xt7rv11vhz8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhz8d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1943 1944 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.15 n.2, December 1943 - January 1944 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.15 n.2, December 1943 - January 1944 1943 1943 1944 2020 true xt7rv11vhz8d section xt7rv11vhz8d  



OFFIUHL 036%" of‘
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Vol‘ xv December, 1943 . January, 1944 No. 2 “




Presiden! Wes! Kentucky State Vocational Training School


"An Equal Educational Oppomnny for Every Kenmaky Child"






- £73 rm i mmmmmmmww




The Kentucky
State College


Special War Emergency Proglani designed for than man: who
desire to finish the standard (out you cones. work in
two and twodhird: yen-u


'Arts and Sciences

Agriculture — Home Economics 5

Business Administration —- Engineering

Well Trained Faculty
Adequate Library and Laboratory Facilities
Comfortable. Modern Dormitories
Full Program of Student Activities


Standard Class A Four Year College

Accredited by the
Southern Association of Colleges 5
and Secondary Schools =

B. B. ATWOOD. President


 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Vol. XV December, 1943 > January, 1944 No. 2


Published by the Kentucky Negro Educan'on Association
Editorial Office at m1) Wes} Chesmu-t Street

Louisville, Kentucky

W. H. Fury, .111, Executive Secretary, Lou'sville, Managing Ediwr
H. E. Goodloe, Danville, President of K. N. E. A.
’A. F. Gibson, Pinevill: W. W. Maddox, Paduclh
View: K Pen-y, Louisville Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Muslim in the K. N. E. A. includes subsuiption to the Journal

Rates fax- Advertising spaoe mailed on request


Edimfinl Oamment ............................................ 3
Vote elf Protat, C. W. Andaman ................................. 4

Convendrim to Shress Group Progmms ........................... 5
Pr$idenm H. C. Russell .......... ‘

A Knight Outlook, H. E. Go‘odloe.
Begum of District Associations
Shake Salmols Present Budgeis
Census Shows Negro Gaim .................................... .11
K.»N.E.A.Kruliimgs....................I ................ m
K.N.E.A.HonorRoJl..... .................................... 13


 x. N. 1:. A. OFFICERS Pox leis-ls“

H. E. Goodloe, President ............
Grace 5. Morton. First Viee-Pmident .
T. J. Long, Second Vice-President.
W. H. Perry, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer.
L. V. Ranels, Ass‘stan't Secretary ..



H. E. Goodloe, President ..
W. M. Maddox ..
Whitney M. Young
A. F. Gibson
Wow:- K. Perry .

Edmund T. Buford, High School & College Dept. ...... Bonding Green
Mayme Morris, Dementia Education Department Louisville
M. L. Coueland, Rural School Depammen¢
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department .......
W'hitnev M. Young, Vocational Education Dept
W. 0. N’lmkolJ-S. Principalls’ Conletence ......

Beatt‘ce Willis, Primary Teachers’ Department. Louisville
Anmma Beard, Youth Coundl ......... Louisville
Oulda Evans, Art Teauhels’ Conference. Louisville

G. W. Madison, Social Science Teachers’ Conference Louisville
Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachels' Conference... .
Jewell R, Jackson, English Teachers’ Conference
A. C. Randall, Li’bral'la'ns’ Conference ......
F. L. Baker. Physlual Education Depaflamem
W. H. Craig, Guidance Workers’ Conference..
A. J. Ridhards, Foreign Language Teacher? Conference
Wi ham D. Johnson, Adult Education Department. . . . .

l—M. O. Strauss, Padunaih, , . . . . .l‘irst District Assudafimk
2—He'len Nuokalls, Providen/ae. Second District Association
S—A. L. Poole, Bowling Green. ..Thlrd [fistriet Association
4—411me Stone, Bloomfield, Fburwth Dislrlct Assoclallidn
5—4M‘ayme Morris, Louisville. .J‘iflh District Association
6—th8)’ M. Young, Lincoln Ridge...... . .Blme Grass Dist Afl'n‘
7—H. R. Merry, Cavingmn ..... NomheI‘n District Association
8——Wil.'liaun Gilbert, Wheelwrighm. Eastern District Association
H. F. Gibson, Pinevflle. .Ulpper Cumberland Dist. ASS’IL





