xt7rv11vhv1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhv1n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1979 1979 1979-10-11 2020 true xt7rv11vhv1n section xt7rv11vhv1n .._,., _.. .. . ,. ....., ., , \
Vol Lxxu No.40 Ker e] l'nivmlty of Kentucky
Thtindly. dam, '1‘ 1979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
F —
Caudill says state ’3 ’ace ’ ma y be a joker
l By BARBARA WARD counties will be mined to death." he continued. Caudill favors it. He claimed it is possible to restore
Reporter [and that has been deep-mined “is never like it stripmined land “if we put the time. money and the
was,” the I948 UK law school graduate said. labor into it. VV ,
1f President Carter‘s planto rely heavily oncoal to explaining that the land and roads over the mines “If you can‘t put it back into something as 1 VV VV
ease the energy crunch becomesareality,“Kcntucky settle and crack and nearby wellsV gVo dry. productive as it was originally. don‘t use it.“ he , o4
will have to payafearful price.“according to Harry The detrimental effects of mining. though. go added. . . V " ’ ’
Caudill. UK professor of Appalachian studies. beyond the land. he said. . Problems also exrst With the combustion of coal ~ a
CaudillV considered by many an authority on life “Mining is traumatic.“ he said. “People losVe arms. and the subsequent release of possibly deadly sulfur. l- g; 8 I
in Eastern Kentucky. spoke at the College of Law legs and lives in deep mines. not to mention the carbon and mineralcompounds. Caudillsaid. lf coal - - f; VV % (4/
Noon Forum yesterday about the implications of emotional and psychological illnesses." is used to solve most ofthe nation‘s energy problems. . .g
Carter‘s energy proposal. He said the president's Expensive treatments for black lungta respiratory “You and your children will absorb the carcinogens '22}.
plan calls for a doubling or tripling of coal disease caused by coal dust) and welfare programs that will bring you to a wracking death.“ he said.
V production, a switch from oil power to coal and are often the result of such injuries. because miners C audill predicts Carter‘s energy proposal will
increased use of coal gasification and liquefication. are often 50 incapacitated, they can't take care 0i mean “power plants on the Ohio River will have to . VV '
, . The well-known author and lecturer said Carter‘s themselves or their families. he continued. stand shoulder to shoulder“and their pollutants will , . . ‘V', 3,.”
plan would involve vast increases in the amount of “Initially. strip mining constitutes a total assault spread all over the country. ,2 . s ' 42’ ,5
coal coming from both eastern and western on the land. Nothing that has ever happened in The award-winning professor berated Kentucky‘s V Va. *1/53/ VV.:-_: ,
7 Kentucky. artillery parallels what strip mining does to land . .. gubernatorial candidates for ignoring the issues . Z
“Coal inevitably generates illness. injuries and It does something comparable to glaciation because Carter‘s plan has raised for citizens of the state He ' ‘ ' a ’19.,” photo
dependencies.“ Caudill said. adding that mining is it completely changes the landscape." Caudill said. said the politicians ofthe coal region are either “too HARRY CAUDILL
detrimental to the environment. “Both ends of the Although the reclamation of stripmined land is corrupt or too ignorant“ to deal with the increased
state will be simply shattered by mining. Some (308“)! — an average 0f about 515900 PCT acre ’ Continued on page I0
' ~~ Forum audience
Study may Improve
\' >
, ‘ '- uestrons speakers
PPD 3 performance - q
W ",V I I
.. “ «is
about marijuana »
Staff Writer <3" . __ '-
v i ‘ \ICKI OOLE ‘ i ' b dd d h
. . . . . . V, _. : W... By ’ P inconc uswe. uta e t at “common ,
. .rfiiiflic‘z’i‘ap'iii'f 555.135.223st3;"Sidggihif'mmm" °‘ l __ , - . .- 223.2135? $1535.?” "5“ m
de:n:erdlilrc:ct§)li;dedtegaftliIiZnit‘aShgifnteraatiiedaailtz‘liiiihi:ti:tizillel V V V ,1 as “i heard that 54 percent of college Asked about the possibility of lung
. . = , . students smoke marijuana. lsn t that a damage. Husband pornted out that the
officers. . . . N. QR“; majority. and isn‘t the majority marijuana used in cigarettes is not -
This handtboto'd ISVVCVJHVC OfVVzg ffecohgmtethdallom medctln 3: . - . " supposed to rule in a democratic cleaned or processed as istobacco used '
. managemen s u y a ea c or e er communicaVion V socle[V\"?“a student asked. in convention cigarettes.
