xt7rv11vhr9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhr9p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1999 Vol.70 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1999 Vol.70 No.6 1999 1999 2019 true xt7rv11vhr9p section xt7rv11vhr9p I
a m l
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7 ‘ Volume 70, Number 6 - June, 1999 Pres S '_5
, 0 ° ' ' ‘ measure." "
,1. reps pICked l Sérvzce “all be dlSCOI’lImI/led June 15 The system was used especially on Tuesday when
, CommonNet, the Kentucky Press ASSOCiation's elec- most weekly newspapers accessed CommonNet to down- “s
' . I tronic bulletin board system, will shut down June 15, load ads sold by KPS. “It was tied up from early morning *
- exactly five years after the system was started up. to late at night on Tuesdays.“ e
1 t0 Wltnas S “It’s more than served its purpose," said KPA Jerry Gibson developed the CommonNet idea in early l
'_ . 1 Executive Director David T- Thompson, “2in HOW, With 1994, testing various BBS software before deciding on
. our website and With most newspapers having e-mail FirstClass. He unveiled it at the Summer (‘onvention and .
f exeCUtlon addrésses 3mg Intehnetlggjslség: tgime to $11181 it down-i, then operated the system from his home in Lexington. In '
nvei e at t e _ ummer onvention, A . _~ , 9 5 . -
' Nine media representatives CommonNet became the primary method or distributing 23.3%???dKfifivfiffii?1821;333:3352}.FESfFJIiZ-S“d
,. were selected to witness the exe- news releases, messages and display ads for KPA and the “It‘s really had little) attention since then i' added
" ' cution 0f Edward Lee Harper Kentucky Press Service. NOW, KPA and KPS Will rely 0“ Thom son “Since the software was: so ex ensive and
‘ that tOOk place May 25 at he the Internet for the same purposes. since the original version was serviiig our pur ose we I
.1 Kentucky State Penitentiary in “In five years, CommonNet has been off-line only to never really upgraded it t t ' p p K i I
‘ Eddyv1 lle. . accommodate a move from Lexington and relocating the For the past several weeks, KPA and KPS have been '1
.. It was the second execution 0f computer and modems within the office,” said Thompson. sending information electronically through the Internet "
" an inmate 0“ Kentucky’s death “Basically, the system server has been on 24 hours a day and the KPA website _ www kypress com ~ '
'1 row since 1982 and the first by for five years.” “We’ve used both methods ‘for distribution " ..
' lethal injection. CommonNet was based on FirstClass software. “We Thompgon added “because we wanted newspapers to get ' , -
1 According to state law (KRS did a minor upgrade one time because the software is so used to getting information off the Internet. Now that ,
.5 ff:iiiwsnififdriapaizefigiblfs to: appnsive and the original was serving our purp0se quite most newspapers have Internet access, it’s more economi- 7., '
.v Witness an execution. The news In all, more than 120 of the state’s 150 newspapers galefxatjlliem to get 1nformation from the webs1te or sent ’ ‘
t media listed in the statute are: used CommonNetto retrieve ads and news releases, mak- y Although the software and accounts were provided
1 one representative from the daily ing it on of the most successful bulletin board systems free to member newspapers there wag still the long dis- I .
. newspaper with the largest circu- operated by a state press association. tance call to Frankfort “Soine of the hewspapers would
' lation in the county where the “It began as a subscription service,” Thompson said, stay on line for an hour or more either because of slow
execution will be conducted; three “but it was obvious within a couple of months that few modems or the number of files they needed to retrieve To
representatives from newspapers newspapers wanted to subscribe to get the information them this move will be a c ost—s avin g one as we“ and
within the state, selected by the ‘ electronically. The board then authorized us providing the might even pay for their Internet access ..
Kentucky Press Association; one 1 software and an account at no cost for each member Though successful in that a large majority of n ewsp a- ‘ ‘
representative from the Associated newspaper. That made the difference. pers used C omm onN et most of the access was for d 0wn_
Press; one representative from “We have five telephone lines for CommonNet access, loading files “We wanted them to use it to post job open-
, Kentucky Network, Inc.; and although two of those are provided by Landmark in S send hotos and news stories to other news a ers
~ three broadcast media selected by Community Newspapers and available exclusively for angd leven cgmmunicate with other news a rs elsctfoni:
the Department of Corrections their newspapers in the state. So changing electronic (118- p pe
~ through a lottery drawing. tribution to our website will be a substantial cost-saving See COMMOI‘iNET, page 9
The three newspaper repre- .
4 sentatives selected by KPA were 0 .z" _ , ”A”, g . ,5 7 ,, _, we,
‘ taken from media witness appli- S C t ‘ . . - 5 '
cations from reporters interested ummer onven Ion nears . 9. i 3 Gilead ‘
in viewing the execution. The By LISA CARNAHAN 300 ofits buildings are listed on the 0m1fifl:mm ‘
= reporters selected in a drawing at KPA News Bureau Director National Historic Register. W m m .
' the Central Office were Jimmy The 1999 KPA Summer The tours will visit historic land- vmm:mmm I
Brannon of the Bourbon County Convention in Bardstown is just a marks like Talbott Inn. The tavern WW } ,
' Citizen in Paris; Bill Estep of the 5 little more than a week away but was nearly destroyed by a fire last 9 Inside .
y l Lexington Herald-Leader and l you’ve still got time to register and year and renovation is expected to be l -
E l Bob Garrett of the Courier- E join us in one of the most historic completed later this month. Before ‘P’zmmhfim . .~ .