Editorial Comment



'nhe unity of educational forces in the state, and their ooopeze»
tion in advancing a magi-am of edunaatn‘on Lfim‘ the entire state was
evident at the December meeting of the Board of Diredors and officers
of the K. N. E. A. President R. B. Atwood, 01f Kennwcky State Col-
lege, Educational Director Whitney M. Yumg, of Lincoln Institute,
and Mr. M. J. ‘Sleet, Business Menage: of W. K. S. Vi T S, and rep-
mznmtive of President H. C. Russell or! that institufiun, were present
and outlined the programs at their respective institutions These
were discussed in detail and given the endorsement of the directors,
who promise full support at the requestsl

MIX/5h consideuatinn of the boarding high snhool proposition re»
sulted in the conclusion that Linmln [institute should make it a ma
jor dbjedtive, and that W231 Kentucky Vocational Training School
shmzmd make it supplementary m its mtianal pnogmm. Continua—
tinn of efforts to secure equalization cf salaries among teachers in
the state, to secure Negro representation in the State Department elf
Education, and to secure tenure for pninoilpais and admin'mtratoxe
were agreed on.

The complete program at our organization has been interpreted
to the dilate officials uypon whom its execution lamgely depends.
Superintendent of Public Inmon, Jahn Fired Williams, fully 21-
domed all its prow'zsions; Governor Simeon Wfliis advocated same
phases of it in his opening campaign address; Mr. Sam B. r’lhylorr,
Supervisor of Negro Education, has shown a deep interest in \it. It is
$18an that our state executive and [the oificiafle who make and
direct file aimmfiunal policies at the Commonwealth are interested
and pledged (to carry out certain bf (the requests made.

'Ilhe president and direoboxs have met and planned regularly to
bring this alboult; Resident Goodies has Visited meetings of several
district associations; rthe K. N, E. :A. treasury mummified one hun-
dred dollars to support the efifort to pass the defeated Thomas-Hill
Bil]. designed to grant Federal Aid to Public Schoals; fiufibher plans
are under way to move taward an dbjeotive of our association—an
equal educational opportunity for every Kentzudxy child.


The annual convention of the K. ‘N. E, A. will \be held April 10-15,
1944. This (Section was made by the Board of Directors amt/at con—
sideration 0f replies made by mutilation members to a quesfionaire
asking the type nf convention they preferred

All general sessions will be held at Quinn Chapel, 912’ West
Chestnut Street, Lmiisville. The evening session Ion Wednesday, April
12, will denture the annual address of the president. Addresses by
prominent guest speakers will Ibe made at .the Wednesday and 'll‘hurs-
day evening sesions. Business sefiiom will be held at 10:00 A. M. on
Thursday, Eriday, and Saturday. The convention will feature group
and departmental sessions. Strung speakers 501' the groups are now
being arranged for. The general theme, “Education for Victory,"
underlies the planning at all programs

The annual election will be held (Friday, April 14; the polls will
be open from 8:00 A, M. in ‘00 P. M.

Candidates for election at the annual Convention of the K. N. E.
A. should ccmply with the constitutivnxal requirement that notice of
the candidacy be filed with the secretary, or with the chains!“ of
the nmninating ccmu’nittee at least 30 days before the election date.

Vole Of Protest
Charles w. Anderson Reveals Why He Voted Against The Governor's
Proposed $3,000,000.00 Bill For The Aid of Sal-mob

State Repmenmive Charles W. Anderson revealed boday the
reason for his lone dissenting vote on the Spatial Teachers Appra-
pri'atiom Bill. He stated that the Bill will ufifer some small relief in
team‘hers’ salaries in the public schools below college level, but “I
cannot in good conscience vote for an apprupr'iation of $3,000,000.00
for these schools when there are mt supposed no be adequate funds
in the state treasury for the satisfiamory support of higher and vom-
tlonnl edusuartion tor Negroes."

