xt7rv11vht2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vht2p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1971 1971 1971-03-01 2020 true xt7rv11vht2p section xt7rv11vht2p , _ . ,

.1‘ r . . .. . _
Monday, March I, 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Vol. l.\ll. \o, ‘ih .' ‘ ‘ . ; ,. g, 1‘ I;
W— . ‘ ‘4 , ‘l I

o O I , . _ . p p wax." I . i‘. 7‘ ii' '.
Alternatlve Amerlca fl - . . ‘ d5”: ‘°s iaeéafi *xfi: - "-‘fi «09;! . ‘ 1%; . '. r: * (”.5 .'
S M C f i > , -- -. - a “t .i — .-

con erence ,
f . ' . r “i I .y . I *755' "i“ '1'..‘ )3: . ., ',
eatures I f s h 111 ,. . , . v . - ----- . m» . < . . ._ , . --
BY GAIL GREENE In a brief history of the anti- NW“ W 3%”WW “ 'i' - _ “WWW” " " it". ._.‘- 1 i, ‘ i'
Kernel Staff Writer war sentimentsin America, Ifshin i) is i M a it? ‘~ " i w ~’ L. ’ - ’i , :7". .I— f .1 , '~
David Ifshin, president of the said that students are beginning "'" ' " W k t? W“ a “”92: ' W a i; ‘.
National Student Association, to discuss the policy and goals w .’\_--l r..’ 3 A“ as 3;. ' ' f . if.
opened the Altemative America of the war instead of just pro- . i' ' “t. ' i J . n 5:- .f-‘fi ~ ; '
Conference Friday night With a testing the deaths of Americans " , l ,. _ "31:; _ l , j é.
SpeeCh about the conditions he in Vietnam as demonstrated in . a 2 y 4‘. _ M . 3:41.“ 4 5 .. . I“ ii"...
saw in North and South Vietnam, last year’s Moratorium. . ' N - _ 2‘, M ff” ‘ ;‘ f” ;;= h, ' i . '. "_
Zit?0:1§:::ra:2the snide“: (1319' Protecting investments W. “ wwwwmwwm . . - ‘. twin”: , 1:! .- Ix» .
”The people in Vietnam dis- Ui‘y‘ilxon said in his State Of ~ , . ‘ p . ”M W I‘ -. 3,}. '
tingulish getween the American 3':fiiflclnAcisliZZSafisttg'eek ttha: ' will. ’ MW at 1;?

A“ . - r I _ pro CC . . ‘ Nu“ ms HWmeM m:— r», "‘1‘ _ ,_i .4“. x -. ‘5
Fnetiiijt.elarwaihfoldmrhghittifiz:rtgr American interests. Hewas right. “‘3“ . fl ’ 3"“: 255:3 } ~15) .
the people, ‘We are not at war we are there to protect our eco- . . .» w 3‘ _ . i. . j i. .‘
with the American peoplewe are upmic investments, stated If’ ’ '°“ ““‘W*«W . 3:532: X": . . » '~ ‘

