xt7rr49g7n6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7n6h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1989 1989 1989-12-06 2020 true xt7rr49g7n6h section xt7rr49g7n6h  



PILING ON: Matt Schneider leaps into a
pa Alpha social fraternity house Saturday


pile of leaves raked by Eric Adams in front of the Pi Kap-
morning during the chapter's clean-up.



SGA bazaar to help students cut book costs

Staff Writer

Students have the opportunity to
save money for next semester by
selling and buying their text books
at the Student Govemment Associ-
ation Book Bazaar.

Students “will be able to buy
them (books) for less and still sell
them for more,“ said Lesley Van-
Leeuwen, SGA student services

The purpose of the book ex-
change is “to save students money

Bother From Anorthe lanPet?

in buying and selling their books,"
said Sarah Courscy. executive di-
rector of the committee.

Students may purchase a book
form for SI and drop off the forth
and their books and the fomi in 120
Old Student Center between 9 am.-
4:30 pm. during finals week, Dec.

Students set their own prices for
the books.

SGA will hold the books during
Christmas break and students can
purchase used books during, the
first week ofclasses, Jan. 8-12, be-

tween 9 a.m.—2 pm. and 5-7 pm. in
331 Student Center.

The SI form charge pays for
printing fees anti other expenses,
VanLeeuwen said. Additional
money raised will go into the SGA
endowment fund, which provides
money for scholarships.

Students who sell their books
through the Book Bazaar can pick
up their money or unsold books
Jan. 16-17.

This is the second year for the

See BOOK, Page 11

Black Student Union president overcomes
odds and excels in academics, campus life

Senior Staff Writer

decision, Roselle says

Delaware hopes to make choice by month’s end

Associated Press

President David Roselle was eva-
sive yesterday on whether more
money for his institution would in-
fluence his decision to leave his
post if offered one at the University
of Delaware.

Roselle, who is one of four final-
ists for the presidency of the Dela-
ware school, has openly criticized
budget state appropriations as inad-
equate. Asked if a pledge from
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson to in-
crease funding would influence his
decision to leave UK. Roselle said,

When pressed by reporters for
more comment, Roselle said, “I’m
not going to speculate at the
present time, I don‘t have a deci-
sion to make."

He said he “would like a com-
miurient” to UK that it will receive
more funding. Roselle repeated that
his priority at UK is faculty and
staff salaries.

“We need the ability to protect


“We need the
ability to pro-
tect out fa-
culty and
staff from be-
lng hired by
other Institut-


our faculty and staff from being
hired by other institutions." he

Roselle refused comment on Wil-
kinson’s statements Monday, when
he said Roselle had been fully
aware of the state's financial condi«
tion when he took the post in 1987

and a replacement could be found if

he wanted to quit

Roselle, 50, met privately with
Delaware officials all day Monday.
He has been L'K's ninth president
since July 1987.

During the interticws Monday
Roselle said was asked numerous
questions regarding his commit—
ment to increasing minority faculty.
staff and students. Roselle said that
should be a priority at an} institu~

Roselle’s tenure at LIK has been
marked by an austere budget and
controversy over his handling of an
NCAA investigation ot the men‘s
basketball program.

Roselle said he did not seek the
Delaware job. and he said that he
was not a candidate for the presi—
dency of any other school.

Asked what he was lurking tor.
ROSCHC said, "To Lit) Celticdititl‘, in
run gotx1.:duLatioti.-.l progr iii» ‘

. .
Roselle. said. “‘.\ cit. :7

L'K has 3: Two
Lexington Campus '
of Delaware has 3!: . ’II
20, 477 students.

The Delaware Btitfli of Irina-es:
may announce a new {re ill-:3! b;
the end o the month :
terim president EA ”slow

i r;-;‘:.itn lI“

Professor to study how to help
obese diabetics to lose weight

Senior Staff Writer

A study to research the effective-
ness of low-calorie liqmd diets as a
key to intensive weight loss in
obese diabetics will begin in Feb
ruary by UK professor of medicine
and clinical nutrition James Anden

“In many people diabetes sort of
disappears in this kind of diet.“
Anderson said at a news confer-
ence Friday. "We‘re trying to re-
cruit ~10 moderately obese diabetic
persons to start in February.

