xt7rv11vhv8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhv8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1985 1985 1985-10-11 2020 true xt7rv11vhv8r section xt7rv11vhv8r I ; , ’ ‘
Vol. XC, No.5 Established 1094 University oi Kentuck ,Lexin ton, Konlucky | Value. 1911 Friday, OdobflnI 1935 ' - ' I.
Y 9 I
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Orson Welles ‘70 .. Arson probable cause of fire ~
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s ' ' ’ r a v . By SACHA DEVROOMEN ratory. he said. adding that the re the [K Polii-P department \ (it-tog. I . I, .f, I
Cltlzen Kane, War Of the worlds, V I ' .7?) Managing Editor suits will determine the cause of the tive division. the Office oi Fire and . "5-; 'i ,' t3”:
. , fireI AcCidt-nt Pl'QVL‘nllUn and the lrxan : I , ,‘t‘ 2,
among aChleVCmentS Of veteran actor I g I . . Arson is believed to be the cause Skiba said officials have ruled out ton Fire department ‘r‘. at" f-h" a
v- .. ” . i of last week's fire at the Phi Delta any Other type of tire and they be The tire. vhcn desiriywi one .I .- .15; a: .
. i n?- ‘ ' ' lieve an accelerant of some kind room of the house or the m 1h' it 2 ". " V";
_ 'ould not be - , I Theta fraternity house, said Walter t, t, I II ,III .
WLI(I)S A'hGELEtSed(t‘hP)f‘l Drson :ause Welles :aclcog:rhisscgsfso::l 3 .3" Skiba, director of Human Resource was used to start the fire "He Oct 3. heavily damaged the \truc I; _ 1' I": I13;
.8. 95‘ w o "Ea d e ”121931551“ phySiCianwithinmdays ’ ‘.. 2‘ Services. (Parks; believes it is a case 0t ture of the house and moderately " .’ IiI-fIi; -
("”9" Kane .8" .3 ra ‘0 {3.9 .. . . ‘ ~ - ’ In a police report filed Friday by arson."Skiba said damaged the lnlvrtur Th.- win-tin .4 1.1;?
about a Martian mvaston that terri- He was found this morning by his . v . - « ' (a . . . - » ~ , - ' .; . . ' .- .> ',.. .
f‘ed m'llions of listeners died tes— driver at his residence .. said police the LniverSity. which owns the var} Beach of the l h Ufllt‘e of damage to tie tiuiidrng hm not been . . . {If '. I
tI da 'l t h' ho I th‘ 't' ~ ~)'d Sgt Rmsell Kuster “We got the call h0use. the offense was listed as Fire and At‘Cldt‘nl l’ti’WhUUh 581" determined T ~ '1"- '5
. 5;“;110 is me, au 0“ ies >81 - at about 10 a m ' He'd been suf arson in theseconddegree although the investigation has not Five hours before the tire there a: ' in? z" 3
' e ' - . .‘ ' " .' .. . , . . “ ‘ ‘ - - been com leted. the tire i "very had been a 'rha c «in Win in n 1'. ' 551‘
.. . . . I fer n fr d . bet d h , _ 505 “ .. Fire started by subjects unknown p .. t . an g (L . u I -. . I I ,I
natiflrael fgli;fig(i);qe‘::t:dag%:::; [‘01: mehtg hlgnllOélaOI‘ Sign'l‘lfe 33;:th ()R E‘LLFS at 569 vadland Ave (Phi Delta very SUSPICIOUS other room ill fl‘iil llilUSO' ti .l titlit'ililr " U3“ 3 I ' .t 1:
__ A . t . . i .. . ,1‘... ,, ..4‘.II.._ lei’ ‘vi‘itv
serle. assistant Chief of coroner‘s in being handled by the doctor because 1941 with his first venture in film. Theta fraternityt, the rbeIport 5d"! The report said the last “(Thlfim' 3“],mw U) 3") ”Am" I“ A ‘3' . 2- ' . l:
vestigations. itwas of naturalcausos“ “Citizen Kane.“ based on the life of {Arson Invesl‘lgtiloz um” e to CO” left lh“ “WW at 1” *3 P "t ("id lht’ 'en‘\“emwldlm ,. r .. '
- The portlv actor‘s death was re— Welles panicked America in 1938 publisher William Randolph Hearst "m arsonunti '5 ate. the “'35 reported to the Lt'imgltm The t'riiversuI. he» not riet'ded if -' ‘j ‘.- 'i .' ;
ported to the coroner‘s Office at 11 With his Mercury Theater of the Air Welles directed, wrote and starred _Ll~ Glenn Parks 0f the Lexington {”9 dcpartmentat 1” 08 i' V'lll rebuilt. ndltl henna this: hvil 3;. . ’,I ‘I
a m. by Hollywood Division police. radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' in the film. winning an Oscar for fire department said yesterday the There are “0 WSW“ at thi> time LhflSlam vice Cliiiiiieiiut tor naitmn '. . . II-wIIt
.. hesaidf . "War of the Worlds." Listeners be- writing. He also was nominated for fire is 5“” under investigation. A Beach 53“} 'We “"3 ”‘lhg '~” We“? Width”? The \h‘t‘lsmh 'v‘u! {it‘l't'hd ‘. .‘1‘
lieved the nation really was being directmgandactmgOscars. sample of the material thought to together the story that gives us 'hr viz. the damage and uhvlhr" the .ri ' g" ‘." Q I 9; . -
Welles died in his HollywoOd invaded by Martians. “()n seeing it for the first time," have caused the fire is currently pictureOt'the-‘IFP ' surance will pa} tor the re. worm» .. .‘ ' .'~ .
