xt7rxw47rb4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47rb4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-08-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 7, 1987, no. 508 text The Green Bean, August 7, 1987, no. 508 1987 1987-08-07 2014 true xt7rxw47rb4h section xt7rxw47rb4h ` (
Q  , . ...   A,,. V,.   ,. - .
            EN BEAN
r;?g PA .§ §“%. ~`”..
Number 508 August 7, 1987 {
August 7 Nathaniel Greene, 1742-1786. Revolutionary war
August 9 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan,·1n 1945. y
August 14 Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945, ending world
war II. `
August 15 Sir walter Scott, 1771-1832. Scottish poet and
“ I
August 17 Davy Crockett, 1786-1836. American frontlersman. \
August 17 Gold was discovered in the Yukon in 1896. \
August 18 virginia Dare, 1587-?. First child of English I
parents born in the New world, disappeared, with the
rest of the colony, sometime before 1591.
August 19 Town Meeting, Room 110 Whitehall Classroom Building. i
August 19 Ogden Nash, 1902-1971. American poet and humorist. g
August 21 Fall Library Faculty Meeting. Faculty Club. l
Next Green Bean: Friday, August 21, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, August 14, 1987
Production Staff: Editor/typlst —— Kerry Kresse; Typ1st/
proofreader -- Carol Renta; Printer -- Cecil Madison.
;: W1   X nw I 0
    Agewslerter of me Umversnty .
1 of Kentucky Lnbmrnes A

 · V

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK 19th in Room 119 Whitehall
Classroom Building. The
Most people have heard of meeting will run from 8:00 am —
sniglets, those words that 9:30 am. The libraries will
should be ln the dictionary, than open at 10:00 am. If you
but were missed somehow. Gwen do not attend the meeting, you
Curtis has sent a few that she must report to work at your
spotted in the Kentucky regular time.
Utilities employee newsletter.
There are a few that work for
libraries as well as utility FALL FACULTY MEETING
The 1987 Fall Library
acromania —— aa tendency to Faculty Meeting will be held
assign acronyms to everything Friday, August 21 at the
Faculty Club in the large
purgamemory -— the place where banquet room. The meeting will
lost computer information goes begin at 8:00 am, and President {
Roselle will meet with us at
technophrenla —··- an 8:30 am. &
overwhelming feeling of panic The Faculty Club will f
and nausea at the loss of data provide a luncheon of chicken Q
on a computer salad sandwich on a croissant, 5
with soup du jour, relishes,
xerocrypt —— the hidden place banana cake, and beverage. The »
in a copier where paper goes cost is $5.25 per person.
when the machine jams Please contact Carol Renta in
` the D1rector’s Office (257- Q
Stay cool and happy reading! 3801) by Augustmlg if you wish Q
—KLK to have lunc eon reservations. g
Money will be collected on the y
day of the meeting.
BON VOYAGE...AND*§QQD LUCK! The agenda for the meeting {
is a follows: }
Jane Lane —— Blological {
Sclences Library 8:00 — 8:30 Introductions ?
and agenda review ;
Jennifer Geran —~ Interlibrary *
Loan _ 8:30 —__gL3g President ‘|
WELCOME ABOARD 9:30 — Qzgg Break
Katherine Martin —~ Reference 9:45 — 11:45 Regular U
Librarian LIErary Faculty Buslness
a. Minutes from last
meeting i
b. Budget update
LIBRARY TOWN MEETING c. Personnel update
d. Promotion & tenure, ’
The UK Libraries Town and performance V
Meeting will be held August evaluation review _ ‘

