xt7rv11vhz3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhz3g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 2007 2007 2007-03-28 2020 true xt7rv11vhz3g section xt7rv11vhz3g UK‘ Crawford will be back

’AGE 4

WWW. KY KERN El .( \( )M

MARCH 28, 2007

Greenwheel revisits old sound for local fans tonight at Beatnik Ball
in the Student Center








Green Dot, rally promotes women’s safety

By Jill Laster

ilasterdkykernel corn

l‘houxandx ol ll)erx. hundredx ot' buttorix and
do/etix ot poxterx ai'e xeattered around eampux, all
inxitine the l.e\iiieton eoiiiiiitinit) to take baek the


'l‘omelit‘x xetond annual "lake Baek the Night"
ral|_\ “hieh iiieludex a xiippoi‘ter xpeak out. a
ix to r'aixe a\\arenexx about \ l7
olenee againxt “omen and to xuppoit inereaxed \dlll—

marth and a \igiil

pux xatet}

lake Back the Night begitix at b .tL‘l’t)\\ the xtreet
lrom Memorial (‘olixeiim \krth the xpeak out an

their xuppoit for rape xur\i\orx

Halt an hour later. a mareh \HH begin trom the
eolixeum to Memorial Hall, Marehei'x eaii eari} L‘l’
ther their mm xignx or xignx tirade b_\ \Votttethx
Plaee \olunteerx

“What better \\;i} to get people‘x attention than
to take up xigiix and ehaiitrne ’” xaid \\omen’x l’lat e
\olunteei Krixten lambeit "lt‘x xiieh a \ixible dix
pla) to the entire eomiriuniti "

l‘he e\ent \\|H end \\ith a \ieil. uhieh teatuiex
\lll\ i\orx' aetountx. at 7 at Meiiioi‘ial Hall

though not exer)one hax been a \ietim of Ho
lent crime. moxt people are atleeted h} it in mine
“.i}. xaid “omen‘x l’laee l)iieetoi Doroth} l-d

open mie lll\lldtlttll tor an)orie “ho \xantx to \oiee \\.ii'dx

Study: heart

By Ali_ce Haymond

3"BVT3":3 lszkC't'tz" . 37‘

Heart tatlieteri/ation ix iiixt
ax ellettne in treating heart I“.
tieritx ax medieation. aetordmg to
a xttid} b} a 1K Health(‘aie ear

th ri‘reanx there ix no real
herietit tor a patient to opt tor the
intei\e:itioii proeediiie ax op
poxed to taking: riieditatiriiix_ xaid
Di !)a\id Booth. a tardiolopixt
at lK'x liiida arid .latk (iill
Heait liixtrtiite

"Approathiiig things \\ith a
lllCtde] treatment approach ix in
herein!) a more rational treat
merit." x rid Booth. the to author
o! the (‘liriituil ()uttoriiex l‘iili/
lllf._' Remxtulaii/atioir and .\g
erexxiu' Drug.r l'\aliiatiori
((‘(H'R \(il'i trial xtiidx

the xtiid) ioiitmed more
than 3.0““ heart patientx at St!
\llL‘\. H‘rtllldlllg l'K'x \'.\ Meditai
(enter. tor about ti\e \earx
\Nithin that xample. the rate ot
le‘dlh. llL‘dl'l attaeh .ttltl xll'itht'
\\.ix 3“ perteiit tor patienlx ulio
tiiider‘\\eiit heart \dlhk‘h'l’l/Jllttll
and l‘} i pet’teiil tor thoxe “ho
xiiiipl\ tot-k lllt'l‘ltvllttil‘i

\lthoueh heait L.tthlk‘ll/.l
tion ix a relati\el_\ minor prote-
diiie Hootli xaid lllL‘tjhtll treat.
merit ix a lo\\ er iixlt option the
iiiieiu-iitioii irixolxex tixiiie .iii
aiiexthetn to nutrib part ol the
hod\ and iixirie a tathetei to take
air \ ra\ pitture ot the artei\
liom iiixide ll there the patient
hax x;\eie narrouiiie. the proee
dure toiitiiiuex to iemow the
bliieRaee h} inxeitm); a tatheter
iriio a tin). opening and plaeme .i
xtint iii the ..irter_\ to open tip the
hlotkagc. Booth xaid

lhe iiiedieal alternatne.
\\Hlkll ix iiixt ax ellettoe. ix to
rake blood thinning; riiedieation
or meditation that ieirimex latts
depoxitx in the artei'iex

“luridameiitall}, that ap
pioaeh “orlxed etitiall} ax \tell.”
Booth xaid

I'K hax .ilua)x taken a more
tonxer\ati\e approaeh to treat
ment, “hith ix probabl} \\h_\ it
“ax \t‘lt'elt‘d ax one U! the xltld}
xitex. xaid l'K Health(‘at'e
xI‘t‘hL'\I\‘l‘xiitt Beth (rolth ”HS

V .. Heart " : a...» 3


"rhh eould be )our \HICL _\oui mother. thix
LUUld be a woman that _\ou line." ladnardx xaid
"With the numberx. it prohabl) ix,"

