xt7rv11vhv9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhv9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1985 1985 1985-09-13 2020 true xt7rv11vhv9b section xt7rv11vhv9b Wfl
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O V I ' .L
GOV- panel 4! Merchants, mllSlC ‘ :
seeks repeal ~- t S d . . ., «.1.
~ a un ay all' a] V-""

l ‘ 18:3

0 pass aw . .
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Asswatedprvss - ~~; Fun and fund-raismg main tcaturcs ,1;
-4 ."' "3.5107.

., . . ~ 9 -, (, ~ ”9.“!
thillANbl-isllt m". south ‘Africa ,J of 85 Free For A“, organlzer Sd\ \ 4, . r .1 (if.
~~ goyernment panel yesterday v - g ~ , '1‘ y i;
proposed repeal of the hated "pass .. , 1 , y . _ . ._,.. X . ,~_'.'.‘ , diff,
laws“ that keep South Africa's . if) Bhrlll‘H‘N“ pdmupdhimfl." " l r ‘ " ' a .‘f 2!:

blacks out of white areas ,, the sec- ,t (ontrihuting “Muir merchant .m. .i, i-»,i;'r nun: +;-v~ ‘ t" I, 3.3; .- f‘_,.f.

‘ tl' 'L - 1 Z '“i ‘t‘iv ‘- 1 ' 1 " 3' " . '.
ond major change in the apartheid / , , , , If hm ” A l? ‘ 1 , l ,1 .g‘, ~ ,,._' ._-‘
system announced intwodavs -' It. Students can watch I h "lgt‘ll‘m \( holdhhlm 1“” 5“ "l “W” 5 " “f '- '. '.
'Eyen whites who ”ppm-i5 the g0\'- 5 ; ‘ J“: tl0n leaders wrestle iii paint tor was made ltl‘isl wt thin. '.\i'.'.' '1 ,t, ,J
eriinient hailedthestep ’ 5. . "2’ , ’1 prizes and listen to three local bands “1”” m" “'lll‘j1"\l"l‘ tu: ‘ ~’-' ‘ '5- ‘ ‘;- '-.i 1‘ ' 1 p

- “This 1\ the tx’g‘inning of the end 3. “in. " during tht' Catttpuwmde 8.3 Free For I"'h“"F1“i““ ‘1' ”“7 "1"“ . 2- ‘ ' .

- ‘ ' ~ ~ ' . .- . i‘ t ,1; t- ,..,._._~.. .,. -' :' "~ ‘~
ot apartheid." said Sheena Duncan. " «I '- ‘ A“ party fund“) . .lfuwnf, l w i .1 . ~ ‘1 : .1 -:
president ot the Black Sash women's h. ‘ «w Am“! "“0" *[Udem’ and 19 M“ \m ‘ ”MK mm“ d\ ‘ A Mm ' i s ’, ‘ " .‘

i moyement which opposes the na- M, “t: merchants are expected to gather Hm”- WW” H‘”""“ 4”“ ‘t- l- . '
. f tion‘s system of racial segregation. . , " W. from 11 a m to 6 p in at Stoll Field I} \ Vlhe Brass i \i. mi. .ri: ~. : , _ .j ‘.

e "l reallv do think it means some- if}. ,- for an afternoon ”t mth‘» RMIM‘N “am up “I” ‘ll‘llyj'uw “W" :‘f

. thing The\ are not playing around \ f fun and fundrraising t'hdl‘tit‘ Paw" ‘ ‘tll-Th"h'~“‘~’l'~' ll 1‘ , “ ‘~" .-' . :‘l
with wordslthistime " . ' “I" 1r ;' "The main purpose is to have a lot ”1“ “l“ ”h” “‘1‘“ "W“ WWW“ i . _ .0'

Helen \‘uzman an antrapartheid K ‘ . . . of fun and raise money for the aca: Vh""k‘- Slzpped M“: H” "r 1‘ " » ‘ . ‘ ‘
member ‘of Parliament said “This 5‘ x 1/; r demic excellence scholarship tund ‘ll‘lrll‘mt' ‘thVW "11“”? ' "1 ' .i
is probably the most important step ~... V at m" ”m“ “m“ “a“ 8““ (m “M m“ ”“me I, w \I‘Hl“ ’ '
toi‘wardin-itnears. ' ‘3 1* . . f0rd_ chairman q" me t‘ollegians tor prowte .i wind surtiiig ;. '~ ,‘ . : . . .

.> . , ' 1g _' ) _s'_) ‘ _) t‘; 'h. , "_,

A primary etfect will be that tami» »' '. \ , A(.‘,:¥;ULIL( Pfiuntgtf h nt t r , Hiram], , 1., , Lg: ., t" . i. - ‘ t .. .:
,, , >5» ~‘ * i s sate‘c. .s Ll and ' 11‘ "”~" ~‘ ‘- .‘ . »‘

lies no“ restiitted to then tribal ’ . . 1 y » k an outdoor "u 1‘“, \ :U W _, mm“ “hundrmpv m”, . . ,. ~ " _‘ , ~-
honielands could Jtlllt the men work- A ’ ' ' . p‘ ~ “ d. ' ‘" H ,. . ‘_ .1 ,, r . , ' .1 -, , . . .'
ing in the t‘ltlt‘\ pt‘eyenting the . ' ”' ~ ~l 1" ‘33 4}” come ”whim" “Wk m “hm" “”1 him“ .7 “Md?" ”Ml I." H r ‘i- . , ' :b
breakupott'nnilies . ~‘ f‘ i i , Sue Silxer proiziotions director ot ""11 ““1 WWW} ”on“ ‘1' "3 “ _ j ' ~ ~. '

