xt7rr49g7g4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g7g4k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1912-02-08 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 4, No. 20, February 8, 1912 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 4, No. 20, February 8, 1912 1912 1912-02-08 2015 true xt7rr49g7g4k section xt7rr49g7g4k I Y
_ ••< ·~ »
  Vol. IV LEXINGTON, KY., FEB. 8, 1912 No, 20  
‘ I
3 Central Massacred Lvccum Course Amendment Qui- GU-]S Win
1 ·· · C 1 t1on ’—
MAKES 10_ i _ Girls and Boys to Vote Separately on SCORE OF 19 T0 4- SATURDAY
Have Good programmm By-Laws Referring to Dishonor- AFTERNOON.
SECOND TEAM PLAYS WELL able Conduct—Executlve Mem- ~——
-—; Promptly at 8 o’clook next Saturday bers T; Bc f*;m¤*=¤ by Sh°W "“P"°V°d F°*‘m·
One time, but that time is Dash HOW. night a company of nine young men °mmI_°°' ·—-——
State had a "yell" Whi€h Wéht S0m‘°· forming a Singing band and brass T , 1 _ 1 , I The girls‘ bask<·l-hall roam played
thing like this; "Well, well, well, iS] choir will render a new and unique M) amemmemé {aw wen pm- their second gamcof the season Satur-
tnlg Central,   and never could I programme of songs, choruses, read-   t?“_t]:n;.0ITmt;;lfzl_;f ighe esi; day afternoon, when they mot, and no
that have been more &DD1‘¢>D¤’i¤i€lY ings and instrumental music. Judging t 1.     the ` f Q d _m H the tune ot lil to 4, "put it over" Som-
gald than on last Thursday night- Cen- from the press comments this ought of lmuggi ?§$nl{S1O2an 50ml; l erset High School, in the Armory.
tm] came, proud, but notwithstanding, to be one of the most enjoyable even- §;;im;)dya ag]? wssgewfgzl (fl Shu; Our girls showed much better forrn
with Some indescribable feelings Of ings of the course. mw; referring to dishonomile CO: in this game, which attested their
boding evil, as evidenced in her DIM'- The following is a partial pro- duct Of both boys and gms by havmn hard work since their flrst game. And
  ing, nn;] when State finally got through gramme: mam vote on Such bylaws Separate]; their earnestness is demonstrated by
t running up her Score to 52 DOWNS. C- The purpose of the Second is UO pmi the fact that they would forego the
4 U. realized just exactly how well . ._ . . . pleasures of the T. B. P. dance the
1 · » -, ’ I b t f .
é grounded her misgivings were- Every I M } I [ { _ __\ \ ,    gmaa n€;;;:)€I;*;?‘;;8°€x;:£;;2';’; night before, in order to be in condi-
' one oi State’• play•rs played 8. good — mince is disloval b leavin his dis- tion to do their best the next day.
?» ‘ game while Ce·ntra.l’s players seemed · · Y 8 That is the spirit which is ju tly re-
. ‘ to be; nervous and lacked tho c0uu_ _ » missal to the committee instead of to warded with victory
Q 9; gs his class. Th se a end ent ar i '
. dence which helps a team throw goals.     keeping with she Sgrit IE th; mist; The Somerset High School gms
l d Wingo played the best » ·  
{ Ramlay an     Lb ' J tution though not specifically stated, played °' g°°d game- but could do
{ g°m° mr tm vilimm but they were   {   and are calculated to aid in the bet- nmhmg at all with States gms- wh°
' ungggigted and their efforts WGN in ‘ t f threw oals alm st t ·ill th d
l , I · ter execution of its regulations. g ° a “ · 9 guar 8-
2 v°'i¤' On the other hud Smtozwhog The amendments are as follows: as Om was h€°·"d· after the game- to
i team Dliwéd i086¤h6¤‘ $8 ¤· unt- U1 Y -~ ¤ . ’ remark, having "a regular pink tea
Buch mam work as Om, fellows , · ‘ I plroper exesution of this charter kets _,
A t e execut ve committee may at `
:h0W6d· *;*6 b$;mdit°t:1m°r::k;“:;°t;;   ·• A i any time by an affirmative vow of ten Our girls are developing a strong
on n e * - . - . · . , - .
668 C0¤¤ Hua of its members, adopt Such bylaws as team, ot \\h1Ch we justly teel proud.
enemy- The next game is with the Lexington
it may choose.
