xt7rv11vhw0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhw0m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1987 1987 1987-11-04 2020 true xt7rv11vhw0m section xt7rv11vhw0m  


Election-day coverage



Vol. XCl. No. 58

Wilkinson wins
governor’s race

by huge margin

Editorial Editor

FRANKFURT — It was a time to
celebrate last night for Democrats
at the Frankfort Civic Center. In one
of 'he biggest victories in Kentucky
history, Kentucky‘s Democratic
party swept all eight positions for
statewide office.

The victory margin was greatest
for Democratic gubernatorial candi—
date Wallace Wilkinson.

Wilkinson defeated Republican
State Rep. John Harper of Bullitt
County by more than 206.000 votes.

Wilkinson received almost 65 per-
cent of the vote — the largest per-
centage victory in Kentucky history.

That shattered the old record set
by Julian Carroll in 1975 when he
won with 62.8 percent of the vote.

“For the past 30 months. Martha
(Wilkinson‘s wife! and l have talked
about hope and opportunity for this
state.“ Wilkinson told a crowded
floor of supporters. “The people of
Kentucky have spoken and they
have said they do not fear the future
of this state."

Wilkinson. a 45-year-old Casey



County businessman who never ‘ob-
tained a college degree. said his vic-
tory was the American dream come

“In Kentucky, it‘s not only possi-
ble to dream the American dream,
but to live the American dream.“ he
said. “The fact that l. the son of a
rural Kentucky peddler. have been
elected the highest office in the
Commonwealth reaffirms that the
flame of opportunity and achieve-
ment glows bright all across Ken-

“Our task over the next four years
will be to ensure that that flame is

Wilkinson‘s campaign manager.
Danny Briscoe. said even he did not
expect the Democrats' margin of
victory to be as great as it was.

Briscoe said the margin of victory


Slate of Democrats
elected last night

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE — Wallace Wilkin-
son and the rest of the Democratic
ticket swept the eight statewide 0f-
fices yesterday. crushing Republi-
can opponents by wide margins.

Wilkinson. a 45-year»old million~
aire from Lexington in his first bid
for public office. lent little support
to the rest of his ticket. but it didn‘t
seem to matter.

The Republican candidates. many
of whom were late additions drafted
only to fill spots on the ballot. car-
ried on half-hearted campaigns.

With 3.230 of 3.236 precincts re-
porting unofficial totals in the race
for governor. Wilkinson had 502,915
votes. or 64.9 percent. to 271.870 for
Republican State Rep. John Harper
of Shepherdsville. or 35.1 percent.

Woodford County horse breeder
Brereton Jones. a Democrat. had an
even easier race against his Repub-
lican opponent. Lawrence Webster.
a Pike County attorney.

Jones. a transplanted West Virgin-
ia Republican. acknowledged he was
using the race and four years as
lieutenant governor to set the stage
for a race for governor. Webster
said his campaign had been fun. but

he was prepared to fade back into
obscurity after yesterday's election.

With 3.214 precincts reporting in
the lieutenant governor‘s race.
Jones had 512.853 votes. or 74 per-
cent. Webster had 184.787. or 26 per-

Fred Cowan. a Democratic state
representative from Louisville won
the attorney general‘s race over
from Republican Chris Combs. a
former Estill County attorney.

Cowan had 451.486 votes. or 70 per‘
cent with 3.213 precincts reporting.
Combs had 192.733 votes. or 30 per—

John Brock. the Democratic su-
perintendent of the Rowan County
schools. defeated Republican Sue
Daniel of Dayton for superintendent
of public instruction.

Brock had 455.441 votes or 71 per-
cent to 186.268 votes. or 29 percent
for Daniel. There were 3.214 pre-
cincts reporting unofficial results in
the race.

In the treasurer's race. Democrat
Robert Mead C.P.A. of Louisville
easily defeated Republican Carol
Reed of Frankfort.

Mead. who had his name legally
changed to_reflect his profession as
a certified public accountant. re-
ceived 417.685 votes. or 66 percent.

People come and go

Editor's note.- this article contains
some ofthe author's observations.

Senior Staff Writer

talk . . . well. they probably

wouldn't say much anyway.
Walls are funny that way. They can
keep a secret. I

Not that High On Rose has many
secrets. It‘s just a neighborhood bar
that‘s been here for most of this
century. It doesn‘t try to hide much.
and whatever you can't see upon
walking in probably wouldn‘t
interest you anyway. What it does
reveal is interesting enough.