. “Wee“,caml’“? users “3" PPD‘ Jack Blanton, UK bustness ' . ., The questioner was part of the But the lung damage marijuana use
. affairs Vice presrdent, Vsaid. V . . ,_ _.V:'-V=;VI;-;i ’8. audience at a forum on marijuana use can cause may not matter to the heavy ,
The study, called An Appraisal of the VFVunctioVn and V yesterday. Those at the forum. the user. he noted.“lf you smoked four or .
. Management of thef Physrcal Plant VDlVlSlon. was VV 3 VVV_ ' VVV . .V third part of the Student Center five packs of joints a day. you‘d have .
undD:rti:ifr:elrit5th:::rs :iridrtiestzoiifigiaiiiicelcslnt‘ooih:[Easiness Boards Brown Bag Series. posed lung trouble.“ he said, “but you‘d
affairs office (under whose jurisdiction PPD falls) about the questions about marijuana to probablybe too apathetic ‘0 breathe.
V cost of the division‘s services and the amount of time it takes was“ representatives from L K s Student V Physrcrans may prescribe marijuana
to et tho s ' e f d 81 t t Id 1 - \‘§§§sssx Health Service “de PoliceVaan an m Kentucky for certain reasons, such
g se erlec 5 per orme . an on o a reporter Vast §§§Mv§§k attorney representing the National as psychiatric use, according to
December that the complaints definitely show there is a V . 3.3.: Organization for the Reform of Husband. The government- .
prizlggam Am a d S V n De D Vd S d . -. sx‘s . Marijuana Laws. manufactured cigarette is difficult to '
stranger to problerrils thcheP‘EVS) an ona an S ‘5 no V s; V \s Dr. Lowell Husband of the health get. however, srnce it must be obtained .
“The frustrations of trying to'get even simple things done . 5“ . \ service. U K Police LL Robert from the NationalVlnstitute 0f Mental ‘
i properly by the Physical Plant are too familiar to the faculty. MM” Imi'i'a ‘ . N ‘ $33113? [twirmyniirlfig lg“; :52: by applying for a research
chairmenVand staff Ollhls college." he said. . . .. .s VV .. V VV s, .~ V 19:33:... V V “3 aproximately 40 people about the Zeman was asked about marijuana '
The biggest shocks. however. come when the bills arrive. 3:3,... ,. .. s \s “x V 2-, -.._V‘,§ its .‘V 3 effects of smoking marijuana. and the law.
academic Programs is in jeopardy “ q y -. l . » ‘ 3» i -' V chr‘me‘mam“ and applications 0f decriminalize marijuana and cutdown ‘
V A “Help Desk," has been started to aid in resolving such IX: . " \ ' l "A "'1‘ exrsting laws m pot smokers. on legal proceedings and courtroom i"
complaints about PPD‘s services Blanton said 53;: ' 1' H \\ x “ ‘ MOS! 0f the questions (mined at haSSlc’ one student “keg. Zeman ‘
, pPD AdinVS‘rvae ASSsz.nt JUdy A .Vc te WV“ V,s..,VV.VVV..VVV.. V... VV.VVV....:-..;V,.;....;;..:.:...:.,.;.x.VV “XC‘W VV . V VV Husband dealt With the plyvsmal and agreed. but added the opinion that V
monitor the desk She will be responsible tPopr ‘grz-leceiving w it i i g: sass is... . . f .l 3 [ViVSychothVigical effects of marijuana ushe. :Eiiglilmahfzjruogotthsosrsigrefuo? 0:: ~ .
. ' _ , _ , , _ V. >3 g = :' . l, ,_ M e sai a major concern in t e IeS n r - .
fiftitgrjiggdoixgilfiyfl[ligcgzlfgiggéhszsyes havrng difficulties ‘ .3: V3; . ’ " i i l “s ----»s , \ research into marijuana‘s effects is the possible jail sentences to a small (me,
Other suggestions ofthe study that have beenimplemented .. - sh: s\\ “amonvauonalu syndrome the maybealongtirVne away for Kentucky. ,
are: recluiring written. rather than oral work requests- '. II ‘ - at“ belierthat marijuana use reduces the Zeman said NOR M- L' che ‘
increased participation by PPD employees in in-house i i \\ capaCIty ”think clearly and prodlices organization he represents. is seeking '
‘ training sessions and promotion evaluations that consider ‘ ’ ' ' ' ' a loss 0f WIH' Husband calls thls ‘the not to legalize marijuana use. but to ' ‘
both leadership and incentive ' By DAVID MAYNARD/kernel Staff dropout syndrome. V reform laws affecting those who use it. ~\
Other recommendations made in the study include' an It k ' ’ Husband also discussed chromo- Although NORML ”3““ no '
evaluation of the size of work crews. a radio paging systemto eeps you runn|n somalhdamage. Onbe reient mleofr y 15 Encasrli'ltiri‘naonittheolmblggufd ieiiisftiri)f
speed Vinterworker communications and allowing ShOP All you have to do is pick ‘em up and put ‘em — four miles each day. She often visits the :Ziijcuarriamiissfneausiii: biiilsiudtefggt? lawsthich are uniifst. unreal a rid n03! . V
superVIsors to aunt in making job estimates. back down. Shelly Morlan. freshman physical sidewalks around Commonwealth Stadium on He 53V d studies of the question are Continued on page 3 :V:
A recommendation that would have pleased many on education mum, “y; she does it —jogs that is her aerobic jaunts. .
