xt7rr49g7m5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7m5c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1979 1979 1979-02-12 2020 true xt7rr49g7m5c section xt7rr49g7m5c Vol. LXXI. No. I03 Ker el liniversity of Kentucky
Mondnv. February '2' I979 . an independent student newspaper. Lexington. Kentucky ’
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Applications Ilght " X ‘ ' E'“°"°"a' ”K
- as
. 4.. , beats No. 16
for new apartments Crimsonride ‘
. 4 " a Sports I ditoi 4
By PAUL MANN James Wade. a fourth-year mining task force was formed to determine , ,4
Staff Wriicr engineering major. said he has lived in how great the need was and what type ' a Saturday afternoon “115 ”Ul.‘ it "Bit!
residence halls for four years and is of housing would best fill the need. ‘ m 4"” 5‘ l . Blue"day for Kentucky.
" The UK Housing Office is now ready forachange.“Livingoffcampus l.indley. who was a member of the g a . as .44 V The Wildcats. playing with the
. accepting applications for the new istoo far awayand it costs an arm and task loree.said.“We definitely needed ‘ iv v._ 1‘" ". g . “de cmtttltth- hlt 5" percent ol‘thf-‘lr
. University-owned apartments on the a leg." Wade said. “Plus I heard they additional housing. Asa matterol fact , X 3 at lit‘ld goal attempts (29 of 50) and Rh
far south side of campus. However. (will) offer bus service to campus." there were 2000 students on the fi ‘t" i“ ” a Pt'rt't'ht 0‘ 'hCif ”CC thmefZl ol35l
' initial reports indicate something less But not everyone is eager to make housing waiting Iistat the beginning of , , I } I, 2 , i .4 "-"’" t0 hC'dt loth-ranked Alabama till-7|
than an avalanche of demand. the move to the "CW apartments. last semester." She added. howeier. a. 3 I at" . 4'9 it". " *s before the usual 23.472fans atthebluc
_ Jean Lindley. director of auxiliary Journalism sophomore Mary that the waiting list diminished by the a . WW I? , ,, . and white shaker-tilled Rupp Arena.
services. said it is too early totell how Varga. one Of the Students who end of the semester. , .. ' ’4' M...“ , .. ‘ ”'2. 3f a , . . “WC played “‘ttht‘mt’tttm “5 good 35 ’
popular the apartments are with decided to stay ina residence hall.said lindley said the task force decided if I/ a. if . . W” " we did early in December." 531d UK
housing applicants because not all she decided to stay becauseshcdocsn't on apartment-style housing because . it i ’” i “’2 ' if (i‘IaCh J0" B. Hall. “That ““5 WT) ‘
applications are in. However. she said have a car and because the cafeteria is such a facility has more flexibility than "‘"i i it? .g I I 'V m i encouraging ‘0 “c I‘ ha“ been lacking -
~ she thought the number of applicants close. a residence hall, “If for some reason 4, . . 4 '- I; -- . ,2 ' .M i in some 0t our latter games and “t‘
4 -‘ for the new complex which has Jacque Shurr. a telecommunica- the need for student housing is not ' ‘- ' 5 . " " .~ *5 need itycry much. We‘rea pretty good '
4 room for 600 people was tions sophomore. also decided not to there then the complex can be used to .. ’ r {.4 .51: -’"' . ball club when we play with that r
approximately ISO. stay at the apartments. “It's too far house faculty and staff." she said. 44 _ 1 4‘ a; b 44% If 4 4 4 emotion."
But she‘s not worried. “I feel that away and the social life here at Ihe project cost the university $5.2 .3 , 1-24 { i . . UK. now 12-9 overall and 7-7 in
4 once the students haveachance to see Blanding (Tower) is good.“ she said. million. including the furnishings. I . . ’1 44‘ " ' '.l H I {4‘ 4 “t " ! Southeastern Conference play. was as . -
the apartments. lthinkthey'llbecome The new facility has a total of 200 Since state tax dollars are not [I Q 4 " '4 .a..Mi * i ready and “Nd UP 35 the h0t5)-
excited and willwant tolivethere."she apartments. Married students will be appropriated for University housing - ' ‘ 4 f 5‘ ft .- 4 4 supportive crowd when it raced to a -‘ -
. said. allotted 48 of them. The other l52 and dining facilities. the project was I 44 ’4 "’ " i {‘2 ' I 4 t ”“3 advantage the biggest bulge 0t 1'
., units WI” house four single StUants funded by UK through a bond issue. ' #3. , "s. - .. ’3 fl " . . I ,. the game thh l3minutes remaining ‘ ‘
Ofthe students contacted who want each. Parham Baker. 44 5‘44” architect for . 4 4 . as 4‘ . “fly-4 . . / to halftime. The Wildcats nevertrailed
. to live in the apartments. the distance Each two-bedroom apartment is the department of design and “W. 4 r- ” 4 . . " ‘5 in the regionally-televised encounter. ,-
‘0 the main campus was not 660 square feet and is fully furnished. construction. said the apartment , W4 2" {.114 . " ~44 ' h “It was the early defense and V
mentioned as a drawback. This was The apartments' color schemes are complex was a design-construct 4 ., 4 4 4s 4 a... 4, 4 4 . . . 4 collapsing onlAlabflmaAllvAmerican 4.