I guess that‘s what attracted me
to High On Rose in the first place —
the bar is just so wooden. The tables
and chairs could have traveled west
with the pioneers. No matter how
much the bar has changed hands
over the years. it retains some
mementos of each era.

There always seems to be a pile of
junk under the stairs. and one wall
still displays a poster congratulating
the 1978 Wildcats on their NCAA
title. The photos are back (they
were in storage for a while). those
old black and white stills of

If the walls in this place could

Lexington as it looked then. There's
a progression of presidential
bumper stickers over the kitchen
door: Goldwater '64. Nixon/ Agnew
and. at the top. Impeach Nixon.
High On Rose doesn‘t replace, it just
adds to what‘s there.

The jukebox is a good example: it
has the latest from Robert Cray and
Steve Winwood. but if you‘re in the
mood for CCR or the Rolling Stones
or "I Walk The Line" by Johnny
Cash. they're there. Then there's my
personal favorite. "Wreck of the
Ella Fitzgerald“ (No. 297).

As far as anyone can remember.
there has always been a bar on this
spot. though that does not mean
some other business wasn‘t
originally here. Joe Stearns. former
owner of High On Rose. said it‘s
difficult to be certain about old
buildings like this one —- it could
have started as a grocery or a
pharmacy — but it has been a bar
since Prohibition ended.

It hasn‘t always been High On
Rose either; for a long time it was
known as The Clubhome and its
popularity with those associated
with UK has gone up and down like
a dribbling basketball. UK English
professor and author Gurney
Norman remembers sitting in the

l 1

Wallace Wilkinson and his wife, Martha (left). the new Kentucky
governor and first lady. wave to the crowd at the Democratic Head-



% of votes

.Public Instruction John Brock

to 212.086 votes. or 34 percent for
Reed with 3.214 precincts reporting.

Long-time Democratic office-hold—
er Bremer Ehrler of Louisville re—
ceived 426.031 votes. or 67 percent.
to 205.495 votes. or 33 percent. for
Republican Ron Sanders of Hanson
for secretary of state. There were 3.-
214 precincts reporting in the race.

Democratic state Rep. Ward
“Butch" Burnette of Fulton won the
job of commissioner of agriculture
after nearly an eight-year cam-

Burnette received 427.349 votes. or
68 percent. Republican John Under-
wood Jr. of llarrodsburg received
198,644 votes. or 32 percent. with 3.-
214 precincts reporting.

Democrat Bob Babbage. a Lexing-
ton councilman. defeated Republi-
can Beverly Griffin of Louisville for
auditor of public accounts.

Babbage received 443.460 votes. or
70 percent. to 192,731 votes. or 30

percent. for Griffin. with 3.203 pre-
cincts reporting.

In the race for the 3rd District
seat on the Railroad Commission.
Democrat JE. Combs of Hazard.
who wants to have the commission
abolished. defeated Republican GL.
“Dusty" Rhodes of Manchester.

With all 1.111 precincts reporting
unofficial results. Combs had 112.222
votes. or 63 percent. to 65.490 votes.
or 37 percent. for Rhodes.

Judy West of Lakeside Park. who
was appointed to a vacant seat on
the Court of Appeals. was attempt-
ing to win the remainder of the un»
expired term against Kenton Dis-
trict Judge Wil Schroder. also of
Lakeside Park. The race for the seat
in the 2nd Division of the 6th Su-
preme Court District is non-parti-

With all 441 precincts reporting.
West had 36.759 votes. or 53 percent.
to 32.472 votes. or 47 percent. for

lrioopendentslnoe 1971

Wednesday. November 4. t 987


quarters in the Frankfort Civic Center last night \Nilkmm .vizo the
election by more than 206.000 votes

Jones wins Lt. Gov.
in landslide victory

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE 7— Democrat Brere-
ton Jones. whose personal fortune
gave him the luxury of a nearly bot-
tomless campaign finance fund. was
elected lieutenant governor of Ken-
tucky in a landslide over Republican
Lawrence Webster last night.

Jones had 45.229 votes. or 73 per-
cent of the total. with 366 of 3.236
precincts reporting in early unoffi»
cial returns. Webster had 16.767
votes. or 27 percent.

