xt7rv11vhw2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhw2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1989 1989 1989-09-25 2020 true xt7rv11vhw2s section xt7rv11vhw2s  

Kentucky Kernel

Mot Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday. 80mm" 25. was


U.S. talks with Soviets
should silence critics,
White House aides say

Associated Press


HOLE, Wyo. —

Secretary of

State James A.

Baker III said

yesterday that

the success of

his meeting

with the Soviet

foreign mini-

ster should si-

lence congres- BAKER
sional critics and dampen their
appetite for unilateral arms cuts.

Despite progress on talks to cut
strategic, conventional and chemi-
cal weapons and the signing of six
accords Saturday, Baker said the So-
viet Union still was a “military

“1 think it would be quite naive
for the United States to talk about
unilateral reductions of its strategic
arsenal," Baker said on the CBS-
TV program “Face the Nation.“

The Bush administration, he said,
remains committed to the Strategic
Defense Initiative and deploying
new classes of long-range bombers
and mobile missiles.

Baker's four—day session with So-

viet Foreign Minister Eduard A.
Shevardnadze yielded an agreement
to hold a summit in the United
States next spring or summer.

It will be the first meeting be-
tween President Bush and Soviet
leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev since
Bush's election and his inaugura-

In the course of the Baker-
Shevardnadze talks, the SOViets
also said they would withdraw a de-
mand that the United States agree
to curb work on the Strategic De-
fense Initiative.

Baker told a news conference Sat-
urday the USSR decision could
speed up the conclusion of
START, which could cut long-
range strategic arms.

Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell, tempered his remarks
somewhat on another interview

“The events of the last 24 hours
are certainly positive but I still
think there are a number of steps
that should be taken, should have
been taken previously," the Maine
Democrat said on ABC’s “This
Week With David Brinkley."


Soviets’ action
reflection of
inetemal strife


— The headlines were of
summits and arms control.


but it is a desperate Soviet
economy that is melting a
range of bitter edges from the
Cold War and driving a re
duction in superpower nucle-
ar arsenals.

The Soviets came to this
Rocky Mountain setting in a
compromising mood and the
United States, mindful of
Soviet President Mikhail

See U.S.-SOVIET,Back




Campus Editor

Last year Lexington Commu-
nity College officials thought
they had solved an overcrowding
problem when the Maloney
Building was opened. But with a
17 percent enrollment increase
this fall, LCC once again is faced
with a lack of classroom space.

“Often times we feel out-
manned. We are always behind.
Every time we think we’re
caught up, enrollment grows
again,” said Steve Thomas, LCC
dean of academic affairs.

The 678 extra students that
have enrolled this year have
forced LCC officials to be crea-
tive with space and use every
square inch available.

“We‘ve been able to help space
constraints by scheduling classes
all through the afternoon."
Thomas said. “We've tried to uti-
lize every available space. Just
about every room is being used
that can be used."

The University has asked for
three new buildings in its bienni—
al budget request. But even if
lawmakers approve the request,
funds for the buildings will not
be appropriated by the General
Assembly until early spring.

To meet the demands of more
classroom space. officials may


LCC running out of room
for increased fall enrollment

IRISH HARPRlNG'Kornei Graphics
have to offer some off-campus

“Obviously that building will
not be there next fall. We will
have to take some classes off
campus, in my opinion," said
Charles Wethington. chancellor
of the Community College Sys-
tem .

“We will have to find addition-
al space. it not here then some-

where," Thomas said. "I think it
would be a real shame II we
couldn't meet the needs oi the
people of the region."

One of the reasons lot the en-
rollment increase this fall, olli‘
cials said, is that there I\ a great.
er interest in higher education
among many Kentuckians.

“There are several reasons tlor
the enrollment increase). but lhc
No. 1 reason is there Just seems
to be a growing interest in Ken-
tucky. There is a growing inter-
est in Lexington Community
College," said LCC President
Allen Edwards. “More people of
all ages are realizing they have
to go back to school for better

And as long as Kentuckians'
interest in higher education in-
creases, Wethington said, so will
LCC’s enrollment.

“I think the number Wlll l'l\t‘
again next year." Wcthington
said. “LCC is on a path that is
on a growth. It's inevitable."

Although the number of stu»
dents has increased at LC C . :il’fi»
cials say the qaulity l\ the same.

