xt7rxw47t31x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47t31x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1987 1987 1987-03-26 2020 true xt7rxw47t31x section xt7rxw47t31x  




Vol. XCI. No. 121

Established 1894


Univouity of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971



Thursday. March 28. 1987



This is the last in a two-part series
about the platforms of the SGA presa
idential candidates. This story looks
(it the platform of Kenny Arington.

Assistant News Editor

SGA presidential candidate Kenny
Arington leaned back in his chair.
flipping through the pages of the
platform he hopes will carry him to
Victory in next month's election.

With 30 different goals listed in his
platform. Arington says he feels
comfortable promising every one.

“If I didn‘t think I could obtain
them. I wouldn't have put them
down. " he said.

“I could have put down 60 or 70
ideas I‘m a heck of an idea man.
but l would be cheating SGA and the
students if I did that."

Among the issues Arington and his

senior and executive vice presi-
dential candidates — Keith Clary
and Brad Dixon, respectively -— are
promising to research include cam-
pus safety and the merger of minori-
ty affairs and student affairs

The 14—page platform says that if
Arington is elected in the April 8-9

Student Government Association
elections, he will seek to extend
dorm visitation hours, reduce the

$50 advanced registration fee and
expand the child care program in
the College of Home Economics.

"1 am concerned about all of them
or I wouldn‘t have put them down.“
said the political science and Rus-
sian area studies senior.

“Campus safety, that's important,
the cold clinic, that's important . . .
alcohol awareness programs, I could
talk all day about that." Arington
said as he paged through his plat-





Each of the planks in the Aring-
ton-Clary-Dixon platform tell. in no
more than two paragraphs, what the
tickets ideas are for each issue it
wants to undertake if elected. Of' the
30 planks, eight expand current SGA

The platform's promises, howev—
er, are not its greatest strength.
Arington said.

“As a president. it‘s important to
develop a philosophy and a kind of
direction where you want to take
student government." he said.

As president, Arington said it is
his philosophy that SGA must be


more than a service-oriented organi-

“Services are just a part of stu-
dent government." Arington said.
“There‘s representing the student
voice and the student concerns and
you do that through going out and
meeting the students. "

Aside from representing the stu-
dents. Arington said he believes
SGA has a role in exploring the is-
sues listed in his platform. The fol-
lowing is a brief synopsis of the
major promises on the Arington

Radio Free Lexington — If elected
president. Arington said he will re-
sign from his position as chairman
of RF‘L'S Board of Directors.

Although Arington said he wants
RFL to be completely free of any
student organization. he still will
continue working for the station's


its 1

Go fly a kite


Todd Latimore. an electrical engineering senior. flies a stunt kite
yesterday afternoon by the UK water tower behind Alumni drive.



Windy weather made it a perfect day to fly kites. Showers,
though, may interrupt kite fliers today.


MARK ZEROF Kernel Staff



New organization to help with charities

Staff Writer

A new campus organization is
being formed to help charitable-
groups across the county.

Communities in Unity is recruiting
UK students, faculty and staff to as-
sist such charitable organizations as
the Salvation Army feeding pro-
gram. the Community Kitchen and
the Horizon Center.

Jim Akin. director of the United
(‘ampus Ministry. said the main
focus of the new group is to “pro-
mote volunteerism for local commu-
nity agencies.

“Our first team of six or eight
people begirs work next Sunday at
the Salvation Army feeding pro—
gram." he said. “but these are not
the only programs we'll help."

Akin said the agency plans to find
volunteers to help with the Lexing-
ton Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Lex-
ington program and the Ronald Mc-
Donald house.

Joe Cantrill. a social worker for
the Salvation Army homeless pro
gram. said the service is a “tremen‘
dous help" to them.

“It‘s really a big plus for us when
we can get a group to commit like

Cantrill said the group is going to
serve 100 to 125 meals every fourth
Sunday night for the homeless.

Communities in Unity has been
searching for volunteers for the past
18 months. Akin said, but is just now
starting to launch its advertising

A branch of Communities in
Unity. Campus Green, is also in its
beginning stages, he said. Campus
Green is a specialty group con-
cerned with cleaning up the environ-

“So far. Campus Green is made
up of all university students." Akin
said. “but others can join also.“

One unique aspect of the group, he
said, is the diversity of the volun~
teers involved. "Anyone who‘s inter-
ested can join. . . . they don't have
to be students.“

Akin said United Campus Ministry
first found out about the program
through the Campus Outreach 0p—
portunity League COOL is a group
of young people who travel around
the United States to help establish
volunteer groups on campuses.