Jones. 48. a former Republican
legislator from West Virginia. was
considered a prohibitive favorite for
the general election after launching
a second political career with a
stunning victory over four major ri—
vals in the Democratic primary.

Jones essentially launched two
campaigns. saying from the outset
that he would run for governor in

Webster. who was outspent in the
campaign by a staggering ratio. was
an unconventional opponent all
along. He acknowledged from the
May primary that Jones was all but

(in Monday. Webster. 42. was at
his Pikeville law office. saying he

was “getting rum; ‘r mar li.:t‘l\ :iito
obscurity "

it he won. I’ UHHLM. 2w
cleot lllll‘ilt‘lt'> ” \M‘ivmi \l'ill

Jones. a itivtl‘illifllhl‘t‘tl horse
breeder from ‘ylidwa‘. brought to
the campaign .1 l‘t‘lltlul'itili m .1 \'Ir
sionai'y activist «not. :51. Rainiiinix in
higher education .iia.
pects of health ca l't’

lie was a member I]: tiie- i ll‘i\l‘l‘.\l-
ty of Kentucky éoai'd of 'l‘riistees
and established ii ltillllililltlll to help
provide medical mic tor the iiidi»

Jones also led iiiini l.ll\lllL‘ tor a
cancer research i-arri'w = i i\ and
Chaired (loy \ldl'llM Lit'n- ('oiliiis'
task forceon Mcdn .tl'l 'I'ill? Yli

"w llill'il

:Z liill> il.\

Jones brought .i". an -~ ‘~.l'll"t\niil
store of ptlllllt'ill min w:- having
once been the How‘- “our lead
er of the West \'i:':. :. . ‘1 i .:~«- o? Del

In all czii‘iii-r 'cv‘ »o;viiisl;i';ili-(l
political era. \tlt'?‘ ,i . .mi. Lite would
have been hixiiuii-i' . gni‘“ \ \itt'h
ing "carpi-t Iiagpc" .
dacy would have litt‘l: um.
Jones. it was llt'U’t .iiv t\\llt‘
The central lllt‘l'it w .-..m
paign was that Kt‘ll!lll‘kl(ill\ need to
.|||\| \ I' m ii



but memories remain at High on Rose

bar in 1960 with author Bobbie Ann
Mason and actor Don Galloway. who
you might remember from
“lronside” or his small but vital
role in “The Big Chill“ (he played
JoBeth William‘s uptight.
conservative husband).

igh 0n Rose has a reputation

of being the hangout of

radicals plotting revolution
and artists plotting novels or
paintings or whatever artists plot. It
wasn‘t so during the ‘60s. however.
During those years. when The
Clubhouse sat at the corner of High
and Rose streets. the den of UK‘s —
and Lexington‘s — radical elite was
The Paddock Club at the comer of
Euclid and Limestone. where a
Baskin-Robbins 31derful Flavors
now sits. I‘ll bet there was an even
larger variety at The Paddock Club.

“The Paddock Club was the most
eclectic bar. . .probably in the
state." said Alan Moorer. local
writer and former High On Rose
bartender. “Everyone coexisted . . .
and there was seldom trouble.“
Stearns worked the bar at The

Paddock Club and an older black
woman named Miss Ella kept order.
Moorer said Ella allowed women to
sit at the bar in the Club at a time
when it was illegal in Kentucky for

women to do so. He said the police
didn‘t harass her for that. he said
they knew she ran a straight
business and wouldn‘t sell to minors.

In 1973. Stearns bought The
Clubhouse. Ella and the radicals
followed him there.

“It was a wine bar and I made it
into a real place." said Stearns
while I talked to him in his present
bar. Jefferson Street Stop. another
old bar with a few bullet holes in the
ceiling — and if there were but
world enough and time I would write
about that place. too.

He said that back then the YMCA
down the street was open 24 hours a
day and The Clubhouse attracted
many of the YMCA's clients.
Despite the influx of new regulars.
Stearns said his bar was not
unfriendly toward anyone. “I
treated people like people." he said.

It was then that The Clubhouse
turned into High On Rose The name
was the incarnation of the woman
who was going to be Stearns‘
partner. He said the name was
appropriate for a bar at the corner
of High and Rose streets and while
the woman was forced to back out of
the partnership. the name stuck. A
neon rose still burns in the window.