. home, but Messerle said the death He also stunned the film world in See WEI.I.ES.pagc2 being studied at a Frankfort labo- The fire is being investigated in. tun '
‘ ‘, _ _¥ . . UK s eeches art ~~~-- =
. ~ when“ m“ ~ 3 .13, I . . 2-3:} \x. I . I
é . . I . '. _‘ i‘I..I.I.
W‘ ‘ * - .......... ' “r "a" - of nationa protest -' '~
= . t , ~ “ «‘3’ . 4.... ‘ = - i- - . .. .j. '. 1-" :-
~ ~ 12‘ v .2 . ~ .~ opposmg apar ei 1
~ ‘/ _ . ‘ ”gag ; By \ii-:i.iss.\ Bl-‘ll. ‘“'“—‘"""“”~”—' " —"—' -. .1 . '
. - a 4.. ‘ , “.51! ‘2‘ ‘0" ' I Staff Writer . . _ I; .I I.
V " ”fl’ - guise ’3}? ." “V “Everyone nu» maid - __ . --
x V -‘ ‘7 ‘ ' ' 3' ‘ ‘ 1 ' The free s ecti area will resound - " '-
= in . . “ 1 i. _. P“ . . . . _ .
“v ‘ . .' ‘ m) 'i ‘% ’ _ I at ' today with speakers attacking apart- SOHlClhlllg abOUI ; - . _ , .I‘ .
""’" " '3 s '. o"__..’:; ‘ ‘ fig : _ 3' held. as L'K participates in National apartheid. . . . \Vc‘ - . . . ' '
. , "- w.-.- a " 7 Anti-Apartheid Protest Day I. . I_ - - .
l - " ‘ a ' ‘ ;. “Awareness is the first step to Vial“ . - .10 DTESCY‘H .‘ - .. 7 ._ .
‘ ‘I - ”.l -. ~. (“I I ward action. said Donald Jones. lllélSSUE and the facts .‘ - ,
. ‘ . ‘- a president of Democratic Socialists. ot . . . 2' . :' -' ..
’3 ‘ . _ _ America. “It's impossible to act if as we think they are. . ‘, _ .'
3 . ' ;. Ia” ; ‘ .' ,w your information is deficient We ) ‘I 0 ~ . ~ " ,. . -
‘. - . .» 34.5 1‘ _ £3“ ‘3 3*; hope to at least get people to think . 1 33nd d J ne_ 3 , := . Iv ..
3h 3 gr 3 .3 ' , ‘2 about South Airica and how ll} p0ll- preSIdenl of Democratic 1.. . * .I _ I
' . _. _, , .- Ci'reallymrks " Socialists of America - : . '
. . it a x. ,_._., Sponsored by USA mi width - -: , . ' -
.. x... . ~~ . *‘zifil'mé-edn' fit, t. w‘ w; 3.1.. .,.. ... . .. . .a- mitt-fie 3.5% $635333. 7" Concerned Students. the noon toIIl I . I .I ,
. ‘ . ., ," pm. event l> designed to increase .I . - I, ' _ I
.— 3 =. students' awareness of apartheid 1’ yumhh‘ “if“ mm“? 11“?“ {ht-1‘ ‘ ' - ‘ I .
’ c > Q and to gain political impact and pun- M” be m'm “filling ‘0 help 14“" 'u‘ . * . . . I . 4 ' .
.4 ". licitv, lion he said So tar t‘t")l‘.tlil"il(' saiit . . » _L
f 3*; 'I I; The speakers are Erik Lewis 3 tom seem to be the most etiectne V .‘ fI .
3 doctoral student m poiiticai seience action the lmlf’fl Stall.) tan take .» . i v . -. . .
5:3 and USA member. Richard Lallrec latrinoniii-Ilei'erage l>I IilIlt ’tl Ithe . I I- I . .I 1 . ,
.‘ 3% I V‘ que. a professor in the soctal and hethmOLK I”. force permit “unm‘xmfv ; ‘ ’ ', "_,,‘.' 14 ‘
' :. philosophical studies in education the” _m‘,n”“ or mm” Ame: :- ’ ' . ‘ .' '
'= . department. Ben Eshilne. adviser to Joneh ‘310 ‘ I . . .I . II.
' ' the African Student;~ \SSOCialllm and - . 'I . ’I. .i , f - ;‘
WM'KW'SW an outside speaker Economics is a nonriolent km} of . I I .- -, '
- - “I see it «National Anti-Apartheid affecting change in South .u‘rit-a lt . ', I .- 3‘ . "
Painting the town Day! as an education proces or a is unjust that llOHVWhlfé.‘ “south \t’r: .. . I: .131. 'j, 3 _.
. . . . . . . . . . commons-raising tool.“ John said cans do not have equal represents '. ,I ‘LI' .' '.," ,i
Chris Collins. a philosophy tumor takes advantage of the nice despite a broken collar bone from o bicycling ocodent. He said "Everyone has heard something tion or opportunities. lones ‘dltl 'it fr, 1 . ,
weather to get in some pointing in Triangle Park yesterday. he is working 0" 0 series 0t paintings and hopes to have 0 about apartheid. What we want to do is not just an injustice tint South . . ‘." . . .; . .‘i
Collins, on artist who owns Creative Arts. was able to point show soon. is to present the tesue and the facts :‘ifricans have at stake on: now that 'I -. 3 3 " "I 41"
_ ___________.——_—.— as we think theyare ' allpeople haveastakein , . " .rI _. -, '7’. '
S nd ‘Bloom’ mak Livestock ' d 11 t1 tplac
't d b ton ‘Past'm s’ / - -
l S 9 ll 1 e \L Agriculture student team takes honors at national contest .. .
