xt7rr49g7j58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7j58/data/mets.xml North Dakota Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.). North Dakota United States. Work Projects Administration. Service Division Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1942 343 p.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/no.33 books English Bismark, N.D.: Historical Records Survey Projects This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Dakota Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Agriculture -- Archives Archives -- North Dakota -- Catalogs North Dakota -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX, no. 33, the Department of Agriculture, North Dakota text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX, no. 33, the Department of Agriculture, North Dakota 1942 1942 2019 true xt7rr49g7j58 section xt7rr49g7j58 " EnMLTTTTITTTTTTTTLIIml - ' I. _

I Prepared by f ”
i The Survey of Federal Archives ‘1 ‘ ' ”I
2‘ Service Division 3 ”3%.“: . , .,;
’ Work Projects Administration ‘ 3 (.94..
The National Archives K ."?I1‘,..:/ p '
; , Cooperating Sponsor 4 v ’-
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r Bismarck, North Dakota ,
1: , The Historical Records Survey Projects I
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.1”; g Philip 1.1. Harrier, Assistant Director 1
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1;; Betty Hall, State Supeersor 1,1
11f ' - Blair A. Flo gal, State Supervisor, Public Records Project 1'
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1’ , Helen T . llundy, Chief Regional Supervisor '
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~31 PREFACE " --:_
E The Inventory of Federal archives in the States is one of the products .‘E
i of the {EndF?B’Eh€”tE¥$€§”Br”r2a€?ai Archivesjnidfibh.operated as a nation" 1,1];v
. wide project of the jorks irogress Administration from January 1, 1936, 5.3,
I to June 50, 1957, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the it
3 historical Records Survey, also operating as a nationdwide prOject of the -.']Q
7 “Forks Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of _ "y,
i that Administration and of the"ork Projects Administration. :3-flw
i The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series ‘ r”?
“ I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, aoknowledg- ”If?
, E ments, and general discussions of the location, condition. and content “r’f
; of Federal archives in the States. Succeeding series contain the detail- 'l,jf”
3 ed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a ‘ ‘”"
3 separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart- r3;
} nents (except the Department of State) and other major units of the 2’9,
3 Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction “‘5”?
1 to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; r,ffi
‘ the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers , [5,1
i being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, ’1};
f the inventory of Alabama is no. 2, that for Arizona Ho. 5, that for L 3%;
E ’ Arkansas No. 4, etc. -” fig
‘1 For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of I »;f3?
‘3 V related records, is presented in the following order; title, inclusive _ iii
.j , dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was ',.f§
Y} secured), general description of informational content, description of 'tigi
ii the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and I'figi?
j} purpose or use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in ,‘;§3
,3 folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical ,7flfifi
33 condition of the identifying information, and finally, the number of the ,g?§§
.j‘ Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey ;_53?
7' worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form .: jtfii
_f is on file in the Rational Archives. Zhen it contains substantial ,;3fifi
'5 information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeo- , tflff
‘ f graphed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference ,yffigfi
» f "See addenda." . A,E§z
g In North Dakota the work of the Survey was under the direcflon of 5f}{fii
g Professor Philip J. Green, with hiss Alice L. Boyd as assistant, from =T’gfi
.3 its inception until June 1937. Since that time, for editorial and - fifié§ ‘
g publication purposes, it has been a part of the historical Accords p3¥§§
; Survey which is under the supervision of Betty Hall, and is a part of the - fflfifi
_ ? Public Records froject, of WFich Blair A. Flegal is supervisor. This ‘ ,ggt
3 Inventory of the records of the Department of Agriculture in North jffififi
) Dakota was prepared in the Bismarck office of the Survey and was edited ,igggt
5 before final typing in the Office of the Director of Research and ‘ .xgfigrfi
3 Publications in The Rational Archives. ffidii
y Blair A. Flegal, State Supervisor jgfigg
., Bismarck, North Dakota Survey of Federal Archives , ggififig
‘) February 15, 1942 in North and South Dakota ,jflfifififi
.1 “fiflihét
. at ' ‘ I:
' f 1 , 1 ' if"
C ‘1 V V -‘ ‘ . 5 ‘23:; :' mt‘figfig
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‘4 Bismarck, Field igent......................................... 3 i V;

l-‘§ A Garrington, Field Agent....................................... 4 ‘v‘fjf

-; Carson, Field Lgent........................................... 8 i L .5;