F l Journal in Louisville. The regions ofthe Commonwealth. the fire it was the oldest inn in con- ‘NfiWMWM! , ,
,i i Courier-Journal’s representative l The convention, set for June tinuous operation located west of mm " .
E was automatic by KPA Board pol- ; 17-13, kicks Off that Thursday the Alleghenies. We’ll also visit the _ _ 1 . ‘
. icy, giving one witness to the I afternoon with one of three tours area’s famous distilleries including ‘flkmmbmm .
l largest newspaper in the county I offered Bardstown was recently Heaven Hill and Maker’s Mark. ‘m g . ‘
E l where the crime occurred. Harper I named of the «100 Best Small Sure to be a favorite stop will kmmm . ‘
{- : See EXECUTION, page 9 Towns in America,” and more than See CONVENTION, page 9 “WWW” ' ‘
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_ Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, June, 1999 3
9 1'
Abernathy named ad manager at Virginia Beach from Proctorville. ()hio, attended ()hio Ben Van llook. a freelance photog- :
1991 to 1993 lie became publisher of State l'niversity He has sen'ed as a rapher from Kentucky, recently Won i.
LCNI Vlce preSlant Style Weekly in 19931. managing all board member for the I’nited Way the Robert F Kennedy Journalism 3
\I' h l C Ab t1 h L facets of" the 40,000 free distribution and (‘rinie Stoppers Award. The prize, given each year by l.
. "1e . e 111' zsww . _ t . t . a . .
ElL ‘ It [in ”l (:1 ill; ultt'l't‘iative news weekly In 199:). he Former NOWS'I‘AXPN‘SS publisher the BMW” P- Kennedy Memorial l
am * ))(e(‘ we Vice r x‘i . ) ‘ . . v V s - - - - - - ~‘
[1] cl t k (u 't Q.” (n l was named general manager of and editor bara George has returned Foundation, is for JOUFHRIISUC WWk
.a man ommuni v . ews a )e s. , - » - , . - . t . ,
I n ‘ - p l r Targeted Publishingr which has 10 to the paper to replace Paula llalm that best exemplifies neWs coverage
nC. . . . 1 . . ‘ ~ H v: r 1
~\ d‘ t lt‘\'I if' i 1 th publications in the Richmond and who resigned her position as ad 0f the dIMchmtdgtd.
.‘1 ’(1..)CL.‘.‘ ,
‘. ,tCl r mf‘ . l 1 lil; l Hampton area. director in March Pvt” del‘d was for d “We 0i
fg-‘lmn ‘5 A new ‘i’n‘_‘r“‘t“ ‘U‘fll" Georgp is 1, native of Logan editorial cartoons on patients"
e 'oin )anv s (ivicion ”row i. . v . - ‘ , . , . .. ‘ ,
~\b L. hl' If“ l‘ . {1 t h _ ‘ NCW' GM ad director “Na and a graduate of the rights. Van Hook s award in tht
bllmn .\ “1 _ 1““ Ur“ k ‘ri-‘lilmih ‘ l'niversityof‘Kentucky. photojournalism category was for a }
ill) for unain ()pt rations anr wi hlfjd 'll NCW’S'EX r689 series 0f photos he took for Llli’
.k.lt.l..h1(‘\'1 “l‘ C c i p .i .
wor cost \ wit 4 . prt>1((lit .,. . l . Tl . ,1 ~
7‘ ‘. _ ‘ _ V ‘ M'lllChCS‘tCr “(3W9 ,1 Cr inagazmt ast year. it p iotos
Larry Lof‘le) in managing the divi- 'Ihe Appalachian Newsltxpress c . - pt p accompanied a story about a young
sion and help With future expansion recently announced the hiring’ of two V . ‘ ) h man in thy Dominican Repubiif who
~\ l'T’tdLl‘ltL‘ of' Old Dominion new em )lovees Stdnb “CW 5 Upper ‘ ‘
. - :- ~ L 1‘ _ .l x - p . . . was born With severely deformed
. 1 niversity Abernathy has 1h years l’\t‘llh l‘outz. former publisher for The Manchester Enterprise lt'L’S- The 5.er anmcuid flu. atten-
of experience with Landmark He a group of ('ommunitv Newspaper recently started a new publication. tion ”f an American orthopedic sur—
Joined The \ irginian Pilot in 195.1 as lloltliiigs._liic «( f\lll i publications in the Innterprise l’lus According to geon who ampumtpd mt. boys“ legs
an‘advertising account eXecutive laastern l\entuck_v was named gener- the paper. the shopper Will have a and fitted him with prostheses,
lles held several advertising: posi al managerof the I’ikeville paper circulation of 9,500. (‘oupled With enabling him to walk for the first
tions in the Norfolk area. including l’outz. who currently lives in the newspaper’s 6.500 circulation. time at 3gp 17V
classified advertising.r w'ill reach
16.000 homes in the (‘lav (,‘oui‘itv ‘ . . “‘ 7‘ V
—- I 116 KantUCk Press —— . . > v Newspapei offices
The publication will include re aired in Cam b€llSVlll€
, .) .. i) ‘ - - ». , . . i A
in: :enmctlhl [gebrliLSEK—tixlixil§b4l 15} “b lz>mkll3 \1 l 1‘ directories for local businesses and p p Y
150111011VVCCHJ‘VI’SS ,- .r - , ~ x‘- 1 'x -
“\wmamm ,KmhK‘k‘ Prt‘8\k§t‘lr\'it‘: I“ t tnnt rd}, int itsttr nttrpnso. medical “(.111th a TV guide. soap 1 Thtl (htntral htinktuclljv IV ws
' * ‘ ‘ . " ‘ , . , ,1 . t. , ,. vourna as mover me into its
l’eritxiical-cla» postageis paid atFranltiort, ”Mm—1 14 ”pt ra Ullddtt 5‘ ”"N‘V‘m'd PUZZILW fi' ' xs ' fi ) th ll 11 l' , . “.1 ll , _ l
Kl 406411 SL‘h‘a'll‘l‘m‘ P”ICC 15‘3" PW WM stu-"Hlmpwn entertainment news and a horo— ‘1’ “qu (Dr ‘ (”1“”le l“ l “"
\. \_.» .. . ’ ‘ ‘ ‘_ ' . .. _ , - ,> ,~_ aserin ecemier
lmmf»tf‘r)"1‘d “MUM “’Jd‘lrt‘vh’n‘i Nymph“ [mask] News-Journal stopt In addition to l)( in;r niailtd to p S‘ ., th' t t‘ x t} . . ., , .
