xt7rv11vhq6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhq6c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, May 1986 text GSO Newsletter, May 1986 1986 1986-05 2019 true xt7rv11vhq6c section xt7rv11vhq6c 3;: _ ”5.5323? _‘ , , , , , . :fi
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If you would like to advertise in the BSD lGSO MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
t"§tfi tii’n ”liiiii 55“” “t" ”f’aTSadisa“ City 1
n on exin on ' . 05 . e , .
Deadlihe for ad sablissign is Ythe 15th of each -———P19355 DUt 'E/”5 on the BSD sailing I‘St
nonth. Any ads received after the deadline will including a free subscription to the
ggguebe guaranteed to be PUbllShEd 1“ the "EXt nonthly BSD newsletter [delivered in an
Ads say be subaitted caoera-ready or rough. “unmarked? envelope)
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as ____Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 {or students)
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grinting- advertiser is responsible for proofing ____Please let ne/us know ha" 1/32 ‘39 be sure
he ads they Sublit for publication. 1 invloved in BSD or other gay.lesbian organ—
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to edit due to space and/or grammatical errors. -——— '9' " ‘ '
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The 650 newsletter is Bublished nonthly by the
1/4 off for boo. Lexington Gay Services rganization Incorporated,
1/3 of! for 12.0, P.D. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 00575. BSD is
1/2 off for non—prnfjt groups. a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
provide educational, recreational, social and
Placement of an ad in the 530 Newsletter DDES refeirag_serVices directly involving or relating to
NOT denote a person’s sexual orientation or a 9‘7 .95 "“ peop_e. .
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DIRECTORY nfiwzletteg 2tgff. Publication oft the naae hor
. p o ograp 0 any person or aniza ion or at er
, BSD GgrllnElllllllllll'allllllmIll-llll11231-0335 entity in irt‘cles or advértisfigg in th! "Q'sletter
680 nl lboard-son's-InnIII-nelson-.n-clllqu-b7s‘ is in no lay indicitiye 0‘ t”! sexual orientitlon
BSD NEHSIEEEEF, BEHEFal-nn....u.......299'0352 of such person, organization or entity_
. Advertisement............273-3809 ' Subaissions for the newsletter are welcole. All
850 Recreational Events..................278-0048 sublissions becou the groperty of the Lexington
Say Services Drganiza ion, nc. All Sublissions
Amber Noon Productions...................252-3110 lust indicate the full naae and address of the
Dignity/Lexin ton........................266-3759 author. although no byline sill be published
Iaperial Court of the Bluegrass Eapire...252-1155 without peraissign of the author. Non-original
Say and Lesbian AA.......................256-8887 laterial lust indicate that that person has given
Say and Lesbian Deaocrats of Kentucky....2bb-3934 his/her PST'155‘0“ ‘0' ‘h' “59 0‘ D‘sth" "3" ‘"
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interneave/nvuun.........................223-iiia amP 95- Th9.edll°rli1 slit‘ "*5 the rlyht to
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Brou ....252-5487 “It" 5“P"55‘°"5 t'“‘1“d‘"9 advertisemen 5) t°
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........i§02) 537-4342 "" P“““‘“‘"9 "““""'"‘5'
Dwensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685-5246
Cincinnati Say Switchboard.........(513l 221-7800.. _ _
National Gay ask Force Crisis Linei800) 221—7044, CDVEF Phnte by 0.5, Daniels
NSTF AIDS Crisis Line..............1300) 221-7044,

