xt7rxw47t59q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47t59q/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1980-05 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1980 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, May 1980 1980 1980-05 2020 true xt7rxw47t59q section xt7rxw47t59q CK w ‘JA Central Kentucky
Jewish Association




Men's Division Campaign BRUNCH

pledges up

The kick-off brunch for the 1930 annual CKJA campaign,

held April 20th, was a total success. Approximately 80 men enjoyed a
gourmet meal and heard an insoiring speaker. A refugee from Iraq who
grew up in Israel, Aviva Mutchnick stressed the importance of financial
support from American and European Jews to aid Israel in assimilating
hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab lands. Success shoved
in numbers, too. Overall, the pledges turned in at the brunch were 25%
higher than those turned in to CKJA by the same individuals last year.

The purpose of the brunch, new to the campaign this year, was
to provide better understanding of the accomplishments made through con-
tributions to the UJA campaign and other Jewish charities and to enable
those present to make their pledges without being individually solicited.
Campaign co—chairman Alvin Goldman reported that the results of the brunch
were gratifying. "Most of the men in attendance increased their pledges;
some to a significant degree. Equally important, everyone seemed to en—
joy the event and to come away with a good feeling about the campaign ef—
fort. This can only help assure the success of this year's campaign and
future ones as well."

The fund raising committee distributed its GUIDELINE FOR GIVING
LIKE A MENSCH. It is based upon the level of giving presently achieved
by many in our community. Let it be your guide when you are contacted.

Gross Income Level Gift


$ 15,000 and unier P 25 to 100
15,000 to 25,000 100 to 099
25,000 to 50,000 500 to 1,409
50.000 to 75.000 1,500 to 2.999
75,000 to 100,000 3,000 to 099:9
100,000 to 125,000 5,000 to 9,999
125.000 and above 10,000 and above





This year, the Men's Division will provide token gifts of
recognition to those making pledges in the higher gift categories.
According to co—chairman Allan Slovin, all who have made pledges by
late May will be invited to View an award-winning film and to enjoy re-
freshments afterwards. In addition, those who pledge in the $500 to
$1,499 category will be treated to a wine and cheese party; those giving
in the 31,500 to 32,090 category will be served cocktails, and those
whose gifts exceed $3,000 will enjoy a buffet dinner.

Also new to the CKJA campaign this year is the use of group
leaders for solicitation of various professionals. Dealing with men
from similar occupations should enable these division chairmen to estab-
lish a better raoor and spirit for giving. Dhe groups are small to
large Vlth ”Retired" and "fierchants" having the greates. numbers to be
contacted. A list of these hard-working :roup leaders follows:

Hike Ades (Attorneys), Leon Cooper (Industr; Employees),
Stanley Scher and Abe Levine (Heroaants), Hans Gesund (UK Staff), Bob
Baumann (UK Medical Staff),Stanley Rose (Industry Leaders), Irv Rosensteia
(Horse Industry), Steve Edelstein (Medical), Steve Caller (Real Estate
and Construction), Mike Lerner (Dentists), Len Lipton (Allied Medical),
Sheldon Hymson (Retired), Jerry Zuckman (Insurance and Finance), and Rick
Arenstein (Restcurant).

Women’s Division

On March 25th, Shirley Blumberg, Chairman of Nomen's Division
from Tennessee find Hadassah National Board Member, presented an informa—
tive and enlightening program to the CKJA Nomen's Division Board. More
than $12,500 was pledged by 12 women:

The CKJA Women's Division campaign last year was such a great
success that Chairman Penny Miller looks forward to new goals this year.
In 1979. 230 women gave a total of over $38,000, plus pledges of $12,500
for the Project Renewal effort. In 1900 the board is striving for an
inflation increase of at least 20% and a further reduction of female non-

All women will be contacted by phone, in person or by mail
within the next few weeks by one of the following board solicitors:

Charlotte Baer, Judy Baumann,Barbara Behrendt, Jo Belin, Sandy
Berger, Susan Caller, Arlene Cohen, Gail Cohen, Harriet Cooper, Vinnie
Dubilier, Karen Edelstein, Marilyn Gall, Evelyn Geller, Evelyn Hymson,
Judy Levine, Audrey Lichter, Penny Miller, Marilyn Moosnick, Ann O'Brien,
Betty Rosenberg, Irma Rosenstein, Simone Salomon, Judy Saxe, Libby Scher,
Phyllis Scher, Sandy Slovin, Linda Stein, Merle Wekstein, Carole Wilson,
nnd Toby Zuckman.

