xt7rxw47rv2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47rv2m/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 7, April 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 7, April 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7rxw47rv2m section xt7rxw47rv2m To Edrtor: The _ h
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for •pubhcatn0n on mgm", Ky.
Apnl 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. N0. 7
The work of the Summer School, President F. L. McVey, University University of Kentucky C0mmence· The seniors in the three engineering At a meeting of the University of
Umvcrsuy ot Kemucky, des1gned for of Kentucky, has requested D. H. ment week for the class of 1918 will colleges, University 0f Kentucky, rc- Kentucky council Friday afternoon,
teachers, or snudems seeking mstruc— Peak, Deans T. P. Cooper, F. P. An- begin June 2. and close with the grad- turned Monday morning from Chicago April 5, it was decided to grant a dc·
tum, wnll open June 17, contmue sxx dcrson, P. P. Boyd and D·r. F. E. Tut· uating exercises, which will take place where they had spent a. week inspect· grae to T. Ellis Peak, of La Grange,
weeks and close July 28. Bes1das the tlc, to act on a. Building Rs-zpaxr C0m· \Vcrlnesday. June 5. instead of Thurs- ing: Indiana Steel Company, Four- 2. senior in the College of Mechanical
usual cqurses   number pf specml fw- mittee gud $0 consider the following day, June 6, as announced in the c21ta· teenth Street Pumping Station, Lake and Electrical Engineering, who was
tures wm be given and 1t will be p0s· suggestmns 1n their program: 10g. View Pumping Station, Northwest called to report at Font Monroe, Vir—
sible to make up plans of work su1ta· Possible erection of a temporary The entire staff and senior class Station of the Commonwealth Edison ginia, Monday for service in the coast
ble for teachers and students in vari- heating plant sufficient to take care 0f the University will take Daft ill Company, Division Street Works of artillery. Mr. Peak was enlisted in
ous fields, cf the needs of Mechanical Hall, now all the €X€I`CiS€S and will RDDGRF in the Peop1e's Gas, Light and Coke Com- the, University engineering reserve
No entrance examination is rcqulrcd served by other plants, and other CHDS and SOWHS f01` U18 _§1‘¤d¤¤¤0¤ pany, Union Stock Yards, Armour & corps, and is the first member of that
but instructors must be consulted m buildings that are served by other day D1`0g1‘H1T1- Company, Pullman Palace Car Works, corps t0 be called into military serv-
regard {0 prerequisite preparation in p1g¤tg_ The speaker for thé 0CC&Si011 h8S Sears, Roebuck & Company, Municipal W6. .
Some (;nur59s_ Improvement of both dormitories by not DGGH selected, HOF IIHVG 811 1313115 Pier and other places of interest, —————————i `
Students wl10 have full entrance putting in them, new plumbing, new yet been completed for the week. The payty was in Cha,-gg Og Dean EXTENSION DIVISION TO
gycdjts [0 thg University will bg given [100rg and giving Lllgm new coatings *—————··— ]T_ P_ Anderson, Dean D_ \f_ Terrell       °
l credit toward degrees for college wofk of paint. and Professor W F Freeman On -1; »
m the summer school. Possxble use ot the lower floor of GET 400 DRAFTED MEN Saturday nigh}; at {hg Great Northam The College of Agriculture of the
