xt7rr49g7q8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7q8s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 2007 2007 2007-01-19 2020 true xt7rr49g7q8s section xt7rr49g7q8s The Cats use teamwork to rack up points and wins

\x'u/ucio’ixi’itxii .t‘t )M FRIDAY I»\\t W\R\ I" 3mm




(i! l ['BRx‘xTING it) \ [ ,'\RS ( )i ix!“ |’[ \l H \(i

SPEAKING ()t'i‘ SororitV
honors prof
for inspiring


By Jill Lester


In Witt. l)t¥!l\ \\i!kii'imii \ttit'tcti
thc l Kk‘1[&'\.ihk' ttist «noun/anon tor
hltick women on l Ks tuunptix

\10H'Iildlt 5'i\k't1[\ Liter. ‘iik' h by
in}: honored .1,\ tin llht‘llJlltm tor hltlkh
l‘lgle/Jilt‘lh on \‘tilii‘lh. and to thc
tonnnunitx, \\ith thc (‘titt‘ttJ \kot!
King AHA“!

lint \itiirttti}. tht- \lphn Kappa
»\[ph.i mroiit) [\icwntcti thc J\\.tl\i to
\Vlihlll‘uilt‘ .i whining} Ptt‘lL‘xxtit .it
I'K \ltihn Kappa \lphn honored
“ilkinmn tor hung; "one ot No l C\
tinnc to cwmt‘ht} strength and cn
\ilHJHLC iii the InkL' nt tixcitiiniin; oh


‘3' mammaim

with-x" .l\k\”\ilii:,' to ti new ivhxm‘

\ l C\1H:_'IUII HJKHK‘. \\iikinmn
\\.l\ p.111 01 [hk' iH\U‘H\' “(\iili‘itlii t itl‘w
«it 1"“ .it 1K Hci kid“ \\.n the YIHI
tic-t~;:it-3_'.itct1 untict the idilt HLHh
“It“KH \ Hmrd ot lkithHt‘H \tit‘i'cnic
(‘otii‘t tit't‘nion lxtii units itiik‘I‘ \hc
\IJHCKi tht‘ l’Kt-nc»

"i truitcti tin organization In iiict't
tin~ \Ulii Ht‘k‘ti\ \Ilixk‘ \w within t min
\iiroi'itit'x " \ht' \iiti 1n ti hi I; I'Nih
tirtitit- in thc kt'rnci "Ii unis rctiili
\t'i} ctttxtiu‘. \t‘r‘} nut-wit) "

\\iihllt\\\1‘i \\.t\ imxitin- .iimiit ht-i

ED MATTHEWS \'\‘L‘\'ilt'il\t .i\ not at tho :iiiiii\.:!;\c
. . i, . trushnitin tin» tinti mid \hc il‘\‘\'ii hsi
' t i.1\‘\‘\ tliiti nun Picix

"It '.\.i\ .i Yiicniih .it':‘.i\~;iiicrv.
\\ii|-.in\nn \‘liti

It: i‘"\\ “iihiirwii icttirntx! to
{ix ht-tiiiiiin; ‘ht' "ix! \ti:\ '1‘ \in.ii

High schoolcrs dialogue with lo a] leaders

\Miknmti \k.i~ titiiioititttt tizit‘tttii
of l k \ \tiittiii \ii‘t'tzttin \ttittit'x liiti
i\'\"\.tlixil i’iiigi.iii1 iii i“'k‘ \\ iiirtu
in: ‘ii‘\ tit ;\i‘. Yht I "ti " 'iii i it

‘ili‘\ if \.lit.5!ii)t'\~\1" tint ( tarts: (i

, ‘ \\ iiit‘w’ i\\’tH-.' \‘ti'\~ “iii! tin I'- tit i.

ton tll'k'kl \oiu'ti tht‘ir‘ opinions and concerns i.t\t Mk3“ L :'- ~ ~* ~ 9 --‘ H \ “~« ‘ V 'i ‘\ “ ' H W “7 1“-~7-' ' \Mi-jW-j ti mink-IM- m wimi‘ \t‘f;
Night to tuninitinit} hunter’s .it the Youth Spark NW‘” ~“' ‘ _ ‘ ‘

()tit hcltl tit the (onto! lhmtci in the \tiiticnt "I hllitwi ' 7‘ WWI" _ A .: :i~ ~ t ,i w . 1. ”ayiititiiv. hunim\Niikinwi.