campus — allowrng bids to be taken from private firms for 1'.
certain jobs raiherthan relying on PPD — was the only one of I i
the study‘s 20 suggestions that will not be renewed, |——t 0 d l r——_————_———_—__._____________—————————-— ,
State regulations don‘t allow such bidding. Blanton said. a . . . . ~
- . He said he believes the new handbook should eliminate a)”: "‘2' Richthde. mag'hazzbgenlnlhglof' Th2“? ii? fiolgifégagzr: 1:13:35 hes mum to comm" "18mg ‘
many of the problems with PPD. as enie any suc treate wo as ever en urne att e e U ' ~ . V . ~
' C5 state “il‘é‘r- .. . , . .— we:3°'.‘1:“i."::.¥:.2::2::a:::3:.:.::‘:’::::.::‘::: ’ .,
“explain concisely the workings of such a large and complex . “sum“? as a pom 6 cause 0 mm cam 0 'h ' k d -~ while in colle , mm“ mm .
organization.“ he said. A SPECIAL FEDERAL GRAND JURY is expected to leukemia m the RIChmOhd area :5?“ w VoVsmohe bmarijuaVnat .1 in 3 mg was finedyand .
' The introduction in the book says its Purpose is “to give an hear charges that Gov" Mia" can?“ In“ spring med to ' lager; joonnirVngbtanonureau. ns ea ‘ e g ‘
' overall view of theentire PPD.but moreimportantlytosivea Pressure ti0 Harlan coumy mm "“0 “Worms Tm" natlon p p i . ‘
hand reference to hel t , , . McBrayers campaign for governor. the ltxmgron Herald .. . Id ‘
. ,V _y . pee approvriatesemcesquwkly and reported yesterday. AN “ABNORMAL ocroasa snowsronm WOT .
‘ , effiCIenthy. Quoting unnamed sources. the newspaper said in a surprised the east yesterday. burying summer‘s foliage with
‘ PPD 15 large enough to require a guidebook. copyright story the FBI currently is investigating both cases. accumulations up to a foot deep. Homes went dark and i
. The division has over 700 full-time employees and an The Herald said the men were Roy Dari Jackson. a coal schools closed as leaf-laden trees toppled onto power lines. P0": JOHN PAUL " YESTERDAVVVRGED Roman .
' annual budget of more than S] l million. operator from Cranks. Ky.. and Harold Coldiron, of Baxter. It was the earliest snowfall of the century in the suburbs of C‘lhOl'C "““s ‘9 be loyal ‘0 h“ leadership '“ the church and ’ - , - _
‘ PPD is “responsible for all campus utilities, maintenance who headed Carroll‘s Harlan County campaign in l975 and Washington. DC. where more than 72.000 utility customers “CV" become “""m‘d orVembittered. . . , V ,
. ‘ and operation ofthe 288 University buildings and the grounds was his county patronage chief until being replaced beforethe lost their power and a layer of slush up to three inches deep . The p”; 5 words we: '"‘°'P'°‘°d m3 val?" Cny '5 an . ‘
' 1 of the 750acre main campus.” according to the guidebook. May 22 PM?” “mm,” , , made driVlns treacherousa , . 'T":"°°‘ :°'°"°°V;:V' J;;:;l‘:fi:q&°:sh:: O'Vllcl'm: ntiiiii ‘, . ..
. Employees of the PPD spend most of their time on routine Gary Auxrer. Carroll s press aide. said the governor would In the state of New York. a school bus carrying 23 high t elf“; “1":- Eabecdine riests 3‘ ‘ 3 V'
. V - - maintenance jobs. The division workers can carry out no‘ comment on me newsmpfl repon' “MOI smdcms ““th "“0 a din-mow“ macmm duringa oiho ontiff told a roup of 600 Italian mother su riors i
. V requests from various University departments after the snowstorm at Pleasant Valley. Several studentsandthedriver the :1ng to show gfirmriiess and delicac .. in the chiirch 3 VV . .
. mum“ w k . rf d GOVERNOR JULIAN CARROLL YESTERDAY suffered cuts and brmses. VVy V y V V , VV .
“ . or is pe oVrme . ASKED the Federal Center for Disease Control m Atlanta to Show yourselves above all to be sensible and illuminated . V.