possibly due to the fan that the gray and beige. project. “The department of design 4 '. I. 4' 4 4 6~b center Reggie) King that gave us 1
stadium bus route “'1“ stop at the The rent per student is $790 per and construction put out 44 . t." ~ 4 f": at; " ' - 2 3 7% the early lead and confidence." said .
. apartment Complex. academic year. not including meal specifications I‘OI'IthOh. includingthc 4 44” .4444, .444 If. 4444’”, ., 4a\ 44 . 2-4,. 4. % 414...“? «,4 Ha“. .
. Elizabeth Pope. an accounting tickets. There Will also b6 No price." Baker said. ”Various 4 a; ‘ ' .- W. 5': . % Vii" 3" é“ But Alabama. sparked by King‘s 36
s junior. lIVCS onthe Seventeenth floor of individuals Who Will jointly report to contractors designed projects t0 meet V " Wm” V V (fit I pOII‘ItS. refused to hoist the white flag
. . Blanding Tower and said she is ready student affairs with disciplinary these specifications.“ After all of the ' After LaVon Williams‘ layup put '
to move “because trying to catch an problems and to business affairsifany bids were in. the C. E. Pennington Kentucky 0" tOP ”'21 the Crimson
elevator can be a real hassle." Pope maintenance problems should arise. Construction Co. was contractedto do Tide rallied to 0‘”st the Cats “'6 V
added that she hopes [wing in the These pOSltIOI’IS Will probably be filled the job. . ,lmijiwimjing’th'fi . i ‘0 narrow the gap103h'33 at halftime‘ '
. . 4 y . . 4 4. By (.AR\ [ANDERS/Kernel Staff , ‘ . ' . . .
~ apartmcnts “it“ help her prepare for by graduate students. Although the fflCIlIt) “Ill hUUSC 600 Dl‘rmg that three~minute 5pd“-
apartment life after graduation. “The Lindley saidthe apartments resulted students. there are only 300 parking Dwight Andt’N’" 123““ Kentucky 2095 “P It" ‘4 lay "P l“ ”4.4 80'" victory King scored 53‘3" points. finishing -
' onlyproblem I might have is havingto from the UK administration feeling Places. But Baker said a contract to 0‘" Alabama Saturday afternoon at Rupp.I\i'ena.\\atchingAnderson.who With 20 first-half PO‘mS- I
live with three other people.“ Pope that there was a desperate need for put in some additional parking places scored 20 points. are (’rimson Tide‘s Eddie PhillipstSIland (ireg Mel-Sheen Hall said. “Alabama is a very good 4
said. additional student housing. In I976 a will be put out for bidding. (44). club. . .they wouldn't let us blowthem '
- out. We would get the lead but they
. , I I . would come right back.
“King just played super . . , we -
Bakhtiar reSigns, insurgents take over Tehran .
seemed he scored every time he got the .
ball. He‘s a fine player. They worked .
By THOMAS KENT a loyal. united military. Majlis. the parliament. announced exploding the notion that the “0000- property . . .and make our mmement very patiently to get the ball to King." ‘
Associated Press Writer Khomeini. the 78-year-old religious that all members of Parliament also man armed forces were united behind look barbaric and reactionary." Alabama continued to fight as the . V
leader who returned to Iran Feb. i had resigned, the government. Khomeini said the enemy "still has Tide twice cut its deficit to three ‘
TEHRAN- Iran ., Iran's military after I4 years in exile. declared in a in Washington. the Pentagon "’Ihearmcd foiccs with all its power resources for all manner of intrigues points. at 38-35 and 42-39. in the first
chief ordered imperial troops back to statement that “victory is near." ordered a detachment of 69 Marines 4 supports the wishes of the people.“ and plots.“ two minutes ofthe second period. But
their barracks yesterday following Insurgents took over Tehran. sent from the United Statesto'furkey' said a statement broadcast by Iranian y- 4 I. 4 4. h' 4. 4- h‘ it was the closest Alabama got. '
days of bloody street fighting and looting military p0sts of weapons and in case they were needed to help l9 state radio. d.]d' W" the ormer C .'e 0 I L After that. the Wildcats‘ margin '
. . . . . . . . .hah s feared secret olice force . .
declared his support for Moslem ammunition. occupying government Marines protect the US. Embassy in Pars. the goieriiincnt newsagency. ; . . . 4 p, ,4 , ranged from five to II pomts .