('t'ntt't‘ "It niznnk I‘L'iit‘i Ii'iu- my i, -‘ , 1‘ ': .' . :i‘ i'- x‘. ‘ :~ * ' ' ' i ' - 1 ii‘_ l3“ "W: .:' i Ix W“ “I ."iiii\t:«~t1

“it \tttlih \f‘t‘tth ()HI 1\ .t i\‘~i" \\.|\ kil.lil‘:_'llk' “‘11“! “'K' " " ”"1“- 'i\ 7* r‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' i ' .'iit’ tilt ilJiitifI)!\Htti‘i1\\!;\'ti \itiitttit

. v‘ t I .l. J ‘ V‘ _
_\oting people ht'tiwcn ”1C .igtw iii 1‘ to I! haw ii)“ iii i \\I( \l \ ~ -- w ‘ \ - ‘1 it .‘i\‘4 ”iv tt-i tpnnii. \; J

\ch toinnitinitx itnidctx to .tthhcxx |\‘~Uk‘\ that ct \“ii ‘ ~ ~ *> i =1 E‘ ,, ‘~ ’ * '-* \i‘t't‘iHi \\\t‘\iit'.3\‘ii

By Jenisha Watts

'W‘WQQH‘M'WEV 72"" \



”1in \\iilN‘i \HitiL'IH~ tmni ilit‘UHt! thc l curt}: H‘n' \1‘5”

ik‘k't thcni around [who and [minim-x Cndkik‘ki h} i” ”‘w it‘i-ii’il ' .1' ‘i w A ‘ i).ti‘itt Hmnhiin tirt'si hi’ it: fht-

tht' sowininontf' mitt \idilldiK‘L‘H Rtlillltikiili. \Hl WW» i-t’tk" i *1“ Speak Out yuninntt- t h‘li‘ik! of .\i:\hti imit‘tm \i
iiiiti -i. ik'\iHL'tHl m t; \\:Ii.inmn \
xwiL. Iii.lii.‘ ht" th‘xcm in: ii’ tiiz' (‘i‘t't't
'i \iit' ktiiyhi t

