xt7rxw47qm6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rxw47qm6k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1924-10-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1924 1924 1924-10-24 2012 true xt7rxw47qm6k section xt7rxw47qm6k Best Copy Available
(o the Freshman
Football Game Today


The Kentucky Kernel

Circulation this Week
5,000 Copies




The first general convocation of all
the students of the university will be
held Thursday, November 6, instead
of Tuesday, October 28, as was first
in last week's Kernel.
The speaker will be Dr. Edwin 'D.
Slosson, of Washington, who is one
of the foremost scientists of today.

KY., OCTOBER 24, 1924

There will be a big pep meeting in
gym tonight at 7 o'clock.
Something unique to pep meetings
will be presented.
Freshmen must
come, sophomores are expected, jun- ors should come and seniors are in
Tho band will be out and much
pep nnd push is needed to win the
game tomorrow.


tho new




No. 5




been surpassed and rarely equalled
in the brief history of the theatre.
The play is an amusing critique on
the average man who fights the world
valiantly and never realizes that his
wife wins his battles for him.
Throughout the performance the
lines are Teplete with charming hu
mor and delightful wit.
Leonard Beebe, the hopeful young
clerk who reads "Success," takes
courses in correspondence schools, and
trusts himself implicitly, is played
by Oskar Hambleton. Mr. Hambleton is always excellent, but in this
role he surpasses himself. Young
Beebe blunders hopefully along, and
is rescued from each embarrassing
situation by his tactful wife, who, he
says, is "only a woman." The foibles
and weaknesses of the clerk keep the
audience in a continuous roar of
laughter and in the few serious scenes
the audience vacillates between smiles
and tears. Such is the versatility of
Mr. Hambleton.
The role of Elsie, Beebe's wife, is
(Continued on Page Eight)


Speakers Bureau to Go
Throughout the
Saturday, October 25, the Speakers
Bureau of the university will put on
an intensive campaign in behalf of
the bond issue, which will be voted
upon November 4. Both faculty and
student members of the bureau will
participate in this campaign, which
is under the supervision of Professor
W. S. Webb, of the department of
physics, and Judge Chester Gurley,
chairman of the Greater Kentucky
committee of the Good Roads Associ
ation, which is located in Louisville
Beginning Monday, October 27,
speeches will be made throughout the
state by such able men as Judge
Lyman Chalkley, Prof. W. S. .Ander
son and Dr J. T. C. Noe, as well as
others of the faculty who have already made talks in various places
President McVey has been making
speeches in support of the bond issue
this fall. His schedule as it now
stands, will run 'through October 20,
taking in Jackson, Carlisle, Paris,
Bowling Green, Franklin, Hopkins
ville, Madisonville, Central City and

Details of the program for the
Student Speakers' Bureau have not
yet been completed, but this organi
zation, with C. M. C. Porter as its
president, hns offered its services in
behalf of the campaign, aim the lol
lowing men, some of whom are grnd
uates, have been asked to speak. The
places and dates will be assigned at
a later date: C. M, C. Porter, Sidney
B. Neal, Kenneth Tuggle, H. C. John
son, W. J. Moore, Robert Porter,
Astor Hogg, R. E. Jaggers and John
Y. Brown.
Mass Meeting of Students

The Men's Student Council and the
Women's Administrative Council have
called a mass meeting of the students
of the university for Tuesday even
ing, October 28, at 7 o'clock on Stoll
Held, for the purpose of working up
a more enthusiastic interest in the
passage of the $75,000,000 bond issue.
(Continued on Page 4)