- . . . . y . _ . 1 . A\AK. (ien. \ematullah Nassiri.
patriarch Ayatollah Ruhollah buildings and police stations and Iran. said 3“ Prisons “CW killed and 570 no b” 'k ~. 'I - h throughout the game. .
Khomeini. The 2.500-year~old Iranian racingthrough the streets flashing“V" Six Air Force helicopters were being wounded in Ichraii. In the southern 4d. 4“: id ‘enMprispnerFa with: . “Kentucky played a super game." V i
. monarchy appeared to be in its final for victory signs. They raided several flown to Turkey in case Americans city of Shiraz. officials reported 34 films; rill“ lmzfdr {MT h a: said Coach C.M. Newton. whose ; ,I ' -'.
hours. 4 prisons and released hundreds of had to be evacuated from Tehran. killed and 3H) wounded in lighting 3.“?! d', 5? arresle w(as 6.4:“; Alabama clubislS-ooveralland9-4in - i
‘ Shah-appomted Prime Minister “political“detaineesjailed by the shah Defense Department spokesman between loyalists and insurgents. my "Tm “nun“ 'L ien. ' cg l the SEC. “lfthey had been playinglike :' '
Shahpour Bakhtiar reportedly as common criminals. ' Thomas Lambert said. Peaceful demonstrations were Rdlhlml', . H- h _ . . 'l h 'd 4- that everytime out they wouldn‘t have . .-
resigned and the government news Early today huge explosions shook State Department spokesman reported in Isfahan. the country‘s . he :yatoa ' WWW Meal 0 some of the losses they do. ' '
agency placed the toll of recent the western side of the city near Kenneth Brown said the 7.000 second largest city ”4""; “ million Shuts 40“ elms. “They (UK) did a good job of the " . i ,
fighting at more than 200 dead and Mehrabad International Airport. Americans in Iran were safe “to the The shah‘s Imperial Guard said six demanded liakhtiar resign 50 ran pressure defense. We had chances to i‘ '
nearly 900 wounded in Tehran. with Tehran Radio said Jay barracks. one best of our knowledge.“ officers were slain in Rey. south of could ht transiormed into a “0."? get back in it.buttheydidn‘t let us.We '
. . . . , , , .. . 4 - aligned Islamic republic Khomeini . . ' , ~ ,_
scores killed in other Cities. of Iran 5 largest tank garrisons. was in In Marrakesh. Morrocco. sources Ichran. when insuigents attacked the h' . 4 I ‘d M hd' B' 7, 70 . played hard. but we didn t always play ,; .
Gen. Abbas Gharabaghi. chief of flames. The radio reported heavy close to Shah Mohammad Rela tomb of Re/a Shah. the shah‘s father hasappointc . c I d’a'§7:‘|._h‘ as well. Theyjust outplayed us." . _i
- staff of the armed forces. met with shooting there. in Majlis Square and Pahlavi. 59. said he was in state of and foundcrofthe 54-year-old Pahlati “ls plrimt ,mTTFICf -to fail-'5 3 Kyle Macy of Kentucky connected 3i --
Khomeini‘s prime minister. Mehdi two other areas of the capital. “anguished expectation" as he dynasty. revo utionary ”mm repu lc' nine of lo shots for a team-high 22 1' - ~.
Bazargan. 70. and said he would A source close to Bakhtiar told the followed events from his “vacation“ In a recorded radio message. Khomeini leads the religious points. Teammates Dwight Anderson ‘
support the government set up by Associated Press the prime minister seclusion there. He left Iran in mid- Khomeini asked his followers to opposition that feels the shah‘s and Williams, who grabbed a game- .. - I .