Harvard director explores advantage of being an amateur

BY Katie Saltz \t'sttitiin iii tht \Itni: “Lt ittiii; h; ml itiqii t1
«Saifz‘dkvktfl'WE‘i"Y‘ itwnuty 1i_\('..1’\‘itiit'ti' [he i'iil‘t‘tiiitlltt'tti itqiiit' ~in I, ~‘ ~ ‘ , . Mtip' :,: . it a i \- .. . 1;.itiiu' 'iu
\HLHtlH ” Hist timiiwtx‘.’ iii\ t\\-~ twirl» ,i:i.f h» 1h ' .' s i. ~ _1. :.' .~ 9 ' '* .t u i v- ‘. ~ xi w it»; :‘wnuyi-i:
Stcwn Blt‘i “as .i nicnihci til thc L‘\[‘L‘ti|llt‘ll hi ‘~1‘3\“t"1t'l'x'liiiNli‘h'tJ" ”Wit“ 4M”?
\lc“ thc “rut \m, oi the MAN“ tn 1mm DV‘i‘HV lht‘ iL‘Hl‘ 'ii.tt'itii\tipiiii.ii\ \tmhtk |J',Jl\ '« Iii: r: ‘: :12 : .L j‘ . ., - ' ' " i I ' ~' . t 3' * .' u u i. t~_.itthsi
the hut thzit Bic] htid LlthUl'L‘ti ti hook on the i\I\iHl'\ it~t'1‘§»‘li“~\ti"!t‘3 ““H'hi-Hh" “m" “W i51\~ti‘~i‘~ V“ I ' " '
ot the tilM‘tht in I‘Nti. hk' \tlti tit.” hc hmi nmcr It-h JW‘WK" HM MN ”1‘" ”is ‘ ”MUN i" flti'v'wi ‘
more like .in .inmtcni‘ t‘iHMH ”W“ \ 1"" i‘w’ ‘~
"1 \\.1\ there in ktl‘k‘ tit HM\\I\\' tt'tiiiinlogitni ‘\\h\ Mix ”WV?" , ‘i"i" "~“H*7"‘~‘-
itiihirt'.” Hlk'i mini .ithhng thtit hL' totiid titt\\li‘i\ till Ml“ ‘ti‘l‘h’ih'lti‘ “hit“ ‘1!“ i“ ‘H‘Hii ii V “Ni
titt‘ IHHL' on tlic [)I\L’U\Ct’\ (haunt-l in \lhh .i \lth ”11‘“iv-i\‘Ilw‘tH-téi"“WW-'1 iti“l"httl‘ h‘ iii '~
tron no“ Ili\ij_'ill\ iiL' \liti
"But I t'C.tii\ inst \ti‘\CI'\Ckl hc \.llti "\\ iit‘tk'u't one ‘ town» “t‘liiititll'itN thuic: \ t . i . i '. i ; ; ' i gt
Bici i~ thc cwuitiw thrt‘gtor oi the HUHLHIHKW *i-‘i'ilktmt1"‘i‘i‘w'ii-UH‘V‘\“Li 1 " “' ~1 “ .
(‘cntcr' tit H.ii‘\.irti l'niwr'xlt} and thc .tlltiit'l oi “Wii‘ ""“|‘» ” 1”“de ""‘i'iiu i‘“ “W“ ‘ - 7 " i i H I
“Donn “Hit ”1C ()ltl (Linoc \ (‘iiltiirxil ilixtoi‘} of “mm “W”! i‘i‘li'iii“? “" '1‘“ “‘3‘?“ “mix“ ‘ . i ' ' ‘ i i ‘ 1‘3" 9 ' OW rea 'S

tht‘ lit.itiit I)i\.i\tcr” and ”i\Hk‘I'IL.lH (iothit' \ l.tltj noun ~tiitiis in iitstitt“ “it" ‘i“‘i~ ‘i“‘”' 7’“ ,.. - ‘
ot «\incrituK Most I‘tlmt‘lh PtHHHHLI ” iHL' \t‘it'iL'IH.Itttiti‘it‘\.lt:tiit\1‘.Ittititt‘\‘ii.ii iii. ‘ , ' i' ,2, .i .s ' 1' . ’ w - t I 7
OO rea .

Coin". vBy .Ike Musgvae

,    ’ , Baseball team opens

fieiderteie . \ H i \i ‘
i“i.:‘t‘:!,t Lit \iiiN‘i

mates after 1"? ’ i ' , V) , -» H t i,
' ' ' -- season amon o o H .
‘ t‘ _ m} V (iiiiiiiihiin . hm iik'tHi\

iigigiitfmi .i .L ~'ri .mr :wtitinn

i” in,” ' ‘ i , . th.it kith «it! 'i‘ih 'Ar‘t'l-t lit \.iit Likt‘
'ii ”fwd F 1 By Eric Linthey it \ .i in :2 than.» tinnii fiti in] t;t\
rrii ,
I‘M J‘ij “ ’ 7‘-“~i“\r"”"‘ ' wilt: wi.tfit'ltiui ( whit; ( nu gm: ,it tht‘ HIV gum» .fl‘hmiiik- ,immk‘ l” d




‘I i't' Q.:"t


i K 11ft 91
ir,(")t>,fi , . , _ , . . s .
d H » » i"“’ i"“" 'i"”"’ I“ " -‘i-‘ ‘i"““ “CC .hixiiihimi, \\.|\ .i ‘t:.iii\t in tht~