U. of K. Men Asked to
Aid in Under-


The Kentucky Educational Associ
ation, through the efforts of its president, Dr. Chas. A. Keith, of Rich
mond, is attempting to make an in
tensive study of the problems confronting Kentucky's public school
program. To assist him in working
out these problems, Dr. Keith has ap
pointed a number of committees, one
on research, another on taxation, a
third on educational publicity and a
fourth on' the
of school
W. S. Taylor, dean of the college of
education of the University of Ken
tucky, has been appointed chairman
of the committee on research which
comprises Professor A. C. Burton,
Superintendent R E. Hill, Supermten
dent J. F. Foust and Mr. George M.
Baker. The chairman of this com

mittee has stated that the great problem of the committee on research for
the next biennium will be to make a
careful study of state boards of edu
cation in order that this committee
may be of assistance to the committee
on legislation in drafting a bill that
will give to Kentucky a properly con
stituted state board of education
This, in the opinion of leading educators in Kentucky, is the greatest
need of Kentucky's public school pro
gram at the present time.
A second problem which this com
mittee will study carefully and in detail will bo that of proper certifica
tion law for the public school sys
S. E. Leland and M. E. Ligon,
both of the university faculty, have
been appointed members of these com
mittees; Mr. Leland on the committee
on school finance and taxation, and
Mr. Ligon on the committee on re
codification of state school laws.

Alpha Delta Sigma Ini
tiates Seven Journalists

The annual popularity contest of
the university will be held Wednes
day, October 29. Voting will take
place from 8:30 a. m. until 3:45 p.
m. Ballot boxes will be placed in
Mechanical Hall and in the Administration Building
This contest is open to girls regu
larly enrolled in any class in tho
university. The students are allowed
six votes but the- same girl cannot
be voted for twice. The girl receiv
ing the highest number of votes,
whether they be second or third
choice will be declared tho winner.
Students of the college of engi
neering will vote at the box in Mechanical Hall and all other students
will vote at the box in the Adminis
tration Building.
The votes will be counted on the
day of the election by Herbert Carter, editor of the Kentuckian, and Wil
liam Skinner, business manager in
the presence of Dean Melcher.
case more than two of the six rank
ing highest are freshman girls, the
girl receiving the lowest number of
votes will be dropped and the stu
dent next in rank will be put in that
The winners of the contest
will be notified as soon as the votes
been counted.
Rules concerning this contest have
been mailed .to all the halls in which
students live, and to all the frater
nity houses.

Winners Are to Enter
an Inter-CouContest

From year to year in the college of
law, moot courts have been organized
and allowed to die out, Henry Clay
law societies have been installed and

gradually abandoned, but this year
real, live law clubs are being organized, and instead of slowly dying, they
will carry on throughout the year.
A plan which has been adopted by
several of the larger law schools, and
in every case have worked success
fully, will be tried here. Altogether
different from the old plan a num
ber of clubs will be organized so that
every student may be a member of
a club. Eight men will compose each
club, and they will form a court to
argue and conduct cases and to debate questions of law. The instruc
tors in the college of law will act as
judges. Members of the Lexington
bar have also volunteered to preside
in the several clubs.
Near the end of the second semes
ter, members of the different clubs
having the highest percentage of
cases won' in their respective courts
will represent the club in an
contest, the winner of which
Miss Clara
will receive a prize.
White, law college librarian, will act
as secretary of the clubs and the re
suits of the cases will be reported
to her. Several clubs are already
functioning and others are now in
the process of organization.

Initiation services for Alpha Delta
men's honorary journalistic
fraternity, were held Thursday even
ing, October 23, at the Lafayette
hotel. The ceremonies began at 4
o'clock and at 7 o'clock a dinner was
served in a private dining-roothe Lafayette in honor of the initi
The members of the chapter of
Alpha Delta Sigma were invited as
gucstB and all the prominent alumni
of the Lexington chapter were present, including Tom Underwood, managing editor of the Lexington Herald,
Virgil Chapman, congressman from
this district, Joe Jordon and FredeNOTES
rick Jackson, both of the Lexington EDUCATION
Thursday afternoon, October 30, at
Mr. Enoch Grehan, head of the de 3:30, the students of tho college of
partment of journalism at the uni educution will meet in the Education
versity, acted as toastmaster. About building. The freshmen will meet
forty members, alumni and guests in room 105 with Dr. Noe and Prof.
May; tho sophomores in room 100
were present.
The initiates were: Kyle Whitehead, with Dr. Somers and Miss Green; the
Kenneth Tuggle, Frank Hoover, John juniors it) room 201 with Prof. HamWalsh, Lloyd Erskine, Ted McDowell, monds; the seniors in room 202 with
Arthur Morris, and Georgo Ogilvie, Prof. Ligon and the graduate students
in room 205 with Dean Taylor.
The members of tho active chapter
At 4:00 p. m tho Education Club
are J. Sterling Towles, Dwight L.
Uicknell, J. A. Kstes, Herbert Carter, will bo host to the students of the
J. R. McCluro, Thomas Duncan, Eu college in tho auditorium of tho Uni
versity high school.
gene Moore ami Emmett Bradley.