Gail Cohen, ce—chairman, urges all Women to pledge generously

when solicitated during the women's DivisiOn Telethon on May 14th and
May 27th beginning at 7:30 PW.


The allocation of JKJA Campaign funds .3 determined Oy the
GKJA Board oased unon the recommendations of its Budget Committee. The
committee solicits suggestions from the community as well as from indi-
vidual Board Members prior to making its recomnendations. The 1979
Budget Committee was chaired by Charles Stern. The other committee mem-
bers were Charles Gorodetzky, Ernie Cohen, Robert Goldsmith, Stanley
Scher and David Rose.

Although the 1979 CKJA camoaizn received an all time high
sledge total of over $200,001 many contributors did not complete pay—
ment until early 1930. The total camoaign income in 1979 was Bl32,334.23
of which 33,77l.26 was designated for Project Renewal and $11,472.44 was
desifinoted for the UJA Education Fund (Emergency Fund). 0f the remaining
$ll7,090 aVailable for allocation by CKJA, a total of $82,137.70 was sent
to United Jewish Anneal, $10,3B2.83 was exoended on CKJA sponsored acti—
vities (lamb Shalom, Jewish Community Forum, Camoerships, Israel Study
Schol“rshios, Israel lndeoendence Day Celebration, etc.) and operating
exoenses including fund raising activities. The remaining 524,570 was
allocated to the following charities:

Resource of Social Ministries (Lexington) $ 400.00
Jewish Braille Institute 300.00
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) 500.00
Jewish Welfare Board 650.00
Synagogue Council of America 500.00
Jewish Chatauqua Society 500.00
Camp Young Judaea 2,000.00
Zionsville 3amp 2,000.00
American Jewish Congress l,000.00
American Jewish Committee l,000.00
American Jewish Archives 400.00
Anti—Defamation League (ADL) 6,000.00
American Association for Jewish Education 200.00
Hillel - University of Kentucky _ ‘ 5 650.00
LexhwfionlhmlicljbrmgePurchase of JeWisa Journals350.00
0RT 800.00
Hebrew Theological College 200.00
Ben Gurion University of the Negev 3,000.00
Anne Frank Haven iri ISI?1€1 4,000.00
National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) l20.00


Festival Celebrating Isroel
Independence Doy
Plan to attend the ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY ELEBRATION on nonday, May 19,
6 o'clock in the evening at Jacobson Park (shelter number to be announced)

*Memorial ceremony *Isreeli songs and dances
*Israeli food *Fun for the whole family
Details to follow






Russian Jewish Emigrants
Make Home in Lexington


The Simanovsky family arrived in WNNNNWMMNRAJ

Lexington on April 23rd.

Leonid Simqnovsky, his wife Nataliya and
their three children; Roman who is 17
years old; Marina, lb; and Olga, 8;
arrived from Rome, via New York.


th Leonid and Nataliya worked as Civil
gineers designing water supply and

wage systems in their native Leningrad,'
d it is hoped that similar employment can be

und for them here.



H) I.) 0) LI)

The Simanovsky's celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary enroute to
their new home and their new life in America.

them to do and learn in order to become independent
and productive citizens of our community. Let's hope that one of the
first things they learn is the meaning of ”Southern Hospitality”
Lexington, Kentucky style.

There is much for

Remember, OUR work is not over yet! There are plans to resettle addi-
tional families. For more information or to volunteer your help with
this project, please call one of the Russian Resettlement Coordinators:
Marilyn Gall, Judy Levine or Marty Barr. To host a Shabbat dinner

09.11 Carolyn Siesjel, 277—7612. **¥

Dear Member of the Central Kentucky Community,

I have volunteered to be the Editor of this publication and
look forward to working with David Nekstein, President (and most recent
editor), as well as all members of CKJA.