“There is an ethic in this col-
lege about quality. I think the
quality is still there." Thomas
said. “We struggle to do this.
but that is a struggle we are
willing to deal with ix bait-yer “C
have to do."



‘Roots’ was a self-discovery process for Haley

Editor's note: This article conv
tains the writers observations and

Editorial Editor

We are the direct descendants of
those people that prayed for a better
day. Be we white, black or polka

Alex Haley

It was 4:35 in the afternoon and
Alex I-Ialey looked a little confused.
Only half the reponers had arrived
for a press conference that was sup-
posed to began at 4:30, and he
wasn’t sure whether his speech at
Lexington’s Roots and Heritage
festival had been scheduled for 6:30
or 8 pm.



Scott Estes, a computer science
senior from Elizabethtown. Ky.,
said the T minus-9 minute mark
and counting is the most exciting
part of a space shuttle launch at

“Each solid rocket booster pro-
duces 2.5 million pounds of
thrust," Estes said. ”All ground
support systems are started, ground
data recorders and on-board shuttle
systems and we run outside our
building (at Kennedy Space Cen-

"At T minus 6 seconds the
shuttle main engines start. You can
see the shuttle shake. The whole
vehicle leans forward. And the sec-
ond it comes back. it goes up.
When it goes off, it takes a few
seconds for the sound to get to the
complex where we are watching.

“The thrust from the rockets is
incredible," Estes said. “You can
actually feel it pounding on your
chest and the ground shaking

Not that he let it ruin his evcn~
ing. Haley stood in the lobby of
the Lexington—Fayette County
Government Building shaking
hands, answering questions and
smiling at everyone. He’s been
called a folk hero, a master story-
teller and a million other things.
but there is no doubt that above and
beyond it all, Alex Haley is a

Alex who?

Mention the name Alex Haley
and a few people may join in a con-
versation about one of today’s most
celebrated authors. Mention the
name Roots and just about anyone
over 15 years old will tell you what
it was like to be one of 130 mil-
lion viewers, the largest program
audience in television history,
watching as three generations of a
family was condensed into 12 hours
of television history.

Roots was an event. The book
sold more than 6 million copies in
hardcover, was printed in 30 Ian-
guages and was called “a cultural
landmark” by critics.

However, it was the mini—series
that brought the African-American
experience into almost every home
in America, forcing the nation to
confront 400 years of somewhat
shaky race relations.

Unlike other great American
writers like Ernest Hemingway or
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Haley has been
a writer whose private life never in-
terfered with the public‘s perception
of his work.

When he did speak — at the press
conference and at 8 pm. in Haggin
Auditorium on Transylvania Uni~
versity‘s campus — Haley spoke
about the things that he loved most
— history, writing and roots.

“My next book is about Hen-

ning, Tenn, where I grew up,"
Haley said. “lt‘s not so much about
me as people who were important
fixtures in that town. They were
kind of like role models to us."

Although Haley the au-
thor is revered around the world.
Haley the person insists that deep
down he is )tISl a man who was
once a daydrcamer in Henning,

He asks only that w hen the next
generation remembers him. they
say he “wrote things that were
meaningful and useful."

“I started writing when l was a
sailor,” Haley said. “I got intrigued
with trying to write — the idea of
putting words together."

Alex Haley. the writer, didn’t
come until much later than Alex
Haley, the man.

He spent two unhappy years in
college until he joined the Coast

Guard “to ma—

ture." He tried

writing stories.

and according

to his press re

lease “for eight

years. editors

rciCthd hundreds
of his manuscripts before finally
occasional ones began to be accept-

"I probably \\ me better now.
simply because I am experienced."
Haley said.

After 20 years in the Coast
Guard Haley began his second ca-
reer — writing for magazines. He
interviewed personalities like for
several magazines, including Life.
Reader's Digest and the then—newly
staned Playboy.

It was when one of those person-


See 'Roots.', Back Page

gets education from NASA program

around you."

Estes, who participated in UK’s
cooperative education program,
worked in the Vehicle Engineering
Directorate in the Computer Soft-
ware branch with NASA at the
Kennedy Space Center in Florida
last January.

The program gives students the
opportunity to combine their class-
room experience with hands-on ex-
perience, Estes said.

