xt7rxw47t381 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47t381/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1993 1993 1993-10-21 2020 true xt7rxw47t381 section xt7rxw47t381 21





min-4— us ‘

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Kentucky Ke rne

Thursday. October 21 1993?

Vol. XCVi No.40

Request for apology, money ignored


By Lance Williams
News Editor


A state Democratic Party official
made no mention of either financial
compensation or an apology in his
response last week to complaints
from two UK student leaders. who
maintain the party lured the Rev.
Jesse Jackson away from UK last
month to attend a reception in

State Democratic Party Chairman
Grady Stumbo. in an Oct. 14 letter
to Student Govemment Association

Established 1894

President Lance Dowdy and Stu-
dent Activities Board President
Wes Butler. said it was “normal
protocol" to invite “national Demo-
cratic dignitaries" to Frankfort.

“it was not our intent to detract
from the students at the University
of Kentucky when an invitation was
issued to the Rev. Jesse Jackson."
the letter said.

Jackson had been brought to Lex-
ington Sept. 29 for a paid speaking
engagement by SGA. SAB and the
Office of African-American Stu-
dent Affairs. An itinerary of carn-
pus activities also had been planned

Universrty of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

for Jackson.

Instead of meeting with students
and touring Lexington. Jackson left
for Frankfort after holding a press
conference at Blue Grass Airport.
He returned to UK just minutes be-
fore he was scheduled to speak at
Memorial Coliseum.

Dowdy and Butler wrote a letter
Oct. 6 asking Stumbo for an apolo-
gy and $2,750 to help pay travel ex-

“As students. we feel there was a

lack of professional integrity dis-
played on behalf of the state Demo-

cratic party and the Governor's Of-
fice.” Dowdy and Butler's letter

However. Stumbo‘s letter said
that not inviting Jackson to Frank-
fort would have been “a serious
breach of diplomatic and state eti-

Dowdy. however. said Stumbo‘s
response was insufficient.

“This wasn‘t even an apology.
much less a discussion of financial
reimbursement." Dowdy said.

Dowdy said that although he and
Butler had not had time to discuss


says he 1s
‘meticulous ’


By Heather Reistor
Staff Writer


From a bagger at a Lexington
supermarket to nominee for jus-
tice of the Student Govemment
Association Supreme Court Ste-
phen Keller says he has always
been known as dependable.

“l'm a very meticulous and or
ganized person." said Keller.
whose nomination for the court
post was confirmed last night by
the SGA Senate. ”This has really
helped me out."

Keller attributes his success as
secretary of the Freshmen Repre-
sentative Council two years ago
to these characteristics.

iie said FRC members would
get upset because of the impec-
cable attendance records he kept
of the meetings.

“1 think 1 established myself
as an honest. efficient well-
organized person while being on
PRC." Keller said.

When not in SGA‘s campus
office. Keller enjoys going to
movies and out to dinner. Al-
though he said it was a little
weird. Keller also admitted that
he likes doing research and writ-
ing papers.

A pan-time employee of the
Lexington Public Library. Keller
also said he enjoys reading —
especially books by Scott Tur-

"Friends of mine joke about
my personality." he said. “They
claim i'm obsessive and compul-
sive. last year. the running joke
was that I slept in the SGA of-
lice and the janitors would bring
me coffee in the morning."

Keller said he's not quite that
bad and likes to have fun like
any normal college student.

“He can cut loose." said Mark
Hurt an accounting junior and
friend of Keller’s since high



The first time Hurt said he saw
Keller get “wild“ was their senior
surrtrner when they drove to Hilton
Head and stayed in a friend‘s con-

But not too wild.

Hurt described Keller as the one
who always stayed in control and
kept everyone else safe and out of

“Stephen‘s a good guy." Hurt
said. “He's dependable and funny.
always got a joke for something."

SGA President Lance Dowdy
also has praise for Keller. calling

rm “probably one of the hardest
working men I know."