w' w' . v s in. ‘3 : a
:ziid iaerhigth your g0 emment, ”Recently, Thieu divided the Qfiggfi _ ‘_ , p _4 . .' " if . I 1 ‘
Vietnam visit coast of South Vietnam into 14 we 3‘ _ _ . .. l , .-
Ifshin was a member of the sections and gave 1‘? Amen'can i 3%» v, " '
American student peace delega- controlled Oil compamesthenght ' i 33%»? ‘ ,. ' .i ‘1 I 3.:
tion which recentl ' visited \"iet- to exclusive off-shore drilling, ° N i '17 - _
. i . Ifshrn claimed. Talk"; gho ) j .1 ; ., '- ' -
nam l.“ Fm effgrt to begin peace lishiii belies es that the stu- g t I f f ‘-
SggleablgnSmthrghtdiSo‘ililtthiE: dents anti-war nitn'enientbears Pro-law week. sponsored by the Stxietas Pro Legi governor Edward T. Hitaihiti. l'k innit-sun (.o 33’ _. '5 f ‘
nam. eyed re'spollSIbllllY for \lxon 5 bus, was clirnaxed Friday by a panel of tour at- H‘ll Flitkingcr and Mrs. \.ii.ilic \ \tilson «\a-i '2. 3 , [1.1':
”One day we visited a Village letnamlzatlon plan. lorneys who discussed career opportunities in law. stors on page H.) , ‘ ‘ ii ")‘v _.‘ . H - -
I , I from “mt- IIIId (mh “If”: {:3 fiIinInI‘and Idislikt d it. ”o‘vever, towards Mrs. “hm” and dealt f Ihc the dciendants are iiee on bond during their appeals - w
. , . .- *'s 4-» ,,._.,,., . - . “. ' " i' ‘ ' i..‘ I ‘
on weekends." So back he ("tnu‘ ~ 1: 1mg [-3 itasons {91 “0t. hk' With the status of women in the (I tn ”0t (”1““th and 0*. conttmpt 0f um” “mum” th
I m LCM-”gm“ “IIIIIIII III II ‘I I mg] weie (iIilereiIit. I decided law profession. lwo codeIfendants were acquitted of the riot charges but in
. , rentlv . l ‘ l l . ‘ is (111— that the brat-lice of law was just \\'heii asked s )ecificallv ‘tI)()llt are appealing contempt findings. E
I . l iii‘mp “3‘“ X‘ it (IUWMO‘W‘ ”0t ml" (”up Of UNI—l wanted to hi r (spi it nu iii liw sclioOl sl 0 h;
. . awoicc. - ”v . ' )‘ ii) H 1‘ “I ' ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ' I
_ I ttath ”Mud, So ht. began h)3 replied that she found more dis- II\Hh SANII, .\ ietiiaIiIn—Lt. (.en. James \\. Sutherland said Cl"
I , if . criminatfon coming from the Sunday the North \ ietiiamese appear to be marshalling all pa
. ' ‘ State De . mediocre male students while their Itorces to thwart the L'.S.-backed South Vietnamese ‘3
I . .~ I par “16“ qu1€t there was hardly any from the "191mm” into Laos. - . CC
I I . I I . students near the top of the II Fhe commander oi American troops supporting the South ~
I II . I 7 . . class. She felt that this was a \ietnamese offensive also said the drive into Laos had pro— ”i
I I 011 letlla 01] la result of the fact that the medi— ceedeId slower than intended but had been successful in SW
I I . Ill 118 ocre males felt threatened bv blocking movement of enemy supplies. ag
I I I I . I . I I ‘ _I I f I - ”This is it," Sutherland said “The eiiemv h' ‘ ~ ‘I
. I \\ASlIll.\I(:l ().\ (AIM "The bidding on leases expected to be th‘ women. ' ‘ ' “hlle those kit “’1‘” With evervthing ht“ got ‘19“ 5‘0 it '13.)" ‘1‘ $11513“: if: a
. . . I Senate II‘OIrIeign Relations (iom- offered shortly by the Saigon theItop Em?" ,fl'at they have I} to fight him riiht h) A ‘ans \H M“ th
‘ . mbittee its hnding it difficult to government under a law promul— "mm, ""0 00'” haw to worry.’ i L ”6- A
, O tain mm the State Depart- gated by President V " P t.
I I I I I ‘gu en\an v,~,- ., I .I .V v I ‘\ . . . i 10
I I I ment details ofSouth\ ietnamese Thieu last Dec. 1. Y ,, IIIIIII(I)\\(I\(I.IISI1( said that (Ilis- . MOSCOII“ —IA group oi Soviet Jews staged a sit-in at the i.
.' plans to grant potentially lucra- Particular interest is reported ciimiiiation is certainly not liIin- Supreme Soviet building last week and won a promise Sp
II tive offshore oil concessions to in the areas of the Gulf of Siam ited to law school. In practice iron] the government to make a major policy deeision on the 1 .\Io
._ I American firms. and around the Con Son penin- women are continually discrimi- Jewish question. reliable sources said Sunday. th'
. .- . . . Asa result committee sources sula. nated against by clients and oth- Actions Such as the sit-ins are rare in the Soviet t'nion. , b"
I' , I . reported Sunday chairman] “3 I But the Foreign Relations erI male attorneys—they Istill lhe sources said Alexander S. Diiinin. deputy chief of = NO
I - Fulbright llAfk. has “gt.“ a Committee's effort to find out ”link that I11 womans place is in the Supreme Soviet reception bureau. told them the (lcci- Ch
.r . secondlet‘ter to the‘Stafteeparn abOUt the leases, and any US. the home. 51'0” “(mm be made public b." Monday. (“W SUDWmt‘ 5* do
. I ment after he found an initial government role, produced a Changing the subject, some— Soviet is the parliament.) :
I I I II department reply unsatisfactory. hntghtly technical State Depart- one 0“”de ‘At-(tnt 3]] lawyers Ihe demonstrating Jews. all seeking to leave Russia. have V
