xt7rv11vft2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rv11vft2n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1942-05-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  1, 1942 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  1, 1942 1942 1942-05-01 2013 true xt7rv11vft2n section xt7rv11vft2n best uopy Avaname

The Kentucky Kernel

Wildcat Nine Looks
I orward To Third Win

A Solution Is Offered
To Prevent rJ.xtra Voting





Take Union Posls
Hut Two Of Nine
Hoard Positions


seven of nine



Decrease Noted
In Students'


su-de- nt


The Kernel Union driving tests
conducted by Sergeant John Phythian. chief license examiner of the
state, closed last night. Although the
number of students who participated
in the three day tests was not given.
Sergeant Phythian indicated that
there was a marked decrease from
the record number of 233 contestants
who took part last year.
'Despite the drop in student participation, we were well pleased with
the interest shown by those who did
take the tests". Sergeant Phythian
said. The comparatively small response
attributed to the lack of
advance publicity and to the fact
that no prizes were offered to the
students compiling the highest score.
The realization that the public
is becoming
again brought to light when the records showed that only one con
testant in 20 failed both the written
.comprehensive teste and the road


and seniors,

are eligible to sign up in the
Enlisted Reserve while still in school,
and be allowed to continue their
education until graduation, provided
certain scholastic standings are met.
There are eight different fields
in the Army Air Corps, and a concerned student has his choice between a commission as a flying offisophomores,
juniors cer or on the ground. For instance,
between the ages of commissions are available in armaments, communications,
engineer"I ing, metallurgy,
and photography,
as well as in flying. Those Interested
in flying can receive a commission
either as pilot, bombardier, or navigator.
Since the new field is open to
freshmen, high school seniors, who
are contemplating not coming to
college on account of the war.
should be especially interested. Once
they enroll in the Enlisted Reserve,
they are permitted to continue in
college until graduation.
For those who wish to work for a
commission in the advanced R. O. T.
the Enlisted Reserve sounds even
more promising. By being in advanced military and the Reserve
together, the student has the privilege tf seeking a commission by
two channels. Upon graduation he
can decide between the two.
Students who enlist in the Reserve will wear the official Insignia
of the air corps while in school,

.X X




cigm uucu uust year.
records of Lexington and
Fayette county show the same trend.
At present there have been 5 deaths
and 93 injuries resulting from automobile accidents this year in com- parison to 10 fatalities and 166 in-- i
juries during the corresponding per- iod of 1941.
The campaign which brought Sergeant Phythian and his assistants.
Lieut. Lee Allen Estes and Sergeant
E. B. Jones of the State police, to
the University
through the cooperation of the
American Automobile Association,
the Kentucky Highway Patrol, and
the National Safety Council.




special inaugural issue of
The Kernel will be published
Wednesday. May 6. in honor of
the installation of the new president
Copies of this edition will be
presented to all campus visitors.
This will be the only Issue printed next week.


Spring Carnival Plans
Are Near Completion
Campus Capers
Will Take Place
In Hear Of Union
Plans for the University's first
Spring Carnival to be held on Saturday. May 9. are Hearing completion, according to Bob Davis, chairman of the executive committee.
The Carnival, which replaces the
annual May Day festivities this
year, will be located on the grounds
at the back of the Union building.
Consisting of a free street dance,
a miniature "nite club." several
amusement booths, and the selection of a Carnival Queen, the carnival will offer University students
one of the more elaborate evenings
of the year.
Dave Mahanes and his orchestra
will play for the street dance from
8 to II p.m. Admission to the "ballroom" will be free.
The nite club, situated on the
Union building balcony, will lie
open from 8 until 10:30 p.m. Jimmy
Coffee, master of ceremonies, has
announced that a floor show will be
presented at 8.30 and 10:00 p.m.
Featuring the music of D. Ashley
Akers and his orchestra the floor
ichow will include such talent as
Ted Jaracz. vocalist. Sara Revel
Estill and Joe Famularo. dancers;
tnd Waller Allender. Lexington
"song and dance" artist.
Tables will be placed at the sides
of the nite club to permit dancing.
Refreshments will be served by
GuKy "waitresses".
The amusement booths, operated
fraternities and sororities,
will be open from 7 to 11 p.m. Sara
Anderson, president of
in charge of the sororities participating, has announced the application of Kapia Kappa Gamma,
Kappa Delta, and Chi Omega sororities for booths. Other groups are
expected to complete their plans by
the lust of the week.
Jim Crowley, president elect of
SuKy. stated that several f rater
nities were planning to operate
booths. In announcing the rules
governing the construction of the
iiooths. Crowley said that tables
three feet wide and eight feet
long would be provided for the
basic form of the booth.
"Groups may combine more than
four tables if they need them",
Crowley stated. "It is possible that
tl; concession planned, by a fra- -

