xt7rr49g7n25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7n25/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1985 1985 1985-09-12 2020 true xt7rr49g7n25 section xt7rr49g7n25 M
f 3
Vol. LXXXIX. N0. ‘3‘ Established ION UnlvonltyofKontucky, Loxlngton. Kentucky Wt slncolWl Thursday.$optombor12. I!“ 1
1 I
roposa ca 8 or c. anges in a some p o my , .
2g(Ting-1:-7\1-1}’:\LUR-“U mercy Oféh‘é mefissé); ll illnesBs 0: to milk; “I: any reqlgedb exam Wa: beyond your control." (‘rowe ('anon said no rule guarantees the will determine their own policy con 3' ' ,Yl' 1":
_ niorSta 'ri er curs. sai OunCI airman ra - misse ue 0 an excus a sence sai excuse ”hm the _» tu' t“), . ' , ' » 1
levCannn 1 If the exam IS “OI required. students If any essenua] classwork t_\ L .»\lth§ugh \kaih} 1115111111111 8 511111 1 1. i: i 1:
The Senate (‘ounCil yesterday 2‘P' A class missed because 9‘ a 59f Will 00! have the OPPOFtUhlty t0 missed during an excused absence If the number or timing of ex» dent senate council member. had . j '7 '. h' -_ :1
proved a proposal which It“ passed nous illness or death of an immedi» make it up ~ the missed test would students would be given the chance cused absences prevents the student some reservations about the propo '; 71-31 7' .l
by the l'mVeFSIt." Senate. would ex- ate family m1ember1iparent, Slblmg‘ be the students dropped test score to make up the work during the se» from satisfactorily completing the sal she said it was good because "if ' 3' » V" 7, '. 1 7‘
pand the rule concerning excused spouse or ChIldl also would be con- in classes offering that option 1 mester in which the absence oc- "nurse work. the instructor would be you miss a class because of an ill 1 l ' .", fl.-
absences sidered anexcusedabsence. It a student who 15 required to curred This option, though. would snl'tl to counsel the student about ness then you would have the same l1 "'1- f': ”1‘”
e?" lr°p?§a'hor“i°t”'?m TEE: ‘23 9125132iiéfif'is‘filfiilf'ipiilpl’e 55532? illdmt‘li’efifi'lliéi 22322:? “f "i“ m me New" °" '"8 m "p“‘m‘ "‘ .9111...“ "p”"ilmi “’ '23” ”31“" “‘8’“ " " Vii»
s ces (ue s - e i 's - ‘ s i- » s we or note grad ' or wit (ravvin from ih anvbi v e se w i mi 1 h; ve been '. ' - " ':
cused absences in classes where at- ate documentation. "This is for le- because of a short-term illness or 61111111411111,“semester g e 2101“,. {0121181 a t'nlv'ersitv tI‘l‘p ~ 1.'1 1 ngt' 1ft:
tendance is mandatory As the rule gitimate reasons for being out of death in the family. "You are now The proposal would also include This proposal m“ not allow stu 157’.-
stands now. illness is not an excused classf." said Ward Crowe. a profes- massing a re1quired etgain ahd this t,'ni;:rsi1ty'-sponsor:1dh trip: ash ex- The proposal 5din that if more dents [11111111111 test 51,111.11 11 a missed .11- 3 1. f1 .1 151' '1.1
a sence soro veterinarysCience i e proposa I says a ins ruc or cus a )sences . oug suc an than three class periods are missed common exam 1\ deemed 1m ”11. ._' .';1’; 1-‘
“Right now. students are at the Students will have the opportunity has to let you make it up because it absence is often considered excmed. due to illness or trips. instructors ('t]_\(‘(1dl;§encp . 1- 1', ,‘ 11- '

l i ’. ',1':_‘-

O O '15111'1J1 .1
12 enate still pushing ~
111-1 ‘ . . "ls .Is.'1"1..'

- or ti hter sanctions .
. ”’3’ , ‘1 111.111.
. H l I- p ”This is no longer an issue of l t 7 ‘ -; .3 3:11. 3 ‘ r ' N f 1' I

\ mu) :s o ' : t .. , _ . 1 . 1 .1 . _-,_
Ah‘StK‘lzltvtl prpss what‘s good for South Africa. It's a [ j l l t, i A "r d w- 1 -1 .1 11 .s1'1 .
raw political issue.“ said Senate Ma- t1 \ l ‘ 4"“ 51 1 ’ if 1.. a .s r - ‘ - " 1 ; '. -: .7
“‘1.\_\‘}“j\(;'r(tf\‘ The Republi- iority Leader Robert Dole of Kansas ' ' \1 1’?“ «1‘ w w 1 "‘ 1 1- . 1: 1 ~.