kt’l‘lhlLkV l r955 llll Ll‘ll‘unlt’r l‘alli‘, (l\'(lr.\’ th](i ”1 1h“ (-Uunt\" the shin). } ‘lll](‘( d 1111‘ ‘ ‘]( :1tF‘5l)‘ll)( r
_‘ , / l t"l:,l;fi\»-“~HZ _ . .‘ it” )1 i; ‘ i“: ».
l””““"'“ “m" l' N l l [mint—i lwA per will also be available at no [lb/1);”) Ul)frnt,”lg out H In!“ W
Hm ‘ .r‘ mi 1‘)‘ -t m lhiitVVlttlt’,.\11di‘rs(\ii,\t'\\'.\ charge at area businesses. In. lNu“ raining} “m”. ‘l )out 'l
M h m“ ‘ mile from the papers building. The
lkeiituti'. l’ress .-\ssw:iattt~i: , t . .
' Iii-strict 181% Cs ll ) . - - ‘ 0 -, h ‘ ‘ move was made necessary when the
l‘t‘esi‘dei‘it lillill_\{‘l§illll[)dll\'lllt‘,’\el\vl\t.]t(‘_\1C«\\(‘ll)_"tr‘r ’ L1 LI 1 ()1 n S :1 ‘lp lk’ 8 ”(MT 111 1l1(‘ 1111(l(ll!_‘ building: (‘UllitpSHl
Tom tauthl'i le~;i.._'toi1llerald teativr . . ' ‘ , , . \l . (>11 UPC. 7 Although two ('Iiiplnyei-s
slum-a: large Std“ ‘u B‘Ud‘ t()\\ ll were leaving the building when it
i‘rwsitiees ! lu'f luv-rue lint". lltt'hi‘lll‘ll‘i‘ li'HHHi (‘hris (‘uller has ioined the stafl' happened no one was injured
Y ‘ N \‘ “‘ v N i' 1". ""1’ \\ ‘v‘.‘~ ' " ' - . ‘ -
litrciiit..t,_ \H .i..<,. ...\ k of liie l\!‘lll|lt'l\\ htandard iii
laristi llla‘ lttrrit lfl-wileii l) oi , . 1 .1 i . . “ '
‘ , arost. \\i as .i aria )liit design -r . ~ - ~ , , .. -
,i MM 1 ’ 1 1' p ,7 I . p a 0 lot met KCmULhV w i IICt
Hm Ham‘s; ( a...“ \,.,., . 1m“ .\ - _,\ \msoii‘ ouiit\ It“l(lt‘lll.( ullei .