ternity or sorority will not involve
a booth at all." he also pointed out.
"The total cost of the booth is
not to exceed $5 and groups sponsoring booths will be reimbursed
for their expenses to that amount.
The total net profits of the Carnival are to be given to the American Red Cross," he said
At the close of the second floor
show in the nite club, the identity
of the Carnival Queen will be revealed. Nominations for the Carnival
Queen will be made by each group
sponsoring a booth, and the final
selection will be made by the executive committee of the Spring Carnival.
Members of the executive committee are Joe Logan Massie, president of SuKy; Bob Hillenmeyer,
president of Lances; Bob Davis,
eexcutive chairman; and Jay Wilson.

Can I Quole
You On That

Question: What are yam doing to- ward aiding the nation's war effort?
Jimmy Hurt, arts and sciences
freshman ; "I'm living as economi- cally as I possibly can. I try to conserve electricity by using as little as
Norma Weathrrspoon,
arts and
science sophomore "I'm going to
school and trying to prepare myself
to help where needed as the President advised college students to do."

Margaret Cantrill, commerce sen
ior: "I've got a piggy bank from
which I buy defense stamps.
have also knitted sweaters for the
Harold Winn, arts and sciences
wntor: "I'm studying particularly
hard on my advanced military
course assignments so that I will
know what I'm doing when I am
dutv thil SDrinir Helen Powell, commerce senior:
"I just finished my first Red Cross
sweater. I pray for soldiers. When
I get enough stamps. I will buy a
defense bond."




ly one ui every

Inaugural Issue


student permitted to complete his
education after joining the Reserves,
but. he also has the opportunity of
working for a commission in the
Army Air Corps after graduation.
The new program is based on the
fact that college graduates can more
capably fill the numerous air corps






joe imnr.Ks

lit. Col. Emmett F. Yost from Per-ri- n
Field. Sherman. Texas, will discuss the new Air Force Enlisted Reserve program this evening at 7:30
in Memorial hall. All men students
interested in receiving a commission
in the U. S. Air Corps should at-- !
The Air Force Enlisted Reserve
is the most promising field ever
to be offered
a college
in war time. Not only is the


the Coiutitutioiuli.st party swept the
Union Board election for the fourth
straight year in the campus balloting Tuesday.
board includes Bob
The 1942-4Hillenmeyer. Phi Delta Theta; G.
Dudley. SAE; Robert Davis. Independent; Tom Walker. Phi Delta
Thcta; Terry Noland. Sigma Alpha
KpMlon: Jean Reynolds. Alpha
Jean Reynolds. Alpha Xi
Dells; Edith Weisenberger. Chi
Omega; Jeannette Graves, Independent; and Bettys Howard. Kappa
Appioximately 550 votes were cast
in the elation, arcording to Bill
Hrnick. retiring president of the
board. Penirk said that the nine
new members will meet within the
next two weeks to elect officers.
The new Union Board will take
ever the house, publicity, dance,
fprts, music, forum, art. and activities committees
through which
they will direct the building's policy.
The committee which tabulated
the vote was composed of Penick,
Margaret Blackerby. Loudla Barry,
Rebecca VanMcter, Preston Murray,
and A. H. Thicle.
Other students who were candidates in the election were Harold
Ijndsay Sigma Nu; Dave Mahanes.,
Kappa Alpha: Jack Swift, Independent; George Gilbert, Sigma Al- . ii
.. .
r ..
.... ..... i. ...
Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Helen Har- rison. Independent; Kate Woods.
Independent; Mabel Warnecke. In
dependent; and Claudine Mullin
anx. Independent.