Green Dot buttonx mll alxo be a\ail.ible to any
one the (ireen l)ot mmemeiit ix intend-ed to ldlxt‘
auareiiexx and xho“ xupport lor \ietimx ol \ ioleiit

“The (ireen l)ot ix our motto." l:d\\.irdx xaid
" l‘he (ireeri Dot ix permanent "

()rigiiiall}. hundredx ot (ireeri Dot buttonx \\ ere
ereated \\ith phraxex like "xiir\ nor." "mother."
"trrend" and "xiippoi‘tef‘ to be en en a“ .i_\ at the ial»
1). Hon e\ er. xo man) people eame in to retiuext the

fit‘t‘ ngh‘ " 11m]; 3





8—Ylfi~\R—()LI) SURVIVOR

Heart patient gets e aborate send off for national Champions Tour


“ .‘

\ av

8y Allie Garza

l,:3'.’3;k‘v"9" t'

.\l('Htll..\,\\'H.l l: K\ Hunter
Blair kith tilt liix xhoex and ruiiipx head
tiixt into the mtlatable moormalk

He [.iuglix \‘lll‘. lrieiidx arid tuxxex
“hen hix grandmother irixtruetx hiiri to
button hix xhirt a uriitormed blue but
tonrdoun xliirt that niatehed the oriex
\\orii h) all the other xtudentx .it ldl‘t‘llltl'
t le ('hrixtiaii ,-\t.iderri}

Looking: at Hunter; one '\\t‘.tlltl rie‘. er
kiiou the 3'}Cdl old hax had tuo open
heart xiireeriex

Born \th a one \errtr'itle heart loeat
ed on the right xide ot hix bod). Hunter
uiiderueiit t\\o opetiheart xurgei'iex b}
the age ot S Hix xtomaeh and lixer are
on reVerxe xtdex of. hix body and he “ax
born \xithoiit a xpleen

But axk Hunter “hat hix i.i\orite at
ti\itiex are. and he'll iexpond like all}

Silt: Kids " ;. my 3





try out for
SEC edition
of Playboy

By Blair Thomas

Il'v"‘d5ez\y\t‘v'"€ it"

lraxix \\liitmoie nouldn't
be xtlt’t‘ttxcd to t't‘tiignl/L' a
model man upeomine ixxue ot
I’ltiibo} lii tatt. he might
L‘H‘tl be ended to xt‘t‘ a talttt]
iai tate

"It I \xalk into tlaxx tomor
to“ and reeoeni/e a girl trom
l’la}bo_\ ldoii't kiio“, ital
be xtianee and iea||_\ eool.”
xaid \\hitmore. .in etonomitx

l'he [NHHl‘lllU ot retog
iii/iii; a rriodel ixn't ax tai
tetthed ax it might xeerii More
than Jlt l K “omen met \\ith
l’layboi direttorx met the laxt
l\\ti d.t\x lot .1 ellttltet' to "C .t
"\Noriiaii ot the \l (' ”

lhix ix tlie toiiitli time
[)ltiU‘U} hax lt‘altitt‘d l K xttt
det'itx lot the Mt t‘tllTlJll til
the iiiaea/riie

'\\e al\\a\x hate a great
turnout tioiii the St (X l l\ in
partitulai.” \.llil l’la_\bo§ plio
lirglttt‘llt‘l (it‘ill'jit‘ (rr‘iirgriiu
"lhere are a lot ot talented
L'Ill\ here who are :riterexted iri
\koikiri}: uith iix

(it‘t‘ljiii‘l; ,
utilitriix ham .« liigli Yiiiiioiit
.iiid ‘i K x triterext 'hax .il\\.iix
“e."tr ftitlltilfali‘» t‘t'iith

Ill'e‘ L'lll\ “Hit Had tit "C l\
\eaix old and lllil'llltl’e‘ xtu
figii‘x ”,tL'l kiwi. (tL‘i‘lL‘L‘ll .iirtt
l‘iorett (mirdiiiattrr (’xriti'iia
ham .:1 a le\rii_«:toii hotel for
air aiiditioii and hailinie xiiii
I‘lti‘li‘ xlii' t! ‘

'l' xxeot ieall'i iiiiit'i ' .ird
Ht‘H liiixiiii-xx
l. I‘llllllL‘\ tlattx


I ‘.\.tx \1l[
t‘llxetl lit‘u mix\ it ‘C\.l‘~ H

liaiex x.:.it :xgr rooirtiriate

‘ .‘rto audit H!l.ll‘~.' hii:

;.\\ it x ltt‘i‘l‘ lll‘t‘lt xle'xl

\ " Ili't‘l l\

‘.j\ .xriiri

It .i \ll\‘


\‘.‘lll lt'lu' '1.r ‘ 'L \1”\K“VI

.'ie' laxitaiite we pho
'i‘L‘tapltL‘tl Ytrttiexx

HitW li'itl :tt‘t' lu'liitt‘ [

. l

taiiit ltl tI.:' at et‘llli! be in

hatlriri: x‘lr'x ‘ tlatex xaid
lfiiit tir 'x‘et: told that
1r;"'t'l elittll-m: tttalx
lll.ij.l/ll:t‘ it l '\\.i\
'Iii‘l xlllt‘ lion tom