(m Wedrloqlfl l’i‘esident PW " ’ WKQQ FM "He also consider it .1 ”l anothe! “h ‘31!“ "“ ‘- ' . - ' ’ . '

~ ‘ , ‘ ' ' fund-raiser " 'naxe beer. tillitli‘l‘ .i: 'tr. 1-: n h, In i . ' ‘. " .‘i
tat ll‘ hrfit .. - . , .._., .'
:ertl: thl'lt itlifting-fl:Siinlnaenlt :jslogrlsl s“ I l g \\ hm) corsp‘msors the event .ilonu m" ‘1 ‘ ”MT“ h‘llmu” ' 'l' "i I ~ f .
infl. up its polio th‘lt blacks ‘even- , 1 ‘. with Student "xvmltw‘ “”4““: 5"” [)H‘mml‘lmlm ”my” 1: 1"" ‘1 I’ 1 l 1‘ ‘ l ‘ ~>
tuall\ haw I“ ‘become “wens of ‘,""“':I‘ It dent lioxernment :\>.\(K‘ldtl4m and V'hMUW” "‘"hl‘ 1‘" 5'“ ‘31“ ' t ' ', 1
black honielands 'ind relinquish Cit- ' . (‘ollcgianstor;\cadeniic Excellence “mil" " ‘h‘m 11"" 11111K7314'H'9' ‘. .' ‘ .1
izenshipin SouthAt‘rica ‘ '. w "It s the merchants ml) to get on “h“ l‘l/{1tt‘h'llllfl 1“l=’t:" WW“ :3 . Y \
lllacks. howeyei‘. 5““ will have 3*. campus and present tliemselxes to h: l)”l'ltllll): [Yr/ix. “\itl'lt‘! ~' 1: A: ~ . ‘ ,I " -:
[Xllltlt“tl rights only m the homeland \ ‘ W students. said liaiid Nickell. .\-\li Walt-“l“ "ll“ 5;“ “ ""“""““ "" . ‘ . V 1
‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘1 ' _. 3. ~.\ . 'a‘ 'lit'J‘l -.-1~.':ts -' ' ‘. .
and still \\'lll not be able to vote in ' 3 _ , ‘ I. H“ pit. “km 9:51:13le ”‘11:.“ a. l"" .. . , .', _ ' ~ . , ,
SouthAtrica N . “”5," About 154 local merchants Mil set tor their chozi'e ‘.l«~~' 'o-.; - K‘ ‘ . ..

l’olice reported rioting near t‘ape a} f ' ’~ up l)()tith.\ 'o pass out frwinpt in, ' “R _ f ' ,_ _ .
Town. where they said the) shot and ‘ \7. ‘- .. ’ , , .
killed three black men. and in Sowe- ‘ ~ ‘ 1
to. humm- .mmnnaiw whre a ~ . Game tomorrow makes ~ ~ . -
fill-y'eai'old white school teacher and 4 g f . » y ‘ f -
lo black students suitered shotgun ‘ L! 3, o g . ‘_ ’ _ V.
wounds after ilice fired on “un- . -.. ,n t d II. bl k . . . 1 ' - ’ f - y .’
rulv" students pt 0 t *1, K ‘ :7 S a I“ u [C ar In _. ,. ’-

Residents ot Niwetos While (it) 1-" t3. Statlreports 1h” mm, M“ :w WM,” . ., . ~ . 1;
.labai'u neighborhotxi said police ar- :1: .1 .. . .q» st'\ix‘t‘~t' '- ' '
rested as many as «too students , , t'K students that usually park ~ “mm: “m; M“ . .‘ .
around Hit-hit“)? Hit-{ll School. hold- '. ‘ tl‘t‘ll' cars behind t'onimoniieaitti ’11 parki'iisi Wait tine» 1 _ 1‘ ,ir - , '

[trig an untettrlniined) number of Stadium “ill be forced to mine or It parking 311' TM a 1- ; l" . ‘ " I. . .. ,

‘ etm fl“) )lty'hl‘fm‘ llr'ison under them by 1.4 a m Saturday The lot day The [U path. nt i’iit'ft- ~. . 1- . : .. j -' :
5w ‘0 ‘merb‘n‘l “$1”le “trauma row s-«w will be needed to acconitxiate the discontinuml thiee hours aeron- .i: .- _ 1' ', v .

- honic football game against Bowling three hours itter the game illt'dil‘iL " V ’

The residents said students under ' , ,. . .. , ~ ' . ‘ . ‘ . . .
age 12 were freed The neighborhood Plaln trUth 1mm anyone ‘“ park ‘I‘ m“ I” .' ' ' .-', ,. ..
has won the worst 0f 50“.“, “01mg The Truth warms up an ethusiastic audience Squeeze climaxed the concert in Memorini .\t'c‘1\i‘{itlng to the campus police, \\llll hopes 5.1 \Ktlt‘iltllL’ «'1; 3mm 1 _‘ .~ . .- .
””1"“ antrapartheid \‘lOlt‘nt'E’ began tor the Hooter s, The newly re-tormed Coliseum last night. all \td Mum lots must be cleared the policy pitllt‘t‘ ant: tin ;,.i'i\ ' , , - ‘.
more than a \‘eai‘ ago prior "it ‘t .i m on all days ot niime .kipdrmuqné “2H llldl'” .J 1... ,_\ , I. ~ '5 .5 . ~~ . 1