“I am satisfied,“ Mr. Anderson commented, “that the teachers
and simmers of Education in (ibis strata already lmaw of my inter—
est in public education, During my five terms as a member of the
State Laislatzure the Andersoner Act for the support of outcl-
stzalte aid fiat higher education for Negnoes, legislation to provide high
school facilities for boys and girls in rural counties 01' the state and
the pupwlmily lmawn Married Tealdhers’ Bill flor both White and
Negro teachers were sponsored by me. Teachers and parents all over

~ the state have felt benefits {mm Ehme ems.
(Dentin/lied on page Fourteen)


 convex-non TO smrzss snoop AND DEPARTMENTAL

The Apr-ii convention will be featured by inauguration of the
idea, approved by delpamenital and K. N. E. A. officials in December,
1942, M combining departments with similar interests into groups.
Each group .is no Ibe addressed by a speaker on some theme of general
interest to the component departments, tihen sayamte into “depart-
mental conferences," which already exist, for consideration and ap-
plioanion at the ideas to Mien specfiiu fields.

This plan was adopted to strengthen the departments, and to
provide speakers for small units .with special interests. In this set—up,
mo depamnent or conference loses its independence or oppmmmy to
develop its own program. The times of meeting of the various groups
are being so scheduled that numbers of any group may visit other
groups while they are in session.

The gruups, leaders, and mponent departments are:

GROUP 1: Raider—Mr. E. T. Bufond.

High School and College Department.
Principals Conference.

Ufbrarinms‘ Conference.

Adult Education Depazmmemt.

Am: Teachers Conlerenne QSection 1)
Music Depantment (Sadie!) I)

GROUP 2: Leader—Mrs. Beatrice C. Willis.
Elementary Education Department.
Primary Teachers‘ Depamtment.

Amt Teachers’ Conference (Section 2)
Music Department (Section I)

GROUP 8: Leader—Mr. G, W. Jamison.
Sexual :Soienee Teanhers’ Confluence.
Snience Teamhers‘ Confierence.

English Teachers‘ Conference.
Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference.
Physical Edummion Department.
GROUP 4: Leader—Mr. W. H. Craig.
Guidance Wolrkers‘ Conference.
Yaumh Gounlcil.
Vocational Education Department.
Rural Suhuol Department.
All group meetings will be held in the main auditorium of Quinn
Chapel A. (M. E. Church.


Our {mm Dover bears the pimure of H C Russell, president of
West Kentucky State Vocational Training School, arc :Patdlucah, Who
ranks high amxmg Kentucky’s educational and fraternal leaders. Mt.
Ewell returned this year ‘10 the post at the West Kentucky Insfitu-
him: with a clear understanding of the need of vocational training by
colored youth in the state, and with a program for hhe development
ofithe schooltomeatthenBEd.

Always eml'xusiam and earnest, he entered upon his present rte-
sponeflbility with a wide backgriound pf experience in the edumational
field and personal knowledge of the communities his school serves.
Born in Bloomfield, Kentucky, and trained in its Mal school,
graduated with the Mdhelor’s degree {mm Simmons University, and
later from the University of Cincinnati with the (Master’s degree in
Edmaminn, mugwed by study at the University at Chicago, he gained
experience in rum], mibau, denominational and college settings.