jColonel Yosl To Discuss New Air Corps Plan
ITo Prospective Student Reserve At 7:30 Tonight

Independents Win


Judge Wilson


To Award Prizes

For Collections
Students wishing to compete for
the annual private library prizes
must register their intention of
competing by May 15. according to
Margaret I. King, head librarian.
The annual awards are made possible bv Judge Samuel M. Wilson,"'
who offers $30 and 20 respectively
to those undergraduate students who
can present the best libraries of
their own choosing and ownership.
The following rules govern the
awarding of the prizes:
1. The contestants for the prizes
must have been in attendance at
the University for at least two years.
In case the contestant enters the
University in the Junior year, re
gistration in the semester prior to
graduation will be counted as part
of the two years.
2. Any library entered in the com
petition must not contain fewer
than fifty volumes, and all books
must be owned by the student entering the lilbrary.
3. Ordinary textbooks for class
room use. and books of a highly
technical nature will be excluded
from consideration.
4. Emphasis
is placed on choice
of books and scope of the collection.
5. Individual taste and initiative
will be emphasized, and no set pat-

tern will be followed.
6. The volumes must be in good
condition with allowance for books
of age and scarcity.
7. The student must be able to tell
why he has chosen the books, and
must be able to give a fair and in
telligent account of their contest.
8. The commit tee on awards will
consist of three persons appointed
by the president of the University.
The committee will make an inspection of all libraries entered Jn the
9. Prizes will be awarded in the
latter part of this semester.
Further Information concerning
the awards may be secured from the
Student Library Prize committee.
University of Kentucky. Members of
the committee are Miss Margaret I.
King, head librarian and George K.
Brady, of the English department.
Winners of the awards in 1940
were: Susan Jackson and Greer
Johnson, both of Lexington. Miss
Jackson was interested in biogaph-ica- l
selections, while Mr. Johnson
had a library containing Iwjoks on
contemporary di ama.

Collier Wins SGA
Presidential Race

and now that the university is a
focal point for this training, those
students who sign up together, can
pursue an air corps commission col
lectively. This has been a policy of
of the air corps for the past several
H. H. Arnold. Commanding General of the U. S. Army
Air Forces, has the following to say
concerning the Enlisted Reserve.
"We believe that this plan of deferment after enlistment will benefit
the young men concerned and their
colleges, arid also serve the vital
purpose of Insuring a continuous
supply of men well qualified physi
cally and by education to become
members cf the Army Air Force."
Besides stating the qualifications
necessary for enlistment, and other
pertinent Information. Colonel Yost
will show a late March of Time
sound Aim on "Army War Activity."
On this evening's program with Col- -t
nel Yost will be Lt. J. E. Krause,
who will give the factual accounts
of Aviation Cadet training. Lieutenant Krause, is a recent graduate
of the Army Air Corps.
A great deal of interest in the
new program is being shown by men
students. Major D. C. Carpenter,
who is in charge of arrangements
on the campus, announced
night, and a good turnout is expected to hear Major Carpenter further
to hear the Colonel from Perrln
Carpenter further
stated that any person who is interested in hearing Colonel Yost discuss the new important program
should come to Memorial hall tonight. The program will be open to
the public.


"Once in a lifetime" so far as
your student career is concerned, you
will have the opportunity to witness
the inauguration of the president of
your Alma Mater.
"Next Wednesday afternoon, at
three o'clock. Dr. Herman Lee Donovan will be officially inducted into
the office of the presidency, and it
is the hope of the committee in
charge of arrangements, and the
faculty, that all students plan to attend the exercises. To that end the
administration has dismissed all
University classes, from the end of
the fourth hour, through the afternoon. An inauguration of a University president is always an inspiring


occasion, and to Univerity of Kentucky students the induction of Dr.
Herman Lee Donovan into the high
office of president of the University
of Kentucky should be especially im- pressive as he is an alumnus of the

"I have noted in the past that
University students always exercise
a higher degree of responsibility in
whatever is expected of you and
with that in mind, the inaugural
committee asks your complete co-- i
operation in this event with the as-- I
surance that you will make your-- i
selves gracious and obliging to vis- itors on the campus, and that you
will attend the inauguration
p.m. on Stoll field.