The United Campus Ministry and
the Appalachian Center are sponsor-
ing the programs, but the ministry
is funding them. due to the Appala-
chian Center's limited budget.

Humanitarian award nominations due tomorrow

B) l).\.\' IIASSERT
Senior Staff Writer

Many awards recognize people for

academic. athletic and leadership
The Sullivan Awards recognize

something a little more basic fl love
for other people.

“The sole purpose for the award is
to recognize those people who have
given of their time to improve the
quality of life of other individuals,"
said Terry Mobley, a member of the
Sullivan selection committee.

The awards are given annually to
one UK graduating male. one grad-

uating female and a non-student who
is otherwise connected with UK.

The deadline for nominating these
individuals is 3 pm. tomorrow.
Nomination forms can be picked up
in and delivered to 513 Patterson Ofs
ficc Tower.

The president's office will honor
the three winners at spring com-
mencement with a mounted bronze
medallion while reading a citation
that “enumerates the accomplish—
ments and characteristics of the in-
dividual that led to the award," said
Saundra Lykiis. who chairs the

The awarrb recognize people for
“characteristics of heart. mind and

conduct as evince a spirit of love
and helpfulness to other men and
women," Lykins said in a press re-

Nomination forms should give spe-
cific examples of how the nominees
demonstrate these characteristics.
Lykins said.

She said these characteristics are
“sometimes manifest in community
service, . . . sometimes in a demon-
stration of caring for other people."
She stressed that the awards do not
take into account things such as
grades or leader ship qualities

The Sullivan Award was estab-
lished in 1926 in memory of Alger.
non Sydney Sullivan, a humanitari-

an who had opened his New York
home to young Southern men who
needed help getting contacts with
businessmen in the late 19th cen-

These men formed the New York
Southern Society and asked universi-
ties to establish the award to honor
Sullivan. UK started its program in

The Sullivan Awards recognize
people with a “genuine caring feel-
ing," people who are often over-
looked. Mobley said.

Lykins agreed. Of past winners.
she said “a lot of times these are not
people who have «a lot of) name rec-

Arington confidentabout campaign platform

Arington. who has helped raise
about 3100.000 for the station. does
not want SGA to fund HFI. I'ltima-
tely, Arington wants students to vote
on a student fee increase for RH. in
a referendum next spring after the
station is already on the air.

Parking ~— Arington “unis SGA to
lobby for a parking structure. which
he said could cost up to $3.3 million.
to be built in the "B" lot next to
Wildcat Lodge.

Arington said the lot was original
ly zoned for a parking structure A
referendum could be placed on ilie
fall freshman elections ballot to
gauge student views on this issue, he

(‘oiiiniercialization Arington's
platform endorses the budding of a
new student center, which he said
could be built in the Clifton Circle
area. However. Arington said the

Sec ARI\(.H)\. back page




SGA brings Muskie
to campus April 13

Staff Writer

The SGA senate last night unani-
mously approved a bill to bring for-
mer Secretary of State Edmund
Muskie and member of the Tower
(‘ommission to speak at ['K on Mon-
day. April 13.

Bringing the former Maine senr

ator and 1973 Democratic presi
dential candidate to campus iiill
cost the Student Government Assn


"I think this is a real unique op-
portunity for I'K to bring a real
good speaker ito campus said
Jack Rothstcin of SGA's executiyc
branch. “I think this t.\ real strong
way to finish out the sin-alter pro

Muskie marks the second lllilltil’
speaker to appear at I'K this year
Noted sex thearpist Dr Ruth \Vestr
heimer appeared in early Dccem

In other senate business.

