xt7rr49g5k5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g5k5s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1942-10-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  2, 1942 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  2, 1942 1942 1942-10-02 2013 true xt7rr49g5k5s section xt7rr49g5k5s The Kentucky Kernel

Hrinjr In Scrap
For The Big Scrap



Group Collecting
Most Scrap Metal


Senior Story No.
It happened

to an




upperclass-ma- n!



Joining with other state newspapers, the Kernel will sponsor a
rcrap drive on the campus October
9 to 27.
All University organizations
be drafted to assist In the collecting
of scrap metals on the campus and
in fraternity and sorority houses.
Tentative plans for the campaign
include the publishing of
figures on poundage turned in by
the various organizations. A trophy
will be awarded by the Kernel to
the organization having the largest
poundage per capita enrollment.
Each organization will be entitled
to one vote for every ten pounds of
scrap turned in to determine how
the money realized on the total
sales shall be donated. Votes may
be cast for any welfare or charitable
group, and the entire proceeds will
be donated to that group receiving
the largest number of votes.
Srr today's editorial, "Britig Scrap
for Ihr Big Strap."
Should the University as a whole
achieve the largest poundage per
capita enrollment of any college in
the state, the $250 prize being offered in the state campaign would
be added to the proceeds to be donated to charity. Individual prizes
of $100 each are being offered by
the state to the Kentucky girls'
and boys' organizations having the
largest poundage per capita enrollment and to the Kentucky individual having the largest poundage.
Organizations wishing to contribute scrap should call the Kernel
office to report. Maintenance and
operations trucks will pick up the
scrap, weigh it, and deliver it to
the downtown depot, where each
group will be credited individually
for all donations. Though the drive
will not be formally launched until
October 9. all organizations are re
quested to begin gathering immed
A poster will be placed in the
Great Hall of the Union building to
advertise 'daily contributions and

the mounting total.
Highlight of the scrap drive will
be a Kernel sponsored dance Saturday, October 17 in the Bluegrass
room of the Union building. Com'
plete plans for the affair, and the
orchestra will be announced later.

2,756 Enroll

It's a senior blunder!
He dashed into the basement
of McVey hall, one minute before class time. Confidently he
stepped into the elevator and
pressed the button. Confidently
he stepped off the elevator and


dashed for his classroom.
Strangely enough, it was filled
with freshmen, so he tried another one, but it was filled likewise.
Ju;t then he saw Dr.
Downing come out of Professor
Parquhar's office. Totally bewildered, he hunted up the janitor to see why freshman classes
had been moved into all the
senior rooms.
Ten minutes later he very
meekly entered his own classroom. In his haste he had stepped off the elevator one floor
too soon.

Are Announced

Dancing In Union
Until 12 Saturday
The University band and the new
cheerleaders will make their initial
appearance at 7 o'clock tonight in
Alumni gym when SuKy, student
pep organization, sponsors the first
gigantic pep rally of the season.
Cheers, songs, and talks by the
coaches .and members of the football team will highlight the rally.
The band and members of SuKy
will lead a parade through town
immediately after the rally. The
route of march will be up Limestone
to Main street, over to Rose, and
back to Euclid, it was announced.
Kenneth Flncher. Kingsport.
Tenn, will appear with the band
this season as a roving, twirling
drum major, C. V. Magurean, di
rector, stated. Brooks Coons and
Dirk Verhagen, drum majors, and
Barbara Rehm, sponsor, will also

participate in the rally tonight and
tomorrow's game.
No dance has been scheduled for
tomorrow night, due to the fact that
a night game will be played. However, the grill and cafeteria of the
Union building will remain open,
night club style, until midnight, according to an announcement re
ceived from the Union board. Students will be permitted to dance in

Legislature Creates
Legal Department


And Liason Board


'Cats Play Under
Lights At First
Home Contest

pubSTEP NUMBER ONE after the dictator takes over a country is to SQUELCH THE PRESS. Dictator-directe- d
lications take their place. Newspapers are onlv pulp under the dictator's grinding heel. BUT IT SHALL NOT HAPPEN HERE! Here in FREE AMERICA the PRESS is FREE. So long as we have a FREE press we shall have a
FREE people. Let's be alert to the things we can do at home to keep the dictator from our door. Let's continue
with renewed energy to do everything we possibly can to maintain ALL FOUR FREEDOMS freedom of speech
and press, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want.