I- I . .. The committee's initial in— erIiIIIrIesponhse. . (~IliaiI'aIrIctei‘izetl as being conserva— expressed skepticism over Dnmin's promise. however.
' ., . : quiry a iCiIionth ago came after State f; befail‘gmfnffiee SISked MVP.)
. . II it receive the first “what now . I . o e 01 ex- .. ._ , , . . . _ LOUISVILLE — The Febru; -- ‘ -
. . t. ‘ totals about 8 600 letters gen- plliomSnonharfas established by tl . ('.(n:r‘l]]'\ IV)” 11]] find Ithat Jurv h'is‘ Il'lll(lt‘(l down sealed“lirditfthififfs (ii)iiiiii\g(ilrizli(t
. I . II I II ., .. “.tl(‘ll
I eratedb'aCalifomia—b I A -_ t e rout letnamese govem— iis IiIs [1K oI smIa town .i\\- . , t , . - . ,, .- . . I . ‘ .
war grOii called '\ thasefl If)“ ment. it received a reply that ,W‘rs. reSponded lii‘eathitt. "but pcisons “lbw-(“l ”|\Ol\(d “1”] 1m gal gambling operations
. . ‘ . U I foi l’eacep A no er. 0t er What had been established were “"“1“‘ “Ti“.fl it whole “(“V ”WWI m ”u" .I.J()'l”s“”c I‘m" ‘ ‘
. I I I I I marine survey areas. The re- of lawyers today—menwho work Ilii issuing theI report late Saturday night iolltm-iiig a
_. . They are asking Fulbright to Quested details were not slip- for the indigent and the activists week-long "”0”an probe mm “w operations. the jury
. .'= ' . hIOId hearings on alleged connt‘C- Fluid. committee aides said. and are supported bv founda- “-180 asked the March grand in“ to continue the investiga-
I I II I' I I I ttons between the continuing Are the potentially rich oil tions or get along on their own tion \VltIlISI‘dtt' Atty. (Len. John lireckinridge. who took over
I. . L .S. presence in \ ietnamand the leases off the coast of South I. . .' . I . , . the case from Jetierson (Iommonwealtli's Atty. Ide' l ' - '1—
. I .. . I “liS. \ou inst (lidnt see men - . . ' u 5“”,
. ' plans for Oil exploration. \ ietnam responsrble for the .\ix— like this \‘t“tl‘\‘ 'igo Thev ‘tl‘t‘ “mm at UH. Jim‘s request.
I. . . In the past year. Oil-drilling 0n administration 5 failure to get trying to 5'”) that all people are lireckinridgc has indicated he will pursue the vice probe :
. . fever has swept through South- our sons out Of\ietnam.’ asked Hfmwm t ,1" ‘ “Mil” “if PWP‘TI." (‘ml’OWUWl i” Mi“
. ., . I _ east Asia. especially in the shal- Another Mother for Peace. Which i I I H l '
I I low waters such as the Straits of Claims to have 203000 members In, response to his apparent “ASHI.\i(:}’[*().\'—\\'ith some optimism iie voti'itors for :
I; I I \ialacca between lndonesia and and to be growing at 10,000 a admiration for this new breed of the l'nited 'l‘ransporta'tion ['nion and the i‘iiilri-il . l4 i
. . Malaysia and Singapore. Discm: month. . lawyers. someone then asked his gained to resolve work-rule differences Sund'iv ‘ ii (l 8‘t )l'“_'
. I .. I eneshave been Imadeinlndonesia So far, its campaign has fallen opinion of the controversial at— the union is forbidden to strik , i L i ii 1‘ “5 (dl
. . _ . waters, including the Java Sea far short of its announced goal toriicv William Kuntsler \ ‘ ~'k i ‘ t i ( '
. ' ~ -, and near Sumatra. and some of generating one million letters ' A ‘ ml 0 .Of .uw .)(),()00 l H “"1 “ink-”3 immediately
I I I I -_ II geologists believe the vast con- to Fulbright by March 1. No lireathitt replied, “Om. society aiter the midnight deadline is not expected.
I_ I I tinental shelf of the area holds hearings are scheduled. And must be strong enough to sun (.iting progress made during bargaining Labor Secretary
._ II within it a potential as great as neither the committee nor the port academic freedom—I have JamIes Hodgson said: I think we can be assured the nego- *
_ I . . , the oil-rich Middle East. grou has come u wit n no icai of licariii ’ him 'Kun s- tiations “'1“ go on.
I . p p a y . i~ ‘ t
I . I , AlthoughIIno ml has yet been definite connection between the ler)‘ in tact l would be afraid , . I
I I found Off \ietnam, LS. firms search for 011 and LS. Vietnam if society said that we couldn’t MIDDLE EAST—Israels Cabinet met Sunday to discuss
I I I have expressed an interest in policy. hear him." the latest Middle East peace moves. and Egvptian Presi-
, I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dent Anwar Sadat claimed that his diplomatic inoves to re-
I I .. I = I'l-IIIIIIIIII.l-IIIIIIIIIII= gain occupied Arab soil has placed the Israelis on the de-
I I . I = - , = fensive for the first time.
I II I’ g = . J" J 1 Pl l zA = Addressing the. Palestine National Council of guerrilla lead-
I I I I . I - . . ers in (auro, Sadat declared that his strategy was aimed at
., I I. in)? A V I "” "h ’ 'i' H ’
t I I I “l . I. t . Ip IiIi ng e enemy in a corner and forcing Israel to expose
I = \s . = its aggresswe and expansionist intentions."
. .
, . - I . ‘ . I —————
. . J- . ~ - ours -
I . ‘7’ A I
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 . _ . _____ ._____ .____________________________ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Monday, March |. 1971—75 V A: ,'
eac lon pane TQSPOH 8 t0 8 m SPQQC vj