The senate overyi heliningly
passed a resolution telling l' S Sec-


That's the kind of
apathetic attitude we
need to weed out of
student government. "
David Botkins
SGA senator

l'l‘lul". l'.llilt‘.liiiill \\iili.ini l’wnnctt
itin‘ ,t lli\.i;il'l'll‘.t‘~ of

lift; il'.‘

his t'tllltltllllli
lililitit'\ am; should resign
tron. lit“ pox?
Although the resolution passed by
.in lit-i margin it was marked by
about i: iiiinii'i-s of strong. .llltl at



official sponsor
\\.l.\ lllt' Stiiilcn! Government -\.\.\i\
('lttllt)” political affairs colitimttcc.
its main \‘Jlili'il'lt‘l‘ was l‘oninntti-c

('hairinan lhiilll ltiitkins. the i'esolu

lion's initial sponsor
liotkins. speaking on behalf of So~
L'ltlll} t‘ontcriied Students, told the
Sec \(,.\ l'. "

Program helps to bridge
U.S., Japan cultural gap

Contributing Writer

Last summer. I'K started a pro
gram aimed at breaking cultural
barriers between the L'nited States
and Japan.

The program is a study session for
all ages in which Japanese teachers
teach a variety of classes to those
interested in leaming more about
Japanese culture and language

These teachers are also the same
ones who teach Toyota's Saturday
school. designed to help Japanese
children living in America keep up
with their Japanese studies.

Donna llall. director of UK Spe-
cial Programs, said UK's classes
were started "as a result of commu-
nity interest in Japanese culture."

Some classes being taught are a
Monday class for adults called “Jap-
anese Verbal and Nonverbal Lan-
guage." a Thursday class for Japan-
ese families titled “Helping
Japanese Families Adjust.” and a
Tuesday class for children grades l~


The maturity of Eastern Eu-
rope piano was the topic of a

visiting professor's recital
yesterday. For a review, see

The NCAA winner could
bring rebellious results. For a
sports writer's prediction of
the tourney victor, sec
SPORTS, Page 3.




Morning sunshine today
Mmmwiiii rain do

m ruin Hid I M


4. which teaches them basic Japa-
nese speaking and writing skills

\asuko \Ligahama. a Japanese
program staff member. teaches the
'l‘uesday class forages land 3

“I hope to be helpful to break cul»
tural differences between Japan and
America.” Nagahama said. She
chooses her own materials to use in
class and tries to teach a variety of
Japanese customs to the class

"It's really fun to teach the class.
This age group picks up very quick
I}. ‘s'tie said

(‘liiss activities keep the children
occupied and nttciitiye to learn. she
said The children respond amazing—
l_\ well to the Japanese customs.
picking up on greetings and phrases

Nagahama begins class by having
each individual child greet her in
Japanese and then asking them a
simple question. such as their name.
in Japanese

The children study things such as
how to say numbers. family mi-m~

Sec HRIINJ. liiivk page

LKD award
last chance

Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board is of-
fering scholarships in honor of one
of its betterknown ventures. the
Little Kentucky Derby

Mary Wis Estes. SAB homecom—
ing committee chairwoman. said the
LKl) steering committee is offering

one or more scholarships. the
amount of which will not exceed

Estes said applicants must have
at least a 25 grade point average.
and must have attended L'K full
time for the previous fall and cur-
rent spring semesters

Applicants also cannot be graduat-
ing seniors

Among the academic require-
ments. Estes said applicants should
be active in various areas of campus

See LKD, back page


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. March 26. 1987


Piano ma


Pianist promotes Russian art as he lectures and performs

Statt Writer

The now commonplace use of the
piano a.» a concert instrument was
initiated by an obscure Czech, Dus-
wit the invention of the impromptu
.l> a lyrical piano piece was made
by another. \'orisek.

and musical innovatiom
associated with major
otten originated from

predecessors, con»
cluded Larry Scully in his lecture-
recital yesterday

Sly les
leswr-knov. n




Scully‘s presentation. titled “The
Development of Slavic Piano
Music," was held in the medal hall
of the UK Center for the Arts

Scully dealt exclusively with the
"minor" Slavic composers, Vorisek,
Medtner and Liapunoy, because, in
his view. few have contributed so
much to the piano literature tradi-
tion as them while earning so little
recognition for their work.