Illi'x' oi the

1.:x 'i t l‘..
\iw ~r-:i»
lht‘l‘il .ift.' '\ 't x .l tint;
()ttlk'\ ‘tlHt (H

tniiiixe dle ..re wine The iti\

., \«lieiil
thing a, do

“roti eiiti 'Alio d:xae:ei~ but it

«Tr'ix; ' '11.;h. iot u rm to

Playboy . :p 3

Panel outlines partnership between China, Kentucky

By JoseLMorntana McCoy

news@kykernel com

Not only do Kentuek} buxinexxex lime to tomentrate on
competing: urth eaeh other. the) muxt alxo begin to urmpete
globally. aetordmg to a panel oti international relationx )exter


”Your eompetitor ix not iiixt in the ['8 or Kentueh.” xaid
(21th} (Tao. trade xpetialixt m the International Trade l)i\ixion ot'
the (‘abinet tor lieoriomie l)e\elopment of Kentuek)

(ilobal eonipetitton between btixinexxex “ax one topie in a
roundtable dixeuxsion entitled “(‘iti/en Kentuek} ('itilen ('hina"
that mapped the imixible netwrrk ot eonnettionx betueen Ken

tuck} and (‘hina

The Kentuek} (‘hiiia l'rade ('enter that opened in Betting on
Jul} LINUb ix promoting Kentiit k} biixinexx in (him. (‘ao xaid
The trade eentei alxo xupportx Kenttitk) ‘x xixter xtate relation

xhip “llh the .lianexi I'rminee


(‘hinexe eiti/enx

nothing like iix.” Riehe} xaid

uiriipaniex. he xaid


Pd”l\.l[hlll!\ .ilxo dixeuaxed the xiiriilar‘itrex between the aieax
and the peoplex ol‘ the eoirexpondiiig paitx ot Keritiitk} and (hi

Jel‘tre) Rithe}, ot the ,-\xiaii Stiidiex Program .ind the Depart
ment ol Philoxoph} arid Religion at Herea ('olleee. xaid he triex
to teath hix xtudentx to xtr‘ax trom the e\tremex ot thought about
tuial inland \ iti/enx iri partitiilar
“iThe e\treme belietx .irei the}'re iiixt like iix .iiid the}'re

Popiilationx in rural inland (him are ximilar to tttoxt ot the
xtudentx he teathex betauxe the} tome trom l)plLdH\ poorer
eommunitiex. Riehe} xaid Mining dixaxterx .llxo trequent thexe
areax ol (‘hina ruxt ax in l-axtern Kentuek)
lath of xatet) regulationx and the LlerlC\\ thought oi the mining

rhh gnex the xoiithern rural xtudentx Rit be) teathex a dix
tinet ad\aNaee in xtud_\ini_r the (hinexe tiilture in thexe areax
.»\x a rexiilt. more xtudentx aren't optintr to xtird\ bie titiex

rural eorriiiiiinitiex he xaid

lrixtead the} ham toiiiid more oi a .ormiioii ground in xmaller.

I)! than}; mine \uii. ot the Hepartriient ot \ledrtine at [K

tilttt to pk‘dk C

ile\l.lntllllg "
tron \eent) agreed

”llx ix related to the

and \5\ Mutual ( enter xaid interattiorix \xith ('hiiia are impor

"\M need to xeek iinderxtaridine 'heti eel, iinderxtood.” \un
xaid '\\ hen \xe iirideixtarrd eat h other 'lieii \xorltl peate urll be
the rexiilt People uarit peate but 'lre\ ".mri ' )4“ out and xeek lln

Brian 'la\lor. tr.i\el xalex iiianaeer of \ Helping Hand \dop

('rti/en to t iti/eri “ork ix going to make the \wrltl a peace

' |

tiil plate " laxlor xaid 'Utheiuixe ue'it xtrii eoirii: to haw our
gmerriment to etoerriiiieiit problemx

"(‘iti/eri Keritiitlu ( iii/en (‘hinr uax xponxored bs the Na

tronal (‘ommittee on I‘ S (‘hiria Relationx through erantx trom
the Starr and LUKC l'oundationx. l k x \xia (‘entei and the
Strippx H-mard l irxt \iriendment ( enter

Newsroom: 257 ‘9‘: 5, Advertising: 2572872













' JCT .“P .Itl‘nl’lfi‘tlr' ."rh‘i 'l‘t’

r‘v-t, it“

Aries (March 21 —- April 19) _

tr . ,1 m.”
1.1.“ it. n-‘t '.