‘ -—-——-————-——-———————~ tmtball d.ttttt‘> Vehicles lel‘t atter “r, sewral may”: y»... .r. > y” .. y '. >, "
Workshops offer psychic scoop ab tt t d d ' h

:} 3-:‘REY‘ \“Ll-ER New Albany Ind_ the psychic art fl :th Lian [gtlgti Plow)” U>€tlll ltltlll‘tt‘tir ".\l0\l people lisigkilp. i'ldu _; .~ ' ; , ti, .. f 1‘ _

ta The“ workshop is designed to help the in: .. ~ _ , - “l“ a "l“ 9” ”“5 p‘}(.‘lllt talent but do: ' KI.‘ ~.i Ara," ' " i ., '- 1- l.’

dividual express his feelings through ”1051 people USUdll} hayc a lOt Ol p5}khlg "The class is designed to giie tre- to do \Htll it The} in llt M \m i.- . _ ' _- 3‘ '. '
if you've ever been curious about art and help him meet his guiding talent but don’t know what to do Wlth lt n ginners an awareness ot tarot \\a wimp it N. that they re :n wixtmi o: .' .. . 1‘ ',

[)stth abllltV or the supernatural. . . . .» - . , ' _ gers hind "They will learn ho“ to it. {fish-ad iii ,3 Hi my”; .n on" -' ~' -

. . forte by haying a picture drawn of . , t . .i ., _ ._ .
then you may get the opportunity to it ’ “ahda Hlington. UN’ lht‘ “”0! for their 0““ Wh‘ube Ellington said _ .~ - 1| ., ,
learn more ”“5 weekend owner and 0 erator of S iralin llnl\ erse or to help others and will be able to . . _ . » 1 . . .

Workshops on tarot cards and psy- “The spirit force which will be — I_ H p p g make a good basic attempt at a Ihrhnwénferwlfl H mulls“? .1 .f " .l I l
chic art will be held simuluineously drawn for the person always holds a tarot reading -- ‘l ”1 ‘ly‘d‘wjl INNS. '-"-1‘l L : - ~ ‘ . ,1
from it) a m to 5 p m tomorrow by great deal of meaning and attach- owner and operator of Spiraling t'ni- from New Albany. will conduct the Ellington described tarot as a Erna: rf‘ll ”lawn,“ ”"j'lxthl‘Ll‘x ,“l I ' , ' — ,'
Spiraling t'niverse lnc . the sponsor ment to the person It‘s an entity "”59 330pla7~a Drive. tarot workshop “ l“ designed ‘0 stepping stone to helping people be» m .pira ing ”Pet“ "l “X'N‘ ' 1 ' .‘ ‘-
Otthi‘ workshops that would be helping the person all help people MW“ ho“ l" “50 tarot come confident in their psychic abi: Tl“! fllifittlglll M. SM 1‘ p” “1““ H“ ., . 1‘ I

Led by Patti Hutt. a psychic from their life.“ said Wanda Ellington. Rose Wagers. another psychic cards. By reading lht‘ Viml‘ ‘1 P-‘N' lities ' d'h N)” ”Am ' . ,1.‘ _

-.~\-" so ‘.\\\\'\ 2f." \t‘, . ' . .i . I_ _i
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- UK band x)” W / — s . .
m e ay @wmm ! 11w - . l 1 , ,
. \.\\\*“\ / I”. ‘ ,1 h ‘ l" ' V

. ~1.:,:\\\\‘ ’1' . _ ‘ -. .7 .:~ ~~ _, ‘1'“ , \ 1 ~ , -

lunch be ms ~ - says It ets / ~ (7:: - - ,, i . 1 . 1 .

. -.‘-\\d 1 l . . . ~
~i ’ a: a. ) .7 , 1 .. i.
. . ‘ ’ / I so“ “ "‘ i l I f. ‘ . .
fund-ralsmg no respect »—~/' ‘1 i i - . .
..v\ 9 . z -

By )ll-Il.lSS\ iii-:i.i. . , , , , , ., .- ' l...“ 1 ' .,

‘ ~ ‘ ' By STACE‘ U‘('().\.\l‘.ll p ‘7’ ,, g ' ., - . -
statt “riter , ~ . . . , // / x \\ .1 y

' t‘ontributingWriter , // / ,/ / . .3. , » ' y ,y
The l'nited Way of the .\\ . . . / ', / / _ ‘ . y l ,
Bluegrass kicked oft its annual The LKltootba‘ll season ttpt‘nr‘to- / , l J. W5 ‘ ',
fund drive yesterday. hoping to K morrow. filling (ommonwealth Sta. . “WM“. - .
raise Momma. in percent more ‘\ - ‘ dium “"1 Cheermg fans and-tan'cy During the school year they prac- . . , '
than last year's total Xx ‘ ' gootwolrk. Foptball in the tall L‘ l h 5 tice often Regular practices are 5 to INSIDE i
1 .~ . _ , avori es r , 7 , . ‘

More than 600 501mm)”: coordi . 1" ‘. ‘7' '1 ' ' But peopsle caught waiting in half eanghtlrrl'lfe 51:3: tah:~ :1th ”$2062:
nators and volunteers attended u r 14”“ _~ " . time bathroom and concession lines about twohgurs ' p ‘ l
the Eldt‘gdf\llmChe(hnt'flgnhelid b)t .~ FM ‘ l I. M” miss some 0f the most intricate Each of the more than 250 band

9 m ay an - e a 7:: . footwork of the day Lively cheers. ,
the Student (‘enter ballroom This l ‘ 3, Iamor bright l'ghts and aamlration members spends long. hours on the Cote LMNOP has “W ”5 f"

