eon, Smith, Staples
and Manning being present.
After hearing a report by the President, it was
determined by the affirmative vote of all present to take
steps immediately to wind up the affairs of the Corporation,
and the President was authorized to convey to the stockholders
undivided interests in the property and assets of the Corp-
oration, in proportion to their respective interests.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned.
f`  mt n»<,»L.<; mq

 All Shortage must be reported in 5 days after receipt of goods, or same will not be allowed `
i Pine Blu/{if Ark., 191___
Mr A A fx ‘'Vl A -   K ·'“. A gf
The following was shipped today on our contract for material on __ Building
·· i_   ·v,`W '{A   7
Car No. __ _% ]I2ll‘lCI]  Local ____E,{i??»   
. _. ~ li- V: J l if, Y" _ , _ 1   —
’A I I iw 7 . I W A V
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\ _ , / i ~ , iff I A- I .‘
_· --“_t____ %__;+ L 
  7;:;Q;i;;;:A;T;;T:;;:7- 7::-; 
Check up Material when it Arrives

 All Shortage must be reported in_5 days after receipt ot goods, or same will not be allowed
Pine Bluff Ark., 191___
Mr ___AAA____A_A___ 
The following was shipped today on our contract for material on _A Building I
Car No. AAAAA Initial Local Ch