Blue Feathers To Mark
YW Membership Drive

To .III To Whom These Presents Shall Come:
WHEREAS, the newspapers ot the United States, of which


have lieen an active anil integral

part, have ably and continuously demonstrated their leadership in the maintenance of the democratic way of life,
- Utttur l'k catUoi u . hu lujvtttrar
pHTMT v a t ho f
to the hearts of every free citizen of a free country, in the
courageous leadership in the social and economic life of
community, state, and nation since he founding of the
first Colonial newspaKt in 1704, and, mote particularly,
since the founding of American nationality in I77, and
WHEREAS, this leadership has leen most evident iu the
trying days of our war effort to combat the hosts of those
who would destroy the nation and the eople of the nation,
and who would destroy our Freedoms of which not the
least of these is the freedom of secch and of press, and
WHEREAS, our nation s newspacrs have given unstinted
ly of their time and spate and effort that will lead to the
final, triumphant, and ultimate vittory, and
WHEREAS, the nation's ncwspacrs with Kentucky
in the van, are sxnsoiing a nationwide scrap metal
chive to start next month as a demonstration of their

-- 4




news-paer- s

leadership in this war effort,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, as Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, hereby proclaim October to October



with the University YM-YFreshman club.. This group met Tuesday
night with Dorothy Collins, freshman advisor, in charge. Jeanette
Graves. YW president, and Bob
Davis, YM president, spoke to the
group. Miss Oakes talked about the
National Student movement and
Bart Peak, secretary of the YM,
spoke on "A Freshman Faces

Traditional blue feathers, marking those who have joined the University YWCA, will be seen on the
campus during the annual YW
membership drive Monday through
Wednesday of next week. Ruth
Wheat, membership chairman, is in
charge of the drive.
Tables will be set up in the post
office and outside the grill at the
Student Union building. Girls may
sign their pledge cards at either
place and get their blue feathers.
The membership fee of one dollar
Evening classes in romance lanmust be paid either at the time of guages
and mathematics will be ofJoining, or later, or may be taken fered
at the University starting Ocout of the registration deposit, Miss tober 5. Louis Clifton,
director of
Wheat stated.
the extension
department, anThe YWCA offers opportunities nounced.
to participate in numerous activiThe classes will meet from 7:30 to
ties such as social service, campus 10 p. m. on Monday. Wednesday,
service. Y's Owl. Dutch Lunch, eco- and Friday. They will
continue for
nomics and labor,
and a period of four weeks with an
class club activities.
extra or fourth meeting in one
This is the only organization on week. Afternoon classes will be
the campus which is particularly held from 1 to 3 p. m. Monday,
set up wtth a religious purpose and Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday
which is
Such for four weeks.
an organization tends to help the
To be offered are three credit
college student in developing a full- courses
in beginning Spanish and
er and better personality and a
plane trigonometry.
There are no
life, Miss Rosalie Oakes, prerequisites for Spanish, but trigYWCA secretary, stated.
onometry requires one and one-ha- lf
Girls who have been assigned to units of high school algebra and
work in the sorority and cooperaplane geometry.
tive houses and dormitories are Chi
Spanish will be taught by Dr.
Omega, Martha Koppius; Kappa Hobart Ryland
and Dr. Alberta WilDelta, Ruth Bradford; Alpha Delta son Server; trigonometry by ProfesPi, Carolyn Spicer; Delta Delta sor M. C. Brown
and Professor J. C.
Delta, Eloise Bennett; Kappa Kappa Eaves.
Gamma, Ann Carter Felts; Zeta
The. tuition rate is $4 per credit
Tau Alpha, Elsie March; Delta Zeta, hour, payable at the time of regis- Wilyah Graves; Alpha Xi Delta I
tration Persons wno cannot con.
Betty Frazier; McDowell house, , venienUy
then may give a
Frances Kendall; Shelby house. dated cneck
of the(r next
Patterson hall,
Helen Frances Davis; Patterson
hall annex, Ann Boles: Boyd hall.
Marjorie Palmore and Mary Elizabeth Stigall; Jewell hall. Mary
Jeanne Lancaster. Margaret Graham, and Susanna Reynolds.
Work of the "Y" has already begun