Keller to sit on high


JAMES CRISP/Kernel Staff

Stephen Keller addresses the Student Government Associa-
tion Senate last night during his confirmation hearing.

With the supreme court confirma-
tion behind him. Keller can turn his
thoughts to future conquests. To be
the director of the FBI. for instance,
is one of his secret fantasies.

in the short term. however. Keller
said he is considering attending law

And he‘s definitely decided on is
Halloween costume: “Rush Lim-
baugh‘s assassin.“

Keller said Limbaugh has
“gained too much attention —— only
because he‘s an entertainer and not
a political drinker.

“l’m going to wear a big picture
of Rush with a red mark going
through it."


SGA Senate
new justice


By Lance Williams
News Editor


The Student Govemment As-
sociation Senate last night ap-
proved thc appointment of for-
mer SGA Executive Director
Stephen Keller to the Supreme

Keller. who was nominated
last week by SGA President
Lance Dowdy. received unani-
mous approval from the Senate.

Following Keller‘s appoint-
ment. money again was the hot
topic for the Senate. as it allocat—
ed more than 54.200 for four dif-
ferent projects.

in recent weeks. several sena-
tors have expressed concern
about dwindling Senate funds.
and many more voiced their
frustration during debate over
appropriations bills last night.

After the Senate easily passed
a bill allocating $100 to pay for
a stage to be used during an
SGA rally against tuition in-
creases on Nov. 3. there was
considerable debate about other
bills requesting money.

Most of the debate centered
around the funding of a State-
wide Step Show. which is sched-
uled to be held in the Otis A.
Singletary Center for the Arts on
Oct. 30.

The bill asked for $920 to help
pay for advertising and prize

Five hundred dollars of the re-
quest was earmarked as prize
money. with the stipulation that
ii would be repaid to the Senate
when the event is over and the
profits are calculated.

Many senators. including Col~
lege of Medicine Senator Darby
Cole. still had questions about
the hill.

“1 can‘t really say i support
giving money for a dance party."

See SGA. Back Page



held today
for student

Staff reporta

A memorial service will be held
today at noon for Thomas Robin-
son. a UK medical technology stu-
dent whose body was found Thurs-
day in nirai Fayette County.

The service. to be held at UK
Hospital Chapel. is open to the pub-

Robinson‘s roommate reported
him missing last week.

Two suspects have been arrested
in iowa in connection with Robin-
son‘s abduction and death.

The two were driving Robinson‘s
mr at the time of their arrest.

Richard Staton. one of the sus-
pects. recently had stayed as a guest
in Robinson‘s Lexington WBL

Robinson was buried Sunday.

He was 26.




.,_ v» saw-Mm tannwvwh- -



oPrayer belongs in the heart.
not the schools. Column.
Page 6.

oThe United States ehould
make the health of ita people.
especially its children. a top
priority. Column. Page 6.


Mostly cloudy today with a 30
percent chance of morning
showers; high around 60.
oBecoming mostly clear and
cold tonight; low in the lower

0Partly sunny and cool
tomorrow; high around 60.






Diversions....................... .....4

Viewpoint. O

Claeeifiede ..................... . ...... 7

Ctoeeword mm"... ....... 7

independent since 1971

the letter at length. he said he would
not give up on his request for the
money or the apology. He said he
would talk with Butler to “find out
the next step."

“i think the whole principle of
(Jackson‘s) being invited to speak
was wrong." Dowdy said. “It was
their attitude of their not even car—
ing about our plans or even asking
about them."

The student leaders and Stumbo
also disagreed over the nature of the
meeting in Frankfort.

Dowdy and Butler said in their

OCT 21 i993

letter that “state Democratic leaders
used the opportunity to support
their party financially,“ but Stumbo
said that the function in Frankfort
was not a fund raiser.

lie said in his letter the meeting
“was a pre-planned event to honor
the members of the State Central
Executive Committee."