i . it rt V: \i m I‘m) t 'j ‘1 \mlll I“ j“ 'l‘ ”MW“ ( "”‘l“ll“'l_‘ \Vlllh PUlll/Cl l ll/C
wires 1m" toll. L"‘ 111 l."lll<\'lllo' where he is
‘13,“ i" ‘ ,_ -,_ 1, - ,,_, M .\ii:3elo l1 Henderson. .1 senior
l ‘1‘“ mw” “ ‘9” :, , .ii, w p. .1 ,,_ st'idvine Ellillilllt‘ design ln his new I f l’ H tl fl
4 ‘ ‘r -' ‘ , '- . ,"‘l'(".l wri‘er or atr- nc wi t -
levslliw'i ( lilltl will design lit'\\\l);t l. l . l ’l H
[Traits war 1 . . . “all fiti‘i-t'l 'lUtii‘iial i‘l-t‘l'iill‘v ‘v‘.'tl‘i :i
g.) V . , L ,. _\, ‘ ‘ 7‘ a i , i, l"'-’ pages l»>1‘ll‘i".\l.‘il1(l;il‘(l(HillIitl~ , ,
! 1W tell iv mutant ‘ llllIl/t‘l'll'l/J'lril‘l)l.\lll.1'ili‘llf‘il
: W 1% 1. l 1 than»; lillli",\1e‘lit'l‘l Magnet . , ,V
g . ~. hr- ,., i “H V 7“. ‘ l‘eaturi- lteportirii' llit' tl'v\ll."t'l was
i I H 'i i i for a profile on a Detroit pli'ii‘ni'icist t
ix H ‘l _ \1 ”cm H, M ,, l C“. \tlll l‘lUUh lCLCl\C >l1'llift,‘lllit' \\1lll tho- afteriiiatli of i
Marian. ..::‘T ‘. ‘2;T"|i . 1v" “ " '*
. l l H iarr‘. 1‘: i .1» litmzitl . ' . I . " ‘ l~ killmu .m :U'n‘wd wither
. l» _ e lltlllUlltl ‘l\& ‘u L S ;\ llilll\'t‘ of l‘Hlll.\\’!llt“ lll‘lltlt'l\‘lll
llv';l‘lhl'ill1:‘i_‘llti‘.z liars“: tin; i l‘““"'- 5 ‘i .1th tan, i'rll'ii‘l'litl cartoonist for .tlwluéitwl from tln l'IHw-Mu wt
‘ 'xlail ‘.wrirvvl-w:?iz«‘>_x i‘w' fliv- l,I'.\iii;~,'1"ii lli'i'iilrl lit-.‘irli-i‘. tillfl see PEOPLE. page“
a 1&an ; ‘ , ( 4:01;”. ‘3‘ i ‘ ‘1 \1!’ _____.—_—__———————-—————————
i.\1l\'ii.ev Llixeiistmrii \lessemy :‘ 1" ‘piit'or , ‘ .
- l’i.i !.1 1.1. |~*~»s.it' .riv' liviii'iii:
”ma . W [Deaths
(liarlii l’urtinaiz l'xzu‘sini l’.l\t‘l‘l?- m "ll l‘“ “I": ., ____ __ __ _
ix‘ \i". ll-iiff "-ilt‘t-r's _-—
Dismrfi lv\r"‘t‘7“l‘-‘l e: i; l !‘ erszix I)'dnl(‘‘l MOI‘I‘IS lwiil’ lhittli- w itli l’arltiiisoii} ilis
[)a\id(.reer,lhelxenttit‘lv.\taiidard [Limpl “Urns ‘33 gmmrrer“ his"
Bardsio-.~.-ii li'lirl *lllsn‘l- W ““13””13,1“[Himwipfllmh l.eiii;ii‘r lit“,“lli his career will.
ri‘ .ris.f..‘ ' ‘jltl if: {,r‘mjw ' ., ' ‘ , _ ~
into-.1“ iiI i in: i- Morris ~\.1\.tli mom trii‘tlie “we'll NMii-Iiwr m l’~iis1wl.\.i
mt ' mu '. ‘\ 1 xx: ‘ . .
lhirrvtll'. \‘eenxatth)ltllianilrti Somerset ( i'llllli"li'»‘»lutllll »l'illl‘lletl ll‘ "‘5‘” l”“"l‘ll'l't "l lll" l li'll“'l'll"
.. “hm”; [that V.\‘\.‘,\(-“Hflv ,, itllfl .i l’lll llllil ’H'rpt'litll‘.“ virulent l’iililisliei‘ .llltl was the owner (mil
I’l‘ln‘l’ ' humus; l'T6's~ serxziesiim with l,.fll."l 'lV , lllllll"i'l" il (Willi-2H- lllll’ll‘l'” "l lll“ (llitllll’l‘h" ll!’“.‘~""“‘~‘
Km“ ll*‘”““l‘-""ll"m" ‘ ”m" M'"“‘ lld‘fil‘ll itioiiani i~.-- irtiu' i 1.5.2:; llv- \Mi‘ 1 name of .\l'\(iil.l (kilo H: 'l‘vi/vvvu'll. 'l‘I-nn . in tort- minute
lhsn'icrsa. ““l‘l'“’[ll"‘-“”\l ‘- “‘plr'rilt'!‘ . .i’H-l tle s H of Janos ll .iiitl ,\l.ll‘1i' to lldl'ldli iii lflTll .
Ken \letl, Batl’tCountx \evxsthifliuil (I'l‘m‘l )J'll‘v AM” ““111“! “ml" w’ l Morris 1\ :liaililatt- (ll llit‘ l lll\('l‘\ll>\ Hf
' " "y"~ l'ic‘i'i; ‘.il " , ‘
erll‘lr'l'i lilll' “ f \,l",1 )m ’1 l"lillt'\st m l,t'lll.ll l' was a l S,
lhstnct 10-11 ~t a ('\\'l\,l\t"wi1rt ~, .ariu-iiiiyt nm imam (‘I v V' .
- _ 1 de l em'irr r. - rm “We!