- ‘ ‘ i,1 r , A 5‘ .. . . - ‘ ~ ‘v
lm’mvw ‘) A . - ‘ ' - - “U" “1’ 'i“ ”““' ‘l‘i “\‘H" “i‘ “it“ “luv“?lit '~‘v\‘ “CH” 1-1” WM dim \iJH‘JLHHC (iHL‘Hiiitl (i.i:iit-iii.ikcr


W'th 1 W7 . ' . a . “ wit In H\ hl\ItH\ tiit' 1-K i‘.i\t‘i‘.|ii him imitl \kt‘ utiiktui t.» (H uhcrc tu‘ ("‘I”i“'m“’“ mm] In" fornlit \ we”
tans in atten ' " . -" t . V {CAIN} \\J\ rut-nth Iiliithi in liHL‘C Hi My mm. ‘ i
thirtieth ‘ . ‘ ,, ‘ the n.itiiin x nimt tiiiiiiiint‘ni inst-imi‘i [x-‘tiiig 'ht» Lnitiiitiwn hciiti httic h", [mlmmmc I“, ,m. hmwrx
’rnake UK /0 i 't ‘- ’ ptii‘ilxdlitith tun h iniitt ( nhgn ‘u i1k'\\‘\ iht ( ,ir\ \‘mx nmili halt ut the mzn'wtition‘s
hittlf'i‘mmiw 3 i [he (Iris .II\‘ LIHhVAi \i» Q? i‘\ .ii\ pun i‘ki'\'l iimt? \.\h,ii the t““|~ I
(hittimdi‘, R|\.ii\ttitti \4» Hi i\\ HJMi‘uii ~.i\.
sirtri') ‘QHU . \Hh‘ilkti. .Hlti. [Hi‘\i it'tt'ntlx. \ii I V I'ittlih it \ Ht.” tor niit t‘i-t‘w'r‘

iicnt \Jnht'ti it Yith month to: hunt: a

ll ilIMihh hmc '~\'ihtif.l‘-\H their C”
!il\‘\,\.lii|i]};tiit't‘i§.1HL/L‘l\ mime .m
in~iiit to ”It” iiit'thtiiii lhc Yt'\il\.|i hm
.iiw hut one spninwr‘ thc lntcmttiw
Media [)thltlt at the i Hl\\‘l\lt\ ot
[‘l'k‘V‘dhtm hnnnrx i””““ i' hit. ‘. iihcit \.tlti “i think \u‘ hmi t‘tk‘ Southern ( .thtumm i
“Him" in “huh thu‘ (Ull‘ ““11 ”W or thc host 1‘. nmxhc «inc wt thc ti‘t‘ A homchrc“ \rt‘dlli‘li ot tiimnmkcr
21!th Southeastern ('ivntcrcntc “‘33” I“ 1"“.‘1Vi‘m‘ "1 ”is" WWW} i-N Stair. lunm chonnc. the mine cmminn
I.ir \Ctimn \hJIHPlUn\hiP .mii wt .i «Ind I that. t think tht'rg‘ \\.i\ uric pull the m“ U, shooters [m Hdm‘ .md
\thtmi I’Ct'flrti “1”) ~11 \\Itt\ \\ J lk‘ .tit\t‘ iim! \H‘tliti itflt‘ i‘iihi 1" H! Yitt‘ [)\|;m Kit‘hflhi .t\ ”R“ PWPJR‘ for and
"m “i ”“N' "‘“‘mi‘iMHM'H‘ l k "‘9 1"“ W W” Li'i‘i “3 ‘i‘V-‘h‘ 1‘“ ‘V t.irr\ out Iht‘lf killinfi \PH‘L‘ In fldsh
htult‘ti .ln \( \\ Rt‘gtflltdi int titt‘ ‘

tirxt How in \\ht\1\i hhtiil‘. ,. Baseball : ;;_ 3 Video Gum. ' page 3

R h\ the .\.ition.ii ('tilicgmtt‘ H.I\L‘i‘.|ii hnt i think th;\ \\.int more than ihk'
AND EW . \\ ritcrx \xuk‘ ition ‘ '- ‘i ' - . ‘
it pol” .Ht wiring to gm thLiH trtdit
i ,_
HuGGiNS ‘ _ I he