Tomorrow Will be Ninth Meeting of
Sewanee and Kentucky on Gridiron

Each Student Will be
Oskar Hambleton SurAllowed to Cast
passes Himself
Six Votes
in Lead
Team is Put Through
Hard Prep Work
Mary Fuqua Turner is Four Committees Are Boxes Placed in Main
This Week
Building and MeInteresting Social and
Latest Romany
Chosen to Solve
The Wildcats will entertain the
chanical Hall
Business Program
Tigers of Sewanee University this
The family quarrel will
By Knthcrinc Elliot
"To The Ladies," by George S.
Kaufman and Marc Connelly holds a
prominent place among the foremost
comedies of today. The production
which has been playing at the Romany during the week, is presented
hy a Romany cast which has never


Saturday afternoon, this
being Kentucky's second conference
CONVENE OCT. 27, 28 game of the season.
The final standing of the Kentucky
team in the conference struggle will
be influenced by this contest and it
will give Wildcat supporters their second opportunity to see just what Mur
phy has done in his efforts to turn
out a Class A team in his first year
in th Bluegrass state. The game of
The annual meeting of the Associ last Saturday, while disappointing,
showed that coaching has had its ination of Kentucuky Deans of Women
will be held at tho University of Ken ning and that future teams will not
tucky on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. be handicapped by lack of proper
27 and 28. About thirty women are training.
expected to attend, who will reprc
Sewanee is Strong
sent colleges and high schools of
The Sewanee team displayed great
the state. Miss Kathcrine Bowersox,
dean of women at Berea, will preside strength in holding Alabama to a
score last Saturday. Scouts for
A luncheon will be given at Patter 14-son Hall on Monday at which Presi Kentucky reported that fumbles and
dent Frank L. McVey will address penalties ennbled Alabama to secure
evening, her two touchdowns; that Sewanee
the association.
Mrs McVey will entertain with a buf played a good defensive game and
supper at her home. On Tues lost only through inability to keep
day, a luncheon will be given in the up a concerted, consistent attack.
If the game this year between Ken
University Cafeteria at which the
deans will meet the faculty women of tucky and the "University of the
South, as Sewanee is termed, runs
the university.
Among those who will attend the true to form, the fans will be treated
meeting are: Miss Myrna Coyce, to a struggle in which the ball will
Transylvania College: Miss Orr, Ken be kept between the forty-yar- d
tucky Wesleyan; Mrs. P. K. Holmes,
Sayre College; Miss Juliet Poynter,
Science Hill; Miss Alice Hite, Owens
boro; Mrs. A. D. Harmon, Hamilton
College; Miss Hattie Funk, Bowling
Green; Miss Olive Fisher, Millers
burg; Miss Alma Edwards, Kentucky
College for Women; Miss Abagail
Weeks, Union College; Miss Eliza Will
beth Roff, Ashland High School;
Misses Bowersox, Secor and Welsh,
Berea; Miss Lurline Moody, George
town; Miss Sarah Gaither, Margaret
College; Miss Breckenridge, Louis
The University Athletic Council
ville Normal.
The general topic for discussion has granted the representatives of the
will be "Fundamentals and Ideals of Woman's Athletic Association a hearCitizenship for College Women and ing in regard to the proposd aboliHigh School Girls." The following tion of girls' varsity basketball. The
women will speak or will lead discus plea of the girls will bo considered at
sions: Misses Boyce, Orr, Poynter, the next meeting of the council, the
Hite, Weeks and Mesdames McVey date of which is to be announced.
The conclusion, made in consequence of this meeting, will determine
(Continued on Page Seven)
the recommendation that the Athletic
Council will make to the senate, the
body upon which the ultimate
"SU-KY- "
for retention or abolition of
basketball rests.
The women of the student body are
ia favor of the retention of girls' varsity basketball. A petition, signed
prewomen students
Followed by by 200 to the senate at itswill bemeetnext
ing, when the question is to be deon
be continued