Lesbian and gay people face discrimination
PRIDE HEEK 1986 every day. It is not being fired or becooing an
JUNE 3-14 outcast, or rejected by friends and faaily tha is
DUR CDHHUNITY’S CULTURAL CELEBRATION! as prevalent as sub le discriaination. Read
Cindy's story and see why.
I gflivi'iii‘lzlt culllll's STORY
- Guest Speakerfi SUE Loveél, d L b' i by Keith K.
- ‘ f n’s a an es ian ‘ _ '
Shiiiiigi Eaucggs U y Cindy is a slart, attractive woman of 27. She
_ Live play is. a lesbian. She has told her family, her
- Reli ion and Spirituality friends_ and her co-workers. She has no been
- Art Exhibit discriainated against at nork. She just got a
- Picnic Jeter’s Fun on the Farm. All Day, raise. Her falily accepts her and loves her.
Free géer Bales. Inforlation Fair Cindy has not 105 any friends. Yet she is
’ ' discrilinated against again and again, day in and
HELP NEEDED: day out several tines a day. For exalple:
At work - Cindy_joined in on a conversation
Actors for play -90y5 in the Band", Auditions about dating. .The so Ject was quickly, if subtly,
Hay 6 and 7, at li30po. They will be held at the Chifl9€d ?0 IDV195~ _ _
Inages Hodeling Agency, 351 Lansdoune Drive. ulthDUt 9V9? d“"19 1t ONCE. 5“? '35 asked
There are nine Ien needed, one of which is black. “EVET to embrace D97 lOVEF at work. _ It '39 EVE"
suggested that it_|ight be better if her lover
People are needed to help organize and work at elc ed. her "P alltSIde and not me in. Shelled
each at the events. Just witnessed five linutes before this_superVisor
who _professionally told her this, do ius those
The Float Connittee (for the 4th of July) needs mentioned things lllth her hllsband-
anyone that has ever worked on building a float. A "e” CO'NDTREF, who-Cindy héd "9V9? IE? CEIE
Froo design to construction. The immediate needs “P F“ her 395 .531di VD“ dog t 100k like 3
are for a flat bed to build it on. leshlall- Olly l5 lt 0* to say It-
Short y .after she was hired all employees
Anyone interested in any of the above activities got a new asklnq that only husbands, lllves and
or has information to prov1de, please cone to the Chlldr?“ 5,P1Ct“r95 be d15P ayed 1? the "OCR area.
next Pride Heek Association Meeting (see calendar Friend 5 Plftures "9’9 "9t 3P§r09’19t9-
for dates and tines). . Her .lover did no qualify for company
insurance under its falily Elan.
Thank you: A co-worker one reaar ed, 'Dh, I didn't know
I you ”°’ii“’“i”5" 'd h d'd 't k h t 1
_ en 5 e sai s e i n now ow o p ay
ESXDFEEE?; softball when she was asked to play on the coapany
p tean,A:h§hperE§n who askedhsaid, E_og're kidding!
- e ris mas exc ange in was iven a
John tlolfii‘i“5idtler‘i‘lé’Liégihol'°3232n§li§3’zgi gig box al chocolates will» a cérd that slarled.
homophobia. Dur Hay Forum will view this tapebang {gaggg Y0! don t have to "OFFY ibOUt your
th ro ress in o a rou discussion a on , "--- . . ,
hoggphogia? He'll talk agoutpfear and aggression 5“? was not QXYE“ funeral leave when Diane 5
against honosexuals and how fear against gays :gfigezaggggén 52;: 9‘3“! had su'DEVYi Cl“dY hid t9
segpfis our lives. CDIE ready to talk, listen and . She “‘5' _asked to work on weekends and
' holidays since she didn’t have falily coalitlents.
D' t hgnE_wéth the fazily g_ng?§ver Cindy and
~ iane v151 in s paren s w ic ey are a ways
BAY PARENT INS welcoge soda, téfiy age put£i3 separatghbegriliodos.
- - - in y s IO er as as e uring e o i a 5
Su port 612: wgsrhgldeghlggrgl ghgtbay Padgnhéag i* .it wouldn't be easier °“ Diane t” 9° 599"” tKE
activity will be a picnic at Jacobson Park on holidays "‘th her ‘39‘1Y' . For 5“ years '“ a ’0'
Sunday, May 18th, 2:00 pa at shelter house 15. 3:?gy 5 mother “35 91V!" Diane a lady 5 FBZOT and
P1 a e ac a aeal and enjo an afternoon of - . , , . ,
relegatign with those of us who understand the Cindy 5 515t9’ said that everyone should I‘VE
special challenges. of being nay and .havllg Slfieeiitin‘llit he?“li3“fit'e‘?‘nill"'l tfim'i‘ifit ‘lill
thelgisgl Everyone is welcone, inc uding Fido an way to avoid the pain a? that life.