“By developing a successful in-
tensive weight loss program for
persons with type II diabetes, we
hope to lay the foundation for ilk
lure research and treatment in obes~
ity and diabetes."

During the three-month study,
half of the participants will receive

has one of the highest high school dropout rates in the
United States. “It‘s been rough," he said.

Ricardo NazarioColon isn’t from Mars.

But the places the president of UK’s Black Student
Union is from — the Morrisiana section of The Bronx
and the highlands of Puerto Rico —~ are about as far
from the experience of most UK students as Mars.

And vice versa.

“Coming in on the bus, I saw all this farmland and
all these things referring to horses." the 22-year-old
Latin American studies senior said.

Nazario-Colon, who still holds track records at De—
Witt Clinton High School in The Bronx. said his first
impression of the Bluegrass state was “Okay, not bad.
Open country, good for running, green grass. lots of
trees so it’s good for your cardiovascular system.

“I was like, it‘s excellent for running. but my shock
was that buses only ran until 6 pm. at night. In New
York, it was 24—7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
buses and trains."

Nazario-Colon overcame stiff odds and attended
two other colleges before coming to UK. The Bronx

W E331

Nazan'o-Colon was accepted by Fordham Universi-
ty, but the New York City school system didn't ade-
quately prepare him for the challenges of college, he

“While I was going through high school. there had
been this survey done the survey stated that His-
panic students were genetically deficient," Nazario-
Colon said. “I can’t prove it. but I look back now and
I can say that when I walked into a class, teachers at-
ready said, ‘Well, you teach Hispanic kids this way.”

Nazario-Colon once failed biology with a grade of
55. but “I didn't have to repeat it because I failed with
a high enough grade."

The low academic expectations high school teach-
ers placed on him caught up with Nazario-Colon
while he was a student at Fordham.

“High school I got over. When I went to Fordham
I got hit with plagiarism, I got hit with my gram-
mar, dot your ‘I’s.’ I had this Jesuit priest (who) used

See BSU, Page 2

0N8 Spotlight Jazz Series

ends season with duet.
Story, Page 3.


\14 k\t)\\ HI \
\ \Il.\'\ ll

liquid supplements only, llllti half
w ill receive supplements for break-
fast and lunch with :i czircttillt
blended high-fiber C\ ening instil.

Another important factor it iiiL'
x00 calorie—a-day dict w ill b‘ Tit”!!—
iltr exercise. Anderson said.

“Diet and exercise is the imit-
ment of choice for type li tinibct»
it‘s.” he said.

“Our approach to treating ohm-3
ptiticnts really focuses on the it'eil
nique needed to keep it ixttieiii.
till,” said Dee Deakins, nurse coo:
dinator for the L'K Metabolic k
search Group.

I)eakins said that the key in this
treatment is not just to get the
weight off but to keep it off. the
diet will reduce fat intake and in—
crease physical actiVity to the
equivalent of walking about 25
miles a week.

“We try‘to take a psychological

approach because ix. i::.'
“Mays ctgtizil diving" ii ". "-
proper weight lkxtiins -:iil

“the tidtaritattc of tr» tii‘ '
if m' cat".
_.n Roll .
m 1H ht"
pounds a tt-k ,lltil -.’ s
”tote staying tub a:

("table n was; it
‘liflrl‘~ i‘, "

it; [ts i,'i_" it

mitt said. "\.;7 ‘It “
:lie participants. m
by tl~c little in”. .
{iilt‘ tilt‘l Ic'tiiii t“ ' . -' ' "
t_‘l.\ ill diabclit - .ei
makes their both.»
itisuliii." Anderson ~. I
About fiye tit-rteiit .,: :,
tLlIl population txzs
Kt‘lllllt‘k} il.l\ .ilwiizi .
j"t‘tics. Anderson \.: .;
”About lflltlikiul tri ..