Four ggnester credits will be giv- the old dormitory for a dining room. Hotel. with President Frank L. MCVGY University of Kentucky thru its ex-
. . . . . ——- · ·
an for one double course consxstmg of Conversion ot the present dmmg The University Of Kemuckv Wm aC_ as guest of honor, the seniors and tension division, has worked out 8,
hours.:1 da for the session. Two hall into a 1 borator fc ublic health · . _ ‘ ‘ · · · _
two 'Y . · 8- Y Y D conlmodate   drafted Dlen `vho \v11l [)I`Of€‘%SOI'S WVGYG €Dt€1'tH.%I'1€d at d1l'1I]€I' p]an fg]- placlng wlth farmers durlug
semester CI`8dltS Wlll IDG glV€l'l {OY H W0l`k. go into the Americall army Blay 1 as by the ChiCHgO All1l'I'lI`11 Club of H10 the coming crop Season as many bgyg 7
single course (one hour 21 day for thé Erection of a. gymnasxum for g1r1?;, · Lgxington is one of the four Cities in Uylivgrsity Of K€m}1cky_ between the ages of 16 and 21 years
Session,) sufficiently large to take care of thaw the South almost certain to receive the C. A. Johns pI‘€S1dBd as mastmaster as can bg ggttgn together thru the
, `1 I 110 ed to make i , . ‘ A ·
N° 2f,“"‘°’“2QL‘lm;‘;£r c\:e(1uSint1¤e ""E»‘§Z§3f S§F§‘di$O’§`°0f um mr Med   K- V·   gpm ?&`“‘B°‘1"‘“““ °f Shi     C' °“°’“ ‘” “‘° B°"' W‘"‘““g R €Si’ “°
more an S1 9 an0 S X mpmsanmtivg Of the Wa], Dgparh .. ·ur on respon c to a welcome. m the State of Kgntucky_
summer school. to thc rear of Patterson HRH. mgntys Commission Of Education qw] P1‘•’>S1d€H£ MCV€Y HHS\V€‘1`€d UN? toast. The State, district and county
Patterson Hall \'.‘1}I open for wom- Repamng old chem1strybu1ld1ngz. Special Tmihmg, has inspected um The University ; Dean Anderson. agents, with a leader located at Lex-
an The mms Hm ${*00 a week Erection Of temporary Stock Jud? University 9I`(‘\I1‘L]S He qaid11mt the uYSStBrdaY· Tmlay and T¤m¤¤¤w"c illgtml, are being Organized under a
Rooms may be had in the men’s d01‘mi· ing pavillicm. facimieq O,{E,,9d` téuvhei, with th`; Professor Freeman "Our Boys Over Spgcific plan yvhjch is Expected to get
mugs at a small ie;. Tliere are gs; qInstal11ng of r00ms· for Domcstxc fact that Hm mstimtion has 3 r€gu_ TIIQIG and there were several pu- posmons fm- these boys m the Boys
gw,] good boar lng ouses. cunvem .uenua Department m the basement mr wmv Ommgr at tho hmm Of its mm_ 101 mal talks by other members of L xvorking Rgsgrvg with the farnlers of _
Lg 122;  .t§1$5 gcéagdwzg? of the Natural Smenge bu1ldmg_ wry department place the University CUICHKO Club. the State, and lt IS hoped that thru
Gm. _ ,, up Mummm. q,l_00l L. , m a fayorable posmon to be Chosen this Orgamzatmu the best posmble ad-
l.,e ·\l01`n Tl} 11   Q. Q1 ·   rAC— LANDSQAPE ARCHITECTS Im, {mining grounds KANE SEES BIG THINGS justmcnt between the laborer aud the
given In dou > L an Jug G COU S S- ‘ PLANNING NE\,V CAMPUS The dmfwcs wm bc u,aiH€,d fm. ,lU_ AHEAD FOR URITVERSITY employer may bo brought about.
A double course mezms that UIC SUT)- .1..*. . . » · L 1 If ` f ·' Y ‘
_ _ { b _ _ 1 _ ur _ _ _ ues must 11ecess:11·y ;n expe(}mgm;u·y UIC armers \\1]1{1X&11th€1l1S€1V€S
ject IS taken AVO .0\1.1S & (EU I QV Agtmg under mstructums of thc 1-0].;,6r,; wud will he mslmn ,,\,Pr;m5 HS 0f the opportunity here given, soma
. »¤' · ;· » · * . . _ ` ` ` ' *7 ' ‘\ Y , · ..' , . . . . .