"Thomas P. Cooper, chairman
"Inaugural Committee"

Engineers Erect
Tower To Cool

Drafting Room
No, it isnt a tower that the engineers are constructing on their
building because they are jealous
of the tower of Uie Biological Sciences building. It is Just a much needed ventilation unit that the University has finally found enough money to build.
It is a type of the "Penthouse
System of Exhaust Ventilation." The
house that will contain the system
is already completed and Is fourteen feet long, ten feet wide, and
seven feet high. The walls of the
house are made of "celotex".
According to Professor Perry West,
head of the department of mechanical engineering, the total cost of this
unit will be $750. The immediate
reason for construction of the unit
at this time is due to the expected
increased summer enrollment.
There will be four fans in the
house, one in each of the walls. In
one minute the four fans can remove 60,000 cubic feet of air from
the drafting room. This means that
all the air in the room can be changed in one and one half minutes.
This unit will also help to ventilate
the second story of the south wing
of the quadrangle.
The house is directly in the center of the east wing and a hole will
be cut thru the roof of the building and the ceiling of the drafting
room twelve feet long and five feet
w ide under the house. Thru this hole
150 tons of hot air will pass out of
the drafting room each hour of the
hot summer days.
"It will not lower the temperature below that outside the building but will lower the inside tern- perature 15 to 17 degrees below
what it. has been in the past four
summers." Professor West. said.


First Election




Indicated Victory
For Givens Dixon


James Collier, first year law student of Crab Orchard, has been announced by the election board ai

the winner of Tuesday's election, the
second balloting to select the pieM
dent of the Student Government A
Givens Dixon, junior engineer of
Henderson, last week polled mote
votes than Collier but the election
board declared the first casting invalid after a dispute arose over th
legitimacy of some of the votes ca..?.
Constitutionalist p.rv
leader, U a member of Sigma N i
fraternity. He was instrumental in
working out the recent SGA const utional amendments. He was behind
last year's Constitutionalist machine
which swept the Union Board electit tion.
Approximately 1550 students vorpi
in, the first election but the number
dropped to 1250 in the second poilin?
Russell Patterson, retiring presiden.
j of the Association,
pointed out th;i"
this indicated a deplorable lack of
interest in the student government
among those most affected.
Representatives to the legislature
elected Tuesday are.
Education college. Marcus Redwine
' Winchester;
Education college. Louise Peak.



V will bf firtsfitlril
Mn 7. 8, and 9.





Greer Johnson's
"Cry HaVOC" Begins
May 6 At Guignol


Schick. Stearns, and William


Greer Johnson, former University
student, will present his first three
act play. "Cry Havoc", at the Guignol theater on the nights of May
6. 7, and 8. It is a mystery story,
which takes place in an old New
England farmhouse, with two murders and nine suspects.
Each year, after its regular season
closes. Guignol requests a local play- write to produce one of his plays.
Last Spring, Bill Stucky produced his.
"Then Came June". It is unusual
to have two productions by local
playwrites In successive years.
Three University students have
been cast In "Cry Havoc" They are
Virginia cgcruicyer. arts ana sciences
freshman, as Rose, the servant
girl; Jack Paritz. arts and sciences
junior as Felix Wlllard; and Bill
Harzaugh arts and sciences


