xt7rv11vhp9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vhp9k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-02-18 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 21,  February 18, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 21,  February 18, 1915 1915 1915-02-18 2015 true xt7rv11vhp9k section xt7rv11vhp9k ‘   ________  eL;.-•
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  A IAEEIIIIBS "”`“"” "Y °°‘”"S IHE Slllllllilll IAKE S""`"° ‘“" ""“ SIAIE BREAKS EVEN
, . . . . wm mom WESLEYAN { VANDY SATURDAY:
I ( t “d"l t N 'un me the The glrls’ basket ball team wllll
n as n n e s s
All   U I B it Tl _ b k t bilgteam de . meet the glrls' quintet of Vandvrblltl
nversygrs ass a -
Ulrlt tWdldAdltl
·.. .....- t.,..ed the .0...... wm ot Kentucky Sfuffdzy iv;mg°; 30 0_cl:ck°;;:;;I ———
stirring Appeals Made to \Vesley:,;6(ioll;::e Monday night by B Capital Of Montgomery mums have won every game UMSITWO of tht-} Best G3m€S of
Student Body by M€T€€Y 80;:;;. Hsghés and Heuer starred   Warm Tribute to Muon and the Vanderbilt girls arel tht? Season Are Hard
.   . . itbeltdtjldt
· and R\lgh· tor State and Misses Cooper and Unlvérslty Th€Sp13l’lS.   Isvimeo the xlgcilozirls I;] Zinn;} Fought
——·-· K t lt w l . 1-- 9 t_‘
    Courtney for an uc y 6. Gym as determined, however, to keep the|r"]_‘ENNESSEE    
      Miss Geisol was substituted for Miss       record clean I
E ' —·——· B tl t d d rt th .Th ' ·——— · · `
\       week         ur;)   u   8 game Gi The Strollers   new Iustre to   teams are strong and the re'? ln a t-“,0 g8n]€ S€ri€B of basket ball,
. • , |
‘ I vm,-*9, wu amused ova,. the mg cam. StM8_Hugh“ (cum.) and TNI, for- I their already ruplendam reputation sult of the game will probably figure I played at Woodland Park Auditorium
, pglgn for Christian living under the ward? Heuer Gamer hm'. and Bawlwnh the production of ··Ch,_rl9y.· in the Southern championshlp. Thefl-`rlday and Saturday nlghts, [hg} wud.
qlrectlon of the Young Mani Chrintilml un minds. ’   Aumy which they staged at the ML Vanderbilt girls play at Transylvanlalcats and Commodores each took 8
Association, and was nearly on the W€¤l°ym_D¤y and Butler for Sterling Open House Wednesday t0m¤N‘0W and at Cincinnati Mondaynlgume. Both games were close and
L verse of a munmoth upheuyay ward? Porter center. Cooper: and evening. February 10. Interest ln the local game is ln-'oxviting throughout. From the mo-
Wédnegday was a red letter day In the Couruiey (MDL), gavin. The can of wm accompanied by the creased by the fact that Dr. J. J. Tl-‘ ment the whlstlg started the game
higtqry ot the lnstltutton, and thé re- Individual scoring: W“l9yun__D"’ ,;,89- manager, Herbert Graham, the SGM. ¢0¤¢h 0f the Kentucky team, isluntil the end, neither Slug could claim
llglous awakening that was manifested 8_ Butler, 2; Cooper. 4; Courtney, 2- business manager, pan R0th_ the prop an Old Vanderbilt athlete. victory until who score was c0um€.d_ In
at the evening meeting, was precipi- Bmw Univ6"ny_Hu8h“' 10; Tuuhgerty mam Noel Wmmmm pmmssér K¢¤tu0kY’¤ line-up for the game will   both games tho \Vlldc3tg mgk the lead
taxed by me Itimng addr", of E_ C_ 4, Heuer 12 lwuveh the faculty adviser, and Min be the regular team. Miss Hellenrfrom tho start. At the end of the
Mamet, when he tom hh _w°¤de,tu] 'The Triunsylvauis gms won "0m|Mm_y Fish"' me popular chaperone, center; Misses Hughes and Tuul, t0r·|first half ln the lnltlal game, Ken.
