xt7rr49g7h0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7h0s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2005 text GLSO News, April 2005 2005 2005-04 2019 true xt7rr49g7h0s section xt7rr49g7h0s ‘ 6‘" and u“
“'4'“ ”‘L‘I- LESBIAN ' .- i .7;
SERVICE "35:...1 .5 _
”'3: Lexington,
Kentucky April 2005
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 20 Number 4
LEx. PRIDE IDOL CONTEJT Moveable Feast Fundraisers
GLSO’S Pride Committee is beginning Moveable Feast is having two speed
its two-month search to find Kentucky’s dating nights in April. Speed dating is a
most talented vocalists to compete in the structured event where individuals get to
first Lexington Pride Idol Contest. meet a number of potential dating part-
The contest Wi“ start with preliminary ners for brief conversation. At the end of
rounds at local bars and coffee houses. the evening, participants fill out forms that
The preliminaries Wi“ be on: indicate if they are interested in exchaning
Tues., April 5 9pm at Mia’s contact information with any of the people
Tues. April 12 9pm at The Bar Complex they have met.
Friday, April 22 10pm at Crossings On Thursday, April 21. straight people
Tues., May 10 9pm Club 141 are invited to participate and Friday, April
Thurs., May 19 8pm at Third St. Stuff 22 is gay night The cost is $25 and space
Tues., May 31 9pm at Club Liquid is limited to 32. It will be held at the
Up to twenty individuals will compete at Canary Cottage, 121 Clay Ave. Call
. . . . . . Canary Cottage 226-0308 for reserva-
each hosting location in the preliminaries. .
. tions.
There Will- be 3 to 4 contestants chosen by . .
. . A second fundralsor IS planned for
the audience from each location.
. . . Derby Day, May 7. Abbra Cadaver and
Applications are now available at each of , . . . .
. . Columbus DeVil in EXile Will be among the
these locations and at the Pride Center. . .
. . . . bands playing for your entertainment. The
Contestants should bring their application t 'II b f _
and the $10 entry fee to the preliminary pary W e rom “'Cont'nued on netiage
contest they wish to enter.
The preliminary contests will be in the April 2 _ Wishing Chair 10th
form of karaoke and on screen words will .
be allowed but not required. Each contest- Anmverarg Concert ' page 2
ed will perform one song between 3 and 4
minutes long. Bring your own musm. We Sponsor of the Month
Will test your mUSIC prior to the event to be
sure it is compatible with our system. . S00“ Ackerman
The audience will be the judges at the ($3;
preliminaries. Everyone attending will Mobile' 859 338-8483
receive one voting ballot with their admis- 4:" »
sion fee (where applicable.) Additional bal- if Office: 859 269-7331
lots may be purchased for $1. Any con- ”
testant that is not chosen in a preliminary, Rector- Hayden Realtors
is welcome to ...continued on page 2

 PRIDE IDOL CONTEfl enter at another hosting
“m. GAYand location. This will require another entry fee.
\' nit-:1 ‘3‘}: ' SELEgCIiEN In the second round, the 21 preliminary winners
H ORGANIZATION Wlii perform for our panel of judges. The judges Will
1.;- ledngmn, Mucky select 12 from this group who Wlii go on to compete
in the finals at the Pride Picnic at Windy Knoll Farm
on Sunday, June 12. (Not on Father’s Day this year)
For the final competition, contestants will be
75ng NEWS asked to memorize two songs. The audience at the
picnic will be the judges and will pick Lexington's
V . . .
"mm 20 Issue 4 2005 Pride Idol! The Winner Will be asked to Sing
Puthhed monthly by once more for the crowd. He/she may pick one of the
771? [ Elli, songs selected for the competition or another of
”g: N Gay his/her own choosing. .
Lesbian Service The grand prize will include a trophy, a gift cer-
, ' tificate to Disc Jockey, and studio time at Grooves
Organization Professional Recording Studio to produce 10 copies
389 Waller Ave. of a two song CD. And, of course, the title of
Lexington’s 2005 Pride Idol!
Mary Crone Moveable Feast Derby Party continued
3pm to 10 pm. at 2420 N. Cleveland Pk. Directions:
30”de Drive out Winchester Rd. 5.5 miles beyond New
Thomas Collins, President Circle Rd. Turn right onto Cleveland Rd. It will be the
Sarah Martin, Vice-Pres. ist large house on the left with stone gates.
Ben Salyers, Sec. Admission is $30 per person or $50 per couple. Call
Mary Crone, Editor Moveable Feast 252.2867 to purchase tickets in
Joan Bram“ advance or they can be purchased at the gate.
Tom Collins . . .
Lindsay Matfingly Wishing (haw
Terry Mullins 10th Anniversam Concert
Jen Sayer I . I . I I
Miriam DaVIdson and Kiya Heartwood inVite you to
Bill Chandler, their gala CD Release and 10th Anniversary Concert
Office Manager on April 2 at UK’s Memorial Hall. Their very special
stsforth n' 'llb Th R lWl t'
GLSO Annual Dues & gue e eve ing WI e e as ord Sring
N l tt $20 Band. The concert Starts at 7 pm and IS preceded by
ews e er a workshop/discussion at 5:30.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO Tickets are available in advance for $15 through
sews are ””3? Of the ”mm and the UK student Center Ticket Office and at the door
on’t necessarily represent those of . .
the GLso Board, Submissions are for $17. Kids under 12 are free. The concert is spon- .
welcome andIsPfireseWES‘he right sored by the UK Lavender Society and by the UK
to edit submissmns and advertise- ,
ments as well as the right to reject Women StUd'eS Program,
submissions or advertisements Miriam and Kiya appreciate the generosity and
support from so many in the community during the
recording their new CD, Underdog.
GLSO Page 2