Commerce college. Alexander Hall,
Lexington. Vincent Spagnuolo. Cumberland, and Margaret Erskine. Danville:
Arts and sciences college. France"
Jinklns. Nashville. Tennessee. Martha Koppius. Lexington, George Gilbert. Lawrenceburg. Jack Atchison.
Paris, and Joan Taylor. Cynthiana:
college. Roy Hunt.
Vine Grove. Chester Thetss. I
Grange, and Boise Bennett, Williams town.
No petitions were submitted fur
four of the 20 seats in the lrgisia- ture. The new assembly will nam"
persons, two from the gradua'e
school and two from the arts an''
sciences college, at Its first meeting
to fill the vacancies. The two from
as Bernard Steel The rest arts and sciences will be senior
of the cast includes Kathryn Con-le- men; one of the graduates will be a
Wheeler, the dignified Harriet
Tyler; Lorraine Landrus. the shy,
old maid
Tyler; Catherine Taylor, the vivid
Joan Bruce; Carlisle Spencer, the
somewhat "touched". Horace Tyler;
James Snyder. Titus Tyler; and The Department of Library Srionc?
received word Thursday afternoon
John Dupre, Glenn Mitchell.
Jane Denny, arts and sciences that it had been accredited by th?
reCampus organizations are
sophomore and Jean Reynolds arts American Library association as a
quested to send to the Informaand sciences are assisting Johnson full fledged library school. The de
tion desk in the Union building
in the directing. Anna Geiger edu- partment will be immediately linte l
cation senior and Frances Rowland, in professional and education.il
the names of all student memarts and sciences sophomore, have sources as an accredited librarv
bers now serving in armed forcharge of the properties.
school which emphasizes service ui
ces. The names will be added to
Johnson has written several one- - schools and colleges.
the bulletin board which will be
act plays, many of which have been
The University Department of
produced in Lexington. Four. "The Library Science is the sixth school
hung in Great Hall of the Union.
Edge of Eternity", "Mortals Will in the South to receive top ratu;
Not Believe", "Tenement", and "No The others are: University of Nortn
Questions Asked", were presented at Carolina. Emory University. Univrr-thGuignol entry in the Annual sity of Louisiana. George Peatpxi''
Drama Festival. "How Lovely is the College for Teachers. College i f
Evening" was presented by Transyl- - William and Mary. It is the ttiii '
vania this Spring and was its entry second library school in the Uni'e.i
In the festival. Besides the pre- - States and Canada to be accredit? i
More than 500 magazines and ceding plays "Never Comes an End", by the American Library
Oblige", and "Overflow" tion.
pamphlets dealing with the war ef- fort, together with a large number have also been produced. Also an
of newspaper clippings, have been
assembled on the campus and are Spider". "Idiot's Delight". "Stage
In connection with National Mn-inow open for use by students, faculDoor". "High Tor", and "Tovarich" wee(t the Ben All theater is sihui- While in school here, he wrote soring an election of three favni 'e
ty and townspeople in room 141 of
and directed a series of programs bands 0f University students
the Library.
called, "Recent
pictures of ten outstanding b
Under the direction of the Key Stories", which were broadcast on
have been placed in the Union grill
Center of Information,, headed by a coast to coast hookup. He wrote, wriere ballots are available for stu-Dr. Frank L. McVey. the material
series of radio dialogues, several den, vot
xn, tnds rankine hiKL- radio plays, collaborated est in the campus elcrtion will
has been collected from publishers,
philosophy department for
on the screen. May 7. S,
from federal bureaus, and from with the
the "Rights of Man" series and with and 9 in connection with a don'il?
agencies. The Key Center of the phychology
department for feature picture.
Information located on the campus "What Propoganda Means to You".
is one of the four official centers Last Spring, he adapted, produced, KAMPUS
in the state, and the material it is and directed "Nick of the Woods"
assembling is increasing rapidly.
for the United China Relief.
Those who wish to make use of the
center's information on the war ef- - All-Collefort will find material on topics such
as the army, navy, government
bonds, the consumer, finance during
The All Kentucky college chorus,
war. democracy, civil liberties, peace, sponsored by Alpha Gamma chapter
problems, labor problems, of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia frater- M TKITION CENTER . . .
under the directum of Cr
national and civilian defense.
nity, will present its annual con Erikson will meet for a panel
ert at. 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial
in the Music room
fi p.m. today.
Price Doyle. Murray State Teachers college, and Theodore L. Hunt.
Center college, will be conductors
Accompanists will be Gertrude L
Art committee. Music room. 3 tn 3
Cheney. Berea college, and Anna p. m
Cwens. p.tom U't5. 5 to 5 p m.
Ruth Thoinan, University pianist.
Participating schools are the UniCwens. room 2ov S to 6 p m.
versity, Traiisylvania college. East- - Tuesday
em State Teachers college, Murray
Art commit 'ee. music room. 4 to S
State Teachers college. Centre col p.m.
lege. Berea colleue. Kentucky Wes- Intei fra'ernity council. Torn 2"V
leyan college, and MoreheuU Stnt" S to 9 p.m.
i Teachers college.
tnx room 204, 5 o S p .