out the bcsslfrn. A ¤{¤&J€ ¢0_U1”S€ I5 FX(;(¤um·¤ (mmmltteg 0[ the Board of Hmm as they uw DmDm.Cd_ (-yrmmm vi Q'?SId€`mQ I‘· U M€\`·€F· Um"€l$·1L3 udzlmc-uzxl labor can be 1lt1l1Z€d m
t=1k€11 0110 lwu1·n<\¤Y_Y<>1‘l¤1€i¤U#¤S· 'l`1‘ust90&: of the University 0f Kaw N y{_ uovdgn Wm be in ggneml Com. Oi ]\G“mCkY» IMS ¥`€€€1V0d FL letter T\f§l`iCllN.llI`€¢ this year, and valuable
SIOYL UIC m€SAfOY~‘ Mui? CEM O   tuck}, I’1es.1dent 1\Ig\·e5 has scalcnlmd mimi" Umm. mmmry mm] wm he urfm l`§01u.1s 1+. ·I\Z`lHL·, }.]€§l[]G1lt ef Uammg and Gxpgmmlcemay bg gumgd
$5-00, for 3 d*’“blG ’Y"“‘$·C ·¤*7·0O· fm the Olmsts lwrctm- up ..., ·. ;m@;]C·_;jm·I-Casaj¤gm·mm»_ —* 1* G'-- EN WORK
` - - "`h"`Nl`m` <\ O X\`l1ippi(· of me [vi]i\'k·‘1’*iY" r>l` -—— -»»- ——4—
Ym`0 u¤¤U€‘mW€d IW Hm U“"*’Cl`“iZ’· Jmplm U. Olmsted visi*.¢%d the U¤i\’(‘I`· yl ..11 @,1-(,· ’ in ll I tw  `* j I, 1-}mmY Kung 3 mpmbm Of the Ad- Ynil " Y V 1 · »
· · ~ . . .:. 2 ;1"‘ ‘;··_ 21 . 1* ` JV- . . . 2 ‘1,i‘ .; ¤ <*
'1`h<¤'*> will YW SW‘<`¤*l *U¤UU`¤$ "’“`h siiv 1\lm·ch 30, and went over thc "` I .l Ul" l\I' , ‘_ll`;m\ \`15<>1'f\' Bunrrl \‘»'hll‘h las? summer ul 1t_` \ U if ;1}“ln%In¤ f°?d
{ _1__\ _ _ H H _ _ ‘ _ _ __ Y wiy ,1;**; .¤;`1` my: 11) wp; (uga: gms   _, W _ . _ _ . >1‘C(.11QZ 1 0* ; é ,‘ ·.
'-`·"%€k—{mUUI`(*** NNY ··=‘r ¤**· =~O·*~1 ~\** ;:1‘m1np1·u;s011tativc of ihé firm. WGHY {L ‘,‘ I TM Tw 1 I A I N 1; ?‘?"’“`m"“*S "*mC]‘ have SO m"?m1Y in 11 Z) H }mm·huLUl mmlmgm
.. . ,- , ,   . . :>:·r> 1.>·. ;. · . V »’~   ·e>  V   ` Y ._ .L V vv _~; ~i   , ;·~ · ·- ~ ·
V6&l`$;1{,lOSA rl Il(·¥ HTH; WCCR \‘»’l1l hc—n1u¤· ()y(»»~ [hp ;y]·{)u;](]g Apr;] G ;\]](] S_ ` 1 uI_L( 1 I ll P {LUN " I   `N_) IT~)H(‘1l¤L’f1 UN} `[~1ll\(‘l`:¥11§', S{l§SZ l` ti H N lj O1 I Cxlugtou Sphuolh dud
~ · :*‘»)>1`.` ’ 1* ! {P   LP ( · W ' _ ", "r1 F %‘¤; ‘*`·`
nc wnck. The S< ¤v<·¤ GMS will be *1*‘· <'0¤1’UU’U>d IW P‘?"€‘—‘¥$‘ {::·r>vv11:<~1xLi11 [)IilHtiH§2§ shruhaa, !1m·.‘c1‘s .A `(.[ ` \ ’l` , (`.l. H Il mw **<‘Fi I”"*F*]F* TU U*‘XT11¥m“ HW] I1 INI `. `nucw Q Jr I\Gmu(M' A
` v_ . w`1‘¤*<\:   `;· w; ji pv 3-r   ‘_ 1 ~ V . , fi FC`}? 2 "` ' 31*   L5 " .‘  
S()]‘ P(_3l,('1‘ \\,’. [)}'l{(%El!i\ Zillfl M. {A. E\[l(7h‘ {glp] (]·e(>g>;_ igying Ouij Y(){]{]5 gud \\‘;]]];;; fx _`/An Ti { Pl ([1 ( K ll \ Y ~ H H IIETUOUK UIC {ULQIYC. FO [HY   \\`Q COIN.] _u1 I\ ll? U "h‘1 hl hl(‘} SL kjbtcd