Founwing a {brief period as teacher at Blomnfleld, he was a
memlber of the fiaculty of the kaifiort State Nor-mall, then of the
Louisville Nomal School, mmmmg to the training of many who
are now Kentucky's nutstamiimg teachers. Later he served as dean of
Kentucky State college and as president of West Kentucky State
Vocatimnal Training School, leaving the latter position t0 accept a
position with the U. 5. Office (If Education as specialist in Negro
Education. Mr. Ewell Iwas also for several years the ddredwr of
Negro Afiafia‘s fat the National Youth Administmhiqn in Kentucky
and seemed an increase in vocational opportunities for colored youth
as well as a familiarity with their eccnomix: amd vocational status.

He was let many years the state grand secretary, and later the
mahinnal head of the United Brothers of Friendship. In performing
his lodge and N. Y. A. duties, he has prdbmbly covered the state, [by
travel, more thoroughly than any other member at the K. N E. A.
He knows every crossmad, good stepping place, and restaurant in
Kentunlw. During the ‘iboom period" follawing World War I, be en-
tered the business field as 3555th secretary of the Domestic {Life
Insurance Company and as president of the Standard Building and
Loan Association, but 'lewened this interest in this field to mum: to
his first love, edimafinn. 'Frmn 1M5 to 18212 he served as president of
the K. N. E. A., and ddreded the expansion of its program and in-
crease in its numbers.

President Russell hm resumed h'E position at West Kmtunfliy
with vpfimism as to the part «the school may play in the training at
youth to meet the demands of a war-time and poet-«war econmny. Im-
dusk-lad courss for [both boys and fills are being reorganized;
courses in shoe repain'mg and poultry raising have Ybeen added. Irm-
mediaately upon resuming office, President Russell saw to fine rehabil-


 imam of the physical plant, and recently asked the legislature to
amnapfla-te sufiiuient money to construct and rum Mediately a
boys dormitory to meet present needs, and to house the anticipated
Wong of returned saldiers who will. the aSSigned for training and re—
habilitation. He favors operation of the proposed lug); school state
boarding sex-vine, but only as a supplement to the major work of the
mhaol, industrial and vocational training, planned. to accomplish
“the threefold task of training the hands and heads of Negro youth
for skilled and sermiskilled work; providing better workers in domes-
tic and personal service companions and improving the home liie cl
the Negro family.”

The K. N. E. A. wishes President Russell success in the adminis-
tration of the program of the school

H. E. Goodloe

The election of state ofificia-ls to serve the people of the state of
Kentucky for the next four years is new history. Even though we re»
sults might have been surprising to a great many citizens, it can be
mummy said, “The people have spoken.”

The Kentucky Negro Education Association is naturally interest-
ad, and sincerely wishes the victorious party mum success in its at»
tempt to give me citizens of Kentucky a government of the people,
by the people and 1102‘ Lhe people. While the K. N. E. A. is non-parti-
san, it can look .forwtard to an improved program of education be-
cause the Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction have
endorsed the Legislative Report of rune K. N. E. A. The outlook is
very bright (or an improved program oi education, administered in
a democratic rway.

(Elie Board of Directors of the Kentucky Negro Education Associa-
tion and every Negro teacher in the Slate of Kentucky is hoping and
praying tho/t the present administration wiLL immediawely begin to
right many of the injustices that. have been. done Negro teachers over
a long period of years by doing the following:

1. Equalizing teachers‘ saJJar'lES. (Th/ls has been named first be-
cause it will meet a larger group lthan any outer problem that is
now ixwolved).

2. improve the high school service by oarry'mg out the general
provisiom as laid down in the legslnlti've report unanimously adopt»
ed at the Planning Conference in April.

3. Guise the standard 01 Kemucky State College to the equal of
other state institutions of higher learning.

4. Granting minority representation in the Department of Educa-
tion as outlined in the legislative report.

 5. Handling the affairs of our state secondary schools and Ken-
’Luluky state College in such way that the businefi will be professional
and above the level of petty politics. In short, like K. N. E. A. sincere-
ly quumhs that the same standands used Ain the afiairs of our leading
white institutions be applied to our State College and. stats secondaxy

In conclusion, it seems that “A New World 1.5 a coming for Ne—
groes in Kentucky." May the Negro teachers realize that a great re
sponsibility rests upon their shoulders, and the time is at hand to
unite I11heir forces in trying to bring our legislative program to a suc-
cessflul conclusion.