ma awry. Wesleyan Int Monday by a more of] went to ML Sterling wednesday m0m_ wards; Misses Wood and I¤n|s,itucky lend by ten polnts. Everyone
Since me immuuou wu founded no 20 to 17. ling, and were met at me tram by the guards. ithought the game would be won In 8,
meeting hid Q"? b¤•¤ YNV! which high school students who were their I iw”'lk‘ Bm “°t with V”·“dY· Her men
compared with it m pom 0, umm, Ihom whim in the cm,_     lcame back strong and mma; the nm
mcg und ruunl The wonderful   [     I After 5 tour of me city in the "rly' seven minutes of the socond half not
I wm" mumund by the ludhuce, me afternoon, me enum ubunch,. J0m,_ only overcame the lead but placed a
quartet. me lpeaksrm me very atmos. neyed to the high school building, few extra points to their credit. Dur-
' phel'6 H,l8", QTGIBKBB I moral revolu-   Y. M.   Ylw. B. A. where a musica] prggram by Leg _____ lng the last few mOm€ntB of Dl8Y $[8],0
tion among tho student! ofthe U¤iV6¥‘· _]_ Sandmann and Miss Kathergne! UA Kentucky Beuen in Uni_ *‘*¤m€‘ i’¥`0H1’ behind with a few points
glty_wh|ch will place it 0¤ lh8 ih1'¤¤h· 4 Mitchell, and a I-ecmmon by Louls versity Armory but VRUGYS |€&d was too great and
hold of K DEW CTI of Christian living in       Macloskey were given for the enter.   3. the victory Vvent to Vanderbilt. David-
whlch the ugmened manhood of me Thousands of Christian mmmem of the pupils of the school. _______ son, the elusive forward for the Com·
institution Willl>\¤Y hw D¤`*¤€*P¤l Pa'? Leaders Each Year At the conclusion of the program, ONLY GIRLS IN   "‘°d°'€S· l*l¤Y€d the greatest game
At the Wed¤6¤d¤Y nisht m€€unK· Walter Jetton, prlnclpal and an old ever Seen °" a l°"“l noo" in the mst
following two days of similar meetings 5 GENERAL   Slam graduate, made a speech in his A Kentucky Bello will be present- contest. He not only played the (100;
_ first week ln March by the Phll· well but threw 1 { ll
ln which (.h€ lIl[8I`6S[ WEB BGOH to be ______ ‘chg_rg_g[gr|g(|(jg,]]y happy vein, and rg. ed the goas rom 8 [JHTIB OE
l · C' M d osophlan Literary Society. This is the the forward field. Woodard, ·l b-
  growlng. Mr E el-cer e`   Over the South Students have be- f(·)·|‘!`€d to [h€ (‘KS[ In C0mUl€nda[Ofy [ Second of the annual presentations of Stituted for Ce Pr h V" `O Su
llvered the principal address. He was come vmmy interested in the Blue germl · Y- . on t e anderbllt
welcomed by the largest audience of Ridge Estate of the Y M and Y W As to the performance, it is only thé Philowphiun. to which every one. loam at (-pmt.,-_ also played a great
· * ‘ ' _ has come to look forward. éxlllllt! in the second l lf_
· fTIi‘§,.§““?..`ZZ"¥.e.$°'§ZZZZE§'Z. Z`...$`Z£   *· 0 0*   *0*0 **0 Z.‘F.$"S.$§.2,§F.ZZ’ `EZZ.I".‘1’.§’.I.K§’.II."Z,Z‘l`$ZLt         be     M)       ~~ <»·l wi?   com-
......g··sl.. u..a0em,·1¤ ll very errectlve S°h°°l W"` , cast aoquitted mmselr or herself m"`""'° ""*‘ °" g""“g""‘ "‘“"““ "°“"*""""*° 00‘0'0Y0** **0* 0¤·¤*0**0**t¤ f¤>¤¤
manner, Following Mr. Mercsr"s ad- EMT:Iilssihlilgiafmfgsngsggifaiuss me usual Stroller mmm€r_gmce and Q b0>'S' wld girl`S parts. This is a novel 1 -1le South while me Score was close _
dress, Mr. Rush mae a quiet appeal ' ability pmemned. ··Jet·· use spread t '°“""" ‘“ °°"°g° ‘“"“"‘°“'B· ‘*“" "‘° *°‘ "*0 “'*'***‘***0 ***0****¢*l¤*·~* ** *<·¤·* all
t the audience to indicate their de- for its purpose makes it signiflcant. I t of re Ons concemin the Su er-mmere men Quads., are on the qui me way and at no time did Vandy
..(;.,l...... along mmm or Chrlstlsn nv-In '“’"'S"°” "“*"’"‘ “°“""““"°” '°‘" $,,.3., (1..,..*;.,,,,, 0, me 8:0,,m gm, me m we how syn a gms s0ele.y|......,,..... .0 .....c,. .,,,_ The stm me
thousands of Chrlstlan leaders each ’ .   ·. ,   `%`· · · N _ _ _ _ _
lng and activities. Ons hundred and year the largest proportion of them they seemed to think it necessary to PIB} can $-0 “i¢h•$`{¥i-ih9¤¤‘ help! [up was sotllewllgt ghingd in mls mule
· __ ,, But few of the cast are without pre- · because of the lllne.·.· of t‘· ui Al .