“You get to apply a lot of what
you learn in the classroom on the
job and you are paid for it,” Estes

Estes initially was supposed to
work only during the spring semes-
ter, but he was given special per-
mission to extend his internship
through August.

The branch where Estes worked
provided software support for all
shuttle ground, launch and landing
operations at the Kennedy Space

He was able to see three launches
during his stint at NASA. He saw

See COMPUTER, Page 5

~ ‘9



Computer Science senior Scott Estes participated in UK‘s cooperative education program by spend-

ing an eight-month stint at NASA.

Offensive line collapses,
Tide wins 15-3

Story, page 3.

says man
era of hope

Ille'lJF. izssri on
Special Protects \\’ :r

.‘a "window A .ppiiriuniii~
opening in the \x .ir‘it it’xlaV tor Irvin
pie to act as a cxttuiitiriity and work
against social iilllhlltc. recording
to a [minimum \iiit'ritiiri Faculov

Monika Hellwig. a protessor o:
theology at Georgetown L niversity
and past president of the Catholic
Theological Society, spoke to near-
ly 150 people about a “New Era ol
Christian Hope" in the first lccturc
of the Newman ('cntcr‘s Distin-
gurshed Speakers Series Friday

Citing factors such as increasing
communication abilities. the rise of
the study of social sciences. an
“awakening ol the poor and op-
pressed." and a new t‘hrisuan atti—
tude of political and social action.
Hellwig said we now are [mug “in
an extraordinary moment of every»
thing opening up again."

“For all of these reasons, I'm
saying this is a real era of hope."
she said.

Hellwig said that early Chnstians
had a Vision of “God's reign" in
their own time that inspired them
to work to reshape and improve
their socrety. But a series of events
began to “diminish" that attitude.
she said.

Hellw1g said that in the early-1th
century, more people were conven—
ed to ChrisUanity. but with the in—
creasing numbers, Christianity es-
tablished too close an alliance with
worldly power.

Many Christians believed that
the reign of God had been realized
in their time and that the total ful-
fillment of God would cotne only
at the end of history. which led “to
a kind of sleepy acceptance ol the
status quo," she said.

See Theologian, Back Page

Women win
Kentucky Invitational.

Story, page 4.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Mondey, September 25, 1989




Campus Calendar

lnforrnation on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the Student
Activities, Office 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The information is published


as supplied by the on-campus sponor, with editorial priviledge allowed. For Student
Organizations or University Departments to make entries on the Calendar, 0 Campus
Calendar Form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

No later than the Monday preceding the publication date.






oExhlblts (through 10/27): UK graduate
show “Diversity"; Free; Rasdali
Gallery; 9 a.m.-4 pm. : Call 7-8867

oExhibits: “Political Uses of Art' — The
French Revolution and Beyond; Free;
Peal Gallery; 8 pm; Call 7-1415




oMovies (through 9/30): “Head '; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm; Call

oMovies (through 9/30): “Alice's
Restaurant'; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oReligious: Catholic Traditions; Free:
Room 10 Newman Center; 8 pm; Call

oSeminars: “Regulatory Role for
GTP-binding Proteins in Secretion and
Endocytosis'; Free; MN 263; 4 pm;

oMeetings: Commuter Student Board;
Free: Room 106 Old Student Center; 4
pm: Call 272-3647

oMeetings: Student 5 Against Violation of
the Environment (S.A.V.E); Free;
Room 245 Old Student Center; 6 pm;


291,, mm

oReligious (through 10/01): Student
Retreat: Free; Neman Center; 6 pm:
Call 255-8566

oSports: Volleyball — UK vs. Florida State:
Cal 7-3838

oExhibits: Opening reception:
Afro-American Arts, lnc.; Free; Arts
Place Gallery; 7-9 pm; Call 2552951

oConcerts: The Center for Old Music in the
New World; 35 with UKID/ Senior
Citizens, Other $7.50; SCFA Recital
Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-1706



oExhibits (through 10/22): “The Joys of the
Seasons"; Free; Center for the Arts;
12-5 pm; Call 7-5716

oExhibits(through 10/22): “Bluegrass
Collectors — Works of Art from Private
Collections in Central Kentucky; Free ;
Center for the Arts; 12—5 pm; Call

oExhibits (through 10/31): “The Lexington
Camera Club. 19361972”; Free; Center
for the Arts; 12—5 pm; Call 7-5716