~v ye-.mmm~xe~ifig%g >1 a


While adjusting to UK was difficult for him at first, Ricardo NazarioColonisn, who came to UK
from The Bronx, has become president of the Black Student Union and of his fraternity.

Pitino’s Wildcats face
Tennessee Tech tonight.
Story. Page 6.



2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, December 6, 1989


son Valley Nazario-Colon pledged
Phi Beta Sigma social fraternity
which caused him to reflect on his
race and nationality.
“I just started analyzing my life.
My uncles are all black, my grand-
Nazario-Colon said he left Ford- mother (who’s Puerto Rican) is
ham because “I couldn‘t deal with their sister, my grandfather’s
it.” (Arawak) Indian,” he said. “I said,
“I just wasn't prepared,” he said. ‘Wait a minute, I’m all mixed.‘ I
“Every semester I was in the dean's never thought about it like that. I al-
office explaining why I‘m hav- ways thought, ‘I'm Puerto Rican.’”
ing such a hard time.” Nazario-Colon said that was his
Nazario-Colon left Fordham and “awakening,"
experienced some academic suc- It’s “being aware of my race and
cess as a marketing major at Hud- my nationality and my people and
son Valley Community College not just saying, ‘Well, the heck with
where he said “they actually cared" it.’ Dropping that New York atti-
about student‘s progress. tude where if it's not happening in
The school in Albany, N.Y., was my home in my apartment in my
“like a community — if you did bedroom, it doesn‘tconcem me."
bad on your exams, professors With the encouragement ofa frao
talked to you after class. People ternity brother, Nazario-Colon be-
really cared.“ gan reading books such as The Au—
The first time Nazario-Colon re- robiography of Malcolm X, Spanish
turned to the Bronx from upstate Harlem and Down These Mean
New York. he said he noticed Streets and studying his diverse
something that he hadn‘t realized personal culture.
before. That led Nazario-Colonto apply

Continued from page 1


to take points if you didn't dot your
‘l‘s.’ Everybody used to spend five
minutes dotting their ‘l’s‘ after the
essay questions."




“I noticed New York City lifestyle was different.
The first time I came home from upstate, I got out of
the subway station and I was like, ‘wow.’ Something
just hit me. It was like I came from this place. And
for the first time, I realized how other people view
city people.”


Ricardo Nazario-Colon


his leadership skills to community
and campus service organizations.

In addition to heading the Black
Student Union, Nazario-Colon is
president of the UK chapter of Phi
Beta Sigma, vice president of the
Student Organization Association
and and a corporal in the Marine

Nazario—Colon said that he re-
tains enough of his “New York atti-
tude” to accomplish some goals.


“I grew up there, so I didn’t see
anything wrong with the lifestyle. I
noticed New York City lifestyle
was different. The first time I
came home from upstate, I got out
of the subway station and I was
like, ‘wow.’ Something just hit me.
It was like I came from this place.
And for the first time, I realized
how other people view city peo-
ple," he said.

During his final semester at Hud-

The Kentucky Kernel —
Good Reading





“I think that brash attitude has
gotten him through some doors oth-
er people would knock on first. It’s
the New York attitude that doesn’t
even acknowledge certain barriers,”
said Frank Walker. director of the
Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural

Chester Grundy, director of Mi-
nority Student Affairs, said that he
has been equally impressed with
Nazario—Colon’s leadership skills.

“He comes in here pretty fresh,”
Grundy said. “I think he’s the kind
of person who is quite interested in
learning how to be effective. He
has no debts to anybody. Nobody
has any preconceived notions of
him. So he’s free to establish him-
self in a style of leadership.”

In his leadership roles, Nazario—
Colon stresses understanding, ser-
vice and perseverance.

“My vision of the Black Student
Union is to get people to be aware
that it’s not just ‘education, get a
job, live happily ever after,”’ Naza-
rio-Colon said. “Being involved in
the BSU should help you learn to
care about other people, whether
they‘re white, black, yellow, red,
whatever, purple."