 Community News
The Imperial Court Robbie Bartlett

The Imperial Court of Kentucky would Robbie Bartlett, a community favorite,
like to congratulate all the winners from its will be singing at Lelia’s Resturant on
ninth annual Falsies awards, held March Saturday, April 23 from 7 pm to 11 pm.
29th at the Kentucky Theater. Special Lelia’s is located at 735 E. Main St in
congratulations are in order for the first downtown lexington. There will be a $5
round of Falsies Hall of Fame inductees cover charge. Reservations are recom-
Cammie Dietrich, Tracy Taylor, and Eden mended, call 335-0004.

Towers. Each of these three performers Robbie is an extrodinary singer with a
have excelled in any number of the cate- wide rang of styles including, Jazz,
gories presented annually. Rhythm and Bues, and Rock. If you have

Looking to the future, please plan on not heard her sing, treat yourself to an
joining the Court for Miss Derby Pride evening out.

May 4th at Club 141. Doors open at 8:30,

Pageant at 9:30. For an application, Bar amp,“ Events
please contact Board President Nicole The Bar has added, some regular
Diamond at NicoleDiamond1@aol.com or events to our weekly calendar.
Regent Emperoror23 Donnie "EV" Royse Beginning, Tuesday, April 5, we will host
at Emperor19EV@aol.com. regular Karaoke Nights every Tuesday in

Women on the Edge calendars are the Gilded Cage Cabaret. Hosted by Ray
available at 50% off - $6 each. Contact Ray, Rayna Starr’s Butch Brother, this is
Michael Thompson at Babalvr@aol.com sure to be a lot of fun. We have a large
or (859) 258'2997' selection of all-time favorites and you can

The court will be hosting an auction of also bring your own song selections.
erotic art at Gallerie Soleil (363 W. Short Also new at the Bar will be “Drago
Street) on May 15th. If you have a piece Bingo” at 9 pm pm every Wednesday,
V0“ WOU'd be Wi'llng to donate, coma“ hosted by Allyssa Williams and Hunter
event chair John Ridener at Hayes. Come on out for some fabulous
Ursa|0002@aol.com. Prizes. Bring you own ink sampler in your

53mm , favorite color.

SisterSound is in rehearsal for their Ralnbow Famllles 0f Lexmgtan
upcoming concert which will be Saturday, Did you know that there are approxi-
May 21-Tltled “A Musical Feast”. the con— mately 4 million gays and lesbians that
cert will feature a variety of songs about are raising an estimated 10 million chil-
food. To add to the fun, SisterSound will dren, in the United States? Did you also
Will include an all time favorite, “Big know that Lexington families are included

. Legged Woman, " in their performance. in those stats — and we have our own gay

Ticket information will be printed here parenting organization right here in
next month. For information email Patti Lexington? If you are a gay or lesbian par-
at paowens@excite.com or call 806-0243. ent of a child of any age, then you should
www.geocmes.com/8lstersound check us out. ...continued next page