Stalll‘eports Cpfldltlon. this WOFtlS apgefir das \ 1 ByJAYBLAXT‘ON UK team had the top three individu- be. based on categories llk" ~./i> and .I . Ir'I‘II‘ -‘ 5 i'
, _ 'bod‘ as 'eb‘; as e crazy wor e e- \ J: ContributingWriter al competitors Kenley (‘onner an muscle quality Thi- rsomtmttee II-'I II _ -
We have g2“: news for it)" 'thV so: " ‘ O b . . th hi I“ ’ 1" a \ agriculture junior. finished first. tolr Judges then place the liiestock in I' I' '. .-
who suffers l3loom (joint-:1 w' ' . h usiua. Ipus dringst e p ”h The UK livestock judging team won lowed by Charlie Boyd. an agricultu the correct order The jtl’lilt‘> tll\'(‘ . ‘ ,. . - -. .3,
‘1’?“‘31l’a'njdg‘wg‘egeede’? I . sop lllcéln'nlsmfils'l $13.71] '19 [:1 "W." the overall competition ata national ral economics junior. in second the indivulual teani nit-inlets oral _ 1‘ , ‘ .'
ofsltsirrtkggéreathed‘: w‘illlilzyi') "3:51:31 firttit‘iorfff' [:81:_0‘n;9.béck£:::j§ contest in Baltimore last week. In place and Jim Aker. an animal sct- tests in which the) must uplain to '. , I ~.
always humorous and oftenpfngight: aclt): as a kind of modern-(lav Greek Editor's note- We apologize for addition (tiotcap‘tig‘ing 0:: team gripe encehsophomore. inttgerd J l ”“9 egorgmitiee twig“ 13:} mic}, ' ' ' ' N
- ‘ - ‘ ’ m e 0 99 : ' 'c e ties or" n e or: e ‘ . -.
ful comic strip will regularly appear chorus echoing the futility of reason the metaphysical ratings of our lu‘ 13:31:33]?!“ng 0 e p Hill ear ::‘?ur!::rm;;a;ee;‘:ntus: {JhZled I j _ -. I‘ - . I. I . I
on the Kentucky Kernel's “Pas. in the face of an unreasonable uni- natic staff report writer. He has . . nior. Kevin Welsheimer. an agricul When asked about the (.0IY1FK.III€n‘S '. . , '_
“'2‘; :gfi‘m debut weren‘t more verse xerritturnegdovher 3.0.8313“) pr?ern?u.1 "This title '5 theh biggest national ture Junior. and Andy Mills. an am of judging. Boyd said. "There are so » ‘ I
V 3 ' " l “’5 a ‘5 00m 0“ .“ com tition we ave won since . ' * ' rm _- n 1 o m) the 'r,al\‘~ ‘ .' .‘
than enough in itself. today‘s IMeanwhile. Breathed's interpola- withdrawal is being treated with 1969.??said Lanas Smith. the team's malscienceyunior 23"" Ofl?lg\:‘5l::kglh31l the ”3 pre- I . I I '. I
it??? dco‘llll'ty” Sli‘lp IIS printed “ah “:1: ’3th RhOPIegt‘lyI Prime? large (10595 0f “chmmg strizs. YOU coach. Smith added that the team In fall livestock judging there are paratior. 151mg 0{ Drawer m ihp . .. _
C ar . 5 a CaSSlC C359 0 " an 3 i ”To“ 5‘“ 15 a “'9' "10)“ now tut" to 089 3 an enjoy won a national com tition two three s ies of livestock icattle. t L ' ‘to l‘\"l week - '
form following function. While Bink- come intrmion of the author‘s voice. the Sunday version of “Bloom Coun- years ago. but he saidp‘i’t was less sheep afiffhogs. Each team mem- “'13:;nglttingirrbd'mrinpetui'm “as ‘- . .
ley weaves an even bleaker than lending to the IstripIaI sense of the ty."I the latest and quite welcome important than the Baltimore title ber judges and places the livestock the second of the year for the team ' . , _ _ .
usual tale 0f “09 about the human absurdity ofartificewhile. “dd‘hontol’m” 1“"ch Kemel In the Maryland competition. the in the order he thinks they should \u-||\|\|U( it mm; . I'
m Diplomat defends apartheid a ' ' * '
f . . é . ‘
. 3 ‘2'“ ‘ -.
Kent-Brown says divestment may hurt progress of reforms . .. .
Miami Vice. is not only a television . ,l . . -o . .
3:26;;‘3 ”filth: “ '5 {mt ‘; gym-351.1355 Kent-Brown‘s reference to his gov 1920 “Just because someone has cit- ._ ' .3.1. W... . p; ; ‘
"R “bum “d‘m' ,0}. ermE°d Staff Writer ernmentasa “democratic state." izenship doesn‘t mean you have the . . ‘t
M “CPAgIM'E; ”e 3‘ ' "I would say it is a limited democ right to vote.“ he said.
' ‘ 'page ' South African diplomat Duke racy," Kent-Brown replied. “I think Q .~ ‘ . -
Kent-Brown tried to explain the rea- it would be unfair to call it a democ- Blacks are citizens but cannot 3;" . .,~~.v" it He II .
sons for his government‘s policies. racy. We are always called Nazis vote. except in theirown elections in . ‘ . 9 '» . «5493"
Lumltmvmmyu “33335333: which he said are misunderstood. and race supremacists. and l reject the homelands.hesaid. ..'~ . f ‘33 t, It .-
morrow in their first Southeastern during a lecture yesterday in thattdea. ?. v '3’?” 1“
Conference game. For a preview. see Worsham Theater. . There he}, e been my reforms Kent-Brown ruled out the immedi. : 5" ' 1 d' '.
mm PIC" “Most Whites would want to get in South Africa, he said. Citing ex- ate initiation of a 0mm“ 0mm,“ _ . g. i .i‘ 3 {pr .