Walker said that Nazario-Colon
has done a lot to accomplish his
goals. Black students at UK “have
embraced him because of his tenac-
ity as far as keeping certain issues
as part of the conversation and try-
ing to promote cultural awareness
through the BSU," Walker said. “If
he tried to leave at this point,
they’d probably tie him to the

Nazario—Colon said he thinks that
“staying in school” is the major is-
sue that black students face at UK.
“There are very few blacks in high-
er education, and out of those few
blacks, even fewer graduate, so
there’s something going on
wrong,” he said. “I think it’s fine to
be involved in this, involved in
whatever else, but you‘ve got to
stay in school. I‘m going on my




Need a

find one in the
Kernel Classifieds







fifth year of college this May.
That's the only reason I’m still
around — I want to finish."

As a fraternity president. Naza-
rio-Colon participates in communi-
ty activities and in one-to-one out-
reach. Phi Beta Sigma raises
money for the Salvation Army, a
safehouse for troubled teen-agers
and works with the Nia Camp for
young black children. He said that
his fraternity brothers try to em-
body the brotherhood’s motto: Cul-
ture for Service and Service for

“You know, help yourself first,
then help everybody else.” he said.
“You have first have to learn your-
self, where you’re coming from,
where you are, that’s your culture.
And then take that culture and ap-
ply it to service and from that ser-
vice apply service to everybody.
You‘ve got to build to everybody.
Service to your people more and
more until you’re serving all hu-
manity. ”

Nazario-Colon said part of his
success is the result of not being
“I’m not your average New York
City” and being impervious to peer
pressure or the cultural despair so-
cial scientists associated with his

“For one thing, my friends in my
block couldn’t say anything about
me. I never opened up to them. We
were tight — there was no question
that I would be standing there next
to them or in front of them if any-
thing was happening, but I would
never let them know who I was.
My self was to myself,” he said.

Nazario—Colon said that he was
not affected by drugs, although the
problem was all around him. “I can
hang out with every drug dealer in
my block and not do drugs."

Living in the highlands of Puerto
Rico until he was 11 years old also
may have contributed to Nazario-
Colon‘s development as “not your

“I always grew up (with the atti-
tude of) ‘Hey, I can do the same
thing as them.’ I never thought
about it (like) ‘I’m Puerto Rican, I
can’t do this,”’ he said. “I had no
problem because I never thought of
race in Puerto Rico. When I came
over here it was like, ‘You? Date
my daughter? Are you crazy?’ Or I
come home and ask them, ‘What
does spic mean?’ or ‘What does
nigger mean?’ Nobody in my

BSU president overcomes odds, succeeds in the classroom


“My vision of the Black Student Union is to get
people to be aware that it’s not just ‘education, get a
job, live happily ever after.’ Being involved in the
BSU should help you learn to care about other
people, whether they’re white, black, yellow, red,

whatever, purple.”

Ricardo Nazario-Colon


house knew.

“I try not to give credit to any-
thing for me being who I am. My
hero — the only person who ever
guided me — was my mother.
There was always food on the table
—‘ I don‘t know how.

“She raised three of us (plus
three cousins adopted when an aunt
died) we may not be ideal chil-
dren or the ideal family. but no-
body can go out in the street and
say, ‘Such and such is out on the
comer shooting up dope,’ or ‘Such
and such just got out of jail‘ or
‘Such and such was robbing this
store.’ She let us make our own
choices, but she gave us enough in-
formation so that we could make
the right choice.”

Despite making many of the right
choices, Nazario-Colon said that
being a student leader in Kentucky
sometimes carries some not-so-
subtle ironies. He was walking
home from the meeting at which he
was elected vice president of the
Student Organization Association.
A car drove by and someone inside
it screamed “nigger” at him, he

“I just get elected second in
charge of maybe a good 5,000 stu—
dents, which is (the total member-
ship of the) 250 organizations on
campus and this is the thanks I
get," he said. “What bothers me is
the whole thing behind it by calling
me a name just to make me feel

Nazario-Colon said that the main
difference between Lexington and
The Bronx is the “lifestyle.”