Students Invited
To Participate In
Inaugural Events





University Library
Fully Accredited

Names Of Students
Now In Service
Are Requested


Material On War


Effort Now Open
For Use On Campus


UK's Favorite Uatltb




Whal Goes?
On Herc- -


To Appear Sunday
















Entered at tu

""- -





at Lexington. Kentucky, as





R mi


subscription rates

one semester


one Y.ar


r,e ,.p,n.r









The Krmfi




Kernel Columnist In Record Time



n f. pfopi.F.

Cuirnoics of a cohminisi: Staging a "llappv"
Chancllei comeback. ini Collier was eleiled to
the SGA presidential chair ihis week . . . Apparently all ihe Collier machine needed was a
little trial run. and that's exactly what ihe in
valid election clitl . . . For the Collier latiion. ii
was like a (ate her dropping a
p loul with two
It was that last iiiinuit-reprievdown in the ninth
that lin.ilh resulted in an ultimate vie


Sx.iking ol flections, there have Ixcn nianv
complaints about students voting under lilt II
nun names and then under the names ol x'oplc
who have Ii II s In Mil in who are inn lav In come










Now that the cite I ions are over, leaving part
ol the executive lxxlv Constitutionalist and the
il seems a god lime lo
other pari IndejM-ndenin giv ing
hui v i he jHilit ic al hate In t and exx-ratlull suport to the Student (.overnmeni asvxia-tion- .
Rcmemlxi. il is a Ixxlv ol si udents. elec
hi students, organied lo help govern Mucletns.
j nil c.t ii noi survive unless il has sludenl support.
W hen amendments are projxised that require
the vote of the students, study the exac t meaning
ol the hill
voii sign it. It might Ik- embarrassing il nii signed something ol which vou
luaiiilv disapproved. The optxsiic is also true.
It is had jxilic v to have to say of a delcated hill.
"I would have signed thai if I had known
exactlv what it was all alxttil, hut I didn't pay


a ii














Ii might

he noted that this is more than a
mete convocation that is a signal (so ihe students think) for a (one cried rush lo the grill to
sip cokes that are getting mighly scarce now.
Nor to go to the library to finish that term pajHT
hat was due three weeks ago.
I he Kernel is taking its
pari bv combining two
issues into one large one that will give the official program and a history of ihe University
which is celebrating its diamond jublilce.
Organizations are giving lime and efforts lo
make the ceremonies a success. The IVan ol
Women has installed an extra secretary lo care
lot i he work that falls into her realm.
Women and ROTC men are
to lake care of messages, give directions, and
conduct tours of the campus.


Tennis Courts Take Beating,
Are Not Rolled, Player Says

To the Editor of The Kernel:
Probably many cf the students
have noticed the run down, cracked
condition of the tennis courts due
to lack of watering and rolling. Even
some of the Alumni,
played on
the courts back in the good eld days
before the physical education department took over, have commented on the condition of the courts.
The physical education department new conducts tennis classes as
early as 8 o'clock in the mornings.
A University is judged bv its students, rather
For the students' benefit Mr. Powers
than bv the wonderful impressions made bv the leaves the courts open at night as
faculty and administration. The students might late as 7 o'clock. The courts canbenot
make a jxiim of being especially coin lions and causebe watered after this time
of lack of time and labor. In
helpful on the dav, directing ihe visitors and the mornings The courts are full of
showing a true- Kentucky hospitality.
If each clases, allowing little time for watering and rolling the
student dtx-- his part, ihe University will Ik: classes should come courts. These
later in the
known as the "School of Friendliness."
mornings and if they are conducted
this early because instructors can
be provided, this is an error.


