xt7rr49g5w93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g5w93/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-09-01 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 1, 1989, no. 556 text The Green Bean, September 1, 1989, no. 556 1989 1989-09-01 2014 true xt7rr49g5w93 section xt7rr49g5w93 ; _gp·  F?  ·• ·u•· 'Z‘
Beginning at 8:15 A.M. on wednesday, July 19, there was serious
flooding in the core book stack area in king South. water was
spurting, dripping, and, in some instances, gushing from around
and in the vicinity of the book dumb waiter from levels A—H.
During the nekt two hours, thirty—five full—time staff members ~
and students from all public service departments in King South
who were not at a service desk, staff from the Director’s Office,
faculty from the college of Library and Information Science, and
the housekeeping staff responded tc the emergency.
A total of 4,140 books and 1,120 government documents were
removed from the water’s path. Rolls of plastic kept in the
“disaster closet" were used to cover ninety—nine whole shelving .
units as a preventative measure in case the leaks started to
spread down the aisles.
No government documents were water damaged. Circulation staff
identified fifty—two books that had various degrees of water
damage. These books were taken to 104B, stood on end, and placed
in front of the oscillating fan from the "disaster closet". By
5:00 P.M. all of the books were dry. Only cne needed to be
On Thursday morning, Circulation put all of the books in call
number order on book trucks or on the temporary shelving on each
floor and labelled for patrons to use. On Monday, all of the
books were returned to the shelves. (Submitted by Judy Brown).
On August 17th, the Circulation Department finished the compres-
sion of the Dewey book collection and the Fiction and Biography
collections. During the summer of 1988 the 800s and 900s were
compressed and the Library of Congress books were spread out in
the core stacks to allow for more growth space. This summer’s
compression opened up 171 single—sided units of shelf space on
level C. Beginning the week of September 4th, Circulation will
shift all of the Library of Congress As—Ds to level C. (Sub-
mitted by Judy Brown).
‘ O O
‘In¤` Newsletter of the University
of Kentucky Libraries

   5 -.Q; . F'Fs’QlJDle.Y.C·   ICS
"Half—way Around the world in 60 Days: Travels in the Jungles of
Sumatra.‘ T ,
During the first three months of iQS9,, Toni Powell, Director of
the Agriculture Library, worked as the Library Consultant of the
western Islands Agricultural .Education Project. Her tour
included visits to eleven universities in nine cities.
~ All library staff members are invited to join Toni on wednesday,
September 20th at i2;30· in the King North Staff Lounge as she
describes Indonesian libraries and her personal adventures
travelling in a developing country. Toni`s presentation, which
will last about any hour, will be DFGCQUBU by an optional brown
bag lunch (12:00 — €Q:30). Complementary ccffee ard dessert will
be provided by L.S.O. (Submitted by Mary McLaren).
A.C.T.S. will sponsor a' seminar on the AIDS problem September
13th at Q;00 A.M. in the Peal Gallery. Greg Lee, from the Health
Department, will be speaking. He will also present a videotape
to coincide with his lecture. -
Gail Kennedy will also present the Building and Planning Commit-
tee report that the library faculty heard at their retreat. All
staff members are invited to the program. ° (Submitted by Jeff
Frey). ‘ ~ ~
§.:_!:cec  4 FQLL     ‘
The Special Library Association / Kentucky Chapter invites all
Kentucky librarians to Join them for their fall program, "Net—
working in Kentuckyr Implications for all Librarians.“ Jim
Nelson, Kentucky Commissioner for Libraries and Archives; Paul
Cappuzello, from OCLC; Paul Willis, Director of UK Libraries; and
John Townsend, assistant to Lexington Mayor Scotty Baesler, will
participate in a panel discussion on electronic networking in
Kentucky libraries. Pat Harris. Executive Director of the
National information Standards Organization in washington, D.C.,
will be the luncheon ;peaker.'F`a °
The program is Friday, November 10, 1989 at Spindletop Hall,
Lexington, Ky. The registration fee of $20.00 (including lunch)
must be received by November ist. For more information, contact
Maggie Johnson, UK Chemistry—PhysicseLibrary, 257-5954.