, ,, , , . . 1 g . ‘ ~ practice field. perfecting the shows mime, and has scheduled more

year 5 luncheon theme was U‘ ' ' « abound for the Wildcats ~ but for .. . . .

and t'nited Wav . Winners To- - 1 th L'K‘Vl h‘ B d" It takes about a month to” get a bands to perform at the club for

gether.” . ‘ ‘ ”"3 ‘ ’9 l Eedic‘afezlcngmbirr‘sot the march- show down [-0 perfection. said mails’mrASHMEs‘mgH‘

UK is second only to the Inter» - l ing band could be supporting actors drum major Kim Schagene. an ani~ .
. . . . y , . ~ .p 4 ‘, _ ‘ malSCIence sophmore. UK Widest: will open their season

national Busmess Machines (orp. . 1~ ina Rodney Dangerfield film . . , . , ,

in contributions to the United 3,, "Our band gets no respect 1the The bniyersityrewards members It ‘3” tomorrow by playms the

Way. The Uhh'N‘Sh." has contrib- if fans: don't even clap at the ball for "1:3 dedication and time with Bowling Green Falcons. Fm a ”m

uted more than $1 million over nun-minimum “WW. games .. said trumpet player Steve one cr it our But most members. new.w¢§PORTS.pagc 4.

the past ‘2 years. said L- 399d R°b,e” "Bob" 5'00" United WOY 0‘ ”‘9 Bluegrass' campaign Toney: a computer science senior. f9“ [Off“h(:hm are mus'f majorstare

Polk. cofhairman of the UK chairman. opens the fund-raising organization’s luncheon yester- “Even the Lexington Heraldlmd" thlthegirn leec'pgsona 53 is ac ion.

United Way Campaign. day in the StudentCenter ballroom, has printed editorials that cut down "I‘m-jusgt in it for the torture

This ear. UK's cam cam- . , 4 » - * . ..

paign szeks to raise 94%;“ a 5 Singletary received an award Sloan, general campaign chair- 2:11], mlBlC no posrtne comment at “h the fun. said trumpet player

percent increase over last year's from United Way President Lynv man. There have been over 400 ‘1] don‘t th'nk nother SEC 1South- Mark Huft.achemistry senior.

$235118 Polk said. wood Schrader for his L'niversity employee volunteers t C [if a , ‘h I ul d Although some students and {30'

Uh l’raiident Otis A Sin- sponsorship of the United Way eachyear.hesaid. eas em 0 erence so 00 11:0 'K “hY at UK dont' appreciate the
. . ' campaign at UK for the past 12 come Close ‘0 the “We? 0‘ t L band. others do. including Coach Today will be mostly sunny with in.

gletary said he was confident the Marching Band ' he said “At UK . . , .

University and the United Way years. . , 1 Jerry Claiborne and his football Inch in": mid coo. Tonldn ml be

wouldreach their 80113 ' University employees were also The L'nited Way supports 144 the students are Just used to us. team, Toney said Just a few years n "y | “an.“ in": mid

‘ ' ' ' ‘ recognized for their contribu- human sery'ice agencies in even numb. . back the band traveled to Auburn 0. Tm um be mostly sunny
‘We believeun N am thats tions. “The University‘s role over Fayette. Anderson. Bourbon. By the "me "105‘ StUdenL‘ 3""? where they received a standing mlliflilntheupperwu.
why I think we vo done very well the put l2 years has been one of Clark. Jessamine, Madison. 0" campus. the bahd has already ovation from thecrowd.
0"“ M9 ”"51 leadership." said Robert “”Bob Montgomery and Scott Counties spent a week practicmg I“ the hot This year. the band will follow the
sun mne hours each day 5“. 3A“). page 6