Students in the physical education classes do not pay for the use
of the courts. Other students who do
pay for playing are not receiving
their money's worth. Most of the
equipment, backstops, etc.. was paid
fcr by the students' money and they
should be acccmodated first. Should
the few students who do not pay for
using courts cause all the other tennis players in school to play on beat
up. run down courts?
must lie in the
The bottle-nec- k
somewhere. Certainly the condition
of the ccurts is no fault of Mr.




Instead of the usual May Day festivities, with
and floats. SuKv. in oxijx-ratiol.ances. is giv ing a street carnival Saturday night.
It is to have all the color and jollity of ihe country
fairs in the x'asant countries of F.urox When
the (lancets get tired there will be fori lines to
Only four weeks left and how I campus, I notice the spacious lawns
hate to see the days flying by. Ken- stretching in front of the grill to
hi at and things lo eat.
tucky, known to the North by the
Memorial hall. Then, thinking of the

Yankee Has found Kentucky
A Second Home In Dixie Land


Words And Tunes Of Old Songs
Seen To Be Matched By Accident
The tune became so well knoWh
Every school boy knows how the America that Robert Paine used it
words of "The Star Spangled Banhis campaign song. "Adams and
ner" came to be written by Francis Liberty". A few years ater it be- Scott Key. during the bombardment
came "Jeffrson and Liberty" Amer- of Fort McHenry. near Baltimore,
ican politics being what they are. A
13. 1814.
new set of words. "The Battle of
The young lawyer went to the The Wabash." appeared in 1811, to
British Admiral, under a flag of add to the fame of William Henry
truce, to arrange for the release of
Hanlsin. Altogether there were
a certain Dr. Beanes who was being twenty-ondifferent texts to this
held as a prisoner. But as the famous tune, some, like "When Bibo
British were starting a bombardWent Down to The Regions Below,"
ment, they held Key on his own ship, quite ribald in
character. Someone
and after a nipht of watchful wait- has referred to the Anacreon melody
saw the American flag still as a "hunting song". It
ing, he
had about
Inspired, as
Hying from the fortress.
much to do with hunting as the
he wrote his poem. "The Defense of nineteenth hole has with golf.
Fort McHenry' "
Another famous song Is "Yankee
It has never been proved that Key
a grand fife tune for march- in mind the tune now known as
It is agreed that this melody
al"The Star Spangled Banner."
though ii was very popular at the came to America through a Dr.
time, or that he thought of his Shuckburg in 1775. when General
was gathering Colonial
words as in any way suitable for
Some say that the printer. soldiers near Albany for an attack
Benjamin Edes. who set the poem the French and Indians. The "old
up as a handbill, recognized its continentallsts in their ragged regimentals" were considered something
musical possibilities and immediatea joke, and Dr. Shuckburg, the
ly added the tune. Another story of
army surgeon, gave them the
has it that two brothers. Charles British
and Ferdinand Durang, actors and traditional Yankee Doodle chorus
the "latest martial music of
soldiers at the time, found the
merry England." It was taken ser- in a volume of flute music and
iously by the bands and played
Aire the first to sing it.
five years later at the sur- The air itself has been claimed as twenty
originally old French. But certainly render of Comwallis.
Shuckburg may have had in mind
it was known in England and America as "To Anacreon in Heaven." a satirical verse that was sung, ac- cording to tradition, when Crom- constitutional song of the Anacreonrode into the town of Oxford.
tic Society of London, a jovial group
of musicians and men about town upon a "Kentish pony." with a fea- who met at the Crown and Anchor ther m his cap. end tied by a knot
tavern in the Strand Their patron that was known as a "marcaroni."
.saint was the Greek poet Anacreon. The tune is also said to have been
who wrote mostly of wine, women, used for the old English nursery
Lucy Locket lost her poc- and ong and choked to death on
But where the music actually
a urape seed at the unf of eighty-Mvi- started Is still a mystery.
Ralph Tomlinson. president of the
The Dutch claim its orginality.
wrote ihe original con