It is often called the CKJA Bulletin, but what would you like
to call this newsletter? One suggestion is Central Kentucky Israelite.
Pleose send your ideas to me.

Have a question, suggestion or comment? Know some timely
information? Don't wait to be asked—~send in your copy. Our goal is
to publish every two months, making the deadlines three weeks prior to

the first of July, September, etc.

This is your chance to help upgrade and expand communication
Within Central Kentucky‘s Jewish community.

Susan S. Miller, 3358 Pepperhill Rd., Lexington 40502, 269-5986

(+3 e-






The Community Activities Committee, chaired by CKJA'S newest
board member Kenneth Germain, WANTS YOU to participate in the following:

*CAMP SHALOM REUNION: Past and prospective campers (ages 4-12)
will meet for a slide show and refreshments on May 4th at 2:00 PM in the
Temple Adath Israel Vestry.

*PRE-SCHOOL PARTY: All children three to five years old are
invited to a Shavuot party on Thursday May 22. Please call Nancy Hoff—
man at 266—2380 if you are interested in attending or helping to plan
this celebration.

*CPR?? Are you interested in learning the life-saving skills
of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation? If ten to twelve people are, the
Community Activities Committee plans to set up this training. It will
take six to seven hours and will be held on a convenient Sunday. Call
Ruth Metzler at 266-4949 after 5 PM.


The Lexington Jewish Community was honored with a visit
From the Consul General of Israel, Asher Naim. He initially was in
town to participate in a video—taped interview with a representative
of the Egyptian Embassy. On the Evening of March 20, the Community
Relations Committe of CKJA, Chairman Jack Miller, arranged for a
meeting of Mr. Naim with several board members from the major Jewish

The Consul General spoke briefly about the situation in the
Fiddle East and answered a wide range of questions. It is hooed that
a future visit by Mr. Naim can be planned wherein more people will have
the opportunity to meet with him. His office is in Philadelphia and
Kentucky is one of the various states that Naim has direct responsibility

for contact with.
as e? as



International Games

At a time of debate over the Olymoic Games, no one recalls that the
Asian Games Federetion voted not to invite Israel...the Soviet Union,h
Hungary and Yugoslavia walked out of the World Chess Championships iniV
Israel...Russian and Czechoslovak teams requed to go to Israel to
play Maccabi Tel Aviv in the Eurooean Basketball Champions Cup...and
Israel was excluded from the World University Games in Bulgaria.

—Terusalem Post







If you were not at the finale of the CKJA PORIJ on March 27,
you missed an excitin :2nd inf01m2tive present- tion on Judaism and
Islam by Professor Zvi Ankori of Tel Aviv University.

Prof. Ankori first discussed the contrast between President
Sadat's recognition of Israel as a political entity and his failure to
acknowledge the existence of the Jewish peonle. He then provided a Sketch
of t2e rise of I lam and its relationships with '2ther religions. He
labeled Islam an expansionist religion th t sometimes tolerates the sub-
jugated 2resence of other religions in its midst, but does not accept
their legitimacy. He concluded that true dialogue is not possible between
Islam and any other religion.

As to peace: ul co— existence in the Middle East, Prof. Ankori
asserted thet Israel’ 5 presence Will spark 2 politic l realization with-
in Isl2mic nctions th2t the re gion is multi— cultural and politic2lly di-
verse 2nd thit multi—statehood is a re2lity. He noted that the present
political boundaries in the fiddle East are artificial lines drawn largely
in the past 100 years by colonial powers; he predicted considerable re—
alignment of these boundaries in the years to come.

Finally, the speaker anticipated serious deficiencies in
American policy in the Middle East if it continues to be shaped by
people who lack intimate knowledge of the area.


Thank you. The 1979—1980 FORUM series was a

big success thanks to the time and
effort of Ellie Goldman, Chairperson,
and her committee. Annette Mayer,
Marilyn Schnidman, Toby Zuckman, Louis
Boys rsky, Kenneth Germain, Susan Ger-
stel, Barbara Gorodetzky, Linda Stein
and Barbara Eehrendt.

The FORUM presentations were diverse,
entertaining and informative, requiring
much work to produce. The best way

the community can show its thanks and
appreciation for the FORUM series is

by increased support and participation.