 2- KENTUCKY KENNEL Fray, W 13, 1.985 _____________________________
Elizabeth Cares Sasha DeVrooInen KENTUCKY
fraaSteuart AleuadertCroush
News Editor Editorial Editor Established 1094 independent Since 1911
' R ’ dm' sion disap oints lo al oun fan
. g p y y g Letters Policy
, e, rm Pr ‘ dent —————————— put in youvlmen everybody was about puttingasophisticated Nosweat.dude. {don't even read
‘ ' D :8“ ”We?” ' sayingitwas foolish tohave weapon system intoorhit.) Time magazme Readers are encouraged to submit
‘ [neverthought I‘dliyetu Contributing 31:31:25 agggimgggngiou la 'gou :nogigezvegobetlgfiyou So please, Mr. President.takeit "7”“ “d °p""°"‘ ‘0 ‘h" K'mm‘k?
‘ ~ “ seethedax when one of my heroes COLUMNIST , . pe , , y p “ eny "A .. a u 0889“ back.Say something like.“D0n‘t kernel .
r - years back,lkneu “ewere there evrlempire. the nasty old Sovxet th k‘ h , Persons submitting material should
right upthere “uh JOhnm forsome reason [trusted ou Union I ottat ll had trust eRuss ies.butgo-ble up my , ~ ' ‘
‘ Rambo would betray the trust I ' y ' ‘ g 9 you. you me every word like the gospel " l'll feel “1‘1"“ the” ‘O'T‘mem‘ ‘0 ”‘3 “mo”
. ‘ x " had in him But no.» . ~\ou lean: me — , _ r . t' in tears With that terrific joke ab?!“ better. “I “1”” 3‘ m" “m“; liR‘JOuinthm
. r, . high allddi‘V “-henyousaideconomic sanc ions outlawmgtheSovretsanddropping Butldlltg,lc\lngt0n.l\) 40.06. .
_ V ‘ . v "Don't let me get away Withlt.” against South Africa wereabad v bombs on them. (Istill laugh when] . Yousee. Lforone. prefer to trust All material must be typewritten
, l l .. ”D ht ) ,, ., 'th .HlUNd.‘ "t'hwkmeouthutcheck idea last month,ibelrevedyoui\ow thinkabout it. ltkeepsmeirom you.Itscomfortingtothmkofa anddouhles‘paued,
y . 7 a ways (ug ytumre a m ewnmm eke out Don‘t 'ust take that you say they rea good deal getting depressed about student trustworthy guy such as yourself “men must include their names.
_ J . it happening dude I mean. )ou tt ~ __ 't *ihe .. ‘ V J d t believe you} financial aidcutbacks , who's trying to reach out “in the telephone numben and major claeqfi.
, . , . . - used to iX‘d mime star You ride I, ”r gran u t‘auseyou rea l ' . causeofasafer world." like you cations or eonneeuun “uh L'K. ll' let»
I. _ horsesdndcnopuixxl Heck._\0u someplriieor became someone , r .. , . . said. . ten and o lli|0n\ haxe hem sent by
- - V exenliketheBe-achBoy-sue1 stood upmu lecturecourse and told 'lev‘on heheveyouahoutthis Star .[vguess thatswhylfinditso man iel‘ Son. number niui h n.-
, V . ' recall Lord klums, it the you from d lecture platform ( heck “am thing: Never 'mind‘tha't a rldlCulous that you re telling me — Ican believe you about that. can't eluded “:2th kxent‘icmon ot' ”16:th
. _ 3 . immigraplinxol m} agegruup it out bunch of cynical, ummagmative and other college students across I“) w mm be “blamed ‘M mammal will
f , .‘ 7 ,' . iwuld haw permuted it [prohallh physmsts have ””9“." . this. great land 0.! ours—not to Your pal. h. puhlixhcd “”hwgcnnmon
- 'l " . I- " ““UM htl‘t‘ “M“! for )0“ 13“ Thimkv‘ a I"! You're Startmg t0 unworkable‘ I believe lnlt. After all. believe everythmg y.ou say‘ Sure, John Q. Student All matcrl 11 Published mil include
'- . . ' \owmher sound likeoneotm} professors they laughed atKennedy when he some people are saying that Y9“ in; V th» . ‘ _ l’ . ~lv , d
, ' . ; ‘ . said wedputaman on the moon. really meant we shouldn't believe ‘ ““ ‘r ‘ "“m‘ “n "“ “ “J’ “"
7 _;~, 1 I. ; . " But then. LN “mam \ou M] my lcan't belu-wyou’d pull this kind remember? <1 think you show‘the everything Mikhail Si Gorbachev John Vosleuhl ls ujmu‘nallsm l‘rm‘nl dune“ C\l~l~10lhc“rllcr.
‘ir ' - " _ -., [can't it tut Mm ' . ot stunt. not alter all the faith he same 5°" 0f courageous idealism says. senior.
2 , - . ~j BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breather!
v .- ‘ A .. 1 ”tr-wiry ti. on more JF’ germ rower/CA / f/flp/ “If/AW 77W 7 A WWVWf/lé“ 7 Mf/Kwoflf
'x: ,- , ————-———— M 4 me’f' rpm raver/cm 4 jam}! ‘ / TAX/{AB HI-HCA’WG 7W0 -’ R/Wv: (\ \ I WflA/f
. ‘ - ‘ . . , f 2; z: {7144" awry my“ .(1 4”»: [fly/(f / yg/my 70 WW! W6 wr ml/cE_ W WW WK .7 M‘Wfi 3.57sz /‘z- //