GLSO page 3

 Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL) DIVERS/Ty IN GENDER ALLIANCE
is gearing up for Spring! Bring your sun- http://groupsyahoo.com/group/IexDGA
glasses and sunscreen to Jacobson .Park The Lexington Diversity in Gender
on Saturday April 23rd. The group Will be . .
. . . Alliance meets on the first Saturday
gathering from 12-3 for kite flying and a pot . . .
l kl n h evening of the month (April 2th) ata private
UCI ”MC ' , t th ru the location. Doors open at 7, the meeting
. n ay, we are going 0 ga e . p starts at 7:30. For information contact R.K.
kids for crafts! We Will be presenting the .
. . Isaac at 859 979-0374, or email phreak-
kids artwork at the GLSO center during . .
, , izh@yahoo.com. Or contact AleXis at alex-
Pride month and also at Lexmarks . .
. . isz@gmail.com.
DiverSity Day event on June 24th. We welcome all eo le who transcend
in June RFOL will hold its official kick- p p . . .
. . . gender norms or who are questioning their
off celebration. It Will be loads of fun With . . . .
. . gender identity, including transsexuals,
games, prizes, food and fun! More details . . .
. _ , intersexuals, effeminate men, masculine
to follow, but this is one event you wont ,
. women, drag Kings, drag Queens, gender
want to missll . .
. . . queers and more. Family and supportive
For more info. on these events or to iom . _
. allies who would like to learn more are also
the group, call Jen at 523-3083 or email . . .
. , . welcomed. We discuss a variety oof t0ics.
ien_cheryl@yahoo.com. Jom our group This is notathera rou
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rfolky py g p.
Lyons Levi/Leather Club UK Support Group
The Lexington Lyons meet every third A GLBTQ support Group is meeting at
month at the Pride Center. Their next UK. We talk about issues that can some-
scheduled meeting Will be in May. times be difficult to discuss including:com-
Contact Paul at 312—9346 for more infor- ing out, flirting, sexuality, spirituality, family,
mation about the club. employment, relationships, homophobia.
This group is free and for UK/LCC stu-
. BEAU ART, BA“ dents only. Facilitators: Colby Cohen-
The Beau Arts Ball will be on Saturday, Archer, PH.D and Sherry Rostosky, PH.D.
April 2 at the Black Horse Garage next to Call 257-8701 or crcohe2@uky.edu
Arts Place. Tickets are $17 in advance and
$25 at the door and can be purchased at _
CD Central or the Pride Center. Pfidt Month Planning
K h I f d Humid» M114 at 5:30
. 5r ee t e ove ou in .
* Get the love you want. . . .
_ _ Pnde Event Registration Pg 19
Jessma Bullinger [08W __
Imago Relationsnin Ineranist Research Subjects Needed pg 8
EMDR Trauma Work Fairness News pg 14 -15
couples, family, individual Religious / Spiritual Resources
_ imagoconnectioncom 859-552-6533 pg 22 - 23
GLSO page 4



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ay. Give me a call! Scott Ackerman

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Office: 859-269-7331
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5 Serving Lexington and all of Central Kentucky ,
[B Call me with all your Real Estate needs Q
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, 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Fri 10 am. - 3 pm
Volunteers help us keep the Center open after 3 and on Saturdays. ‘
Call to be sure someone is here. We need volunteers for Saturdays!
Pride Month Commitm Pride Center Library Highlights: Poetry
The Committee planning Pride Month By Jane Minder
2005 will meet again on Thursday, April April 2005 marks the 10th celebration of
14 at 5:30 at the Pride Center. We need a National Poetry Month. It was inaugurated
few more volunteers so swing by after in 1996 by the American Academy of Poets
work. We are keeping these meetings to celebrate poetry and its vital place in
short. We will be discussing the Pride Idol American culture. The Pride Center Library
Contest and the Pride Picnic. joins this celebration by offering you the fol-
This committee is open to everyone; lowing gay and lesbian poetry selections:
we invite you to show up and get involved. Cooper, Dennis. Dream Police: Selected
We are looking for someone interested in Poems (p3 35530582 369)
hosting a Pride Reading, an event where Davenport, Sharon. Between Us: Poems
people share various forms of. writing (PS 3569.L47 D247 8552)
such as, poetry, essays, and stories. For *D M k S M h'
information call Mary at 266-5904 or the 35:4),(5796: b72vg/ese7t4) ac the (PS
Pride Center at 253-3233. '
*Phillips, Carl. Pastoral (PS 3566.H476
40+ WOMEN P293)
The next 40+ Club meeting will be on *Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Crime Against
Sunday, April 10, 2pm at the Pride Center, Nature (PS 3566.R351C75)
389 Waller Ave.'Come with ideas for activ- *Sappho. Sappho: Poems and Fragments
ltles you wouldhllke us to unfdertake. Pllan to (PA 4408.E5 8180)
en satrt t' 0a t
. J ' U 9 8 me mg r ma 3 a *Stein, Gertrude. Lifting Belly (PS
local restaurant. All women over 40 and
, , 3537.T323 L5)
their friends are welcome to attend. For * .
information call Ginger at 253-0061. Whitman, Walt. Leaves 0f Grass (PS
3201 L439)
More News on Page 10 CO'IeCt'Ons‘
Son of the Male Muse: New Gay Poetry
. _ (PS 595.H65 see)
Famlly DGNTISTI'Y Dykewords: An Anthology of Lesbian
__.. , ,, ' ., . .. _ Writing (PS 8287.L47 D997)
i,’ . ’ ' : Sggmelgeaewrfigynmg *Poet’s biography can be found on the
,v' a- : 100ng Seplacgngtlalnt American Academy of Poets web site at
* Nfiomus (Afgfiablé ”‘95 http://www.poets.org/index.cfm.
The Pride Center Library, located at 389
M .-Frl. : - : ' . .
Sgttl‘irday A383 [500$ Dr. Nelson Young Waller Avenue, is open Monday-Friday from
2130 Nlcholasvllle Rd. Callfor Appointment 10-3. Celebrate National Poetry Month and
Suth 5 350 276-4700 check out the library today.
GLSO Page 6