A: Cavalier, Field Agentoculncccocoon.opooolnououoooooooout-00.0. 9 ‘ 2?}

.V CTOSby, Field AgentIOIooooccnnvOlooucoocobaoovouooo.~!00-ucooo 16 V ~ffk?

1' ‘ Dickinson, Field Agent........................................ 18 ' ”if

1 lillendale, Fleld Agentnooooooanooooo-o-uou-oooooovucocuo-cotoo 1.9 ‘vy

: V Fargo, Field Agentooucoo-o-oso.oo...ccoco-oooooococoaoooroooln 25 31;}

l Fargo, State Officeuoooooooot-ocoontoo.too-coconooo-oo-o-oootl 26 fig;

‘ é Fort Yates, Field Agent-Ianooocooococolooooouo-oovooooonnoooo. 55 lftfit

? Grand Forks, Field Agent...........-.o.................o-...oo 54 lg;

i Hettinger, Field AgentOcooccoo-ooooaoloo-o-cnocoo-coccOOOOOIo. 56 ’ Hg;

1 Jamestown, Field Agent...onto-ooonoonooo-coonoon-ccocu-cooonco 57 ‘ fé

%' Iilldeer, Field Agent-ooooccoonoaocean-cooaoooovoI-oo-cQIOOIIO 59 . ,xflg

5 Mandan, Field Agent........................................... 40 ~. ii

; Iinot, Field igent............................................ 42 . 'jgi

.{ s ‘ Hett, Field Agentoaooooto-ooonooucnooolooouoooo-ooI-ooocoloooi 45 733%

% Park River, Field Agentooooouotono...ton-oooc-oocnqcoocooiooc. 46 ' n???

1 Steele, Field Agent........................................... 48 ' :2;

A {A. Valley City, Field Agent...................................... 51 ,;f§i
,: V WEhpeton, Field Agent...a...o.0-ocococo-cocooncoo-coouovoooooo 54 'tiégii I

[ watford City, Field Agent..................................... 59 .j_$§§

:1 . rillision, Field Agent........................................ 62 ,;;;g§

; _‘ AGRICULTURAL Leonoelcs, run AU OF ‘f*3?§§

, iii‘Ef

é ' Fargo, tivision of Crop and Livestock Lstimates, lifiifi

‘ Field headquarters.unoout.concon.recount-Inoc-oaco-ooooo. 67 ‘éflfiai

1 x ' $5171}


i Bismarck, Field Inspection Livision, Field Station, 'vxfééfi

i Scabies and Lovrine Eradication.........................o 79 ‘ , gifififig

E Bismarck, Tuberculosis Eradication Division, Field Station.... 79 v Ifliiifig

E V Grand Forks, nivision of Leat Inspection, Field Station....... 80 ‘Ltggfigg

% ,est Fargo, Meat Inspection Division, Field Station..........o 81 ‘ . iiififi


g . - I: .r l

I Bismarck, fiigratory Laterfowl Restoration l4y_gf§§§

E Easement Program Administrator..........o................ 87 ' vgffi£§

‘ Fort Totten, Division of Game Ianagement ' ;“j§£§

5 Sully's Kill lational Game Preserve Agent................ 89 Vflfifgfi

j > Grand Forks, iigratory Laterfowl Lestoration .xfiffifi%

(fl - Engineering Aide...............................9......... 89 ' 'Lnffiifi

1 Einot, Land Acquisition Division Sififiifié

‘}~ ' District Refuge Administrator............................ 92 ' ‘ §ffi§§§


{.i7 ‘ lhndan, Horthern Great Plains Dairy station................... 99 ._fg}2§§