, . ~' 1 _ . {saw / A! r ."r‘ ~ mm were «our mam/i eve/(M WW MEZL 3/6 macs. ”W W -’ W W ”“45" 5”” ‘9’“ r -\ CONF/KMAW
~ ~ g .l . 1 ‘ , . a“. “it: “W C‘fi/ i'r’r" ”LL 1’ Wwe’u'mqw Beware W65 ~WSM6£ Q \ ”75m“? mater/Wu H; x H; "A " m
' - ' 1 - v a + A ~ , m WW -. WM! to - M l x- “N ~ . \l z t 2%
'. .‘ . . ' . A ‘7‘ fi— ' :5s—2‘\ ' g!" :___l _f -'. "I l . y. ' ”if/(70
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‘ . V ’ ' .4.../~ guru um... ‘ mourn " 44, . 4.. ' 3’ l . r x. ’ 1_ i y 7 ll: \
. x ' ‘ f - CA“ Lr‘l 5. ..- ‘. .- ‘ ' CA w 4'13”! . . l' - ‘ ‘ " —' "
. l ‘ l {—_____>
9' - 4 " l KENTUCKY NOW 0 en
_ . . I erne Where Things Happen p
l , . . ; Men's
. r , l
. Editor in chief Elizabeth Cards
" .- - 1 Managing Editor Sacha DeVroomen University Plaza Shopping Center and
. ‘ - News Editor Fran Stewart Women's
V V . ’ “mom“ “nor Nemnde, couch JOHNNY .WHI'I'E 8r THE ELITE BAND Clothin ~
" Sports Editor Willie Hlon Friday 8. Saturday 9
" ' .V Arts Editor Gary Pierce
’ , , ' e ’ ' Special Proiects Editor Scott Word FRIDAY .
. ' , ’l Phofo Editor Breck Smither 5-8p.m.: 50¢ Dflnks
- g f « l Advise, pom Anderson 8-10p.m.: s I .25 Drinks
; , Advertising Manager Linda Collins
- . ' = Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non Saturday ' Rome
' ., ,1 7-9p.m.: FREE GODFATHER s PIZZA and pm, 9
- ihe Kent cit Kernel . 'bll h d r (‘0 n a y< drum 'h acod ml year
4’ _ e ‘ and weekly 1.719 the sumr:eorbse:s :n O s o q 9 e c 75‘ DRINKS/DRAFT London
. ‘ l 1 Thlld (lass postage paid at Lex-rlgton Ky 405V Mailed subscription rates The LIBRARY is now availab'e New York
. , : 0'9 515 pm spmes'el $30 per yeol for Private Parties on and now in
V 1 7M) Kernel l‘\ pll"led 0t Scrlpps Howard \‘vef‘ fr 413 L uvswll Air P rk sunda sand Manda ‘-
. . , ! “We x, mm o e a Y Y I Chevy Chase
- . Correspondence should be addressed 'C the Kontudry Kernel Room 210 TueSdCYS: WKOO LAUGH TRACK LIVE. 812 Euclid A
l Jiurnolygm Budding Umversuty oi Kel"ucky Lexington Ky 40506-00423 254.8127 255-9616 ve.
‘ t 9 one 606 257' 87‘
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 KENTUCKY KENNEL Flay, W 13, 1’” - J
n A" i I ' . O “ 7%; . ‘ I] Glry Plono
i )M an); ‘ .. - I. . I r / (Ml ~- .l‘ " \ _ in“.
' l" / ' . . . . IL a l he ‘ lynCorllolo ,
al-l‘ &‘ . l / . .' ' Ii N ‘. '2‘ t ‘1‘ ' .. Fl ' “5"5'0“ A'ls Editor
W#_ .._._ . .._ _ .. ..
., ~ 6 ° 9
"‘ “V ’ ” N011 generic club opens area
. - '
o / 1/
i I” ' B KAKIE l'R(‘H 5
5’13. ’0 StiffWriter tickets in the malls because "I m ’.I. .1 . p ‘ I - - ' I-
twine: w . scared of malls Now every 5 “‘93 a; ' . " t . . ‘- , r . . .
a; \ A body‘s New Wave For The Weekend 3 . . ,- a; - § ; .- ’
K A ”NOW there is [p competition Anything that becomes popular and ‘ .- fo ,‘ '. K. . _~ .. -' ' . I
There isn‘t This 18 the only place to merchandised is ruined " (’3‘: ‘T: ‘; phi » r‘ , .' . II. I ‘ -.
Austln Clty Saloon - 2350 Woodhill Shopping Contor. Tonight and tomor- play." Picmfilmer- “ho look m or the 3’ N“ L.‘ or 3‘ \ .ssis’ "( ’ r. "i '
row. Cross Cauntry Band (country rock).9p.m. to l om. ”covor. That‘s partner. manager Bradley management 0f LMNOP m NUVWH' 3.. 1:.“ ‘ 3 ill-9 ' t5 fl," 5: . ~.
Tho Ior 22‘ E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, TOP ‘O/dlsco music on 0 Harrison Picklesimer's comment ber. earned local fame for m“ no‘n ‘ I 5 "g ' I" i ' 7". " f'v
scund system 4 D.m. to i an; altar hours on Saturday trorn i o.m. to 330 about the effect of the recently com- defunct (‘lub Au Go Co. which Ellst) . fig 3, x J, I: . '
a m. ”cove, pleted expansion of the (‘al‘e presentulalternatii'e music . .‘ 53"} I. I ‘ I"I-,‘- II'I.’
“no... u... 36! W, Short 5i_ Tonight, “mango“ (migimi run“ 9 pm. LMNOP nightclub on the local lm- Picklestmer's experiences in his ' .Ié . - “:7? . ~. ' '.I- I, I:
to I am. 53 (over. $5 for couplos. Tomorrow. ltal (roggoo), 9 p.m. to 1 ant. mus" scene 0““ band addt'd I“ h” phllmOPh.‘ "1 '. I . \. ‘ -.- I.- '
54w”, LMNUP. located on Main Street. management for INNOP 'Peoplt- I ’ ‘ iI ‘ ._ j", H.135: 'fI:I
3",, A Saloon 2909 35¢},de Rood. Tonigh, 0nd tomorrow, (yr/”k.“ NHL 15 a Club which presents original who come in here to play are artists ': . . _. . . ‘ . if ‘.I II