1::2111, 1>1'<>f' 111¥.r\;:innin’·; Mgggir §fj;'g;_N‘gE   FQ;]   ON §§f€PL`,[E·IG ]31`Ol)lCll] and as }‘I`O11]i$iH§§ u future ("_?]_m’I Emd_ m"¥`“ Hm "° _‘“`l`“ DY
Mommy·m-ilcmmmt lump ZL ui 4 IX ml   SOLD1ERS,,, EIA? 1 __ ___ _ HOW an nm. uHi\,m_Si‘Y in HW Coumry ». ,»;`<:,l\.l1i\l in mv cu) um <·ult1x;xie;l by V
Tlmsc 1110110 will l><‘ ·>l’ $§l‘<>1¤L \'1l1llO, ___#_ 'i`}z1· {,I¤,·p:;1·im<‘m ri` I`;lIYI|i?$ll, l`11i— ~~-—.-v ~V.V N----- (°"l‘°`u‘
ns Pl'CSidQI1T. M`<·\`¤‘j: is uu cu1i1w*xt uu- yu (_].;;_,I. {U mmply with 1.{,(.m9S;S ~,·(;;—Si;y Oy ;g.~U;u(·3;y lm ggnych gg ju. (___:T1 {MO (WO A irm/XD lwiivh Sl1}jw¤·1‘v1$1n;: n(‘HC'h`O1` w1ll m··
Llmrity uu ilw xvnr. ]12\\`iI1'{ h¤,mj_, Nl r[—hH,,:,q;:}, M-wrnmm . Lwhx, r;;.·;;.;,1.-—;.¤L¤ Lu .51.4 t·l1xV}>s.n·\\111_<·l1`shu]? Imid roguhut ment-
irmwu Y6? m‘m:I*i*· I·§c1¤i21<·?:v img orgunixccrl ll f'llE!DtC1` of M 4 "`€`1‘)"1* bl". Z`?";("*"‘?`Y* nf EU?’AH*h 7   HWS UTY mSlul"t_mu' _ Hm mgm? mu`-
'Fhe f0¤t***`** WY *Y**‘ *‘*“`¢T \`·‘¤*?< Wm sw 1;¤~-1>aw·¤¤¤; A vvm· <·Ommim»p qw; in tim Siznw. -`=¤ i¤¤1*<¤‘¤¤¤¤¤  MH ¥\l`l`¥‘V’UNTI Nw T‘.·i» 1=<>#¤ vi PM ¤¤€<=*¤w>= M Y0 Mwmm the
he il r¤<·¤*<~;s (11* M,+··tuz·¤·;· gsgivmx hy E. ur (wlmmlw Ou EnL,im,m.mg l,;mmm._ The {irgai 1&~(;;m·(» mq ’[‘1;;u··1;(»;·;]y_ —,-Hm *.’<~=‘>;ii;~‘. wlwivh hug; just pzxssenl ihc iNY<`?`<*‘¥il <>!` <‘I¤il=1<*1*n1 .—\>¤>»»¤1u11ly.is me Sxuim-I,¤—ve1· OF f€il}`·?"?¥$9. The s·up01·visiug much-
HUF *‘·U(’*`¤‘?‘3 ‘·`·'¢*¢*h?“%T*'”¤· D· (`-· Oi] '¥`i1;¤ \'—’·n· Cnmmitton hqq pym·m·e»:1 F¤1‘<111hG1‘1 ihC 2<¤\\`Dl>#f‘ of ihis bill is to PY \'»`iN ]!<‘{I7 Fluflculs plan g;z1·.lem; mul
the “I.nw nf I`>mu:·»=ti<: H¤l:z1i;." 1·].(,m rum NHUOMU Surgwal ]),.(`SSim,S jlumhv was gw]; M;]-iq .4 hy r;>ml·,S;·(;;· <*f¤`s¤*t ::;u·r<»m*iz:ti<>ns xmulc by mx not 1>1‘··D:2i‘<> wil. PI`Ui’l‘§SOl` James will
Round tnblv (i:<<*11$ssi0ns rm G11‘.§`l‘0>=S OH May S. 1917, for Hm U1Si¤‘U<·l l|lCS\lp(¥1’\`1£al11gi02u*]1<»1·s,
{,i_Gl1£iI f¤`I`,.""T¥ Will bc hClkl <[lll`i!l‘§ mm whivh will be Shown in Lgxjngk (`(1H@;3Q; {hc {{gj1‘;]_ ;\1)]`H]_I_()}]"i;)_`[)\_\']]- 1NU`l`N7¥i€ of. (‘!u by iw- “*’{· m ·\~¤*“* ‘“‘°_“N H_"““‘ 1 f"“ PATTERSON LALL GIRLS
afternoon, .¥z:‘y X2, 1`m·ih¢2 murpusu of zu, MAY ]_ The time Of Hm pidul.0 is yggsqy j_,_ L_ ]);m;z]@y_ ]1.-»¤d Oy mc pg. muws h<¤1w<2eu the I‘l]l\'Gl"Sl[}’ of Iwn— PUT OUT A GARDEN