V ':"- f I. !,.«r‘.l.l
. Continued from P389 1 tion panel,consistingof]ay “:35“ ’secret plan _ to end the war in deaths of students at Kent State cussed women's relationship to "1 "
..The heart of Vietnamization brook, Robb Burlage of the l‘eo- _\ietnam, which has developed and Jackson State, is set aside war in the American Wm”) » ._ _. , . .;.

' is pacification, which has taken ple 5 Appalachian Research (1’0" ""0 a planfor gradualthhdraw- for demonstrations on campuses ' -' t ' '
the form of forced urbanization. lective, Karen Beckthh and al Of American ”OOPS and \ let‘ and cities. Demonstrations to in- Hi“ Baku!" “WWI H " l ' ~ ‘ ." ": ‘

u The DCOple are being taken out Kathy Pratt 0‘ Lexington s“om- namiz'ation. volve the (il's at Fort “ right “Um“ .rqmmn‘m 1‘” H”) “ "1W" : T; 2. ’ TI 2‘.

,‘ of the countryside and put in en Liberation, and George Brosi Nixon knew he WOUId have Patterson Air Force Base in Day- and children Of ericeme” km“! '7 "1 l ‘

f" . huge concentration camps, sur— of the Tennessee Council on Hu- to accomodate theAmerican pUb- ton, Ohio are planned for May In \ retriam and work rehabilltm ,-" - '-.' — ~ ' '

5’ rounded by barbed wire. The man Relations, discussed their re- lic some way after Johnson was 15‘ Armed Forces Day. “on for the \ lemamew iirmtia 1 1."; .’ .

. camps, run by the Saigon govem- sponses to his speech. . - forced to retire. He is afraid of ”The main objective of these tutes after the war is over. ' .. . .

"I ’ ment and built to ‘protect' the The Vietnam‘struggle is im- anti-war Sentmlt‘llt and 115 .Q‘UII- demonstrations will be to unify (,‘eorge Brosi supported a c0l~ ‘i-‘f .

‘8 people, are plagued by disease portant as .a testing ground. for tinuing EfPWth and depth, he the anti-war sentiment among lective action for personal liber- .3 1, ,1

~ and mass starvation," he said. the future dHBCt‘O“ 0f theLnited claimed. -The thing 15 thlS anti- the students, the blacks. thetrade ation, in the form of altemative :33 . ' ' -,"

h ”Many people are escapingto States 1" terms 0f the repressrve ‘gla'k zentingent has” ”Gt been unions and the (ll 5," said Bur- institutions. such as the Free . '_ '1 , . 1 .~

‘It . go back to the country side— measures to betake'n,c1v1lrights, ac 6 up yaetion. lage. . University, and direct action -.’- ~ fl :