v ' , v: 1:; e

, l . ii

' nan {a‘ l ' “"9gvhfifimfiw@g

 II::,;:;,-,*“i . -_ ~ .I ~ - . _
I; Fargo, Barberry Eradication District No. 1 Headquarters 0 u o n 105 .
If} » ZIZTENS ION SERVICE - - - ~55?
, . ‘ Bismarck, , ‘ - ‘
5,. District Extension Officeocoo-0:050.oooo’uoooooooooooooo. 107 ,:
f\ 7 Bovman, County Extension Agent..uouo."no"...nun”... 109 ,
I'It Carrington, County Extension Agentooooo‘oocooonce-co0000.00. 110 i
(if: Carson, County EXtel’lSiOD Agentaoaccoo-0ooncogene-cocooconoo 110 '-
Iii"). CI‘OSby, County Extension Agentououoo...nun...nu..." 111 ‘
: Devils Lake, County Extension Agentooonn......”noon... 111 I
a“ », Dickinson, County Extension Agenteoouoooooooeconocooooooooo 112 I
I, L Ellendale, County Extension Agent"”nun-"ooccuoouuo 112 I
’r Fargo, County Extension Agents-3.00.660.000.0000".-ocoooboooo 114 1’
(1 Fargo, State Directoroecooooooooaroco-oooo'ococo.Odin-000.0". 120 Q
E:_ Fort Yates, County Extension Agentouoo-o-oo-ooeeooooooooeoo 152 I'
:. ' Hettinger, County ExtenSion-lngentococoon.uncoo-otooo000I990 152 :i
v' y, Killdeer, County Extension Agent-no“.......oo...u.n.u. 155 f
r '1 _ Linton, gounty Extension Agentoeeooohalos.oiccucoeocoooo'omco 155 If
I , Ifiandan,‘ County Extension Agentvoecoosooo-olnua-c[sciences-Io. 154 1
(“t “ Mohall, County Extension Agent-coconwtoao‘cooococooooooocqoo 155 I
E, Napoleon, County Extension Agentoo-coo.unooeoocoouooduooooo 156 I
F I , Park River, County Extension Agent...“noon.u..,..vo.‘._-n,c 157 §
E: ' Stanton, County Bittension Agent...usu...””you‘d-noon. 157 ‘
:1" v . Valley City, County Extension Agent-loosO'oooootoooooooloooooo 157 (
ik‘ Wahpetonp County Extension Agent-"unuu....uoooonoou 158 I
all _ ' Watford City, County Extension Agenteooouoooo’ooooococooocoo 160 I
{1 Williston, County Extension Agent-onuuuuuuuon...” 160 J
‘ji« 7 _ Fargo , North Dakota Experiment Station. Director . . . 0'. . . o o o o u 165 I
E ' -, I
Eli: Bismarck, North Dakota Purchase Unlt o o" o o o o n o o u o o o o o a o o o o o. 211 3
(k ”at” Devils Lake, Junior Foresterioooto-oooooooooooooooaaooooooo 212 _
K I. James-town, State DireCtOr'OOOoIII'IOOIIOOOOOOOQOOOOOIOIto... 212 ' g
( Jamestown, Associate Foresterouoo’oo-oo-oooodoooocoooocoaeoO 2147 I;
I I Valley City, Prairie States Forestry Project..........a.uo 215‘ I;
,:e::,_ , '
(H, ‘ Dickinson, Northern Field Stationooooocol-30010000..coo-coo 219 if
v I; V ,, Mandan , Northern Great Plains Field Station . o . u . . . . . . c . o .‘. o 219 'f
Hi'ixtfif-j'a ; . . .
$153212“ Bismarck, Eastern Field OrganizationcooOooocoerce-0|coco... 225 g
7 Egg ’RESBTTLEMENT ADMINISTRATION- (and Farm Security Administration) 3‘
t. .~ 3 ~ . . . ‘ _ _ . . I I
. E51153; , , ' Bismarck Rural Rehabilitation D1v1s1on ' f3,
\Ij‘fii C ounty Supervis 01‘ o o o o b o o g u o o o o o o o o o n a o e o o o 3 o o I o a to c o 06 229 3‘:
(14“?) State Officeooooconos-o.o-ooo-ooooooooooa-ouococa-0090 231 1_
Egkéiflk BeaCh, County SUPSI‘ViSOPcoocoo1.009.009.coupe-coo.coon-000. 2417 5i
‘ "~‘*‘~,«’«; ' g; .
(”r-W'lfié‘aélfuiniig , 1 * v