 S ' . th t. t h 'r
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D . d T . C t r ts t h l
esrgn an annmg en e wan o e p you.
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ans owne l'., xmgton

 Cindy asked her brother to let her nephew Nhen soaeone told Cindy she should just not
cone stay or a few days. His reply was if you be friends .with those who discrilinate a ainst
want to see his you're welcoae to cone visit. her, she said all she would have left were Blane,
The falily picture includes all the in-laws her two dogs, 'and possibly three to four others.
except Diane and her fanily. _ That friend didn't unders and that. After all,
Cindy's nother asked Cindy, after she told she. was very out and had a ood job a loving
her, if i would be alright to still say grace falily, and Iany friends. Taat friend didn't see
before seals now that shefs no longer a Catholic. any discrilination. Do you?
Hhen Cindy said she still attended lass, her
aother asked how she could be a lesbian, too. EHPLDYEE RELATIONS HANDLING AIDS
It took Cindy's parents a year and a half by ThOIRS Hest
before they visited er house. It was while Diane . _
was out of town on business. They have yet to IBusiness coaounicators should be aware that
stay overnight. we’re dealing with two outbreaks, one the outbreak
Hhen she told her mother she knew since she of the disease (AIDS) and the other an epideaic of
was 15, her nother spent weeks talking and trying fear,“ said a public relations exoert in the April
to fi are out what haopened that year. issue~ of “Coeounication Horld the aonthly
Tf they're all ogether and hoaosexuality is nagaZine of .the International Association 0
discussed or seen on TV, no one talks and everyone BuSiness Communicators. . . .
is conscious not to ask Cindy about it. ' The article is very positive in the way it
Cindy's father no longer calls her 'his inforns business coaounicators about the extrealy
little girl.‘ low bossibilities of contractiong AIDS in the
Hith her friends and in public - She is worko ace. . .
always invited as a single, never as a couple. H ile the. realities of worker reactions are
llHe'd love to have her but SOIE of our guests often unbredictible, SDIE encouraging news of
aren’t ready for that yet.‘ successfu programs is presented.

. Soae friends have asked her not to talk about Companies with progressive AIDS and related
Diane, but talk _endlessly about their .own communicable disease policies are: Allstate
relationships. Dr in a group they 11 ask straight Insurance, Quaker Oats, AThT, Pillsbury,
Eeople about their relationships and then ask BankAoerica, and others.

Indy about work. _ Companies that have handled the AIDS education

A few waitresses have refused to out the bill issue in corporate newsletters include: Pacific
on one ticket. Sole sssuae autona ically It 5 Bell, Hells Fargo Bank, Chevron, Levi Strauss,
separate tickets and don t ask. Exxon, Johnson flax AT&T and others.

The other day a friend resarked, 'I can't One of the articles published by AT&T aopeared
believe you and Diane have stayed together for six in the health publication the company Brio s for
years. hat‘s asazing.‘ its eaployees and their faeilies. Al 8, Are Our

Dne of Cindy's friends never takes her eyes Children a Risk?" is the title of the article that
95h CdeY-. hhen,¥indy asked, this friend said, tries to ease the fears of oarents about sending
r I JUS "31 ing to 599 what YD“ d0 ."EXT- their kids to school with an A DS patient.

Another friend “#5 990‘? 11k? 3 grouple who Both magazine articles are iaportant to Say
constantly 58Y5 things like: You 3.318 99- UHIY oeoole in several respects: (1) They signal an end
a t§U1Y relarkable person could CODE 50 "911 35 o be Say Organizations as the sole connunication
you. . . tool of A DS education. (2) The articles

. CIDdY ifld 'Diane had to change dDETDFS NhEfl deaonstrate a genuine thirst for inforlation on the
thalf Old one .lflfOFIEA thEI OHIY talllfi, were part of the blue collar workers--the lar est
allowed T0 VISIT In the 1-C-U- after iane's segment of the population. (3) They show ghat
surgery. Hhen Cindy showed the doctor the correct Business Communicators are, for the east oart,
legal docuaent statino that Cindy was Diane s nsxt serious about trying to prevent a rash of hys eria
of kin, the doctor 5 onped off and said, 'He 11 and discriaina ion in the event an eaployee
see about this,“ Later the doctor reluctantly develops AIDS.

agreed to let Cindy Visit. There was no apology. The AThT article ended with an interesting fact:

Cindy s anger _rises every year when two ax while doctors cannot say they are absolutely
forls cone in the nail. . . certain your child won’t get A DS froa another

. Hhen Cindy told a friend she was a lesbian, child with AIDS they also cannot tell you they are

this friend did not hub her for over two years. absolutely certain your child won’t be struc by

Cindy finds herse f constantly justi yino her liohtning on his/ er way to school, which is sore
life, her relationship and herself to a lost Ii ely to happen.

everyone - even sole of her lesbian and gay

friends (she has lesbian friends who are upse

with her for havino Iale friends) - because

society has been socia ized so strongly that even

sone of lesbian and gay friends downgrade their

lives and sake it less personally acceptable than

those of others.

