xt7rxw47t00p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47t00p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1948 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1948 Vol.19 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1948 Vol.19 No.10 1948 1948 2019 true xt7rxw47t00p section xt7rxw47t00p ' V A» V M W" 7*" """‘“*’"—_~—-—-—-m—W~—_~ 2 2 2 2 —22- ~gv~ A¥V_¥—_111I 1 ." ‘; 1.2 .
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l fig: The Kentucky Press -— August, 1948
: Ellll llll ll— /
i ky - - s
l“ .
E E l The Kentuc Press Assoclatlon C‘
l: . a
E . l. j, Extcn.‘
E E E is an organization representing 160 weekly and semi- the placing of advertising in their papers more easy of the ‘
E weekly community newspapers, 22 small dailies, and 7 and satisfactory. The Association maintains a Central MUM“
Ellll‘ major dailies, whose publishers desire to provide for Office in McVey Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexing- ' El]: 21:13::
,ElllEllEllEiE advertisers the greatest possible coverage and render ton, which provides for the all-inclusive plan of i Mi 7.
"MEI 1’. (LE
. . l .
E l ‘E‘ o O vitc-cliai:
E fine 0rder - 0110 Billing - 0119 Check W1 m
l EE' \E'zml. N.
. l . . . . . . . lit .‘5
_ . Without additional cost to agency or advertiser. This Insertion orders will be issued the same day from the [WEEKEISE
- . E“ office through a complete file of its newspapers attends association office. No charge is made to the advertiser ilg’tET 01‘ t.
E 1 to proof of publication through tear sheets and cares or agency for this service. ‘ 61¢”st
l 1 1‘ . . E
. E1 1” for the many details of placing advertising. Given a Wdlmel
l E - ' . ' ' ' _ [TCEISUI‘CI'
_ l. . list of newspapers to be covered with mats or plates . This office Will service advertismg accounts cover Mm :
E . necessary, the office will place the orders, check the ing all or any part of this entire list. The cost of cover- and 21 m‘
E publication, provide tear sheets, and render one bill for ing the community newspaper field, exclusive 0f the . the Nziti
E ‘l E the entire account. This eliminates a considerable ex- small and major dailies, is approximately $64.00 G "“3"” m“
E» i . . t x
E I E ‘ pense to the agency or advertiser. column inch for a circulation of 385,000 readers, almost (Emmi:
E You can place space in any number of Kentucky all on a cash-in—advance basis. Seventeen Weeklies are Symruse.
‘ E l E E‘ weeklies, semi-weeklies, or dailies with a single order. members 0f the AUdit Bureau Of CerUlOllon,‘ twelve } 0m"
E E . . . _ z ' Hz "
1; 3 E E ' Send us only a blanket insertion order, together With dailies are members. More than 40 applications for , 1131:1141?
l . . ‘ ’
E mats, sterotypes, or copy sufficient to cover. lndiVidual membership are now on {He Vernon,
l . E Oregon:
IE E E l - H Um; AIUhr
l ‘ Esters. H
lE . . . . fig]. 0 S 0 bold. Oh
El . N atlonal Advertlsulg A 1 latlng ervnee
l . (lent of T
H , l; ,
EE E This Association is a state affiliate with the Nation- farms—no national publications, no national radio E CX"’HE“"
El E‘ . al Editorial Association, and is on affiliating and co- hook-ups can reach him as Economically, as Thoroughly, WWII!"
3‘? 1 1 operating member of and with Newspaper Advertising as Easily, as HlS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER with maxi- . Zhll’ Eh?“
l 1.1 Service, lnc.,Chicago. National orders, placed thru NAS, mum readership—because "Mr. 52" knows the local “$3313“!