. their homes—which have been increased presndentralpowenand Demonstrations planned Kart-ii Beokwith from Losing. campaigns. such as mobilization ‘ I, ‘ i'

e declared free fire zones. This the technology of war, said Burlage continued that the tons “omen Liberation dis— against the war. ‘5)“: _:

e means that anything in these estbrook. , . . National Peace Action Coalition. --{ .- -
zones which moves is instantly We can t 1““ fight to w1th- Which supported immediate and \ ., _‘ . ', ’i g
killed." lfshin said. draw FIOOPS from Vietnam, be- total withdrawal of American \ - 5155’ -- , ", '-"

e . ”The Saigon government has (33.11.58 "1 five 01’ 51" years through troops, the right of the Vietna- Li‘s: " ’ ' . ‘

C an estimated lm‘OOO people they military research we Will be able mese to determine their own r, . It, I; ‘- '_ ,'

0 consider political prisoners in t0 hght WithOUt ”0995- We must destination, and unified legal, ‘_ .j

u what are called ”tiger cages". maintain a sustained struggle peaceful demonstrations. was T I ":4 A
A “tiner cage" is a deep pit againstthewan “6.83% planning four separate demon- EST POWER. ~.- ' a

‘ covered by sheets of metal. l’eo- . South hast Asia is‘nOW at strations for the months of April a,”

t ple are stripped and beaten be- Its ")0“ crucxal 90"“. l‘ 1“ from and May. ta I ,3

~_ fore being thrown in the cages. Slowmg down the “'3." “:8 .are Local (leriioiistrutions tire '1? i . " t

" There are no toilet facilities and escalating and expanding 1t into planned in; April 2‘ 3 and 4. if ‘ V. - .‘ . 14“

l- , the prisoners are not allowed to Cambodta, L305~ find PQSSIblY the anniversary of Martin Luther - ?_ ." ~'

s ; wash. The metal, which covers \Of'th \ietnam. \9’“ Will be King. National demonstrations I _, 5".

.. the cage. makes it very hot dur- China and then the possible use against the war are planned in 31,5; .‘ _. '. .1

it ing the day and cold at night. Of ““0192" weapons. declared Los .‘mgeles and Washington, TEST PREPARATION ".. a‘ 3 .2“
Every few days the prisoners are RObb Burlagc. . _ D1,. tor \pril ‘24. May 5. be— j, r ‘- “~ w
taken out and beaten by the Burlage then attacked \ixons tween the anniversaries of the 't “ .

1 criminal prisoners kept in other BOOKS igl ‘t‘

l parts of the prison. The death ' h 5"" ‘7. ' ,’ '.'_

, rate in the tiger cages is 50 per- College of Home Economics Whigmgthfrfifrjg“fluff I Dental “DUANE 195‘ .3 _' ~~ .,
cent.‘ he said. . Department of Textiles, Clothing 81 Merci-randising ' into that/exam inwc‘ohipiéjt; - Gradv BUS'WSS e , _’ ..

llshui claimed that because control. Plan ahead With the School Admissmn ' '. «J:

1 ofthesc conditions. there is mas- offers only study guides that ac- I LaWSchoulAdmissmn' 3 .V '

' sive unrest in South Vietnam . . . c‘tfi’ately simulate the test _ . , : ‘

' against the 'l'hieu-KV regime. FOShlon Merchandlsmg you‘ll soon face — lll both I tiledlcai leljeile d . =._ j

”'l‘hieu and Ky [know that in format and level 0f Gilli admissmn t ~: {“1 '. r
) a free election they would be Eu r0 pea n Study TOU r jhgg/‘thhéofacclgtirduhjfegh'|It: I MillerAnaiogies Test :49...» 'a‘ ~.,_ . ’1'
’ t\hrown out. Because fol this. pass, Confidence gives a I G.R.E, Aptitude Test ~ .
: menca is preventing ree e ec- TC 535 big edge. - . . . . 9
3 tions in South Vietnam.” ‘ . _ i ”'l- Lommon Exam
. Conceming the plans tor —— 3 credits undergraduate or graduate level —- l'nsrst on gual'ny I Reg .."Gl’3d. Nursing '. . . :l ', : . .
. spring demonstrations byStudent _ . nsrst on ow es School Admisswn I,» ‘* ‘ '-’ ‘= t ‘
- f Mobilization ”Shin “id “1““ Open to No" Map” 8l/Ez"xll”-Paper 44.95 "34,25, 3?? panel: 23956311 57-, »- .3.-
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