~ services are provided on a priority basis second to the investigate a noxious cloud that hospitalized 45 Madison m DIRECTOR WILLIAM H. WEBSTERisliberaliling mothers . . . Letvou berathercour-scousinIhglymmnmn 1. ' ,
. ongomg maintenance.” the guide says. County residents last August to determine if it contained the the bureau‘s long tradition of harsh punishment for agents following the mice 0f Chnst‘s Vicar (the Pol”) '" l “3' that V:
. ‘ Four basic types of services are offered bythe PPD: general toxic chemical PCP. who engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage. "0 nun feels depressed 0" separated "9“ If she may hi" 3 . , 'V
University maintenance service, routine or Newman“ A spokesman for Carroll said the governor‘s intervention The shift means that an agent involved in a premarital or "Mi" i ‘
V . building maintenance service‘ emergency service and job apparently was needed before the federal agency could enter extramarital relationship no longer faces automatic dismissal t. . V
. . order ”met the investigation. The governor had talked with US. Rep. from the bureau. weathal‘ i . ‘ - '
. . - Tim bee Carter. R-K .. about the situation before makin the In two other areas of rsonal conduct homosexualit . - ~
WE; Vtzlpe‘hzl :22: rendered determmes the manner of request. y . V 8 and marijuana use ~ wrbster has bent the old rules ever 5: VAT LEAST YOU‘LL IE a little warmer today. TheVskies :5 VV . ‘
. , . V I General ””3ch those “services Which are required 30 VAn Eastern VKVentuckyV University professor and a slightly as he develops the bureau‘s first clearcut written will be mostly cloudy. but the high temperature willbeinthVe >
. » , 0 rate and ma' ta' 3 . , Richmond physicnn earlier this Vweek suggested that pohctes on such matters. V V upper 50s. There is Va 30 percent chance of showers this .
, pe In In I ructures Ol’ eqtiipment WhICh are pentlcholorophenol. a preservative used in wooden Though he continues to ban practicing homosexuals from afternoonending tonight with clearing by tommorrow V
V ~ . ~ permanent fixture: on campus.” are prayided automatically. .mmunmon no". mired .i the Lexington-Blue Gm; Army bureasu jobs, Webster has asked for the latest scientific data morning. The low tonight will be in the 30:. . , ' .
. ' 3 Conthuedonpage3 , .
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V KENTUCKY mu. McDaniel 1., Foam 5“" Mm! Mark Green Thoma (‘lorl Gory London ii
Editor in (‘hiel ('ampus Editor Tera. “HIM For! Man lc‘nieriainmenl Edllor Director of Photograph ‘34
Associate Editor Rkhlfll MCDOIMM ‘3
cm wiiii. uu nou-ua ’ (‘lndy McGee Join. my DIVM Maynard 3!?
Managing Eduor Edilorial Editor Klrby Stephen! Spout Edi/or Phoio Manager f1.
('opi‘ Editors g
' l dot 0 Isa, ts Brion Rickcrd .
' e 1 “la commen . Antwan! Spam Editor if.
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‘ UK administration saves ‘ «-
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Shady Lane Woods, a remnant ot lextttgto: . tr ,tddttton, the letter said that the PPD would \‘fi . A k‘ gbf-rw ’ _ \ ‘ I “i
. original forest, looks as though it has finnl‘n r ‘ ‘ ‘te'i‘ilianL‘ mowing in anareaadjacent tothe woods ‘ i 1 "g :93?» ( , 1(\ t ~ \ :5 }‘i
saved. l ‘ wmilti prepare signs to discourage littering and \ (I ‘ ‘. (“/‘Q‘ l 1 ,1 V. . _ . i
» . ‘.t‘.‘t"‘i“’ ." (“ "vl' - 7 I '1 . i
The lS-acre forest. located behind l i\ \ ttzw . 3‘ ‘3' i Lheiktdrea: th K I f J l' :3“ .J . . ? 'l - . ‘ \ ,
apartmentscomplex. wasthe subject 0f§€\€riliie‘ll’.. _ "‘_ ‘3 l e ‘ ters 0 e ""9 was rom “‘3" 1 ll _ 3, .11; \ f , 4‘ t y t
. . . w. t, t .t Tlf‘l‘a’t}. .t graduate student who has worked at w . ‘( ~' -111 t ' l‘ . i
to the Kernel and complaints to the Ph)\lttlt . .t .. 3 _ I \k d‘f h H 'dth t“t r h; 3* Qt 1, .. V , l 7 ,-
Division. Those letters and complaints, mm m ‘ “”“ "0 5 0” reeyears. esai a recs . ‘ "s o . , 156 ‘ ,m . cz‘ , .