Stearns said he also turned High

------.—-—-——a . .


High On Rose. here in one guise or another for most of the cen-
tury. is entering a new phase under Ray Galvan

0n Rose into the first real Mexican
restaurant in Lexington — "the only
thing before me was Taco Tico."
That started when one of Steam‘
frienrb brought him a menu from a
Mexican restaurant where she

“It wasn't TexMcx w it was
southwest MeXican“ food. he said.
The food was made in the kitchen.
said Steve Stafford. a former High
On Rose bartender, Stearns turned
the apartments above the bar into a
New: \H‘KIAV. Page 3


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. November 4, 1981


Quarterback changes
have offense struggling

8) 1‘0.“ SPALDING
Staff Writer

What‘s happened to the Kentucky

In the first five games of the sea-
son. Kentucky averaged 31.2 points
per game in compiling a H record.

But since an impressive 3545 blud-
geoning of Ole Miss four weeks ago
UK has struggled.

In their last three games the Cats
have scored nine. 14 and 14 points.
dropping the scoring average eight

"We've been struggling,“ senior
tailback Mark Higgs said. “We‘ve
started off good, but I don‘t under-
stand what happened then.“

The Cats started out hot last week-
end putting 14 points on the board
early against Virginia Tech. But
after that the LK offense deflated
like a popped balloon

“We started out good." head
coach Jerry Claiborne said. "and
finished slow. “

The main reason some players
give for the stagnant offense is the
shuffling of quarterbacks caused by
the injury to senior starter Kevin

Junior backup Glenn Fohr had
taken over. guiding the Wildcats in

three games before Dooley returned
to action last Saturday.

“When Kevin went down.” Higgs
said. “that slowed us up a little bit.
We had to get adjusted to a new
quarterback Its hard to adjtst to
some of the things they (Dooley and

"Kevin doesn't throw the ball as
hard as Glenn." he said, “and Glenn
throws it too hard sometimes. We
have to adjust to it and get med to

Dooley‘s injury isn't the only one
that's giving the Cats‘ offense prob-

Players are also absent from the

We just got quite a few people
bunged up Claiborne said. Many
Cats are sidelined with a variety of
pains and aren t able to practice

“That‘s what‘s been hurting us the
past two games." Higgs said. “Once
we get everybody back it‘ll help our
offense out."

Dooley did what he could to help
the offense against Virginia Tech.

He completed his first four passes
for touchdowns. But after that the
offense sputtered.


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“It wasn't really all his (Dooley‘s)
fault.“ defensive end Jay Dortch
said. “The whole offense wasn’t ex-
ecuting the way they should."

The UK defemive covered for the
struggling offense, however, holding
Virginia Tech to seven points.

In eight games the UK defense
has given up an average of only 12.3
points per game.

“Some games the offense just
doesn‘t play well." Dortch added.
"The defense just picked up the of-
fensive slack."

nymph .10an
Sports Editor
scoreboard hanging from the rafters
team defeated the Blue team, 72-67.
last night at UK’s first intrasquad
basketball scrimmage.

That was partially correct.

The real victory came not on the
scoreboard but in the scarred right
knee of Winston Bennett.

The senior forward missed all of
last season with his destroyed knee.
Last night he made his return in
front of 18,127 fans. And the initial
results showed Bennett is indeed
back —all the way back.

Bennett led the White team to its
victory in the roller-coaster game by
pouring in a steady 23 points.

“We're extremely pleased with his
play." UK coach Eddie Sutton said.
“We felt before the scrimmage he
was back and now it is very evident
he is back.“

Bennett was just pleased to be on
the wood of the floor instead of the
wood of the bench. His performance
added some sweetness to his return.

“It felt really good to be out there
on the court,“ Bennett said. “Once I
got into the flow, things went really
well. I‘m still facing some soreness.
but I‘m back to the point where I


can play hard. The soreness I'll just
have to play through."

Bennett‘s shooting touch showed
no rust from his sabbatical on the
sidelines. He knocked down seven-
of-eight shots from the field and
cashed in nine of ten from the char-
ity stripe.

“I wasn't surprised.“ Bennett said
of his shooting. "I've been shooting
all summer. Even when I couldn‘t
walk I bad guys throw me the. ball
and I was shooting."