1:! Bowman, County Supervisor....n..n..nuuouununuu 2417 L ,
i Cando, County Supervisor..-.........n....}.uua....o..o.-.. 248 4
d CBFSOH, County Supervisor...........................¢..... 249
" Cavalier, County Supervisorouu....o.........-.o....nuo 250 »
: CI'OSb'y, County SuperVisorocoooococoaoooooooocooooocooIOQOQ 255 I":
Devils Lake, Home Management Supervisor................... 256 ‘
r? DiCkinson, County superVisorooocoooooouoooo-oon-oooooouoo. 257 .
3 Dickinson, Land Utilization, District Title Clearing . ,‘
. OffiCeoonooovoltoOootCot-000......tout-0000000000.... 259 . ,1!
I Bllendale, County Supervisor..oo....n..."non-nun". 260 ‘
; Fargo, Resident Engineer Inspector....u..uon...on..." 264 i
’_ Fargo, Land Utilization, State Land Planning Specialist... 269 t
9 Fargo, Eastern North Dakota Infiltration Project, ' ,
3‘ Community managerooooloIcoovoooooooncooooooouotoo-'00. 274-
Fargo, County SUPEWiSOf-oocouooovoone...oo-oooooc-ooocnoo 284 M
f Fessenden, County SupeI'ViSOI'oonlooooo-ooo-oooooooococci... 286 .
'|. Fort Yates, County Supervisor..nu”noun...nun”... 287 . t"
fr Grafton, County Supervisor....nnn............ounuon 287 ‘«
‘ Grand Forks, County SupeI‘Visoroo-ooooooon0.96-0.9000000000 289 If;
: Grandin, Eastern North Dakota Project, ‘ . 7;
‘é Superintendent Of Constructiouuuooooooovcoonococoouoo. 290
[ Hettinger, County SUPEI‘ViSOI‘o-oooto.oooocuoooooooc'oooocoo 293.
: JameStOWH, County superVisorooooc'ooo.oooooooooounooooooo. 294 e .15;
; Jamestown, Home Management Supervisor-oo.................. 297 ‘ngT
: Kill-deer: 00‘1th SuperViSOI'oun...un.coo-nonunnno 297 ‘
I. IUIandan, County superViSOI'oocooocoo-00!.coconut-COOOOIQOCOO 299
; liedora, County SUPGI‘ViSOI‘olco-oooaooocotoot-ooocooocuooooq 301 ’11;
II ' I-Iinot, DiStriCt Super-VisoroocooooonOooooooooooooooooocoooO 502
Minot, County Supervisor-nonuun.......u.u.u.un.o 303 \
1 : Mohall, County Supervisor..nn.nu...........u.uu.ou 507
“’ Mott, County SupeI‘ViSOTQoooulooo‘ooocoo-oooo-oco-O'OOOOOOIO 307 . 'V
i: Napoleon, County Supervisor"”nun-noun..."no...“ 309 -V
ti. Steele, County Supeer-SOTCQCoo00.00000.ooocoloooon-oooouo' 510 ' 52;":- I _
5 Valley City; County Supeer-Sxoroonccocoon-coonaonoouooooooo 512 m \
= Valley City, Home management Supervisor...o.............o. 315 E'V,
Wahpeton, County Supervisor....o...u.......-.u.u..n... 514: V‘ .V j
Tfashburn, County SuperVisorooooo-ocoon-ocooocooouooolooooo 516 ’ 5:,
— 3 Watford City, County Supervisor......."unnuunnouo 517 ' "if
! flatford City, Land Utiliiation, North Dakota Area No. l, l'fléfi
: Project Managercooooo-oooococoon-coococo-090.000.0000 321 .'
I} Williston, County Supeer-SOI'clouooooo-oooooooocooocouooooo 525 .' .:
E Williston, Poultry Aideoaooooooooooooooo-o.0000...0.000000 331 3v,
f Bismarck, State coordinatorooooooo.ooooocoonoocooaoooocooo 5'35
j Bismarck, Climatological Section Headquarters...u......... 339 fiefii
. i . DGVilS Lake; Weather Stationouoooooo00000000..coco-00000.. 3430 1'
: Fargo, Aerological DiViSionooooooooooo-ooounce-cocoocoouoo 5411 / _ 1x
‘ 'i‘filliston, "Heather Stationoooooooooooooooovoooooootoocoooo 541 ’3’