Khomeini to establish a “revolution- submitted his resignation yesterday January. ’ "prevent any anarchy and chaos and “Westernimtion” 0f Iran haS CFOdCd leading eight rebouiids.contributed 20 i A
ary" Islamic republic. afternoon to Bazargan. a friend for The military decision to follow “the not to allow ill-intciitioncd Islamic \alUCS- Also opposing the and '7 P°tht‘~ ICSPCCthCIY- Jay ' I ‘
The withdrawal of troops appeared over 30 years. will ofthe people" came aftertwo days troublemakers to engage in plunder. monarch Is it “Sing middle C1355 WhtCh Shidler. who replaced injured starter ‘ ' i i
to breakthe back ofthe constitutional Tehran Radio. overtaken by 0f hl00d)’ rioting in WhiCh many arson. Ptthohlhtl the “C“N‘d and has demanded "mm 5") t“ the Truman Claytor. added H‘ .
monarchy which depended heavily on insurgents. said the Speaker of the soldiers joined the opposition. destruction oi private or public government. Continued 0“ pageb .' , -
3 General Hospital. a spokesman said. A former death row of their highly perishable crops rot in the fields rather than Dayan and Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil could ‘.
occupant. Carson had been flown to Louisville from Fort give In to what some term “exorbitant" l'I-W demands. consult with their governments. an indication that the talks ’ ' i .
Campbell after the Saturday morning explosion at the 92- may 80 beyond the three or four days originally planned. i - I
. State year-old prison's heating plant PIZBI.I(‘ Sl'PPORT FOR A NEw SALT AGREEMENT the meeting is expected to start in about l0 days: but no if
' KENTUCKY CONSUMERS DIDN‘T WIN any big e Prison SuperinteIndtftnt DCWC)’ Sowders said safety with the Soyietv linion is now the highest it has been in three time has been officially announced. : 4 .
battles duringthe specialsessionoftheGeneral Assembly. but qUipment apparent y “led when can?" climbed atop a -"°~‘T‘- an ARM“ M.“ no“ ‘hnws’ : J "
they didn‘t come away empty-handed. generating unit to inspect the weep hole for condensation. The increased backing for a new treaty limiting nuclear 4 4 4 4
. . . .. . . WhenCarsono nedametal ti c verin th h | th - - I~ . iwin “ tion hat sucha act ll‘LHKAR ALI BHUTTO. THE DEPOSED .
A bill creating a dwiston of Consumer Intervention in the . - pe gra ng o g e ole. 4: weapons '5 h‘Md "n mt. 3“ g perttp ‘ p . - - - - ‘ i -
' ' attorney general‘s office which would hay: given “n" erupted ‘" a flash fire- The incident caused the hearing In will enhance US, security and that it will reduce the chances PAKISTANI PRIME MINISTER awaiting execution in his 4 . .. .
. . . . . the prison to be knocked out for Six hours after the 8:30 am. of a nuclear holocaust. homeland. draws parallels between himself and former .
consumers more clout in fighting proposed utility rate hikes - _ . . . . . - - - '
. ,_ died in committee. explosion. Eighty-one percent of thoseinterviewed acrossthecountry PreSident Richard M. Nixon in an emotion-charged i 4
. Although the division does not have a place in the statute Feb. 5 and 6 said they favor a new SAII treaty. That is six :tatement frodm his derath-row. ceIII. He warns that Pakistan s 4 4 .
,' 4 44 books. it hasa placeinthcattorney general's office by order of . points higher than the hacking found in the December AP- utpre depen 5 upon is surviva . 4 4 .
I natlon NB( News oh and II oinis hi herthan the Noyemberlevel, I was born to makea nation. to servca people. wrotcthe 4
4 .a, , Attorney General Robert Stephens. Some last minute . p . p . g , ~ . d d Bh tt “l t b n to wither awa ' in a - ' '
. . ' footwork by Sen. David Karcm. D-Louisville. succeeded in A ”'6, burgeonipglsupp‘prt :40r4333:pjgfrmf‘isrr‘Z? 21:3: 2:24;:1f“ u 0‘ was no or y t . ‘~
‘ ’ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' merican ne Ola (“’5 ‘or t ’ I St ‘ ' ' '. - ,
' ‘ - ' lififs‘ii‘fl'fffie'sfigeiiig1133231333? to mew" UNITED FARM WORKERS u: DER ‘ “mug“ ““ g” has M" ‘°‘ "" “gm“ 3 "°“ ”mm” In". mm" .mi"i.‘“"‘ cm“ °‘ ”up“ u" ”"0" m i '-
. ' i Meanwhile consumers will begin receiving slightly lower CHAVEZ II ' f f k A‘ ( ESA'R slim since Pakistan sSupreme Court last Tuesday confirmed ' '
l ' . ‘ ‘ utility bills next summer but it won‘t be thanks to the chan ‘ ‘ a I. ying .ISIII'C or 3 decades crop 0‘ social "IMHO-3 deCIsion ms l9784murder-conspiracy conViction by i ’ '
‘ ' . . . . 48¢. is betting heawly “t tt h'lh'Stakfl labor game thlt '5 a lower court. He was mound of ordering the I974 murder I _ '
4, . utilities. The Legislature removed the 5 percent state salestax heating up with increased violence world Of a P0'tttca' ”V" t y . L ,
' . y _ ' 4 on residential utilities. The raised ante involves 4.200 farm workers on strike in A I - T .