l :E are distributed from this office to our state newspapers editor—knows all the merchants—knows all the other , ‘m‘arkmSE
E ‘ E under the one order, one billing, one check plan. subscribers—knows his Senator and Representative— E promotiol
E. , , , knows that his Hometown news 0 er is 0 W0 m Livin , .
E, While our state average is higher, in the nation . . . p p. . r ’ .9 To gaii
. . u _ I , ,lnfluential part of his life—and directly influences it. [E ,1,
El 52% of the nations population, 70,200,000 persons, 10nd dd‘
l = live in towns of less than 10,000 population—only seven "Mr. 52" Hometown newspaper offers MORE local "f the 113
El larger cities in Kentucky. This "Mr. 52" had $44,000,- Coverage than all other media combined—he can be l’mgn‘m
EE l ‘ 000,000 to spend last year, 43% of the Nation’s buy- reached by One Package and One Check through News- mem’ “I“
ll ing power. paper Advertising Service, lnc., 188 West Randolph, ETE‘mUS
i l . l _ , Chico o, and throu h the Kent ck P e A ' t‘on. ' (“mm "“
ll 1 l "Mr. 52" represents 6,000,000 farm iamiiies— 9 9 ” Y ' SS SS°¢'°' ' lheBiirea
ll . E‘ 2,000,000 electrified farms—60% of all automobiles, Remember "Mr. 52" and make him a customer by of weekly
H ‘ trucks and tractors—50% of all furniture—46% of selling him today through his own HOMETOWN NEWS— haw: been
l 3 . 1 clothing—and the Nation’s highest percentage of Home PAPER. Planned f
' E ownership—IN FACT, the greatest potential market for _ ‘ 5 Ehglgke‘
E f -see‘n manufacturers. ure;
lE ‘ or I 9 For information, call or Write Victor R. Portmann, E New Yorl
E 1 ‘ "Mr. 52" in the past has been difficult to reach, Secretary—Manager, McVey Hall, University of Ken- gilllization
E1 ‘ living in 15,000 different small towns and on 6,000,000 tucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky. Th6 re
E E, : ’ made so
E . readershi;
E E EEE EEEE 'E i Ct studies
. l ‘ '

J as» J JJ J
J J J J l'JJ J’
4.- J J
August, 1948 I he Kentucky Press Page One J J J JJJJJJJ; J
.J J“ J J »,‘ .
J J J H J ‘J
J J i.‘ J ‘J J
J Scope esearc ureau 0 e ncreased J J J
' J g.JJ‘ J J J ‘
l J J'JJ' ‘ .J
J . . J . . - . . J . , J* ’11 J J
J Extensive plans for expansion of the work by the weeklies and the importance of that Its members to be affiliated with \‘VNB. J J JJJJ‘JJ l J‘ ‘
J J . , . . . . . J J J" “ J
easy I of the \Meekly l\ewspaper Bureau of the market. Contributions to the work of this organi- J JJJJJ JJ JJ J
1" 1 l National Editorial Association were made Crossley first study showed that over one zation have also been sought of the News- l. J JJ JJ JJ J
J . . . . . J . . . . . . . . 1 J J: J ;
a J at a meeting of the board of directors held half of the people of the nation live in towns paper Advertising Service and the American JJ J J J J J JJ J
("19‘ J in Chicago, Friday and Saturday, August 6 of 10,000 and less and on the farms and that Press Association. ‘ J-J JJ JJ J
J and 7. over 60 per cent of the homes in this im- “1 am delighted that the board of directors J J JJJ J J JJ J
J P. G. Stromberg. lillicott City, Md., fonner portant market take weekly newspapers. have decided to consolidate the offices of the J J3 J l J’ “W J
vice-chairman. was selected chairman 0f the Ninety-two per cent of the nation’s non-daily Bureau with NEA’s headquarters office in J JJJJ JJJ JJJJ J
. . . , . , . . . , J1. J .J J J