"“"°“° '°°"°“"°°‘ ’¤»¤¤¤ y¤¤¤s men ¤¤¤ women ¤¤ ¤¤¤l"”° “" ‘° ""” "'°°“ “‘°“‘ °°"°‘ .40... .x.,€.lt-M., l¤....».a vllmm. !·-.... ....0   t   dp in  
The CIOBIDK morning chapel Bervtcel i   {The large audience present was gn. ' • f • Hb Und B to [)la}_ 3uu]
wa., an address by Mr. Rush. wh<>*°° ,°geB" lthuslastic ln ns applause. “""° "'“” "‘° ""'°· W"' ‘“ °“°" *’*’ T""l9,—?“*0 ******00 *0 *`0*“‘***‘** ~~’¤¤*¤~
Spoke on the "Crlsis of Nations? H6  Nw estate is l0c?md in BlT(ckiM0l;n-l The Strollers are delighted with Mt. remembered as R Charming youth in Gumbén was pm in M **““"’· and ***0
win. OM of ¤· S8" ev 0 WB 8 ¤ Nel ` V the Pan-Helenic vaudeville of 1914. (`O|lHll0d0l`€S could do nothin wltl
S*‘°‘“’ °' "‘° °'m° °"°°“h which uw lngllest range or mountains east of the °""““g ““" ML S‘°'"“g is ‘“ '°‘° , . g '
(mem is passing and dean with the Rockies ns lm-gut building is known wml the Strollers and Sum) Umvep and ina Durnalls name has come to thus t‘OIllblIlH(it)ll_ ’l‘nttl.» uguh. l.m.·..d
c()[]n€(P[\()[] of [IIB East and thB \V€Bt as Hliobert E Lee  H housing many   Possibly no other Organization be Synonyrnous with all that can be IHS v9rS3.[ili[y as all uH·a_['()und uthhste
peoples and me mnuence of this com of the delegations th; come from E in the University is doing so much to wished for ln amateur theatricals. by going tn at a position he had never
nectlon. He told of the moral anarchy region covering me territory from me advertise the University as these Mario Becker anti Virginia btout, played before and Swmlg mow points
{ [ud C0|’l‘\]p[lOIl   BXlB[Bd, Bu dU€`(‘“If to Kentucky and the Mislissippl youthful Thespiansr and   is to be the Hold lnuid aunh and cuuud pus' than lilly OIIIQT lllglll Qu [hp fiooly Sun]
[0 the f§(‘[ that China WEB in (HTG [199d to the Atlantic ‘h0ped that their future Bnorts   be B0n• have been heard Often in clever got HIGH} f[`()lll   3,[)g|gg_ Zgrfoss also
of somethlng deeper than Contuc— The man m_`w0man who has thelm. highly appreciated and as Buccesw *'€¤dl¤8S and luke their parts ln Ken· played me best gmm, of mt, Season in
lanlgm and Buddhism and ofthe recog- df t to mmd wl uc in one elful as ··pha,l,.,y·B Aum·· has been ****`kY Belle in ¤ WBY that WUI make this vontest, The gu.,.·.;g..g of Sum
mmm of Chmn leading men of the got; Of ¤¤6t ll: i li 0 Bt` even bigger "hlts" for them. and (lumber: was mst class while mg
new of me great Mongolian people an reproson IB ur VMS ily. ¥¤¤Y K0 V Others in a cast of unusual excel- Server had Woodard on the deft-use all
for the Christian religion. for himself end his nsmrut on at leustisauluinn   \¢*¤¢8 BTP. Mary Parker, Betty Furra, tho {ima Vallderbilt mad? numerous
or particular lnterest was his recital me hangman m°"°“°° D“¤°¤¤· M¤*`Y H¤¤1U¢0¤1» changes in her lineup 1.. this ,4.,.,,,, in
of me wonderful sweep and mnuencal 1;tTfhe collfvryliv nfforldukun 0D:>0!‘·,   F   Stella Pennington, Judlth Beard and her efforts to stop the Colollels, but
*0** Y 0" °“"’>' 00***0 0 “°“' “ 0 ullzabetn Duncan all ln 1
. of the work of the Christian Assoclw { Y H 1 d [ ‘ Va "·
.l.... .......,.......... ln mt·¤.¤.... the unl-  1';L;";;;vafl“"u°;‘tl_;r‘;ec:;‘il8“; The ¤*·¤~> of me vw t¤ M ¤¤· ww For vumrtll., t»...-l.l..,.. .......
versuy Classes. par[[cu]“r|y [hg work the South Many men who have       ;uddpTk(: btnnets gn? luiop Skirts   98SHy U18 Bla.? ut [he [g¤;uu_ (‘()d)·_ th`,
_ , _ · ,, · - ,, _ e anty eature n tle costumng. blt; football ta·kle, play l · ll {
M ('€°rs;’ iirnsssg  ;:::ml;:`da:‘ thought their 0W¤ l>¤¤‘l|<*¤|¤*‘ ¤0||¢’80 the l:;g[w§,%rS?fi§0rth "A Kentucky Belle" ls being coavlwd guard. Sikvs wlus at tlatlgitrouszlatt gt
;i;::sT;ad?.\g‘1:8ss in crowded mwpof tlwir OWU lN¤‘Ul‘¤i¤¤” ¤\¤i0 Md ¤U 9 ________ b` by a professlonal stage manager and all [.11185,
...,..._ ... ...... ...,.....,c.l.,.. M., gm. ""’ "°°" ““““"°“ ““" "°“*’ °' "'° 5 CHARTER MEMBERS ¤··»»·» -·¤·¤ huve seen re¤·—»¤r»»¤» so n All the ....».. .,.. ..... Sm., mu,.
wgrmly ¢0[]\[]lQnd€d [hB local lI\I[“\1· had qualities of student life, have -it-_ will be even better than the Splendid [)l;l)\*t| \\‘g¤||_ Tutlltl wus th`, bene'. in
i t it r to mma with Omar. rome to a new realization of the value A conference of Southern state unl- p,,m,,·,mmc,, Oy tut y,,,,_,._ ··»pm, Higher uw M_rl%’ wt his mum, __mm____S l_mm_
t°" F B gu tm.: m U l mm of other Institutions and the shortconr ve;-sltles, to be known as "'l`hc Aww- l·:.luqatloll," l¤·¤·au·¤ ¢·>¤·¤<·r•=•¤·¢<· of S<>¤t¤¤¤r·¤ Sim xtmnl me uma mr announcement mu. .......l.., M.,.,..... ,.l..,·...l ...4. ...
(Continued on Page Two.) (Continued on Page '|‘l;reo_l W lpommued uu page 'l‘wr0·)A·A-_-_' \°t *’***·*'Y d**'·*’· lllv first Liillllv until hw uml big pudy
l.‘ Q

 I T H E I D E A • •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go': G0.