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 . 3 _

, World War Memorial Bldg., 215 Sixth St.

1. EXPENSE ACCOUNTS, Apr. 1936 to date. Name and title of employee;
reason for and date of travel; amount claimed. Filed chronologically.
(Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of metal filing
case. SW. corner room, lst floor. (558)

2. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1933 to date. Correspondence between
this office and various officials relative to business of agency. Filed
chronologically and alphabetically. (Semiweekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders
3 ft., in 2 drawers of metal filing case. sw. corner room, lst floor. (557)

3. WHEAT ALLOTMENTS, 1933 - 193M. Applications for wheat allotment
contracts, operator‘s and landlord's proof of compliance, registration of
wheat acreage,.refund request, and relative correspondence. Filed alphabet-
ically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 10 in., in 2 open wooden
boxes. Torn, dirty. SE. room, ground floor and SW. room, 1st floor.

(562. 563)

h. RANGE PROGRAM, Oct. 1936 to date. Supervisor‘s survey card giving
location of land; report of examination of range land; certificate of
operator; certificate of county allotment committee, and correspondence with
farmers. The Range Program consists of fencing range land, sinking wells,
and planting crested wheat grass. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) _
9 x 12 folders, 9 in., in drawer of metal filing case. SW. corner, lst
floor. (559)

5. RYE ALLOTMENT CONTRACTS, Mar. 1936 to date. Applications for contracts
by farmers, recommendation of county allotment committees, work sheet listing
previous crops, survey card showing location and type of land, preliminary
proof of compliance, operator's application for payment and payment cer-
tificate (if payment has been made). Filed alphabetically. 9 x 12 folders,
9 in., in drawer of metal filing case. SW. corner room, lst floor. (560)

p 6. SOIL CONSERVATION PROGRAM, Apr. 1936 to date. Operator's applica—
'tion listing proposed soil conservation program on farm, map of farm,
work sheet showing acreage for 1935, supervisor‘s card describing farm and
crops, request to apply emergency drouth provisions to farm, applications
for payment for soil conservation work, and correspondence with farmers.
. 5 x 6 card index, 1 ft. 6 in. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 18 ft.,
in 9 drawers of 3 metal filing cases. SW. corner room, lst floor. (561)