be Delebates to


nnd in which n single touchdown will
decide the victory. The teams from
the two schools have met eight timca
in the past and in every game except
the first, played in 1008, the mnrgin
of victory has been one touchdown.
Sewanee hns won three of the games,
Kentucky has won two and three have
resulted in ties. The last contest,
that of '22, was won by Kentucky

Kentucky Men in Shape
The team emerged from the gruelling battle with W. & L. with no seriCaptain Sanders was
slightly injured but reported for practice Monday.
Coach Murphy put the
men through n hard workout Monday and topped it off by sending them
against tho Freshmen, who are always in condition and are apparently
eager to tear into the varsity. This
was a break in precedent, as teams,
usually take only a light workout on
Mondays following hard games. Murphy, with Ecklund and Applegram also on the job, gave the line a hard
workout and took pains to point out
some of the weaknesses which cropped out in the last game. Emphasis
has been placed on line playing, a&
the Purple and White warriors usually play a straight brand of foot
ball with but little resort to a forward passing attack.
What one week of intensive coaching will do was seen in the manner-iwhich the Wildcat defensive backs,
broke up the vaunted aerial attack
of the Virginians. If the line cam

ous injuries.


be so much


in one week,

then State followers may look for a
victory over the ferocious Tigers
from the sleepy hills of old Tennessee.

Fight the



Pep Meeting
Stoll Field

Circle, the original pep
organization of the university cam
pus, held its annunl pledging cxer
cises last Friday evening, Oct. 17, in
the new gymnasium, followed by an
enormous pep meeting on Stoll field
Circle was organized
several years ago by S. A. (Daddy)
Boles, athletic director of the uni
versity, and a few interested mem
bers of the faculty and student body
who felt that such an organization
would not only promote athletics but
would increase the morale of the uni
Each year since the date of its or
ganization, a number of worth-whil- e
students, both men and women, have
been pledged; tho standard for eligibility being the greatest amount of
interest displayed relating to and con
corning the university.
Tin pledges this year include four
women and nine men, who for some
particular quality or quaritios of support, have been adjudged worthy of
membership. They are: Mattio Ellis
Gregory, Willy King, Mario Beckner
Lillian Rasch, Frank Brown, Emmett
Sterling Towles, Hunter
Greene. Ted McDowell, Guthrie Yag
or. Guthrie Bright, Walter Hall and
John Dabney.



Three Best Plays Will
Be Presented October 31


which were held
the first of this week, brought out
more than 175 applicants for eligibility in this organization.
this group were selected those who
adjudged as having most
ability and they will be given
an opportunity to try out for parts
in the annual spring production.
were judged by Mr.
James Darnell, Miss Frances Smith
and Mr. Gardner Bayless.
This committee will announce the names of
those eligible on Amateur Night, Oct.
31, when the three best plays produced will be given again before the
student body and a committee of Lex
ington judges will award a prize to
the best of the three offerings.
The faculty and student body are
invited to attend Amateur Night, in
the new gymnasium on that date.