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__ GLSO Page 7

 Research Study of Each couple member will also be
Same-Sex Couples asked to individually (and confidentially)
complete a questionnaire about him/her-
Dr. Sharon Rostosky and Dr. Ellen self and his/her relationships. All infor-
Riggle at the University of Kentucky are mation that is collected will be treated
looking for gay/lesbian/same-gender Iov- confidentially. Couples interested in
ing couples (at least 23 years of age and hearing more about this study are asked
together at least two years) to participate to call (859) 257-7880 or email: ros-
in a study of spiritual and/or religious val- tosk@pop.uky.edu.
ues. Couples will participate at a time
convenient for them and will be compen- Frontrunners/Frontwalkers
sated $50 ($25 each) for their time I _
(approximately1 1/2 hours). in April Frontrunners/Frontwalkers Will
During this session, the couple will be again meet on Wednesday nights at 6:45
interviewed (together) about their views pm and Saturday mornings'at 9 am at the
and experiences with spirituality and reli- U'K' Arboretum. We W'” discuss moving
gion within the context of beingacouple. over to Woodland Park at an earlier
The interview will be taped and later tran- time.By mid-April we may have deCIded to
scribed and then all interviews will be move to contact us of updated information.
compiled for analysis or with questions. Contact Hal Kutter or
Ken Waibel at 294-7944.
' '7 '- u I it}, I ‘ ' ‘17:
" ,_ ~ . »:-:~:::' , r . z .- I, , ‘ i
flame and Empafianaa
_ it . ”Rafaflg .._ _, .
Good M Rad" ’creml. -' t 2m . 3 TM eeceegegrf-T
859-39M708 can or LEOMGfl-FORD
... : $13135?"
I‘ .t 1.ij * . Wu
GLSO Page 8

 ’e , . . . . 7 . ; 5
I) Let Bank of the Bluegrass trust servzces i
r' o
r- help you protect your family. ,.
d F ’l - It 11' . ‘ ‘
n amt. y. can mean “1a,“? t 9g?" ' Our Mission to You ‘
id Sharing your lives. Raismg kids. 7 .
3- Helping each other. Being there. “Do unto other as you would. .
have them do unto you”
. Honesty ‘: Integrity
Will At Bank (if the Bluegrass & Trust Confidentiality * Patience
:45 (30., we know family means dif— U d d'
the treat things to different, people. ' H mm" mg
:33 We strive to treat each family the i Immediate Action , .
“0 way we wish our own family to be j .
on treated. In fact, this is our first 6" the em“ ma“
- or rule in our mission to you! , Kindness e Teamwork ,
Spirit of Fricndliness
. , ‘l Res onsivencss to needs _
it Our goal IS to help you achieve - P
your goals. Knowledge of products ' ..
i Know clients by name
Keep a sense of humor
Our trust department has helped
' create comfortable futures for Del-“'6‘ “ ‘1“‘1h‘3’ Personal WW“: j
families through trust and estate Our clients desem and want _
planning Since 1981. ‘
ar- ’ I ‘
" or * .
”Vanna“; . w ; ’%§":§ 1%,".
“I"; Call Kathy Milby at (859) 233w8929 "' }
$ng or Kathy]. Baum at. (859) 233-8923 - 3 f y
.. J ~»- urn , M} .4 ‘ “W4
‘j to discuss how we can help you protect your family.
"" GLSO Page 9