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE * °*"""°"5° 1
Me At Admission 10c
FIRIT-CLA88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., Own•r and M•n• •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
ym,4 5,, H .i.»n· >u·riminug•·. The zttnrd-_ntt¢i \\‘··r‘<· Ithlhiy W°8*¤°** ****** "*’***‘     [ 0 1
1inu nt St nrt and tintnht-rt was all that . int-mlvtl by both etneakers in Ivtvrs atl- ————   lg 9 •
A D A M   D E 1,..,,,t.i |l;.t·.· tt.·q·n nxpnt-tvd. Itnth mph trlrwttvd to Nw H*‘¤<‘*'¤* *'*"'r"****F`· “"`“‘ FLONZALEY QUARTET .   ucigécwo &Ri I·S‘ c I •} L `
,,,|;,\..,t tt,.· flour nnnsntiily well. SGP-1t•·n frttttl L¢>*1*¤*'****‘ *‘***"****" '" mth"' HW Mnnmhly Qlmrhm Mmlh is M1 |§|1’ |()¤A FBUNZSN   H
    ,t··t· and Z+·rfost·t wore- always in thettntttttntiona to bo covered this week. mw H mnwrl M mp nm Ml Hwmrp`1 CITY HN! cANm;•T I
;t..t»t.· ttgttttm; ttm ntl nip time. 1 »—-~·•·-—-·   T"‘“"""*· *"""""   "‘""“ ‘"‘"‘ "
‘ Tho S(_m_(_ and une up lg ns MHOWS. 1SOUTHERN ATHLETIC season in New 'tork (ity and Huston,   ·——i——·——·
2         First Kamp smtp 34; \.Rml‘_rbm 3941 CONFERENCE FORMED tvlinro the people have bw-n most nn- e
` . . . .·. -—-—-·— Itttsiastiv in praise- of this womlt·rt`tt\
\ntnl•~rtitIt Itstvidson torwartl. 2.*.1 (wmumwd [mm Pu { U • •
gv (tm-.) _
8 ,,     .. 3 Sims. Hmmrd. S; Gpyprv (_(_mm_' 0:1 W   tnnsltal orznntztttttm. This ttttttrtvt in  
\\’oot|nt·t|, t·t·nt¢·r_ s; (‘mly_ gnm·(]_ o; \`ttivt·t‘e<." was orgnttizvtl at gi =\h>*0|t1i<*|y unlqttv: hvittx ttrtisttr with  
Tmmxrh gunnh 0 TOML 39 "wptmg held rgpgntly at whip], th,. an t·nst>mhlc= t·\‘Ye<·t that van bv ob-
wc MATIIEE IDG stm ttmm. r¤r—~·¤r<1. *6: 7**- ‘*""'*`”“"°" °' V"“"""" T°""°"°°' mmm only by mngmmnf gmdylw Kentuck
      fuss- fnmgrd. 2; Sprwrl vpntprv 12: Nfmh (·m.0Hna_ South carolina and omnpaniod by a true musical tnstinvt. y
1TnttI•—, ;;nm·d_ 2; Sontt_ gngrd_ 2, (i*‘<**`tl*H “`€‘¥'P NDFPSGDKOG. This is tltv first thm- that this qnar- Offers free tuition in all   · '·
1·]·(,m]_ M_ 1 'l`|ws<¤ universities vonstitutv the tot nvvr vzmw to Lexington and nf-1
Und•r EntIr•Iy N•w H•nng•m•nt   g.tm,,d ,m,,w gmt., ;;•;; Vander. t~tt:trt•·r ntemhers of the assoctntititi fords an opportunity to State Vniver- m€¤t| to the grad U I te S
1hm_ 244 tviiivii has for its objevt the promotion sity stnd<·ntt·t which may forever after of Kentucky High Schools who
  1 yandprhm hm.idS0n_ t·m.“.m.d_ 23; 1n|‘ the heat interests of athletics in the ho denied them.
lgik,.s_ ,·,,rwa,·d_ 4; \\'00dard’ c,.m(.,·_1Sntntti. It is Independent of and not.1 Tho I·`ionzale·y Quartet is gettorully are Pr€P$¥`€d to CDW? th! Fl°0|h—
‘ la. 10; (`ody, guard, 2; Turner, guard, 0_1¢`•l>DOSPd to NIB Svlllhéfn Inter<*0l— <*ott<*t-dot} to give the most artistic wm- man Class.