board to succeed Ed M. Anderson, of Bre- newspapers are published in towns of less Chicago, Orrin Taylor, president of NLA, J JJJ JJ JJJJ J
vard, N. (le who resigned recently because of than 10.000 population. stated. ”In my opinion this is a great step J JJJ’J J JJ JJ J
the pressure 01' personal business and other The second market study, which will be forward and again I take pleasure in urging JJ JJJJJJJ JJ J - J
the associational activities, Roy Schonian, man- released soon, reveals that great progress has every NEA member to join the Bureau.” J JJJJ J J 'J J
tiser Jig-erof the Utah State press Association, 'was been made on the farms and in the small Don Eck, general manager of NEA, said J JJJJ J JJ j
J’ elected vice chairman, and Edwin Larson, of towns of the country during the past eight that he welcomed the consolidation of the JiiJJJ J} JJ J
Wellesley “ass. was 1fflected secretary and years, The buying income of this vast market offices and pledged his full cooperation in JJ J JJJJ J
ti‘easurer. has increased tremendously and the demand helping to raise money and to carry forward J'J J JJJJ : J
)ver- John M Tyson ,J native of Pensylvani't for commodities of all kinds is the highest the Bureau‘s program. JJ JJJ J J J .‘J
)Ver- ' ’i it ‘ J K. (J ' z: '"1 . “'7 2 ‘z ‘- 1 "1 £ '2 - J J ’ l
and a member of the headquarters staff of It his 6161 men _ \\e need {Jul ( m U“ l” l 3”” "ll m J JJJ J J' J
the the N'ition'il Editorial Association ’tt Chi All readership and market studies are be- tage the ‘tools that are developed by the J JJJ J J ‘J
t c t . ,t t - J . _ J J . . J _ J J J J
1 . . J . . _ _ , 111" mailed bv the Bureau to national adver- Bureau for sellin I more national advertismO' J .J' JJ J ;‘ J
cavo was appointed managei of the Buleau ‘5 / 5 r: JJ J J J J J
'0 O D l ‘ tisinO' 'l encies and national advertiseers in the weekl / news )1 )ers " he decl'ired J |JJ ‘ J J l
to succeed Howard Palmer. \JVNB head- ‘ D 'g _ ‘ . J J _ " ) 'l (l " ‘ ' J JJJ J J! J
'nost . J , .. J ._ All material is likewise available to all or- JJ J J J J‘ J J
quarters will be moved to (.hicago fiom . _ . J _ . __-____._______ J J.JJ J J
J , ganizations interested in selling national ad- JJ J J J l ‘J
are Syracuse, N. X. s . _ _ 1 k1 fi 11 k 11 J J JJ IJIJJ J
J I l Other members of the board of directors \eitising “l tie nee y ec, as “C as to NAS Offers 9’000’000 JJJ JlJJ‘ J'I l
6V9 f V g . J J V a members of the Bureau and state press as» . l' JiJ‘l JJ
J are Harvey Lafloon. Likin, l\. e: s. 1;. Lee, soci'itions Coverage To Advertisers JJ JJJ J JJ JJ
for ( Buffalo, N. Y.; James McCutclieon, Mt. J . ' . \ J k1! J. , .. 1' . l' H .J JJ JJ .
Vernon 10‘ "J. Verne Mcl’innei Hillsboro ‘We have made conSiderable progress with ‘ wee 1 neuspapci (”cu ““0“ J) "‘91 JJ| J JJ J J J
’ l‘ ‘ ‘ \ l' ‘ ’ this )ioneerin effort in the weekl , news- nine million is now being offered to advertis~ JJ J J J I J
Oregon' Richard Ralston. Buckhannon “7. ‘ l g ) ~ W I J J :J
J J ‘ _ _ ’ )a )r field v- Mr Anderson retirinr chair- ers and agencies through the one order~one Jj‘ J J J J J
Va.‘ John J. Shinners Hartford VVISC.’ B. F. I l ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 5 . K. J ‘-J , J :JJ J J
’ - ' ‘ ‘ , f t1 1‘ .1. J 1. . 1 “T1 J k1 bill-one check system of 1\ewspaper Adver- J I, JJJ ‘
J Esters Houlton Maine. Orrin Taylor, Arch- man 0 1e )uicau, (CC (”CL 16 nee y . . . .’ . . Jl JJ JJ J J}? J‘ .