 { e. Committees library. I do appreciate your
i f. Elections time and interest.
g. F al.l nxeeat irxg
schedule: Sept. 25, Sincerely,
skip October, Nov. Sue Ann Truitt
20;   180
h. Committee reports
1.M1sce1laneous ** * ** * ** * **
V r e p<¤r·t s Blld
Adil Razee , Reference,
1:00 — Library plans receIved the following letter:
July 21. 1987
Dear Mr. Razeeq,
July 27, 1987 The MMM Investment Club
wants to thank you for your
Dear Joyce and LSO, kind and thorough tour through
At this time I would like the resources available for
to thank everyone for the researching investment
lovely Retirement Dinner. it decisions at the M.I. King
was fabulous. Library. we feel that we
I shall never forget the learned a great deal in our
wonderful years with the time with you on July 14. we
Library nor shall I forget the are especially grateful for
many friends I have made. They your help in obtaining the
have all meant so much. guide to sources you passed on
Thanks again for to us. It was certainly above
everything. and beyond the call of duty.
Club members were
Love, unanimous in expressing great
Betty Sutton pleasure with the expertise and
professionalism of the library
staff represented in you.
ABOVE AND BEYOND... Those of us on the UK staff
were particularly happy to be
Harr Gilbert, Architecture able to show off' he M.I.
Library, recently helped a King Library to those '
local designer research bank colleagues who are not V
architecture of the late 1800s. associated with the University.
He received the following note: Thank you again.
July 21, 9187 Kathleen M. Dewalt
Dept. of Behavioral Science
Dear Mr. Gilbert, Secretary, MMM Investment Club
A belated note to thank
you for your helpfulness. The
bank project is an interesting ** * ** * ** * **
project and I received so much
~ insight from the visit to your

 Mr. Willis recently received July 27, 1987
the following letters:
Dear Paul,
July 23. 1987 As I was sitting down to
put together a syllabus for the
Dear Paul, Fall Semester of 1987, I
On Saturday, July 18, decided once again to include a
1987, I had an occasion to use session at M.I. King with Judy
the library at the University Fu ate. In recent semesters I
in order to try to find a Have Been calling upon Judy to
special periodical. The provide orientation for
service from all three students in my graduate
departments I had contact with seminars. Judy always prepares
was excellent, even though it seriously for these sessions
was a Saturday during summer and does an excellent job in
session. I had dealings with them. Indeed, I flnd that I
the front desk personnel who always learn something in them
were very courteous and helpful myself. ‘
in providing me with a card. I This time I’ll be asking
was assisted by a woman in Judy to speak to a group of
Government Documents who students in a 200 level course,
eagerly pointed out the but I'm certain that she will
location of the journal I do just as well. I'm not
needed and quickly obtained a certain that I've ever taken
volume which was located on a the time to write to tell you
different floor and brought lt what a good job she does ln
to me. Finally, a gentleman in these orientation activities.
Periodicals was very helpful to So with this letter I hope to
me in helping to locate a correct an oversight.
publication, informing me that Judy Fugate ls one of a
the University dld not have number of your staff members
earlier volumes of this who do excellent work. Please
publication and ln assisting me convey to her my appreciation.
with the microfiche so that I
could determine the location of Sincerely,
various periodicals. Kenneth M. Coleman
Again, the service was Dept. of Political Science
excellent, competent and
courteous from three different ·
departments and I thought you ** * ** * ** * **
would want to know.
Sandra McAn1nch, Government
Sincerely, Pu5IIcaEIons, received the
James w. Gardner following letter:
Scorsone a Gardner
Attorneys at Law July 16, 1987
Dear Ms. McAn1nch,
Your generous gift of
** * ** * ** * ** agricultural publications,
dating from the ate nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries,