. . ~ . -, m: Jill) years old are found (at Shady Lane x) _ b c ' , b \ -_ , \
which came from members ofthe Schoolot Bit-«at. . .-. _ . _ . A r _’\ - eh, , . . - J) . .
- . - . , . . . . . t tin and historical studies show that this type .. .1 “(new 2» \otc . . \_— ., ,.
Seiences,crttic11edthe PPDforthewaythe'u mus.- H . , \ 1 _ / f.(\ w 4 ,.' .
. . -. \ .,t_v;tt.ttt_x covered much ofthe Lexmgtion area | ‘ 7 t ,_ ._ 1; 3 7 _ #17 t ' '
maintained. . . ,, in a“ 4 34> «crrrrv . ._ _ ‘m -
3 . .. . ‘ v . «tiers arrived (in l770-90). .4 ‘ 1711:» t " -V I It” I \E .-
William Metier.aSStstant professor of htomin . t“. .trnpbell‘s letterillustrates,Shady Lane Woods 'l / x- I \ \\V i .. w, . _ r
. 14'” t'... ' , ‘\ I," 7‘ _ ;‘
the “W“ problem wasthe upkeep oithewoo... '..\2 mail) relevant to Lexington and the UK ' \\ ‘A i it ilk, ' . .
He said wrld flowers and young trees were e t ' t, E . \ . i h. | ‘ \e 3 7:. .
. . . , t». r. ‘ .. . . , l ‘ ‘1 ‘ '.
when the grass “3 mowed. He “”50 “d“‘d “ . ‘ i. l'htl Lrowley.asststant professor ofbtology i i‘ _ k‘. “\ y :‘i "t . ’ ‘ {(9
bark 0f larger "“5 was damagedwhentht "W" ‘ mini .--.it. the forest isalsoeducationally important it - 1 .—- " ‘ ‘ i"’\ " ‘ _ "'3 - ‘ “ 't .l‘iL/
them. ‘ " \‘» t (the School of Biological Sciences) have «h—a" -’ 1 A ,k\g_.__.._—___1 4 ‘~ ' .
However, last week. after LK President t. .. .' ‘. . tew field facilities available," Crowley said, WW f
Singletary. Vice President for Business \m i .- needs to be protected for teaching and (Q . i, i Q , p 9, I
Blanton. Physical Plant Director Jim \NM . .. _ ~ t purposes.“ 8‘] 'BOND‘“l WT 80% W “MAW NUCLQAR PHYJGSTS TOURING “9 J.8.,DOX11 .'
Vice President for Academic Affairs Lewis totem, 3..» :ttst as important as the historical and ‘
toured and inspected the woodland area. .l :.-tt-v it . u mini. aspects of the woods tsthe aesthetic value _' _' "' —' "‘—"— " ' "' "‘ ‘“ "‘ _‘ .
sent to Sam Conti. director ofthe school of 'v 7, . . .~ .‘ :urvt . ;‘
sciences. saying that an effort would he node ‘: {rt- l k administration should be applauded for ».
retain and preserve the wooded areas :t~ .il': .'-:‘ istxtttgztnd savingthe history,educationalvalueand .
educational resource.“ :. n these woods for future generations. .-
_______________.______________.—.___—-—————-—— ..
' Re ublican candidate Louie B. Nunn ‘-
- - » h r h P
«is I God In C u'c at a UK forum. ”Uh?
O u m n IS 0' e 3 r0 8 p aYI n g I The series on “Religion at UK last “‘3 says he CXPCCIS UK students 10 Rather than responding to the
“c," was very thorough and support him anyway because he is a somewhat tedious “issue“ of the past '.
n enlightening. .i‘m glad Campus former UK student. i believe that we few weeks, I wish to ask the Kernel
value CO ITfU S I 0 n a S fa (2110 r3 C”’”"'£‘°’C"“S‘“"-"‘-“° MD” “5"“WhammwmaWe staff .0 shed some light on a renamed -
Saints S‘Ude.“‘ Assocmtton have been candidate and from Our student coincidence. it seems peculiar that the ~ .