J l ., l . . . press is close to the people and is one of tismg SerVice "”11 the cooperation "l “1“”), J JJ l Jllll l
bold, Ohio and preSident of the NlLA and J J ., . .. . .. - . JJ JJ " J ‘
fie J . . . Americas greatest servants. Through these state P1655 “55"‘1‘lmm‘5~ J‘ J J. 'J :
J Ray Howard, of London. Ohio, and pres1~ . J . , The 5 311 JJCJkJ-r J ,J J {)1 J J JJJJ JJJL JJJ. J
dent of News n )er -\dvertisin 111‘ ‘ - ‘ . . 1 ssocla , -
. P1. 2 Pl'11‘111 ‘P‘; l P.“ “I To Retll‘e 11“ 3' .an offer to take (.1 ( 8“ When Him“ the publlsllerS-A ,1 Baltimore, Maryland. I
1 1 11 1MP Wallace . EditOr cludlflg _ \‘ew york 8“ 1 ,. 1t against “e ”mum and
1 I 111..‘:P- 1.! Ton]: 'sville TlmeS 1' ‘11 page of the 1 nd Publisher. 1 the 11g] ' [ion on the Pu ) db m 1
11.‘ . 1 1111-11 ‘.‘-,, ‘- Ul , 1] (K 1' 1; , . “1181' a t mere V 3 restrlc .. FlVC 1‘3 1 . P ‘
r P“ i“ P“ “A 111 :r ‘P‘ As O - . 1h LIV)“ 1e l was 0 10 DC I ' Courtb . 1 - 116“ 3-
““P‘Z‘E h 1 ,. .1tiond . . . A Mum) mitent .. . . )1 am“3 . been
‘ ‘ ““H‘P‘I‘P‘P‘PIH . . mttin. .- 1,6er A - . been ( . 1 1115 . 1.-istmg t 1 or have 1
. 11 1-1 .1 ~ , . 17.111.1cC- _ . 1110 hds , . nexcr . . hm“ hm“ (1“ ~ menut
‘ [PM 11111-1111.”: 10m “‘ -1 Times. \\ - 1 He hd5 -§$()(l‘lt65 -\\15 mm , 1. qge 1
1 P111: 11 . 1:1‘1t . -. 1 e . . \\'ll . n -1()56 .l»- ' u "00d I I 1 )d u no I Ming ()1 d C‘
.11-1111P‘1111 1.111., 52.1.1 f the Loutsul ,. . mum”. ' 1 [we _( . I 1 r the 3 {mm (H ' [e hdm ‘
1. ““““" ““1- = L..- . ~ . spdl , cxecu . 1 jest o . )t in t1 1 .1
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I‘M‘P‘H‘; W ‘F P“ o- u no a _ 1 1;). . ;1 math . , He 0 . Ad [or L . .. mm 81
f} ‘ ‘“‘ PPP PM i “f stopped b61110 sun. Septembcl . CR kceh report" . 1 to deudlmes- _ . n (11“ . . the (tonlessed 1
1.‘ ‘11-'111P1EP-1PiP‘M‘. ‘ editor (3111611 ‘ .1 ‘ef ol the Tim . " 'md fluent“)! m ”“6 “I” O involvmg .
1.1- 11:1‘11F1-1-1!;l:i.111.i:l€‘ become bcL’fune t 11 litor story. ‘ _ . 1e\\‘51‘””m a 1 ,- ls'. ”hunts In”).
‘M ““"P '1'“ ‘11"P1P1 11¢ 73 rears old- 1 111% been c( . . . the Times 1 young Slr- ~)ur[ (:0ch Du.
1 . 1:11..»Pbl1111PPl-‘P1i lace. P H- in 1923, am ‘1‘ onforfliiu- Vistts 11~licrlhim The Baltimore (.t t [m “(used Person
“““P‘PP PINE." - ‘1 SUI ‘. 1n (' ‘ . . _ ‘ '(32 1 _ .. C“ 8 ¢ ‘ '
1 {“11PPP11P1‘P‘I'L'PLPEP ctlttOr'iLO His“ retireme“t 1n [l e (-ourier- storleS- his desk each mommg it“ most 0‘ 1.01m)” Ol any “(item d In“ reports ulmm
' ‘PP1‘113'1131M. :1; . . 1g . » o 1 A is at 1 , - H6 “'1‘ - 11‘ , -1 qrreste .( 1 g - _
P“ P" ““ ‘-‘-’1‘ 111‘ since . 1 )oliu H0 - 1 e slilfl- )m- .1 r he 15 . . -, fist Cllllllll
2 1:1 tt1PPP't1'1l113125P-1 etlrcmell l 4 bel‘S ()1 U . 1 the 1m makes d [e h ”.0" 0L his I ‘-
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"P"PP‘HP‘PP‘P‘VH' ‘ 1 TnneS- . . 4 column . . (litm‘mlS- - ' . .. his nem- 1 '- lemons, .1 ) . . “lll‘e about 6 .