Evening Classes
To Be Offered





Campaign Begins
Here On .Monday- -


Scrap Number


Kentuckian Pictures
Individual pictures for the 1943
Kentuckian will be taken in the
basement of Memorial Hall beginning Monday. October 5.
ALL PICTURES, sorority, fraternity. Junior, and senior classes, and
other organizations, will be taken
according to the following alphabetical schedule: Monday, October
5. A through C: Tuesday, October
6. D through F; Wednesday. October 7, G through J; Thursday, October 8. K through M; Friday, October 9. N through Q; Monday, October 12, R through S; Tuesday, October 13, T through V; Wednesday,

October 14, W through Z; Thursday.
October 15. Miscellaneous; Friday,
October 16. Miscellaneous.
Because of emergency conditions
the photographers can remain on
the campus only ten days. It is
therefore imperative that all students who wish to have pictures
made, report to Memorial Hall at
the proper time.
Because of a rigid schedule of
publication this year, no provision
whatsoever will be made for late

Closer cooperation between the
Student Government
and the University administration,
and a better internal organization
of the legislature are indicated by
the business transacted at the legislature's first meeting, held Tuesday night in the Union building.
A bill, introduced by Marvin
of the
SGA, was passed to create a liaison
board which will foster good will
and cooperation among the various
groups located on the campus. This
board will consist of a student
chairman, two student members,
and two faculty members appointed by the SGA president and approved by the legislature.
An invitation from President Herman L. Donovan for the student
legislators to come to his home.
Maxwell place, for an informal
meeting next Monday indicated
that effort is being made to elimi
nate any friction between students

Kernel Sports Editor

Kentuckian Calls
For Stan" Members

"Claudia" Slated
As First Guignol
Production Of Year

Closer Cooperation With
Administration Shown
At First Meeting Of SGA


8 as
Final registration figures for the the cafeteria.
fall quarter show an enrollment of
2.756 students at the University.
AND call iion every cilien in the state to join with the
This total, reached September 30,
newspapers iu celebration of this Week in a suitable manlast day for enrollment for class
lier, and to join with the ncwspaers in the scrap metal
credit, shows a decrease of 491 over
All students interested in securlast year's figures.
chive to its successful and complete end.
on the 1943 Kening a position
Done at Frankfort, Kentucky this twenty-fifttuckian staff should report at 3
o'clock this afternoon to room 53
day of Septemlier, in the year of our
McVey hall. Robert Kibler, editor,
Lord one ihousand nine hundred and foil
announced yesterday.
and in the year of the Commonwealth
Three associate 'editor positions
are open, Kibler said. To qualify
the one hundred filty-lusfor these, a student must be classiKeen Johnson
fied as a Junior, have a University
standing, and a standing of 1.4 for
the previous quarter.
Comonwealth of Kentuckv
The reportorial staff of The Kentucky Kernel held an organization
meeting Tuesday afternoon in the
news room. Beats were assigned
and instructions given to all mem-Ikt- k
who will assume duties immediately.
popular comedy of
Beats were issued as follows: Lois young married life, will be the first
Oeden. Guignol and Music depart- Guignol production this year. The
ment; Jessica Gay, Union building: play will open November 9 and run
Houston Thomas, College of En- one week with a matinee on Satgineering; Jane Oldham. Personnel urday.
Although about 50 University stuoffice. Dean of Men's office; Betty
YM and VW; Joe dents and townspeople attended
Physics department. try outs last Sunday, the cast, which
Maintenance and Grounds; Dor- includes eight parts, has not yet
othy Angle, Psychology department; been selected.
This is the fifteenth season for
Claudine Mullinaux, McVey hall.
Alice Freeman, Home Economics hits as "Arsenic and Old Lace,"
department; Mary Hayworth, Bio- Guignol productions and with such
Eileen," and possibly
locical Sciences building; Florida "My Sister
Corn Is Green," forthcoming,
Law college, library; Win 'The
the current series promises to be
fred Thomas, College of Agricul one of
the best yet.
ture; Eugenia Brown, White hall
Frank Fowler will again produce
Frazee hall; John Hutcheson, Ad and direct the plays and Clarence
ministration building; Dan Lewis, Geiger will act as technical direct'
Military department; and Mary or. John Ambrose has been apJane Gallaher, College of Educa- poiitted starl? maneger; Winston
tion and Dean of Women's office. Blythe, electrician; Frances Bou
Mary Lilliam Davis, Bill Ham- ton. business manager; Anna Free
mock, Virginia Henderson, Betty man, costume mistress; and Anne
Bohannon. Mary Jane Dorsey, Sue Geiger, property mistress.
Ruth Wheat, membership rhairman, feathers Hetty l.ee link,
A complete schedule of the plays
Fan Gooding, and Pat Ochs will
drive, as Jane Kirk, Jeannette Craves,
first pledge of the li42-4- )
serve as special assignment report- will be announced as soon as the
Kosalie Oakes, setretarx, look on.
and Miss
releases have been secured.
ers for the present.