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uvrz PAT")


By Linda C Bork

Yo get the atria/train) .t‘et'r the

daysrat/ng 7Uts t/iee.a.s'te.sf./ai t7

the most t‘hal/e‘rttiuig

Aries (March 21-April 19) ‘tztiiy
is a 5 » Boot grant: with lilt"still
who has iii-ow extra tron. t' " t' .. t.
Net oniy s .; :ts't six '1‘. ‘ 1:.
that it s also pretty starts:

Taurus (April 20-May 20) "no t.
s15 - Stitptiutt i'w . hereto») 2".1
admrl the others rely lil‘ you I‘itflf'
their)It)lltettgliltlt'tirtw1t. st T’ t‘.
don t waste your 'tioney

Gemini (May 21-June 21) ”tar.
is a 6 - As you Clot": at: you 'x
spate you‘l tie .t'r:.t.'ett No.1 ;'
portunttutis will list i». ll ’r’t'u sort")

new diret‘tions Beau


Cancer (June 22-July 22) - Today
is a 7 . ‘tour emissary is ruoying into
.i good position to loud you assis-
tantra Your efforts have not been in
yarn Yo i lt.‘ getting help lto'tt the
other side

Leo (July Z3-Aug. 22) - Today is .in
8 - Your fierce determination makes
the must of these ltilitilllilllS Con
route to push yourself now and
you ll be .t'tia/ed at wit it you ll”

Virgo (Aug, 23-Sept. 22) - Tuiriy ‘s
:T) "'l "'i ' :tl issut's awaits: «but
rift"? .' 2”“: i'tl\ ‘yt i: .I' ;.5 it
fix tl‘u‘tts ‘ no t' t tit: “or il .l tune
llrht' t‘dltijtt.’ l‘ anti that i the or renal
Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) — T in ‘s
.i .7 .jtiriitttons .iti: it.
y'iio' («Lot slowly Contaiut;

tit y‘."«ll wows, wa'tt tuti take titties
\t‘ ytt. it: 'tl lotuet

Scorpio (Oct. Z3-Nov. 21) Vuiay
.. )6. '17: ‘.t‘ i'tziu'i‘! 1'. WW

i't‘ rust tr .trw

conclusrons Cool, objective analysis
is your next assrgnment
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -
Today IS .i 7 - Your idea of who you
are is changing This )8 a natural
thing Dont lump to a hasty (‘tJltCltl-
stun Maintain UIJJOILIIVII‘y and wait
to see what develops

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) , To-
day is a 9 — Your full attention is still
required to out things flowing out
rettly From then on it looks like the
no toss is mostly turttltautt‘al The
"’lL‘t'ltjy‘ floyxs ittlt) y't) it ptttkt'l
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) To
Consult you: most
revered «itiyisors and your most well
t'ostuti lrioutis Suite they re prolia
lily the satire people il‘l‘riXth’l etiy.
tutt'uet‘l will he hue

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) . Today
is till 8 It‘s tint only what you
how it s also who you know til
toutst: in this case who you know
't t'ly trip-retreat: you ‘

it.) it u t.
i'my‘. «Hill who you .ili‘

M. 's .i 6






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'I‘IIe Digit

[s has confirmed that after a
rollerumster threeand-a-half?

year relationship. 'I'imberlake.

35. indeed called it qutts with
Dial. 34. Just before the new
year. with one source pinpoint-
ing the split to tune taken place
between their loyeyAdmey Dec.
I6 night on the set of Saturday
Night I.i\e and a (‘hristnias Day
trip to see her tn Vail. Colorado,
(Reps for both 'I‘imbei‘lake and
Dia/ had no comment.)

