xt7rr49g5k3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g5k3m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-05-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1946 1946 1946-05-10 2013 true xt7rr49g5k3m section xt7rr49g5k3m The Kentucky Kernel

Attend Convocation

Attend Convocation





SuKy May Day

Parade Saturday



10. 19 16

Campus Sing UK Symphony Briggs Gives
Gives Concert Sixth Hit
Contest Set
Next Thursday a
and independent
under the


Dean Blanding To Speak
At Honors Convocation,
Portrait Unveiling At Jeivell

By Hugh Collett
Guignol's production of
Family." which brings
theater's 1945-4- 6 season to a successful close, is representative of
the fine entertainment presented
during the theater's 18 years and
The University of Kentucky Sym- 150 productions.
The annual May Day Parade,
sponsored by SuKy but discontinued
phony Orchestra will make its first
i.i iimii.-JNo producer-directever hopes
appearance in two years at Memo to have six straight smash hits, but
during the war. will make its first
appearance on the University camrial Hall at 8:15 p.m. Thursday. Wallace N. Briggs, Guignol's diS.
A portrait of Frances Jewell Mc
The second annual "Honors Day"
pus since 1941 at 4 p.m. tomorrow
This musical organization, which is rector, has done just that.
President-Eme- ri
convocation, instituted at the Uniafternoon. The parade, following Its
under the direction of Alexander
Larry Snedeker as Sam Whitaker, Vey, late wife of
custom, will proceed from the semiCapurso, head of the music depart Charlotte Corn as Irma Dalrymple, tus Frank L. McVey and former
versity last year for the purpose of
"It's time America stood up and
circle drive to the downtown busimcnt, was disrupted during the war Renice Linville as Frances Whit- University dean of women, will be
recognizing those students who have
ness district, and then to the library talked back to Russia," said Dr
period due to the loss of many of aker, and Edmund Mills as Dr. Bar-te- ll unveiled in Jewell hall, women's
distinguished themselves in leaderresidence unit which bears her1
steps for the crowning of the May Alexander Baird. head of the eco- the musicians to military service.
walked away with the show. All
ship and scholarship, will be held
nomics department. West Virginia
name, at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
With the reorganization of the four gave stellar performances.
Wesleyan college, at the Monday
Led by members of SuKy and the
at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Memorial lialL
Symphony Orchestra, now conv
The portrait was painted by Allan
Mr. Snedeker, as the elderly
UK band, the parade will be com- night meeting of the Veterans' club.
New York artnosed of University students and "house-wifsubmitted beautifully Swisher,
All students with a minimum of
He challenged America to adopt
posed of floats sponsored by various
faculty and musicians from Lex to the shrewd dominance and
two quarters residence at UK and a
ist who was a member of the UniTwenty-si- x a foreign policy consistent with the
University organizations.
ington and nearby communities, it
standing of 2.3 or higher will be
of Mrs. Linville, who faith- versity faculty when Mrs. McVey
of this country
displays had been entered in the greatness
recognized, and those organizations
has been again possible to offer a fully portrayed his wife. Irma, was dean, and the work was done
press time, but this num- pointed out what lay ahead if we
parade at
Frances' sister (as played by Miss under the supervision of Miss Ann
requiring a 2.0 standing for initiapublic concert.
ber may be increased today or to- did not open our eyes to realities in
tion will be given special mention.
In outlining the functions of the Corn) took on the air of the para- Callahan of the UK art departa turbulent world. He explained
President H. L. Donovan will preorchestra. Dr. Capurso has two ob- sitical relative. Although at times ment.
The band and floats will form at how Russia hoped to disrupt our
her The picture will be presented to
side at the ceremonies, and Dr.
jectives: first, to provide local or- Miss Corn fell to
march down South economic and political life as she
Sarah Gibson Blanding. presidentchestral artists with an opportuni- overall performance was outstand- the University by Jewell Hall PresLimestone to Main, up Main to Rose has done to other countries which
elect of Vassar college, is to present
ty to become acquainted with the ing. Mr. Mills' characterization of ident Martha Rich, and it will be
have fallen asleep. The reason
the convocation address. "In the
highest standards of orchestral per- Dr. Bartell, a "zombie" of a doctor accepted on behalf of the Univermany Americans are asleep at this
All organizations
who needed a magnifying glass to sity by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, presTime of Our Lives." The invocation
formance; second, to provide gifted
time, he said, is the false feeling
see the baby, although handling a
floats in the May Day parade
will be brought by Bart Nixon Peak,
ent dean of women.
lecal musicians with oppurtunities
of security after the war ended.
Hrrf ir "
are requested to have their
secretary of the University's YMCA.
to appear as soloists with the sym- smaller part, came near to
Announcements of the ceremony
I want only to present facts,"
floats at the University circle
and presentation of the student