. . i‘ California and Arizona since Jan. l9. bringing the lettuce ISRAEL YESTERDAY ACCEPTED AN AMERICAN ' ' ~_ ‘ .
harvest ton wilting halt.jeopardizing aboutAOpercentofthc INVITATION to resume peace talks with ngpt at Camp weather I I g ‘ ' .
_ , _ - A PRISON TRUSTY WHO WAS CRITICALLY nation‘s winter crop and nudging supermarket prices higher David. Md. later this month but announced no softening of ' .1 I
4 ~ . I IURNED when fire erupted from a steam generator died each week. its stand on unresolved issues. Egypt accepted the invitation ' ' ' .
4 ' yesterday less than .2‘ hours after the incidem ntthe Kentucky \ Growers. however. all the strike Chavef “last gasp” and last week. (101.0" SKIES AND A CHANCE OF LIGHT SNOW I i i
.4 ‘ State Penitentiary In Eddvviik. have launched a high-powered public relations campaign in ‘ Prime Minister Menachcm Begin said there would be it today. with highs in the 30' Clearins and cold ionisht- with i ‘ 7
. ' Donald Carson. 4|. died in the early hours at Louisville In effort to win their fight. They also have let about 3 million break in the Camp David talks so Foreign Minister Moshe lows in the teens. . ,
i a ' Vi "" ‘awi, I ' ‘ i .i . . 1‘ V' . VI I - . '\ i ii ’ a u
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Idlllt" In ('hu'l I Iii/mural h'ilrmr Debbie McDonch AA}; h'ilIIor Spam Editor [hm-rm o/ Photographi- It.
FJm Tate
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Richard McDonald Jam“ Web!!! (“PI k'ilrlun . wmml Adi. hlllur John (by I“. CIII'HI ‘
.llunuxmi: fit/HM 4.\\01‘IUM‘ Milton III-n Rlckcrd Photo Manager »
edit .als & C : a I t 5 Assistant Spam Etlllfln
warty-noun . Aw ’
vw‘u val- ‘ 3‘3‘ \ ~33. .
Stones vs. AAU could have been Ill Nat fig .3}
' . ‘ ’ e —. 4’ - a
n f hl I I 1%?) 3' 33.:;: - g
milestone or amateur at etics .3... ;, - i. , 2;,
, ~.\\ \ ‘ 1 i ' a- i ‘
_ .. lira. 2|, s ..
It‘s sad news that Dwight Stones. the American to train full-time. ’ i 3 t, ,4..- GA I, 3
record-holder for the highjump. has decidedtogive And "amateurism" is not even consistently 1‘ I I V 1 “ fir , j} L7'1"," ' l ,
up his fight against the Amateur Athletic Union. enforced. Right now. professional hockey players I 3 I 3; . a" l ' / i"
and has abandoned hope ofever resuming his track are in a series with the Soviet Union. 3If amateur ‘ ' I Al _‘ / ‘§ ,4, TION’
career. track athletes competed against professionals. they ‘ I) OH "3‘ ‘ ‘ "III” _ ,
Stones‘ suit could have been a landmark case would be barred for life. Yet Russia's hockey team. _ Mi '1' “We" @533 3 3 ’
against the hypocrisy of the AAU and amateur as well as teams from other countries with similar ,1: v..- ~53 I. , ‘l‘ ’1 1 . g] mg
' sports in general. Without it. “shamateurism” will experience. will be in the Olympics next year. 3") 13‘; . .3", f; l I _ P “‘9: _ 'l -3: ;
continue to prosper. cheating the fans and What about the Olympics itself? It is one ofthc l 3 . - 1‘ ‘ ‘ . "“' " ’ 3 -. '“r . -' 3 E
guaranteeing that athletes on the l‘nited Statcs‘ most commercial. non-amateur events in the entire 3 -
Olympic team will continue to be at a disadvantage world. The International Olympic Committee _ WELLEKYESHNIE m WW I“ A “AC? TO STAY, '
to those from countries where Olympic efforts are bargains assiduously with host nations for the best *
state subsidized. deals. networks offer enormous sums for broadcast E,
Stones.the brash.loud-moutiied bron/e medalist rights and manufacturers furnish warm-up suits. W 33 ,3 \\ 1-2:: am. 333th
3 from Montreal. was suspended this summer by the soft drinks and plastic dishes for advertising. Very W , ~ ‘ \ .3 %
AAU for accepting money from a network little in this world isasemblematicofcapitalismand 3. , ,fi ,, \\ l .