[inter Dia/ nemesis Scarlett
Johansson. 32. (And New Year‘s
actiyities with recently separated
Kate Hudson.) When Timber»
lake airiyed with his mom. Lynn
Harless. at Alpha Dog's after»af~
terpai‘ty at Social Holly wood. lie
was brought straight to .Iohans
son's side Sitting iii the low-lit
VIP room with dark wood tables
attd \eI\et couches. "Scarlett
dropped the comersation she
was iii right away to haiig out
with him.” a fellow partygoer
says of ,lohansson. who piay ed
the singers love interest Dec. 27
in a shoot tor his upcoming
“\Vhat (ioes Around" \ ideti

Indeed. sources iii both
stars‘ inner circles tell Is the
couple are iii the beginning
stages of a relationship. with one
I‘imbeilake pal say trig I)ia/'s rt
\alry with .lohansson is one for
soil his union with I)i.t/ finally
tinrayeled "She could not be
|ie\e he went behind her back to
put her in the \ideo, (‘anieron
was \ery _realous of Scarlett."
.-\dds another l'iniberlake
source. “He sees he has more in
common with Starlett and rust
thinks shes really U‘UI ” Still.

sources close to ,lohansson and


Newly split from Cameron Diaz, Timber—
lake quietly begins a secret courtship

’I‘iniberlake say the twosoriie are
hardly going steady yet.
"They're both Just haying fun."”
says one 'I‘imhcrlake confidant.

Why He Left Cam

One thing that Iias remained
consistent. at least in press inter
\ iews. is her declaration against
marriage. “I‘m a commitment;
phobe." site said on The [illen
DeGeneres Show in No\ ember
"I don't want to do it. Anyway.
were kind of like married.”
(Dial. religiously wore a (‘aitier
diamond friendship ring from
:I‘HHDCTIIIIKCJ But sources close
to the singer paint a difterent
picture. "That‘s how she sptiri
it.""says one pal. "She said it so
many times without being
prompted. It was forced.”

In fact. it was ’I‘iniberlake.
says the source. who was hesi-
tant to marry. “He's a 25-year—
old guy and she's a .HVyear—old
woman. They were ney er in the
satire place. He wants to do his
thing and act his age." In coit-
trast to other race~to-the*aItar
Hollywood couples. the sporty
pair who met at the April
It“): Nickelodeon Kids (‘hoice
Awards always kept separate
homes in which to stay between
their escursions to Whistler.
British Columbia. for snow—
boarding and Hawaii for surling.
When asked by GO in August if
they li\.ed together. Timberlake
replied. "l7h. no. I hare my own
house. It‘s \ery important.
Healthy. Don‘t you need your
own space?" At the same time.
I‘iniberlake played the dtitiftil
beau. nursing her after a 2t)t)3

with Scarlett Johansson

surfing mishap during which she
broke her nose on her birthday.
and supporting her through a
200-1 scuflle with a paparauo.

Yet. a Dial. source says Tim-
berlake was often confused by
her behayior. "There is the
childish side to Cameron. but
the other half is controlling."
says the friend. who has known
Dial. since she first became a
star with I‘M-1's The Mask,
"Most guys don‘t know how to
handle that needy part." Indeed.
for a beautiful woman who has
commanded a $20 million pay»
check (for Charlie's Angels: Full
Throttle). stories about her jeal-
ous nature have become eau»
tionary‘ tales for any woman
bold enough to get close to Tim-

Just )8 months into the rela—
tronship. the New York Daily
News reported that during a din—
ner with her beau. Dial. threw
ice chips at the back of nearby
Victoria's Secret model Deanna
Miller's head (Miller had just
wrapped a photo shoot with
Timberlake in the Bahamas). A
few months later. pom star (iina
Lynn charged that when Dial,
saw her with 'I‘imberlake at a
Saturday Night I.i\e bash. she
yelled. "Bye~bye. get the f~~k
away trom him." Ii\ en Timber
lake fans seemed to incur the
wrath. On August It. two
women approached the singer at
a club to praise him for his
House of Blues gig in LA. ear»
her that night. According to a
w itness. before they spoke. Dia/
brtisquely said. “I‘ll handle
this." and told them. "I‘m the
way to get to him."








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Continued from page I



While the preseason rankings bring
national attention for the Cats. they
also bring In lofty expectations that the
program is not familiar with.