 50u[5f0rce sion through the practice of relentless
nonviolent resistance. Soulforce intends
”MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" iS an internation- to confront Dobson’s anti—gay and anti-
ally recognized distress signal used to indi- American rhetoric, and celebrate OUR
cate a life threatening situation. Used by families. Activities include nonviolent
the stranded to summon help, by the starv- trainings, a picnic and rally in the park,
ing to beckon aid, and bythe victimto raise and bringing truth about our families
alarm. directly to Focus on the Family, holding
On Sunday May 18L also known as hands as we walk through their building
May Day, Soulforce and over 1000 gay, '88- and eating in their lunch room.
bian, bisexual, and transgender (GLTB) Contact local SouIForce Coordinator
individuals, couples, families, and hetero- Jamie at 230-5625 for local information or
sexual allies Will converge on the head- see www.SoulforceLexington.org or
quarters of James Dobson and Focus on www soulforce or
the Family in Colorado Springs. A collec— ' ' g.
tive lVlAYDAY will be sent out to challenge A «31 01‘s Guild of Lexington
the mlsmformatlon about GLBTs that flows W M Pr , P1 'CII ‘3 , In
to millions of people daily through James or em?” ‘ bay eclang
Dobson’s radio broadcast, website, email by BT13“ Hampton
alerts, video, audio, and print materials. directed byRichail-d St. Peter
Amon h's untruths are claims that a
g I . g y What is it that keeps six friends from
people want to destroy marriage and the _ . , ,
. . high school, now livmg totally different
family, that homosexuality can be prevent- , . ,
. . , lives, in touch With each other after all
ed and cured by reparatlve therapy, and . .
. these years? Is it a genume love for each
that homosexuals have a mental disorder
. other? Or because no matter how tough
caused by family problems and bad par- . . . .
. . .. . . things get in their real lives, they can rely
entlng, devastating families With misplaced
. . on each other for a good laugh or a good cry?
gwlt and exacerbating the often desperate , , ,
. Come to Atlantic City for the night and
shame of gay children everywhere. , _
» .. , . find out for yourself as you meet SIX
Additionally, Dobson s influence on , _ ,
. . . . . remarkably different people,includlng one
public policy deClSlonS and electoral poli- , . ,
. . . . . gay man, struggling to make thelrway ln
tics is unrivaled and his access to the pollt- th ld d t' 'th h
ical pundits, the White House and t: worTh, an h Irecorntnectlng WI deafif
Congress is unfettered, channeling his 0_ er. roug 'aug er, ears, an se '
. . . . . discovery you Will see Why they need to
mlsmformatlon into the ears of the national t , t h b fth f 'l th
policy makers. His attempts to make :ay mb OUC -- ecguts: of ET" 8:: y 6%
America a fundamentalist "Christian" ave ecome...an e amly ey W'
nation, by imposing his narrow interpreta- always be.
. . . . Checking In has been a hit with audi-
tion of the Bible on all Americans, ieopard- , 't l' t d' d
izes the civil liberties and religious freedom infes '8 I]: earlies. reta ”798’ Ian gotw
of all people and threatens the integrity of b9 orst twl'f 0, .exmg (I): 'S p ease 0
our us. Constitution. dim? ' it '3' '2 'SIWS” firefi'eietrf’m‘
The purpose of Soulforce is freedom for ”0 kond _WIA 67" PIES/”1% eFlrds re:
eo le from reli ious and olitical o res~ I '
p p g p pp Actors Guild of Lex. for ticket information.
GLSO page 10

 ;: GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
i: Ilnpcrial Court of Kcntucky.........252-3014
fit A Charity Organization
.g 2006 Pride Mont“ Sponsors
)r ScottAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
3r For all your real estate needs. . (mobile) 338-8483
GLSO News Sponsors 2005
n Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter .......................85.9-806'-4114
Promoting equality for all people

EmestoScorsone. ................................254-5766
n Attorney at law
]. SisterSound......................................806-0243
1 Diverse music for all women
"I .
y RichardsonVlsionCente