Dowdy. Butler. SAB representa-
tive Matt Hall and SGA Speaker‘s
Bureau chairwoman Shelli Free-
land also attended the event in
Frankfort with Jackson and the

See LETTER. Back Page

Phone registration
begins next month

New system will reduce paper waste


By Lissa McGrotty
Staff Writer


it‘s that time again.

Advance registration for spring
classes begins in less than two

This year. students won't be
standing in long lines. but they may
be sitting at telephones for a while.

UK is irnpie-

The old system permitted stu-
dents to register any time after their
allotted time.

Students‘ registration windows
will be posted in most buildings and
also can be found in new schedule

The books will include detailed
instructions on how to use the new

The initial


menting a tele-
phone registration
UK-VIP. that will

allow 5mm. .0 telephone registration
”8‘5"" "0‘“ any system), (but) we’re
catching up.

touch-tone phone.

“Most major re-
search institutions
have (a telephone
registration sys»
tem): (University
of) Louisville.
(University on
Texas. Florida
State (Universi-

Most major research
called institutions have (a

registration pro-
cedure is much
the same as last
semester: A stu-
dent signs up to
see an adviser.
goes through the
advising process
and makes out a

N0 re gistra-

— Marc Rhorer, tion permits will

college of be given out this

year. however.

Communications and instead. permis-
lnformation Studies 5'9" '0 register

Will be granted


ty). (but) we‘re
catching up." said Marc Rhorer. as-
sistant director of undergraduate
studies for the College of Commu-
nications and information Studies

All of UK's coUeges currently
are in the transitory stage from the
old registration fonnat to the new

“The first time won‘t be easy for
(the staff)" Rhorer said.

“It will be a lot of work for peo-
ple in the colleges and departments
because we have to educate the stu-
dents and the faculty.“

Like any other new system. Rhor-
er said. there will be bugs and

He also said some students cau-
tioned students to follow directions
carefully: “i don‘t think (students)
understand the implications of these
changes. They may be victims if
they are not informed."

Under the new system. students
must register within an assigned
three-day period. if they miss that
threeday window. they will have to
wait until the end of reg'Lstration.

once the student has seen his or her

After that. the student simply
calls UK-VIP during the assigned

Because the new system elimi-
nates registration permits -— and a
number of other paper documents
like override slips and students fi~
nal schedules — it will be more en-
vironmentally friendly. said Lisa
Collins. assistant registrar for regis-

“We will be saving huge amounts
of trees." Collins said

If the phone line is busy. students
should keep trying. If it rings con-
tinuously. the system is either down
or closed.

The phones will be open from 7
am. to 8 pm, on weekdays and 8
am. to 5 pm. on Saturdays. unless
otherwise specified.

Schedule books will be available
Oct. 27 at college dean‘s offices.
The spring schedule currently is
available on UK‘s PRIME comput-
er system.

Reforms may benefit Engineering


By Don Puckett
Senior Staff Writer

At least one UK college should
benefit from reforms proposed by
Gov. Brereton Joncs’ Higher Educa-
tion Review Commission.

Recent comments by the govem-
or indicate he will be placing a pri-
ority on the state's engineering pro-

in a speech last month to the
Higher Education Rew’ew Commis-
sion. Jones emphasized the need for
strong engineering education in

“A healthy economy has quality
technology-based education at its

ore " Jones said. “Kentucky needs

a top-notch engineering school —
one that ranks among the nation's
access to engineering education."

Jones also mentioned his desire to
strengthen UK's (‘oilcge of Frigi-


neering when he joined Ralph
Hacker on the radio during the
broadcast of the football game
against the University of Mississip-

UK President Charles Wcthing-
ton said Joncs' speech “indicates
that he has a continuing interest in
that this commission will need to
deal with the enhancement of engi-
neering education."