cancontrolled Senate yesterday re» m an appeal for GOP senators to I' i «‘k- - -- 7» .. j. r! -' " " 1"- 11:1 1: . "
fused for the second time to end a ””59 ranks l . .- {5'381‘ ' ‘ u i. n '3 57 -. l» ' 1 _» "
filibuster blocking legislation that He pledged to 599k a {mill vote on . ' ‘ a a ’ .11- v v 1 y' T? " ‘; ‘. '1 '7 "
would slap tougher economic sanc- the measure _ If there 5 any Sl'll: I “ 'J-(td b1 ‘ . ' 33"“. '7 ll ‘ 1| :1 fl 1- 7‘ . :-
tions against white ruled South Afri» page. ll theres any turning back i‘ 5 . 3 33" "fl II n Y! I " V" " ' . .1
ca than ”1.111111“ Reagan has 1m_ by Reagan. who abandoned his long» * . f ,t,‘ ' "11"“ s, 1 . :1
posed time opposition to sanctions Mon» 1‘: 1 1' ’ 1 “final!“ .11- - 1
The lK‘IIHX'I‘ullU-lHl assault on the day _ 1 11 , 1 '3 1’ I * gs": IV“ " I! n u _ 5 ‘ I ‘ '
filibuster failed on a dramatic roil BL" Sen Iadward M kennedy. D‘ saw ' ~. ', 1 i [1| If“ I.“ .~ ' 7 : '» , -'
1.11” 111 1-17 41 ”11“, 1.111011 Sh} of the Mass . said after the vote that Dem- . 1 ‘_1 1 1 1’1 i tr; '1'" .1. 1,1 1- 1» . 1 1i . .
6o needed with (ioP leaders lob~ "PM“ “Wm succeed ”1‘ “mm”; a . 7‘ '7 , _ i» "fir. : _ . -.
hying to get their way in the well of vote on the "WW“ b3 the end 0f " . 173;“: " .. . ' ‘ n l -' ‘ ‘ > ‘ .'
the Senate while several black the year. and alde” said an attempt 3: . ' «(i ‘ K . . -‘ ‘ J ‘ .' '7 , . ’- '
House members looked on from the might be made to attach ll [0 anoth- ‘ l‘ .5 " wills LE. . ‘ ’ , t "1 '} ‘- ’ ‘; 1‘»
i-eiirofthe chamber er piece of legislation if today's vote ‘ “Tn , ; ~t , . \ . 1 - 11 1 ». 1
falls short ‘ h l '“‘ 3 x ' ; 1 .. . i‘ '
Republicans said they would seek Fortysix Democrats and 11 Re» - “"7 . 1.1;.._T.—— :5 t . . 7 - '- . '_ .
to postpone 11 final vote on the mea» publicgmg voted to choke off the ft]. 1 . s I 1 ' l l .P“ ‘...mku 1 '- 1” - '-_ ‘ ' i 1 1 - ‘
sure for several months. until the ibuster Senate Minority Leader .. 1 . 1_ _ 11.1 111111.113... 1’ ' 3“ fr - ' 11 § 1 a 1 1 1 1 ' .
impact of Reagan's sanctions can be Robert Byrd 01' West Virginia was ’ ' a 3 “MW‘ ' .17‘ W ' ‘11.. 1‘ 1 " t '“ " 1 ‘
gauged iii racially segregated South the onlv Democrat voting on the 1. W ,L » 5‘25 “M E » . _ , ' » , :»
.\lIlt.l l)imociats vowed to tontin other side, and an aide said he did : ii 7 111 gag? .g‘ l. " 7'
llt' lllt‘ll‘ light for the hill. and anoth- so to permit him to demand a recon~ 1 _. Ii ' W : il‘ 1.}:3f —’ l“. g V 1i ‘ i 1
ci vote is likely today Reagan says sideration of the roll call That re» 1’11». '_ 1 1 i; 3“ . SW“ 0% r all w- . 'I ’ .
hewillvetothebillifitpasses gutsf1\_\lf11 1,111“: 1cw1'i1g‘ 1» .1 .» 111-1; . i ' ‘ ' _ 31- " . .1. - t 1— ‘ ’ . i' ' J "
o o ‘ . . -' - mt} ' j‘ j“ .1 ’;t 1 . 1.1.1141,” 1. .-
' Of fiCials recover van 5““7’. , gr;- :27» -.g
o o ‘- 1... . l 1" ~ UK “‘1' ~"‘ ». -
driven in kidnapping - -. v 't 7‘ '- I: * ‘ ,
liciri sums to»- o my» ' _ .1 : ,
, ‘ . l. I; I .'
of Duarte’s daughter POS‘ 3' "p ,. ~ ~ ~. . -
Douglas Fishbock, George Middleton and JR. White ot the cd Way p05ters throughom campus yesterday. A ianC-t. at '. 1 11 ‘
By .liiSIZI'II Ii. Ht \ZIER afternoon at the same “me 115. the Physical Plant Division worked to put up several of the Unit. fiCiolly starting this year 5 drive will be at H 30 o "‘ today ' ' ‘
Associated Press president's daughter .1 ~' ' 1, ‘. 1
Officials only said that Ines Gua- ‘-_——‘—l ,1 . .. '1. .
SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador — dalupe Duarte Duran. 351 was kid- . 1 1 1, 111 .111
Security forces recovered a stolen napped when she drove up to the 1 1 ,1 .- 1 ’ 1 »
red "Uh U-‘ed to kidnap PreSldeht New San Salvador L'niversity. where ose ma es IS ory a Ome a: £1; 1 . ’ - 1'. .-
JOSe NipeleOh l)uarte's daughter she attends classes Six armed men _ " fl _ :1 l ,- ' t. '- " X',
and another woman. a “)9 official in civilian clothes surrounded her . 1 1 ,5 '. ~57“ ' ' '1 1‘1 ,; ‘
heresaidyesierday car. shot and killed the driver and CapaCltV crowd watches Pete get No. 4 192 in Reds Victory . - ‘ _. . » :9 r » . f» z . --
But. despite a massive search. woundedoneofherbodyguards ' ’ ' . - 111i ,1
there were no clues about the \'1C- Witnesses. who asked not to be By JOHN NELSON right-hander Eric Show with one out scored both runs in the Reds' ‘20 nc- " ‘ ,: " , .1 1 '1' ~- i.’ 11
tims‘whereabouts or late identified for reasons of safe[\‘_ said Assoc-iated Press inthe bottom of the first inning tory and had the gameending as- ~ “ . 1 ,- .' ' ‘- '-_'
JUh" Adolfo Rey Prednes. the the men dragged Mrs. Duarte'Duran It may have been the biggest little sist. a diving stop on a hard ground- 1‘ an“ .i ' ',, . - l» ' 1 I. -
Dre-“dents closest adviser. said .VeS- out of the Toyota and took her away CINCINNATI — Pete Rose broke hit ina century of baseball history er by the Padres” SteveGarvey ‘ 1' -' 7‘ 7_ _.'- - . '
terday that a second woman was at gunpoint in the waiting van. The Ty Cobb‘s career hit record last With one swing of the bat. one of Butallthat was anticlimactic ‘ : ' '. 1 "
kidnapped along With Mrs. Duarte wounded guard was reported alive night. 57 years to the day after the biggest records in all of sports ()n the record at~bat. Rose took 1. 1‘ ' ‘ . » .' f
Duran He identified her as Ana Ce- but in critical condition. Another Cobb‘s last swing. The historic No. fell to the calloused. workman's the first pitch from Show high and ‘ ' 7 . 1_
elhi' \‘elleda. 33» a university stu- bodyguard was unharmed. 4.192 was a characteristic single. hands of the H-y'earold How. in his outside. and he fouled the second “L5. ; -' ‘ ‘1 «-.
dent and a secretary at the radio After meeting with his Cabinet giving the Cincinnati Reds player- 23rdmaj0r-leagueseason pitch straight back The third pitch ,1' ' _ 1'1, ' . J '
station run b) the presidents daugh- much of the morning. a worried- manager the record at last and per- He added a standup triple off was inside. and then came what peo- .' : 1 1 1 . '1 .
tor looking Duarte appeared briefly at a hapsforever. Show into the left-field corner in the pie were waiting for h . . ., . , ' .‘ -‘ ,. .
It “‘85 the hrst report that a 590 news conference in the presidential The hit was a liner to left field on seventh. finishing the night Nor-Ii The ball sliced gracefully into left- w 3 .' 1‘ 1' ' . 1.. _ .-’
0nd woman was kidnapped Tuesday Seel)l'.ARTt:.page5 a 2-1 pitch from San Diego Padres with 4.193 career hits He also \cc kusi,.pngc2 WINE . H ,' '7 .. >-
. 1 "1' 4 ‘ ‘11 ill
— . . Elderly hypertenSion program . ..
Programs _/ .2... . _ - .
7 i ' fr tr tment research
improve 1 mixes ee ea , , 1- . .
1 i _ ,
. . t 7' 7 3 By KAREN MILLER volunteers for the program b." V151t‘ administer the program. Kotchen . ‘ - ' ‘
l eracy 3 - ” \\ “211 i Stafferter mg places where grourb‘ of older said . g
‘ \~ ”q :- 1 l People gather. such as nursing The Systolic Hypertension in the ~ 1 ,1
RI 1 1 1‘ l ' fl ’ "T.“ »—,, _/l Adults 60 or older with systolic homes and churi1hesdJ1ohnson1ia1d Elderly Program office can be con»
B) KIM”: ' '5 S ’ __: —- . » -9; “- ————;-—| high blood pressure can receive free the} then lm‘lte t e a U t5 t0 ta 0 tacted by calling 2335(1'14 or writing: ’ 1 . . .
“on"lbm‘wwr‘mr 1». _.:.V » ‘ »‘ l medical care and pOSSlbly help one of their physmians and have SHEP. 312 Sanders-Brown Building. ' f
T R th d of l 7 '—M -:- 9—" ‘ others suffering from the same their thOd PreSSlfire [taken 1 1 FR. chmgton 405360230 1 1 . 1
omorrow mar s e en 5" 11 _11_771_# -y. mi, “It‘s an exce en oppor uni y . ' ‘
' v‘ " ‘ t 7 —#‘7 r" 7 m V—‘ in: u l s prOblem . . ;
henlu1»1k1\ sh h Stateh 1111.1t1eratfii> 00d 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 d1itoiItsii;1ii1;11i,iss1iut it. wit The Systolic Hypertension m the N0 1. for people 60 and over to Kip 1 1
Week. w ic emp asiles 1 g financia base and cu tura Blues. irector o L e wri ing pro» Elderly Program was co-contracted themsches. 5.0, 21 a chance to p |NSIDE 1
need for basic reading and writ- support." he said “Those that gram. “They may lack requisite by the Sanders-Brown Research millions of other older people who
ing skillsamong residents didn‘t1.1 feel starved for knowl- writing ability. but they are not (‘enter on Aging and the L'Kdepart- have systolic high blood pressure
At Lh. however.1programs to edge, 1 1 1 illiterate 1 1 1 ment of medicine. The t'niverSity and No 3. a chance to offer1 help to '1. 1“ I I
enhance the literacy level among (,reenway agreed. adding that For those students who would program will monitor .300 volunteers future generations by answering a M“ m":"'" ”.1 -
students are ongoing because of the lack of prepara» like to increase their level of lit- during a five-year study of the effec- very important medical question. fulfil “a 5 “mum I “Ml . ‘
(‘ensus figures show nearly half tion in their school system. eracy. the Counseling and Test- tiveness of blood pressure medica» We encourage students to talk to . “n fivm'I' 3 I.‘
of Kentucky reSldehtS 0"" 25 do “some students have had t0 ing (‘enter offers programs in tion. their parents or grandparents and m’” ““9
not have a high school diploma struggle here at the t'niversity.“ mastering the basic skills. The goal of the program .5 to find urge them to contact us about com»
and 55.000 adults have less than a Greenway said ma"-V L'K stu- The Counseling and Testing a "better wav to treat older people ingtoascreening The Amy IO’FC held In and
"mm grade education. dents have poor writing Skllls or (‘enter‘s services are 0le for en- with systolic hypertension." said “We offer them a trade — free wards my My. For fl.