E P‘ “i‘ W“ Hf“: “ml 31" - ntrtlfllt6 ‘ ,1 Time-5 6 . 1 Bcsldbs 115 < _ , . (listlm [ion 1
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ll‘1'l1‘1P‘. P1111: '11P~1 l ,1 1111 COUCH“ Tlllles thl 66 . I (Ire Pu - ‘ests (”C ’11 reun ! V ‘ Nutlond ‘ r
“ ‘ ‘ ‘I J ‘ ‘ ' . Cy ‘ .. 'l. Intel < -l [he ,. 1- 111.
1 l1l11‘1.1;. He 1\ _ .0. {,1 the mo [1 .. 1) aim ‘ m. I mum V ”55 mm.
L P ‘i‘ ‘ 1' il L 1:1 , 1 s tw a . 1 non - d byl . in hit
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1 1P, 111P11a1’ P11 11,, l - f n'ltuld ”ell [1 - ~ "1(1th H I 10 the n ‘
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“‘ P“ “E 1‘; E“ ‘ ‘ "*=“-'--=-1‘1:IE"535:=::§§;..:._*_:;;;.153,... 13"1.1:1;=E'E;; - of )6 ' .\mer1(‘12 . [to ~ 1 )ul‘l O A l) t , .1 .(‘h
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P: W“ P“ “P“! “ '“*1?.‘:§.§§s§;§;§::\.=g;;;§115;.ill-$3 ...."z--5'--:“:55;.:§s=--'E:§;§§s'§:§;§. mg ' , 11, [end 1‘15 1 N1 in t0 cod€ ts <1" ,’. 1 m1 [reedmn f
‘ ‘ PM “W“ L“ a (1,111). at 1a 21-111- 1- his 1ersey he ed the Com. (let-mom
ii 11111111131 1.1.11 Egg;gig???a“:SEEP"?PEPE-5:55“5§§§§§5§5§ssgég§;§g§;§_ l . ’ mm ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ Heme 1 1
‘1‘ ‘P‘P‘P‘P‘P‘ P“ bring the ““1“ . 1. n 11.5.5111 1.68110“. ol spee‘h' _. we” was
I ‘ ‘l‘P‘P‘P‘P‘P m . Me .111» chlklc , Press and r. ,1 reg.ur([tt)11€‘”l)‘I D C
I) P P‘P‘P‘P“ “1 M tO‘H - md 11..., Wall-1‘10L Their duughler’ The situation ” rby Washington' 11 1
1 .1 ,1 :1 'tiEéiéiéifiesfié:"-.'-=35:55%“35:355555555555'i5.;5555;555:5335§§i§553§5§5§ff§5§3§i551 e i . - r '. . - 1 _ 1 n nell ’ nine
11 :15: ‘,2P‘:P “1411-4 1.1 :3:E:3r5r:5:.':="1=..,.;._.,33x;;:-::g:g:1:z::5:g:a.5:;::§:5:3:5:5:;;:5:§:::; ,1 MPG! “0 .. . editorlfl . 1‘ hted W 16 _ l ”t the 11 1
1;. 1111.111: 111P- 11¢ 11. ”6%??93 h in news] 1. ’l 1 [mes . Ingh lg tones a )0 I )m ‘
P I“ ‘P‘: ‘1‘: it“ ‘53P:§31<2%»% bot :deL 15 ‘ - . _ 1s 21 1 , rs r2111 5 _ , imm‘e WI
‘1 P M PB“ 5““ 3.21- MB August-l H son Hean Mend“ mes-MIMI)e .1 den” wlnle BA“ .m (,1- S11.11
. .1 .‘ 1“ 11 1, 1; 1;» 1 E;:':::.._ ”31:;.2:;.::E:?EEE§E;E§:§:§E,323$ 5; 1131:5525}.“? A ‘ . I . I u ‘ y ' H t“ ‘
“ I‘PPP 1‘ “MN '1::::::5:::3.\,~\.-’,~.__\:64:55:11,: ;:: '55’5“‘31’,“’1‘1 - nd their ' If]. '66 m Ubl . ~\ JDIILJ , .