Reports Of Disirict Associations
Mrs. M O. Shauss. President

.A meeting of the W56 District Edmafion Assaciation convened
at Lincoln High School, Paduoah, Friday, Camber 8, at 9:30 A. M.
Mm. M. 0. Strauss, principal, Garfield School, Panducah, and WIN. [B.
M. Schofield, teacher at Dun-bar High School, Msyfield, were “Halea-
ed president and secretary, respectively, for the duration of the war.
Prof. L B. Tinsley, pnimipai of Murray High 50th Murray, Ky.,
:was elected vice-‘praident, and Prof. E. R. mm, principal of
Dodson High School, Princeton, was elevated measurer, and Mrs. Allie
Rogers, teacher at Union Station, War-30km County, assistant sec-

The following resolnhions were adapted .by the association:

1. To support the six palm program, improving the alumtional
situation in Kentucky, as outlined 'by the legislative cmnmibtee of
the K. N. E. A.

2. To secure the service of an expert lo survey the needs of the
colored peuple in the Pmthase.

3. The association ‘90 'be held next year all: Murray.

The panel discussion, “'llhe Probla'n of Juvenile Dehmuemy,“
discussed by Mesdames \S. A. Pleasant and M. .A. Givens, Gia’rfield
thool, and Miss Gladys Bailey, Lincoln High School, and W5. 111311
G. Sledd, Paducab, received many fiavwaible comments and. opened
a broad new for discussicm. The association pledges its suppont an the
organization of a Civic unit to plan a consbructive prugzaan to counter-
act juvenile delinquency in Padulcah‘

Mucalh teachers and parents served dinner without aharge to

The Parlucaih Sun-Democrat, referring to the meeting included
the fullowing item: '(Paducah) Maym‘ Fiance E. Lackey made «be $01—


 luwing'motian at a meeting of the Brand of Commissioners: “I move
that the program of the First Congressional District, Teachers Eduea<
iionai Association, held at the Lincoln High School on Friday, Octa—
Vber 8, [be received and filed, and that the association l'be cmnmended
for the me work which they are doing for the children. of this com-

Mrs. Helen 0, Nuclmlls, President

The Sewnd District Educational Association met in Henderson,
Kentucky on October 22, .1943, and was attended by a large number
of ufificers, principals and teachers. Iihe Ybody voted its approval and
support of the measures Ipraposed by the Legislative Cwmmitztee and
Board of Directors of the K, N. -E. A.

It also endorsed W. o. Numkulis, principal of Rosenwald High
Schuol, Providence, as a candidate ifovr the next president of the K. N
E. A. ilt was decided that plans be made for a district meeting next
year, and all annual fees cullected, so the association may go forward
with its educational program during the year.

A. F. Gibson. President

The Upper Ciun’berlanid District Teauhers Association held 3
Flaming Conference October 29, 1943, in Harlan, at the Rosemwald
High School, of which Mr. J. (B. Claimmons is principal. The Harlan
County Teadiexs Association and the faculty 0! [Rosewwalid High
School was host. ’

The day sessions vividly and interestingly discussed the central
theme, “Legislation {or Education, Sta-ta and National." This [was
made more interesting and enlightening by 'Mr. H. E. Goodloe, presir
dent of the K. N. E, A., who gave a report and lenture on the work
nf the Legislative Committee of our state association. The District
Afiocintion approved and accepted the report, and endorsed the
wofiks and rulings 0f the president, Secretary and Board of Directors
of mihe K. N. E. A.

The evening session was very entertaining with a local program
directed by Mrs. Johnnie Woods, supervisor of the [Harlan County
Sehmls. The feature chi-the session was an address by President
Goodioe, principal ocf Bate High School, Danville, who spoke on,
“Post War Edmtion."