Special Reporters '
Are Organized





Sorority Pledges


Kernel Will Sponsor
Campus Scrap Drive;
Tentative Plans Made
The Kentucky


Eleven Generals will be buck privates following tomorrow night's
gridiron opener under the arcs on
Stoll field.
That is the supposition advanced
by Ab Kirwan and his unruly Kentucky Wildcats as they awaited the
Washington and Lee game scheduled for 8 bells tomorrow night on
the local turf.
The Generals from the Old Dominion, howe ver, have advanced
suggestions that might lead one to
believe they intend to shoot the
works against Kentucky, win. lose,
or draw.
Tactician Jerry Holstein. the
youthful lawyer-coac- h
at the Lexington Institution, announced in a
terse communique yesterday:
"We don't intend to play a defensive game against Kentucky
if we lose, it'll be our offensive's
fault and not the poor showing of
our defense.
backs looked
"Our sophomore
good last Saturday against West
Virginia, and we believe that well
have a better chance if we play a
wide-opoffensive game."
The youthful barrister may not
be far from wrong.
In his team's opener last Saturday, the Generals fought tenaciously against the. rugged West
Virginia Mountaineers to lose by a
In dropping the Mountaineer deGenerals
cision, the
looked the part of a classy ball
They blocked well, kicked
well, passed well, and even thought
well which is quite a feat for a
sophomore ball club.
Kentucky evened the ledger last
Friday night in Cincinnati when
they dropped the Xavter Musketeers,
in a game that never
reached the question mark stage.
Attacking via all routes, the
displayed a remarkable
pass offense, completing seven out
of eight, and their ground game
was never in doubt against the
Muskies .
Tall, tawny Phil Cutchin, the
starting left halfback, who to date
has set the south on fire with his
football game, will be in the fray
tomorrow night with his educated
right toe and his precision throwing right arm which all adds up
to an interesting session.
The big junior halfback is the
sparkplug of the team, and the
story now appears to be, so goes
"Cutch", so goes Kentucky.
Cutchin will be running behind
one of the best lines that Bernie
Shively, the genial UK athletics
on Page Three

blue-shirt- ed

35-1- 9,


and the administration.
A legal department of uie SGA
was created by a bill introduced by
Roy Hunt, agriculture representative, as the first step towards
more efficient organization of the
legislative body. This department,
which will conduct investigations of
matters such as last year's contested presidential election, will consist of one student legal counsellor,
two student assistants, and one faculty advisor to be chosen by the
Scott Reed, arts and
sciences representative, was selected as the legal counsellor. Other
members were not chosen at ttte
Referred to a committee was a
by Jane Birk.
designed to
establish the Women's House Presidents council as a committee of

the Student Government association. This council, composed of
representatives of women living in
dormitories, sorority houses, cooperative houses, organized rooming
houses, and private homes, already
exists but does not function as a
part of the government proper.
Freshmen will wear the traditional blue and white caps until after
the Thanksgiving holidays, according to the legislature's
These students should be taught
that wearing the blue and white of
the University is an honor, not
Jim Collier, SGA
president, explained.
Carroll Rcbie. Lexington sophomore, was appointed clerk of the
apd John Elam. Ft.
Thomas freshman, was named assistant clerk. Joan Taylor, arts and
sciences representative, was elected
treasurer of the group.
Plans for publishing a student directory were discussed. This SOA
sponsored guide will probably be
available about the middle of