At, the end of the Grit half uw 8001*6 Those bylaws referring to the disp High School girls, in the Armory, on
was 21 tos;. tgt ¢th6u:;$&::i:d0EG;§; PART ONE. honorable conduct, other than cheap next Thursday night. This promises
s°°°ud h 6 on Overture-"Light Cavalry" .... .Suppe ing, of young men shall be adopted to be é h8"d't°“ght game- and One Ot
was put in for State' but even than Band. by two-third (2-3) vote of the young much mmresh It is an Open g°·m°·
C°m'm'1 Wai Mgt a’b{° to sgoreosxgfgg "The Clover Blossoms Kiss Her men present at a meeting called for and evevbody is invited °° attend-
¤°*¤*¤· ***1*** °*°° “°°“’ ° 1 Feet" .............. Nolouogoo that ooroooo. The ¤¤€·¤v saturday was was f<>1—
its wild flight upward, ending ilnally mee Club Th f _ di h bl lows;
in the overwhelming score ot 52 to 10. mug and Clarinet S0lO___L0! duct Oiihre €';‘“*~ mh T Ono"; Gt °°“° (;€nt€,·_I,·€n€ Hugh€.S_
The lineup and summary W€¥‘€ 38 o ’ er mu 0 ea mg’ 0 young F0rawrds——1\Iay Belle Pence Florence
f H s_ _ Hear UIQ GQDU9 Lark ··Bi8h°P ladies, shall be adopted by a two- H h , . '
v 0 Ow ' B C t) d Blake Messrs, A, Lindholm and J', Beach third (2_3) vote Of the young ladies G`u&rd;i\i?é0;¤&S[;?€E;8;Ud Mf;;h;PW:{
f Ce¤t§¤l—C;;16¢;a£1 ¤:n&» xtugo 061*; Cragun. present at a meeting called for that and Bedinéer C Hey' Om
WWW B? · ' Bass Solo-"The King ot the purpose- ·
‘ wr; Ramsey and Newman, S*\181'd8· Windy ________________ David , Score—State girls, 19; Somerset High
go.oo.moo Hol:-nomott and Mr. I,,g,.,,,,, F,,,d,,_ (_0A"“§1;_“'·· S"’°"°“ I`? ;1“i°“;‘° *{ School, 4.
* Hart. forwards: Harrison (Capt-). <=e¤· Euphouium S010.··La Secmw dig)? I hmm :’;°"’S ned E fm °' --__....—
V tor; Galser and Preston, guards. Sec- Polkao Hazel ye ° mus 6 r°m°Y° ’ a ma`
‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘'‘‘‘‘ jorlty vote of the commlttee and an- CHEMISTS 14 CLUB.
ond Halt—Farmer and Kimbrough, _ Mn B Hmverl th r CD iu t b I t d
forwards; Parks, center; Tuttle, PART TWO_ ? gu Emu; °°:m‘?hml2° 9  
B¥°*·¤d*t°m°" and W°i“°“b°"`g°"· Baritone Solo—"My Honolulu rgpmseriisp ace y B C ass W ° Q The Chemists 14 Club met last Mou-
gu,_rd,_ Honey Lou., _·_'________ ‘ day night at the library of the old
Field g0n,]g..Rn;nggy, 1; Bruce, 2; Mn J_ Beach Cmgum Chemistry Building. The meeting was
Wingo,   HEHMBOH,   GBJSGY,   BRI" RG&diug_••If I Could BB   Hersr W A N T E D· 8 business One,
nett, 1; Preston, 1; Hart, 5; Kim- ____________________ Ben King —·—— Drs. Tuttle, Maxon, Daniel and Mr.
brough, 5; Bl‘9»¤dBt6t¤6¤‘. 12 F¤¤‘¥¤€¤‘» Mr, Rome, Those who subscribed to the ,base— Pearce were elected honorary mem-
2Z Tum°· li W°i“¤b°"$€"· li P°·"k’· Trombone Solo——"ln the Garden ball coach fund to pay up at once. bers of the society.
1- ot My Heart" .............. Ball Don't put this matter off, but see The club will have a page in the
Fouls»—Blakey, 2; Barnett, 1; Farm- Mr. Keith Pitman. Sweetland, Vogliottl or Burrus and annual, and the pictures will be taken
Gl'. I- (Continued on Page 8.) pay lt now. this week.
(Continued on Page 8.)