' ' rid of this apartheid tag on IE. but amplos of improved schools, indus- policy citing dangerous effects from ‘.' ~:',1., 4 I.» 1.1;: ,
we can‘t do it overnight,“ said Kent- try. labor unions and the proposal to the endless forms of racism not " ~ ‘4 I . :3 _' . .
Brown. vice comul of information nIdd blacks to the President's Coun- only between blacks and whites but i on. ' F 4“
for the South African Consulate-gen Cll. an advtsing committee similar also between black African tribes . - I a
eral‘s Office in New York. “We totheUSI. Senate. . He said such an effort would be ' I .33.
gm that we must make concm- tug; 3311;133:1332, pggg'a’; counterproductiIve at this time and . ’ . l
' . d ausecivi war. . 3i .
Today will be partly sunny with the About 60 people attended the these programs. “When you With coul c 3 . ‘
high in the mid 10;. Tonight will be speech. which consisted of a lengthy draw. you Withdraw influence and Many students were concerned .
mommmmmmm question-and-answer session. Stu- youutake lobs away from the peo- that UK paid Kent-Brown to come. ,: :
to upper 50:. Tomorrow will be dents asked Kent-Brown about the PM but his visit was «pulse-free to the l - .
putty my with the lIUI from 75 goals of his government to correct Kent-Brown compared the policies University. The Student Governmem
'0“ theracialcmflicts. of South Africa to the rights of Association arranged for the lecture «mmaur/BMSM
One angry student questioned women in the United State prior to and paidforpublicity. Duke Kent-Brawn, South African vlco consul. defends apart ol .

 h h a o g
2 - KENTUCKY ksnua. My, cam 11, us
. I] Y IB 1‘ f ‘Kin and I,
We es , u rynne o g
A can-INK» iu~iJi Mu Oil.
t-i'itii- Penelope Houston wrote. ‘ one '
Luv .1 t't/leCliUH tha' it the (inertial g , les a a e , 2 S 0w
mud iv't‘d' ‘E i‘ntildiio nothing ' go. “- “
i .y-r-qli, inclui’i‘il lilt‘ clans L‘ » \ z x - ‘ ‘
.ig . in. mm Miigiiifit-pnt Am- ~ 1 7 By MICHAEL KUCHWARA for the )0b as the imperious ruler of . ‘ . . .‘ 3.”
. mm. n. The l‘hird Man ' ‘A . ‘ o ‘ Assoc'ated PMS 5‘3” 5“? r I a“; e
. Thucf' tit E‘lii II IIIl‘hL‘ lady from __\ v. :I )I, l ‘ Brynner Shaved his head for u,” :c: , ‘1‘ :3}.
, FtLillk‘lidl and downs- of others in a 331$ . ‘ ‘ g s... . ' w.“ NEW YORK .“ Yul Brynner. the rt and it became his trademark *- -'~:‘ *3?“- t‘,
a . x - man who was in for a record 4625 pa ‘ -, . “ .. t .-
‘ t 11”" th 1' ‘iWZii‘i‘il ”it”? than 40 - {r “ “a: l _ng ' after the show opened on Broadway .- “l .,
» . w“ my, .. . ,~ . e . . g . performances in the Rodgers and in 1951 , w.
I E'Ti' the 'm' 23 wars of his life he}... . g 3 i733 as?” ‘ fl ‘ Hammerstein muswal “The King I “‘3’ '
f ~ " . :i. .rw! r.» .. series ot aborted ”that: We , a " wifi and 1." died yesterday after a two The role brought him a Tony in . y
w ..i ilifif'iiri'iw'i ziriiyr‘x‘ls Al iiis dcath. " " '5; this...” 1: year battle with lung cancer. He 1952‘ an Oscar in 1957 for the film < i g' M . JR ‘
‘ . .xJ.‘ .tl'"Klllg an ti project to film ' rt” g ,. is. “735.65- ‘ . version. and a special Tony in June "r ., ' _:
‘ . ' < ‘ ‘karsix'iti‘v \ King [par mm‘ ' * a ' , . week” With him at The New York Hospi- which Martin presented Brynner 3 3‘3 .» 3
I I I iu-i r \li:\ r- i913. ll‘. Kenosha. I '\ .. ”if"? tal-Cornell Medical Center were his played his final performance as the _' 1‘le ,. . l, . of»
I I ' ‘ ‘ we tit-iii»; exrimited his precocity l $4 :; § "i \ “ fourth Wife. .Kathy Lee. and his four monarch June 30 in New York at the : 33;, N‘ " Hi 3’ .
' ' ’ :7 mf’n dell it'dlmg at 3 play- “ 3‘ ’5 “”5. \ ,. 3“ .I children, said J°5h Ellis. a family end of a national tour that had is K ’ $3 ‘
' * ' ' =ii.: 1hr Lulu inr Struxinsk) and “ -”;I’I"'Tt”§.9 _ 3.; ‘I ~51": I spokesman. . . . lastedalmostitizyears, “I «- I I- M . I“~
I I II _ I - . REACH .i' 7 phonic Shakespeaie in $35.0 5 > “He faced death With a dignity .p . ;.