In the L'K community, howev- cannot organize their thoughts rolled students, Night classes are Theodore Kotchen. professor of- care for their systolic high blood tailgsaetlieuorymueo.
er. the question l5 "0‘ one Of illit- into an essay. He added that offered for enrolled adult StU- medicine and physiology and princi- pressure. very careful monitoring
eracy. but the degree of literacy many students have never been dents and for those adults plan» pal investigator for the program. and treatment over the “"1..er pe-
among SlUdemS‘ taught why it is important ‘0 nthtO enroll nextsemoster. Arleen Johnson. recruitment coor- riod. free medication. free physicals
"There is a problem with liter- read critically and write cohe- Another program. at the Writ- dinator. said systolic high blood and lab work." he said. “What they
acy here at UK." said 1‘31"? rently. ing Center. enables students to pressure _ a reading of 160 or trade to is is their willingness to
Swi "819» a professor 0‘ English. .imany students have come improve their writing skills. The greater in the first number and a take one pill a day and their will» 1 , a! 1_ 1.1.11
"There are some people that through the education system be» center is located in 103 Barker 1955 than 90 reading for the second ingnoss to come into the clinic at 1M“.- ”trial-
come to the University that just lieving that life is a series of dit» Hall and is open from 10 am. to 4 number 11 18 common among older least four timmayear .. _ .
aren‘t as literate as others." tos — needing nothing more than pm. Monday through Friday and people Johnson said that at the end of the Today W N I“! _ ‘~
John Greenway. associate 9'“ True or False 0' A- B. C- D an' 6 to 9:30 pm. on Monday. Tues— . . . . five years. the groups will be com- 5" M:- w '- h
fessor in the Honors Program at- swerstreenwaysaid day and Thursday It also is open PM?“ Part'c'Pants M" be d" pared. and the center will combine ”W“ “d“
tributed many of the 9'0le t° “Some faculty like to say stu- from 7 pm. to 10 pm. Monday. V'ded "“0 two equal groups. one the data with other centers involved =hh~fl‘ W1 ,
the diversity of high school train» dents are illiterate when they re- Tuesday and Wednesday in 306D randomly setected to take blood in the same typeofreaearch. h “umtgp
ing among UK students. ceive a set of bad papers. but Commons Building in the south pressure medication while the other 5.1111113811111111 was one of 17 con- ”gm 1 :1 111
"Some went to a school with a they are not illiterate.“ said Tom campm complex. groupis given placebos. ters across the nation selected by 1&5» - 11: 1 1' - .111
Program workers actively seek the National Imtitute of Health to 'n'w ’> ‘ ‘ l ‘ '
i ‘ .