(‘AI’E TOWN. South Africa
AP ;\lllt‘l'lCLIII opera singer
Joy Simpson died early yesterday
of a brain hemorrhage she suf-
fered during a performance last
week. a hospital spokeswoman

The ill)t'.ll'*ttl'l black soprano
troiri I‘hladelphia went into a
coma ’Il'. Saturday and never re-
(‘ll\t'!'t'(I \itifl a (‘ity Park IIDSpL
tal \t)ill\t‘.\\\I)Illtill who spoke on
L‘Hlltlllltll; ill anonymity
Simpson's mother. Evelyn

Simpson. had been with her
(laughter at lllt' hospital since fly-
ing in from Philadelphia on Sat—
urday and “as with her when she
died at 1: .io 11 m . the spokeswo—
man said

The liilllll} was to decide tune»

in; arrangements today

Simpson was on a three-week

tour oi south :\l."lt'il in defiance


Opera singer Simpson
dies in South Africa

of an international cultural boy-
cott imposed because of the
white~controlled government's
policy ofapartheid

She said she came to South Af-
rica to "bring hope to the 0p
pressed people u_ message of
love and to spread goodwill."

She was performing a spiritual.
“Sometimes I Feel Like A .\Ioth~
erless Child.” at Cape Town's
City Hall on Thursday night when
she collapsed

South Africa‘s national tele-
VISIOII broadcast a report and
tribute about Simpson six hours
before her death. showing ex~
cerpts from her performances

Simpson came from a singing
family. Her mother and her fa-
ther. Melvin. and her live sisters
and two brothers have been sing»
ing for many years as the Simp-
son Family Singers.



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Vorisek could be credited, but
never is, for introducing the piano
tradition to Eastern Europe around
the years 18101820. Schubert is cele-
brated for the piano impromptu,
which Vorisek, in fact, innovated.

And Vorisek‘s “Fantasy" may
well have been the inspiration that
brought Ch0pin to fame, but again.
the formal recognition is not accord-

Similarly, Medtner and Liapunov,
in the early 20th century, go unrec-
ognized for their use of the grue-
some genre of the Russian “fairy"
tale as themes for their music. In-
stead. this concept is now discussed
more in connection with Stravinsky
or Rimsky-Korsakov.

Scully ended his lecture by dis-
cussing Shostakovich, the fiist com‘
poser to be schooled by the Soviet

He recalled Shostakovich's contin-
ual struggles with Stalin, who de-
spised both dissident (avant-garde)
music and the “bourgeois“ lZ-note
roles of the Viennese composers. A
composer's work, Stalin decreed,
should be something that could be
whistled while shaving.

Scully played Shostakovich's (ex-
ceptionally difficult) retaliation, in
which he uses an ll-stmke roll.
Bourgeois, but not definitively so.

The only drawback to Scully‘s lec-
ture was the small, 23-member audi-
ence that experienced his words and
highly commendable playing.

Daughter of Zsa Zsa Gabor
hospitalized as mental patient

daughter of actress Zsa Ba Gabor
was hospitalized Tuesday in a psy-
chiatric ward after neighbors re-
ported she was chasing a neighbor‘s
maid and jumping in front of mov-
ing cars.

Francesca Hilton, 40, whose father
was the late hotel magnate Conrad
Hilton, was taken by police to Ce-
darsSinai Medical Center late Mona
day following 16 hours of erratic be-
havior, said Sgt. Chuck Urso.

“She apparently was hysterical,"
Urso said. “She looked like a street

Gabor went to the police station
after learning about the incident,

“Zsa Zsa thinks that whatever
pills (Hilton) was taking or program


she was on to lose weight may have
caused this." said Gabor‘s publictst,
Phil Paladino. “She‘s been on a
very. very strict diet because she is

Hilton recently lost 60 pounds. he

Police were sent to Hollywood
Hills after residents reported a
woman jumping in front of passing
cars. L'rso said.

Hilton was taken into custody
shortly after 9:30 pm. Monday by a
police psychological evaluation unit
whose officers said she had chased a
neighbor‘s maid on foot for 1':
miles. The maid was not harmed.
lTrso said.


W0. Milk!
About.“ Me Editor

Dennis Hopper draws
from sordid past to win
Oscar bid in ‘Hoosiers’

Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — The first time

Dennis Hopper was up for an Acade-
my Award, for co-writing “Easy
Rider" in 1968, he wore a Stetson to
the ceremony and sat in the first
row. _
“John Wayne was there," he said.
“I remember seeing Elizabeth Tay-
lor with Richard Burton; she was
wearing a great big diamond. I
hadn‘t seen her since we did
“Giant" together. I didn't win, but I

Hopper was then a new and dis-
turbing force in Hollywood. “Easy
Rider," which he directed, Peter
Fonda produced and in which both
starred, cost $370,000 and grossed
$50 million, bringing an onslaught of
counterculture films.