' 'Ylt‘lt‘fl. are-s .i: LT» it} lti he was 7: ’3‘ of“ \l; 13‘ f “ V and strength that ?5t°“hd?d hls doc- Brynner made more than three ‘ we,
z ‘ ,T . :t‘iinb Ti: nutmii iit' .ipiwared in $53 ‘I fig}: 5‘3; . tors. He fought hke a lion, Ellis dozen movies. including “The Ten I” ‘
‘ I - \W ‘ivi‘k it'iini‘i-iie‘ ’ht' Mt'i‘t'ur." I . II I said. Commandments.“ ”The Magnificent
' lIllt'.ilt‘i' with Jun". Houseman in i “’3 Lights 0“ marquees and theaters Seven." ”Anastasia," “Taras
' '- ,j ' . , Alli; .. » along Broadway were dimmed at 8 Bulba" and uwestwofldy
‘ . -‘ . I $:. p.m. yesterday “in the king's mem-
' ' ' '. “’35-. “Ellis said. - - . .
‘ - , ,1 null.» . gum.» on he \lagf‘ §c ory, _ Brynnersfinal tour in the muSical . ‘
I I- ' flit: ';it.i t‘lt‘x‘tl‘lf‘it‘it the coiini"y es l I ’3’; In his thousands 0’ performances was interrupted in September 1933 YUL BR‘ NNII'R
"‘ Ii ’ .- ‘ . "‘4 Latin the use "the \ini oi The . W“ _" * .- 35 the king 0f Siam, Brynner was when the actor, who at one time
r‘ .. . . , \tw. ' ..‘T F -‘ .- lord and master over 189 :“tfii “7 smoked five packs of cigarettes a - “You have to make a choice -—-
y , . , Aw _ _ Children and 12 Annas' “““ghi” day. began treatment for lung can- being sick in bed. and that's a fear
" I - ' ‘ ‘~ i"- "ii l‘uii‘t‘ i'i“i\i‘\‘i 'tc lush \. ‘ ’m‘ ~ ~ . years .Of stage performances tat cerinLosAngeles, some kind of thing or playing in a
' '3‘. . . om. . iii tt'ilizi mommy“: mum it i, t ‘ ~ v . .,. . ended in June. More than 3.6 million theater to standing ovations every
C ' . ,T,‘ .‘fifir‘tl I\\.'.‘Iit*.\ mu tuzitrnieist ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . theatetgm’ts are estimated to have ”I think that the diSCiPllht’ l at” night. The choice is obvious l sim-
2 - '. . " .1 . \._._.ii, Iti’rt’ «{1} ii t.lii.i '.!\ seen mm m 9‘9“)“ on Broadway quired through 53 years Of working ply goon playing "
_ .> ‘ . e .-.i:= li'.il..".l<'it l' mum i‘L' illt' iris andanother4.amillionontheroad. in show business has helped me I
, .‘ , ‘..’ {"llit”? . :‘i t' i “He had so many facets as an enormously with my own physical
' - I - . i M k' '°°""'°'° “M's“ actor. And of course. he grew in the problems - whether it was a crash Brynner was born Taidje Khan on
.' . . .' lit- Units" 4‘ Rio: ennui .n did: i a lng a pass part of the king, He became the in the circus when I was 17 or the Sakhalin Island. north of Japan. He
. . .2 'u:.j ~.,, r” \H mu 1ft.) Mygnfi’; I Judi Hartlage, a nursing senior, quarterbacks the Blending king." said Mary Martin. who rec- serious illness which I had more re came to this country in 1941 With
_‘ . ’ ~ 3.7; .-‘V_w,-_\..n> 3sz inurnm into , Towertlag tootballteam at the Seaton Center yesterday. ommended Brynner to Richard centiy." Brynner said in an inter- RUSSlan director Michael (‘hekhov‘s
. ‘ ' " i ;- itiinc'l‘itiii) ulllr‘l .15th Ti‘.‘ L~——--—————-——-—- Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein view in December. acting troupe,
I . I" ' - _ ’ ‘7‘, ‘I0 -‘ i“. 4‘l\k;I:.I" I tits ‘rlz' Tl‘iTIlt'zl
1 _ . II .‘.‘t..'i h s sewn-t ‘.'llt’ liiici lid; 0 O O O
‘ 'I " , ’ ""'" ' ‘ ' Statue Of leel‘t l’CStOl‘flthfl 03 Of fl V e-mlle run
' I . . I ) jti ii‘u‘. 75.3344 r. (m H.- 2;: ”it
“ ' ’ I t);rther . niiusiuiicii in. .i 'w Bi BR 'ilH‘OOPER tion fee is $8 through tonight and $11 L'K students are encouraged to “5113“." representative Of the field in Silver added that tht‘ Strtth-s and
u L » . '- i“l.‘l ax urine hi ' .z-ei: . .T _ stun Writei on the day of the race. with $2 from participate in the Stroh's Run. “We thfie types 0t ”0957 Addidas Fat‘ing teamsgpaitit'ipiitmg
. , H We r 'T. N The each fee going toward the restorat would love to have UK students .. . . in the event have ottered a chiil»
. " r 't :1- ‘ui..i l-- .w liar..- n. w ' pm Lexington will be one of'laoicities tion project. partcipate in this," said Sue Silver. Bht more students 8””. Proht‘t." lenge‘ a party {or 20 with beer to
. ‘ g _ .. 3- i I-‘i :i - aaui around the country partiCipating in Last year. the first year for the promotions director for WKQQ. “We bem this race because it ‘5 Oht.‘ “‘9 any live or six-man racing team