Thomas Lester. dean of UK‘s
College of Engineering. said Ken-
tucky graduates fewer engineers per
capita than any other state in the

Lester also said businesses in
Kentucky are forced to import engi-
neering talent from other states. The
engineers that come to Kentucky
often are aiginally from the state
but went elsewhere to receive their

Wethington said there is not

See REFORMS. Back Page



Civil engineering lunlor Jimmy Iceman ueee eurveylng










2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thunday. October 21. 1993


Reno opposes laws
curbing TV Violence


By Diane Dustin
Associated Press


WASHthi'l‘ON — Attomey
General Janet Reno told senators
yesterday she opposes immediate
legislative action against 'l'V vio-
lence. She urged the televron indus-
try to develop shows that repudiate
murder and mayhem.

Reno said entertainment officials
have assured her they are not going
to argue anymore about whether
television causes violence in socie-
ty and have promised instead to
change programming

“If significant voluntary steps are
not taken soon. government action
will be imperative." she told the
Senate t‘orrunerce (‘omnuttee

Several and l‘\' violence bills are
being considered by the committee.
They include resm'ctions on the
time violent programming can be
aired. required govemment surveys
of TV violence and mandated
warning labels on violent shows.

Sen. Paul Sutton. D-Ill,. who has
led congressional efforts to calm
the murder and mayhem in televi-
sion dramas. urged his colleagues
to hold off.

'“l'his fall we have less violence
on TV than we've had in the past.
some people would say less than
we've had in 15 years." Simon said
of the broadcast networks. ABC.
CBS. NBC and liox

He says any further legislative
action should be delayed until Janu—
an; to give Hollywood time to im-



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plement his proposal for a self-
regulating monitoring group that
would keep track of the violence on

Retro also supported Simon's
plan. emphasizing the need for a
deadline "or government will have
no other options" but to regulate.

Broadcasters. cable TV and inde-
pendent programmers should ana-
lyze their own shows and issue re-
ports to the public. the attorney
general said.

"I understand the reasoning be-
hind (the) proposal to mandate such
reports. but 1 would prefer to give
the networks an opportunity to
show they are willing to do so on
their own." she said.

She emphasized the good that 'W
could do if it concentrated on pre-
senting positive images and role
models that children could emulate
for successful. happy lives.

"What if all television offered
more shows with plots which actu-
ally repudiated violence?“ she said.
“Why can't television offer more
examples of young people who see
the violence and other problems
around them and work to make
things better?"

Earlier this week. Sen. Carl Le-
vin. D-Mich.. complained that chil-
dren see too much violence in mo-
vie promotional clips even if they
TV shows they are watching are

“These pmmos can defeat par-
ents' best efforts to protect their
children from violence on televi-
sion." Levin said.





By Michael Fluman
Associated Press


LOS ANGELliS -— A defen-
dant was found innocent today
of attempting to murder trucker
Reginald Denny during the 1992
riots. capping a near-clean
sweep for the defense on major
charges in the case.

Spectators gasped as the court
clerk read “not guilty“ in the fi-
nale of the tortured series of jury
deliberations which left some
jurors ill and prolonged the sus-
pense for days.

Defendant Damian Williams
smiled and hugged his attorneys.
"They didn‘t have a case.“ said
defense attorney Edi Faal.

”The power of prayer had led
to the verdicts.“ said Georgiana
Williams. the defendant‘s moth-
er. “l‘m giving the victory to Je-
sus.“ '

Superior Court Judge John
Ouderkirk declared a mistrial on
one deadlocked count. assault
with a deadly weapon. against
ctr-defendant Henry Watson.

The judge ordered Watson.
29. released without bail be-
cause he had been convicted of
only one misdemeanor. which
has a maximum jail term of six
months. Watson commented
"it's a nice day out today" as he
left the building. He arrived
home before noon as car horns
blew in his neighborhood.


Man found not guilty
of attempted murder

LA. beating verdict draws gasps from spectators

The defendants had been jailed
17 months since their arrest. Wil-
liams. 20. remainedjailed.

Williams and Watson. both
black. were accused of attempted
murder and other charges in the at-
tacks on Denny, who is white, and
several others in the opening mo-
ments of the riots. Denny was
dragged from his rig at a South-
(‘entral intersection and nearly beat-
en to death as a TV news camera re-
corded the scene frorn a helicopter.