    QS 3U3gcmp·|·|gNS pgg 1912 FOOT-BALL CAPTAINB. M   C   ’
W g THE » it is ¤€<=e¤¤¤·¤* that B1-0wn-R. G. Asmmgh, agile end. Ch°i°° gut F|°w°rS_f°r an
*h° ”“PS°’*P“°¤° be wmed in *° the Auuapoiis-1>ete¤· P. nodes, full·back. OCCBSIOUS 8 $p€€l3|ty
Offers free tuition in an dcparb ¤¤§¤8i¢l1€S YPOHI Wasllillgtoll. where grainnie that one would like to keep jill J   Mk v    
the head oilices of the Southern Rail- in his box of college curios, because IMPORTANT MEETING OF
DR, J. T     way are. of their artistic originality. THE STROLLER8.
The details of the scholarship, The lau Beta Kakes were organ- —-—-
      which is to be for a full four-year ized at this University in 1906, and is An important meeting of The Stroll- A
course in the College of Agriculture, an hUI10l'&l')' ellgillcefing 0l‘g&!1lZ8.tl0ll, ers will be held Friday, February 1,
127 CHEAPSIDE will be arranged by President Henry consisting of Juniars and Seniors in at 4:30 p. m. in Alumni Hall. All per-
S. Barker and Mr. M. V. Richards, the three engineering departments of sons interested in the society are _
  iland and industrial agent of the South- } the l xiversiiy. The dance is given in urged to be present promptly at the  
ern Railway, and in response to Pres- honor of the Junior pledges, who will hour appointed. ‘
  ident. Finley’s letter stating that thelhc announced at the dance. A num— This meeting is called for the pur-
Southern Railway desired to establish , ber of surprises will be sprung during pose of adopting a constitution. ’I`hose f
    the scholarship, Judge Barker has the evening, and all who expect to at- present will be entitled to a vote, and i
M written that he will be glad to confer tend can be assured of one of the most the Constitution Committee especially i
The Home 0{ the with Mr. Richards at the earliest con- delightful functions of the social 898- desires a large attendance, so that any
M .     •, venlent time, which will probably be son. A local orchestra will furnish the suggestions may be considered before
OVIHQ ICtur€ OW during this week. music. ‘ a final action is taken.
1%* JIMYH iI’!E"’»1ilH.‘?'! |Illil!?"’tl I I I
‘ I

.3, ""‘_'*L""—— ‘‘‘*‘ "‘*"*v*’*A*‘*·T·*y··—·····—·i·»——···· *·t·s—······———-·······~s—···——·· ~   e-- »   ~— -— e—~———»—-—-—-——--————»
N, STROLLERS ORGANIZE. The Montana Legislature has appro- ° °
_· ————     priated funds for the establishment of    
{Q Special Meeting To·morrow. a law department at the State Univers-
_  __ Other Collcgcs ,,,,_ Company
At a meeting, held Friday, February I di I   t te —— |·<•=••r•••4
L ‘ · n Mm ° °°° uc ng ° ° mw v° At the next eeti f the Boa d of
V, 2, the Strollers adopted a constitution m ., , ng o r
, and necessary by-laws, thereby becom· mr uw ““t “°u°““l p"°'id°“t· Directors of Cornell University, plans MANUFACTURERS OF
ing a formally organized body. Many "_” for the new residential hall. to be •
improvements are to be projected and OM *‘““°"°d wd “"°“"' ’“°“ °’° erected there will be presented by the Hand'Madc Cigars Ex"
the scope of the society is to be g_m&t_ out for the crew at Pennsylvania. m.chm,ct_ clusivcly
l h . T it ——-——
. $d;.°$°$;,n.1l,h:6§T§;¤?$;;°mZZ(; The vrovm <>··¤¤<* ·= We ¤¤¤ Ce rr..mm,s in the U..,,-erm, of ,3,, Wes, Main Sm,
lugs, Bild Bt BllCll HIOGUDKB l»h€l`6 Wlll lumbia by fraterniues is valued at one SYPBCUBG have announced their pledge  
be an opportunity for the study and mmmu d°u°”‘ lists. Onc hundred and sixty men,
sdavncement or the dramatic art. One hundred and ninety two pmpar repvresenting five different States.      
The harte b f th - ’ ' ' t d t .