mentioned smce. I would liketo add government. commentaries by Joe Lincoln always : , .l
I I “ I one. more thought pertaining ‘0 turn upadrought(sic) of letters to the ;
in WI es rea de ressmn :-
" 5“ H“? articlefs. WM? I feel "3‘5 POIlthIl Science senior provokes a flurry of controversies. j
inspiring 1° ellowshtp ‘0 worship, ‘ naturally increasing circulation and
Psychiatrists have repeatedly 'C‘ligltllh .tti.« .“'=' s " ...i heltets. these ever-changing roles which are pray, witness, and study the Bible More LDSSA maintaining the value of advertising
asserted that approximately gs sewn: fili"t~~ rt: ~ ittetttrs not necessarily indicativeof our real together in Christian groups, such in the recent articles about the spaceinthe Kernel. Thisismyattempt
percent of the adult American which thdkC . ‘ _. * mi: of the selves, what does all this mean? It involvement should be in supplement religious organizations oncampus,the to turn the tables as to who is baiting
population, including college human vein; 1" it .t, . sends. it means that we. as real people, seldom to acttVity Within the church of one‘s reporter overlooked a worldwide whom for a response. ,
students. suffers from some type of appeaf\ind' :tatr. pip;- {Li'teirouble get . posmve reinforcement. for our chOice. student organization known as the ,1
mentalbreakdown at leastonce during deCidtng skis”; ,. “to ot person basrc worth as human beings. Our When i read the articles, i started Latter Day Saint Student Association John Staplcton [.3 ’5‘
me" llVCS- These breakdowns range Ehclywimb- » . purple to roles . get reinforced, posrttvcly or thinking about what the Bible says (LDSSA). We have been an organized Electrical Engineerng junior > i
from the occaStonal bouts. of tectmp .- .. v.- we} ttititact negatively, but our real self. which we about church. “Christ built the UK group for about five years or i
me}ancholy (not consideredd sefrious itt :tcortxi _ - .t . .v .m‘} hloldh. seldonrt‘ Showotro thiixogibrdszzsune‘tnglgt Church" to be the front and force of more. Our activities have included . .3
U“ 655 we are prevente tom ‘1“ 7“" " “ ‘ 5 i" “C enoug m" ce ' ‘ his movement(Matthew l6'18) “He is everything from making floats for the '
. . .~ . . - ' . Editor‘s Note: Huh? While it is
email“) “”3”“! °“ 0}” d3”) ‘ ‘ " “ ‘ “‘ — our real 56” stagnates. We "ever 3“” the head of the church and God wants homecoming parade to formal balls (extremel flatterin to ““th the .1
activities) that we are all subject to, to i I as people. and the unconscmus all of Himself to be in His Son" and plays. We have regular meetings notion 3"“ n th'in hi h ‘ ht . .
, . - .- - ‘ ' ' , . . . a w c rn
”1? more 56‘5“ 1) PCS 0f mental 8 re y e realization 0f ”“5 fact ‘5 a prtnCtpal (Colos5tans l:l7-l9). God planned for on Thursday nights at our burlding on h car on the eyditorgol a e hails
diseases known as psychoses ' cause or depressron. We want to be everyone “to bejoined together in His the corncrofTates Creek and Road D pp p ‘ ‘
3 . . . , ‘ rofound In effect as you imply it is 3»
(characterized by loss of touch with wegr) 'w tartan able to reach out to people and relate Church" (E hesians 3. [04 i) no The classes are even good for college P t _‘
. - . 2?" L. h ' ' b ' b h p ' ‘ . . . unfortunately I ridiculous conceit. ‘;
realm). ,. tot em on an intimate aSis, utt e h d ed t m ma or colle es and _
I more We persist in our role playing mans”. 0W .Sprea apart we are CT. 1 . . T J . . f8 . The daily circulation of the Kentucky ::
Mental health professionals seem to -1. f , ~~ - , ~ ._....___ ames the harder it becomes to sto phySically. socrally, or culturally. The universities. here is an in ormation Kernel remains It . constant 18,000 .1) 1
agree that depression is the most Citiilt" mitt . Mot iii a g -. P. apostle Paul wrote the letters booth in the Student Center every regardless of the content of the .3 . 1:
common of mental afflictions. While d“l"'“‘"~ “' '1 W?» thC if we could shed our role Playimg appeal“ m our New Testament Thursday also. editorial I)": (or any Other pIIe for a; C
no one can becertain why depression hm“ 1‘3 f ' \“13‘ "-3 lh'dl games. if we could do some serious specrficaily to. the various new As a member ofiLDSSA. l have that matter), however controversial 3,: t
exists in such epidemic proportions. otht“ :m .3 . , .'~..:._t:~. 1:. hchtmor. thinking about what is really churches. praismg them for their enjoyed the fellowship of the program that material may be. The very x} ”a
there appearto be two centralunifying thet fest? ' war» ml! think importantinlife, about what we really “harmonious work tnspreading the and the people. purpose ofln editoriolpagcistoallow .5 3
factors underlyingthe vast majority of ”Wm to,“ . ,f‘..i\ or may want to accomplish. and about hOW 000d News about Chmt and helping Lloyd Alfred for diverse opinions. both to and from 3;:
cases of depression which have been not .m- trtc short life really is to waste on the them 'grow in His grace" (e.g. Accounting junior our readers. Thanks for yours.) é .
studied by psychologists (i am not 1., . .3 J, ’7‘24 huh,” fooltshtrtVtalities and pettyjealouStes Phillptans l:l-6). ' gt .