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

Bennett, knee strong in game

Bennett's consistent play was
matched on the Blue team by guard
Ed Davender. The senior scored a
game-high 25 points. dished out
three assists and made three steals.

The senior leaders were about the
only Wildcats on an even keel last
night. 'ihe rest of the UK players
took a bumpier ride through a game
that ebbed with momentum

“Sometimes we played very well

and other times we had dry spells.

You can‘t have that." Sutton said.

Kemp to name college

Shawn Kemp. one of the nation's
top basketball prospects. is holding
a press conference today to an
nounce the college he will attend
next year.

Indiana. Kentucky and Louisville
are three of the schools being con-
sidered by Kemp. a 6-foot-10 no
pound power forward from Elkhart
Concord High School in Indiana.

As a junior. Kemp averaged 19.8
points and 12.8 rebounds per game
and was named to Parade .\lag~
azine‘s second team All-American.
He has blocked more than 300 shots
in his high school career.

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Continued from Page I
dining room and food was served
upstairs and downstairs.

Stearns said High On Rose “never
was popular with students." Most of
the people there were UK faculty
and frientt who followed him up the
street from The Paddock Club.
Moorer said there were always a lot
of interesting and eccentric people
there from both UK and Lexington.

“It was a lively place . . . an
interesting place to find good talk,"
he said. You could walk from table
to table and find radicals of all
persuasions conversing about
politics or writers talking about
writing or conversations on art and
architecture or any of a hundred
different topics, he said. “It had a
nice sampling of revolutionaries.“

For a time, several motorcycle
gangs congregated at the bar. “Joe
invited them in without their
colors," Stafford said, and that kept
peace between the bar‘s denizens
and the gangs. Once, however, a
person associated with the gangs
tried to impress his friends by
bringing a gun into the bar; charges
were pressed and “that was the last
we saw of the motorcycle gangs,"
he said.

If you can tell a bar's patrons by
the graffiti on the wall, then High
On Rose had perhaps the sharpest
wits of any bar in town. lcan‘t
speak for the women‘s restroom, but
the men‘s was covered with an
assortment of statements, political


and otherwise. Some of the best
were just wry comments of lifesuch
as, “I was a labia major. . . till I
switched to accounting."

One of the highlights of High On
Rose's history was when scenes
from the movie “."STEEL starring
Lee Majors, were filmed there. The
company was shooting the movie in
Lexington and Stearns said some
“assistant assistant director" chose
High On Rose for the film's bar
scenes. He said it was picked for its
atmosphere, because it “looked like
a bar. . . . It didn't look like a
Greyhound bus station or a lady's
waiting room.

“It was a blast, but everybody
was totally stone-cold drunk the
whole time," Stearns said. The cast
and crew began drinking straight
bourbon around 8 a.m., he said, and
around 4 pm. Majors asked Stearns
why the owner was still there. “I‘ve
heard about you Hollywood types, so
I‘m watching my silverware,“
Stearns joked. He said no one

Somehow the scene was shot and
High On Rose returned to normal.

Local readings

That movie isn‘t the only time the
bar has been a showcase for
creative talents. For a couple of
years, readings by local and
national writers were given in the


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By the time i Started going (to High On Rose),
the bar was in the last gasp of its wild,
interesting era . . . and all that was left were a
few rumors of what the place used to be. No
one was sitting in the corner table plotting the
revolution; no one was talking much of anything

that I could tell.


upper room. Moorer put together the
readings, which were held during
the winter months on Thursday
nights. There was‘always a good
turnout, he said. “Sometimes you
couldn't even move. “

Ed McClanahan, Wendell Berry
and James Still were some of the
prominent writers who read their
work at the bar; Moorer said they
worked for a free dinner and maybe
a drink.

The bar also had an open mike
night. Stearns recalled one incident
when a woman accompanied by a
man began to read a vicious story
about how hard she tried to please
her husband and, despite her
attempts, he was unfaithful and
mean to her. Stearns noticed the
man she brought sinking lower and
lower in his seat and then he
realized: "Goddamn, it‘s her

He said she came back again to




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read another story — her husband
didn't return.