“In The Bronx, if you’re sitting
on your porch, the cops are not go-
ing to stop and ask you if you live
there. In Lexington, they do." Po-
lice stopped and asked Nazario-
Colon if he lived at his Euclid Ave-
nue house as he sat on the porch re-
cently, he said.

But Nazario-Colon’s reaction to


those incidents is again “not your
average.” He said that he would
recommend that black high school
students come to UK because it's
similar to the real world — “very

Many minority out-of—state stu-
dents, however, don’t share Naza-
rio-Colon’s drive. “In terms of re-
cruitment, we don’t have the means
to offer financial aid to out-of-state
students. Ricardo came on his own
initiative," said Grundy, whose of-
fice recruits minority students for

Although he’s a long way from
home, Nazario—Colon said that
friendships made through his frater-
nity and at the King Center have
helped him be successful and con-
tinue his cultural awakening.

“Before I got here was when I
started getting into my heritage," he
said. “When I got here and I hooked
up in the Cultural Center, I really
really picked up a lot. So Ken-
tucky’s been like my source of con-

But Nazario-Colon said that he
still doesn’t feel comfortable in
many UK classrooms. “Not because
there are all white students and I
might be the only black or whatev-
cr, but I’m still feeling (like) a
stranger here," he said. “People
look at you strange. You walk in a
classroom and all eyes turn on you.

“You don’t know if they’re look-
ing at you because they want to say
hello or because they don’t like you
or they’re curious. So my choice
would be to get up in front of class
and tell them my life history —
now stop looking at me.”

After all, it’s not like he’s from
another planet.





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Spotlight Jazz features duet

Staff Writer

The Spotlight Jazz Series
will close its 12th season Sat-
urday with a concert by saxoph-
onist David Murray and multi-
percussionist Kahil El Zabar.

This marks the first time that
the series has featured a jazz duo
according to Chester Grundy,
sponsor of the Spotlight Jazz

“We've done trios before but
in the history of the series this
is the first time that we've ever
sponsored a duo,” Grundy said.

The Spotlight Jazz series
tries to bring in performers that
represent the different directions
that jazz has taken. With Mur-
ray and El Zabar, Grundy feels
that they have found a team that
are not only unique but highly

“Not only are they two ex-
ceptionally creative artists, but
I think it gives us a chance to
show that great music can be

made in some very unusual for-
mats,“ Grundy said. “I don't
think many people would prob-
ably imagine the creative possi-
bilities given a saxophone and a


Grundy added that “I think it's
just a very interesting opportunity
to see two highly talented, creative
people - that anything’s possible
and some beautiful things happen
in some very unusual formats.”

Although this is the first time
that Murray and El Zabar have ap-
peared in Lexington as a duo, they
have both performed at the Spot-
light Jazz Series with other groups.

“I've worked with both of these
guys before,” Grundy said. “Kahil
El Zabar has been here with the
Ethnic Heritage Ensemble. I've
worked with David Murray before -
we did a date three or four years ago
with the World Saxophone Quartet.

So when I heard that Kahil had
developed this collaboration with
David Munay it sounded real excit-
ing to me and it sounded like some-
thing that I would like to (feature
in the series)”

Grundy added that “both of them
have gotten very good receptions
here, so they're familiar with our

Both Murray and El Zabar have
performed with many top artists.
Their concert Saturday will not
only reflect upon material from that

and material from their new al-

bum, but there likely will be a

few standards such as Miles Da-

vis' “All Blues" and possibly
some Sonny Rollins tunes as

Grundy says that “they're such
talented, versatile musicians that
a lot of what they can do comes
out of the jazz tradition. I think
it's just the format -it's just
proof that there's no limit to
what can be done given two very
talented musicians."

Grundy feels they represent
the one element inherent in jazz
- creativity.