 = is most appreciated. These UK PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN
books will be of great value to MEMORABILIA COLLECTION
me as a source of information
‘ on the progress of the Amerlcan The UK Presidential
cheese lndustry. Although my Campaign Memorabilia Collection
book targets the New York state was exhibited during the
cheese lndustry in particular, national convention of the
change and legislation anywhere American Political Items
, in the nation was important to Collectors. The meeting was
the overall development of the held at the Ramada East
industry in this state. Convention Center ln
.... This history could not Louisville, August 5-8.
have been written without the (Submitted by Blll Cooper)
cooperation and generous
assistance of librarians,
historians, cheese makers and ROGERS C.B. MORTON PAPERS
manufacturers, dairy scientists
and government officials. I The University of Kentucky
have been fortunate to receive Library Special Collections
informatilon from many other Department has recently opened
states; d from Canada. I will for research the papers of
be honored to include the Rogers C.B. Morton. A native
Library at the University of of Louisville, Morton served as
Kentucky and your name and a U.S. Congressman from
b r a n c h , w 1 t h m y Maryland (1963-71), Secretary
acknowledgments. of the Interior (1971-75),
Thank _ you for your Secretary of Commerce (1975-
understanding of my needs and 76), and Chairman of the
for the generous gift of these President Ford Committee
books. (1976). He also headed the
Republican National Committee
Sincerely yours, (1969-71), a post which his
Eunice R. Stamm brother, U.S. Senator Thruston
Binghamton, NY Morton, had held a decade
The collection consists of
STAFF ACTIVITIES 450 Hollinger boxes of
materials divided into the
Jim Blrchfield, Collection following series: Congressional A
Development, recently published Republican National Committee,
an article entitled, "John S. Interior Department, Commerce
Mayfield: A Charismatic Department, Counselor to the
Collector" in the Byron Society President, Photographs,
Newsletter. The article Memorabilia, and Publications.
H1gHIIgH`€s Mr. Mayf1eld's Scholars interested in the
activities as a collector of presidential administrations of
Byron works and items, and the Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford
Mayfield Collection at Syracuse will find a wealth of
University. information in these papers.
A detailed descriptive
_ guide ls available for the
Rogers Morton Collection which

 includes subject, corporate and period. Some assistance is
personal name indexe . In also provided for moving and
addition, there are subject and other program-related expenses.
persons Indexes for the For a copy of the brochure
photographs. (Submitted by or for more information, please
Bill Cooper) call or write: Academic Library .
Management Intern Program,
Council on Library Resources,
COUNCIL ON LIBRARY RESOURCES 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, Nw,
LIBRARY MANAGEMENT washington, DC. 20036. (202)
The Council on Library
Resources invites applications EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
for the Academic Library
Management Intern Program for The UK Employee Assistance
the 1988-1989 academic year. Program is provided by the
The Intern Program is for College of Social work. They
librarians who are interested provide confidential and
in taking responsibility for professional  ervlce for all
the administration of large university employees. They
libraries and who wish to also  erve as a problem
improve their own management assessment and referral center,
abilities. Appllcatlons are offering free initial
invited from individuals who counseling to UK employees.
have high professional They can assist you in a
aspirations and who have wide range of problems or
successfully demonstrated difficult areas 1n·your life,
pertinent skills. including emotions stress,
Interns typically spend communication skills, substance
the academic year (September to abuse, legal and financial
May) working with the director difficulties, retirement
and senior administrative staff concerns, needs for special
in a large and well-managed services, family concerns,
research library. Individual alcoholism, physical problems,
programs wlll vary, but all and marital problems. You may
interns will observe and refer yourse f to the service,
participate in management and supervisors or even family
activities and undertake members may contact the servlce ·
special assignments. The goal for assistance.
is to expose interns to the If you need help, or if
complex array of policy matters you have any questions, please
and operating problems of large contact the service during work
research libraries. Each hours by calling 257-1467. You
intern may be expected to can also drop ln their offices
undertake research and analysis in Rooms 11 and 13 of Bradley
of a substantive problem in a Hall.
supervised project.
Each intern will be
awarded a stipend equal to
basic salary and benefits (up
_ to $30,000) for the nine-month