First of the Scries to be Given Luncheon
Sunday Afternoon






Su-K- y

The first vesper service for the
students of the university will be
held Sunday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock
at the Maxwell Presbyterian Church.
The program arranged is as follows:
Prelude University orchestra and

Anthem "Crossing the Bar" university chorus.
"The Logic of Science"
Bishop F. D. Leete, of Indianapolis.
Hymn "How Firm a Foundation."
Benediction--- Dr
Bishop Luete is one of the out
standing men in religious circles and
ho has selected for his subject a topic
in which university students of the
present day are particularly interested. The service will be well worth

The college of law of the univer
sity is urging all its alumni to be
nresent at the dedication of tho now
stadium and for the
November 1, when the Wildcats will
meet the Centre Colonels in their
annual football game. A luncheon'
will be held at the Phoenix hotel at
12 o'clock, to which all members of
the alumni of the college of law are.
home-comin- g

The college has been placed on tho-lis- t
of "approved law schools" by the
American Bar Association. Since the
founding of the college in 1908, there
have been graduated 300, who are
Be- now scattered ovor tho state.
ginning next fall the college of law
will require two years of collogo work
for entrance. The Law Journal will
be issued as usual this year, the first
uumbor appearing about Ngvombfr 1,




� Best Copy


Alumni Ptge

Alumni Secretary



New Yorks Oct. 28.



llnnn's Restaurant, 290
way, at 12:30 p. m.
Detroit, Oct. 31. (Last Friday-Regdinner at Dixieland




To know the history and needs of the University of Kentucky one lias
only to read the following article prepared by Dr. Frank L. McVey, for the
Bond Issue Campaign Book:
The University of Kentucky is one of agricultural and mechanical col
leges that owes its origin to the Morrill Act of July 2, 18G2. Instead of
establishing at once, as most states did, a higher educational institution, the
Legislature did not place it upon an independent basis but made it one of
the colleges of Kentucky University, now Transylvania College. To this
institution the annual interest of the proceeds of the Congressional land
grant was given for the purpose of carrying on its operations. This con
tinucd until 1878, when the act was repealed and a commission appointed
to work out a plan for a state university. The city of Lexington offered
the commission the city park containing 52 acres of land and $30,000 of
city bonds which gift was supplemented by an additional 20,000 in bonds
given by Fayette county. With the money buildings were erected and the
institution established at Lexington. In 1908 the name of the institution
was changed from Agricultural and Mechanical. College to that of State
University and it was again modified in 191G to the title of University of
in its character; it ap
Kentucky. This instituton is
peals with confidence to the people of all creeds and endeavors, in strict
conformity to the requirements of the law, to afford equal advantages to
all and exclusive privileges to none.
As n department of the university, the Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion was created in September, 1885, under the vnrious provisions of federal law which provide nnnunl appropriations for the support of the Experiment Station. In 1912 the legislature voted an appropriation of $50,000
in addition to the amounts granted by the federal government for this work.
The purpose of the station is to carry on a continuous succession of
experiments by specialists in order to learn what the application of science
will do in bringing the best returns from the farm, the garden, the orchard,
the vineyard, the stock yards and the dairy. In addition to this the Lx
pcriment Station is engaged in publication of bulletins announcing the re
suits of these experiments which have brought untold advantages to the
Act was passed establish
farmers of the state. In 1912 the Smith-Leve- r
ing agricultural extension work which was placed in charge of the Agricul
tural College of the University of Kentucky. Under the provisions of this
act, county agents are maintained in the counties of the state, and special
home demonstration and agricultural agents arc employed to carry on
the work of agricultural education.
The teaching division of the university is divided into six colleges, the
Summer Session and the Unversity Extension. The colleges and schools
thus established are those of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agricultural,
Law, Education and Graduate Work. The university also maintains a li
brary which can be used by citizens of the state. This library now con
sists of 02,000 volumes and is engaged in gathering museum material that


Philadelphia, Nov. 1. (First Saturday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
Somerset, Nov. 7. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflcct's office.
Lexington, Nov. 8. (Second Saturday Regular) luncheon
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
Buffalo, Nov. 8. (Second Satur1 :15
day Regular) luncheon,
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
comer Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Nov. 17. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's


Lena Phillips Will Aid
Reelection of N. Y.