"For the people who long to
write this off as Avant—Garde,"
Grundy warned “I would say that
it's highly creative, improvisa-
tional music and represents what
I think is in store for us in
terms of the new music. These
two musicians are pretty much
on the cutting edge of creativity.
It'll just be big fun.”

David Murray and Kahil El
Zabar will perform Saturday,
Dec. 9 at Memorial Hall. The
performance begins at 8 pm.
Tickets are $5 and are available
at the student center ticket of-




Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, December 6, 1989 — 3

Kip Bowma
Arts Editor

Holiday season offers many
different book gift ideas

USA TODAY/Apple College
Information Network

The time of the year has come
when Hollywood studios release a
torrent of splashy films and New
York publishers counter with glit-
zy gift books.

If you’re a movie and book
lover, when you sit down on San-
ta’s lap at your favorite department
store, these books should be on
your wish list:

“Enchanted Drawings: The
History of Animation” (Knopf,
S75) boasts an eye-popping cover:
The jacket is clear acetate contain-
ing full-color drawings of the su-
perstars of animation (Bugs Bunny,
Mighty Mouse, Rocky & Bullwin-
kle, et al.), just like a scene out of
“Who Framed Roger Rabbit." In-
side are more than 400 illustrations
and an informative text by Charles

For a more intimate look at
the same subject, there’s “Chuck
Amuck: The Life and Times of an
Animated Cartoonist" (Farrar,
Straus, Giroux, $24.95), the auto-

biography of Warner Bros. cartoon
director Chuck Jones.

The man who created the Road
Runner and Wile E. Coyote, and
put Bugs and Daffy through their
paces, modestly claims, “I make
cartoons for me." Thanks, Chuck,
for being you.

Star biographies don’t get
much better than Barry Paris‘
“Louise Brooks" (Knopf, $24.95).
Brooks’ film appearances were sad-
ly limited, but her off-screen affairs

with the likes of Charlie Chaplin
and William S. Paley were not.

This handsome volume reproduc-
es the Brooks Look — with her
“black helmet" hairstyle — tn doz-
ens of mesmerizing biack~and~white

Two movie-star photographers
from different eras star in their own
books this season. Clarence Sin-
clair Bull was MGM’s chief por-
trait photographer from 1924 to
196]. A dazzling sample of his
work is presented in “The Man
Who Shot Garbo" (Simon &
Schustcr, S40). Garbo is here (Bull
took tnore than 4,000 pictures of
her), and so are Gable, Lombard,
Harlow, and, as MGM often
claimed, more stars than in the

The same year Bull retired,
Douglas Kirkland began taking pic-
tures for Look. Among his first
subjects: a svelte Lll Taylor and a
satin—sheeted Marilyn Monroe,
Kirkland's “Light Years" (Thames
& Hudson, S45) also offers an oc—
casionally teasing text (“I took
Ann—Margret in my'arms and she
sobbcd on my shoulder").

Readers of The Washington
Post are familiar with critic Tom
Shales' thoughtful appreciations of
major entertainment figures. Thirty

of those pieces have been collected
in “Legends" (Random House.

From Jackie Gleason to Elvis
Presley, from Fred Astaire to John
Belushi, Shales covers the water-
front, and each essay is introduced
with a striking black-and-white por-
trait of its subject.

This year’s successful revival of
“Lawrence of Arabia" has sparked
renewed interest in its director, Da»
vid Lean. The main strength of
Stephen M. Silvcrman‘s “David
Lean" (Abrams, $39.95) is the ex-
tended commentaries front the usu-
ally reticent filmmaker; there are
plenty of stills from “Great Expccv
tations," “Brief Encounter,“ “'I he
Bridge on the River Kwai" anti
“Doctor Zhivago."