Mrs. James A. Wood, superintendent, Harlan County Schools,
and immediate past president of the Kl E, A,, gave an interesting.


 talk and report of their work on legislation for securing increased
funds for public education.

'Fhe association decided to continue to hold its annual meeting
in Middlesboro, and selected as its central theme for 1944, “Educa~
tion for Peace," Mrs. Edith B. HiLson was elected secretary of the as~
sociation in the absence of Miss Thelma Baughnian, who is now an in<
shun-tress at Enairie View State College, Prairie View, Tam.

The association expressed, by resolution, its sincere appreciation
of the hospitality and loyal cooperation of the teachers of Rnsenwald
High School and the Harlan County Teachers Association.


Kentudq State College, West Kentucky State Vocational Train-
ing School and Lincoln Institute .prsen’ted to the legislature requests
fur apprqpria’tions in the period ending June 30, 1946. Kentucky
State sought sufficient funds to permit expansion and the :irt.i'ermg1.l‘iern~
ing or existing departments as a prerequisite tor future curriculum
expansion. Request was also made for funds to increase the salaries
of the flaxmdty, to equalize them With those of similar personnel in
other state institutions and with salaries in Negro institutions in
some other states. President Atwood also presented a- list of the (api-
hal needs of the institution for consideration if funds become avail-
able He recommended appointment of a commission of leading citi-
zens of loath ranes to ‘ipisn, place in the pmper records, and announce
to the pub 4 " a prawn to provide equal facilities in higher edum—
tion {or the colored people of Kentucky.

West Kentucky Vocational Training School asked for funds ade-
quate to operate and maintain the plant, make addition to the Me.
chmics’l‘radfiBuilding,punchaseeqmipmentforthe Shoe Emir De-
partment and additional equipment for Auto Mechanics, and for the
proposed state boarding high school service. A major request .by
President Russell was for $105,000 to construct and furnish a J‘boys’
dormitory to replace the present dormitory, condemned Flry the State
Fire mall’s Qfifilce as ”in such shape that it Cannot (be brought up
to the standards of safety recommended [by the State and by our nt-
fice; We recent/mend that the present building be dmolished imme-
diate .” '

[imam Institute presented a budget necessary for its operation
as a class “A" accredited high school, ofiez’ing rboarding high school
service to pupils art the state previously unnmavided for. Lincoln Insti-
tute offered to make available to the state its splendid plant and
equipment in return for financial support for the boarding high
school program. mauig'uration at this program at Lincoln should en-
alble the development there of a needed high school, and of a splen-


 did laboratory school for Kentucky Smte College; it may also same
as a feeder for Kentucky State College and a developing Wat Ken:-
tueky Vocational Training School.

President H. E. Gaodfloe appeared before flhe Legislafiva Com-
mittee, and gave K. ‘N. E. A. endowment to the requests of the
three schools.



’Dhe Bureau of the Census recently issued a report on changes
in the Negro population since 1870, which showed marked increases
in literacy and school attendance, entrance into professions and a
genenal trend away from {am labor Stains to ownership of their
flams or to the cities. The ra-te of population increase was shown as
declining from 1930 to 1940, although there was a numerical growth
of 8 per cent.

The report Showed, also:

(>1) a lange decline in the Negro birth rate over the past seventy
years, cmmparalhle 1.0 mile decline in one white birth Ila/re and an even
greener decline in the Negro death rate

(‘2) decrease in the illiterasy between 190’] and 1930 from 81 per
cent tn 12 per cent;

(3) increase in school attendance from 31 per cent in 1900 :to 64
per cent in 1940, in which year more than 80,000 Negro college grad-
uates over 25 were reported;

(A) more than three-fold increase since 1070 in the numlber of
Negroes engaged in teaching, medicine, dentistry, nursing, La/w, social
Welfare, the ministry, the number in the professions totaling 110,000
in 1940.