oReligious: Collegiate Worship Service
(Christian Student Fellowship); Free;
502 Columbia Ave; 11 am: Call

oReligious: Canterbury Fellowship: Holy
Eucharist; St. Augustine's Chapel; 10:30
a.m./5:30 p.m.; call 254-3726

oConcerts: Center Sundays Series
presents The Polecats, jazz; Free;
SCFA; 3 p m.; Call 7-4929

oMovies: 'Head'; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovies: “Alice's Restaurant', $1.95.
Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oSports: Volleyball — UK vs. Flonda; Call

oConcerts: Center Sundays Series
presents Alyssa Parks. violin, $2 with
UKID/Senior Citizens; $4 other; SCFA
Recital Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-1706


oOther: Student Fooball Distribution for UK
vs. Auburn; Free with UKID; Memorial
Coliseum. 9 a.m.-4 pm.- Call 7-1818


oLectures: “Eating Disorders' ~ Dr. Laurie
Humphries; Free, Lexington Public
Library; 7:30 pm; Call 269-2325




oPerformances: Art 0 la Carte: lexington
Ballet, dance; Free; Arts Place;
Noon-1 pm; Call 255—2951

oConcerts: UK Jan Ensemble; Free; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-1706

oMeetings: SAB Performing Arts
Committee; Free; Student Center
Room 204; 5:30 pm: call 7-8860



Other (through 9/29): Markey Cancer
Center: free prostrate cancer exams
to men over 40; Free; Markey Cancer
Center; 58 pm; call 7-4447

oOther: “Apartment Amalgamation”;
Free; 127 Gazette; 7:30 pm; Call

oConcerts: “Harvi Griffin Concert' -
Student Activities Board: Memorial
Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

oConcerts: Jan Ensemble: Dale E.
Warren. Director; Free; SCFA Recital
Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-1706

oMeetings: 'Stammtisch' sponsored by
the German Club: Free; Ramsey's;
7:45 pm; Call 7-7012

oMeetings: Engineering Design —
Speaker: Noburu Kikuchi; Free; Room
327 McVey Hall; 3:30 pm. Call 7-8737

oReiiglous: Myth and Symbol: Free;
Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4 ; 7:30

oReception: Reception for Engineering
design speaker Noburu Kikuchi; Free;
Room 327 McVey Hall; 3 pm; Call




oGreek: Kappa Sigma Road Rally












special events






Wednesday 9/27/89

oReligious: Catholic Traditions; Free; Room 10
Newman Center; 8 pm; Call 255-8566

Thursday 9/28/89

Other (through 9/29): Markey Cancer Center:
free prostrate cancer exams to men over
40; Free; Markey Cancer Center; 5-8 pm;
call 7-4447

oOther: ‘Apartment Amalgamation”; Free; 127
Gazette; 7:30 pm; Call 7—6598

oRellglous: Myth and meoi; Free; Newman
Center Rooms 3 and 4 ; 7:30 pm; Call

oReception: Reception for Engineering design

speaker Noburu Kikuchi; Free: Room 327
McVey Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-8737


Friday 9/29/89

oReligious (through 10/01 ): Student Retreat;
Free; Neman Center; 6 pm; Call 255-8566

Saturday 9/30/89
oGreek: Kappa Sigma Road Rally

Sunday 10/1/89

oRellglous: Collegiate Worship Service
(Christian Student Fellowship); Free; 502
Columbia Ave.; 11 am; Call 233-0313

oRellglous: Canterbury Fellowship: Holy
Eucharist; St. Augustine‘s Chapel; 10:30
a.m./5:30 p.m.; call 254—3726








Friday 9/29/89

oSports: Volleyball — UK vs. Florida State; Cali

Monday 10/2 /89

oOther: Student Fooball Distribution for UK vs.