Jpn-.7. [rmmmghmt Bl): Sanity Net/Vs \iie( .lllllTlill k, i‘\\lll'llt‘i"li' itixc \~.~ist fl‘l ,V l ‘ J l , ‘ ‘ . . l l _ l
Buftx Rims,lhuiklez'{>ii-;1‘\ssist1ii.l l l‘wl" la‘Hi-lH' l! m. foi‘iiin-i ‘l ”M” \K ‘h \l” \ ”H '\ H"
District 12 Rachel \1i( arty, .‘\\l‘.'t‘rll*xlll): \ssis’nnt [Illlill"li"l r l lll' lliii l.tli lliiilv “ ll" “film” lli‘rl‘l” ‘lx ‘Illlllll‘l'l'
“tephen Bowling, latkwn limes [ina Sliryv» l\, l\.-\\ lholsleeyiiii: .\ ermiant lfiiii-riii 1w illl il .‘ilMi-li 3’, ,mm J See DEATHS, page 12
. K . E
- T
. _. ‘ l .
. , ‘ 2

 I ,
. , ,
' I
L l
It .
is The Kentucky Press, June, 1999 - Page 3
Stray facts detract from the story s theme
:2 , gressively annoyed, kept saying, “I've lived When readers see any number or fact, they
l coaCh s _ , here three years, pal, you’ve been in town 10 think: “This is connected to something else."
i 5‘ minutes, and you know everything." When I read 175 workers, I thought, ,
f: corner fifi‘fg Two people, one conversation, neither “Somewhere down the line in this story, the
I __—_____ knew what the other was talking about. number 175 is going to be important, I better
By Jim Stasiowski . ' ‘ l.’. _ We sometimes do that to our readers. remember 175.”
"4,. . "; A newspaper story should be a conversa- But it turned out to be a stand-alone fact.
tion between the writer and the reader, with l, the reader, spent part of my concentration on .
IletS at 18, a friend 811d 1 W9") hIICthk‘ the writer talking and the reader nodding his that number, and when it meant nothing, I .
ing on Interstate 5 in Southern California. An understanding. Unfortunately, we cannot see was disappointed.
amiable U.S. marine picked us up. My friend when readers stop nodding and start furrowing Frank, an entertainment writer, did a tea .
sat in the front seat, I in the back. their brows. ture on the director of a community theater.
As he merged into the speeding traffic, the When a reporter gQQS out on a story, he He spent the entire Paragraph 8 explaining
marine said, “They call this Death Alley.” asks a billion questions. Then his natural incli- why the group years ago had changed its ,
I clearly heard him 53)’ “Alley,” and I nation is to put all the answers in the story name. '
assumed he meant there were lots of accidents Sometimes, the answers don't fit thy thiinw The story was about the director,
because of the speed. My friend thought he the [‘(Iportpr chuogog Paragraph 8 made me think, “Somehow, Frank
said “Valley,” meaning Death Valley. the low— For instance, Judy, a husimiss reporter, is going to connect the name change back to
est and reputedly most hostile spot in the was writing about a construction project. She IhI‘dlrI‘I‘I‘”‘-" I"‘ II" ““VI‘r (“d ‘
COUNT)? asked the foreman, "How many people work SINW IIICIS 41” ”“I‘ ““8”“ ”MI. Why”
Unfamiliar with California geography, my here?" ”0 answered: 175' reporters ask me if'they should write out a list
friend said, “Wow. I didn’t know it was so She wrote a full 5”,“.ng SM it apart ”5. an of questions before an interview. I usually
close." individual paragraph. to get that number in “”5pr “N‘ln With “ ll-‘I- Ih“ ll”"~“'tl"”“i ”“d .
The marine gave him a funny look, then the story. but the paragraph sticks out because “WWW“ sometimes ”I‘m more important than
said, “Yep. Lots of people die around here." it has no relationship to the story's theme. I‘ll“ ‘II’I‘N 1h“ H‘PWII'F Says "Well. I have this
I surmised he meant: in car crashes. My It was what I call a stray fact. tact, l “H” t” m" tr"“lll" “l“kmi‘l ”hm” ‘I' 5"
friend surmised: of thirst. Stray facts arrive in stories with the best of 't must b“ “'0th usmgf
Their conversation went on. My friend kept intentions but with nothing to do. The reader . [{“Imrt‘irg' I trust 3"”) I“ h" smart I‘lmufih
saying, “Are you sure it's around here'.’ I sees 175, for instance, and doesn‘t know it'it's a interviewers that you ll km'p ”Mk "I “hm“
expected more. sand." The marine, growing pro- large or small number for such a project See STRAY, page 10
O 0
Book touts “Pa ination Reporter f1r€d for lying
g .
' ' 9 h 1th in col mn
W1thout the aggravatlon about ea u S
(AP) A reporter for The atmosphere where you are crucified , ,
Newsroom warriors "who have II‘XIbI’I’k‘ Messengenlnquirer, ()wensboro, for having AIDS or being gay.” / i
been through It all" have collabo- ”YOU!“ find IIdVICI‘ ”I’m some was fired by the newspaper May 10 Stacy, who is a lesbian, said in an i 1
rated on a pagination workbook of the best people in the industry after she admitted that fiw (“lulung AP interview.
