xt7rr49g7s3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7s3z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-03-24  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 24, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 24, 1969 1969 1969-03-24 2020 true xt7rr49g7s3z section xt7rr49g7s3z  

















Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969 (Cont'd)

ll. Interference with any registered organization or any individual
on property owned or operated by the University, or interference
with the activities of the University, including but not limited
to disruption of classes or meetings, or prevention of ingress
to and egress from buildings.

Dr. Adelstein next recommended that Disciplinary Offense 12. be approved
by the Senate and forwarded to the PreSident for presentation to the Board of
Trustees for incorporation into the Student Code. The Senate approved this
recommendation which reads as follows:

12. Falsifying, altering, or forging any official University records or
documents, or employing official University documents or records for
purposes of misrepresentation.

Dr. Adelstein than recommended to the Senate that the modified Student Bill
of Rights be discussed in this meeting but not voted upon, and further, that if
discussion were not completed in this meeting, the Senate convene at 4:00 p.m.,
Monday, March 24, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building, to continue
discussion. This recommendation was approved by the Senate.

Dr. Adelstein introduced to the Senate the members of the Advisory Committee
on Student Affairs and gave a brief background of the Student Bill of Rights.
Sections A and B of Article I, Right of Admission and Access, were discussed at
length. At 5:30, following the exodus of a number of Senators, motion was made
to adjourn but before it could be acted upon a motion was made from the floor
that the Senate direct the Chairman of the Senate Council to request President
Kirwan to maintain parking regulations unchanged until an opportunity had been
made for an open hearing. The Senator indicated he was making this motion in
response to the change in the parking permit system which had been circulated by
Mr. Dempsey of Safety and Security. Following a second to this motion an addi-
tional motion was made to table the motion. A majority of the Senators voted not
to table the motion. Question was then raised of the presence of a quorum for
the conduct of business. A count showed lack of a quorum and the Senate ad-
journed at 5:33 p.m. to meet next at 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1969.


Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


The University Senate convened at 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1969, in
the Court Room of the Law Building, to continue its discussion of the proposed
Student Bill of Rights. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
Senate Council, Dr. William K. Plucknett, Secretary, presided. Members absent:
Clifford Amyx, Harry V. Barnard, Ben W. Black, Frederick J. Bollum, Eugene B.
Bradley, Wallace N. Briggs, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., David B. Clarkk, Robert L.
Cosgriff, Emmett R. Costich*, Alfred L. Crabb, Jr., Eugene C. Crawford,‘Jr.,
George F. Crewe*, Robert J. DeAngelis, Loretta Denman*, Stephen Diachun, Louis
D. Dubilier, Phillip A. Duncan, W. G. Duncan, W. W. Ecton, Fred Edmonds*,
Robert 0. Evans*, Joseph B. Fugate, Eugene B. Gallagher, Art Gallaher*, Milton
E. Gellin*, Will D. Gilliam, Jr., Joseph J. Gruber, Virgil W. Hays, Meryle
Hutchison, Don R. Jacobson, James B. Kincheloe, Donald E. Knapp*, John A. Koepke,

*Absence excused













Minutes of the University Senate, March 24, 1969 (Cont'd)

Carl E. Langenhop, Harold R. Laswell*, Robert Lauderdale, Jr., Albert S. Levy,
C. Oran Little, James W. Little, Marcus T. McEllistrem, John L. Madden, Ray
Marshall, William G. Moody*, Arthur K. Moore, James T. Moore*, Dean H. Morrow,
Horace A. Norrell*, Louis A. Norton, James R. Ogletree, Blaine F. Parker*,
Harold F. Parks*, James Prestridge*, William R. Proffit, Stephen Puckette,
Jehn L. Ragland, Daniel R. Reedy, Donald A. Ringe, J. G. Rodriguez*, Sheldon
Rovin*, George W. Schwert, Paul G. Sears*, C. Leland Smith, Emily V. Smith*,
Robert H. Spedding, K. M. Stevens, Paul Street*, Norman L. Taylor, Timothy H.
Taylor, W. C. Templeton, Sidney Ulmer*, Daniel L. Weiss*, D. R. Wekstein,
James H. Wells, David C. White, Raymond A. Wilkie, Fred Zechman*, Annie R.
Brownlie*, Lawrence S. Thompson*, John W. Schaefer, Ralph Shabetai, Michael L.
Furcolow, Herbert Greene, Richard P. O'Neill, A. D. Albright, William R.
Willard, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, Lawrence A. Allen, Harry M.
Bohannan, Leonard V. Packett, Marcia A. Dake, George W. Denemark, R. M. Drake,
Jr., Harold D. Gordon, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford, R. D.
Johnson, William S. Jordan*, Paul C. Nagel, J. P. Noffsinger, Howard C.
Parker, Doris M. Seward, Wallace Bryan, John C. Robertson*.

The Senate approved the requests of Kathy Redmon of WBKY and Dana Ewell
of the Kernel to be permitted to attend the meeting and report its proceedings.

The Chairman announced the purging of eight Senators thus far this year
under the Senate rule which provides that three unexplained absences from the
Senate meeting in an academic year automatically calls for purgation of that
Senator by the Registrar.

The motion remaining on the floor from the previous Senate meeting to
the effect that the Senate direct the Chairman of the Senate Council to re—
quest President Kirwan to maintain parking regulations unchanged until an
opportunity has been made for an open hearing was placed before the Senators
for discussion. Question was called of the presence of a quorum. A count
indicated the lack of a quorum.