Auburn; Free with UKlD; Memorial Coliseum:
9a.m.-4 pm; Call 7-1818


Do you remember

a time in September...?


weekly events






oSports: UK Judo Club (no experience
required, men and women welcome):
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 5-6:30 pm; Call


cMeetings: Student Activities Board Public
Relations Committee; Free; Room 203
Student Center (SAB Office); 7:30 pm; Call

oMeetings: UK Water Ski Club; Room 228
Student Center; 7 pm; Call 252-4900

oOther: Aerobics: Free: Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 pm: Call 255-8566

oReilgious: Tuesday Night Together: Free;
Baptist Student Union (429 Columbia Ave);
7:30 pm; Call 7-3989

oReilgious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal
and Program); 412 Rose St.: 6 pm; Call

oSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or
equipment required); Free; Alumni Gym;
7:30-9:30 pm: Call 8-6591


oMeetings: Amnesty lntematlonal: Free; Room
228 Student Center; 7 pm; Call 254-4938

oMeetlngs: Student Activities Board Indoor
Recreation Committee; Free; Room 205
Student Center; 6:30 pm; Call 7-8867

oOther: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-8566

oReIlglous: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine’s
Chapel; 5:30 pm; Call 254-3726

oSpor‘ts: UK Judo Club (no experience
required, men and women welcome);
Free: Alumni Gym Balcony; 5630 pm : Call


oMeetings: UK Table Tennis Club; $5 per
semester; Seaton Center Squash Room: 7
pm; Call 7-6636

oOther: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2: 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-8566

oReliglous: Thursday Night Uve; Free: 502
Columbia Ave; 7:30 pm; Call 233-0313

oSports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or
equipment required): Free; Alumni Gym:
7:30-9:30 pm; Call 8-6591


oRellglous: Mass: Free; Newman Center; 6
pm; Call 255-8566


oOther: Spaghetti Dinner; $2; Newman Center
Rooms 3 and 4:6 pm; Call 255-8566

oRellgious: Sunday Morning Worship; Free;
Koinonia House: 10:30 am; Call 254—1881

oRellgious: Mass; Free; Newman Center; 9
am, 11:30 am, 5 pm, 8:30 pm; Call

oReIlgious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine‘s
Chapel: 10:30 am, 5:30 pm; Call 254-3726

oRellgious: Collegiate Worship Service; Free;
502 Columbia Ave.; 11 am; Call 233-0313



Monday 9/25/89

oExhibits (through 10/27): UK graduate show
‘Diversity'; Free; Rasdali Gallery; 9 a.m.-4
pm. ; Call 7-8867

oExhiblts: ‘Polltical Uses of Art' - The French
Revolution and Beyond: Free; Peal Gallery:
8 pm; Call 7-1415

Tuesday 9/26/89

oPerformances: Art 0 la Carte: lexington Ballet.
dance; Free; Arts Place; Noon-1 pm; Call

oConcerts: UK Jazz Ensemble; Free; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8 pm: Call 7-1706

Wednesday 9/27/89

oMovles (through 9/30): ‘Head ': $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm; Call 7-8867

.Movles (through 9/30); 'Ailce's Restaurant';
$1.95: Worsham Theatre; 10 pm; Call

Thursday 9/28/89

oConcerts: ‘Harvl Griffin Concert' — Student
Activities Board, Memorial Hall; 8 pm; Call

.Concerts: Jazz Ensemble: Dale E. Warren,
Director; Free: SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm;
Call 7-1706-Concerts: 'Harvl Griffin Concert'
— Student Activities Board; Memorial Hall; 8
pm: Call 78867


Friday 9/ 29/ 89

oExhiblts: Opening reception: Afro-American Arts,
inc.; Free; Arts Place Gallery: 7-9 pm; Call

oConcerts: The Center for Old Music in the New
World; $5 with UKID/ Senior Citizens, Other
$7.50; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-1706


Sunday 10/1/89

oExhibits (through 10/22): ‘The Joys of the
Seasons”; Free; Center for the Arts; 12-5 p.m.:
Call 7-5716

oExhlbits(through 10/22): ‘Bluegrass Collectors —
Works of Art from Private Collections in Central
Kentucky; Free ; Center for the Arts; 12-5 pm:
Call 7-5716

oExhlbits (through 10/31): “The Lexington Camera
Club, 1936-1972'; Free; Center for the Arts; 12—5
pm; Call 7-5716


oMovles: ‘Head'; S1.95;Worsham Theatre: 7 pm:

Call 7-8867

.Movies: “Alice's Restaurant”, $1 .95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 78867

oConcerts: Center Sundays Series presents The
Polecats, lazz; Free; SCFA; 3 pm; Call 7-4929

oConcerts: Center Sundays Series presents Alyssa
Parks, violin; $2 with UKiD/Senior Citizens; 34
other; SCFA Recital Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-1706