television “superstars" competition. and not the profit motive than the OlympiCs. " '/ 357" w‘ M
handing it over to the AAL’. If Dwight Stones lived in the Soviet Union. he .9 .. g‘ 7s: ,
Because the AAU is the goverring body for [7.8. would be a leading citi/en and admired hero. with 3 3 M ‘hl '
'\ track and field in the Olympics and other major all his needs provided for. Butin America.heis now M 1' N j ,i . ‘3‘ ’-‘
events. his athletic career was virtually halted. Also an outcast. guilty only of being straightforward in 3 . . . / / lI ii .33
suspended with Stones were three women athletes. the way he made his living. ' '3 ‘ Mk 33
like Stones world-class competitors. who won at What‘s ironic is that the four American athletes , ,1." all ‘
combined 524.600. They later paid back the money. were suspended fortaking money from an event that ' , ' 3 ~
and were reinstated. was not a track and field event. As one report , , " 3 3w ' ®
But Stones. who pocketed $33,400 in the event. summed up. it would be like sanctioning a famous ' x - ‘ ' 9' G 1' ’\ "
filed suit and sought additional damages. opera singer for appearing on the (long Show. . 1,; /~” _ 33;“, g Q ‘
Stones’ quarrel was with the official concept of Until recently. Stones'suit held outthe promise of ' ( 3.x'ité"vi.~3" , i i l
amateurism. which was developed a century ago to bringing important changes. In terms of civil rights. . .1 ‘3‘ if 5 '
keep gentleman athletes apart from bounders. the AAU’s actions against him would seem to be l ,. 3 3 ’ 3 '8' €\ LN. : 3 "s 0 “a 5
According to that concept. world-class athletes illegal. as they bur him from making a living in his . / . i .
ShOUId hOICI down fulltime l0h5~ PCIIWPS 85 chosen profession. violating standards of equal 3 OFCW’W WK WYMWY MUSIC WM W EUSIW...
stockbrokers. and maybe practice a little vaulting protection. _______________.__._.—__———— 3.
for a few minutes “Ch d3." before dIthh But apparently Stones. nearing the end of his . ‘
If amateurism had any ”Ulh or meaning 10W."- career. realired that by the time he would have won. I .
then the AAtT‘s actions might be defensible. But it would he too late for him to accomplish much ran In S u E
amateurism is violated in lttct and in spirit all over athletically. Meanwhile. he has other options open.
the globe. such as in broadcasting. What happens to other I I I i
In the West. athletes support themselves with athletes”.I l’hey‘ll continue to live under a S M Cllnlc IS not t e answer
under-the—table payoffs and ludicrously high hypocritical system that still hinders our Olympic 3
“expenses,“ For all but the best. it‘s difficult to effort. 5 i
' survive this way. and consequently America‘s pool Can anyone really believe that athletes who fly (:RFGG FlI-‘l D9 “What happened?“ the mom stampeded to the stretcher. 3
0f talent l5 much smaller titan It SIIOUld I30 for it accept money are tainted. moral sinners‘.’ Instead of ' 1 f I ‘ “She had a baby before she got to “Take me. take me.“thcyall yelled as 3'
nation Of suCh SIIE' trying (and I'dlhhgl l0 enforce hypocritical. I had finished War and Peace and take the RSI-u they jumped on. The attendants
Behind the Iron Curtain. governments support antiquated guidelines. the AAU and other sports was on my fourthissue of New Yorker. “You‘re kidding." _ I’UShed the OWTIIOWIng “mm" In“)
their athletes. subsidizing them as students or officials should work to eliminate the outmoded The room was filled with coughing. "N03 And She had ‘0 dCIIWI II Ihe eIeVaIOI- homeone grabbed the
soldiers. yet in practice givingthem the opportttnity rules that unfairlv restrict sport. h.aCI‘I"g and moaning bOdles- herself.“ _ , 5"” unconscious blood ”“51“"
' ' “Franklin.“ I said. “this i. how Miss Hankhn started coughing again. | woman and dragged heralong behind-
_._._..__._____._._.____..__._.____—.________ Lillian described leper colonies." waited. expecting to see his tonsils fly The doors GIOScd in front 0fthem and -
3 . “Excepttheydidn‘tsoundthis bad.“ across the room. He put his hand in they were gone. 3 3 3
L eners to the Editor he said. coughing. He coughed again. front of his mouth and coughed again. 3| turned around and saw Franklin I: 3
' A middieflged man in a white He looked at his palm and madeasour still sitting. no glass tube hanging out 3
smock walked by. “Welcome to Slow lace. “Are you all right?“ I asked. of his mouth- “What was Your T
w-—-‘s— "m“! ———————*—-——-———--—-—-~—’—‘ and Mechanical House of Health.“he “Let‘sjust say I hope nobody wants temperature?“ I asked. ' ; '
has a membership which is over 80 per administration has to announce that said. “What can we “I 5&M do for to shake my hand 590m" he said. He “Indonht kn03w. I fell asleep and h .