Attendance of the representatives
all meetings was emphasized by
Collier as imperative if the government is to function properly. Any
member who misses three meetings
in succession is automatically dismissed, according to the SGA
Student government is
serious business and "no toy." Collier stressed.
Representatives absent from fh
Perfect scholastic standings were first meeting were Margaret Ersk-incommerce, and Elizabeth Chairmade by 20 full time students in
the arts and science college dur- man, arts and sciences.
Continued on Page Four
ing the second semester of the
1941-4- 2
school year, it was announced from the office of Dean
Paul P Bovd.
The students were: freshmen;
Mrs. Julie Honore Aldrich. Lexington; Virginia Stuart Baskett. CasLT. HAROLD WINN, former
per. Wyoming: James Henry Saunmanaging editor of The Kernel,
ders. Hopkinsville.
Sophomores; Emma H. Boye, Mo- visited the campus this week. Lieubile. Alabama: Algernon S. Dickson. tenant Winn, who received his comParis; Ralph L. Gullett. West Lib- mission at Fort Benning. Ga., will
erty; Helen L. Harrison, and Mary report to Camp Wheeler. Ga.. OctKing Martina. Lexington: Mary ober 3. He graduated from the University last June.
Norma Weatherspoon. Fulton.
Juniors; Robert J. Amnions. LexCADET LVNN C. BARRETT.
ington: Jane C. Birk. New Albany,
Indiana: Joan E. Taylor. Cynthi- - former University student, has
ana; Shirley Thomas, fcrlanger: completed his
Betsy B. Woodford. Paris.
and is now a basic cadet at the
Seniors; Buford Hall. Jr.. George-- i Army air forces flying school at
town: Marjorie Penn Hall. Ruth Bainbridge. Ga.
McQuown. and Laura D. McCon- -'
athy. Lexington: Lida Bell Howe.
Louisville; and Dorothy Elizabeth graduated last June from Uie UniPaul. Indianapolis, Indiana.
versity, is now visiting on the camThis year's group of 20 students pus before reporting to San Anwith 3 standings shows an improve- - tonio. Texas, for flight training.
ment over the 17 who had perfect ATO will honor him Saturday night
records for a similar period during with an open house at the chapter
the 1940-4- 1






US's UKs

pre-flig- ht

� oesi oopy Avanaoie



i wo


















(1 M One Semester


H. V.

M One Year


Mil liffned mrtirlet
ad colaieat are to be ctmiHtered the
t,p,mona o the writert themtetvet, aaa 4u .t aeresimny
o The Kernel.
the opraioa


and older

alike have Ihcii
shaking harshly of ho government and i lit
newspapers for not bringing vital military news
before it is stale. Sonic of I lie details art- presented months after the Itatilc lias occurred.
Three weeks ago rcjioits on ilie li;nile ol Midway were si ill lieing announced.
Here is the situation in a ntiishell. No inhumation that could benefit the cnemv in any
way can be published. What tlicy don't know
will hurt them a lot.
If they think that they hae destroyed live
battleships, and only two are stink, then ilicir
next move may bring disaster to litem.
"They" say that the enemy tommies know
the news is releasetl.
all ihe vital facts
raei'hais I hey do. bin we don't know that. We
tan tuily surmise. We can't lake lite t haute ol
giving litem anv news that will allay their


It is essential that certain lasic fails le un- - .
deiMootl. The first f these is that the outcome
of the war is a matter of vital jmsonal concern
to lie future of everv American titicn. The
t olid is l hat ihe security of our armed fortes
will lie
anil even of our homes and our
weakened in greater or less degree by every disclosure of information which will help the