Univ.“ .r; . _ii\‘
\p 1. 1. (if .x

1 we. vilitiol yt-nr 1m" , it:
‘ . :t ' "to" 7; i", ' rse‘ ’4 i‘.
7.. ' it. there
Taurus (April 20 May 20) 7 an
:" ”'1 la: 1".) 'r“.‘t".‘. .‘s'lril
, i- t" "rt 1" {i tittittit‘ si‘lfi'ttt
"' r‘v» i;t:.tmr
' . f“ w~'...“ in he it?
Gemini (May 21 June 21) ‘


1"t st’t'fif‘tt' tillr

keep Wdltiitlttg and listening Dont
retit‘t Strategi/e

Cancer (June 22 July 22) Today
is a S) Sivnptity your (JHMLCtlLliL‘S
Re arrange your wurkspato you ran
tortoise your production and your
profits quite notrtedhly You love It
when this happens

Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) Vida» s .i
5 Von to getting: the support you
reed tro'n import ittt people They
tietiea? you (“an (it t‘ws at \t‘ 'e‘.
ll‘r‘tt: titti‘ithCU you

Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) "min
Diogrriu through your rtos-
t‘l.‘ (onto 'eyeti! ri'ltitlttltt treasures
’tweres a (,ttfttlt,’ t on between your
st/irxs of suit? .ttttl your sayrnus a«
t. on! if trots ar‘y heir

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) Today is
1 ?~ Several :nure attiressiit
min art (‘Vtttq for your attention As

‘t‘sl‘fll {Jyety ".s hes' 'tut‘

“s it 1'

y. ti ten
'1' in if"t ((7 y’t‘l

Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) ’w: 1"
i V' 'iitrv (titted tam

s t L) 11
nit" 't y M r,r (that passes ’i ' that







1 Sponsored By


Restaurant and loun 'r

816 Euclid Ave.


it) your hustness Maintain this posr-
Iron and you future is secure
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
Today (8 an 8 It's time for action,
not words You dont have time to
talk anyway You re too husy haying
tun Detetiate so your work doesnt
suitor Watch your reputation too
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) To
day is .in 8 Make suit: you kttUW
What you're huyrnu when you ttWUSl
your 'iruney Whether the surprise is
tit-on or not depends on the yummy
oi your data

Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) To-
day is ti 6 (i you have the right as
sistatit you taunt have to say a
rhino 4,1; or she knows what you
"er if ill/‘(ltf nit (littlS thread and does
it Att'n‘ttndly sortie lidtiltilt) is re
ttatrud in the heuznninri

Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) To
(in is r) ’0 Opportunities are
11mm: i"l ‘1‘:th:sroni‘rrrirn ‘r'ou's
t-L‘t ti rt ristrn euty yours is )(isl t.

t s
rim .ir a r.“



Commons <51 Blazer

March 21, 22, 27
April 4, 5, 11, 17,19






t Lunch Demos: ll—tpm
‘1 Dinner Demos: 5o7pm




youridaily dose of entertainment, pop culture and (on kernel ‘ 0'


Brady and Bundchen's


.. Still no answers from them
fl-Ie DISH

lt (Eisele Biiiidehen and Tom
Brad} are expecting. the} eei'

Idllll) aren't pining the part ot'

parents—torhe, ()ii Mareh L). the
riiodel. 26. sorted III a skinip)
bikini \lliHHllg no sign ot a
hump ~ in ('ost‘a Riea lost more
than a week later. the sielte
Bundehen. \Nlitise t'utiiie \iith
Victoria's Secret remains on
clear: and the New England l’ai
hint to ho has 11 bah) on the in}
“1”) ex Bridget Minnahan. i6)
roamed the NYC.
"'l‘he) seeiiied at ease. and she
did not look pregnant." Lt \iit-
iiess tells Hot Slut) l:\en
though Bra/than Weh sllL‘
(iIaiiiuraiiiaeoiiihr (\\lt|e‘l1 set
ol’!‘ the preenane) i‘unrois .\l.ueh
7) stands h) its story the hie
question has gone unansoeied
and the pair lia\e remained
niiini. "As far as \\e kiime she‘s
not pregnant." a soui'ee close to
the Patriots star tells l's, Rest
dents of Brad} s honietoun San
Mateo. (‘Atlllitl'HhL \\ ere etprall}
proteetoe .‘\ \ionian \xho has
to ed nut to lll'Lttl} s iiioni sinee
she “as pregnant \\lll1 the dime
terhaek tells l‘s. ” l‘he) re a is on
dei‘ttil ianitly l \\Ul|ltl hate to
see an} stgaiidal tooth tiierii
iReps had no toiiinieiit r

streets o)

Ashlee & Pete -- Healing: l p
ls ,-\shlee Simpson talline
tor a tall ()ut Bo} again' (he
singer. 23. and the hand s iron!
man. l’ete \\ent/r 3“ “till
uhoni she s been linked hetoie
eniosed a reeent hush hush get
aiia} to ,\le\ieo. .-\ \llllpsi‘ll
souree tells Hot Stutt. She real
l) likes hini‘ l'he teehne
seemed iriutua) \ltii‘tli ll “hen

the) hit West llt)ll)\\i)<)tl hot
spot ll)de. "lle massaged her
haek and played “tlll her hair."
s‘d}\ an L‘)C\\l[llL‘s\. Still. a
source close to the roekei says
"the_\ aren‘t that \Cl‘liitts,“ «Both
stars‘ reps had no comment)
Meaimliile. one ot Siiiipsons
e\es has iiioied on to her pal
l’uris lllllttll. ’l‘he heiress. 3o -
it ho i‘eeentl} broke things ott
\ch Si;i\ios Niiirehos. s.i)s a
Hilton souite has been seen
\\it|i Desperate |loiise\\i\es
Josh llendeison who dated
Simpson in IUD-ti Says a
soiiree, ‘lt s new. hut Paris and
losh Null} like eatn other"