 E h Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Carrington
s i:
g 2 — Foster County Courthouse c
g ? z. ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD LEDGER, 193M to date. Form 1, expense record 5
E L of committeemen, showing dates of period, name of payee, title, amount of (
E ”i check, check number, compensation of officers and employees, county com—
7 i missioners, supervisor‘s office assistant, amount allowed for travel for
E i each, amount for equipment, office supplies, bank, postage, printing and a
g 1, publishing, rent, bond per treasury, telephone calls, telegrams, and the j
E E total amount; record of wheat checks showing dates of period, payee, notice p
g of disbursement, amount, check number, compensation, travel, equipment, c
E l office supplies, printing, telegrams, and the total amount; record of wheat o
E ! checks showing dates of period, payee, notice of disbursement, amount, check i
i 1 number, compensation, travel, equipment, office supplies, printing, telegrams
E l and telephone calls, and reserve. Filed chronologically by subject. (Fre—
E i quentlm official.) 9 x 13 loose—leaf ledger, 2 in., on open wooden shelf ’ c
E j in vault. E. central room, 2d floor. (95) m
l - v
g i _ 8. CATTLE PROGRAM CORRESPONDENCE, 193”. With county director, county 0
l 1 workers, and assistant director of Drought Relief, relative to time sheets v
1 t for cattle work, cattle reports, purdhase of subsistence cattle, requests 1
f i for appointment of clubs for drouth relief service, cattle contracts, trans— V
a 1 mittal sheets, work sheets in connection with voucher agreements and re— b
g i ceipts for checks. (Seldom,wofficial.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 in., in drawer of
} f pasteboard transfer case in vault. E. central room, 2d floor. (9M)
.> i C
E 9. CORN-HOG CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 193M to date. Correspondence with county a
E ; agent leaders, Washington officials, and farmers, relative to rulings, budgets t
f 3 and bonds, statistical data, instructions, receipts for checks delivered, I
E’ , canceled contracts, circular letters, publicity, news stories, and reports. ‘ S
g '§ Filed alphabetically and numerically by subject. (Occasionally, officialé) F
i I 9 x 12 folders, 10 in., in drawer of steel filing case. E. central room, 0
gaps 2d floor. (76) 5
.733; I
F '2 auditor, assistant county agent, and application holders, relative to wheat f
E f allotment corrections, mileage expenses, wheat and corn-hog adjustment bonds,
3 f corn—hog budget, wheat bills, wheat budget, tenant's application for adjust—
g % ment payments, expense accounts, relief gardens, checks for corn~hog and C
E , wheat programs, office help, requests for supplies, lists of corn—hog growers C
E i in Foster County, joint compliance forms, wheat applications, and contracts. C
E 3 Filed subjectively. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in paste~ I
E ; board transfer case in vault. E. central room, 2d floor. (87) C
; I ll. 'mmAT FIIE‘CORRESPONDENCE, 193M to date. Correspondence with Washing— 1
% §., ton officials and county agent relative to budgets and bonds, contract pay- j
g E ment records, receipts for checks delivered, transmittal sheets, canceled 3
E { contracts, publicity, and organization material. Filed alphabetically and 1
e ‘ numerically by subject. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in drawer C
i Z of steel filing case. E. central roOm, 2d floor. (80) g
E?“ i .
E i g

 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Carrington . 5

instructions, special bulletins from Washington, compliances, budgets, ex-
pense statements, receipts for checks, public vouchers, reports, and mis-
cellaneous correspondence for the soil conservation program. Filed alphabet-
ically and numerically by subject. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft.
5 in., in 2 drawers of 2 steel filing cases. E. central room, 2d floor.


13. WHEAT CONTRACT MATERIAL, 1933 ~ 193M. Form W 2, application for wheat
allotment contract; Form W 3, wheat allotment contract; Form W 38, single unit
joint compliance certificate; Form W 35, owner‘s or landlord's proof of com—
pliance; mimeographed sheets on eradication of grasshoppers, and related
correspondence. Filed alphabetically by name of contractor. (Seldom,
official.) 8% x 11 and 8% x 22 sheets, 9 x 12 folders and 9% x 12 envelopes,
in 2 pasteboard boxes in wooden cupboard. E. central. (73)


1M. CATTLE AND SHEEP MATERIAL, 193M. Record of cattle and sheep on hand;
cattle loan agreements; classification and appraisal of cattle purchased;
movement of drouth relief cattle; AAA Agent‘s weekly report of farmers
visited and number of cattle purchased; Form Cattle 2A, 2B, and 2C, vouchers
of emergency cattle agreements; record of ownership; Form Sheep 10, public
voucher and emergency livestock agreement; Form Sheep 6, directions to be used
in filling in emergency livestock agreement forms. (Seldom, official.)
Variously sized sheets, folders, and envelopes, 10 in., in drawer of paste-
board transfer case in vault. E. central room, 2d floor. (93)