Biased View cent of thetotalChinese populationin Taiwan is a part of China (Peeple‘s you?“ 3 3 3 pul3 his hand m3 his pants poclfet. sngow: 3n? thermometer. 3 h 3 3
the chmgton area. We. as well as Republic of China . Has Carter‘s “I Ih'hk I have the ”IL“ I‘Iahkh“ Man.thts matertalts getting stiff. he 00 s l e t ey re gomg“ o ave
In 19533 Iran was taken over in a those American friends who have administration consulted the said. said. another rectal thermometer. .
CIA coup and the Shah was installed ‘3I5Ilt3‘d Taiwan. all ICCI [hill the PCOPIC Taiwanese people about this‘,’ No The man handed him IWO IOUhd~ W
into power. At thistime. SAVAK.the in laiwan live in a warm and words can better describe what has PUIPIC PIIIS. uHerc Take these." 3 . 3
' Iranian secret police whose only comfortable way. We cannot imagine been done than "selling out." Hahkhh popped the PII3I5 ”“0 hIS3 f kl d l
equivalentisthe German(‘iestapo.was that a person after 25 years of In Mr. Chen's letter. it is ridiculous mouth. “What are these gomg to d3o'." ran In an I 1 ,e ‘
established. These are well-known education in laiwan and further that hethinks protest isaninsult. lhis “I'm “OI sure." the man ICPIIed- ' 3
facts which can be found in any education abroad is sodiscontent with is a free country. This is a free “BI” III ICI you know when my ii .
encyclopedia. Why then do I find no “'5 Emmmcm- . uniwrsily- In calling a different ”“3”“ I5 C°".‘I"°‘°d'f . - .. . . . '
mention of this in newspaper articles From what Mr. Chen Cited in his opinion an insult. we are sure Mr. Franklin ‘IUICI‘IY 5Pll the PIIIS 0m- A young high?" pushing a cart . He frowned. Lets go home. ”"5
about him? Why is h not mentioned letter. it scents to us that he is Chen does not know what democracy “Number I7~" called a woman came up to us. '31 here to take your In“ a 24-hour3bug than ”I be well i
that one of the main reasons for the completely Ignorant of the situation means at all. We do really hope that standing atacounter. Franklin walked bIOOd pressure. she said. She before I get waited on.
current revolt is that most of the which Carter's administration has Mr. Chen canjoin the C.S.A. We will Up. “I need I0 see your health card." wrapped3a piece 0f rubber around A nurse walked Up. “What‘s the ,
Iranian citizens live in abject pow”), already imposed upon the people of welcome him and teach him what She told him.3 3 3 Frfnklins arm and begiri pumping. matter today? she asked kindly. .
While the rich get still richer'.’ Iaiwan. Wc3a|I agree “Taiwan is not a democracy is. “I don‘t Ihlhk I have II WIIh "16-" “Do you like your310b. ,I “de her. :IUSI the flu. I answered.