that Will SPFVI‘ 85 a SIOP'bY‘SII'P on how to ChOOSO‘ PUTChflSO and she wrote detailing her battle Through her columns, she had
FPSOUTCC for Minors and others integrate new technology Illld against terminal brain cancer Were told MessengerInquirer readers
faced With planning a pagination equipment into your newsroom, fabrications that she had brain cancer and had \ ”
INSIGIIBIION f0" the fiTSI time, “T and how to plan a redesign for At the time other dismissal, less than a year to live and was \
f0" reworking an existing system. your newly produced pages," write Kim Stacy, 33, said she lied in the undergoing chemotherapy ,
CIIIII‘d ”TCCIIWMUEY and (Tasey and Franklin in the book's columns to avoid revealing she had ”I refuse to believe I'm going to
Pagination: Integrating the New foreward. AIDS. ‘ die." she “rm“, "My life mn)‘ h. '
into Ihi‘ NI‘WSWOms” IIII‘ 1420‘W‘t1“. In a section called "Deciding (hie ot‘the columns was distrih oyer in six months. but I'm not /
5““ cover WI’I‘kIWI’k gUIIII‘S III" what you want." Ed I’ieratt. direc- uted in Kentucky by The Associated going out ot this world without :i
i (le’f’rt “r “I‘VICI‘ through II“? I‘ll" tor of technology, l‘l VI' Scripps l’ress. fight." i
’ ”WIN“ ”I” technology I'I’IIIIYIIIII"‘~ I‘M, [')]'(|5(IHIS a minimums!) checkr- But threr days alter losing her She admitted tlu- fabrications
[0 hardware and SOI‘HWU‘I‘ 5‘4"" list Brad «l. (iiiigar. graphic artist mb and becoming the siihiect oi an alter the publisher .it another paper
”0”: I" a discussion ”I. what ”I“ with the l’hiladelbl‘iia llailv News. apology I" Ft'ii‘lt't“ I‘W Mir-“11.33“? II'I' WIHI'lt >l1c onic worked i-oiitroiit
technology Will likely be beyond nrovules illustrated schematics ot’ IIIIIIIIH'I' I’lll’IISIII‘I‘ In h’in: " SM“ "d ll” Wm} M” ”lblmlmw
2000‘ iiiitoniated pre-iiress systems the NIKI IIH‘ >IHI‘V “I. I1“? I1'I\'|“.‘»1 All“ SUV" ‘lillih‘d l”"i ll"“"l“‘l" l.
t A ”Mimi '('()nH-‘Iiilit‘t‘ Ur ”W role of a brc'press coordinator. “'4I1"4*I-‘”” I": Sh" I"I‘I II" ““W‘l“I “HI”; \V‘I‘l‘” “l Vim“ “Li" ‘ll I!“ .
.. r w, . .
Editors wrote and produced the tion Ci”? benefit both “M” and ”hid 5'“ M" ind,” Mt Iiliyfihllp, \'. .g H ,. \ , . . "
. Hdvyrtpgnyn Itlllli‘ III [\ll).\'lt liilt‘tl lllllt fifit h 5ll( ‘ (“5 LXI)“ 5‘ I)” I lhlltl ‘ 1‘1”} '/
workbook. Members of the coin (, Fit* .1 , _ {,1 "t' said she has “NV”. “$th ”Wm“, tam-hug gun} that three (,i“ hit
mittee contributed chapters t' l (I'lll);;( r ~l;lrI‘(l’[l V1.5 1“ ll”; l7 for AlDS m. in“, ”mi,“ 1',”— ihp (he statlers who were close friends with i -
()livia Casey. SNI) technology I” I.” “ I‘M“. g WM” ”t (l H ease Stacy "got suspicious about some I
committee chair, and Joy t‘HHHt. terms compiled by Anne She agreed to have two things >1“, “”5 Wf‘lilll” m the
Franklin chair of ASNE's small haul, “W” Sysum” ”in” ”I .. it . - . - ' l ' ~ 1”" l' h: ' l ‘
. v .. _ (lannett. (‘0' Inc. reporters auoinpany hei to take an IQ ”Inn-n > I “I'M I MI .lufiI (“I “I
neWspaper committee, directed A l * . AIDS test. The results ot‘ the test THIL'IIH‘ FIKIII“-"I’IIIIIIIIItI I’I‘Il-'
the group's work over the last 18 mong t‘h" other ("’nt’:ll’”l"r* We“. made “mummy U, the The newspaper had agreed to
months. ’were D‘Wf' ( ”I“ Howard Piribcrg, 31”“,an “mm“.r with Sm“;- publish Stacy's columns written for
Th" reader WI” b“ “bl“ I" con- I‘om .( leman.) ”mm d“ permission and continued she does IIII' I """II-‘INWI’ P3P"
duct an overall redo (it the news- l“‘”l’,""I“l”» "lm‘_ l WWI-“”1 MM" ”(,1 ha“. Allis Backus notified the (lwensboro
T00”) “T upgrade 1‘ SPI‘CII-‘I' Phil-"IV PUSkm and Ed Ixohorst. "We do have compassion for the haper, and Ashley said Stacy then
such as how the new technology in TIII‘I'IWI ”I 'lechnology ”WI situation she “‘- experiencing. but called her editors and asked them
I’III’II’L’WIPhY interfaces with th" I’agination ‘3 $15 plus $2 at) Mr We can't countenance misleading I“ PU“ III‘T I‘I‘IIIIII” troni IIII‘ III’XI
newsroom's existing publishing Shipping! Send to Socicty for [W ”um,” "said Rm“. day'sedition
system. It is produced as an easy N"W>' D‘H‘tt’n, 129 llyer Street. SM“. ‘43. mnmlhfmld q“. in,“ Stacy said the deceit began in
to use workbook, complete with Providence. ltl ”290"; 390-1 Ur, “Win,“ ’H‘ H“ stigma ”H” in.” to late 1995 when she told coworkers- ’
wire-o binding for easy note tak- send your order over tlii- intcrnit I Alllh' i at the -"ppalachi;iii News Express
ling. and not as a bulky, unwieldy to snd‘fl‘snd org _] "1 gr- A. H‘, m d “HA” 2,,“ H see REPORTER, page 5
i ' . ‘ ‘
I .