15. CORN—HOG CONTRACT FILE, 193M. Form CH 8A and SB, corn—tog reduction
contracts; Form CH M8, certificate of corn-hog reductions; Form CH 60, 60A

unty and 603, proof of compliance for final payment under corn—hog reduction con-
ts tract; Form CH 5U, proof of compliance for second payment under corn—hog
reduction contract; receipts for sale of hogs; Form CH 13, preliminary work
- sheet for corn-hog contract; Form CH 15, community committee certification;
Form CH 60, map of farm in contracted acres; Form CH 58A, final certification .
of compliance for corn—hog reduction contract; Form CH 1”, producer‘s
statement of supporting evidence; and Form CH 53A, first certificate of com— '
pliance for corn—hog reduction contract. Filed alphabetically and numerically.
a1 (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders and envelopes, 2 ft., in drawer of steel
filing case. E. central room, 2d floor. (7H)
’ 16. CORN—HOG CONTRACT FILE, 193N — 1935. Form CH 101A, 1935 corn—hog
contract; Form CH 106, producer's statement of supporting evidence; Form
S CH 1013, 1935 corn-hog contract; Form CH 1273 and 1270, 1935 corn—hog control
compliance certificate; Form CH 102, record of AAA-1935 corn—hog contract;
Form CH 103, application for 1935 corn—hog contract; Form CH 106D, analysis ‘
of hog evidence; Form CH 1063, check sheets for hogs; Form CH 10H, work
sheets for 1935 corn-hog contracts; Form CH 1060, buyer's inquiry; Form CH
ng— 106, producer‘s statement of supporting evidence; Form 107 CHSA 106, reason
for failure to meet minimum requirements for corn—hog contracts; Form CH
10NA, 1933 supplementary work sheets for corn—hog contracts; Form CH 128, "
feeder pig report; and Form CH 117, requests to establish permissable pro—
er duction of corn—hog under administrative rulings. Filed alphabetically by
clients. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10 and 8% x 1M loose sheets, 9 x 12
folders and 9% x 12 envelopes, 1 ft. 6 in., in pasteboard box in vault.
E. central room, 2d floor. (69)