Lean is best known for his
magnificent film epics; his modern
theatrical equivalent might be com
poser Andrew Lloyd Webber, the
man who gave us “Jesus Christ
Superstar," “Evita," “Cats"and
“The Phantom of the Opera." Time
music critic Michael Walsh has
written a tart and gossipy text to
accompany the colorful photos in
“Andrew Lloyd Webber: His Life
and Works" (Abrams, $30.95).
Read this one with a cast recording
of a Lloyd Webber show as back»
ground music.

And finally. for those who
can't make too many trips to the
Emerald City, there 1\ “The Wi/ard
of Oz: The Official 50th Anniver-
sary Pictorial History" «Warner
Books, 529.95).

Authors John Fricke, Jay Scar~
tone and William Stillman leave
no stone unturned on the Yellow
Brick Road.

Sample: Bert Lahr was no co
wardly lion in contract negotia—
tions: he demanded and got a six—
week minimum, which in mm
was thought to be a big conces-
sion, even though the film ended
up taking seven months to finish,






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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, December 6, 1989

Inflated expectations
Proposed defense cuts trimmed from inflated budget

USA TODAY/ Apple College
Information Network

WASHINGTON —— There is
something important everybody is
missing in this talk of SI80 billion
in Pentagon cuts ~ those billions
are trimmed from inflated budget
projections, not from the budget.

The Pentagon still plans to pop a
nearly $300 billion budget on Con
gress next year, which means the
Defense Department IOses its boost
for inflation, plus maybe a couple
of billion dollars.

“This is Cheney getting out in
front of the traffic," said Gordon
Adams of the Defense Budget Pro-
ject, a private research group, of
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.
“He is rushing to the front of the
parade and saying, ”Let me lead the

There are some presummit advan-
tages to Cheny’s posturing.

“Gorbachev will say, ‘I tore
down the Berlin Wall,’ and Bush
can say back, ‘I cut the defense bud-
get,m said Larry Korb, a Defense
Department officia under President

Cheney knows there are far more
radical proposals awaiting him. For
example. former defense budget ad-
viser William Kaufman is publish-
ing a paper calling for reducing the
defense budget by $145 billion over


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10 years.

Kaufman suggests real cuts that
would bring the Pentagon’s current
$300 billion budget down to $160

Pentagon bean counters, to claim
their $180 billion in savings,
shaved pretend dollars off their old
five-year budget projection, which
called for the defense budget to rise
from $300 billion to $349 billion
by 1994.

But there was “no way in hell"
the Pentagon was ever going to
win $349 billion in l994, said

There is another thing to remem-
ber about all those proposals being
floated to save billions, such as
closing 15 Air Force Bases. moth—
balling two aircraft carriers and
eliminating three Army divisions
as trial balloons.

Each service is floating unpopu—
lar proposals in the hope of dis-
tracting Congress from what really
matters to the services — new
weapons coming on line.

Suggesting the closure of 15 bas-
es, just after the bitter fight to
close a handful of bases, might
make Congress more likely to ap—
prove the programs the Air Force
really wants, such as modemizing

missile forces with the Rail Garri—
son MX, a new fighter and a faster
pace of purchasing its new air-to-air
missile, the AMRAAM.

“The Air Force is saying, ‘Hey.
we‘re willing to play this game.‘
But the Air Force knows fully well
that’s not likely to happen," said
defense budget analyst Tom Long~
streth from the Federation of Amer-
ican Scientists. referring to the base

It takes more than five years to
win back any savings from closing
a base and, “I’m sure Cheney is not
that interested in savings in the
year 2010,” Korb said.

The Navy may be offering up
some old aircraft carriers, but only
to protect its new aircraft carriers
and its new Seawolf attack subma—

Mixed with all the bluffing and
skirrnishing, the services are offer-
ing some meat for the cleaver.

The Navy, for example, is likely
to offer some surface ships for
mothballing, especially the four
World War lI-era battleships. Refur-
bishing the battleships cost $435
million apiece; operating each
battleship costs $35 million per
ship every year, and manning each
battleship requires 1,600 sailors.

The Air Force’s offer to slice
into tactical air wings, especially
another conventionally armed B-52
wing, is probably sincere. That


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