Susan's llip-llop Ringtone

Siisaii Sai’andon. (it). \\ as at
ll.ii'i_\ lielatonte s Mtth liiithdai
hash Mauh ‘ at \\('s Brjsant
Park (irill \ilien her eell \ient
ott. blasting a hip—hop iraek
troni (‘ominon ‘5 .\nd it inst
so happened that the rapper lltll:
sell “as \lllltth right beside her
He said. ‘l'hat's nie." Saiandon
tells Hot Stiitt ‘-\nd l said ()h
in) (iod. that is _\oiil ”

kiite A" ()“eii -- ()ier Again?

(i into he out ot sight out oi
iriirid tor ()\\eit \\ilson hist
\xeeks atter his l'tttltdttlk rei‘
tie/\oiis in Airsti‘alia \Kltlt on
again ott-aeain lo\e Kate llud
son T“. \\'ilson. 18. turned up in
\laiit |l.i\\aii_ \\llll .i iii_sstei'\
hi'unette the duo lllllthk‘tl in
the sort or: \laieh l.‘ and he \kas
also spotted will a hitiiiette at
Hut .1 \\ii
sort sotiite sa\s its riot \\hat it
looks like lheie s nothing to
marine going on. and the} one

iiio ll“ .1] restaurants

in a group ‘ lzithei way )liidsoii
pi‘ohahl) \iouldnt be surprised
:\n insider tells l s ot Hudson
and Wilson Neither \\.itlls to
be iiionoeainotis." t.\'either reps
\xould eoiiiiiieiit.)

J'I‘: Selling His Home

Does .llhllll l‘iinherlake need
l1C\\ dies to impress all his neii
dates" \ souree elose to .l’l' tells
Hot Stiitt that the pop star. 3h.
has put his the bedroom I \
mansion. near Kirsten Dunst and
\lltlllk‘“ \le(‘on:itij_'he\. on the
market (or 5)) iinllion. tlle
pieked ll tip in liNL‘ toi itist \N ‘
iiiillion') 'lle s looking tor a
neu plate.‘ s.i\s the insider "It s
his! tune tor a thanee "

Kirsten lliinsi‘s \eii (in)!
(here was no shortage ot
star studded speetaeles at this
tears South h} \tititlt\\1'\t lltll
\lk testital in \ustin. le\.1s
though most were ottstaee‘ ()ii
.\l.llLll lt‘ )\iisten l)unst 34.
dit‘tk «linked and llHlKCtl ltt‘s
\isih Ra/oiiieht trontinan .lohn
iii lioiiell at the Blender llotise.
llltl .tgatli .tllct llts \llt)“ lltt‘
\l.t\ hetore. “hitestair singer
( iseo \dlei. :5 \sho die“ onl_\
around 1|) people to his pei'toi
niante. \\lll\ll held in a
huge tent oas booed attei iok
me to the eroml al‘out hon hap
p) he \\.i\ to he in Boston
rather than f»\ustin r\ hand
rep sass, \Hiitestair pertoi'nied
to .in t'ttt‘ljJE/Ctl ei‘oxid \xho
darned the \ihole set ' ) l'iirall).
liike \\ilson. “‘5. made the
steiie \‘.lllt his e\ sqtiee/e \n
di'ea \\ilson

ii i r)“






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lttlICsl lil


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UK Police reports from March 20 to
March 25

March 20 Theft from WT Young Library reported

at l 40 p m

March 20 Theft of wallet reported at UK Hospital

at 2 3‘ p rn

March 20 Female arrested for Alcohol |ntoxrcation

at UK Hospital at 3 36 p m

March 20 Theft of cell phone reported at Greg

Page Apartments at 4 33 p rn

March 20 Theft reported at WT Young Library at

6 ‘8 p m

March 21 Theft from auto reported from Kentucky

Clinic parking garage at If) 36 a or

March 2‘ Bank holdup reported at National City

Bank on Euclid Avenue at 3 51 p m A white male

implied he had a gun

March 22 Theft of laptop and other items from

WT Young Library reported at 4 26 p in

March 22 Theft of laptop from WT Young Library

reported at 4 29 p m

March 22 Theft of bookbags and cell phone lrorn

Haggin Field reported at 6 06 p m

March 23 Theft of two cell phones from Haggin

Field reported at ‘i a m

March 23 Theft reported at UK Hospital at 7 50

a rn

March 23 Arrest tor Alcoho' |ntoxrcation at Dono-

van. Hal! at 3 37 p in

March 23 Arrest for Alcoho. IDlOXlCalIOD at UK

Hospital at 8 a rn

March 23 Theft of hubcaps from UK Hosprtal at
‘ 0‘ a or

March 23 The‘t 3‘ Game Box ‘rcrn the Student

Center Game Room reported at 323 p re.