 . 6 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Carrington
. . l7. CORN-HOG MATERIAL, 1931+ — 1935. Form CRCH 201, 1925 corn—hog ad-
, justment program notice of acceptance; contract identification division of 3
.i payments on corn and hogs which give the name of client, Ghats, county, and ‘
‘i serial number. (Seldom, official.) 3% x 1M sheets, 9% x 15 pockets and ‘
i, 12 x 1M envelopes, 1% in., in pasteboard box in vault. E. central room, f
‘ “ 2d floor. (88) - ' ‘
3 18. COUNTY ALLOTMENT CO:MITTEE WORK SHEET, 193u — 1935. Form W 23,
’ ‘ application for wheat allotment reduction contract showing name of appli- ‘
1 cent, base period averages reported by applicant, base period averages
' 'i adjusted, to five—year base by official of Foster County as to acres seeded
E 7 and the amount of production; also Form W 28, wheat production and acre— .
d ; age statement. (Seldom, official.) 1” x 17 loose sheets, 1 in., in .
E 3 wooden pigeon holed cupboard. Closet off E. central room. (72)
3 ‘i sent to State Director of Extension Service giving information for use of
? ; wheat committeemen, plans for rural electrification; and adjustment program
7t material from Washington; wheat production control sheets; and AAA emergency
; drouth relief service relative to voucher agreements and additional pur-
3 § chases. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders and 9 x 10 sheets, 1 ft., in
E ; pasteboard box. E. central room, 2d floor. (89)
g i 20. SURPLUS CATTLE FILE, 193”. Form ND FERA FS 1, receipts for sur—
3 1 plus cattle; Form FSRA cattle 8, certificate of second receipt to inspector
g 1 of the Bureau of Animal Industry for cattle purchased under emergency livo~
g 1 stock agreement and delivered to representative; cattle classification re-
d E‘ port drouth relief; classification and appraisal of cattle purchased; Form
i i‘ cattle 3, appraiser‘s record of emergency cattle purchase; Cattle 30, pub~
; [‘ lic voucher and emergency cattle agreement; Form M, register of deeds of
g 1; Foster County and Form 6, cattle agreements to be forwarded to State Direct-
t ‘ or. Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12
g 1 folders, N ft., in 2 pasteboard transfer cases. E. central room, 2d floor.
A , (70) '
§.,3 21. SURPLUS CATTLE MATERIAL, 193”. Form cattle 2, shipping permit
S 7 for movement of drouth relief cattle; classification and appraisal of cattle
E j purchased; Form cattle 3, appraiser‘s record of emergency cattle purchased;
% 1 Form CRP Cattle, classification report drouth relief; Form cattle 2, 2A,
E g 23, and 20, public voucher and emergency cattle agreements; and related
g {7 correspondence. ,Filed alphabetically by farmer. 8% x 11 loose sheets and
E i‘ 9 X 12 folders, 3 in., in pasteboard box in wooden cupboard. E. central
g ‘ room, 2d floor. (75)
g ‘ 22. WHEAT CONTRACT FILE, 193M to date. Form W QB and 33, applications
g j for wheat allotment contracts; Form W 8 and W 8A, maps of farm; Form W 3h,
E .; l93h proof of compliance; Form W 50, 1935 Operator's proof of compliance;
g 9 Form W 51, 1935 landlord‘s proof of compliance; Form W 35, owner‘s or land-
g 3 lord's proof of compliance; Form W 37, registration of wheat acreage; Form
% , wheat 10, thresherman's certificate; Form W 55, change of legal status
g .‘ entice form; Form wheat1260, 1936 landlord's proof of compliance with the
E , terms of the 1935 supplementary wheat contract; Form W 59, 1935 supplemen-
; '1 tary wheat contract; Form W 59 wheat 259, 1936 certificate of compliance
E 3 with terms of form; Form W 5“, 1935 certificate of compliance to be sent
Q i to Washington to County Allotment Committee; Form W 36, 1935 tenant's
it E proof of compliance; Form CR 2, notice of change of serial number; Form ,
g ?_ SA 15, sale or lease of portion of farm under contract; Form W 11, certi—
'- H

 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Carrington 7
ficate of receipt of purChase or shipment; Form W 9, report of production
1 and disposal of wheat for crop year; Form SA 1H, requests for change of
division of 1939 allotment payments; and related correspondence. Filed ,
alphabetically and numerically. (Occasionally, Official.) 9 x 12 folders,
8 ft. 9 in., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. E. central room, 2d floor.


Wheat Adjustment Contracts for 1936 - 1939, showing identification of opera—

1 tor, wheat history of the farm, plot of tract 1935, wheat acreages, total '
crop acreage, farm acreages of other commodity contracts, base period and
production basis, summary of acreages, base wheat acreage, tenure and divi—
sion of payment, names of beneficiaries and their signatures. Filed by
townships. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 in., on floor under shelf
in vault. E. central room, 2d fldor. (96)

n 2H. RYE PROGRAM MATERIAL, 1?}5 - 1937. Correspondence with agriculh

cy tural conservation agent, grain directors, executive secretary, conserva-
tion committees; rye.contract holders, and chief disbursing officers re—
lative to rye applications, contract receipts and to the rye program in
general; also circular letters, mimeographed material, summaries, applica‘
tions, transmittal sheets, and reports relative to rye program. (Occasion-
ally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case.

r E. central rooms 2d floor. (78)

25. WHEAT CHECK RECEIPTS, 1935 to date. Form USDA l2B, receipt and
check numbers, date, amount paid and name of payee; this form used only
when signature cannot be obtained on regular Form 12. (Occasionally, offi—
cial.) 3% x 8% and 10 3/” x 1h loose sheets, 5 in., in pasteboard box. E.

t- central room, 2d floor. (92)
. 26. SOIL CONSERVATION WORK SHEETS, 1936. Form WR 10, report of perform—
. ance; Form WR 1, work s