Of interest to alumni and students
of the university is the announcement
of the appointment of Miss Lena M.
Phillips to manage the campaign of
Justice Joseph V. McKee for reelec
tion as justice of the city court of
New York. According to Justice Mc
Kee this is the first time in the his
tory of Now York politics that a wo
man has ever been chosen for such
a position.
It is of signal importance thnt the
first woman to be so honored is a
native of Kentucky and a graduate
of the university. Miss Phillips is
a daughter of Judge Phillips, and up
to a few years ago when she moved
to New York City, resided at Nich- illustrates the history and development of Kentucky.
She is a graduate of Gou
cher College, Baltimore, and in adSPACE, BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT
to the Bachelor of Laws dedition
The university has a considerable number of buildings but none of them gree received at the University of
are expensive and the majority of them were built with minimum amounts Kentucky, she has a degree of Mas
of money. The last building erected is the most expensive of all; the dormi ter of Arts from New York Univer
tory for men which cost 150,000. In 1908 the legislature appropriated sity.
During her brief stay at the uni
200,000 for the construction of buildings at the university and since that
date no buildings for educational purposes have been erected from appro versity, college Phillips tookbomg active
priations made by the legislature. In other words, the' recitation and labor part in
atory space for the university has not been increased by the state for a ness manager of the Law Journal and
period of seventeen years. During the War the federal government made a prominent member of the Henry
an allowance for the erection of a shop in which to train army mechanics Clay Law Society. She was a mem
The university took advantage of this to build a permanent structure and ber of the Chi Omega sorority. Miss
this is the only addition in the form of recitation, laboratory or shop space Phillips received her LLB in 1917 and
the university has had in the period of seventeen years. In consequence, was an honor graduate of that class.
it has been necessary to utilize basement space and to convert two old dorm
itories, no longer usable for residences for students, into recitation build
The University of Kentucky Alumni
ings. In this way, the university has been able to supply, in part, the need
for recitation rooms. Meantime the student body has increased nearly Club of Buffalo held its first regular
three and one-ha- lf
times and it is impossible for this situation to continue monthly meeting of the year, at 1:15
if the university is to meet the demands that are now being made upon it p. m. Saturday, Oct. 11. About 20
for the purposes of instruction. In order to meet the demands of the next members were present.
As there was little business on
ten years it will be necessary for the state to make a larger investment in
the university if the increasing requirements of high school graduates for hand, most of the meeting was given
over to greeting our new members,
college education is met. Evidently to provide such buildings and equipment from present state revenues is impossible and, therefore, in this con- and having a sociable good time. We
nection the necessity of the bond issue for the university is most apparent. have five men from the class of 1924.
In order that this may be understood, the following statement is made re- They are John D. Taggart and J.
Ed. Byers, now with the Buffalo Forge
garding the expenditures of the university's share of the bond issue:
Co.; John Gudgel and Forest Taylor
now with the American Brass Co.;
and J. K. Russell with Electro
From the 5,000,000 Allotted From the Bond Issue

I. Housing and Care of Students
1. Men's dormitories (000 men, 6 buildings)
2. Women's dormitories (400 women 2 buildings)
3. Hospital and infirmary for sick students
4. Commons, dining hall and cafeteria
6. Women's building (Gymnasium, field for women)