What’s Happening

a comprehensive community calendar






A May 2 1 3, Fridsy — Saturday
0 May 4, Sunday (LAG B‘OMER)
I 2 PM, CAMP SHALOM REUNION, Temple Adath Israel
D May 6, Tuesday
3 PM, BOARD MEETING, A. I. & 0. Z.
G May 7, Wednesday
N May 11, Sunday
L May 12, Monday
C May 13, Tuesday
May 15 - 17, Thursday - Saturday
A May 18, Sunday
May 19,110nday
E Mny 21,1edne3day (Shevuot)
N May 22, Thursday (Shevuot)
day 23—24, Eridey — Seturdsy
S . PM, RAW ARA DAU' f1?” BAT '\I""Z’A O. Z.
T Key 25, Sunday
3 2 EM, COJ:IW1 ATION, A. I.
R 7: 30 PL, STJD{ 1ROUP, O. 4.
N Msy 2C,I ondey
2 my 29, Jednesd y
7 7:30, CKJA 10 R BLETING
7 Hwy 20, Thursday
0 June 3, Luesdsy
3 3 PM. 50 RD JEETIMG O. A. 1 A. 1.
5 'une S :? 6, Thur sd1y - Friday
0 H11\s111 GARA1E SALE
Jun 15, Sundsy
BO'ALERS — The Jewish llowsh in Summer Bowling League (Fixed Doubles)

LOJIS 01 Tuesdev nivhts nt 9 P“, Soutmland Bowling Lanes. You don't
hdve to be H good bowler to hsve fun. Interesfied? Gall C thy Rosenoerg
272—0Q01, Mindy Doctrow 273-370A or an Doctrow 277-0656.

CA1 1P COUNSLL018 — Camp Shalom needs counselors ( 21 1 over) and assistant
cou18elors I 1Q 1 over) :or its sum11er session June 16 — July 4. ror
1n101m tlon or “pr1licalzion on 11 Barry Remer 2o0—xw10




 Who cares


about ansim?

A flood tide of emigration from areas
of Jewish distress, into Israel and our

Growing needs and spiralling costs

challenge local community resources.

300,000 people in Israel striving to

rebuild their communities and renew
their lives.

He’s a number on a waiting list in Israel. Waiting for a place in a
special tutoring program, hoping to escape the cycle of
undereducation and underemployment that trapped his father. The
list is long . . . and moves slowly, for lack of funds. Nissim isn’t sure
there’s anything to wait for any more.

There are thousands of Nissims. Numbers on waiting lists for youth
care programs. Lists that grow longer as funds, battered by
inflation, grow shorter. In Israel. In Asia and North Africa. Even here.
It’s possible to forget all about them.

But to forget Nissim you mustforget who you are. You must ignore a
heritage of thousands of years of shared joy and suffering — the
oneness of all Jews everywhere. Nissim is you—and his needs are
your needs, with a different emphasis.

Renew yourself as you renew his life — and Jewish life everywhere.
Make your pledge today to thelQBOcampaign.


Project Renewal shows progress

JERUSALEM-Twenty—seven rabbis from communities
throughout the United States. representing Orthodox,
Conservative and Reform congregations. have ended their I l-day
mission to Israel with praise for the “significant progress" of
Project Renewal programs to upgrade the quality of life among
immigrants in the nation‘s distressed urban neighborhoods,

Rabbi Norman Patz ochdar Grove, New Jersey, chairman of
the Fourth Annual Rabbinic Community Leadership Mission
sponsored by the United Jewish Appeal, said, “We are coming
away convinced that the results of Project Renewal will be more
meaningful and of more value to the residents of Israel‘s declining
neighborhoods than any previous effort to address their urgent
social, economic. and cultural problems. The significant progress
made toward implementation of Project Renewal affirms the
active involvement of the American Jewish community in its




Our Jewish lifeline is needed


Make your pledge today.
You are the Jewish lifeline.

Send your dieds today.

Central Kentucky Jewish Association, P 0 Box 401, Lexington ZIOSOl


PO. Box 401
Lexington, Kentucky 40585


Non-Profit Organ.
P A l D
Permit No. 719
Lexington, Ky. 40585