But that was then and this is now,
and at 51, Hopper has been through
the grinder. Self-exiled from Holly-
wood, he became the symbol of the
failed film artist, gone crazy on
booze and drugs.

However, on March 30 he‘ll ap-
pear at another Oscar night, a nomi-
nee newly restored to the film com~

Last year Hopper delivered two
performances that brought raves
from critics: as the crazed drug
dealer in “Blue Velvet“ and the
town drunk in “Hoosiers.“

Many observers were surprised
when Hopper was nominated as sup-

porting actor for “Hoosiers” instead
of “Blue Velvet." So was Hopper.

“I expected I would get my nomi-
nation for ‘Blue Velvet;‘ for the
Golden Globes I was nominated for
both," he said. “I had the. feeling
that more people had seen ‘Blue Vel—
vet.‘ We only released ‘Hoosiers‘ for
a couple of weeks in one theater for
Academy consideration.

“I expected that ‘Blue Velvet'
would be required seeing for my fel-
low actors. The wonderful thing
about the Oscars is that the nomi-
nations are made by the actors and

“My feeling was that if I had been
nominated for ‘Blue Velvet' I proba-
bly wouldn‘t have a very good
chance of winning. I‘d like to think
that with ‘Hoosiers‘ I might have a
possibility of winning, only because
it parallels my life a lot. I’m a re-
covering alcoholic. "

The actor borrowed from his own
experience to play the onetime bas-
ketbali star fallen from grace. He
acknowledged the help of Gene
Hackman: “It's hard to be dishonest
with him.“

An Indiana accent also helped
Hopper get into the role. as well as
his memories of the late James
Dean, with whom he appeared in
“Rebel Without a Cause" and

“Dean was a high school basket-
ball player from Indiana. and I sort
of thought about him a lot,“ Hopper


Engineering graduates who plan to have guests attend
the 1987 Engineering Commencement in Memorial Hall
at 1 :30 pm. Saturday May 9, must request guest tickets
by March 30. A form for requesting tickets will be mailed
to the home address of each graduate. Forms may also
be obtained and returned to the office of the Dean of
Enginneering (room 177' Anderson Hall). All graduates
planning to attend will receive tickets, with some
restricitions on those requesting a large number.




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 As the clock nears midnight,
four teams keep on dancing

Two weeks ago, a committee of
bigwigs stuffed themselves in a
smoky room and ended the NCAA
title dreams of nearly 200 college
basketball teams. Only 64 clubs
were asked to the big dance. No in
vitation, no enter.

The lucky 64 gladly accepted the
special proposal and strutted into
the ballroom But for many the joy
did not last The party was short

Each song at the dance is only 40
minutes long. After that, someone is
asked to leave. The winners request
another song. The losers go home.

Because an invitation was so spe-
cial, the thought of leaving the party
early was hard to take. It was such
a tough road getting there. Who
wants to leave before the last song?

Well. somebody‘s got to go. It‘s
too crowded. Dr. Naismith said if
you don't put the ball in the peach
basket enough. you‘re out the door.
No questions asked. There‘s another
dance next year.

But not everyone wants to wait an—
other year. They're having too much
fun now. So each team fights and
claws its way to stay.

The do or the games provided cxr
citement for the fans, money for TV
and near cardiac arrest for coaches
And of course. kept Dick Vitale's
mouth running.

Vitale wouldn‘t shut up. and not
every team could keep up. The pace
of each song quickened. Soon, teams
were stopping for a rest. Those who
did were weeded out. Others trudged

The heat finally took its toll on the
field. Sixty teams wilted. The strong
survived. But there weren‘t many
left. Only four. The Final Four.

The persistent clubs who made it
to the last song were told they
couldn‘t stop. There was an encore




planned. An even bigger party On
Bourbon Street.

So. the final clubs headed down to
the bayou‘s And they found the
Super Dome.

As usual. Cinderella wouldn‘t
leave. Providence heard about New
Orleans and liked it. It wasn't close
to midnight so the Friars kept their
glass slippers. They got on a raft in
Louisville and floated down the Mis—

At the helm of the Providence ship
is coach Rick Pitino. The NCAA told
the young captain certain jump
shots were now worth three points
instead of two. Pitino said fine.