C. D.

The following was received from
70,000.00 the New York Alumni Club of the
350,000.00 university, whose officers are J. T.
200,000.00 Lowe, president C. R. McClure, vice- president, Robert L. Acker, Secretary-treasure- r,
and J. I. Lylc, J. T. Lowe
and H. P. Ingles, executive committee.
II. Educational Facilities
following activities are con
1. Addition
to Library (Reading room and stacks for
templated for the New York Club of
250,000.00 the University of Kentucky. Every2. Recitation building for department
of English,
one is urged to start right by attend
250,000.00 ing the first one as details of succeedMathematics, Languages
3. Science Building (Biology, Botany, Physiology)
150,000.00 ing meetings will be discussed each
4. Physics
150,000.00 time.
5. Building for Commerce and Business
(1) Informal
at Cen
G. Engineering shop and Building for drawing classes
400,000.00 tre-We- st
Virginia game, at the Polo
7. Model High School Building, Teachers' Training
100,000.00 Grounds, Oct. 25. Secretary will buy
8. Agricultural College Building
200,000.00 seats in blocks for all those who send
9. Purchase of additional land for Experiment Station
him the price by Wednesday, Oct. 22.
100,000.00 Prices can be obtained by phoning
10. Home Economics
150,000.00 Vand. 9938 on Monday, Oct. 20.
11. Purchase of Equipment
(2) Luncheon at Haan's restau
rant, 290 Broadway, 12:30 p. m., Oct.
1,900,000.00 28, a la carte.
(3) Stag dinner on Tuesday, De
III. General Needs
night A
cember 4, College
1. Auditorium
350,000.00 S. M. .E. Convention.
Place and de2. Heating Plant and tunnels
400,000.00 tails to be decided at first luncheon.
3. Purchase of land for dormitories and other buildings
(4) Luncheon, Jan. 28, nt place of
30,000.00 first meeting or as announced
4. Campus roads and walks
5. University debt
75,000.00 card. Arrangements for Annual Din
C. Museum
to house valuable University Collections
250,000.00 ner Dance, including selection of in
vitcd guests, will be made at this
1,180,000.00 luncheon.
(5) Annual Dinner Dance, Elec5,000,000.00 tion of officers, etc., to be held at time
Grand Total
convenient to President McVey and
other guests of honor. Detuils to be
decided at January luncheon and final
The University of Kentucky received for the purpose of carrying on announcement to be made by mail.
its educational work the proceeds from 1 4 cents tax on each 100 assessed
The meetings will bo us purely so
Value. In the past four years it has received no addition to this sum which cial
as possible. No attempt will be
amounted to 395,000.00 annually. Other appropriations are made for the made to collect dues and no "shake
support of the Experiment Station and to meet the appropriations given down" for any special purpose will
to the stuto by the federal government for the conduct of Agricultural Ex be made at meetings. Luncheons will
tension work. For the teaching purposes of the university the state ap be a la carto and price of dinners will
propriates the sum given above The problem, therefore, is "How with this bo given in advuncc.
amount, supplemented by student fees, is the university to meet the in
creasing demands of student attendance?"
It is quite probable that if As the payment of 2, by each memthe university were freed from the burdens of repairs and maintenance of ber of the New York roster will take
euro of nil running expenses, it has
buildings that it could make this sum go further than it can at present.
been decided to fix the dues ut thut
For the University of West Virginia, the state of West Virginia ap amount und reasonable attempts will
preprinted 1,300,000 in 1923; Tennessee 800,372; Missouri 1,144,000; Ohio be made to collect these dues, but en2,000,000; Illinois
3,200,000. tirely outside of the meetings. The
1,624,000; Indianu for its two institutions
These are appropriations by the stute for current expenses only. The in- best way to dispose of your part of
come of the University of Illinois is 5,283,000, University of Ohio 1,335,000, this is to mail a check for 2 to R.
of the two institutions of Indiana 3,578,000 und the University of West L. Acker, 11 Lyon Pluco, White
Virginia 1,820,000.
Plains, N. Y., right now, together


with the price of your football tickets, if you want them.
Also mail the enclosed postal if
you can possibly nttend the luncheon.
Remember all activities are fullv "co- cd" except the December Dinner.

C. G. Blnkcly & Company, real estate
and general insurance business, 535
Chilton Frazicr Lcc is exchange enKansas avenue, Topckn, Kan. Mr. gineer with the Cumberland TeleBlnkcly received his M.S. in '81, and phone
& Telegraph
has for many years been an active Louisville.
member of the Association.

will be celebrated on
Chnrlos R. Wright, who for several
Nov. 1, 1921, in the following man years had been "lost" in tho Alumni
office, 1b now a practicing physician
Law Alumni
Luncheon nt Phoenix in Somerset.
hotel nt noon.
All Alumni and Friends Dcdica