“P ‘ I‘M“ ‘ VE1?figs:55‘5“?“1::--;-.. 555:. :5:;::;....:3-,-.I-. Titer. a . , "1113 (AU ‘ C“ 1, gilent- A l \11\1 est-
‘11‘. 1111 P 5‘P1lr P11 .1 . , :5;- ' “ I In Hdh y ' Jlete) l - recent ‘
- . 11 11 - . 21.1}! ,: . .3.» -"':-"":“"-:’,".1 Ln] I ’ (10ml ‘ ' h the i
i‘ “3 P‘P‘II‘I‘P‘PTE“ newspapern “ere .1 Umnecuon “” _ 1 “ice. would -
“P“ PP‘W‘PFP‘; PP“ ' . . ‘lter for ;[ still-Ute 11 ~ )1. -y {01‘ “nu . i the
“P “PP“ PP“ 4 - - , Iitorial “I - 1- murdex ( g 1 -. 1111111111;
“P P‘ ‘- PH“ PE“; ‘1 a Pig. 'nev. chiel 6‘ (1m suc— Danie“ _ - 1 fibers 110m - 1 wim 1
P P P “ “PM“ P +53% 1 Russell B“ ’ l 11.13 been nume 130 l1ve l)rohtb1te( I! re “Fried 1010 a
11. 1.. 111 1 1.11, :11 -, ,- ,. .1 . -t;trtC( ' ~lournzt. .. ‘ Brinev a 1‘ 1 ‘ that we ‘ 1
111-11 PP‘P‘PP LPP: , -ki'm. 11C 3 Courler. , l edltor. I ' ' '1 (1 stones
‘ P ‘ 111*1‘.‘ - l\€ll[U( ( V. ul the . . 1 Times -- . 1mm (letdl 6 . - .
P“ P‘P“P“““‘P£‘“ \ fil'th gcncrutmfl i the Tllnes, “1thO t teed Wallace (I5 editor of the 1 nnes the 'll‘rest ol Daniels. 1
H “ M“ 5‘“ ‘51" '11 r ‘ ., 01 u ' , .. e : __———_ .
PP" ““PP‘ P “5-1 -. 1cwsl);l])er tattt‘ , ked that he be 1’ served as (issouat ____——0_ neg the £01— /
“ P P‘l‘1111‘P‘1 his I - 1901) when he “. . .1 dull" t‘eaturC 27 to 1942- , .— '5 one who beCOI 1 1
1 PPP11P‘1PE‘PP 1);!)1. 1n '16 beat. writmg . ) “(Cl court." 19 h A Pumwher 1. lmtion time. (
1i :1 1.11“ Pi‘illijaéh 1 [be poltc , . of (be 10 , ,- o— -. : ,-1 11-12;}; mm [mm c C
1 11 11 111% 01 1 “Little Dl‘illlhlb - to get :1 Danna 1:.“ , gmten n l Ovem‘ l
1 111 1 1‘1 “P51?! (7.11m ‘ . . , 1 11 level 1 _ -. tch . ' I am g
1 1, 1 . r < .5 ‘15 « . 1.5 )1 2-.-...-.::,-.;:,;-.;:-,.-1.... . . '"""'=““‘-'1=-1==""12-2.. IIUCS ‘
P1P11 1P1“ P PEEP? n1 used the 11mL le St. Lotus D 11 1 .- 1 ~ ve smdem of PO i. l in Lumpe K
1111 PP‘ 1 .PP-lil ‘ \[tgr si\’ weeks t1 ,1 1e 1’ltel‘ recallet. i3""='-1_;._1_ i been 3 dm ‘Cled exmm‘e y
13:1! P1 1!11 '1"; mil P“ ‘()l)- A» I 1 . A l "()l). 1 ‘ . , ~11 ,~ .§- ————I has [“1 r-
1 1- 1. .. .1 J , -- Lind J . DISDML . .:_.1 1.: nl 21m . 11
1-1111 ‘1,P. PP PllP'. h - . “e (l 5“ ‘ . . )r the .-.‘:r.-,:-...:. .1.” 1 .. 1-: me a n hm
‘H‘ PP‘P “PP PP“ (filmed 1 Red smresswel) ‘( .“e Herald, St. I '. P 'md Amenca. . 1 (l‘lyg he “""ked I 1% of P
1 . 1 1111-1 1? 5211 [c wor - Lotllsvl _, - 2.1.. - q .1 3:11:- .3 ( . )rmml ( "V A burem‘ ;
P1 ~1P“‘Plé P 1') l— - - Post. I '1 All] : .» V xii-V 3:“ hls relx ' 10“ ‘
.111; 1 1-1: 11 . .. : 1 inc . > - .11|1( <8 -, . In I (“lung 3'