The riots swept the city April 29.
1992. following the state acquittals
in another videotaped incident ——
the 1991 beating of black motorist
Rodney King by white police offi-

On Monday. when most of the
Denny verdicts were announced.
the jury acquitted Williams and
Watson of some of the most serious
counts and convicted them of re-
duced charges in other counts. Wil-
liams was convicted of a single fel-
ony. a reduced charge of mayhem
in the attack on Denny. and four
misdemeanor assault counts in at-
tacks on others.

Mayhem has a maximum sen-
tence of eight years. The misde-
meanors carry maximum terms of
six months.

Prosecutors said Williams was
the man on the videotape seen
throwing a brick at Denny‘s head
and dancing in glee. But the de-
fense challenged the identification
as well as the prosecution claim that

the actions seen on the tape
were proof that the defendants
intended to kill Denny.

Faal said the guilty verdicts
would be appealed. On the at-
tempted murder count. he had
taken a calculated risk not to let
the jtn'y opt to find Williams
guilty on a lesser, related

The Rev. Cecil Murray of
First African Methodist Church
in the South Central neighbor-
hood praised the racially mixed
jury as “a microcosm of the
larger macrocosm of America."

“There is a lot of white anger,
there is a lot of black anger. but
it's healthy because it says we
are out of the closet. we are
dealing with the racism in the
justice system." Murray said.

There were four blacks. four
Hispanics. two whites and two
Asian-Americans on the jury.
The suburban jury that acquitted
the white officers in the King
case had no blacks.

Denny had no immediate
comment on yesterday verdict.
But on Monday, he said he sup-
ported the acquittal of Watson
of attempted murder because he
“spent a year and a half in jail
and has had time to think about
what happened." After he testi-
fied during the trial. Denny
hugged the defendants' moth—



Sherman’s Ailey:. ::- .

Busy Relaxing



Says here a recent
away ciawe coaay'e

young 06005 are azer
crar 0.35: genera: ore





5:. 33' yo; (560 ‘t acwfl
."r‘" r :"e triadic of
My orerheatime nap

“at”; "one-eras i



Sorry But the aroma
eaye young people rave. no
energy. no Zip It'e ammo.

I Out were tryirg to rm




Dior". yOu once 92%

or a car 0" aocxe?



'1: was”: just me were.
ihaa to mail a letter
gg go to the bank.

Air m the same day.

Why dm't we watch
eome TV? I thrrk there's
eome professional
howling or somewhere.



lcan't reach
the remote.




Forget It than.
Just wake me up In
time for me to









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U.N. team
seeks Haitian

By George Godda
Associated Press

tors, led by the United States. asked
Haitian Prime Minister Robert Mal-
val this week to “broaden" his gov-
ernment. a move viewed by sup-
porters of deposed President Jean-
Bertrand Aristide as a concession
to the military Chieftains in power.

A State Department official said.
however. that such steps have “nev-
er. ever been contemplated."

An Aristide aide. speaking on
condition of anonymity. said the
mediators presented a four-page
document to Malval that asks him
to broaden the government. An's-
tide, who lives here in exile. was
not approached by the mediators,
but received the document from
Malval via fax. The ousted presi-
dent rejected it out of hand.

The State Department official
said the document was intended as
a speech for Malval to deliver to
his countrymen. He said the pro-
posed remarks. among other sug-
gestions, called for revoking the au-
thority of the so-called “attaches"
— armed thugs who have been re-
sponsible for much of the mayhem
that has afflicted Haiti in recent

As for the proposal for a broad-
ening of the government the offi-
cial said the administration believes
the Cabinet appointed by Malval is
too narrow and should include
more representation from business
leaders and others outside of Axis-
tide‘s inner circle.

White House Press Secretary Dee
Dee Myers said talks Tuesday and
today involving Haitian officials in-
cluded discussion of “expanding
the Cabinet to include other demo-
cratic forces" to help restore de-
mocracy in Haiti.