fhg.  ‘Y 1T,,m] 24_ itvgiate Athletic Association. Only vert in the world. To hear them is to
fx   1 Sm', .z(,,.fm,S_ t·m·w8rd' 10; ·pum9_ state universities are eligible and it tw raised from the- common things of Each county In UIC Shu il
€;_$','_j.~L` fm.“.am_ 1,;; Sm.v(.,._ (.8mm-_ 10; Scott, is expected that other state univert¤I·1lit`<~ Into the realm of art and high entitled to send   of tui-
   /  g‘mm_ 4,; (;umh,.H_ guard. 0_ T0tal1t|PS will become members at an early 1 idoa\s;and to Iivn in the memory of a · O
  3,; 1ptatp. g perfect evening and fond hope of again twn. matrlculitmnp laboratory
$,4 \ M // '
4 A   t;,.;·(t,·(.p...Kmg_ of ;,€.xmgmn_ Um.1 Tliis association will correspond to Iivttrtng this quartet. land other fee., one or mor. .1). ` ·
fftgtai/?’ pm-_ *t·mS]py_ *|·ra"Sy|\·ania_ gC0m,·__tit¤—— ‘ltig Mne among Northern unt- This quartet was founded in 1903 ·
  Muni sono l’niv¢>r5c;,».;" ».4 1 ».; ·_— nt the southern championship. The |·lonzaI+—5 on Lake (renew;. They
, J ·" "‘· "' "“““· I" . . 1] V , I _ 1. F Necessary expenses modente. t
This \\‘(~»(¤k the (‘[)l()|](»‘l§ |“(¤(¤{ Tp];. UNM!} ot the OTKHIHZBUOYI IS ul? O}l(’· HUP Il\d((’ llll¥]IPI`()lli~ IOUTS () ;l1l'()p(!I
1m.SS‘,,, in 8 two game. Series at th€1yt·ar rule, which was in force in the but only tivo to this country, each of For ful] informgtjon rggud,
· ' r · - k S. I. A. A. last year but which was wlticlt were made with success. _ _
Atttlnorium At ixnoxtllle two wee s t N lng appointees, courses of study,
{mm Sum;. mst two games to me V0]. abolished over the protest of several lite quartet. made up of a first vio-
m,,,.,.,·,_ (·(,u(.h ]]rumag€ is wOrkmg1of the members, at the meeting held lin. second violin, viola and violon- cost of b0gg·d,ctc_, gpp]yt0
tits mm nam tn preparation mr the-rse1*** Lexington lust fall- <·<·**¤. gives. it is t:<-mvrally voncvded. H S BARKER
hm No gam(.S_ Tennessee has a The S. I. A. A. has grown so that it the most harmonious effect possible. ° ‘ ’
g,,,,d wm], and Should play State A im·lude¤=. nearly every school in the. '|`lt<=re* is greater interest shown over Ptuidant,
,,.,-y good game The games MB South and consequently it is a.lm0st1tho first visit of FIonza.1ey's to the Ioxiugwm Ky_
mlm! ul Fight 0·(,]Ock Sharp limposgible to dgnnitety decide the ath·.South than over any other quartet  _.__T;..._......._, .
1 ..;.,.•..__. 1tt·tit~ championships, when so fe-w of which has ever been in this city. ' ,•
IBIG Y· M- C- A- MEETWGS 1the strongest teams meet each other. Seats on sale at Hen Ali tomorrow. FOR PENS AND PENC"3
F AT UNIVERSITY cLOSE1'I`he· fact that both large and small uni-1 |’ri<·<=s, 50c to $2.00. 1 T LET °
‘ -— · -;.. FL- S AND FINE
‘ tversitics are included in its member- +•·•——
t(` t' .df P O .) t ` fi (` · ·.·
1 on mu? mm age ne whip causes trouble since rules which rum nal adm Hop Of mp year Nh S'['A’]‘[QNERY
I Lure attvtqattie for the tamu tmtvmt- "*"’ ‘" ""’ A"“°'* S"‘“"’“y *‘“""
tmnivittg tin- ;ove~t·tttn<»nt schools of ` — , _ •
1 \ pill mw Sometimes work a hardship on the noon, 'llie series has been tary suc JOHNSTON S CANDY
’ ` " l . · . ful this vear and all the dances
' _ _ _ . ._ ( __ . __ smaller ones. This ts the case in T6- (pgs ‘
    M Il" ‘l°*" "i l"’ °‘dd"`“’ It VMS. have been pleasant and attractive.
_ , gem! to the one-year rule and the pres-
2iIIlIUllHf'•‘(l Yilltf t]ll* h[ll(]PllTS \\Oll]d bv T1") \HHtarv Hall of February 22 ig   E  
» . · o- · ' ·· · · · ` ‘ ` •
And at Prices that Count wkul to mmp in giving toward a ent tttlin.., txhtcit allows eath school I I _' ` _ l sm W t M l 8
.... . _ exnetted to be a brilliant aftatr and in •| I D (Nl!
VNU N I (1 l_H. 1. 1. I $.;-0 iq to (l+·('l(l€ tor ttsolt witetltor tt \\ill al-
  1 I ld 0 " no" or "" ‘ ` at I . __l _ I . . _ , Q_ Us 1 looked forward to by the student body,
lllrlltlrtiullllnlut out of   neoded ()\\ Il`1!sllll(l1 to I) ay, IS   lllhdl _—_v*—q W —v vii M rnvvi- 
    ttm wor to ;.t·t·nntnt·ntly <·I<·at· ot‘f.tlteAm(.l°ry‘ For [ms mason the Orgamm. . , ,
’ ’1t|— in and ,.\I,;m(] Ill,. Wmtk of th(,`***•** ot UW **<'\\` <‘0|lf€*¥`<'|1<‘<* IS il ]0gi<‘Hl   S     y '
, ,. . , ttt·t*t·lo|»tnt·nt anti will probably raise ` ,
‘ 1 ;:t<.tt t.In•· Itttiatg X. 4. sntnntt·t‘ (‘(|lI·` _ I . ` h T 1
Shirts, 511065, ··»··—t 1·-·- ··t:tt.tt»; amt tt..» .-...t.at.,t..a **··· ~=··*·**·*‘·* ·** =***·*··*···~ ·*· >·*··**···t·· and _ baxop One V70 1
>:;..···¤·· to an into tho fund snpporting;1ulmrorsnws Formerly Opera House Orchestra
k H tlt·· <‘itt‘i>tiatt lll()\`P]ll(*Il[ in Asia. `°";°'°°`_""`_ FRA1'E|'|N|T|E$ puygp Fon ugy YEAY - ,
w 9 '
      ·t`t,.· Sint-··» ot' ¤t.t·m»·t·ttngs was t=·vi» RILHARDS0N• 14* Kappa Sifllll Tall BIH Pi Till BIH Thltl Ilplll Z0!]