. . . _ r: . ~ cI \l Ti"-ll.’.' a same—day. five-mile run to aid the run. about 700 rtici nts in the encoura e or anized ou 5 as well miles. shorter than the normal dis' thatbcatstheirtime
» . , pa pa 8 g gr P 1 "h ., j
g . -- . . _. .| , fl .. . w _ M Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty re- Lexmgton race raised more than as individuals tocomeout." tance Otttlkiomett’i‘s- 95d“
. . 4 it"! ‘~ t“ 9‘ ~ t‘ «1" .tiyn‘L-npiiile’c‘t. $6.000 for the restoration proyect. , . "N day filled “I‘m ammws‘ such
» . 1V - 1- a » . . 'y\hl(‘h is sponsored na- About600people already have regis- However. not many LK students Awards will-go to the first and as Keeneland and the t'K football
,. . " 1' “ .iuiiaii, by Stroh's and locally by tered for the tomorrow‘s race, said partiCipate l“ the race. Sensenig second place thherS Of the male game. race planners "hope folks
. .. ' j .- . f 'l’fg ‘j’fg'ti‘l’: 14m." “} tvxoo-riti. Will begin at 10 am. to- John Sensenig. ovmer oi John‘s said- ”Rimm’istOOt races 15 "2t 3 and female diiijsions and t0 the mp will get their day started with a run
. . _ , . " "'{"""’ ““"t" ““ 1" “ "mm" morrow at the Kentucky Energy Bluegrass Running Shop and race POPuiar‘SPOFt “"1 UK students. be three finishers in each 0fth816 age to get their juices “Wing for tht’
,7 ‘ " , .. """ (‘enter on Ironworks Pike. Registra- coordinator. said. 'College students are “0t diViSit’hSt rest 0f the dailII Silver said
~I I. I l m <1 iht‘ 't‘ui'i ”dd Prr‘l‘t‘ti-‘h "many 01‘ inc ieam members have .
' ' ' ’ ’ . ,m, ---.i .r. 'i zi.if.iin.-.l Tsunitx‘llilm‘i come from the City and have had J01“ the KentuCky Kernel Staff
. , '1 \zi muons ‘i‘ww relatively little experience With “ve‘ CHUR H
. . stock ”
» I '- up rues-i in Itsis',‘ .ii «\ iiieirilieis. _ .
- ..i ‘ .i; tr..-:r. ..::*ii'- .z'lL'i seniors The team. Wthh 15 mm the de- [\_‘\\,, ,
' I l‘itl i“. 'w' Zi.";Tlli“i" :« eliglt‘iiltt} tending North Central and soutfi ? :‘K 388 the Wildcats DIREC I ORY
' I l.i".~ 'l‘i out: T. w c. if,‘li(l1i‘ war and Eastern regional champion. _“'l . ,. : ; L\ . . ‘_‘
I iTs::i._ at. m YInij‘. (Hunt-Clo m conclude its season with regional I’,’ z; ._ if: Whlp the Tlgersl //\
‘ :xii tun .giiiiipets. iris jllll ‘lzree competitions later this month at of: H! "I
_ g ‘A “M“: m, Athens. Ga. and Kansas City. Mo. A ugh-5: ; i, ‘: Y '
‘ ' I and tne North American Internation- {r ' '34" :‘w' 1_ g . t /fl, , h
I . '..“.f‘:-.; l' m: lI'. -\mir..i: scmncv .itil at competition in LouisvilleNov. 18. \fi ' '11. :- FOR . ii , ' For W ere
I .- s pzeieviimne tor Team nicm- k. guilt I“. ., we or {pore
- ‘ ‘ waxing. k. area? amount tit “per; Boyd said he thought the team had “ 4, , 0'0 got ETEd
. ‘ - ' t‘I'Iil'i‘ ‘.\ it. rwsiock l> no! u require a good shot to take the team title in NOW \\ , ' in My Name
‘ I ' . . W. tome: ii: iaiii smith said. 1A)UlS\'llleaSW€ll. . / ‘2 there will!
' I - .i- ‘ V be also"
.1 . . Permian-econ mm
. . _ ‘ I. ‘1 ’I (
g .p , . C $ 00 mm METHODIST gfifa’gmftf‘f
> » ; , swosm cmrm mg"; "‘ """ ’
r7 . - .‘ . :5i EastMaxwe” Si 254 37” "mm AboutOumlm-MWI"
p -. - . .- (Single or double occupancy) 5p m Mondomgmw M 'Ta-M-“v-T-‘M-
' f . . ; (that’s only $39.50 per night) 8"” ’””'Sd‘?'N'9mB'b'es'"d' ‘...'.."'"'..."'°"""”°""' Y
I ~ '25 -. w . ' Now : "7°.y' . ‘ Solilgi inlaimation or rides to any oc- Hui-“m"-
‘ ' ' Mom-films. uMll 9p.m. Either way. A Great Way to see a Great City!
‘ ‘ . I A 5 Call direct for reservations — 1-800—535-6652 BAPTIST
-, .. . . . EARN $20 TODAY WHILE AND ASK Forthe“Specia12 for] Rates"! .”‘_ “‘7‘“?
> . ‘ ' f . . MONITORING YOUR HEALTH "‘9 “P""Siuden'i’mm @omeWarsbm
J . , . V, ' .. ‘7 _ _ . ‘ urvlng the UnlvonltyofKoi-itucky o .. __‘_ ___ --
, p »_ . > not" no.9 you donate at Plasma Alliance your Vital Signs are dquOIUmbloAve _.—'—'
. ;_ ._ -. ' _' tan-ed and ciaseiy monitored Its a great way to stay MADA O I EL 257-3989 F LI», W
_ ’ _ g a, J .I .. II ".11 ‘t‘y whale you earn 320' tor your t.me. TNT Tuesday Nigh'Toge'hor WELL) U5'
"‘ .I '_ i .‘ ‘New DOM), 30"“, 0..., 9m *0. N E W O R L E A N S 7:30 p.m. __..__._._.