lionairetlopwrocli).9p.m. tola.m.s:lcovar. local and regional and \lllh the ex- and performers. and I treat them T, l. . ‘ " I1 “pf-.53“- : ~‘,
Iroodlng's .. I505 New cmi. Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Charlie's Gorogo Damon. nationalr music in a most that W8)!" he sald “Thel at“ ““1- " - ' h i - .41' ”Li-xi”;
(.opwyockyqumI ,0 i aImIgwan original atmOs'phere And no“ it has treated Wllh respect The) get an} i} . "x- .1. 'I‘s ‘ I'iI;‘I,-.I,'I‘ ("Kohl
Cato LMNOP —— 387 E. Main St. Tonight. Tho Night Porters (original rock). 9 increased the C3930!) ”l ”5 hack thing the} “a!“ all the ”9“ he“ ~. ' f" ‘ ' . I . J ‘. I“ {3",}; 'th ' .
Pm to l o m. 52 cover. Tomorrow. longrehr (original rock). 9 pm. to 1 atm. room” dance area from 2”” I“ 'le they want after 9 p m Bands {hp \ , #5 ‘ ., .. ~ E i, ‘ 3.7/1- ' "'1
shove, people over this place . . " ‘ . ' . ' fiat". -' ‘ x
3..., 5“,," 9.”. v, 684 5. 3,0“on Tonigh. and “mono“ Urban The club Closed the back room in "This club is not generic I don‘t " II. , ’~ ’ ‘ IiIIIt‘ZIIIt;~15I-. is
Shockers (lormerly Another Mule). 9pm. to l o.m. $3cover. earl." Augus‘ for Tenm'iillon Former want to llmll anybody." Plelt’S‘m” ' T ‘7‘ \ ' i ‘ I ‘I‘ '5 'Im' 5.
Jofloroon out; inn ,. to? w. High 5'. Yomghi and tomorrow From DOY'OnI storage areas and dressing rooms said ‘llpening up this hack room . a J , ik I,‘,I,I'I'-II:-I.‘. .
Speakeasy (rhythmabluesiflpm. to i a.m.s2cover, are now yi'ideopen dance spaces. doesn t meen that I‘m Roma l0 False :- _ s- 1 ~ . . J ‘2 s ~ ’. fi,»_i-"I-
l. A. Oliver's Holiday Inn on l-75 and Newtown pipe 0.; Map, Mom, and what was once the stage is Him eier) single drink prlt't‘ and raise A» } t. _ . ‘ _ ’5 .1 ~ .. 3-:
spins the hits on an excellent sound system. Hours are Monday through son”. the platform fora sound hooth the cover charge. because then Iiou 5‘. I ’. t... .- I4: . ' , f ‘ ‘II' 3.1:
dayliomii a mIto]a_mINocover. The neVi stage is 28 l‘.‘ in li-et. limit a lot of people who are erear ," .. . “‘I’ - _ 1 -_ '.‘-‘ 15'",-
Library 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrOw Johnny White and the making it the largest Nightclub “W and Inlt‘rt‘flmkl 990918 “ho Mm . l / s .5 .5 - ”g.
Elitesgnd(5°Ul dancequpIijoloImIQIwcoverI stage in Lextngton The hat-k room to come out to clubs and listen to t .. III: / . .1‘I "fr:
Splrlts Rodisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow. The Usual Suspects itself no“ boasts an area ”f 1'30” mu.le . . ' i g, E‘V' ~ ,,- i )s it" - ”i :‘ .
(up IOrocin 9p.m. tota.m.Nocover. squareteet "l \e been in the best ol clubs ' I._.I I ‘3“. . Ia; ~: m.’ . , if; i II .- i.
Picklestmer said. “I want to fine Area. The Palladium. Limelight . ‘ij‘, _ ..,.'.2 s. ~ 7. '.r . .I 5.
people a chance to see lttrgt-rrname and other than the fact that people a - I,’ i 1“" ' ‘ ' .3 .1 3. . I.)
acts in a more intimate atmo- sunk billions of dollars into them. '. 253: 53%. I ' M12” "Lt-:1.
I—— sphere. and said he plans to luring those places are ter} impersonal . Qx‘f ‘3 \ , . .,. :s‘II '" ‘ . ' :., ; _.
I /K/ . the Fleshtones to LOVIHEltIll on iii-t and generic Even the hall room at -; .1 "I -_. ‘Afit‘ "s‘I LS ' "s . ~ ‘ .. x :"
‘ 0_ 3 l'K ll s lust tour \ialls h r '"‘ h, 3,; egg-r4,”d_ .'.. ,» . ‘~ . , ' f 3:
In addition. he also hopes to hook "There s a lot of art here. and a ,I, .. - '» “ 9’: :-' (“13, 5' .- " . j.’. H
/ 0‘ I the Athens (;a group l.oii- Tractor lot to look at he got hea\I\ metal .If;..' u; say 3.»: .Mi-Z f ’I -‘ ’ -. .' .'
and drag queen ltixine shi- ll hands coming in here. and t'llUlllr:s a, . '7 ~. I‘m “1'4; ' .7”.'r _ ' . \v ~- ‘. , 'I
L look great onthat stage he sillll and tiestern and reggae and rap and . ,4 ' , ‘16): Z1224 - “‘ 15.1: 5 In a ‘v. ’ 5 . . . .I 3' - I- \ - :
IAINHP also plans to sponsor spt‘ neu waie l m not going to limit ' ruin’IiIgnog I‘ II, 4": -. :3: '11” '] ' I ' _ -. .‘ 5 . . f. l .
rial €\'9lllllg.\ and contests "fin l‘:\(‘- myself to on} one thing I don t hazi- . ’.'- 4.; 349.. »‘ . _, ”9:35“ a ' ‘ .' .\z . . , . ;‘.~