` ` I I | t
t}•tt<‘•4| L) tit•· i2tt‘gt· ttutnher of men     Pan           1
·     1¤it*· tn:‘tt·tl out to tiiv stnwinl <·t·tlit·ti i
    (_ ,, v_ _ ._ _ A titeautitul rornant·e· was etidvd a   • 0 E   6   ' A L ' K 1
Ld h°H;"1`1`IH""`d"° Hmm, the fmr- »ttot·t titnv ago wlt<·n ttw tnarriage of   I °K ’ I       y'
jltno tt t ttt·t was to nnnonnt·t= n ans
Prices marked way dOWD,   tm > 1I_'_Y_\iHu mp high Durp(N_% of Mr. ii. K`. Ri<·ltat‘tlsott to Miss (ia)’tt<*ll¢* THE POPULAR COLLEGE AND FRATERNITY ORC|·|§$'|'RA
          YOu1I1t• r‘.tt·t·_ Att•·t‘ at short addross by Mr._ 1 '
"T" iittzlt on tltt- "liihlw anti \\'iiat it Nloans Rmh was a graduate Ot the Mass To
' ( ' , ‘ ¤
1to Nt··," ttn· t·ttait·nntn ot` variotis ··otn- M HN In tm (nuege Of Agriculture ,
. . t d is now doing oonnty agent work I ‘
1lIIIII•‘(*>· IIIHY hit!} iH‘4'lI |II'1'\'llIlI>|}' LIN [H      
    1»¤t...·.i tt. into tt,. t-tittm-tt.ttt.· work, "‘ ""*"' ""“"*'· *""" ""““‘*““"‘*” “‘
    tt..» nit .,\t int; ...t.t .,¤-.».-...i ..·-*>***=·**·*- **··· **·‘*·*··   H ¤~***··* 8* .._..a._-W--_ . ___ ___
lull,. lluxtlll llI.iN)l.'IIlIiIi•`> [U (quill lnuntlllpllnloud xurnluly and vault; Ul-igluul_  
O. 1l‘_ __! mm NH". Wlliw “m_ki H. I, it trlotn ilit·'|iartlson`s ltonte town. l
hworwnud 18mm, Slmkv UH HW (M55 In IW '_m_HW|1 .\lt>st··` \\atlt>a I ttt·t·bat·k and l.nt·tl<·   & M I I   _
t.   . . , 't‘t·ttik>ltautk, and Mr. \\'nylnnd ltitoatls
, tt: tlt~~ >t··tnl :t~|tt·t·I> ot t}t<· Il<|ttul‘1
The Collcgc Fellows   p 1"m`_{iHH`.. I. M Sh‘iH|HmM_'_· on th·_1\\t·t‘· |»t‘t·s1·Itl1tt tIit* xxotltlitig reroinony
'   " ` "r1(*I;t:~ il! i4l|`t·iLit Iltiihilllii. util? N¢'\\`:`Hd Kuvv UH. happy (-Oulu? u joyous   I    
• • R, _ · 0
    CO.1t;t·.t in .\~t;t ·· zttttl |tt»tttt· tttis>iotts  .tt1tIOI’f. • ’
l¤°•"P°"*”‘ "x··at·o i.it•· in ttt·· Sotttlt" .Iost·p|t1 Incorlommt
In _ 1·|··|··|·•I·•I··I··|·•I·•I··I•*I••I·•I•·|•·|·
MINUYICLUVGVU of 1 I*tt‘t‘•·nt·<· tttltl ttl IItt· \\t»tttI•·rtttl ttpttor I
  _ _ _ 1+ At titt· xttwkly \. M. (`. A. ·I• t
    1tttt·ttt our »tntt··nt> nant- nt stwml wrt 1+ I Ii |_ _1 I I H + T , •
` nw ni;. ·t·ttav a noon, a n·
  t*· `»\t•t`k ill |.t·\iIt;:IttIt This was folv _         1
1 ·l• Y.M t‘ A· ,tt··· ”ttt· +
*3* WHT NNN $TREET .i .-... in H., ..X,,(,,i,i,,,l U, wmv hun.1+ I H i ***1**** ·**·| M >· +
—r———- —·-~ ~~~-——·— · -~ V 1 ` t*·t ltt »l‘ttttt • tt > t·t·t· ·s t· n-   I ’
tort tt ztnti tttt_t otitl t*itnnt·¢·s to "iit·|p t1i4·` _ I I P H U
DR J D   { __ V _ 1+ t·•·t·ttttn4 tti·· past Mt·t·t·•~t=|{ttt:It ·|¤
• • • 1·ttt··r t··lt··t~ that ttt· right at our ott·n{+ (ml Mi I Ml I I H _ Vi + N, nk V4,
· ·z t at . .· · .· ...3.. ;:·
EYE' “Rép°E%?EJ£`$ THRMT 1" ‘'‘' "°""’ 4+ at I S W N In I .,. COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY I
6* ·····   *·*   1   ,'.i ' “'''   ‘‘`'     ** * * * * * * * * · + • • + +
McC|•||and Building. 1* " ‘ "‘ ‘* *’ *‘ ***•‘** ***1 _ ` .