"fem"? he" ‘0 “‘0" duration tv’t'th‘. ‘ > t‘ -t tc‘\\10n we tend ‘0 engage i“ so often, we it‘s wonderful that there is so much I . ‘5‘: .
tiepressronh can“? lb) andtsolated inst-mu * ~ . r. ‘1 . ‘ ah the would all stand to benefit. Christian activity goingon here atUK, rig .
actor sue as a 3' ”‘8 3’3 C 0“ a“ time. a . ., \‘t , {la-C roles - - but i feel that our main allegiance to .1 ‘
”am but to long ltinge depression a.» ~=. . ‘ ;. . .. 3mm, mlfeaciiflglfihi:ersfi'r‘li‘fimeflmldt God should be through church. 3
which perSists in and characterizes roortt' .11. ~ .- at” K 1. . . g. p . ‘ Y
certain people) ' ‘ ' 1~ - -- V Di 9) relationships necessrtates reflecting on . , f;
. prop... , . . t g .2 influence human insecurity and its causes and Julie Wallace The Kentucky Kernelwelcomes all contributions from the UK 1‘:
The first of these factors concerns "”m ‘ ‘5 ~- 1‘ “Ti-‘1” LVPE‘ of results. This I intend to cover next Sociology senior community for publication 0" the editorial and OP‘mo" pages. ' I ‘ ‘
. t . ~ ' ~ Ci’iiit"..i .z‘t .". " ;._1“'[’ .' t . . , _ ‘ .
:ELL‘tcshIZZycholtggilsets have disctolvered Fmbhmlhn . .. ‘_ h" Ljeisjtzle W: week. , Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple- . ‘
det rm'n {h pclp wing]? é ll: tend h, mama .1 3.1, ('th roles to NO commltment spaced. and must include the writer‘s signature. address and 5
1 e l c eva ues .lc. ey wou ( . , . 7 ’ 5“" Weingnrten '3 I PSYChOIOIY/ t G - phone number. UK students should include their year and major ’2' -:
liketo have regulatetheirlives.Values, ‘1 “WV“ "“4“" “it" {'80P}? Ed The LK Student overnmcnt. m ~ ~ ~ - - ~ . .
- - . ucotionjunior.His columnlppeors - k M d ~ h h and Unrversrty employees should list their posrtion and y .
in this respect. refer to such things as Stnhc peppy.- 't..i.: tl.l\ respond to every Thursday ““0“ ta en 0“ ay "'8 l as “0‘ d t t g :
' only unanimously agreed to a change epar men ' ;'
em‘rh 3,1 . ‘ "l “5 planned 0°11 25 gubernatorial The Kernel may condense or reject contributions, and frequent ’
if” I V 7‘i t .i . forum, but hf” also by "“5 “"0“ put writers may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit forcdrrect f
if? V {i f , “51“: .all fairness and. respect ff" spelling, grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous
“it M i‘ . g commitment. ‘By this action 50 has in statements.
‘ , Z ’ . effect unofficrally endorsed John Y. '3
1 , . , i Brown Jr. as its candidate for Contributions should be delivered to Room 114 Joumallsm, {f
, ' , ,3 ”,3; 3% 7,1 , governor. University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
. I' 7:7”; 177/ 3.3 . . . . ,
i ' . Z // lfcel that this tsagross misuse ofthe For le al reasons. contributors must resent a UK 10 before .-
.3; 5 2‘ in. M i ., g '3’], / é POW" granted them by thc" {CHOW the Kernel will be able to accept the material. '* 3
., 3 4,1_\:’-\“$§~““%"§‘€’;1‘3‘; ' . , . é // 23/ 33, ,_ students. President Mark Metcalf 5 .
’ * «‘95.. :r - W ’1‘ 21,1 “x . _ 1- u 2 ’7 ’3; / ”’fl/fi/ , 7 asked the senators not to let politics Letters: ,
7‘ t ‘ I‘. :‘L-{x \‘w‘ 1 ‘ . . . ' , V / 37/ ’ ” stand in the way of their decision. is it Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200 words. They 3' .
~ a j \d E - 2\ J ‘h‘tf‘ 3‘ t 1/3” 5%? , 7/ not political when our student should concern particular issues. concerns or events relevant to ‘
, ’ ‘ 1 . 7F 1 ,/-"\“l-t ’{. {Yet-’0 , l ., . 3 // 3/; / //7 " government is willing to break its the UK community. :‘
, 3, / . ' g f’ ‘ \x {H ”/ 3 ’; commitment to one candidate in order . ,
/ ’i ' / .."‘\ gin-1‘ \ j . ’ “’7 3'37 //3 3/7” to accommodateacandidate who has 0 i i '
» " ,, I ' ‘ ‘t ’0 . ,7“, .g i ’7'}; 2 7/ 7/ already broken his commitment to us? ”“0“" . , , . . ‘ ;
I, " l \. ‘12 I k .l ‘ - 7% M ., As a matter of fact, despite the fact Should be90ltnesorlcss andshould giveand explainaposttion 7‘ ,
, , I,” ‘ _ ' 3 J 1’ X i a... 71/ that 50 had received a written pertaining to topical issues of interest to the UK community, -
: \~' / V 1. ’ .33, 7 I confirmation that Brown would ‘ t
- f4” " "’ A, "7 U ' 7/, , Vi attend the planned Oct. 25 forum, Commentaries ‘ .