YOUNG mun you-m; womm -

lPaduoah, Kentucky
Opens The Door 01 Opportunity

For Mm For Women
Automobile Mechanics Tailoring
Tailoring Trade Sewing
Barbering Home Making 8: Cooking
Woodwork & Construction Beauty Culture
Chef Cookery Commercial Cookery
Electric Welding Barbering

Related Training, high school subjects, Poultry Culture available.
Enroll and start toward independence.
H. C. RUSSELL. President


 K. N. E. A:

Misses Amelia Sawyer, Leotla
Miles and Mary E. Fishbaczk, ant-
ive in sorority circles, attended
the Z812 Phi Beta in Chicago
during December. DT. Nanny
‘Woolridge, of Louisville Munici-
pal College was elected to a nat-
ional office.

The Safety Edmtimi Gmmmitv
tee of the Natimml Congefi of
Colored Parents and Teadhers,
with the cooperation of the Nat-
ional Safety Council has :present-
ed, in pamphlet form, its safety
pragratm for 194344. The eight
page pamphlet is full of suggest-
ions for accident prevention and
merits the tareful attentim of
every teacher. Mrs. Patsie E.
Sloan, president of the Kentuc-
ky Cmngress at Colored Parents
and Teachers is chairman 0f the
Safety Education Cmmnit-bee of
the National Congress

John Preston Wilson,
Louisville Municipal College
graduate, has {been appointed
junior diamicall engineer at the
Westinghouse Naval Ordnance


.Ahbomey Charles W. Anderson,
recenfly returned by impular
vote to the Kentucky Legislature,
as a reprmen’cative, was also
elected president of the Natinnal
Bar Amciation at 1m annual
meeting in Baltimore.

M55 Susie Mae Wilson, KSC
graduate and farmer teanher in


the Nicholasville High Schwl is
nuw teaching lime eeonmnics at
the West Kentucky State VDGa~
tional Twirling School, instead
of at Kentucky State College, as
erroneousiy reported in a recent
K. N. E. A. Newsette.

Private Wiley B. Daniels, 1'0an
teacher at Jackson Junior

High School, and Miss Lavinia
Young, teacher at the James

Bond Elementary Sohooi, Louis-
ville, vvere married during the
Christmas holidays.

Private Whitney M. Young,
Jr, firmer coach of the Madison»

ville High School basketball
team, and now enrolled as an
engineering student at Massa-

chusetts Institute of Technolagy,
and Mix Margaret Buckner, as-
sistant to the treasurer 31', Ken-
tucky State College, were mar-
ried in Aurora, Illinois, home of
the bride, on January 2.


Miss Carrie M. Franklin, popu-
lar teacher at the Coleridge-Tay-
lor School, Louisville, was wed
recently to Ml". G. Alvin Smith.

Seaman Z/c J. meunan Hack-
ett, former KSC football star,
spent the Christmas holidays in
Louisville. Having just camplet-
ed ‘iboot training" he expected
to be sent to a navy school for
instruction in physical education
for proibalble future assignment
in lhlat field.


 The tamer Miss 'Dhelm‘a According to papular opimim,
Cayne, well known secretary at army training prepares a man
Central fligh Selma]. nuw ans— for married Life. On disammge he
was to the name of Mrs. Game”: merely changes “ya-sir” to “yes—
1mm. ma‘am.”


K. N. E. A. HONOR ROLL 1944

H‘he fiollawing named schoul units have enrolled 100% in the as-
sociation by payment at the annual fee for 1944.