Fffl gfimgfig fig?

~n4*s HHD
{In-Car ) '
.J /
Christopher Street

,'As the coo-unity that has been hardest hit
SUBJECT: HASS TESTINS OF INDIVIDUALS AT HIGH RISK by this epideeic we understand only too well the
FOR HTLV—III ANTIBODIES urgency of tating public health leasures that
. . . _ would contain the disease. He have been working
‘ The LeXlngton Say Seerces Organization intensively to that end since the beginning of the
agrees wlth this stateeent froo THE SEVENTH crisis -- long before the PHS recognized its
N TIONAL LESBIAN/SAY HEALTH CONFERENCE and FOURTH ieplications. Ne huge the PHS will join us in
NATIONAL AIDS FORUH. The following was adopted by resolving these issues.
the conference on 3/15/86, (GNU, Hash. D.C.),
unanieously. SONHARY:
- It is our belief that the funds allocated for
“He who have been at the forefront of the testing should be directed to broad base coeeunity
fight against AIDS oppose the Public Health education.
Service's reconaendation for eass testing of high- - Everyone (HTLV-ITI positive/negative,
risk individuals for HTLV-III antibodies as an Day/Lesbian or Straight), should practice
AIDS prevention oeasure, as reflected in the March preventative measures.
14th article in HHNR. - Reeeeber any inforoation gathered froe this
IThere is no eedical intervention for those test is subject to subpeona. If you must be
who test positive other than to counsel thee to tested, seek out an anonyeous test site.
follow risk reduction guidelines. Those in high-
risk groups who test negative, however, should Sincerely, ,
also follow those guidelines as the CDC's article . \
suggests. Ne question the diversion of resources
froe basic education efforts and counseling that , I
have been proven effective in changing the _/’
behavior of at risk individuals to a esting Jales D. Niechers
prograe. The assueption that there is a positive President, Lexington Say Services Organization
correlation between knowing antibody status and
changing behavior in unproven.
IIThe troposal fails to include universally RY
accepted cri eria associated with a screening
rogral, as lost recentlh outlined in the Dear Aunt Mary: I'VE always heard that 101
Bresident's codeissioh for t e Study of Ethical of the penulahon was qav- I an constantly amazed
roblens in Medicine and Bioeedical and Behavioral "DE" t 90 out it the nueber of gals I run into.
Research. Additional research is needed to ”OOESI1Y1 I never 90 anywhere t a I don't run
document the efficacy and interpretation of HTLV- IDtO eelbers Of the gay coaeunlth that I either
111 screening. know or have seen at t e bars or a gal functions.
nThe recoeaendations are seriously flawed by LaSt month‘s ”EHSIEttEF 531d Lexing 0" was to
oeitting an recognition that inforeed consent is becoee the .637 hecca I the“ April's F001- Maybe
a fundaoentat feature of any public health effort the Joke ‘5 really 0“ “5 and "9. are indeed
or use of a testing device. Anyone considering bate-109 73" unusual Y l3’99 coaaunlty. Hhit do
takin the HTLV—lll antibody test should be warne Y0" “unk- “ Just Curious ,
of tae eedical and s chological iehlications and b . Dear C“'1°“5‘ That 101 tIOUTE HE hear
should be inforaed that the lay ris losing their {33“5h9d. about 5° frequently 5°“95 0‘ a falous
job or insurance as a result of taking the est or 5 u Y published, I ballevei 1" 1949- SDIE lore
testing positive. Further-ore, the linking of recent studies place the nuobers at about 181.
testing to health care will discourage people roe All StUd‘e?i 9t COUTSEi !935UTE 001Y the nulber of
seeking needed ledical advice in a tile y fashion. persons "l ling t0 adllt they are aaYi 9“ the
'Hhile the CDC acknowledges the need for actual nulbers could be cooslderably igher.
confidentiality in testing hrograls it fails to , leen these flgures and the fact that
recognize that no state in t is country is able to netrgfolltan areas _Eend E have e such lore
offer those who are tested protection froe :‘5‘ .e. gaythCOI'““’ Y! 1 ‘5 no rea lY .59
subpoena of identifiers. Until such protections “rp{‘5:"9 at you 59? PEORIE Y0“ recognize
can be granted, all testing should be done on an regu ar 5' I have 315° eard the 091010"
anonyeous basis. exhresse that gay Eersons froe all over central
'In failing to address these basic concerns an eastern Kentuc Y are drawn to Lex1ngton to
the PHS continues to roeote an ateosphere of 95‘??? the lack ”f acceptance they experience 1“
distrust along those who are being encouraged to 3" rural (9"“n‘t19?1 5° perhaps LEXIOSt°n dOES
voluntarily suboit to this test. Sound public "Ed a slightly higher proportion of gay
health olicy requires the cooperation of '95‘ ents. , , . ,
individuats at risk. To gain that cooperation for . t . . The 1d?“ , 0f 3 Bay HEECi 15 rather
this prograe the PHS oust take affireative stegs h“ r‘g“l”9 though! 15" t It? Perhaps a Che-her °f
to regain the trust of those at risk for AID . 3r oolerce 59“ d be tDTIEA to PFDIDte tourISI,
Until then, we will advise our con-unity not to 59 | gay b“51"95595 °“ locating here and °“C°“73?9
participate in this prograe. gays in general to relocate in the Bluegrass. f
>7 _,_____——_______——_“

