xt7rv11vg39p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vg39p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-07-27 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, July 27, 1973, no. 10 text Bulletin, July 27, 1973, no. 10 1973 1973-07-27 2014 true xt7rv11vg39p section xt7rv11vg39p     }             Ci.; .2.¤·      
W ·e#;s é* Y MM ¢ %N?7
» ll.;     im. Len § E5 xsi
SWUARATTCN; The incision cu &ivi§ing the pxklim
EEKETHE YQ MEX is imminent. Caxefwlly ccnszder UNlVER5ZTY QF KENTUFKY
ii and expxess your positive or negative reactiwrs LFBRAKEEE
te you; uepextment hedd immedletely, Ee e part
mf €ue iecisicn! July IV, l973 N0. l0
CHANGE: Change is inherently neithex qcod ncx _m“_mmmWMm_“mWMM“mm__Mw“
EEST But it is inevitable. Amé once again we have changes ;n lhs Di:ectcx‘s
Office, As My, ggiggg goes to greener, ex at leash more senate pastures,
we welccme cer new acting disectex, Mz, Fanl Willi;. Mx. Willii inn‘t execily
A newcomer me uu: steff. He has been Lhe L&w—E3LL5;iex simse 1968 iuxlng
which time be has been en Associate Pxufeesen si law, p:©Gmwei an impressive
number mf publicaiiens, been active in lace}, scaicf reqlomel end national
crgemizatiwns ene xeceived e Eel Assmcietiwn Award for Services in May of
this yeax. his subject background, as may he suspected, is supp0xte& by
iwe lew degrees fxem the University rf Kennuckyn Bis library credentials
come fxcm the Uuivczslay of N;ly1axd’s Gxeduets School 0f Liblaxy end
information Services in the fuxm ef eu M.L.S. Mr. Willis and his wife
Barbara have tmc children ages 7 and 3. ‘
QQQ: It wes menticned three weeks ego in the Bulletin that Cljffexi Elegy
hai joined cur seeff in the Administrative Services Depextmemz, Since the
LSD is, in effect, e service department fer the entire libxaxy syxkvwj Q
brief xuniewn on Cliff‘s job might be appreciated. With1n the &epa2tmcnh,
thexe is a section called Auxiliary Services which includes Shipping & V
Receiving (Mailroom), Delivery Service (soon) and Supplies & Equipment;
Cliff will have thls section es his responsibility. Currently, he is working
on a Library Supply Catalog which promises to be e great improvement over
the existing method of supplies information, If you have suggestions em items
that should be included in this catalog, they will be welcmmeh
  Terminaticns: Wanda glleg, pzofessienal, Acquisitions.
QQSITIGN OPENINGS: Map Dept., new classified VI, open new, see Jim Minton;
Bldlggigglmggiegees Library, new professional, open new, see Bill Lee}M““W“
Circulation, classified VI, open S/ll/73, see Bill Lee; Cetalcginqiwglassified
lll a V, both open new, see Ms. Bova Smith; Adminis¥EEtive Services,
classified V, open now, see Tom MaxeuH?”€Eel0gy Libxexy, classified VI, open
8/ll/73, see Vivian Nell; IntexlY$?E?§ Lean, classified VI, Open S/9/73, see
Mx. Sandy Qglg§££sg.”
g§§_XOp_@H$RE??3: If you will notice at the top cf this page you will see
this I§`NEI 10 of the "Green Sheet". The Lime has ¤0me E0: eveludtiqn. Is
the Bulletin worth the effort? Axe we wesainq valuable tyees on it? In
effect, DO YOU WANT IT TO CONTINUE? lf you in find the bulletin has benefit
for you and you do went it tc continue, I mesa hem: about isn If l é0n’L,
it will endl Feel the urge; let it heppen; let me know 25cm? yea: estimate
0f it, pre and cen. Address: Tcm Nggggg, 3lOA Kimq Library; Campus.
140 d&Ys to the EIC MOVE `