“We are not talking about ex~
pending it to include non-
democratic forces." Myers insisted.
She denied there was any attempt
to appease military and police lead-
ers resisting the return of Aristede
to power.

Later. State Depanmcnt press of-
ficer David Johnson said the inter-
national mediators “never enter-
tained" the notion of including
“non-democratic sectors“ in Haiti‘s
Cabinet He refused comment on
the document alleged to have been
delivered to Malval.














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Cats’ season
will not end
like last year


Ernest Wrontmors
Kernel Columnist




We've been here before.
haven’t we? Sure we have.
Stuck to mull over UK foot-
ball’s “week of 4-2."

This time last season it was
four wins, two losses, right be
fore the team flailed like a dy-
ing pigeon to finish out the
frightful season with five
straight losses. .

New season. Same week.
Same record. Same end result,

Not so fast. Deja vu is here
for a second, gone for the rest
of the season. These Cats will
win three of the last five. possi-
bly four.

Imagine the thought: UK
could be undefeated six games
into this deal. In football.

Because reality is what must
be dealt with, the Cats have
won three straight SEC games
for the first time since 1977. all
since the Indiana game, which
makes you wonder just what in
the heck the coaching staff said
and did during those five days
before the victory over South

UK football is near the point
where it starts to make a legiti—
mate name for itself. What with
the No. 3 passing efficiency de—
fense in the land. And Moe

In order. the last five games
of the season:

oWhat the Cats need is to de-
feat a big-time SEC program.
Some team like Georgia on
Saturday. in Athens. nonethe-

As ESPN says. it could hap-
pen. Georgia lost Garrison
Hearst and Andre Hastings to
the NFL and has had difficulty
in doing most anything to re-
place them.

Unless Zeier puts up alarm-
ing statistics — and he won‘t.
not on this defense — UK is a
good bet to cover the touch-
down spread.

So. let’s say the Cats win.

'On to Mississippi State. It
looks like Coach Jackie Sherrill
is on his way to another job if
squad doesn‘t turn around a 2—4
start. This could be one of the


By Brett Dawson
Staff Writer


Luck is supposed to even out.

When a team gets more than its
fair share of bad breaks. things are
supposed to turn around eventually.
Sometimes all it takes is for the
other team to get a bad break or
two itself.

For 40 of the first 45 minutes in
yesterday‘s “Rage in the (‘age"
soccer match between UK and
Transylvania, it looked like the
Cats‘ bad fortunes might finally

No such luck. though. as Transy
scored late in regulation and the
Cats wound up with their fourth
overtime tie of the season.

As they so often do, the Cats
jumped on top first against the Pio-
neers. Both teams played strong
first-half defense until the 40
minute mark when sophomore mid~

Wildcats ’ bad breaks lead to 1-1 tie

fielder Todd Weissmueller got UK
on the board with a goal set up on
freshman Greg lobn‘ng's assist.

That would be UK's only shot on
goal in the first half. while the de-
fense was able to hold Transy with-
out a goal on three shots in the first

The match was physical from the
beginning. as was expected be-
tween the fierce rivals. UK had 11
first-half fouls to Transy‘s l7.

UK‘s defense held strong
throughout most of the second half
as Transy mounted several threats
near the goal. but offensive oppor-
tunities were few and far between
for the Cats.

The Cats seemed to be in control
as late as the 85-minute mark, but
UK committed a costly foul in the
box with less than five minutes re-
maining, resulting in a penalty kick
for the Pioneers.

Transy’s Mumbuna Bojang
scorched the penalty shot past a

Bostick to leave UK

for Villanova position


Staff reports


The UK Athletics Department an-
nounced Tuesday that Assistant
Athletics Director of Compliance
John Bostick has accepted a job at

Bostick will serve as senior asso-
ciate athletics director at the Phila-
delphia school.