Most ofthe American 33333333333333 lran hhcc of p36 owned by (3333033.. “The" .dmp dead.“ Qh. lm iust dorng this3 part-time 3She grabbed my arm. 0.K. Come
have worked as military advisers in However. I" order to have a James (‘hao Franklin started hacking. Soon he until I get to seep doctor. - us With me. i
cooperation with both ihc [3-3353 and normalization with Peking. Carter‘s Chinese Sttudent Association was COUShIhB 50 hard he couldn‘ttalk. :Really‘.’ Whats wrong w."h you? “his not33rne.” I protested. “W5 my , l
Iranian governments. Another aid to Finally he gasped. ”B"! I'm dying.” th'ng TUCh' I‘ve just been roommate. » ‘
» the Iranian militaryaretheAmericans , . 3The woman groaned. “OIL never havrngthe3se...3 She Sh“! her eyes at“ The apparently deaf “2m“ '
who work as pilots and weapon- Letters Kentucky 40506. For submissions mind, Just put thism your mouth and SWCTYCd- ..3.dII?y spells. she said. dragged me to33a glass booth. He‘ll .
3 system operators. thus the Iranian . being mailed on t:mop‘uzsilplease our 5" back down. she said. iabbing a swaying noticeably.3She3 squeezed the havcthc usual, she saidtothc woman
people‘s hatred toward the United Ollc Spat: Spghxg: the “huhmh are thermometer under his tongue. rubber balltightly.fightingtogainher behind the Window.
States. p y also enforced to: subgnissions: “Oops. she said. “Could you takethat balance. The woman 83“ me a bottle OI “3d
.3 These are lUSI a hm facts which the Letters: out of your33 mouth? I“? a rectal §3he pislsed ou3: and fell to thefloor. syrup. Take a teaspoon of this
3. press could have taken the time to Th K I k' K I I Should be 250 words or less and thermometer. A5 Franklin 83889d~ d 3333r231r;a3hn. :nizltiiihc we gorng ‘0 whengvcrgaou fidlhkch‘ she “T's":
I‘ point out but chose not to. Maybe “.5 and :ncoiiriames)confirlfutizrfscfighi concernparlit‘ularlsflkLPIODIPMSOI the Woman shoved ino‘h“ 04C II (1‘ p " h i "d I055: “is (I3 0ha ummum pacde‘sfat
1 because they get most of their news the Uhcomnfim { bl' . (WM, ”1",," ,0 the UKcommuni'rv. thermomctcrlnto his throat. Co have 33 a a OCIOR C fal - 33 me. 3 n t csc are 3 800 or 3
3, from the Official Iranian News : 3 3 y or?“ Icatlon 0n 0, "my,“ "gaming,” opmu-on o] a seat. please. It won‘t be long." But they know she 5 here. something, I hear. If nothing else. you
.‘ ., 9! Agency, I" Cd'mnal “Id, °p"“°" DISCS. this newspaper. As Franklin sat down a young man “I mean from someplace else.” he can grind them up and feed them to
* - ; hmers‘ ”3:0“ and com'hm' approached us. “You two want to get said. 3 birds." 3
3 . - ' 3 h Remy Simpson Iancsd ”Md 3 llyzcd 20d triple: om,- in on our Monopoly game?" I sprinted across the room to the 3“l don‘t think you understand.“ I
3 3 'Inxlngton resident :haxmire arddrgrfah; 3:03; “WIS: Should 3b: 800 words or [no.3 Give “Thanks,“ I said. “But I doubt we‘d elevator. Outsrdc. I ran downthc street said. “I feel line.“3 3 3 ‘
3 3 - 33 M ember. Committee to Dcfen d the UBK hude'ms should 33333333333 333233333333 and (717310"! 0 P033!!!” "NWTNKUI; have time to finish“ to a pay phone; “Please. l3told33 the “lf3you‘ve been in the waiting room
.' ' my.“ and mm and U .33 ,3 I “’P'“ ”33““ 0/ "I'm" '0 I ' "A“. you kidding? We‘ve played l7 operator. 3 theres a woman srck. then it won‘t be long. she stud.
- ‘ . J -' 3m crsiyempoyees eommumry. double elimination tournaments “Wh‘IC-I ”Well. do You have any
. 3 should list their department and ,, u - - n - . i, M 3 “d
3 3 C s A d homo“ C 3 already. 33At the S&M Chine. suppositories. y roommac n s
, . ‘ ' ' . ' ' ' teapon 8 Letters, opinions and commentar- Shouldbc ”0 words or less. unless “How long have you been here?" “Is that unusual. them. , . a
- . ’. 3 . ' . . . ies may be delivered personally to the previous agreement reached with the “Since I was a freshman. IVC had I0 You don‘t understand. She nesds “He 5 con3sttpated'.’ . 1
33233 . 3. .3 After reading the article written by Km", newsroom m youmiim Miami Edi-m. Trim picks on take all four years of college "mush help quickly. Send an ambulance. “