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, 80pm 12, 19.5
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
U . S 0 net W ()ka bld Jom the Kentucky Kernel staff
I __________________—___—-—
- “2
I for 1988 O] m “:8 mlw"“““ II I “ if? »
' u I e ’ - u m l M
>§ ' e . q I . ‘ {w—vv‘d ~
' a) \llt'll\ELUULDSNIITH event‘ or a deadlock mihin the ne- = $§ ‘I I ' ' . .- l . _—- -—-_I— ——~. :-
II ~ \sSM‘iatedl‘ress gotiatingcommtttee It g 3, g _ - . "" ’\
v. Sainarancli was due to announce .33 - t '9...“ I“ gwavww- 3"" v , , E ‘ Playing Top 40 Dance
‘ lAt'SANNl‘I Smtzerland The the hind tlt’ClhlUll at a new confer- _ ¥ ‘R.’ I s ‘ ' ' I ', I «I Musk This Week
I ~‘ three jtmerican tele\'ision networks ence scheduled in Lausanne. the . f “ ii iii / ' \ ~
' ' ‘ tire“ lob yesterda) to deCide the imk heavlqinirterx at 1230 pm -: ‘ 2 g I_ 0 WEEKEND I
- 'I oider in Much the) Will present local time A; to a in l-th'l‘i tomor- .I -§,- _. Wm _ Ir‘J'I x. I ; MILLIONAIRES
- their bids tor the exclusn'e t 5 mo “3 ‘ w {I I g V D , ,
' t "thitlt‘dSlillg rights at the 1988 Seoul The three llt‘l\\ttl‘k> shoued ho“ ‘1 r ‘ “ l l \ /
I II ., I v l‘littiplw \t‘l‘ltnbl} the} took the iinal lUt‘ ne- 3; , . l I ,/ n \ / 0 {\
' ' ‘ VHS “on the right to open the sep gulldlltllb ti} M’lltllllg large. high I ‘ “ /, (t 2%\
, -I .i‘Itilt‘ bidding at 9 am local time lt‘\t‘lgroupsltilllt‘ltlt’t’llng . > \ / J \ t // l
- ‘ I ' am EDT today. follooed h) The t‘lts delegation was headed L. t < v- . / l
I ~ ‘ UN and VRt‘ Each netoork \Hll ll) Emit-time Group \Ice President w " K // TON|TE t
' ’~ f ' - , hate 1 _ hours to make its presenta .lame> HUM’llllt‘ltl and Group \‘ice j; ~ \ \- « Q / l
‘ I _ c _ ,I t..iii to the ~‘i\ member lt’lt’\‘l.\l0ll tit" President tor .\port> \eul l’llSOll. the k ‘ ' MALE F ACTOR
I I . - L‘vtlldllllg committee of the lnterna- we delegation in l’res‘ident for \ l
.1 ‘ , ' » tonaltll}mpict‘ommittee Spore and \exu Broadcasting \ - i
v I, , . I I the negotiating, committee. head Roone Arledge and the NBt' deler ‘I .f I for Ladies only
I; I . I of l‘_\ t‘anada \ ltlt‘ member Rich gatioii ll} Group \ice l‘res‘ident ltoh- _ {It .. ~ V ' 7'9 pd“.
«' ' ', . .iril Pound wa> due to meet sepn ert \\;il\li and \‘portx t‘hiet Arthur \
_ , - ‘ ' I. i.itel} lhlx .ilternoon to make it> \tntson _ l n ’
LI I.I- ' . , . 5 that d(\(‘i.Ul';ln('t‘ "(6 sessmn yesterday. IT e soccerI team, Wh'Ch openIed ”5
I III I' l m pdfil l‘_\ \BKI f0!" lht‘ 1984 lliix 101' (‘tlUlpltit’lll illttl per>onnel and 5?°5°In MOHdOY high? VY',h O 3'] W'n over ASbUrY Seminary, Whore P03, yggf' winner; and runner; UP Will 5. back I
,- ; _' \ngelm Sultittiertllflnplcs pro‘ i>ion~ llll renegotiating the 60'" p‘ays "5 ”9" game 090'"5' Georgetown College Sept. ‘7' to compete in the finals In Nashville Tenn
I I ~I ’ t . tract in case of a hoicott ot the '
. . , lhe negotiating committee (on \Hi ,I I, ”IN N wh‘ 1mm»
v . \ \{etl in addition to Pound ill “ H' 'l' > ' ‘ " 75‘ T05” Spumante
' I I l N‘ ‘tt‘l‘llkl l(llillltl\tl“ll0l‘ Rumond numb” {IHIII‘mIrmx . Ch
, - 4 - _ ' ‘ .I . ‘V V , iIl' ‘ l \. \I‘ 7‘ I the ,wxwt hlw earlier threatened ‘ ampcgne
._ _ . I . , Ik-.ll:iltlI IoI. II. :HiIlilI‘ :nl I1 I. tII (ti: to inituitt Seoul hecauw the (‘01th . . . All Nile.
- 7 . I IIIIII-I 31:1: «Emir: itI‘jtn’ffIUut (”In llitlllhl t‘i'ultll'llN hau- no diplomatic ( enlimiul Item NM 0M ~ fl
4 ' , . lit} i ‘ l ' ‘5 ’l ‘. ' - , , . .
, , I . . , \Iwii‘ iilxmpvcptirganiziiig t‘omnnt relationmiiili\ouilikorea center field. tailing in front of t‘ar— His teammates streamed out of BRASS A fl
I I , , I ~...I, iSI I.“ i(‘ ' \‘iee ”OHM” Krill 'l'he [hrt‘.1' appeared to have re» melo .\1artinez_ who fielded it on one the dugout to congratulate him. and 2909 Richmond ad ’3 l,
, , , i” \onu 5‘“me General In, ceded ii. IZIKIIIII' montln lioitexei. bounce I he was hoisted briefly onto the \ “huh" ”no 2654." I I,
I III “II“, 1nd lleptllk \‘ecretai'\ Hen lt)ll(l\\lllL‘I the \4l\l(‘l lilot s an Peter Edward Rose. the scrappy shoulders of Tony Perm and “a“, v [v
. , . ' .I.i , f , i > mum-ml tit-“cm: '.¢i take part til the "(‘harlie Hustle” and future Hall of Concepcion ’ . . ff" .t I .g 1 c
t‘t1,l.lrl\ .\e1\oung I | t . W ‘ ~
» . lull” We JH'ht‘l} “”rd l'amer. had surpassed 'lyrus Ray- I __ . s .L..