' ganlzation srgszer?-;11§;:s? E.  °*°"" “°h°°'“ me ’°p"’S°”*°d *“ “‘° were S u en 8 ———-   Boys D0
F. T. Miles, A. J. Gudc, Rome Foster, Freshman class “t D“"""°“th· Ex°t" Class politics at Illinois are begin-
W. S. Thelsing, Roy Porter, H. E. Mil- having th° ’°"`g€°t numb"- ning to boil. A large number of can- AT THE
¤ t,P.L.Ck,Eli Gi,Htti didatesa al d ith flldf
' 133,md, cmg? MsY$¤~h.?§1,r¤ EJ M*=¤¤¤·‘* M ¤ ¤¤¤¤*¤¤ *¤<=t¤¤* *¤ me ¤¤¤¤¤-xt ¤¢$i;»?' n e 9 or IMPERIAL RESTAURANT
C den E. T. Blake', A- B. Hasweu Paul connection with its horticultural de- ___ 109 N M"]
{ Francis, E. H, Smith, Derrel Hart, J. p°"tm°“t· which supplies the l°°“‘ Earl Sprackling. of Brown Uni- ° Sujcet
I du P. Oosthuizen, Ben COlliugs’ J- C. QPOCBPS   canned Vegetables. versity, has scored more points than   ?eSB.Of      
{ M111s,w. c. cress,A. B. Phister,Ruth -1 any Eastern college player. He has   Qlufgiug °°m °" "t‘°“
McChesn6y' Grace Haynes, Bessie According to the latest reports, Cali- scored forty-four points, seven touch- Lunches for Dgnceg igpecmty
Hayden, Helen May, Marie Elliott, E, femia and Stanford Universities are downs and three new goals, Baker, New Phone 10l6_Y
F_ Smmpelm., J_ T_ Gower, _y_ M_ F0s_ discussing the reinstatement of the of Princeton, is second, with forty-
ben Thomas Em.], Herbert Kohnhorst, standard American foot·ball game in three; Wendell, of Harvard, is third ,, H1
Tyler Wamk Edwin pimG_ William place of the Rugby game now played. with forty, all made on touchdowns. C§%`]TUCKYéi’JBEST•k
Gregory, Jesse Miller, Mary Brown, ‘-*‘ ·····— A M ‘   ’
Anne Louise Dean, Richard Barkmn A stadium, which will seat 100,000 The longest drop kick for a goal in ,, . . ,,
George Dunlap, C_ B_ Sanders, George people, is a feature of the new plans a foot-ball game on record was made Made 1¤BI;$xl¤¤t°¤
‘ A_ Scott, Auco Cary Williams, F_ T_ for the development of the lake front by aPt O’Dea from the sixty-yard line · _ -1-
I Marx Charles Spmks_ H_ A_ D9B0w_ in Chicago. A movement to bring the in the game between Wisconsin and lcxmgiun Roller mms can Inc;
{ Viola Eblgub G_ B_ Merchant, w_ At. 1916 Olympic games to Chicago has Northwestern, at Evanston, Ill., en  
? king, J_ W_ CM-y' L_ W_ Jones, H_ M_ been Started as A result. · Thanksgiving day, 1898.  
. Burnaugh, Kathleen Lewis, Elizabeth ——— —-———————-
  I Moore, Miss Routt, Miss Watkins, W. There are three Freshmen in Cor- THE CUMBERLANEL ‘
K D. Hamilton, H. E. Melton, B. W. nell this year who are totally blind.   D
Roth, -—-—— Williams, John Petrie, They are assisted in their work by a
% -; Freel J Eaten nexus; reader and gums. A ‘°“g “““ ““° °’ t“’°“°*“° ‘”“°· Mw
Q Thom wu; be ai special méeuug of With tints of sky of self-same hue,
E the society on Friday, February 9, wt Plans have been drawn for a $2,000,- $$1 ° hgh 0; ipurplzldgrayshmd 8 n O    
¤ 4:45 p. m. an Chapel. This meeung 1s 000 library buuamg at Harvard. °"° “"“p “ " g °“ °°“· .
of the utmost impoml 00, and all Majestic hills. river between. For dances, Receptlons, Etc.
members are urgently requested to at- In a speech at the University of The Cumberland mus ou. BAND ROOM COR. MAIN
wild- The ¢!¢¢ti0¤ of 0m¢6!‘¤» ¤·DD¤i¤t· Kansas recently President Taft said
· F H 1 ’ k d 111 itl ,
A ment of wmmittees. Bild other b¤¤i· that morals among students are higher mm ar mls mc B an r S mpg AND BROADWAY
; ness of major importance will be con- than when he was in c0u,g€_ Past miners camp and home it ABOVE STAG
{ ducted at this meeting. BWe€pS’ ’
r """"‘ Through Tennessee it flows along,  
"‘_"‘*"‘“'— Tho authorities at the University of Gems melodies it does prolong, T   A
SOPH. GETS IN TOUCH [Nebraska have issued a statement re- Melody grand, infinite ,w¤g_ M R · •
WITH THE ENGINEERS- gardlng the management of the uni- The Cumberland ygllg Om     a 6
Spanked! versity book store.