Prior to (‘ohen‘s arriy'al in loot
the (‘ats were a combined 63— ltlZ from
MOI—2003. Since then. (‘ohen‘s squad
has showed a steady improvement in
the win column each of the past three
seasons. which was capped off by last
year‘s record~breaking season.

"Coach (‘ohen is just a great
coach." catcher Sean (‘oughlin said.
"He brings so nitich to the table as
far as this program is concerned as
well as to the game itself."

(‘ow‘gill agreed. adding that (‘o~
hen Instills confidence.

“He belieyes In this program."
(‘ow‘gill said.

That confidence has put the (‘ats
on the map in terms of national atten~
tion and (‘owgill thinks there's more
success to come.

certainly not an easy thing to do. es
pecially In baseball." (‘owgrll said. “I
think last year‘s succtss and this
year's rankings proye that we're a
good program in the SEC. and we‘re
going to be one of the pow erhouses
for years to come."

Cow gill added that this year‘s w.
L‘ruits should not be oycrlooked.

“I think last year‘s teaiii has a lot
to do with it (the preseason pollsi.”
(‘ow gill said. “But at the satire time. I
think this year's team has the chance
to do the same thing as last year‘s
tearii if not better. so the expectations
are that much higher "

Despite the added pressure. (‘or
hen is more concerned with getting
better each day and belicyes liis tearii
is doing e\actly that.

concept I‘m into." (‘ohen said. “I‘m
riiore into ‘.-\re we getting better ” or
‘l)id we get any better today at prao
tice ." and l belicye the answer to that
Is yes.

“If we can do that enough. I think
c\er_\thrng else Itist sort of takes care

"To win an Sl:(‘ championship is

“To proyc something is not a

of itself."


Continued from page I


backs throughout the game. players learn
about the killers' backgrounds. Including
their obsessions and their friendship. The
game has been controy ersial for Its yery e\-
istence. as well as for the fact that Kimyeer
(iill. a Montreal gunman w ho went on a
shooting rampage last year before killing
hiriiself. was a fan.

It's a disturbing piece of software but is
considered by some in the tiny. indie
ganiemaker scene to be Important as a work
that explores the boundaries of what a game
is. or can be.

Ledonne says he hopes his title. w hich


Continued from page I


. . ple In
important opportunity for \lUr

dents to e\press their con-
. can learn how
cerns, ..

“We need to know how ”‘9‘“-

they are looking at things."
said Biby Tinajero. a dropAout
preyention coordinator "They
haye wisdom. They know
what‘s happening. 1 low how
they give me a different new
of things.”

\'Ice»l\layor .lirii (iray also
said that youths haye \aluablc

"I think it‘s a great outlet
and yehicle for young people
to channel their ideas. thoughts
and concerns." (iray said.

Heatty said the Speak Out




By Ricky Simpson

feattireslikykerner‘ com
”l'lie ( i‘ood German"

George Clooney, Cate Blanchett
and Tobey Magiirie

Like the classic hlm "(‘asablanca." "’l‘hc
(iood German" is shot in the shadows of a
black and white backdrop. reyolyes around
the political influences of World War ll and
shows the story of a heartbreaking low

It is clear that director Steyeii Soder
bergh Used the great line
“Casablanca" as a blueprint for his newest
project. He riiakes no attempt to be incon-
spiciious in his parallel with the classic
moyie. as he e\en uses a near»e\act match
of the him it poster proiiiotrrig his film

In this I‘Mtts-style picture. Lena
(Blanchett) is the hinge of a politically drrr
y‘en plot being used to locate the my sterions
limil Brant. Set in posirWWll Berlin. ('apA
tain Jake (ieisnicr (('looneyi encounters his
past loy‘e. Lena. and the plot unfolds as he
discovers her inyolyement in a conspiracy.