' , IIH l’l't’Mtlt’nl Juan Antonio 5a chaiiipionshipx \tllt’tltllt‘tl in Seoul niond (‘0be the brawling “Georgia ‘ '
. . :xai‘aiich and South Korean Spore 'iaterthix year Peach" and original Hall of Famer.
. ‘ -_ \luii.\ter and SLUUC l‘lxet'uliie Pound told l‘t‘pl‘l‘lt‘l\ the negotiate as baseball's allvtimehitking. . . . .
,- , limird President Lee Young-Ho “ere mg (‘ttllllllillt‘t‘ meeting hehind The mi triggered celebration In UK Student Actuvntnes Board Concert Committee
I ~ ‘ rut direetl) taking part in the need closed doom twin} \wuld begin by Cincinnati. his hometown and where Prcudly Presents
' liilltitb “fill the netuorks lUlI Ulll (‘llmlllalllltl lilt’ ]n\\(|_\t til the three he played his first 16 seasons and
I ’ "lill,\ said the two top UfflClalS would hub and then continue discussions the 1351 ii: seasons as player-man-
- - I l'llt’t‘Vt’nt‘ only in the “unlikely t)lllht’luttl’t’lllzlllllllgliltls ager
~. ’ . with
' I . a special guest star
L'nixersity of Kentucky College ol‘ Pliai‘iiiacys Drug Product evaluation unit is \
I currently seeking health} male \OltllllCL‘fx hctoeen l8 and 45 years of age to I HE ”00 I ERS ‘
' particapatc in clinical inxestigation. Mod \tudiex require participating for one or
. ‘ \excral weekends at the L’nixersit} Medical (cuter Homital and involving either
, inwuigational or market drug prtttltlt‘tx. and I.R.S. Records Artists
I hit more information regarding the \pccl‘ic‘x ol‘ upcoming trials (i.e. payment, THE TRUTH
~ j - \chcdulex. risks. benet‘itx. ctc.l call 233-5833 heioeen 8 am. and «t p.m. week-
. do». It no answer. plcaxc lcmc lth\\£1gC. ‘
t _ I' O 0
. ‘ 3 7:30 PM Memorial Coliseum
. E O
-. ~ Tickets $8 8. $10
. I “em-v to Ban
' I p, "i ‘7 I o
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ppo ntment Needed | Ofloroxplru Sun., 9/15/35 m I
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Gary Plano
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IQ V. , ~ - . ,__..- .. ., O I '

TV “hedule * ~~ ~ * (1/ ‘Hell Iown’ rerun scores b1g° '
, .s (a , \ /‘ ” r’

, , . y / .~ ./ , / 9 - .
offers some . , a, __ K, ,2“ / ‘ , V . ,-
h' - mi» , W p ‘ . - ;

ltS, misses t; t ”3%; 3—3 . I, 1, - , .
[)ont you Just despise award » ;’ $9. \' g; y B) FREI)R()'|‘IIE.\HI~TR(; it received an ill: rating and a 2n “n“. r mil} 5mm \c'ln‘glr} “1.,th 1'
shows OMEN-”510"" _ 1‘" ’ ‘ Associated Press share ipercentage oi sets it. u)» t'lt‘dl ‘ Ll' :atings tutor; .ns' .mm- ~‘ . , I
lt‘s battling trying to figure out ‘6‘” ' __1 y and turned in \ltl's strongest regu \ w-"ut‘. t'plstltlt- tll't“.\ .. .1 :u' HE. [ . -i. '
“ht ”1950 Incredibly boring affairs , , ‘ . . _ ’/ ’ ,I‘ - .\l-1\\' YORK The pilot tor lur season pertormunce agallb! anmg LU percent «,1 If". MW”. . ",5 "' ‘2 .
are so popular wtth the. American ’ ' /\ ' , NBt‘s “Hell Town." starring Robert ABt‘s "Dynasty " Lust peek mth n hummumc “my. tuner: 1,. t.\ 'l.’ ,.-' ",_ ,. ‘.
Viewing audience The importance 1' \ Blake as a feisty priest. ranked reruns of "Uynustt preempted in companion t'ttnit'ih Fannit lb.“ 7' ‘_ ’ 3- f.’