If. .1 ‘ ’ . g hpires 10-30-85 20‘30:9¢rd€lr.25‘-8041 1732 CANAL ST . NEW ORLEANS LA ISU "A pk“. tobolong"
I‘ .I‘Ti'IhI .'
new/1 I SPEMZ I i
f ‘ II I" we 1 .w I! Ry 372 Woodland Ave.
., . . , 253.2202
' - ~ DOMINO’S *3 80° 8°°
. . .
.' T. ' - " ' vfi"
- . ,- PIZZA i, Smirnoff Very Old
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“ * i 2 00 OFF l H mm
' '. l - i : $1.99 $2.99
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. . One com» 99. pm. . ' OFF Any Large Pizza l
I in Expires 10-13-03 | — .
, . I o I I 31 off any medium. m I Pabst. Old
I E 1 Font. Fro. Delivery" | o»
I 5:: 6°00 at w Lawton I I assessorsmswosmosis? A I 3|”; Ribbon Milwaukee
I O a . location. I I got valid tar dineiin or carryout. O'vlzésmcurgdalffl with any other pizza '
I I “anaemmsww... ”5 ~Hui. s4 45 $3.99
I ' ' Ofietqoodonlyonroqullvoflcfllmrmh 0". ‘5' 1 m I . ‘2 k ‘20! Cans
L J DIUVIIY l2 pk. 12 oz. Cons P - -
---------------------- ' 253-37 1 2 '
mvmwnbumimmimmm.o~mnmm ‘

 t r t e '
KENTUCKYKEMEL My, 04:“. 11, 1“- 3
. . e: / / sacs—~51" . ; in! .. ,,
us,” ‘ t~ §-—i tr.
.j‘NTfi I )’ . ‘ _ ' ’ I _ , EFL? En: Al's Editor
3.. we , / , allfltgzz’nt‘ 1. . W...
l-llgl-(ifl— « . t «(gig-slélsié» " . """°"“""""°'
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. . I .. I e . g __i
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w. ( ,0 .3 on a ops Video chart .; -
g . ' it _y .. b. . ' ’l I I
fi- fi ~ : . . . ., ‘. The Associated Press . 1 , -
3 A a ' I The followmg are Billboard‘s hot record and ndeocassette hiLs as l-"l'v' .i' l .
Austinci saloon—zasow h'li ‘ . . v 1 , . ’ ‘ ’ . .:.~
'0‘" Gfgg'Ayugtin (mum ”2?; Smhorrgr'fegzter Tonight and tom ’ a r r g . they appear in next Viectt s l\.\U(‘ of Billboard magazme (up3righl I : ‘3 ,{- i; y
- Bond. 'Y . - P- - - - ¢°V"- . . - '. fl“? ._ 1%5, Billboard Publications lnc lteprintedvyith permission I ‘ x ‘ 4 .‘ ’ ~
The Iar — 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. Top 40/dtsco must: on a 4‘ Q '9' I . HOT SINGLES ' "' rl ' U‘ - - '
3:23.:ystem, 4 p.m. to i a.m.: after hours on Saturday from i to 3:1” a.m. the?» gang; I-W \ 1"‘Take On Me' A-lltt \lurm-r Bros l t.“ ,' _' ; I—:‘ ,_. :1
“Mom. llne 36i W Short St Tonight and tomorrow The Benton” Mitt??? . q 2 “58““ng M} 14"“? For Y0” Whllm’.‘ Houston Arista l '5 I ' f‘ " l.‘
-— . . , .4 ... ‘i‘m‘, .N 1‘. ' ~. " >-- - t- . ' . _ v , A l -.' .'. .- .L ; N -‘
(rhythm 8 blues from Detroit), 9p.m. to i am. Cover is$3 single/$5 couple. _ fi‘lié‘ . l5 ,4; W i”8:r8h:ll:le 11:2:512 titres}; cttljgger‘flrimld l 45:]. 3': a... ;",’ r,‘
are-wtleorw ,Richmo’gd Rwda'Tozight and tomorrow. The Blitx Kids it '«:"" i $35: ‘=, ‘ 5 ”Miami Vice Thethe Jan Hummer Mi'A i‘ fill" t ty
"0:.“ I. _ $5.05. pf. a.cm.d :22; 1 er hp.m.d' m. M. | . «5‘ ’ 6 "Lonelyiil Night '.lohn('ougarMcllencamp Riva l '--' ”’1‘; "II; "‘
mu” All-'St (' k w " 9° " ‘°"'9 °" °'“°"°W- "°P°"°" "‘ 'i' “Moneyl-or Nothing; litreStraits \tarner limo I - '-"",' '.'.';.’~ :4 t
or: o£7osguzzsifi s’p.gn;h,o.ghficoy:r.md m. H't ( . y | 8 "Dancmg in the street Mick Jagger & David Home l-IMl ,\illt‘l‘ 1 , r “1""; '
CafeLMNOV~ . . , y y iMenortgna ca . '.:"'.,’r l’ir'.
dance). 9 p.m. to I am. 82 cover. Tomorrow, The Johnsons (original dance) ‘9 “Fortress Around \ our Heart \ting -\&‘\‘l l fail: '7'. -
are opening for Hysteric Narcotics (original dance), 9pm. to i am. 52 cover. 10 ~de ( lw‘i‘ ”(1.15 ‘Teurs for hears Mercurx ‘ fail- -' _l "‘t '.