 Galore Productions 1
romaine. A
presents i l /
An Official Preliminary to the g; j;
C%‘ “a
SATURDAY, MAY 24 sé‘lgétg‘c’figgms g
Lexington Sheraton ‘
The Official 1 986
Reigning Miss Gay America Lauren Colby
Former Miss Gay America Jimi Dee
Reigning Miss Gay Kentucky Crystal Sinclair
And A 150 Stamhg
Reigning Miss Gay Great Lakes Diana Black
Reigning Miss Gay Mid-North Andrea LaurerL
Former Miss Gay Southwest Trudy Tyler
Former Miss Gay Georgia Blaze Starr
The North Carolina Legend Miss Kelli Rae
and Guest Emcee
Former Miss Gay America Lady Baronessa
For Tickets, Applications or Information contact
GALORE PRODUCTIONS * P.O. BOX 3156, FRANKFORT, KY 40603 t (502) 223-0365

 accegtahca is directly related to the slag and of a democratic society. As a nation, as have not
v15; ility of the gay coanunity as soae people had a good traci'recoro. Still, this nation has
Clall,' , would be 0 every gal persons advantage seas. 'trenensoss contriaacioss to the human
if Lexxngton did indeed becole he ‘San Francisco' ifinflltlfifi 0? it? filafiel- Eiiéfiiiiti free the
of. the_ South. Never Iind that Atlanta already Unites States hare treated and cure: diseases for
things it holds that title, we all knon that Belle YEEFSr heeriié 15 USUAEE? the ilfii 35 PFflVidE
, Hatltn has sinply a figment of Belle Brezing's 3!? 3% iiSéSiE?‘5i?iiten CGDfiiriesx
iaagination, and satur ay night 1’: sure I saw Sh? AAEE. i 35K. have ae dropped the bell is
Scarlet "rapped in her draeerles riding in a horse our eifsrta in treat and care SEES? it cassat is
drawn carriage through Bra 2 Park. - Aunt Hary ATSSES l55:,?i,i5 AUSE? SisfiEE- Hemophiliacs Céi
tastiiy to that. . nonethsisss. as are eaaioitins,
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send DETEESEFQ 3?: GiiCFitifiiilSS iiiifiii the iii
your let er to: Aunt Mary, 1650 Post Office Box Cflenunii¥._ ‘ '
t47l, LeXington, Kentuc y 40575. If you would ' __ _?519_91$?559 35 i 5553??? i5 333 G? Sfieriifi-
llke a personal reply, include a self addressed, ii cas_vzctias oi terrorist attacks sires: ears a
stanped envelope. All names are strictly grass 3% gay Aaa'icaas, aoais that eats than iess
confidential. insaiting to our :aapis7
as are a strong nation as: grids ourselves on
ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN AND BAY? SEE“? ifligrSES-g, i 533? S??? ,SE, can ifEe our
EEEFLS oi prey EIEE as: see: as: cos ansnsras to
There are more of us 'ust like you, and we’ve 1‘9 ”193 f‘55i9= ‘SESAE SEE: ‘ DICSSDDS
discovered that God really—does'lfivé'us! Cone join
with those of us who desire a Hetropolitian ———'—_
Community Church (HCC) in Lexington as we meet for . a _H _H. in I
worship, prayer and fellowship. _ = 3? Ségi‘fi'é ”?EE° geeereaent‘ arsgrsa, airs:
This month’s heating is on Sunday, Hay 11 at :55753’3 45:? 575,5355255éfi 5i Yes? Eéiii’iif 5359
4:30pm. Oh, and don’ aiss a potluck we’re having rearuary SEZDE tartar Sfiislficr 553:5: Carrol:
on Saturday. Ha 17th. at 7:00pm (Christians have a 551295 ”fidSiiifiaiiti 5 9595597 35555 i?’ igiifiiii
good tile, tooll. than asyESiag that accesses aortas nis
, Call iii-0300, or 252-5452 for details and . ‘
dlrectjgns' .L 4 his .igit :r assessor iarrsii's ssnsshai
'caaceeres“ dist. th;s acacsaeac hairs: is sire s
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a coasts s ‘Z—J' 2—:ce inert:
Jordan: flit s iits cases calies cgis a4 a {roofa
Dear ESQ, H assaian ans sea aencu:aians east secure in
He, the wonyn of Lake Cumberland Area Support inc aoseieoce that the spears of Ksaiactv are
Group, wish to bank you for the inclusion of our iaisiéigani 'sasusa is reasoniza a sagas screen
notice in the April issue of the sen Newsletter. sss - Seairnecshdt
If/when there is available space in future Say and Lesaiaa Seascrazs c? sasiazis i";;siaa+ét‘
newsletters, we would be lost appreciative if you ': "H'nj'hn
will run our notice again. He are trying to reach ‘
as many woayn in south/central en ucky as , r—7"r'“r- _,_, ,r,_ .fi,fi,__ _l. __H
possible, and we appreciate BSD for the va uable i—t- in” EU see-E Laureatfi—ggufimgL
resource for all of entucky that you are. A , , ,_ _ _,,
For the aeabers of L.C.A.S.6., in strength. 5r;_ i to :zrearuary is, D9555? Lao seacers ana
. _ . _ :Lisass s._"§ne_sreaier Louisaiiie Susan Sights
J K H Nancy Loaiition fi“aLHS€té heard a presentation he ‘sur
Editor's Note: Anyone wishing to contact the Lake §F5§§?§i5 ,55?5i5 355,SSS?5 assaiiens ZQSAiSSiGS-
Cumberland Area Support Group should write: Post fthgt ;,_:iaaysrs.! Eleariy agllgaa {DE gay
Office Box 27’ Nancy, Kentuc y 42544 toamunicy s :EfiiittEflEiE :o egos; acaess to jobs.
housing, and euoiic accommodations and addressed
. __,__J_ Y T ’_ _ g _ W see {or rt. Hons, LL. prevent
it: it'nf iCi iHi: HERQLB~LEHDEH areitrafy discrieination. ‘: event was the
A _ , . . _ __ _ . tire}; tgae in, the stace_o§ Kentucty that an
HQ‘EQ‘HE Hill} DIES EijEr EEEl-i fiefilE’d antyzfigng ta Elsagéhllifltilfi's organ! {DEF} Ell-in lE‘Eblai-ifi l—laS 53309 3
serVice, iob,4 housing, etc.i oacause he _dian'i gggjjc RTfEESE§E§Efi_:t§L a gavernnent_ agency in
haes_ ine fight color of Shin, .or as nas_ iron a :‘;;f‘?,.ui EDSIT Fightix ’thlS hearing" was the
sessign’ ians,_ EiL,D?5_il?9§EViE wasn't the. nest - gf‘“;?tf1?“ 9;,“ iefi"5955 Eififlft Si Eifidb FD ,nln
accepted, cry co_tniat sacs to that moment shes as ggztSEfi?f§§mS“‘D9é :59 ”USSR S933t1955 Lgdmlsilflfi-
was not afforded the assortaaities or oriviiEies ~f‘.. ‘94:, car. 5h? TEPQIEE 85 a first ior this
__ _;n America, that is not supposed to happen. - EV*19’5 ,5: “Ii?§5 3995K Gut Againsc rroposals to
the rounding Fathers of this great nation beiievea SrOtECt,5”9,“1§iE$ 9? HUD55338315.“
that diaerSIty and alternative points of view were _ Tne‘ ’SFE the! prejudice EDS bigotry against
necessary, ii not imperative, for the advancement gay SEDpiE 15 veroaiizsd, “DEtDE? bEtDFe the