If a pajter publishes the news that Lieut.
Jjiues Henry talahan. Service Battery. 42 T.A.
En., sixth armored division, was killed in Egvjn,
the entile world knows where that division is
and will have a good itlea of what oilier divisions are wiih it. That one statement could ruin
an entire strategy of keeping ihe enemy out of
ihe know.
A Code of Wartime Prat lite, has leen issued
to the ncwsjtajicrs of the nation, and eath tine
is exniicd to follow them to the letter. The
Otlite of Censorship has staled thai the highly
"i at living resjtonse of the press so far proves
that ii understands the need for lemjiorary
and is jtrejtared lo make lhat satrilioc
in ihe President's assurance that such curtailment as may le necessary will lie administered
"in harmony with ihe Ik-s-i interests of free
Ihe sjHtific information which newspajiers.
magaincs, and all other media of publication
aie asked not to publish except when null in-fmillion is made available officially by nm-fmni- e
authority, falls into ihe following classes.
1. I roojw. The general character anil movements of I'niicd States Army. Navy, or Marine
Coi is units, within or without the continental
their location,
limits ol the United Stales
or exact comjiosiiinn, etpiipment, or
m length; destination, rouies. and schedules; assembly for embarkation, prospective cmharka-lioii- .
or actual embarkation. Any suth informaregarding ihe troops of friendly nations on
Aun t it an soil.
I he request as regards "location" and "general iharatter" does not apply to troops in training iams in continental I'niicd Stales, not to
units assigned lo domestic police duty. Names
ol Naval Kivinnel should not Ik- - linked with
their ships or bases. Possible future military
ociaiioiis should not Ite revealed by idem ilying
an individual known for a sjjci ialicd activity.
2. Ship inovcmeius. cargoes, etc. The iden-liiv- .
location, anil movements of I'nitetl Stales
naval tr merchant vessels, of neutral vessels, or
vessels of nations opiosing the Axis jiovvers in
jiiv waters, unless suth iiiformation is made
public oiiisitle continental I'niied States: ihe
ioit anil lime of arrival or proseciive arrival
ol suth vessels, or the port from which liny
leave; I he nainre of caigK- of suth vessels: the
nit in iiv or location of enemy naval or men ham
vessels in anv waters, unless suth inlormai ion
is made
public outside continental I'tiitetl
Slates; the identitv, assembly, or movements ol
iiausjtoiis or convoys; the exisieme of mine
(it Ids or other harlxrr defenses; secret orders or
other strict i list rut lions regarding lights, buoys,
antl other guides to navigators; the number,
sie. iharatter. anil location of ships in lonsinic-ii- .
,n. or advance information as to the date of
la unt hings or commissioning; the physital setup
oi tethnital details of shipyards.
3. Ship sinkings, damage by enemy atl.it ks.
Inhumation altoiit I he sinking or damaging
vessels in
ham wax causes of war m








aSkimcx me T5


If we


we mav

into the straj







iii in


Lrvvts Saw ix


wants, unless suth informal ion is made
public outside tontinental United Stales, and
its origin staled.
Information about damage to military objectives, int lulling dinks, railroads, air lieltls, or
public utilities, or industrial plants engaged in
war work, through enemy land or sea attacks
on continental United States or jxisyssions.
In reporting suth attatks,











otFide yETf


counter-measure- s

plans of defense should not be disclosed, except

through appropriate military authorities.
!. Attacks by air. To the end that any air
attaik on continental United States may be
in an orderly fashion, consistent with the
highest requirements of national security, the
following lourse of action Itefore, during, and
alter an air raid, is suggested:
A. Before a raid. It is desirable that no warning or rcjiori of an
raid Ik-- published

anions intludiii" a start h through liaieiniiv
and sorority houses and buildings. mil liarns on
the agriculture farm in an aucnipt to tlo our bit
in ihe newsjiajHr strap metal chive.
A plaque will Itc awarded' lo the organization
turning in the most straj). .
As all of you know, this scrap drive has lieen
going on for months but ib the recent weeks it
has tlroiH'il to sagging depths. The newsjiajjcrs
called iijjoii to revive the salvage
lampaign. ' In full retognition of the desjit ralc
need for scraj. The Kernel joins with ihe many
other newsjiajers in a jtatrtoiic aiteinpt lo he lp
the steel inills running al to lapaeity til
five million tons.
Vim will be asked to look: and jirobably look
again, from attic to basement for old garbage
tans, II a I irons, chains, radiators, washing machines', kitchen slmves. bathuils, jiijies, and railings, .bill no auto biiinjM'is since the t hromiuiii