But the world turns and High On
Rose turned with it. Stearns sold his
interest in the bar in 1985. After that
the bar‘s popularity waned as the
radicals disappeared and others
drifted elsewhere. By the time I
started going there, the bar was in
the last gasp of its wild, interesting
era; 1 only saw one reading. Soon
after, the upper room was closed
off . the readings ended and all that
was left were a few rumors of what
the place used to be. No one was
sitting in the corner table plotting
the revolution; no one was talking
much of anything that I could tell,

‘ Many of the decorations, including
the old photos, were removed, and
the bathroom wall was even painted

Moorer said what happened to the
bar was a “function of what
happened to the city.“ Lexington


Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, November 4, 1901 — 3

0Mexican restaurateur instills life in historic High On Rose

grewandtheelement that madethe
bar interesting just "diffused out
. . . and spread itself thin.“

Miss Ella even left after a while to
work at other places. She died a
couple of weeks ago.

New ownership

That is where High ()n Rose stood
and it appeared as if that is where it
would stand for a while. But the
world turned again and a month
ago. High On Rose found itself with
a new owner.

Ray Galvan moved into the bar
and some of the stale air that‘d
collected went out,

Galvan is one of five California
brothers owning several Mexican
restaurants. He came to Lexington
two years ago to help his brother.
Jose, run the family restaurant
here. The look and location of High
On Rose attracted him, and he
decided the place would be perfect
for a restaurant and bar. So he
bought it. But at the time he didn't
know he’d bought a lot of memories
as well.

"I didn't realize how much of a
landmark it is till everybody coming
in told me.“ he said. It was the
positive reaction he received from
some of the bar's old regulars that
convinced him to keep it essentially
as it is.

“It's a traditional place and has

got a lot of memories—for a lot of
people," he said. “There are so

. many stories — everybody in

Lexington has a little part of it."
The downstairs is now called the
High (in Rose Cantina, and Mexican
food remains the staple of the menu.

He said the upstairs will be
reopened as a restaurant called
Hacienda Galvan. The restaurant
will offer free banquet facilities and
a catering service.

Galvan brought some photos of the
Mexican Revolution from California
to decorate the place; he said he
received the photos from Pancho
Villa‘s widow a few years ago. He
plans to incorporate them with the
old photos that used to hang there.
On the wall where the flags of
Kentucky and Texas have hung for
years. Galvan will add a Mexican
flag. He isn't replacing anything,
just adding to what is already there.

Galvan‘s work seems to be paying
off. The crowds are certainly back.
especially on weekends. l don‘t
know if any radicals or eccentrics
are hanging out there again «I
haven‘t overheard any talk of
revolution and the graffiti still isn't
back Maybe there just aren‘t a lot
of those people around anymore

At least the place looks alive
again. and that will do for now. The
tables and chairs are the same. the
wall still wants to impeach Nixon.
the neon rose is still ili the window
and the jukebox continues to play

No 297




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. ' t o
‘ - “M0“! Kernel. Wednesday. November 4,1007
‘ . CA. Duane Bonller Jay Blenton Michael Brennan
lew 01 n Editorial Editor Executive Editor Editorial Cartoonist
Den Haeeert Thomas J. Sullivan KIN" Phlllipt
Editor in chief News Editor Design Editor


Alcohol in dorms
not feasible at UK;
‘no’ policy a must

The alcohol task force has decided that in forming UK’s
alcohol policy, it will consider the different areas of cam—
pus one at a time. Deciding the policy for the school‘s 18

residence halls will be first.

We urge the task force to ban alcohol from the resi-

dence halls.

When the University decided at the start of last year to
reassert the school’s policy of no alcohol in the dorms, stu-
dents were stirred. They believed that their rights were
being violated. The usual apathy that exists on this campus
was set aside and students began to fight back.

Student Government Association Senator at Large
David Botkins founded a group called SLAP, Student Lead-
ers Against Prohibition, to fight for the right of 21-year-
olds to drink in the residence halls.

It seemed that you could go ahead and reduce financial
aid, or cut back on faculty, but taking away alcohol from
UK students brought you a fight on your hands.

That seemed to be the case, until the administration
procrastinated for months, and the issue died out. Now the
administration is resurrecting the issue to decide it for


They should realize the presence of alcohol in residence

halls is not feasible.

Allowing a 21—year-old to drink in the halls threatens to
produce all kinds of tension between RAs and residents. If
2l-yearolds are allowed to drink, RAs will be forced to
make sure that only 21