QIHQQ Phbhl 932-X ROOIGONGO 73°·X1<*til*‘L2•‘. \\+**'<· <•>lt>lutttl) on tho john lnltrunize ()ur Advektisersj ,     N°rth Limestone Ilcxington! K,•
.. - . {

• •
· T H E I D E A 3
to Interested persons to become mem- joint meeting with the Unlon Literary! ·.-.-- .
. bers. Society, the date of which, it was de- First Methodist t'hnrt·h on Saturdav
• 1 lt ls hoped that as many se possible clded, should be left to the pleasure of night will give an old l·H$llllflh€‘(l spell.
J ex     J J of the student body will come out Fri- the Unlon Literary Society. lng bee and social ln the parlors of
day evening to hesr the lectures. the church. Admlsslon loc. Refresh-
—••-•—-· ments and a good time. Special lnvl-
. MAGM     ltlreedlng of Hogs."     BLUE nmol ESTATE rations to all State students, 7:30-ln.
•’ `       Prof. J. H. Carmody will speak on       OF Y, M, Ann Y_ w, (;_ A,  
‘ —-———- the subject of "Motlon Plctures."
Tho Agrlrolmrel goolery held R very Irrpsldpnt H. S. Harker wm weak on The heating apparatus ln the Col- '__' `  
entertaining and instructive meeting mrhe Farmer and Screntmc Educ¤_ll°¤e of Agriculture building hu been (comlmled from PRSG ODS-)
Monday night. Prof. l·‘. W. Hoffman‘s mm'., lout of commission for s few days, and  
talk on the "l’nrposcs and Results or __ some of the classes have been ex- other words lt ls an education in    
Apple Judging (lontpgtg" wes very     cused on account of the cold class broad-mindedness to be a delegate at)
well reoolvod and was considered by W. VA.     rooms. Strange as lt may seem, there such a conference. are fast in color _
many an incentive to try nut for tho -—.--.-— are a few students who hope that the 2. lnasmuch as practically every and steadfast in
apple judging team next year, Prof, Mr' H' F" Bryann graduate of the holler never Wlll be repaired. These college in the South sends its best .
Hoffman mentioned ag rggultg of apple class Ot 1914* has been °l’l’°l“*°d t° few are the exceptions, however. Christian workers to this conference, service'
Judging work the following: The bone- °h° ""Y l"°"""’ °°°m°" °f md ··~··—•·•*·—· lt affords an opportunity to study first     u
{lg to the Uolverelly; [hg ohrmee for agent mr the Strata °t West vl'°8l¤l*·     hand the most successful methods of • p.
4 .o ,,,6 member, of ,,,6 mm to ,,0,,,,, l,, ln tllls v¤¤l¤¤¤ he will lim ¢l·¤r¤¤ al LOSES T0 KY. QUINTET cl.rl..n.... ..0.-k employed ln all the  Eii:;l‘3;“f‘l‘?’?-
contact wlth and meet the best men °h° cmp °°"°"° °f um °t°l°‘ H"' "°` o,,,,,,.,,d,,.,, BTm,,e wild",. schools. Hors any delegate may meet   D
from other hortloulturul states, sndll’°"° wm b° "‘°°° up "°m °h° "’°°"“ rr at K,,,,,vm, thirty or forty men ln as many instr!  
lastly, the chance to make the trip and l of 250 men scattered Over um Bmw ' = tullons who hold the same relationship;    
ree eomethlpg or the Opgelde stated and {mm his °wn °b“°"“u°“• “ hul ln a rather llstless game last night} to the Association work as he hlmselfl AQ Loonlrd Hegel •
Mr_ Loon lyeepleh gave e very ld. p°“m°" "°q“"“ him t° be °“ tha mad Tennessee lost to Kentucky by the holds ln his own local school. To talkl NONE gg-·rEg
structlve talk on "Sllk Worm Culture? mm months in the ya"' score of 22 to 13. The local boys out- of these men personally about thelrl GOGSWELL BROS., Proprletore
Mr. Leonlan graduated from the Uni- Mr' Bryant Obtained this position by classed the Vl8lt0l‘B lll flndlng the bu- methods and plans, their successes    
vcrslty of Constantinople ln mos as s " "°“"’°““"° °"“"""““°“ '““‘ N‘* kct but Wlllle the Commodores were and rsllum. ls invaluable to any man.  
silk worm expert, and was well quall-ivember and out M um wml numb" unable to credit themselves with wllo really wishes to do a big piece of
md to handle the Subject- Mr. Carl in the entire United States taking the many goals. their defensive work WM work-
Bernhardps paper on __,rh€ Fm_m{examln‘at'lon, he ranked third highest. the best Seen here this your 3. The conremnce arrows an Oppop nn- 1. Tr  
• Q Woodland" was well received. l HHN S friends are very much smb The Wildcats started in the lead and l tunlty to every man to spend an hour 127 Chédpsidé
ln the business session following thelmed to Se mm make Buch E splendid kept lt during uw °¤m`° $°m°? md Cach day in *}*0 8mdY °f the Blble Hours 8 s.m. to 8 p m. Phene 864-X
program nr. Bernard w. non. wss *"‘°‘”'“g· TM "‘?“°" “"““‘ “°°" Mm at no tlmc was thc score d¤¤scr¤¤¤ly under the most expert leadership. ·
* clected associate editor of The IDEA   fixngt him th:] tmsitlon Tigtes cl0s€· 'l`¤ttlc’¤ excellent work was S9V9¤ dl“9l'€lll· €0ll¥'B€B of Blblé SlUdY ;_’_-—
to mr the vacancy made by Mr- H. Fil a ls rue Wo? s ¤DDl'6¢ 8 ¤¤ eeelly the feature, For the Commo· will be offered and any man can have     _
Bryant who leaves school to take uplmuch by Outsiders as by his friends d0l‘6S. Klein and Woodward Dut up a chance for intensive study of almostl I  V ° V TV -—» ~»—r- ~  
his duties as Field Agent iq West vibland associates at State University, the but game any pun or me Bible which he has e ="  '”  T
grmai Mr- L. H- Nelson was elected] He was taking post Kfadullto work Lldepp and score; never had a chance to thoroughly     .