ning Hf Big Hair‘ \Hll he a hairdo to. 'hesaid ‘ ‘ '- '-— " -‘ ' ,___. ' - . 5‘ - -
contest. and "Prom Night \iill "It s reall} hard to uork for an at “"0"" ' ‘ .' .i l , .‘ - »
loch To Tho Futuro MKhOel J. Fox Christopher Lloyd and a silver DeLo- enact “ hat l’lt'klfis’llllt'l' mm a real [niy‘ph‘irp “here (.\prymxiy‘, going I . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘.I . .
rear. keep this summer smash cruising steadily along. Rated PG. (Southporli hlgh “+1001 prom " to “31k m and teei comfortable Brad‘ei’ p.” "5”"9' 8"8 W'"‘ O “lewd 01 ”'9 'e:0"“y '0' ..)'9d ‘ 3 .I “if _I
2 30 ‘ 50 7 3° 9 50' n 55 Fr'd‘” °"d smurd‘” “5° N°"hp°”‘» 7'30 4-50 Picklesimer also is interested in lrom hikers to drag queens to punks C0“? LMNOP .' - ‘ ‘ ,. \
7 30 950 ‘l 55 FridOY 0nd SO'U'dOYl booking groups like Dead or ,-\ll\t‘ to trail kids " Plt‘klt’SllllCl' explained .‘ ' ' , ' ..
C°¢°°fl Allens Oller eternal ytlm'h '0 the People 0‘ 0 WW” F'O'ldO felil'e‘ aIOng with the expected local and re that "making mono} " is not the onlI\ room sounds good It s .tl»\il}\ Clint: l\ and inn-an... -..~.,‘_~.._-s pt; Mm -" ‘3 .“
merit community Stars Steve Guttenberg (Police Academy") and Don gionalliands reason heoiinsahar c} iihei. \ou rap 1' ou' and open :' lhrddltW ll‘:"".\it’ l' . kw» '.~' in 'i .. .5 . 1
“new? T'°d'"9 ”“95 '7 Rm“! PG” l5°“"‘p°'k 2' 430. 7335' 93‘5- ”‘55 Picklesimer said he'd hreler to "l Plan on keeping the ”1&le heri- lip ’liill‘El‘ :‘ in :il pr»! .2' x 'W-"Y he ' IL I” l
F"d°Y and SO'U’daYl distribute tickets to these $h()\\s at qualll} I plan on keeping the \in} l.llt‘ l.\l\ill‘ Ina} iii-tome more worgi- ,;i'(‘.t"‘i >‘l: ML. ' ~- , - . V. ._, , 1'
COMPWH‘NMO P°‘m°"‘ ' "“5 comedy 5'0’5 505°" SorandO" ("ROCKY H0" Cut Corner Records. but won't put people are treated here quality The i ' 1.1 :w ‘ luv to :ts .ni lt'.:\t‘4l innit .ini; :i..--. rm. : so ~ . ' ' ~ : .
ror as o poronmd woman who becomes concerned Over the disappearance ' ‘ ' ~
at her dentist Rated R (SOuthpork' 210 4-40 7150, 940 11:30 Friday and O 0 0 " . . , ‘
~ Billboard lists hits ~
Fright nght Jerry Dandridge the Vampire is back' This surprisingly good . . .43 ' : - ‘ I.
summer hit is guaranteed to provide 90 minutes at good tun Stars Roddy ‘g. l B\ The \ssoiinlt‘il l’tl'ss - . .
M(Dowel| Planet ot the Apes") and Chris Sorandon ("Dog Day Atternoon"). kw ' '. . ,
RmedR JFOVMEMC’H ”5 3:15 5>l5 7 '5 930 5'" l ' interim! l‘lHIi lt.lltm.irl l5llltl L‘itlJtV‘is lni- l-‘trin -u» . ': ;..~~. \\ , :7 ' -' I L .
Ghostbustors Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Romis return as those ' > . .' .'
lovable spook-(hostels. Also stars Sigourney Weaver C'Alien l and Rick Moro- - . {.I s — - ' ~ .~ ' W i] \l\\lll.l':.\ .' ./ ' I .
"'5 l 5"°"'99 B'ewll- Rated ‘55 lNOV'hPWk 7-20 "“0 7340 9‘0. ”1‘0 “5' ‘ \ I J “ . 1 .\lililtW l'itt \ttllllllH llllt'\li';llls ‘thtl'llt‘l iiim = ' ' 5 T" -‘I‘
doyand Saturday Also FoyetteMall l30 3 3O 5 30 7 30. 9 45) ‘x‘ _' 3 . (IM.:;IyI K‘llll R Thele [Na Lili' .I I i ' - '
Gremlins Like em or not. Game and the rest of the little cruds are back ,. .1 . it \ ‘\ t \r Elmo \ hire .lilhn l’art‘ “Mm“. ’ 1" ',
in on ellori to boost Steven Spielbergs protit margin. Fire up the microwaves' "t . ’ \ l 4 'i‘ii- l tot t \t‘t‘ll \nother Hero Tina 'l'ur'ii" i m ‘ , - " -. . 1' ' '
Rated PC- Northporli 7 25 4 50.755 955 ll 55 Friday and Saturday.) -. 4’; is, I II " .3"ll1lt‘i"l.ttst-\II\ humlxir l’hll I 'Hllllb \‘IIIIIIIII‘l I IIIv 'I .
Tho Mack Yes folks Richard Pryors in the credits. If he looks l2 years it's bu... _~ 1‘ 1 . .\ ‘ ‘ . - ‘I ‘ ., Freedom \\ ham t‘olumtiia . “ . - .. . l' "
be(ouse lhp mowe was released in l973. Violent explortive melodrama isn't _. A) ’V“ K .\ ‘l T H“, Li“. Printed ”N. Rmolutlol‘i ““51“ “I” ‘1’. l‘ ' .
worth the price of the ticket Rated R (Northpork and Crossroads 2 3'45. ‘ . .‘ .\’ l‘liii Univ: of l.it\i- Hue} Louis S The \i-‘.\~ t L: .s. > 'r v . l . '4 ,v '
5 30 8 ‘0 mldrllghll‘l'lday Ohd SO'U'dOY-l ‘13 fi ’ ‘. ~t litislie.l.i lieadi torthe \torld \lt ‘ \ I. .- . ' ' .'
Poo Weo's Ila Advonturo This idiot (ust retuses to go away. Unless F" I ' g 1.. “H.“ \ _.mi p .\