bettcr 1111·':1r:;;;¤11¥¤¤>1><‘· WM *‘ *"’r ’*"’“ “"`Y I"` muml lFml<21· tlw auspices of the war :·0m· **“ "i (‘Gm"‘* l»"u"¥"· `·"'“`~`“ **‘*~”-?""i `°lODT“;J‘N  )IR$l`Pt”‘ Tll“Si_bmiTP` will be Cullh ated by tho girls living ’
. ,.5 .‘. . .. =`.   . _ . . . . ·· ~   N =   \‘   *: . L. 1 2 ‘ ‘ . . .4 , ~-,   ·
tluu GX[)€,llCI1l<, .111d muuml ol muh mlm., A Skctclly thc mm M “.m(.h lg xx 111 he RuF<‘*4S<>l‘ FZ\1`<:1lhH1‘ will ;Ii\°<¥ il 59* Vm`P°“`· iucky, has been planted by {hn young
Rhmuls. Stntc 11i;tl1 Svlmol l:1s¤z»<~<*t,<>1‘ |;,,S,,il;,] H, me yummy wm be qivpu rand I+·<·rm‘en\1>ri125t=¤11·his sub- "‘   *"‘—“"" women, Miss A;1e1ui<01` U1\11i%l*%1` ___ are potatoes, rndislms, lnuucg and ·
round ·{;l]i1g_ ()Lhm· mpmlwyg m' mg HW Di(,‘m.(\ Wm Hm Skmm Wm gc will clisvuss H. (`. \\`<:llS. mm V“i\,Ol,Sii>. OY —[_,m.iS is m.€,Dm._ (‘UI1iO11S. Myst 0i` the wulrl; of ])1`€*])Zll`— ·
f%1CUUY wlll hu I>1‘¤‘$¢‘11l Mild NNW UHVL in Um Ngfjgngl Surgical ])ypg;;i;; rr)   mg ur SU(_(,im (,mu.S(_ fm, Ammhaus (O 111;: Um $011 TUV lhv 1`C1Ui!iNd(‘l` of H10
in the dlscussmn (`OXUYWUOC- .UI€E;VEREITY   ON I(‘2U'¥l Hm l:xn~uz1r·‘r* 1ifr>1·:11111‘<+ awt {mil garden has h9°" dm"? by Hm ¥i*`]**·
' " · · '·· · * "‘·1'·‘;· M ·-,;~· e-~· , 1—._1· ` 1- ~··;` ·—· . .   " V A _ V ,` i-..--»~——».-.»*.
_ mm Elfm ]{_m$`l(H“ l\(`\m° lli‘·_(I]” "   .k;‘J}uC;l`;\I'.a.=;·f~1-.vY;;,¤1°.L»OG·RA,LVI h1S101‘)’ ot 1·1·a11(~¤_ {\('(‘OI`{`{1Il}f to m·
  ·»—~=·’·*¤¤% ~-»—v— T·'·‘~11t11<’·'<\* ]*`(l‘H""{i"·I'l'll \~·¤; ju l_;;:1]s\’i]|<— thu \w—r·]{ ml` _iigU·;;;]u qf ]Q([u;j;]1i(m Ng (`[i1)]g]ym will . Li   . Il T  
‘ (" *' f’_, " ,>_l_.¤Z., » • · V ·· w .'¢ ,.‘ "., `,;M Y .`_,· \A { ·_ {· · _- , _
“RO31EO·1§m\`<‘!`l\’Yi` Stauulvy. H uc-
ulllfiftllgl }n;1l}¤1x·0vis¤i·ms; of the I·`<—:h·1·;1I
  { ,; ·;·   w ¤··r·;—z¤·` < *v—{»;· · " ;‘- ‘ » ·*— ·;;_»»· -.4 . ~ ,,. x. ,4 ·, ‘ ` 4 ; _. ._ ,.. ,. ,
'md Um HTn;u;4;·1N .v~m UX ?q;\H`U» WO 1 {1 I m1 (M`.}ll1Y`1I;? {Ol '¥LlN1(· <. Lx 1n>5(_»§   li.-)h1¢l·1¤ 1, I)l(l1]` ol vM<_n nf ` 'llm l;()(‘}ll] adv ul studmxfs hlc has Sl]1]Ill·]’IlI!§]l(‘S Avi uml ]1ll1kl‘rS xr possi—
· \· '~ Dil I; ~' i· `~ · » i.u¤<1ml¢-· in tu, (,0 h§l <`;l`Ari11<1lli111·l: the Llll\'<}1`SU}'. wxll. wu Iwnmll rw! ilw ;u\vnyy; hewn u sub_i<-wt of sympnVtl1<~tic bln for the Siam; rn 1·<~<·<—ivc $lfi5,000
" "”1·I· ¢‘>‘x`. ,¤·\ 5;; W [ 9 ;_¤_i·*, { ··~· ‘ »‘·`,» ·¤ I , · ,. · ·- ·. .