   . ..   .      
The Mid—South Chapter and The Library Management Division of The
Special Libraries Association are sponsoring a seminar entitled
"Impact Your Organization." The seminar will assist participants
in the development of management and communication skills and
will teach methods of increasing one’s value and visibility
within an organization. The instructor is Kaycee Hale, Executive
Director of The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
Resource and Research Center and 1988-89 Chair of the Library
Management Division of the Special Libraries Association.
The course will be held on SBDCEMDGF 30, 1989 from 9:00 A.M. to
4:30 P.M. at the Ridgeway Inn, Memphis, TN. Registration is
$35.00 for SLA members and $45.00 for non·members (no meals
included). The deadline is September ist, so if you are inter—
ested, call Carolyn Wilhite (901) 320-5057 or Maureen Fitzer r
(901) 278—0330 today. The course has been approved for MLA CE
credit. (Submitted by Susan Byars).
TLI    WL;   .._..QBE•l>LZ[. ..... _Q§•9L2.!.,.;N E
Application forms and instructions for grants under the Strength-
ening Research Library Resources Program of the Higher Education
Act, Title II—C, have been received in the Director’s Office.
The Libraries can submit only one grant proposal per grant
period; all staff members are encouraged to suggest ideas for
projects as soon as possible. The application deadline is
October 31.
According to the application materials. Title II—C projects
should be designed to accomplish one or more of the following
objectives: a) adapt, convert, or create library records for ‘
unique research materials which expand or otherwise complement
the national bibliographic database; bi augment unique collec-
tions of specialized research materials; c) preserve or maintain
unique research materials in danger of deterioration; d) promote
the sharing of library resources. For further information,
contact Gail Kennedy, 0irector’s Office, 257-3801. (Submitted by
Judy Sackett).
Each year the National Endowment for the Humanities awards
several hundred summer research stipends to university faculty.
Both junior and senior faculty members are eligible for the

 program. The NEH not only considers projects in the traditional
humanities disciplines but also funds projects in the social
sciences and law that have, humanistic content or focus. The
stipend is $3500.00 for two months of summer research.
Over the past decade, sixteen UK faculty members' ·proposals have
been funded by the NEH Summer Stipend program. Jane Phillips,
associate professor of Classics, held a stipend for the summer of
This year the University. will nominate three proposals for the
national competition. Faculty are encouraged to apply. Before
applicants draft their proposals they should pick up a copy of
the 1990 application guidelines .from the office of Kathleen M.
Blee,. Associate Dean, College of Arts GHG Sciences, Patterson
Office Tower., Interested faculty should submit a proposal and a
curriculum vitae to the same office by Thursday, September 14,
1989. The proposal should follow the application guidelines and
should be written to appeal .to educated nonspecialists. A
faculty committee will -evaluate each proposal and select the
three to be submitted to the NEH. . .
QITEJL45 Eid Qbiél-   QB. _... _gLRQ.é§lC.§
Cheryl Jones may be reached at 7—8346 and Sue Burch at 7-8347.
¤k‘ F>£5FQ¤E;C)rJJ\I£5L. r4¢Z17'E?£3 -#*
SI./5FF.-AQTM.Ti.E§ ¤i tJ.b;acx_§o.i;y.a.re--.5ay.i.evi.
The four—page article,
A copy of a mailing distributed entitled "ZyINDEX: Bringing ‘
by Sandy McAninch to Kentucky‘s Order to Electronic Chaos," is
U.S. Congressional. delegation· a review of a program for
was reprinted in the "Readers organizing computer disks into
Exchange“ section of the July a full—text retrieval system.
Bl issue of Ad.m.iu.s.t.tam;ye
mote; of the Federal Depository
Library Program. The four—page
mailing was offered as an A§Qy§_A§Q“§§XQNQ
eaample for depositories .of a
way to promote their services The following letter was
to the people who represent , received by Gail Kennedy from
their congressional districts. Faith Harders, Asst. to the
Vice Chancellor for Academic
· Affairs:
An article . by Toni Powell
appeared in the May—June issue Thank you for arranging the

 library tours for the TA Our two year technical college
orientation. I really ap- has received. a grant which
preciate eyeryone’s willingness will enable the library to
to be so flexible; our RSVP provide our students computer-
list often does not match the aided instruction in learning
“show“ list. I realize that to use some basic library
some of the tours were quite tools.
small —— I escorted two people I recently made a two—day
to Biological Sciences T-- but trip from Orangeburg, South
it makes the TA’s feel welcome Carolina to Lexington,
and important when people take Kentucky to visit Rob Aiken in
the time to work with them on a the reference department at
fairly individual basis. Our King Library.
program was a great success and I would like for you to
I appreciate the Library‘s part know of R0bYs generosity in
in it. sharing his time and knowledge
with me. The visit was
valuable to me, and provided ·
Paul willis received this the opportunity to see first-
letter from Mary Anne Braith— hand how your program works.
waite, Interim Dean, Gressette Please express my thanks to
Learning Resource Center, Rob and the rest of the
Orangeburg—Calhoun Technical Reference staff who were so
College, Orangeburg, SC: helpful during myi visit
despite a busy day for them.
  QF E.§§  9.;.--...8  HQ.JI.blL.i
Roberts, Anne F. and Susan Griswold Blandy. Qgblic Relations for
Librarians. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1989.
[Z7iC.3 .R6 1989] (Submitted by Rob Aiken.)
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