Crystal's — Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pim’s Pub, the lounge is now re- ‘MIAMI VICE} SOl’NDTRACK I I . ' ‘ . f; 1513‘
modeled and features Top 40 dance music on a sound system, with videos to TOP Li’s i ". '- 's' h “ "fl; ‘
b°°'-'°:;":V¢fy "iahtuntglsloémértzjover. 9h "d ‘ , 1.8rothws In Arm. Dire straits \‘lurner Bro: Plutiiiuii. Moi" g 2: '1' «'55 (it: ' ‘.
a" .5 Depot - . way. Toni t 0 tomorrow, Usual Sus- W k . than 1 million units will l .. i: :3. V.. r... ‘
W'slTOP‘OdOMOl-9P-M '0‘ 0m- ”Covet ee en 0 ’ 2 Whitney Houston \lhitne} Houston :\i‘l>[a Platinum 3‘ 'l 1.": .4 ft ‘ ‘l’-‘;~_
Jefferson PIVIS inn — 102 w. High St. tonight and tomorrow, The Drum- 3 Songs tron: thir mo ( min 'l‘ears for Hairs Mercur} l’lullmll? . ~ ‘ I: __“‘r. j’s'l
bones (original dance), 9p.m. to] am. 32 cover. . . ‘ . ’ . f The Drrrum it tit.) Hit..- 7 ;.r:[i~~. Sting AtkM Platinum l "5 1. .‘ t'. “i '.
l" ‘- Oliver: -— H°lld°Y '"n 0" ”5 00d NOW'OW" Plka- D-J Milt. Mofm .) Born in the t. 5 A Bruce Springsteen (olumhia Platinum .: I '. 7" ;. Fr;-
sPlns the ”'5' “nigh" B°"°'"l°ss 3"" Mug Nigh" “h." ‘5 WY‘ °" 'h' Ice Spln-O n0 6 Scarecmu Johni’ougzti' \iellencamp lll‘r'd ' ‘- .'-_'."\
beer you can drink from IO p.m. to i am. and you keep the glass mug. No 7 Miami l'in- Soundtrack Milk "1 _"i‘ 2‘ 2H
WW" 8.chrtHe.trt (‘apitol Platinum l j; _» : -, 'fI-l
Library — 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow. Nervous Melvin and B} l.\'N(‘.\Rl.lSl.E 9 Rec-blwxlir}ai1\ilams -\&.‘.l Platinum . 3: ' 3 3:: Z":
the Mistakes are back (rock from louisvilie). 9 p.m. to i am. $3.50 cover: no Asststant Arts Editor REV'EW 10 Greatest fflf: '.. M ii Milli. .ltwl ('itlumtnu " Q." - ‘3 . ‘1 ~51:
cover till 8 pm. tonight, 52 cover tomorrow with free Godfather's pizza until 8 l ' l 3 ll."
p.m- 'I‘helostlteekend — Ctil'NTln' SiMil.lri.\ ‘1 r. '-.‘
#lrite - Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Perfect Stron9°r (TOP Dann} and Dust} AARM lit-c irib 1 "You Make Me “ant to Make You Mine Juice Ncutoi' l’it’ .t_ . g ‘ ‘4 I ah ‘7‘
40 rock). 9pm. to i am. No cover. Miami \ ict- Niundtruck :2 "Touch d ”and. Makc ;: lr'rieii:l' The i iuk Ridge No} x ‘rli .‘t _r ‘_- " "2:11
INT-VIP Club _ 5539 Athens-Boonesboro Rood. Tonight and tomorrow, Mag Now this is music to he t‘ll!li_\t‘il W 'A Records 3 "Some Fools \exer lxm‘ti \te\'e\\ldr1ller MFA ‘ -' ., I f." .' l
71.10;: 40 dance), 9p.m. to i am. Tonight. $3 cover tomorrow 34 (Over. With a bottle (it cheap hourlioii 4 “Who \ (‘ronnu l-‘ill Their \liot's George Jones l‘jpic j l; 5 ‘ f L- 3- , T
. y . h KN. me \Allh the tradition m 3 "A Longundlgistinu liow ' r‘_\~';il(iu:.lc \larner lirm . - l .3 ‘
\Ve re talking “l“ll} “ml "11} - Mlumi pyifl. buttons T-shirts ti "(‘r'in‘t Keep .i Good Man ltoviit \luhuma Rt'.\ . .1... 2 l] : C'
/ , {monomer-drink grassroots rock ” ‘ 7 “Hang(lnto\our Heari"l~1xile Epic , _‘ . L, U L. - .~ .-
K/ n T0“ Vie re talking seven musi» “edict-.1”. push.“ and paperback 8 “qunnu llearl: From You Edd) Raven Hill. ‘ - -; . 5' ,- 3.“ g
e .. Cians who spent one lost \icelwnri in ”Nb m M.” as the "Miami Vice” 9 "I‘ll Never >ttipl.oi.:ng\ou' nary Morris \larnerliros '5'. _ . ‘ '
a recougr: studio. \At‘llrsllK'Kt‘il with 1‘\' WW5 “(35‘ records 15 proud to to “I“annu Sit} \t'> Louise Muiitirell lil'A ‘ " ' y . ‘
/ o' pizza an “r preseiitthe Miami \‘icv soundtrack g “ _- . '
. ~ . , Not since "lldpp) Days” has comr ADULT CONTEMPUKAKYSlNGLl‘LS l .' V _ i 'v \"
Alld Vie re talking 9183“ lun ”all“ mprma