Even though this is like watching a film
through your grandmother‘s eyes. the mysr
tery is a bit tame and easily transparent
Blanchett is actually convincing as a Rllssr
ian prostitute. but (‘looney does not pull off
his American (iil. character

If you haye already seen e\erything in
theatres. “The (iood German" is a good pick
because It is shon tlflS min). but there are
definitely better films to see in theaters right

.‘Vow showing in Iftlng'lnn (iri'i'rr
"lhe l litcher"
Sean Bean and Sophia Bush

This is a classic horror flick a de
ranged murderer with unknown motiyes

was a good opportunity for the
police department as well.
“tlt'si an opportunity for
the dryision of police to ad
dress the needs of young peo~
our coiriitinnity.“ he
said. “We w ant to hear so we

Students who attended the
eyent agreed that it was bene-

”I think it‘s important. bcr
cause teens and yontlis need a
truce in the goyernmeirt bc~
cause it effects all of ns.~
(‘hakrab..irthy. a
Laurence Dunbar High School
Iunior. “This e\ent proy ides all
of lltal."

"l haye the greatest hope
for the future because of oiii
youth." l'inaiero said


This week’s box office hits and misses

story (if

he considers to be an "electronic dociinieii
tary will inspire others to base games on
topics they find important

Ledonne. who turns 15 today. says he
was bullied as a kid and might haye headed
down a road iii lite similar to Harris and
Klebold's had he not found other outlets "I
wanted to e\plore who they really were.
and I didn‘t haye the funding to make a
film.“ he said.

Slamdance coifoundcr l’ctcr liastci
says he decided to pull the gariie from the
competition because he was afraid the fest;
\al riiiglit get sued out of e\istencc for hay
ing it on the program The game t ornpeti
tron. a spin-off side e\eiit at the l i year old
film festi\al of the same riariic. is in its third

"I was told in no uncertain terms that
there was a lot of legal e\posiir'c because of

lo liL‘IIL‘l' \c‘t’\ C




preys ori unsuspecting \ ittirns
sounds like all of the same '
moyies that haye been made recently
iiiiglit want to skip tlirs one as well

In this remake of the first» film of the
same name. John Ryder Iliearii stalks a or]
legc couple as they are on their way to a
Spring Break destination .\s Ryder siaiks
and tries to kill the couple. he also iriipli
cafes them in a killing of his own

"l'hc Hitcher" is the headliner «it a
weekend to forget at the theaters Resciyc
this weekend instead for tollege basketball
and Ilit‘ \Il‘rl. playtilis.

lt this
classic horror“


()lir‘riy Imrre/II it! (In: Hurt} Uni/r» I”
(Ult/ Hum/rule I’m I/{HH

“Ital iiinct/
Kolva Stirtritr‘av i»

“Italianc‘tI” is a heartwaiiiiiiig is'rrssiari
film about .i * year-old boy who t‘\\itl‘t‘\
frorii an orphanage in hopes of finding his
true mother

l‘.\en though this frlrir is opening in |irir
ited release in the l'nited States. when it
comes to l e\ingtoii. it should be the Hide
pendent tilrii to see

()pi'm IoIrIe/ri III \I In I r ”Il\
o - .. a
l he l)cad ( irrl
Toni Collette, Brittar y Map! “i ., :i.
Liarrfori and lanes “(or

.\ talented criseriible tast comes together
for this dark and draniatn film l'hronglr .i
series of notso coincidental twists. sc\eti
seemingly unrelated charaiters begin to dis
coyer clues surrounding the mystery of a
dead \l‘llltl

Mm \hllH me In \r ha I 4 [HI \


that " .ia'
"iiillt’ 11v f

aria “st i ,.




av any to .13“ | PAGE3





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Its siibrect irrattei.” liaytei' said. "It was a
\ery. yery liai'd choice ”

liastci ‘s critics in the indie game design
community say the irioyc shows there's a
“double standard" between what
filriis can e\plore and what games can ad

(iaiiic designer leiioya (‘hcii took his II
tle out of the ct‘l‘ill‘t‘llili‘ll cyen though he
lhhl‘i". [‘l.l_\\‘sl dllil llit\ illle‘.ul_\ \lc‘thlk‘tl llc‘
doesn't like the t'oliinil‘riic garric

“ lliis is degrading to what y idco carries
as an art form,” he said
of tlie \liiriiiliiiitt' riioyc "l \eii though this

game has nothing to do with the positrxe as




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