Iceland9 Brings Romance;
'Desperate Journey,' Thrills





close to open warfare, and a wealth
of hilarity. Add the unforgettable
skating scenes, the excellent supporting cast of Felix Bresart, Fritz
Feld, Osa Massen, and Joan Merrill, the music of Sammy Kaye, and
the list of hit tunes, and it will
prove an evening of entertainment
for the whole family.
Moving down to the Kentucky,
one finds a change from the light
comedy of "Iceland." Beginning to
day. Warner Bros.' new picture.
"Desperate Journey" will bring
the Lexington screen the story of
the crew of a British bomber which
is shot down in Germany.
The action never lags and suspense holds one rigid in his seat.
The story will suit the youngsters
and' the males of all ages, and the
good looks of Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan will bring the girls and
women to the theater.
Raymond Massey is at his best as
an officer of the Nazi regime, and
Alan Hale is one of the bomber
Nancy Coleman, Arthur Kennedy,
and Ronald Sinclair add to the
completion of the cast.




Politics, Ever - Present









except as given out by designated representatives of ihe Annv Defense Command.
B. During a raid. It is requested that news
dispawhed. transmitted or published at the
of a raid, prior to oltiicial announcement. Ik- confined lo the following: (1) the fact
that a raid has begun, without estimating the
ihiiiiImt of planes; (2) the fact that some IhimiIis
if fully established, but
have Iwen drojijK-d- ,
without effort lo estimate the number; (3) the
bare fatt that antiaircraft guns have gone into
Thereafter, until the raid is ended and the
sounded, it is requested that nothing In.-transmitted or published except communiques
available promptly and
whith will
By Bob Warth
has become such an accepted patiodic ally from the designated representatives of
Politics, democracy's great gilt to tern of the American way of life?
the Armv Defense Command.
In fact, the ceaseless pursuit, capthe common people, is, like religion,
C. Altera raid. There is no objection lo pub an ever present visitor in peace and ture, and dissipation of the alI it a t i
i i of general
descriptions of ihe anion war. It is commonly supposed, and mighty dollar has become such a
fundamental axiom in the capitalisr
is given, provided such ac presumably believed, by sundry
alter the
souls that the shadier as tic ethic that were Jesus Himself to
counts tlo not (I) play up horror or sensation pects of the political game, often appear in any large American city
alisin;' (2) ileal with or refer lo iinconlirnied merely thrown together under the and begin to expound the Sermon
versions or rejioris; (.1) contain anv estimate ol euphemistic title of "playing pol on the Mount, five would get you
ten of the smart money that He
itics," is strictly a peacetime
the number of planes involved or the number
would be lynched or run out of town
of lionibs ilropHtl except as given in tommii
During such times the average before sundown.
All of which adds up to the fact
niqucs; (4) make anv reference to damage to voter becomes so inured to the va
rious techniques, subtle and other that politics, as you probably susmilitary objectives suth as fori ilit at ions, docks
wise, of robbing the public till that pected by now, is still very much
railroads, ships, airliclds, public utilities, or in such procedure is commonly accept- with us. The iniquities of the dolilustrial plants engaged in war work; (.") make ed as an inevitable part of one's en- lar a year men, the labor unions,
draganv mention of ihe exact rouies taken bv cnemv vironment just as one fatalistically and even big business have
accepts the basic facts of birth, ged before the public gaze, but at
of tie marriage, propagation, and death. long last it looks as if congress is
planes; (i) descrilie counter-measure- s
fense, suth as troop mobilizations or movements.
Indeed, more often than not, the going to get its chance to play
or the number or location of antiaircraft guns plain citizen considers it a legiti- scapegoat.
Various columnists have worked
operation, if not a sacred duor searchlights in anion, except as otritially an mate swindle
ty, to
the government when- themselves into a lather denouncnoiinced.
presents Itself. ing the complacency and
ever opportunity
being displayed by our esNothing in this request is intended to prevent The government" in such cases is
or curtail constructive rejxirling of sut h matter: always spoken of in hushed tones as teemed representatives in Washseme mysterious and abstract en- ington, and the v