same fr¥£Ili1li;r77r7n>h(i rr} » w·ii.· mink Eplteh uhm xcinhnml vhl? T(`nl(Il(lt¤ ({1 1h`< t»t..t N. lC‘·»D;>ll(l to fm L;r1_mmOn 011 Llm pmt of I'l`f,‘]1('h I»m· nmmully wnthm we }`(‘2Il’$. 'l`hr¤sc
I I P 0 MD ]\[_),~ll(1].] 0 :11 IS ll} IC !l1F\l1ll(. <¤>1p··. ;=¤l¤h·<~+=s 01 wrnmme www (¤¢·11»·1‘ul ll. `\'C`e]`SI[1(‘S. The Hurrzam mains that zm funds nm in bv weed for V0('2lIi011ZIl
Cn/ILS M/)|'\H`·G -»/\MpU¤ P···‘·· · MINI \\’lH ]f‘2l.V€i HHS XVOQK for T’;\2'Z:~2 (' I-Iu]0 (yi` (`ump 7·1r·]mr\· '[`·]y];)]· qt · ¤— ‘·(' [ · {"·· · . . ¤· 1 · · · .
A (W mm Of tm (wm m M IH I 1 I Y (ri t t · . »   · . =. V · ¤`LS.¤()C1.L 1011 0 p1<>c(ss01s cnllml Av- (¥(4ll\"Z1t]Ol1. }\.])()Ll1'(1 m pmvudml in ml.
,- ; ~ ; ca In ~;;··,~   ~ .. v,.   .·¤» A - .,   _ . . .. _ ,   _
M1`1`; ’ Mimi ll", ..1] M   in www ,   ..   ern m tm»1311?g. · Ll\$"{.lIY1}>·U!l·\»f¤lHi.¤—]¢l). .\`m1§ -l. cum] {·1nm·n1s. (Fmuch iiccopuou) ]ll‘l}lFY<‘Y` tlww iunrlw. Mus hoard xs
Iinnmmti nt I\.1. u<   lx? ><1.w`hI‘x¤1.· ;\inr~]— §L1iU]\1£`ItlO11 at the l>1NVCi`i¢s nt, Hm 1m*@l· }1;1ssl¤<¤<\11 fnmnndtclook aflc2·tl10w¢+l1- an c-rmsist of ihn (}O\'(‘I‘1]()l` I‘1‘r·11l.]. l ~l Q H. I4 In 4] <..u3 <1rm*f>r was crcnfnd hy ihvllvn l·m11l..11hl¤m. U. f, P1c¤1ty, where they may >:<·l1n<>l:< and :1 I1HSll`|(‘SS man. Hugh
E _{;_;`L.¤t,l¤·   Jiu ,. ¤1j\i»<>;1. 1r·>~ 1- m>ss•ece l,rt{:1slnt111·c he www zw¤m111tr·d }T<·\r—y w111 chsvuss "Th<» I’l:¤<·<> <>I’ tlm nc·q11i1·y thc lmowlodgo of the mul svhnnls will got ihn mnjuy porlion 017
· nas; e—  * r»;,·>=:r· · r~ `— · ._   ` ., _, _ 1, _ . _
mfg) t;‘;1`m;l;1i1;l rjxl  w M 1.,11   thv }W\I\€.lt Fxzmccz, so mffercnt 1`mm tho nmprm- thu funds wlecu they mmplv mth tha
I   { *_ f I <. · < , , ~ y _· _ _ · _ , . , `
U tl I ~ · » 1 <. ui? mn (oxmnnmxmlta. mom fmnmzl m the streets and cafes} p1·0vxs10ns of the lnw.