' I“
’ ‘ I
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, June. 1999
News 3 er racks removed then returned b Cit
P P , y y
By BYRON BREWER '“——-—_—_—_’“——_— accustomed to getting their paper there had to
Georgetown News-Graphic “e recened many calls from customers. look elsewhere.
Readers Were ShWth APT” 9 Wht‘h thL‘ a" concerned ”how the remuval 0f the “We received many calls from customers, I
Tfu‘kh‘ holding editions 01' tht‘ GUUWPU’WH “Wk-‘3 It should never haVe happened. all concerned about the removal of' the racks.
thaws-Graphic, Lexmgton Herald-Leader and It “as a mule error in jUdgmen‘ It should never have happened. It was a huge :
1 DA Today were nowhere to be found. by somebody." error in judgment by somebodv."
The racks had been removed late ‘ ‘ ‘ . .‘ .
Thursdav ni ht bv Geor yetown ublic works __ One News-Graphic rack ls back m front Of
t. g . is P . . .
employees, said RC Linton, the department's Mike Scogin the Scott Shopper b’mlding,' tn” the second ‘5
director. publisher of the Georgetown News-Graphic how m from 0f Fava 3» he 531d-
Racks Were back in place by that Friday —___________ Herald-Leader customers were equally
afternoon with the apologies of Linton's one rack belonging to USA Today were confused and angered, said Jamie Jenkins,
department and Mayor EveretteVarney, but removed from Main Street. consumer marketing manager.
the ramifications of busmesses being. in effect, Varney and Linton called the removal of “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” (
removed and an apparent “013mm 0f the F‘rht the newspaper racks a “misunderstanding,” Jenkins said. “This is outlandish. Not only
Amendment left newspaper representatives in but neither would say who ordered the pickup does it violate the freedoms of speech and the
shock. . . . . by PUth WOTkS With notification to any 0f the press, but it is going against a business.”
Im very disappomted that any offiCIal in newspapers. “I was disa ointed no one even called ,,
8C0“ County did ”Qt know they were violating “We were cleaning up downtown and some S ‘ 'd “Tlf'p ' ff “d ' i
the First Amendment and that they failed ‘0 of the merchants asked us to get the racks off cogin sai ' 15 action a ecte a taxpaying
recognize this piece of our American history." the streets," Linton said. “It was a misunder- busmess downtown and we had hOt even the
said David T. Thompson, executive director of standing.” courtesy ofa phone call. It disturbs me.”
the Kentucky Press Association and the for- The two News-Graphic racks were located Thompson said such a “blatant violation of
mer publisher of th? Georgetown News & in front of the buildings housing Scott business practices and the First Amendment”
Times. Shopper. owned by News-Graphic publishing had not happened in Kentucky in the 16 years
“Whoever is responsible ought to come for» company Georgetown Newspapers, and he has been with KPA.
ward and 155“" a PUbllC “PUIUKY t0 tht’ Country Peddler, owned by Gary Perry and “Our First Amendment rights are one of
Gfi‘OTHt’UMh News-Graphic, Lexmgton Herald— Larry Harpole. said Mike Scogin, publisher. the b - f d ‘ t - st f
Leader and USA Today, and to the the citizens “We should have been informed,” Scogin aSlC ree 0.mb' “3 )u‘ . or“ newspapers
of Georgetown and Scott (‘ounty They ought said. “And even if we had, the city had no but for all Americans, he hald‘ Free speech,
to b0 reprimanded by itieorgetowni (‘ity right w take the racks. That is, in effect, a freedom ofthe press, freedom ofreligion.
Council as well ” business downtown. Not only did we and the “I think the arbitrary removal Of these
Two racks belonging: to the News-Graphic. two other newspapers involved lose a day's paper racks, these bUSiDESSCS, was irreprehen-
two racks belonging to the Herald—Leader and sales from those racks, but the customers sible.”
NAA h ’ °
onors There 3 never any excuse for sloppmess
' l
outstandl n 0 o o . . use a mug shot without a border and the person has .
c DeSlgn ls . no left or right shoulder. you perform a double—ampu— r i
‘ 7V . é 5" 3 i tation with every issue !
NIE p1 ograms Everythlng l r“ 5: 0 Poor registration. OK. this one's a no-hrainer. i f
(fr [ l , What often surprises me is the response from man_\' i
. _ . g i i ——_—_—— ‘ ” press or production supervisors‘ who‘ll sav “Yeah I ‘
. 1’“ '1:f'\”1‘>" 3' H' -" '7 . i: By Edward F, Henninger g)“ . I i‘lll those are earlvrun copies " Right But someone!