[ e/ne ]







Tuesday 9/26/89

cMeetings: SAB Performing Arts Committee:
Free; Student Center Room 204; 5:30 pm;
call 7-8860

Wednesday 9/27/89

oSeminars: “Regulatory Role for GTP-bindlng
Proteins in Secretion and Endocytosis'; Free;
MN 263: 4 pm; Call 233-5549

oMeetings: Commuter Student Board; Free;
Room 106 Old Student Center; 4 p. m.:
Call 272-3647

oMeetings: Students Against Violation of the
Environment (SAVE): Free: Room 245 Old
Student Center; 6 pm: Call 269-1267

Thursday 9/28/89

oMeetings: ‘Stammtisch' sponsored by the
German Club; Free; Ramsey‘s; 7:45 pm;
Call 7-7012

oMeetings: Engineering Design - Speaker:
Noburu Kikuchi; Free: Room 327 McVey Hall;
3:30 pm. Call 7-8737










Sports Editor

“It’s frustrating when you go
back to set up in the pocket and
they're beating you back there,"
Maggard said. “It just seemed like I
was on the run all day long."

Alabama coach Bill Curry said:
“The defense played as well as they
have played in a while. It was near-
ly a shutout against a great offense.
We tried to mix up their line-
men with the blitzing linebacker.
I was very pleased with the per-

quarterback Freddie Maggard found
out Saturday what it feels like to
be a wanted man.

In fact, Mag-
gard found out
what happens
to a wanted
man once he is

found over and {'5 q fonnance of our defensive front"
over again. ‘ With all the missed blocking as-
The Universi~ signments and the great plays from

the Alabama defense, the UK of-
fense never got on track.

“We never really got going, but a
lot of that had to do with their great
defense,” Maggard said. “They real-
ly have a lot of great players on
their defense.”

The UK defense, which had not
given up a touchdown in the last
six quarters entering Saturday’s
game, was like a piece of elastic —
it gave, but it never broke.

On the Crimson Tide‘s first pos—
session of the game, they took the
ball at their own 32-yard line and
marched 64 yards down the field be-
fore the UK defense stopped them
on third-and-goal from the four.

Alabama settled for a field goal
and a 3-0 lead with 5:54 remaining
in the first quarter.

After a 22-yard punt by Bill
Hawk, Alabama took over on UK’s
43-yard line just before the end of
the first quarter. The Tide then
drove the ball to the 18-yard line
before the Wildcat defense stopped
them and forced them to settle for
another field goal.

Alabama led 6-0 with “:44 re-
maining in the first half.

After the ensuing kickoff, the

“(Maggard) was running for his UK offense had their only substan-
life,” UK coach Jerry Claiborne tial drive of the game. They took
said. the ball at their own 29-yard line

ty of Alabama
defense was re-
lentless in its ,
quest for Mag-

gard. They MAGGARD
sacked him seven times and rushed
his throws on almost every other
pass play.

Alabama beat UK 15-3 in front
of 70,123 fans in Bryant-Denny

But Maggard was the person who
really took the beating.

“They were all over Freddie every
single time he threw the ball,“ said
UK quarterback coach Jerry Eisa-
man. “I don’t know, but I would
say that Freddie only saw three or
four of his passes to the receivers
because he was always getting hit.
Freddie took a real beating today.”

Maggard. who completed 10 of
21 passes for 89 yards, said: ”1" hey
were in my face all day long and I
just couldn’t see my receivers.
They were coming at me like hors-
es. 1 just thank God that I wasn’t

The Alabama pass rush was so
quick that Maggard sometimes had
to start scrambling before he got
set in the pocket.


Alabama defense dominates
Wildcats for 15-3 victory

and marched down the field using
the short passing game to get the
ball down to the Alabama 11-yard

But on third down, UK tailback
Al Baker dropped a pass in the end
zone that would have given UK the
lead. The Wildcats had to settle in-
stead for a Ken Willis 30de field
goal, with 7:20 remaining, to cut
the Alabama lead to 6-3.

“That dropped pass really hurt
us, because if we had scored and
gone up 7-6, I don’t think our de-
fense would have let them score
any more,” Maggard said.