March 23 Ther‘t of auto frorn Parking Garage No ‘

reported at IO 50 p m

March 24 Theft from auto reported

Shawneetown Apartments at 9 32 a m

March 25 SurC-de attempt reported at UK Hospital

at ‘7 ‘7 p rn

March 25 Burglary at the Kappa Alpha Theta

Sorority House at 540 a m whetn house mother

said someone broke in the kitchen wrndow

March 26 Alcohol Intoxrcation of a visrtor reported

at UK Hospital at 2 07 p rn

March 26 Theft ‘rorn auto in ‘ront 0‘ Sigma Nu

Fraternity House reported at 222 p in

March 26 Alcohol Intoxication at the corner 0‘

South Limestone Street and Leader Avenue report

ed at 7 50 p rn





Continued from page i


child would: "I love football and basketball,"

Yesterday afternoon Hunter was the center
of attention at his school when UK Health-
Care's Kentucky Children’s Hospital hosted a
send-off party for him.

Hunter was chosen to represent the state
and Kentucky Children‘s Hospital during the
Champions Across America Tour. He and his
grandparents will leave tomorrow morning for
Washington DC. and head front there to Walt
Disney World on Saturday.

The Champions Across America Tour hon-
ors extraordinary children who have overcome
severe medical challenges and are respected
for their bravery and persistence. according to
a UK news release.

In 2003. Hunter underwent his first open
heart surgery at UK HealthCare‘s Kentucky
Children's Hospital. The following year.
Hunter had a second,

Hunter's grandmother didn't think he was
going to make it.

“His kidney shut down and he was on dial-
ysis for six weeks." Donna Huzl said. “Once
his kidney started to function. things were
looking up."

A first grade student. Hunter is now
healthy and active with life goals that include
playing in the NFL and becoming a police offi—

“There‘s something about Hunter." said
Tabernacle Christian Academy’s Pastor Lonnie
Moore. "You never see him without a smile.
When I went to see him in the hospital. he was
so sick he couldn't lift his head. but he still


Continued from page ‘-

reaIly exciting for us to be a part of a study of this magni-
tude." Goins said. adding that she is seeing more and
more research like this at L'K. However. she doesn’t es-
pect the results to change the way ['K treats its heart pa


“Our standard practice is to be very conseryatiye in
terms of how we use these intervention procedures."
Goins said. “We try to treat with medication first."

Since the New England Journal of Medicine published


Hunter Blair 8 plays at 'llS t‘eieortitr i" t t v" minim

Will he Ieavrng tomorrow 'norrirnu ltrr t'ri: L7
ingtori D C and Walt Disnev III/urn: ' I


Hunter said he looks forward to going to
Disney World. yisitmg .'\llllildl Kingdom and
meeting Mickey Mouse.
Hunter‘s teacher.
Hunter is the type of

Shawna Noble.
student tiny



r‘ t , rut r r i "
\Dc‘r' l' ‘LULI Iii, ' bdylt

come here and scc toi iiiysclt ‘

”None will be taken on
('reorgiou said “.\II will be .it priyatc
homes and farms around

“etc still looking at locations ‘

law and (icoi‘giou .ilso .inditioncd
other l,c\ington womcii intcrcstcd in .ip

the (‘OL'RAGE study. Booth hopes cardiology programs

will begin to follow this philosophy,

“I would hope the study communicates to more .13"
grcssive cardiologists across the country that a conserygr

the approach is the way to go." Booth said.

Although Booth said the economic impact study This
yet to be analyzed. he has hopes that the results will also

encourage more COHSCFVHTIVC treatment.

“It looks like medical treatment first will turn out to

be less expensive." Booth said.



. I

buttons that \‘ioiiicn's I‘liicc

,i .
ii‘ \l


(icorgiou will shoot the [Is plio
tographs Thursday through Saturday



Green Dot lrttltons d\dll.iI‘Ic‘ right .iw.iy


Wednesday, MarthL‘B 2007 | PAGE3


.i’tti'“ .i' lair” ' , s'. \t' A, .i 10'". tic/1:“
'Ai'iss»\”‘i'i.ty‘." 'ist' ii "‘WIV


would want in class

“He‘s tust a sweetheart. always smiling
He's so pleasant to be around.“ Noble said,
"He‘s .i ycry special boy and has .i ycry special
place in my heart "

pctirtiigr in other issues of the niaga/inc

The publication date of the SH‘ issue
has itot been set. luiyc siitd

\Vhitmorc said he w as glad to scc l‘Is'
getting the intention from Playboy maga
/iiic and doubled ll would change how
people new the school or how \tudcnts
\ icw each other

"I don‘t think featuring I'Is' girls in
I’I.i\boy changes how guys \IL‘\\ or treat
girls a! 1K.” \Vhitmotc said “(iuys are
still going to look .it I’Iayhoy. it's ttist inn

lit Itiil‘c' iii sc'c' it leiillldl’ lttcc‘ ”

'Ihis w hoic month is coitiplctcly stii
dcnt cit-.itcd. 'tIIl\L‘II. cyciythiii}: ” ldr
\\.irds said.