The Providence coach went out
and found two crewmen named Billy
Donovan and Delray Brooks who
could launch some bombs. Their
successful raids now have the Friars
enjoying Mardi Gras in person.

Providence will tango with Syra—
cuse this Saturday. The Orangemen
were also supposed to drop by now.
Jim Boheim has never won a big
game. But. last Sunday he met a
coach who's only won one big game
in 25 yea rs.

Syracuse pounded North Carolina
on the boards and advanced to the
Super Dome. Dean Smith went back
to his own dome.

In Las Vegas, they say it’s better
to be lucky than good. UNLV is a
little of both.

The Running Rebels dug them-
selves a 19«p0int hole against the

Iowa Hawkeyes. It looked like Jerry
Tarkanian was going to waste some
more talent.

But Tark the Shark was saved,
The Rebels called Iowa‘s bluff. Be-
fore you could say “three-point bas-
ket Freddie Banks," UNLV had
roared past the Hawkeyes and into
the lead. They held on and now play

Indiana rounds out the final four
And like UNLV they were dealt a
good hand when they needed it

LSL' had Indiana by the jugular.
Ricky Calloway's knee gave out and
Steve Alford‘s shots wouldn't go in
The Hoosiers trailed by 11 with five
minutes left on the clock.

But instead of trying to put away
Indiana, the Tigers tried to kill the
clock. They couldn't. The Hoosiers
crawled back into the game.

Calloway returned from the locker
room and tipped in an air ball with
seven seconds left. ISU missed at
the buzzer. The Tigers were sent
home. Indiana moved on.

So the big bash is now coming to a
close. By Monday, three more teams
will be disappomted. One Will be
snipping the nets, Don‘t expect it to
be Providence or Syracuse.

The Orangemen will defuse the
Friars' long bombs but will not have
enough firepower left for the Finals.
Indiana and UNLV are just too

They really should save the last
dance for the Hoosiers and Rebels.
That's the real championship game

When the final song comes to an
end, the 'I‘ark will still be boogying
with a towel in his mouth. Bobby
Knight will be crying with a towel in
his face.

Senior Staff Writer Todd Jones is
a journalism senior.

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. March 20. 1087 - 3



Tee time

UK sophomore golfer Steve Flesch found some time yester-
day to practice his stroke. The golf team travels to Montgom-
ery. Ala. this weekend for the Southeastern Invitational.









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Sports Edtor

La Salle won’t

face a zone
in NIT finals

NEW YORK (AP) — La Salle,
which faces Southern Mississippi for
the title in the 50th National Invita-
tion Tournament tomorrow night,
can forget about facing another zone
defense that will let the Explorers
again make eight 3-point shots in the
first half.

"They've convinced me they can
shoot." Southern Mississippi Coach
MK Turk said yesterday. “I can
assure you that we won‘t open with
a zone against La Salle,"

“They know they have to play us
man—toman to win." La Salle coach
Bill “Speedy" Morris said. “But we
feel we can handle a man-to—man
and get the ball inside. Not many
teams have tried to play a zone
against us. We‘ve had games where
we‘ve only shot five or six 3-point-

La Salle guards Tim Legler and
Rich Tarr hit three :i-pointers each
in the first half against Arkansas-
Little Rock in Tuesday night‘s semi—

The Explorers made eight of their
fir: ;t 12 long range attempts while
taking a 43- :25 lead 16*; minutes into
the game then freshman star Lionel
Simmons scored 13 of his 21 points
in the second half as La Salle went
on to a 92-73 victory. Legler had 26
points and Tarr 23.

Southern Miss defeated Nebraska
82-75 in the other semifinal. Ran-
dolph Keys had 24 points and John
White 19. and they scored all of the
Golden Eagles points during a 15-2
second-half spurt that turned a 6058
deficit intoa 73-62 lead.


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Cynthia A. Palormo
Andy Dumstorf
Erik Reece

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Rhonda O‘Nan

The Grace Period
for Membership in
the UK Faculty Club
ends on Tuesday
March 31, 1987.

Call Toll Free 1'800‘822‘2 7 33 The Kentucky Kornol is published on class days during the academlc year

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___g The Kornol IS printed at Standard Publishing and Printing 534 Buckman
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\ 0' Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room 026
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(Expires April 6, 1987)


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