“It was just one of those things,”
UK tailback Alfred Rawls said. “AI
will make that catch 19 out of 20

See BAMA, Page 4


UK-Alabama summary

Alabama ................... 3 3 3 6 — 15
UK. ...................... 0 3 O O — 3

UA — Doyle 22-yard field goal

UA - Doyle 35yard field goal.
UK — Vlfillis 30-yard field goal.
UA — Doyle 23-yard field goal.
UA - Houston i-yard TD.
Team statistic:

First downs f8 9
Rushing yards ‘26 14
Passing yards 168 it ‘-
Reium yards 20 88
Putts 633 7 7-38 3
Fumbles-lost PO ‘er
Penalnes-yards 3735 8785
Time Possesson 36 35 m 25

Individual Satistlce

Rushing- UA: Hill 2266_ Turner 7729,
Dunn 724 UK: Rawls 13-30.

Passing — UA: Dunn i4-19—0,Hol|mgs-
worth 3-40 UK: Maggard 1072M.
Broughton 1-3—0.

Receiving — UA‘ Turner 4-24. Sanderson
2—42. UK: Bolden 2-35, Logan 2-17

Attendance — 70,123


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in room 120




4 p.m.,
Sept. 27

October 4 & 5

Kentucky Kernel. Monday, September 25, 1989 — 3

Bany Reeves
Sports Editor



Injuries deteriorate line

Sports Editor

fore the season, UK‘s offensive
line was expected to be one of
the team’s strengths. But what
was once considered a strong
point is now looked on as a

The Wildcats’ offensive line
has been struck with numerous
problems. They also have been
hit with the only thing that
could have crippled the line — a
severe number of injuries.

Before Saturday’s game against
the University of Alabama, UK
coach Jerry Claibome’s line was
missing two starters: left tackle
Mike Nord (knee strain) and cm
ter Brian Cralle (swelling of

Well, UK's line lost two more
starters on Saturday: right guard
Joel Mazzella (sprained ankle)
and tight end Mike Meece (brok-
en arm.)

That brings the number of
missing starters to four. And that
has almost brought the offense
to a grinding halt.

“There is no ifs. ands or buts
about it," Claiborne said. “We
just didn't block anybody. The
quarterback (Freddie Maggard)
was running for his life."

The Alabama defense dropped
Wildcat rushers five times for
losses, had seven quarterback
sacks and allowed only 14 yards
rushing on 30 carries.

“Yeah. there's no doubt about




it ~ we just didn't do our jobs
out there,” said UK offensive
tackle Mike Pfeifer, a preseason

Losing 67 percent of your of-
fensive line can cause severe
problems, and the UK offense
got a first-hand look at those
problems Saturday.

The offensive line was totally
out of sync with the absence of
the four starters, causing a num-
ber of missed blocking assign-

“1 am not saying we are using
the injuries as an excuse, but I
feel like most of our blown as~
signments out there today would
not have been missed if we had
all of our starters." Pfeifer said.

The line’s mistakes were not
continuous throughout Satur-
day‘s 15-3 loss, but the mistakes
came at the worst moments for
the Wildcats.

“It seemed like every time we
needed a big play, we had a
missed assignment that screwed
everything up,” Pfeifcr said. “I
really don’t know what to say.
We just got whipped all day


After the less-than~adequatc
performance, Pfeifer said he be-
lieves the line has nothing to be
proud of.

“Today, we cannot tly home
saying we did the best we could,
because we all know we didn’t,“
said the leader of the offensive
line. “Nobody should think that
because we got beat bad out

UK tailback Alfred Rawls,
who rushed for 40 yards on 12
tarries, said: “'lhe Alabama linc
men are strong this ycar. and
they were just blowing our line
off the ball, We just made some
very crucial mistakes on crucial

The loss of the linemen llll\
had a noticeable mark on the of

“l don't think our normal line
would h.:vc made some of those
mistakes," Maggard said. “i m
not putting the offensive lll'lt‘
down. because that was the In“!
SOUIllCéhlt‘FTI I(Tonference~ game
that a lot of them have exer
played in. just like it was my

Will the line lmPrOVt' byi K‘s
Oct. 7 game against Atubtirn lTll~

"Certainly We base two
weeks to have everybody that's
going to be in the rotation used
to each other.“ Pfcifcr said “If
we play real smart and correct the
areas we are having breakdown»
then there‘s no reason why we
can’t play with Aubum."






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