phony orchestra in the performance the entire show.
Sarah G. Blandirg
said the Austrian-bor- n
'Sue Ann Turley as Kitty Mitchell, have been sent outside the city and
drive at 3:30 In order to take
message will be made by Edward
of concertos.
explain how Russia is not a
and Ray Marcus as Eugene, her state, but a compilation of the
places in the parade.
! Albert Bary.
big dark area shrouded from the
The soloist selected for this ap- husband, handled the love Interests complete invitation list has not
Highlight of the assembly will be
pearance is Miss Jean Ellen Query, to perfection.
rest of the world as Churchill has
been made. Two grandchildren of
the recognition of honor groups and
street, and up Rose to the library said in diplomatic language. I use
Mrs. McVey, Mary Frances Jewell
a graduate student in the music deJohn Renfro and Ridgely Park
presentation of awards by Dean Leo
only Russian sources for my infor
for the crowning ceremonies.
partment at the University. Miss
convincing as and Frances Jewell Morris, will atoutstandingly
M. Chamberlain.
from veterans' Query, the daughter of Mrs. Prank were
Program Before Crowning
mation and when it is all placed in
Archie and Hazel Whitaker.
Those honor groups to receive
Preceding the crowning of the a composite picture, Russia's for clubs of all of Kentucky's 28 col B. Query, Wilmore, received the
The presentation program will
The diaper service man took on
Queen will be a program consisting eign policy has been nothing but a leges and universities will meet at bachelor of arts degree at Asbury great exuberance at the hand of consist of a song by Robert Kuhl-ma- n
Dr. Alfred Leland Crabb. noted special recognition Tuesday include:
Alpha Lambda Delta (freshman
the University Saturday to officially College. She has made previous ap
of two groups of tumblers and the long record of crime."
of the music department, and author and educalor of Kentucky
James Snyder, and Bettie Tuttle's
Women's Glee club.
He pointed out how a recent elec- form the Kentucky Association of pearances
in Lexington
girl an address by Dr. Sarah Gibson and Tennessee, will speak in the women). Beta Gamma Sigma (comduring portrayal of the Western Union
BuKy will then announce the win- tion was held under Soviet control Student Veterans.
Union building Thursday. merce). Kappa Delta Pi (educa- which she has demonstrated her was also well done.
Blanding, president-eleof Vassar Student
The UK Veterans' club will be unusual pianistic
ner of the May Queen contest and and the results of the voting were
Dr. Crabb appears on the campus i tion). Order of the Coif (law). Phi
talent. She is a Henry Foushee and James Steiner College, and an open house from
she will be crowned on the steps.
announced 24 hours before the Rus- host to the delegation at a prelim- pupil of Era Wilder Peniston.
as the moving men received beau-cou- p 3:3V6:00 for the public to view by invitation of Lambda Alpha Beta Kappa (arts and sciences,
The May Queen has been selected sians themselves said the polls were inary meeting at 10 a.m. with the The orchestra personnel Is as folchapter of Chi Omega sorority. and Tau Beta Pi (engineering, now
laughs during their short the picture will follow the presenbusiness meeting scheduled for 2
committee composed closed.
by a five-mDean William S. Taylor, personal inactive).
presence on the stage, as did Alice tation.
in the afternoon. A proposed lows: . first violin: Mabel Gumm.
He hinted that one reason why o'clock
of members of local civic organisaOther societies requiring a minfriend of the speaker, will introduce
concertmeister, Carol Doub. Dudley Dean in her part as Adelaide, the
Mrs. McVey was an Instructor of
tions. A list of nine women nom- we are so lax in facing Russia is constitution will be voted upon and South,
imum standing of 2.0 for member
Dr. Crabb.
first maid.
Gerald Case, Thomas
English and dean of women until
inated by the student body was sub- the pressure brought on the press permanent officers will be elected
Mary Mulligan in her portrayal her marriage to Dr. McVey
Born ' in Warren county near ship are Mortar Board (leadership.
In 1923.
mitted and the Queen was chosen la this country to not criticize our at this meeting.
of Shrdlu, the slightly daffy col
Bowling Green, Dr. Crabb attended snor women) and Phi Delta Kappa
She was a woman of great charm
"This will be an important meet- Stone; second violin: Glenn Stille,
ally Russia, He does not believe
from this group.
praise for her
both Western and Eastern Kentucky 'professional, education).
i ored maid, won much
Dance At Nine
that Russia would go to war with ing from the standpoint of getting Gcraldine Brock, Archie Howard fine acting. Her pantomiming was and ability, and her home. Maxwell State Teachers colleges. He is a There will also be five prizes and
organized, con- Howard Beers, Don Warburton; viPlace, was the center of faculty
Topping the day's observance, a the United States now but later on the state association
excellent, and her appearance In
member of Kentucky and Tennessee awards based on scholarship
dance will be held in when she recovers from losses in stitution adopted, and the associa- ola: Wilyah Graves, Mary Anne this production should lead her to and student life until Dr. McVey's
and at sented to students enrolled in arts
'cello: Martha Jane
retirement In 1940.
Queen's honor in the Union's the war just ended, we might face tion chartered by the state," Ed.