_ This morning an unsuspecting   It h b f-? t th Down through the hm, its Cryst,] Now Ofl All The
lege Soph»omore—Soph0more, m u 88 0611 0¤¤ llecessafy a e waves,
you, gnmvgymnuy gtgpped {uw g University of Michigan to condemn Au everlasting roadway paves, M Q D  
draughtlng room in the Engineering ¤6!'¢¤·i¤ D!'lV8t»6 D1‘¤D81‘tY ¤dJ0i¤i¤g the A path to ugmws mysteries,
Building. Twelve brawny engineers 08mD:¤i;1 01‘de1‘ to accommodate some A path to appgiutgd Nvapigm _j
locked up. frewuius. Then savage MW ¤ i¤s¤· Reveries sweet, mysteries deep, _
smiles of joy lit up their fercoious ——— The Cumberland mug Ou,      
faces. The largest university in the entire g Shing
rn an mmm me frightened So u wvrld is the University of Calcutta. -1-1, tu n n ded 1 or
‘ was my-ywudod, Qmbggghgd, ov;. India. It has an enrollment of more muzzw, 0 aw-8 mu we       0f Prices
Wh¤¤1l0d» lm!. i¤ IGS! time thlll if than wu th°““¤d 't“d°¤t¤· Through beautiful nature sublime,
takes to tell it, his trembling frame -——- And through the hard strife of ages, can and Let as Show You
was stretched out on a draughting The Freshmen at the University of Turns o'er the epocb’s pages, ---·-
5 table. Twelve barrel staves appeared Vermont are required to have a supply Glory ages, shimmer pages, wrhe place The Style,
from somewhere, and dull, sickening of matches on hand te supply the up- The Cumberland rolls on. Com. rum ,,
T thuds tllled with sweet music the per classmen and the Sophomores. `
t hungry ears of the bloodthirsty as- -—— Rippling always a merry song,
v sasslns. The friends of Baylor University, of ’Neath an ignorant ferry throng.
l Then hewas cast forth into the hall, Waco, Texas, have subscribed $400,- Leaplng, laughing, singing along. e 0 C
from whence he hastened to the more 000 to an endowment fund. The gen- Never is the melody wrong,
civilised esstem side of the campus, a eral education board of New York Musical dream, heavenly stream, Ch L S ,98 M
sadder but wiser 8ophomore.—Da.lly promised to add half this amount. The Cumberland rolls on. G'- · tra“·'• • anagc"

    not conquered, and the only reason
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body of why we haven t got their goat is be- ··
the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the under- eenee they wontt ntey “”· We ““"°
graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. would like to play them and show .
  THE IDEA is the oillcial newspaper of the University. It is issuwedewith hnem a few thtnge nhent heettet‘hett· at
the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, They lost to Georgetown last week. ‘ t
|t;giethe;uv:1lttl3a];l(tglest of items of interest concerning the universities ot other That, elves Georgetown and ·l—_ U_ (me · l I
susgcmprnou, one ¤oi.i.AR PER YEAR rsvs carers nan copv. defeat eech end Centm t“"""’ d°t"“t°· I t
Entered at Lexington Post Office as second class mail matter. Mid old SUNG with ¤ clean ¥‘e€°l‘d· M , S • • Le i t ;
me lA'' ` Eorronmi. s·rAr=r= 1911-12. -—·——·; en S lIItS III X Hg 0H .