P111 P11191111 1‘ 11; 10 old 14x0". 0 .- -immt1 lost _ , ,S 1 i “on and “I V I v d the U. - (
1. :1 11P11PP E; 1E1”: 11 )ul)ll(~;lll. (.1n( riot“ [111165 ‘1 , ...-=1.-.:-,..;.:-, W the Fun ll. he (0‘ me t (ml ‘
w P ‘P‘ I“: ‘1‘ ‘- V i ‘ ’ In A ,1; . . 1' 1 - A
P12P1 ‘P PP1PPPP P112 11mm)Rel . Cs strung 1” ‘ . resprmdent. , ._ [he courier-IOU“ I ‘ of Lord Rom“. Vin
.11‘1 1111PPI11HP - ~ the Tim “ , . -1 ton (or - . "l ‘ 1h“ mum [ Nations
11 131-11111 1., .1. lol 3.51111 .9, arm 1 t . an?“ ‘ 1 1 0 I
P ‘ ““l““:‘ P“ ‘ t an“ “ - I ed the edit ,-.=.-. 3.? .1. , 3.1; and C 1 the L648“e -1Lloyd
P13‘ PPPHPP‘H‘J; Franklvrl “11s 31, he Jom le invitation % in the interest 0 ' m mur of Dav“ l [he I
P ‘P P P 7‘ y R 1c “ ‘ ’11 m n i ‘1 i“ {52? Amerlfi 1 Vera
‘ I“ ‘ P“! “P “ he ‘7 Per—10mm ”lid thdt V‘s-2'43:I¢§t22=31=.;:=:‘tie-:3:.:-;-:.,.,;,_...,,-...14-12:;:;g-.a::‘-.:€::3:=,:_-.f:g;z:.:=- .5! 93 .md the ‘ 1 he (0 P
.1 11 1,.1 t . . 1 . -.-..,;..-,-., .,.,:;1.:=.:-:: I“'5‘:‘1‘;ICIZP‘IIVIPM‘ZPm“:‘1‘"'1355‘51‘“11-?3,35 ' I H Y n
. 1 PP! 1. _ 1_1 5-7 1—, ' l the (,()l11 '(M- \\ 110 SK _ N“ ’z;:.:_-.;1.;..;._g-..,;.:;._:.1;.:-21.15.....,. , 51:14. 19— c e yedr, m y D21) to V
‘ “ ‘l‘ P “1“) Slafl 0 ‘ ‘ vane” . rm] ‘47 ’ 11.1.] he Sam .1‘ 1' at .
Pl‘. PPP P P PPP'P ' 1‘ “Marge" Hem) ‘ .111) «rive the edttO S . /Wm%:%gz George [S Peg “monkey [In
11‘ 1 .11 .1 1.311 0 ‘ , 1- :e D .1 HE M111; - x/ ‘ ‘ lCO A 1
‘l 1 111.1 l E - j ., 1V‘ll (K . . h. 5:2:5:Z::::‘;::':1..,. /15132335133522:.‘:-1-.3-1:zgzgsg-lzlg-fizifazfié.’21;: ‘-.'=;1‘-1.-:-.;. alnous - ‘ the \
l‘? 1 '..P .t if.“ 1 c wanttd \ , f View ol )ollt‘ k ‘ 1; . ‘ 1.1: k 1' r edltm of
P11: , 11P P i PP 1 s‘ the bmnt 0 [ the stztfi. He tOO ;. . , .Tenn” )md to day at) nger of
1 ~11. P1. . ‘31 column. 1ber 0 ‘ - ( uest .. J was Pmlm ~ was mm ‘ I
P1 .111 111111| P rest me" _ , . 1 is Own 101 .. He 1 (1 1mm . 1 um I
1. 11 11...- 1. 1:11 . 10111155 . 1 . 1 (1L 1 - .;..-;,.-.......-.;-.,:..;... . _.;.:;.-..;.-.;-.,.._.,‘1.,_ I nnl (In ldmg
“‘ P P ‘25“; UK ) v I Cdlunm 3‘131‘1‘132‘1'1f1-L3':‘13:? . -.‘;..-.;‘;,"._--g:‘.;...1:‘-' 'Z';f;'-_'-1_';Z'-':';:-_:'1:::;.Z‘-}-."-_;.- 1 ler—IOUr ‘ Ht 110 ‘ C ‘
ll“ “ P l P; “I“ 7 1mm 3““‘5-33'“=‘1‘-':'="=1=."'-‘.2':-,-:-1 1; ~ , --':-,--.._-.:;.-. 2:3..23:52::.2=.‘-1=.e‘::':._:_:.;-.;-,=:_:=:1.1 LOUr - . )iutlne 1 . 1 ,
1.111.111.P1P1l P5P: over the T resigned. . ,.)111)er ” rommlon del 16 Times ”5 I l
‘H “h“ “4‘ P2“ he“ wamrson ‘1‘ went in“) HEMI ‘ H . v. the P 1t11 named as U \Io and 111.15
I “ “M H ‘ w . h“ 16 ‘ ‘ he” ‘ 1". a» ,0 1'tion 111 - P’lris, 1' -' I; .