oi these events 15 always exagger- '/ 7\ ' \ \ eighth With its repeat broadcast last the ’ Inside the Third Ht‘it‘li minm- lllllshert cry-rind urn, d 33 1 \i, ”the! : , ,. Z ‘ '
Med. and when the mm: comes to . r/ ’ 1/ .\ _ i/ ‘- week‘ giving some credence to the ries 'Hell Tovtn had a 17: rottm: st‘ttw [tut better than a Hm xv.» 'a' ,- "L“ ..1 7
umeil the Big Award [such as the .\ c r... \y \ /\ - . . . adxertising agenc} that Judged the ”Elmore “inningitstimeslot mg drum“: m 4p. . “mm my; 4'3 I f a 43
Home or the Artist of the Yeart. you , ,/ \ f'k ‘ l " ’\§: ._ series the only new program mth , . ‘ mm... on“; ,. '. {1-,
can bet your Betamax that the new- ' \ r' \x\\ ‘ / I .gl ' ‘f , clear hit potential for this tall m“ [lancer l'l‘tzgerald ““14“" d 1 if”: 1.}; i. 'fl'l J
er \Hll be overwhelmed by the amt - . . \ \ ‘ ' ‘ ,« y ' <‘l ‘i/e- ‘ t‘tlt'nt'.‘ >11.“ lht‘ ~hU-i. \ l.o~ \it \ltl l tleeh mun-«1 !« -.i"t. -, ' ““1 ’j ‘
climax 1" : . ‘ - / 1‘! e 5: Besides the "Hell Town pertor geles gutter setting, unll positum f’ill‘IAt-r} :5. cps Mo: 3,4 e,” il .t" ,
“it he tunes m again the next , ‘ E ‘ V ~ . “ ‘~. *7 _D mam-e. the .\'o Hated lost); mural \ulues prrmrte sensinle moi. kw,» dhtf t'us sum... an; . “ ‘ :1" 1"."i'it
)ear. watching the same batch of "$3 5‘ \ \ lL 1/“; “T1: Shim led NBt's tour Thursdut lt‘t‘rprrigranlmlnfl 1., \lst \ in”. 't‘iH. ”UN,“ ’1'!» my. my .' Ziggy-J73) , ‘
nominees being honored by the i i: \ \‘ ‘3‘ a‘ f r . .\ l \7 night comedies ml" the TUP 1“ and l'~ . litlllltll‘\ ‘llitr’. 'm: In? :.:'t. :‘fijc; “
same batch ot‘ hosts and presenters ' I, 3 , ‘\ 3;» '. \ fi‘ ' FM ‘ Egg» propelled the netwtrk hack mt“ {IN N} ‘ y . g , . ,,t.-r: \iuorherr ne lion. 3.517;. .
He watches diligently. hoping to 509 .y Via?“ “ ‘m\ l l r- plat-Q alter 0an 'week ‘1“ mmj l ie tirsi let-gun” wrms ‘.rl~‘.... 1 M.‘ \p. _ \gr' 4 H A,. 1‘, 1 3-3.“: _‘-_,
Lt small tire break out on stage or u ',:\‘\t'_., I . ,l~\‘ ‘13:] “‘v ittit"tr(illfti£lt<) A'h(' \lelksen tlgures re iilf‘nrlxmt-t“finely“: Izs‘ \l::ll.t:\htl'- - i‘.‘ m \lr lttu .1}; ' ‘_ 3.3:.
slilpt‘l‘ illlklt'k arranged by an m» t: WW.- ‘ ‘.\ ll‘ .33? 1+3.“ y] F“ . (’dsvt ear tort is “be (.1 . ’ t t) .t H '5‘ )1: Hit- . ie .I‘;,l. 1“ J “PPR _ rm" I” . x» J . . link"; .."I_ {3
trienttl} toi'eign p<)\\€'l' or anything "ii A “\“‘$"““\\“ “NR “3’: “‘ t5 Nut no‘n has “nhhw ttrst 1- .,1 ”mg”! ”m ”mm” ”M'W’W‘Lw‘ , M: \p‘ \ \ ,.. ‘P‘r'r' \ _. :5 41’
that would put a little life into the . 1 ‘ . . . ' "“”“‘ ‘ the pu>t in weeks. inching close! l1) it \th does make “Hwy I, “gr my “,4 - _ \p, pl”: pill-.3;
prtx'eedmgs as d murdering machine from the another couple 0tuew1ngs on Show \U 1 (~33, m- the 33 “Wk T\ ',.-(”‘ \ltl‘ . \mmg “WWW”- ,~ ,,-.v . ,.. »»,;.-.tc.4 my t- ~ .. y. : "r. ", 1: f
ltut no such luck 'l‘omorrrm MTV ““1”“ sent I” modern-(la) (‘alttornia time, “llh Shirley Mad-ill”? ii?” that enrts Sept .'.’ For the melt lll up thti’”pertormci‘nw 15.43:" i,.- it: llaf. Lt: r m. 4.1!“ . ”A L: ' all; 9“:
“ill otter its second annual \ideo l“ kl” t' _\ottng woman Linda Ham- AClrE’BS ~ Debra Winger and Jitt'h’ Sept JAB Nllt' cnerdged .x 1; ') rating se' tr -\l'l pox it 1e viv ~ » A4 ' ' ' ~ - i '. ., l H ' '_ l‘. ', “‘31.;
. ‘ ._ ‘ , ‘ . ‘ . » 3 . I \ ,Mt “up. i.0 .m l i M r. ‘/ ..~ I ,' ..' ' -.
imm‘tts Pimemtalmn- “kht’rtilrlal : tlton \dlcrlglngSp llfllébtetntilr‘r‘tDIFthttilonng {\k‘l‘y to (its 1.‘ "t and .»\lt(’ s 12 .1 r‘xtter 3H on Tuesda} night. which \ltl : \i‘m 2.5 that? l in‘ ‘V l‘ .1 ,. ~ .' .f ”1.1?