“I will always by grateful for the
opportunities that (UK Athletics Di-
rector) C.M. (Newton) made availa-
ble to me,“ Bostick said.

Bostick has been a member of
Newton‘s staffs for nearly 24 years
in some capacity. The first 20 years.

Men’s golf gets first victory
of fall season in Louisville


Staff reports


The UK men‘s golf team record-
ed its first victory of the fall season
Tuesday at the Persimmon Ridge
Intercollegiate tournament in Louis-

The Wildcats shot a combined
score of 595 in the rain-shortened
event. six shots ahead of East Ten-
nessee State and Miami (Ohio).

Senior Andrew Price recorded his
second career tournament victory






diving Matt Stanley to give Transy lemming 001)’ one in the rim half,

a 1-1 tie. and the ball movement was solid.
UK and Transy battled to a dead as It usually has been lately-

standstill in the first overtime as

neither learn was able to get off a But a lack of consistent finishing

shoton goal. haunted Wooten‘s team yesterday,
The Cats opened the second as it has the entire season.

overtime with a good shot at the

goal. but after beating the Transy “I felt like we possessed the ball

defense. UK‘s Jonathan Skeeters nicely and did a lot of nice things,“

was unable to finish the shot. Wooten said. “But. one (foul) in the
The Cats failed to get off another box, and they get the penalty kick.

shot in the final frame, even though

they had a number of opportunities “Greg (Lobn'ng) just misjudged


near the goal and failed to capital- that one, and that happens." New York mm $59
we. - .
UK head coach Sam Wooten is The tie dropped UK to 4-7-4 on P'quu'sh "om $59
starting to get used to that. the season with five games left to Washington DC From $59
_“We ve got to finish our opponu- play, and Wooten was quick to Chub“: From $59
mties." Wooten said. “That's what point out that still leaves the door ,
it boils down to. open for UK to post a winning sea- 5t. LOUIS From $29
“I thought that Transy played a son. :5;ng “"“m

nice match, and I‘m happy for

those guys because that game “One thing I‘m holding true to is ’
meant a lot to them." that we're going to find what we’re WMI "m
Wooten was not overly upset made of." he said. “We‘ve got five 409 E. 4n». St. 0 Bloomington, in 47408

with the Cats‘ offensive perfor- games left to geta winning season. _ _
mance. They managed to get nine and we're three down. so we can‘t “W“anao
shots on goal for the game after at- afford another loss." student travel organization




as an assistant basketball coach for
Newton at both Alabama and Van-
derbilt. He then came to UK with
Newton in 1989 to be pan of his
administration staff.

Bostick will join another former
member of Newton‘s staff at Villa-
nova. Athletics Director Gene De-
Filippo. DeFilippo was UK‘s asso-
ciate director of athletics/extemal
affairs until 1992. when he took the
athletic director job at Villanova.

“Gene could not have made a
better decision than to hire John
Bostick as his right-hand man.“
Newton said.

Bostick will leave UK in early
November to join the Villanova.


and his first win of the season in







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shooting a 36-hole total of 143.

The Wildcats were in third place
out of Iii-team field going into the
second and final round. UK then
shot the second-lowest team total
for a round during the tournament
with a 295 — one shot above the
mark posted by Wright State.
which shot a 294 in round two.

Freshman Grover Justice. playing
in just his third collegiate event.
finished second in the tournament
with a total of 145.


three games the Cats will lose
just because State will be a
sleeper. But I‘ll take UK.

oThen. there‘s Vanderbilt
away. Even though Vandy
turns into the Miami Hurri-
canes when it plays the Cats.
UK wins because of defense,
again. Earlier this season.
Vandy went six quarters with-
out moving the ball past mid-

This could be a shutout. the
third of the season for the de-

-East Carolina. here. This is a
victory. as sure as a Joe Na-
math Super Bowl prediction.

-This last game is the hinge.
Tennessee. here. UK could be
on a seven‘game roll. To beat
Tennessee in Commonwealth
— going after a big bowl berth
— would b