School Pxin or Supt. City
Lexington Public W. T. melumd“ Lexington
Dunbar High P. L. Guthrie Lexington
Russell Junior High W. T. Seals Lexington
Carver Ada B. Withruw Lexington
Constitution J. B. Candler Lexingfixm
B. T. Washington Lexington
Bardsuan {Public Bandstaw‘n
Dunhaln High ‘ Jenkins
Lincoln High E. W. whimside Pauiucah
Rosmwa’ld Big-n st. Paar] M. Patton Madisomrille
Banneker High Prof. Elmer 0. David Cynthflana
Garfield lbs. M. O. Snranss Patina}:
Conny Supefinlendmi Cum-111 Sen!
"Adair C. W. Marshall- Colmbia
Bath W. W. Roschi Owingsvflle
Christian N. T. Hanks Hopkinsville
Clark Wm. G. thmight Winmhester
hyetfe D. Y. Dunn Lexington
Mum-Men Miles Meredith Paducsh
Lame Ada Lee Gmhmn Hodgenvflfle
Madison James B. Moore Richnmd
Monbgmnery Mn. N. G. McNamara ML Sterling
Simpson H. '1‘. Wright Franklin
Union '1‘. V. Furtenlbetry Monganfield
Warren Everett Witt Bowling Green
Carrie Founmaim Louisville
C. V. S‘nia/pp‘ Jenkins
J. M. Tydimgs Anchorage

”Honvr members

(Continued from page Four)

For the support of Kenmcky State College, owt-of—etate tuition
under the AndersonMayer Am, and the West Kentucky Vocaiianal
Training School, a betel of $624,243.00 was requested "by Negro sdhmd
heads to the Legislative Council. When the Governm‘s proposed
budget was summed, only the pinifiufl and inadequate sum of. $197,.
000.00 was recommended to prowlde for hisgflmr and vocational edu-
cation for Negroes tar the entire state. “From my knowledge at the
condlinxiom a! higher and vamafion‘al ed/neam'on for Negma in Ken—
tucky,” he cmtinmed, “some real tangible evidence of larger support
must come forward." Pmctically all of the surrounding states which
3pm a separate pragxmn of Negro higher education have been
and are MW spending more to this and than Kentucky. The list in-
cludes West Virginia, Ohio and Tennessee.

Eur all at the state supported institutions for white peaple in
Kemmzky, where are special taxes from which funds are derived
monthly, “when and as collected," this, in addition to the fairly de-
cent state amfialfions which halve been granted by the Legisla‘
turre, while the usual apprapn'mions granted for Negro higher and
VOEB’ll‘Dflafl edmcarfiom are not enough to operate a first alas stock or
dairy £51m. The mstimtiom for Negroes do not share in these special
dams and, therefore, are compelled to rely upon funds provided by
the Legislature. However, when the time comes to apprapq‘iete funds
r00: Negro etfimafian the time—worm cry is “that We don‘t halve the
money." H any state can appropriate $3,000,000.00 £01 teanhem’ sala-
ries of which the Negro teachers in the and will obtain only a meager
part, then it certainly can appropriate mare than $40,000.00 for the
aperamion of West Kentuxiky Vocational School for Negroes, at Pa-
duealh or the 8mm of $150,000!!!) for the operation of Kentucky Stale
College at Frankfort.

Mr. Anderson stated “there are only 1465 Negro teacheus in Ken-
mnky While {here are over 20,000 White 1584511925; the $3,000,000 fig-
ure looks attractive but when you abserve flhe percentage its nothing
to he slammed album." In commenting further be stated “My vote on
the Teadhers’ Bill is largely one of protest It is not um I wish to
deny hex-refills to elementary and secondary school teachers, but I
do want to stress the fact that higher and vocational education fur
Nagm boys and girls mum. not sway any further, and in some Way
the Race must ’be granted larger additional direct appropriations."
'E‘ot state suppm'ted colleges for white pwple (If similar size enmllr
merit, the Legislature has always seen fit to grant langer individuél
appropriating; than to the institutions for Negroes at Frankfort 01'
Pad/mall. As evidence of the plight of educafiunal inequalities and
inadequate funds, the Louisville Defender carried in in January

 22nd efilfion in bold front page type an appeal by Prat. W. H, Perry
and file ImEA [mg'ng citizens to wrifie b0 the Governor and m