W. A. STANFILI., Editor-in-Chief. IMPORTANT ,_
A, T. BRYSON, .......... Asst. Editor. MISS ADDIE DEAN. . .Socia1 Editor. ____ \ A T I
N. W. UTLEY ........ Athletic Editor. G. B. JEFFRIES .... Asst. Ath. Editor. t
BUSINESS STAFF. To Track Men. _,‘
A. T. RAMSAY, Business Manager. ___     , _
W. C. WILSON, Asst. Bus. Mgr. t T
E. J. KOHN .... Subscription Manager. W. C. JETTON. .Asst. Sub. Manager. In met “'eek'S idea tt Wee enneuneed ’
J. O. Gill, ...... Advertising Manager. J. T. LOWE ..... Asst. Adv. Manager. that all eligibility blanks for track
Zi S · if he E he     he t ’     CIII he S ‘ team aspirants would have to be L R  
The committee from the Legislature bringing glory to our State, or whether signed np and handed tn by February .
tn investigate the rumors that the we are to fall back in the same old 7th- It will be Possible- heweven te _
affairs of this University have been place we were in a few years ago. fillvut these b1¤¤k¤ at nnY ttme before Mm"` C°m°r Mein md Brad".?
and are being migmanaged, has been We are confident that this investigat- S°·tn¥'d°·Y» February 10th· Peetttvely ,_,_________;...____;.,
appointed, and the investigation was ing committee will give us a clean bill ¤·ft€¤` that date. tt Wm be we tete-
begun Tuesday night at Frankfort.|of health and furthemnore recommend This is not in the control et the eth‘ L b Y d
The authorities at this University an- to the Legislature that the appropria- ]€ti0 committee Of the UniVe·¥`eitY· ner     a r
nounced that they were ready at any UODS asked for be granted. et the e°nt`h· ne" the track menegen ——-—AND—-—
time and that may welcomed the in- -—-——-— so if a man fails to sign up before   •    
vestigation, knowing before hand that Hello! Saturdex n0‘;;e;)tet` ;*'h*;tth;* ttzayldf   I  
the committee can not do otherwise Hgw did the Tennessee ame come ve One- e W e e Sen ev 0 e- e g
summon will eventually be me better this issue, but doubtless you were so we €¤¤<>h SWe<—>*>1¤¤¤» in the Ed¤<=¤- ——-———————·······——— l
for the i¤V€Stig8·ti0¤- all (?) there. We venture the guess, mma] Building or Track Manager
We do not know what specific however, that the Blue and White Utley- and amimd t° thm va track     R
charges will be brought against the came out with the big end of the m°‘t°Ti°‘l‘
University authorities, but we believe, score. Did they? ——""T"""’
and not without good reasons, that  ———— T. U. LIKELY T0 PLAY. U  
this whole BHBJP h8S b€€H b!°O\1ght,   "K" men at Kansas are asked to ._t_ _
abyutabg g€¤¤*¤ry;¤*:‘;;f1ytp;<;;jj;*l lmsent t¤— - ,,l,1l » Welsh & Murray Prlntlng C0.
Miss Marietta Cassiday has been Miss Marieta Cassidy, of Versailles, { i"··»·‘ i· 1noorpornt•»rl
_ vlsltlng the Misses Gillis and other was the guest of Miss Alma Faulkner, , { L . -
E friends here for a few days. Monday evening. ` tl      llmesmnc
§ *0** W Vi i 1--Cl ` ` ·   ,LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY
l Miss Ltda Conner had the misfor- 21 TESL   a gg u;]`€· Llgy Park i , ·.  
  tune to freeze her hands while going   $1213 L fu ee ai dai? em on · _
{ to enuren last Sunday morning. ° ° B 0* “""°’“ °’“ pm- ’ of     A  
  -0- The photographer is now vielng in K · E _ ' _
Dean Hamilton entertained with a popularity with the Him). , . ')() PH [·,
J tea last Saturday evening, after the _O_  
g'”“°· *“ *‘°“°*i°§ uw 8***** *;°°*‘°;"°·“ Mlss Edltn Stlve-rs spent Friday at , l H I P I)
team and the v s ting team rom om- hm, home in Paris. .
erset. The little panty was given in ll
` tziellzigogizlsagvhzaggzrggzu   (2;% Mr. R. W,. Tinsley has been teaching          
gn the Armory floor an Oppgmmity of German at the High School for several 5., 
d . ,;-" ·
A knowing one another better. an A   ,_ 4      
-0-. ·
Ml Eth R , f l f Mt. • • •
1 Mais Ollane Cguickshank, *11, wh; ll: Sterlilzg, WE; t:;S;§€st0;I?$i§s0Mary copyrlgntnsn senslrnersr Marx 3.00 · 7.30 _; 8.45
*"’“° ne " t ° G°°’g°‘°‘"‘ g [G. Fisher, Sunday. , , ___________._._.
School, was at State last Monday. She P  
"vlsited" in the hall between classes,l u       a B ,
and seemed to have quite a gay time WOODROW WH-SON Don t Forget the