Dr. Adelstein then assumed the chair to continue discussion of the pro—
posed Student Bill of Rights which did not require the presence of a quorum.
Article I, C and D, and Article II, A were discussed at length.

Upon determination by the Chairman that a quorum was present the dis—
cussion was interrupted to consider the motion still on the floor. President
Kirwan spoke to the motion and told of having learned of the motion and of
having received numerous letters relating to it. He stated that as a result
he had conferred with Mr. Ruschell and through him with Mr. Hutchinson and
that he wished to present their recommendations, which he supported, and which
he felt might obviate the necessity for any action by the Senate on the motion
before them. These recommendations were that the present A Parking Permit be
extended through April 16th during which period the old or new Permit would be
acceptable; that the present B Permit be extended through May 16th during which
period the old or new B Permit will be valid; that any graduate student having
primary teaching responsibilities for as much as two hours a week be given the
privilege of applying for and receiving the B Permit for next year, or if the
faculty thinks necessary, an A Permit; and that the Research Assistant, whose
primary responsibilities involve others, be permitted to apply for and receive
a B Permit, or possibly even an A Permit for next year. The originator of the
motion on the floor of the Senate indicated that these alternatives were

acceptable and he withdrew his motion.

*Absence excused




























Minutes of the University Senate, March 24, 1969 (Cont'd)


Dr. Adelstein resumed the Chair and further discussion of Article II A,
and B and C followed.


On behalf of the Senate Advisory Committee for Student Affairs Dr.
Adelstein presented a motion that the University Senate continue the meeting
until 5:30 p.m., adjourn until 7:30 p.m. and continue to 9:30 p.m. at which
time it adjourn until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 25, adjourn at 5:30 p.m. and
reconvene at 7:30 p.m. and continue to 9:30 p.m., then reconvene again on 2
Tuesday, April 1, at 4:00 p.m. Following a second to this motion discussion [
followed out of which an amendment to the motion was presented that the Chair—
man be asked to decide a suitable meeting time not more than two weeks from the ,
present meeting or less than one week from the present meeting. The Senate ,
approved this amendment. The Senate then approved the original motion as %

Discussion of the Bill of Rights then continued to 5:34 p.m. when the ,
Senate adjourned to meet next at a time to be called by the Chairman to be ,
not more than two weeks nor less than one week from March 24th. Qaflml

‘ fl

Elbert W. Ockerman \?


The University Senate met in special session at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday,
April 1, l969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree (
presided. Members absent: Clifford Amyx, Charles Auvenshine*, Harry V. ?
Barnard, Norman E. Billups, Harold R. Binkley, Ben W. Black*, Gifford l
Blyton*, Frederick J. Bollum, Eugene B. Bradley, Wallace N. Briggs, William ‘
R. Brown, C. Frank Buck*, Virgil L. Christian, David B. Clark*, Robert L. ¥
Cosgriff, Emmett R. Costich*, Eugene C. Crawford*, George F. Crewe, M. Ward
Crowe*, W. C. DeMarcus, Stephen Diachun*, Henry F. Dobyns, John P. Drysdale, {
Louis D. Dubilier*, Phillip A. Duncan, W. G. Duncan, W. W. Ecton*, Roger .
Eichhorn*, Robert 0. Evans*, Thomas R. Ford, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Art
Gallaher*, Jess L. Gardner, Wesley P. Garrigus, Milton E. Gellin*, James L.
Gibson, Anna M. Gorman*, Joseph J. Gruber*, Holman Hamilton*, Omer Hamlin,
Rebekah Harleston*, A. J. Hiatt, Meryle Hutchison, Donald W. Ivey*, Robert
D. Jacobs*, Don R. Jacobson, Mary F. James, Catherine Katterjohn*, John E.
Kennedy, James B. Kincheloe*, Robert W. Kiser, Aimo Kiviniemi*, John A.
Koepke*, James F. Lafferty*, Nancy Lair*, Carl E. Langenhop, John F. Lienhard,
C. Oran Little*, James W. Little, L. Mae McPhetridge*, John L. Madden, Ray
Marshall*, Gene L. Mason*, William G. Moody*, Arthur K. Moore, James T. Moore, ;
Dean H. Morrow? Vernon A. Musselman, Jacqueline Noonan*, Horace A. Norrell*,
Louis A. Norton*, Harold F. Parks*, Bobby C. Pass*, J. W. Patterson, Ronald
E. Phillips, James Prestridge*, William R. Proffit, Stephen Puckette, John L. * ‘
Ragland, J. G. Rodriguez, Robert W. Rudd, Myron G. Sandifer, Gerard E. Silberstein,
Robert H. Spedding*, K. M. Stevens*, Norman L. Taylor, W. C. Templeton*,

Sidney Ulmer*, Daniel L. Weiss, D. R. Wekstein*, James H. Wells, David C.
White", Martin M. White*, Raymond A. Wilkie, Fred Zechman, Claudia Wells*, fl"


Annie R. Brownlie*, Alfred Hu*, Lawrence S. Thompson*, Robert L. Lester*,
John W. Schaefer, Ralph Shabetai, William A. Gordon, Michael L. Furcolow,
Herbert Greene, Richard P. O'Neill, J. W. Roddick*, A. D. Albright, William
R. Willard*, Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Lawrence A. Allen, Harry
M. Bohannan, Leonard V- Packett*, Marcia A. Dake, George W. Denemark, Robert

*Absence excused