111 111-11 1:; {.11 , .(:c said t t ,. Ids (111MB _ . if PW I V m m ( V - mom I
PQK‘. P11‘1‘PPPPPP‘PE “7.1113,, He “I hated 1111 L“ ] Okkefiber 1n __ er career in 1920 as editor. He was bOLWimue PUNK (
P “P PPHP i“ work l)€( ‘1‘." (1 Working as a ’0. -6 company H began his neWSPF‘PI urnzll. and. seven Educated in the [ Virginia.
‘ MW ‘5 52:“ “ PIC firSL [l‘le ( in” an ]( - e . C()urler“ O _, 215' ‘ vcl‘Sit)‘ 0 C!
H P“ 2nd. a ~11n he - _ . , .. (tune nn
HP 1 PPP P 1EPPPE3.‘ -. 0nd. Va" ml g )(m'der lactol) reporter for l . 1 01. 2/ 16.115. be V VS “Nd the U
11 “ 11W! 15 FPEP‘ Rulifl‘ '11 'md 11 tooth 1 liter at the ([36 N V He has uh”)
' 1 11111111111 '1 - Shelby“ «3,. 1 years ( ‘ [I the 11mm
‘ I‘M“ ‘ 1 P H P ' .- ~ )
P111 1111‘ i 111l1 .1 k cm. Yer the Wk ‘ W mm (
P“ “P "P1P P‘ 'tP New Yor j «weled all 0 .,-.m b\-- MK
1‘1 HMEP 33.3%} Although he U. 11 I” u “Kcnuukh ‘
‘1 ““P‘ l ‘ PE‘ A 'l ' himsc ..
‘ “H H "mes
‘ ‘ “PM.“ P“H 11c (lestr
11 11.111” 5|
91 11 ~
" “'PPP ‘ 111%,
P‘ “ -stli'}t‘11l
- 1-111 1M :j
1.1111 1 '11 1‘:
' Pl‘ “11 .11
-‘ 111 , . 1.

 . I. , ~ -I.-.:,,;.-_;,: ,,I;_.“;;‘_‘.M_',_A j, _.__*M w _ I
r “ II “ f:
I ' I II
August, 1948 The Kentucky Press Page Three I I IIII‘IIIIII‘IIII I
. I I: I II I
I I . I I I
II _ . . w”... .‘ “VI... .- . ,.V ., II III I III I
III I I 52‘
pproval, I II IIII'II I I II I
fly enter ,‘ I‘ IIIII II II III
urylund, II II‘IIII II II
lle stu~ I I I I II I
V6 been I . If‘ II I I
)f 11 Case I II I II I
[person III II II II I
ts about I III II II II II
crimin- II III II II I
avidence * II II I I
ocizltirm I‘ II III I I III I II
associn- II I II I I
latter to I III I I
ttackino On June 24 in Georgetown, Delaware, leaders of the poultry industry I III I I I II
:, “,th: gathered from all parts of the country to select the Chicken-of-Tomorrow, II IIIII I
a stale. thus culminating the first three years of a nationwide search for a better I. III I I 1 I
I meat—type chicken. I IIIII I II
1mm of The purpose of this contest, sponsored by A & P Food Stores and’I II II I I“ I
lltimore j }» conducted by representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, state II III I III I
Irleclur- L : agric