Studcnts who still w .iiit to \oliiritccr
lot l.ikc link thc \iglit can .
tiiiic today to :iiukc .i postcr to: ‘ht

I «‘ITIc' .li'i\


WMNWBfiUKPoiceDepamm Right now. the national average cost for the interycn- "H” (irccn Hm h ”N MN m H \riidciiis tun .réso go to ilic \Miiiicii‘s
' ' ' ‘ ‘5 ‘ ' . r . I t , d I’ltit itli ‘ Ictl'l llt Ild/"c‘ II.'i liy
WWMWMHW- tron is about S... .000. (toms said. Although this nicthod ctcrybody hm I” d“ ”M.” tum. PW“,- ‘ k i ct o to ‘ t ‘ ll _
E-mai Will be a better treatment for some patients. Booth prefers . - . i.ic \itidciii ( t-iiici .ir \ ti» toiitiitcct
BIBVIIIOIMMBIIBLCOIIL mg med all I ‘ l ”d I I l I1Llwtlrtls said ' ll Ill
us to ion 0 rea ct to ogy‘ pa ien s. to IE
' x i ll \ ' " "t ‘c c‘ ‘ ,.
“At the bottom line. I'm hoping the rate of increase infill?“ :1]: if“ ,1‘1‘Ililntkttli: :11; 1:131 slushy; “llisiotituity airmen Il.l\c' hccri NI
. . . . “ t _' l t , L‘ c .i t r i y i. . _,

. r - , s n . ., , s. ~ ~ 'lls.’ - l. I'll\\.II Is s.it I \ rn sci: this
that we ye been seeing in the stint procedures will dc “)1“me “”de m (”Mm/C MM t‘li‘ IL ct i t i g I ’
crease. . ‘ :cncialion cIV'leIIL' up \.l\ll'.:' I ”out

mote tonight s cwnl. Idwatds said mmk )H. *







Polling Locations:

Student Center. . .

Classroom Bldg ....... ..
William T. Young ........

Commons. ..... ..

College of Medicine...
College of B&E ........ ..
College ong............
College of Pharmacy.



.................. 8AM-5PM
.................. 8AM—5PM
.................. 8AM-5PM
................ ilAM-i PM
................ HAM—3PM
................. HAM-5PM
................. ‘IIAM-i PM



01E T004 y

Learn more about this year’s candidates at www.uksga.org

4“.“ n..- ._ _.___._ M v .v._,_.__ .J



www uksgaorg I








March ’8, 200

’ Jt inttthtiti Sittith

- , ‘Spo irts Editor
Page 4 'i’tiit J“: iii
t'Ht‘ ; ' 1' Jim-it"tl, i"




8199 90922!
elindsev®kykernel com

When it was dtscorered that tumor oitt-
t‘ielder (‘ollttt ('tmgtll's wrist injur) \sottld
t'orce htitt to ttttss ti sigtttt'tettnt patrt ot the
season. the [7K httsebttll tettin thought it “as
trt ti tough puslllullt

(‘ougill was tt presettsott All-Atttertcttn
tittd k'e_\' contributor to the reigning South

the ('tits didn‘t hme much experience tn the

youth. ttttd what they tottttd was tt'eshtiitin
.lttsott Kipttts Ktpttts \sho htis seeit ttctton iii
19 ot the ( tits 26 gtttttes letids tlte .\'o. h
tttnked (‘ttts tn hottte tutts (st\). slugging
percentage (.385) ttnd htis titi Sli(‘~best ti\e
triples hetidtng tttto tonight's hotite gttttte


















ettstet'tt (‘oiitei'ence Chillllpltms Behind littti.

The (‘ttts “ere totced to turn to their

Freshman steps in for injured All-American to
lead team in homeruns, slugging percentage

ttgtttttst Mot‘ehetid Stttte.

“He's tilled the \otd pretty well." said
senior utility [)Itt)ct‘ Mike Bromt. “When
(‘olhtt went down. we didn‘t retill) knots
\\ ho “Ullld step tip ttt ltts pltice. bttt .lttson
htis delinttel) been thtit git} to tttke m er his

Kipitts. ti Notthbrook’. Ill. ttttttVe. is ttlso
tied it" secottd on the tetttn tn buttingI NYC!"
tige \th .t .3‘“ clip Lind is third on tlte tetttit
ttt stetils \stth st\ stolen bttses.

Ktpttts‘ rtti‘e blend ot speed ttttd power.
.tloitg \\ ttlt ltts relentless “(ilk ethic. is tt mua
lot' rettsott uh) he's been so sttceessl'itl tit his
ttt'st )Citl' ol' coliegtttte ticttott. 'ttetid cotich
,lohn (‘ohett stud.

"Hes beett gt‘etit." (‘oltett stud. ".lttson
htis dotte lt'c‘ttlL'lthlls lillltL‘s ior its on the
lteld ttttd he cttltllltllcs to tsotk ht itd ttttd L‘L‘l
belle! C\L‘l\d 1M"

Kipnis filling outfield void for Cats

As much success tis Ktpttts htts httd tit
his first setisott. there hto'e beett some set


After hitting three ltottte rtttts ttt ltts ttrst
four cttreer gtitttes. Ktpnts htt tt rough stretch
from Feb. 3-1 to March 3 itt “inch lte \settt
1—for—15 til the plttte.