11” ‘ 7‘“? FT 137; ‘ i‘ Y" ' iL—‘—T————-—*—_——4 iut there Lu 1.» lili‘lli. don't thev" \Vhi-i‘i 1 Worked :it a;
:ri: ’ p f ~; ‘i; -' ‘ ‘I' h“ "’i 'i';””"; ‘ " ""“‘"" H "7”“ ””r iiieiri, wars ago, our production (ill't‘t‘lfll' \K'Hlliii mix l
r '1.‘ 1‘,» . ,i::.-: 1 \V ,1 1,} mg ‘i {W . ix}; ll' l1" ' *1" him" ‘i "'Iiiosii .tl'“ only the \‘allev ('iillltili " ;\.\ it it was ()Kl
" 'i 1‘7 7- ‘ 7 ‘1‘ i- ‘- :1“ i 5 1;: "i'i " h 2‘ "'V i " j" " M1? " '1'” 3‘? our ri-iidi-i‘s ill the >lliilll‘i)> iii ;H'i papers that:
. H“ “ ”gift" \i ‘1 ' ' 3: hr" .:. i; '7: ‘i'f‘hi' I i‘ H ”‘1 g 1" ‘W‘: m" ‘7 i'v-ii-ii‘t Lt> good .is ii)(i>t"‘l1l'i‘li\ l‘t‘iili"l\ l't‘(('l'\i"i ;
z 2; t.‘ {“‘;1;_)‘;_- 15,711. .» 2K ‘i'v I" a ~ 1. :z ‘il'v' .~ s- i .'Y fwy', :: ‘-r 0 [HM- “hm: Nonnysh i
" 1" d :v g, r . “i. . ? . . H M M ,.. . H . . .. A 1‘ . o Hui-rprintinu on the t‘iiif! s of the piitri- Till‘i
r “ " "'1 ' “if." i“ \ "h 5 ‘j‘""“ ‘I W ' I" 'i" ‘ “ ‘ ‘ a'..’1i!‘> more uteri nowadays i)i‘t£tll>t‘ w i\\‘ shrink theii
4"? 'I'e‘ hi“ X113 “ i ‘ i" 7 j. :3 m‘i'i'_ m" \ '“_' h,“ "M. ‘1:'\‘\“7i'i'iv“",(in“: ' vwi- size o1 our papers and the [)lllL'il when on thei
vita“. “43“...“ - h N ,3: \ if": ll.§"'li‘l:‘» it ri;'tif.iii'i~-~ Niii ii-iiiii: ‘ . _ . . . i
' . H ’ ' . F ‘f‘ 5% kw w “my“! mi HWHMHWI "Hm“! ti» Hm": iil"\.\ are actually over the print area instead ot ll)! 3
“' “\i’dl“ r~ “"“ 9” I“ ‘ ‘ “‘ “ il" l '1‘: in" r N. , '1} Ex w W tir' . ‘ )L i i ”ii margins. It saves us lots ot money. Ini sure But] !
‘r‘li‘hk‘hiiw‘d‘.i":iiii. .i 9“"A‘ . ‘il““--i~~-." '»1»‘:A"’~“i‘=' ,, ,, . . -
riiwduri'riidd hurnfiliizml , i ii: ‘1” Hi Pm” m” 1.!“ not I‘lilliltil‘lil I‘ll hi- abh I" tum, it uni)~ be pt‘nlU-VKIM' and pulllldritiiiilhil because it is .i
“W“ “W“ 1‘ ”MM ”mm“ V! ”Wm” "h ”1 them h.“ “I” l “H“ (“'l‘l£tlllifv wk“ H : \lkli assault on the quail!) ot the product “0 deliver i
. i . . _ .. t ,. , ‘ inwi eh“ orse. We ourselves are the offenders t
1%}:“5’1: trh‘ :‘httr'u‘; H"; 1"“; h il'ire n”, h" 0 Bitmapped type This most often occurs because I
mix inesaii. \‘ill,\i( “‘ *‘ , -
ing pmgmmg \t't. “w. plum-(into - Improhpr \[im'llifl i't‘l\\'i‘<'ll elements A photo :‘lt‘ hm1111.}(ii‘rfilf'hhtf‘hm” I'm“: V” h‘h‘fl“ Fun)“ 1.9 '0”: {
thi- ‘w'idi- varii-tv ”1 “J“ that land boxi-d with it storv. for exaniide that has nine points 45“ 'h"- h n 5 id "lht or ‘1‘ PH” " 15h tW-m iml-‘Mhh :
NIH professionah have found 11- of -‘Ilii{';. albovig 1;! litillll.‘ iiloni,’ the right side and six ;‘:;(wtm output “H“. (ant proper J reprot m“ t)“ ,
i- w -; t s r. ‘ M “ 5‘ d points it'ti‘v‘k . , ‘ i
2“]: {41”}:in 1:133“? ,V‘ltwiiprhyl 0 Rules of riliit'rt‘lll widths used for >llllliitr pur : Iiiihuluidit'vw'_ 59;: fibmhh . l i .
(ipnf' NAA qur‘d‘nmn and poses Example oiii- puL’i' has liziirliiii-s i)l'i\\l‘l'.'l i y} I: lillvi'yt‘zet i‘ll’v‘v‘ ”JP“ hh‘t -‘ “’“h hid!” ““7 '
IJivi-rsitv Department