 503D1$5|Sg Ural? BBYHUEDEI SEtllOS; 35 “SI DEW?) The anendIent was defeated 96-2 after
:9? :::;n é ':1T§tx ".ne_Cogglsstoners,_ 355 311 Blandford spoke against it on the grounds that it
LDE_ '-;~ 9’ 35 "“9 I‘VE l”,ft99.T5V? ,“E‘§§ B5BY was not germane to the assigned bil . Blandord's
LleS_ 3??§ FOE UPPDDEDtS S? Cltli Ilgnlfi I”? Set rulin was challenged, but the House voted to
men and iEEDIaO NBB95-,. rhese sane “VOICES spoke rejec? the challenge.
32‘ against F‘Vll {l9fi§5.?°r.glatk ensrlcafii 1? (Editor's Note: He cannot waver in our
toe lobe s, and age bili£=hegfd when the lssoes fit vigilance, because other radical right legislators
109 SSU%IY,§OS PEHEI TngFS -DE "0%?” are QEDBISS- are certain to trg such tactics again. his is a
Two LDUiEVlllE TAGIP SIAIIDDS regularly EEK? EOKI' good exaaple of t e importance of networking with
gay_regarts on tools oornigg programs. :eoco slurs other civil rights groups. Support those who
against slacks or denied onerlcans wool: not as support us! Thanks to everyone who called
tolerated but "tag zones” are common honor on Frankfort!)
radio. television and in our workplaces. 'Nhat gay
person _has not left_work with grinding shots in SSO Editor's Note: The Greater Louisville
D15 ET DE! EEUDéQB filI5I_fiEETlDG a SBESEVISPI 0? % Human Rights Coalition can be contacted by writing
co-worter goats Disparaging consents anode “noses" to: Post Office Box 4475, Louisville, Kentucky
l1: __ .. _ , _ _ 40204 or by phone at: (5021 456-4650 or 1502) 539-
A member at the also, in a recent letter to 0459.
the Editor, defined his enemies as fioiacts, Jews
and ("lonisseg-zoals.E»i Beople of a Eilfilla" “Fl-ally KENTUCKY WANTS TO TEST
sake?“ I i a“ a ems-053%“! "HIGH—RISK" GROUPS FDR AIDS
‘9 FBE Edi 535,?553135 Duffinf’; "BEF”_Sii?E5 Lg By BSD Board Member Barry Srosshein
prfiVlL‘lE Information ano Sdppul'. O gsyiysuuift SEC
FS51I_?6$3115§1_. $f§flg _P{SJ”?lEf Si? fff?tlfing% The state De artIent of Health Services says.
Est??? B? Bf””{§li=f,l‘.¥5t §§* %: ?1191255;r_ ‘? it hopes to 'idenEify' 2400 'high-risk' people,
*EBSIf .‘E ?3 5“:“_?U‘§-’S“5 1‘9 I‘VE: o, ’dtla‘ Iaian in Lexington and Louisville, and test heI
DQAEE=SI?2_LE SE: EviBfilg _ , s , F,, n _ ,—.F for t e virus associated with AIDS. The Ianager
__ _ . ‘”‘D‘ma“f?? init? Nuutdr“al?_i‘lfj f,?f:= of the coIIunicable-disease branch for he
«vacate, pgrtgaiua_st_-fispa”1““ Departoent of Health Services, Dr. Reginald
ENt.lCE Soft; 73é39?:'_,.flfiihfhr,§f*=gf??15 “ff Fin er is quoted as saying, “Then we'll know how
3591’. SPAC3 I? EEEL§EE E“§_‘if“‘* 152:9Efi“" ”‘ oucg ol a task we have in t e state in controlling
to onaerscere oigotres ooee sears - bLfihL infection.‘
I've never really considered I self to be
KENTUCKY ANTI—GAY paranoid or worried Iuch about discrillnation or
AMENDMENT FAILS repression or anz of the other horror stories
froo GLHRC about what Iight appen as a result of being gay.
. Still, there are hree words in the first
In the IIDAI HEEk 0I_th€ l986 Kentucky paragraph that even I can't help but notice. They
BEOETBI Assenblya REP- 3091 EIIIODIOO,ID’P3dUC§h are: identify, high-risk and control. Separately
offered, an aIen dent l°.HB 360, a blll deallgg they don't wean such, but in the above can ination
"1th dISSfllUIIDD 0* cities, that "DUld. Prflhlbl the results could ver well justify our concern.