“I hit tlte \ittll when l \Idt‘k’ti o\ er thtttk~
tug at the plttte." lte stud. “l was told lb} ('o-
hen and the eottchtttg sttit'l't to JLlsl relttx
when I‘m tip there. The; told ttie to just
concentrate on hitting the bail littt‘d

IUst when it tippettred Ktpttts \Mls ref

gtttttittg his lotm tittet ti- lot ‘ pcflttlmltltcc
ttgtitnst Wisconsin Milnttitk’ee on Match . .
he was forced to sit out st\ gtitttes \stth tt
spt‘ttttted right ttttkle thttt he stit‘l'ered during ti
pt‘ttctiee dt‘tllt

Since returning to the lineup titll—ttttte on
March lb ttgtiittst At'kttnstis. Ktpnts htts
t'eigntted his scorching phi). going ti coin-
bitted li—t‘ot‘ Zt‘s’ \ttth eight RBI tittd It) runs

"He‘s going to hto e lits tips ttttd dot: itsf~
('ohen \illdt “But tt lte cottttnttes to plti} like
he htts been tltett he‘ll pltt) e\et"\dtt_\."

Whtclt \ttll t'ot‘ce (‘ohett to tnttke sotne
dtt'ttcult lineup decisions.

When (‘otsgtll t‘ettirits tt'oin ltts Illllll‘}.
the (tits \s'tll htt\ e the UtlIiIChiL‘l's lot' tttst
three spots, et‘eti though (‘ongtll htisn‘t
pltt) ed ttt tt gtitne till setison.

Whether or ttot Ktpnts cottttttttes to see
tietton e\er_\dti_\ once (‘tmgtll returns de
pettds on hots ttttteh Kipttts continues to de
\elop. espectttll} tigtitttst lettdtttttded pitch
ers. (‘ohett stitd.

Brown stitd the tettitt ktte\\ iii the till
thtit Ktpnts htid the potet‘ttttil to tttttke ttn titt—
pttct. but thtit "I don‘t tlttttk he e\eti e\peet-
ed to do \\lttit he‘s been doing tot us "

Which is ttdeqntttel} t‘epitice titt .v\l|»
:\IHL‘l'lc;lll. tit both the pltite .tnd iii the out-

its ti lot ot tespottsibiltt} to put on ti
treshmzttt. btit Ktpttis doesn‘t t'eel that '\\;l_\.

"I don't t'e;tll_\ It} to pttt too much pres
sure on iit_\selt to repltiee hitn becttttse those
tire such big shoes to ttll." Ktpttts stttd. “l‘ttt
tttst tt‘_\tn;; to go out there right no“ tind
itittke .t tttitiie tot tinselt b} “tilklllf; lttitd
e\et_\d.t_\. .tttd \\hett t'olhn does cotite btick'.
tldi ltltth' its thtit ittttth better”

Up next
UK vs. Morehead State








will return

ll\ h.tie \t it


stilt: lrtb‘“. \tiizth ie't tot
\litrtzt-wtt: i.‘\i illti\titl\
.l"t‘lli Aim
the nest l is

etitz. h “Iii in










;t.rd ti still\\'l\tli‘i'i‘t \sith lll it”;




liltil Child it" (ttt.‘.tt'..

.diiiitt h s Hittite \‘vltttl’ \ittll













hint to pitis in littope nest










’\\t' lttikt'ii \t‘sii‘liitts
t\|oitd.i}t and he stttd his






er.ides \sete t:ne' \ttttkliti 1].,th






(ltl\\:'\lii l ls's le.iiltit:'






\t‘ttsiit‘t ii'i lite ( ttls
\tittkltit tli\|‘ s.tid tlttit hi
this ‘no kttmsledee thtit .iti\







one else “I” not be btitk "

'tott t
l’ttseinted usttlt 't: Hl‘pitlllltilii. Li t_‘.tlll coitldti't tt‘tist ltttn on it ettltet llttotteltottt ltts


lt't ' ' \ittitr Hittihitt
it? my'gt 'i‘iiiin t \swtti tiittke
ltili‘n \ittttlt \ati. le.i\iti~.' tot \ltttnesotn

H.1llt'ttttl Usitt‘ti \itilll\ iii Ilititi itii till .t tit'tl
"lllll t tisxs tottth \itis titted \iottts
stitite spetttlttted \\ii|liti hard thought
\oti \tiitklitt
"s'éw‘ll “Him“ “’t l‘tioi less ”ltllt :1 hottts ltiter. \1ottis httd
i'l-tth" ‘le'lIL‘ti \sttlt the \t-\\ \oi‘k l\nttks

It \1ottts dtdti t \‘sttlll to \ttiit ttiittl .i tte\\
totitli \stts htted that ‘-\.l\ illlt‘t but he should
told H.itttlt.itt th.it tti tlieti tttte to ltice
Mlld tiieeiin:
pattern ol ht'htt‘tltll. \1ottts pto\ed tltttt his
lis‘llllttlll‘.’ \\ t‘ls'l .i\et.teed H \\iitd~- tittd his .iettoixs t.tti t be trust