"P ”To“ mg 5 “r‘ ”9 ”l J ”W5 ,. , ~ - -_ 5 ‘ ~‘ ' ” l “l Vtt‘t‘l'b it > (in ti' l5 1. Nut at 13 it noted last senor. .~ .th '13. ‘A r it r'f.‘ .17.: i 3'» incl;- u .z' . ' ~ “. {I
- riltrrngumhm or an 20th century ”“” 9"““9’” "‘0‘” ‘3 la“ “”9" multuous motheruaugmer anttABifi‘at m n- r». m mi p. . i ., ; i. . ' ,, . .~:.-;
wards \‘ideo ofthe Year and actionpacked from beginning to relationship a lp' ( “I " ”7"“ " ”H “ (v " it,
t .v . V m . .,. bteele . .‘t . 4- .‘
Sting. John (‘ougar Alellencamp Rd!" nithfbchvtirzenegglergi\;ne€grth: fiffi‘mé} (megsurest (”if f‘f‘agf ir. the exerzin: flt“.\\ .'..pr." 3. , 1?."
.mr! Tears for Fears mil perform X5, perlornlaicr: (1 blb flab) a .zFitIcarraldo l.\ pld‘unp.y on The 1pm”? dhg‘" J t e .n‘d'l in ‘1 .. 2 m“ Luci “WK a rt-pm' ”I U“ ‘ rm, Mp” [Whig \,..t. W; t -. . .- -._ ' ,sj 11-:
inc at least interrupting the inccs “pm“ I” “A” rut l " (~ trg Alone theme] This 198: teattir‘e 1”“ t ' ”“l‘ej‘ Lima!“ ‘1_:"”‘ n..n .‘xiwnlightinu audit. new it rt-rm 1 . 'u' Li; mt - '.\ ‘v - I . 1 -.~..‘ _‘ .r
:"m thickslappmg ('allllltlales h”. The onl} other dehut “'1“ be shown >lélr> Klaus Klnbkl a> an mmentrt ‘1 l H “ program ‘1 l "in at Riptide .int: turn-w .. '.w.'.'.' '\ 4' "1mm: “'1'" I J H [A I” :3. 2 .7. _-
\ tit-t» or the tear include 't .ihtor- H” “mm“ it} Shutthme “-5 19845 Opera lU\€l‘ trting tr» introdute h.» \thm. Hm To“; \ am no.“ plump \lct' '3: .'.~ 21'! mam ; . \mi \grn. .e 1- .1 - 1 t. :u-
tun lilll\ .tnrl .lust .\t.1uolo .hoth ”Ml “‘4le and ho} h H Dad Not passion to the Amazon line tit \\er:i why “at me: prnarjtdq lac \prgm 'rtf‘} utiloevitz. mgr} ‘ . 3.“
ts lintitiilwc \l‘iltlll“ Dunk? (¥”“‘ eten liudle} Moore and "Strategic er Htrzog film“ s "u" .
”mm. (H) H ' ore "\ on) ”UV" Mt” l‘i'ld‘“ Murphy 4”“ / Uso on The \loxiel haunt-l «‘ '2 B d d . . b . h . . I V‘ in. .1. 1‘ '
“in” H llih“ “TVS”, lrtiin'tner if t'll‘mtlh l" “1‘“ Km lemon dbUUl 'd rector Dand L}nch > i977 cult that an all ltlons egln t ls evenlng ‘ ' ‘I- " (.“a‘:
”-l “l 3‘ ”“l‘l‘llld .‘ "‘5 ”l1“ super \tlphl>lit'.ilt‘tl Arm} tank that ”mummy txhich woe .lohr. ' ‘- .iiV
t't' .Inll it! t'rlurw ’\\e .‘lre llit' titles hmvtn‘e V'nc .\ th’ ha “3“]. inettec'i . . . _. >— 1 , 4 . . . H ’ c . .' ~
\lttlitl ll} ‘-\ (‘['}ltt)(l) and hlx prfix ' - d fend . I: )p U .‘ h” )1 {‘1‘ [h ‘\l \R) \\V\l" l‘.l.l.lllll \uufllltiflwlllilnfih hex”; “I D 1: \ HULL” .LJ. a 11.. it.“ fu' 'r“_ l. ‘t' . I. /’ . K ‘
.ieent Morph} pi‘onrtes ti couple of good gain u; fithft‘néuhlw 'trt‘x I“ ,i" town: u the “rite: hon: .~ ‘u. w'wu» :Fm: .13.: ‘r " _.w..'. luv» .3 a t' r' ' . ._ .' . ‘
.\lsn on lurid \\lll tie the .\l'I‘\ hell} laugh but Moore seems slugs (gimme; "inh 1 Olt’lutiilt U: lifts-e" ‘ ‘ v ‘ ~ Y't‘\\t"1 .ha' on:- pv'w'n writ ~ - » trim-N '» 1r“ , g ..
\ "\ who tinn’ A” the .ippt'dl MM fiixl‘l MM Kate ('upsha“ duplicates tier (t ‘d’ ”1(a)u>.f\ (It‘ unmet: ultra}. 1.: 5th; hit‘»t‘${r‘.t‘l Minter. .‘t be it. (1' xv! in.» "all”: perm":- :1; ':. :1.._'_i : t' 7.4." . ‘3‘. _- .. \. . . I: H v}
y[WNWmyAWWI-phemtmld the dubious acting prone» ,he ex- T L‘ \llflld‘.‘ entrancing Tillli‘el-t “l: cunt-er. llullll no“ :~ )lltil Mk; snowflakentt .txt-rehenrm» .' 2r. tz't’ufl.pd\ a: lo" ‘rrov JI. ‘ y ; ., ‘y ‘
limited in Indiana Jones and the surreajistic lgdgte’t mt” ‘il'mllli “hilt