3‘ ‘ . _ {4 .3“ . ,w'” / "6%;er '/ t .7 -' 3'0““. dull“! that he ever made “Ch“ Should be 90 lines or less. with no morethan 800 words. These . 3i
7. 7, .1 ’ " ' 3Z/‘.//// "W commitment. l“ other words, Brown articles are reserved for authors who, in the editor‘s opinion, have t
ft , ,. , “-44,, I ‘9 ,7 considered "‘9 56 forum “1““ to on special credentials. experience, training or other qualifications to l
s. w 1'1"" 7 I, @73/ open date. 5”“ bucking 0‘" 0f the address a particular subject. I
3: ‘WKlTOW — . ,h __ . 1-1 7 r ’ ~ forum without giving any specn'ic
. . 2 , HANNIQN. SC W 3? J: :v ’ l JUO" THE HEM OF Hi5 GARMENT AND SW 0F reason, Brown has given no indication
' l T I V ' 3 ’ ~V ‘ ‘ I r - A
. { U3 DlDN T .2. {. 1”(i/v .g ALLFLANNIGANf that he will ever be willing to meet
3.1-. 7:. 1‘ ..- .. '3 ' ’. ‘3. .. ’. ..., I 7 . . .- ‘_ t. . . . . , - o . . M,.W‘.a..vmwavt-~‘fiw~.;m~m-.-QAMfi‘n: ..,. . w;’w’.* «.4. g 3’ ’3‘ ~ n, ‘ . I a I! 'i “a _ .
.- A .‘ t'-. '. ' '- _;‘_/l-
.. » . _ . _ . . . BEST COPY AVAILABLE l

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"it" . ' mt xi'sit ( xi KENNELThuMIy. October ll. [979-3
O pes are p I n n e O n S U y I Sell it With a Kernel classmed
V31 Continued from page I repair it from its own operating There are six major divisions handles all the paperwork clenlill it wt...“ _ ”—1_'—""W“—"h .
the booklet said. budget; if it‘s not. it is the within the PH). They are. involved ill l’i’l)\ tlnanual -l‘ht— Building Operators /\\
The departments or schools department‘s responsibility to — The Operations Division. tipeiutlons lime tl'v rexp. iislhllity oi ‘
.1} requesting services exceeding pay for its repair.“ it combines services in many —The Medical (‘enter plt- .i..iiit a plt‘\t‘.’ll.’l!lt(‘
‘ routine maintenance are Billing will be monthly. The areas. but is involved Nth Physical Plant Division. it His lift-ruin“: program ll,i /
1} charged directly for these bills will charge customers for prodeing safe and clean performs liil l nlverslty int x.“ '.t b.,.;;i.n¥\ and W. ,
II!" services. Many of the that month's work as well as environments within l‘nlvet- Hospital Mt-dlt-ul (enter equlplzlcm ind stslems \Hllllll wee UJOSh ll
‘5; complaints about PPD stem showing the cumulative total. sity buildings. related mlllllle’nl’tncc or the moldings / ‘ :.
.r .
3: "0'“ sh“: Char“: D‘fi' [hTVhfh “and“: aim "m“ —The Utilities Division, ~.—-—*-—~—»~~—-—~—~—w .___ .M—«——1 J... m... m... 3
i” men! C8 5 SIVly 8V6 n a CFC max 8 l CI’CHCC Wthh lb [CSPOHSIblC f0i’ lllt Airmail Iwnnlfiili l illinallxtil lintlliiil; . is ix .r Kt'll'lltki mom on (Qinpuéi b
l chargedfoererVicesthat should between the estimated cost ofa maintenance of UK's main “m”... K. tinny. ..ptmi .nuiultiniuofltn. ; t n. .n .n...ntii..x l , .2)
3V have be"! "CC and the Charges. JOb and thc amour" PPD heating and cooling plants. \t‘lnt'\l"r\ and week.) tinting lllL’ \tlnliilt'.’ ..lr | . 5 /
even when justified. are too actually charges the . third t’llt\\ postage pawl n lcvnizlw. bums- i L suns» l'” J I "
‘.V. high “amoun