EOUNCTL ON ARCHTVEE Vilnius (in Lithuania) .
‘ Fall Meetlng The  emlnar will dlscuss
access services in academic
Paris Landing State Park libraries, automated
in Buchanan, TN, will be the circulation, interlibrary
site of the Tennessee loans, collection arrangement,
Archivists fall meetlng. Held branch libraries, and special
_ with the Kentucky Council on collections. For a copy of the
Archives on September 17-18, brochure, plea e ca Kerry
1987, the theme of the meeting Kresse at 257-5954 or write to
is Archival Relationships the Office of Continuing
working Together.' Anne Professional Education, 3500-E
Campbell, King Circulation, Is Comanche Rd. NE, Suite 2,
c a r o the Kentucky Council Albuquerque, NM 87107. (505)
on Archives, and presents the 881-4229.
Meeting welcome. Kate Black, _
Special Cqllectlons, Is
· speaking on Regional Archival THE BOOKSHELF
Resources in the Border
States.'. Beyond Bibliography / by
The registration deadline Fre er c G. Kilgour.
is September 1. For a copy of [The Third British Library
the program and a registration Annual Research lecture
form, please call or write: 1984]. London: British
Tennessee Archivists Meeting, Library, 1984. Call
Special Collections, The Jean number ZZ 87-2704.
and Alexander Heard Library. ’
419 21st Avenue South, Bibliographic Displays in the
Nashville, TN. 37240—OO07. On ne Ca a o y wa
(615) 322-2807. Crawford, wlth Lennle
Hotel reservations are Stovel and Kathleen Bales.
available at Paris Landing white Plains, NY:
Park, and are due by August 10. Knowledge Industry
To obtain a hotel reservation, Publications, 1986. Call
please call (901) 642-4311. number Z699.3 C69 1986.
You must specify Tennessee
Archives when you call. Proposals and Contracts for .
. L rar Au oma on:
GuIdeIInes For Pre arIn
PHysIcaI Access to Llbrary 1987. Call number Z678.9
Ma er a sz Towar e C637 1987.
21sE Century
The unlverslty of New
Mexico is sponsoring a library
seminar/tour in the Soviet
Union from October 9-23, 1987.
For $1799 per person, you will
travel to Mo cow, Leningrad,

M. I. KING JOB OPENINGS Colorado, Boulder. Salary:
$26,000 — $31,000. Deadline:
LT V, grade 9, Interlibrary September 1, 1987.
LT V, grade 9, Biological GEORGIA
Science Librarian. Emory
LT IV. grade 8, Online University. Salary: $21,500- ‘
Cataloging. $27,000. Deadline: September
1, 1987.
CALIFORNIA Cataloging Librarian.
University of Kansas. Salary:
Head, Chemistry Library. $18,000 — $22,000. Deadline:
University of California at September 11, 1987. °
Berkeley. Salary: $39,456 —
$45.08:. Deadline: September RHODE ISLAND
15, 19 7.
Librarian, Slide a Picture
Head, Engineering Library, Collection. Rhode Island
University of California at School of Design. Salary:
Berkeley. Salary: $39,456 — none given. Deadline: August
$45,084. Deadline: September 31, 1987.
15, 1987.
Assistant University Llbrarlan
for the Sciences. University Department Head. Acquisitions
of California, Irvine. Salary: Monograph. wlnthrop College. rg
$40,530 ~ $64,470. Deadline: Salary: $21,000. Deadline: “
September 1, 1987. none given.
Head. Science & Engineering Reference Librarian a I
Library. University of Coordinator of Online
California. San Diego. Salary: Searching. wlntrhop College.
$29,340 — $42,264, Associate Salary: $18,500. Deadline:
Librarian; $39,456 - $54,696, September 15, 1987. ‘
Librarian. Deadline:
September 30, 1987. VIRGINIA
Islamic Studies Librarian. Automation Services Librarian.
un1vers1ty of California, Santa Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Barbara. Salary: $24,012 — and State University. Salary:
$42,264. Deadline: none $19,200. Deadline: August 31,
given. 1987. I
Supervisor, Serials Department Head, Serials Unit in Technical
’ Cataloging Unit. University of Services Division. washington

 n` ·\
4 "’?¤
, S
State University. Salary: '
7 $30,000 - $35,000. Deadline:
November 15, 1987.
User Education Coordinator, 7
a Reference Librarian and . V
· Computer Searcher. washington
State University. Salary: .
c o m m e n s u r a t e w 1 t h
qualifications and experience.
Deadline: October 8, 1987.