assistant associate editor. at the University this year end Wes ll l{erlmel;y..Mm-gan and Tuttle, for- study. Many a college student has ’ { ? 3  
Mr. Roth made a brief talk to thelmember °f The IDEA sun- wards; Server, center; Scott and U testltled that his attendance at this F2 ` hg, I 2 r
society, explaining that the only way —_—_°`•`°`;`_ Gumbert, guards; Zerfoss, substitute. l conference marked the beginning of ’     §
to got, out g good g,gri(3ul{urg_] pggol     T6Yl¥l€SS€9*Kl€l¤ End Cleinerd. {Ol"   lllsl giblllllllé lD[€l‘€Sl lll the Blblé. lll ll", AA (9 lll
was to have the ooooerorlon of every. 1-. wards; Greenwood, center; McSpad- slmllar fashion there will be expert /       \
_ body oorloeroed Hg therefore urged The Biological Club will hold its din and Jacobs, guards. ltadershlp in the study of the great RE;;:S£;g;%1;";;2v;LAIN \
y , all the members of the society to workiref-Kular monthly meeting in the Geo- nad |'0|]|¢ K•¤l·u¢k!—'l`*uttl€ 3. nllsslonllfy Dl'0bl€ln¤ of the church. ’ Tug   O `t.
wlth hlm to make the egrlenllurel logical lecture room of the Science Morgan 4. Scott 2. Server 1. Tennes- land a number of men who have been T BHWUT ‘39rm,_m$r Lrrlmodr y
page e llyo and progpogglvo ope, lflullding tomorrow evening at 8 See-·McSlJaddln l. Jacobs l. Klein 1.lon the foreign field will be there to --· ~·r*·’·· W ‘ i """-
The next meeting of the Agricul- 0'0l0cl¢. l"0\ll 80¤l¤·—M0l'8¤¤ 2. Klein 7. lspeak or to lead classes.  
tural Society on March 1, will be In Professor E_ F, Fgrquahgr, of [ho RefBl‘€€—·K6l¥,h. 4. The conference also OHBTS Bn Op- •n · '
conjunction with the Home Economics English Department Will lecture 0¤ · + * * ;··* * * + lportunity to every delegate to hear      
Society, in chapel. An interesting "l·ltel‘8tul‘e ln Sclence." and Mr. (`. *     * isome of the greatest speakers to col- 107 South Umumno str"'
program has been pronlised. Sidney Adams. of llle H0l'll€ul€ul`¤l _, + • + * + * + + * * * _·_ * · _• lege mar mm the “'°"ld affords- P"' Oppoelte the Phoenix Hotel Block
. I Department, will lecture on "The Dlf· haps lt is not putting it too strong Lexington, Ky.
      iferent Varieties of Cultivated Grapes."_ PA1-T EET8_ when one says that Robert E. Speerg FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED
The Biological Club was organized; _____ and Fletcher Brocklnan are by general  `
    llast fall and is one of the most pros-l lll Olde? not to conflict Wltll the bas- consensus of opinion the two greatestl Meet Me After the Gam. “
Prof. li. S. Good, head of the depart·' perous clubs ever Orgeplzed at Korpi ket ball games, the Patterson Literary Speakers to Students ln the entlrei  
5 o ment of bccf cattlc. sheep and hogs tucky stats. lts purpose ls to discuss Society mct 'Fllursday night and en—‘world. Mr. Speer w·lll surely be there]
of ills Auimlll llu¤l>¤¤dl`Y D€D¤l‘Un€nt popular and scientific problems inltefed into sl business session lm- land we hope Mr. lsrockman also. Al Where ell ll Well and GOOD.
l of the Follcgc of Agriculture. Wlll de- botany, zoology, physiology, geologyl medlately. The following officers fort Score or others will be on hand and;
l liver an address before the Kentucky phd natural history, the conllng term were elected: idellver addresses on large moral and ( Hot Ch°c°l.tc' Cmdy md lc.-
Q State F8l'lll€l`S` lnstltutc to be lleld at The club wishes to interest persons President. J. 'l`. Jones. lsplrltual themes. One professor atl
Henderson. February 23-25. His ad-’in these subjects and through these Vlcc·l’l'sSident. Julius Wolf. |'l‘nlane l'nlverslty in New Orleans Dre   Edward Gordon
` dress will be "The Foodlng and _ columns extends a cordial lnvltatlon Recording Secretary. Frank Frum. lsaid to me that lt was well worth thel DENTIST
l —-——-j—;·—~——-é~—;-—;—·———.-*———.- Treasurer, (`. P. Nicholson. ltrlp to hear