present is professor of education at and sciences, six awards to agricul-Georadditional and better Guignol parts.
12, to a different situation. He thinks the Cabbard, temporary chairman, said. Stone, Ellen Allen, Byron Bach;
Bluegrass room from
Jack Fcnton and Bettie Harris She was a leader in many or
Pea body Teachers college, ture and borne economics students.
An earlier meeting of representa string bass: Prank J. Prindl, Parker
morrow night. Music will be fur- time to act is now.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank- ganizations: YWCA. American Asrds to engineering students.
Dr. Crabb has been an outstand- - two
tives of state clubs was held two LaBach. Argus Armes; flute, Lysle Russell as
nished by Bobby Bleldt's orchestra,
of University Women. ing author for many years. HialM," via w " iraauaie scnooi,
ade- sociation
lin did their assignments
ago in Louisville when the Bach, Barbara Allen, Allen Carpenmonths
and announcement of the winners
University's Women's Club. USO, most
works are a series two to the commerce eoUtge. and
temporary chairman and George W. ter; oboe. Perry Adams, Jack quately.
of the float contest will be made at
'The play takes place in-- a small Control and Cure of Cancer, and of historical novels about Nashville one to the College of Education.
Stephenson, UK student, temporary Whicker. Barbara Akers; clarinet:
' the dance.
worth-whimove- during
New York apartment the home of numerous other
the Civil War; among this The recognition part of the priy.
Additional tickets to the Big
chairman, were elected to draw up a
(Continued on Page Four)
The queen and her attendants
which, ments in the state.
Sam. and Frances Whitaker
series is "Supper at Maxwell House." gram will also include ten scholar
.Name Band dance will go on
constitution and set the date for the
pages from
will be ushered by two
Mrs. McVey died last summer.
before the opening- - of the play, 11
sale today from 9 to 11 a.m. in
first statewide meeting.
The public is invited to the lec- ships and awards to students of
SuKy's float, on which they will
years before to be exact, takes, on Following her death, a group of inture, and the room and time will be unspecified courses, and six mis
the Union building. There are
ride, to Uie queen's throne located
occupant in the form of terested citizens planned - fop an
cellaneous prizes.
only 31
tickets left,
on the steps of the library, where
organization to raise a scholarship announced later.
Irma, Frances lanky sister.'
according to Mrs. Evans, UK
Those students to be recognised
queen will be crowned by Dr.
Just when the first act begins to fund in her home. This, is the Fran
social director, and there will
for a 2J scholastic average will in
get stale, interest is returned by ces Jewell McVey Scholarship Fund,
be no more refunds on tickets.
clude 48 seniors, 32 juniors, 22 soph
The man and woman who made
In continuance there will be a
the entrance of the Whitaker's which helps deserving women stuomores, and 28 freshmen in arts and
the most outstanding contributions
program of songs presented by the
Kitty, who announces dents.
sciences; 8 seniors. 1 junior. 3 sophshe has come to live with
women's glee club, a number of May tcmity, Jewell Hall, Kappa Kappa to SGA during the past year were
Mrs. McVey was a native
omores, and 4 freshmen in the agGamma sorority. Home Economics chosen at the regular meeting of
dances by Tau Sigma dance fra
educated at Vassar College
riculture and home economics colVague, campus magazine to
By Lucy Thomas
DelMonday. The two sethe assembly
baby, Susan, who "looks even older and Columbia University, one-titernity, a performance by a group of House, YWCA. Alpha Gamma
lege: 3 seniors. 3 juniors, 2 sophobe published by the University
University tumblers, and dances by ta sorority. Kappa Delta sorority, lected will receive especially
WHAT IS YOUR than Irma," makes the apartment's assistant professor of English and
mores, and 7 freshmen in engineerchapter of Chi Delta Phi, naDutch Lunch Club, Phi Delta Theta graved keys at the annual Honors OPINION IN REGARD TO OUT- census five.
the adagio team.
dean of women at the University of
ing; 4 seniors. 3 juniors. 2 sophotional women's literary honDOOR CLASSES THIS SPRING
To make room for the new occu Kentucky, member of the board of
year no special theme will be fraternity, Patterson Hall, Alpha Day convocation.
mores, and S freshmen in the Colorary, will be on sale at various
of establishing
pants, Irma is informed that she is trustees of Vassar College, member
carried out in the making of the Gamma Rho fraternity, Sigma Chi
lege of Commerce; 5 law students,
stations on the campus by May
honor system at the University was
Miggie McDowell, AS, Junior: to sleep on the living room couch. and officer of numerous educational
floats. The organizations entering fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha sorority,
and 6 education students.
28. according to Martha Yates,
any definite ac Yes, I think it would be nice, but I which opens into a
floats have been asked only to base Alpha Xi Delta sorority and Delta discussed, without
and philanthropic organizations.
- Many
business manager.
of the scholarship prizes
get freckles!
tion being taken.
bed. The ensuing scene when Irma
the directions of their floats on the Zeta sorority.
and awards listed above will result
Changing of rents in Cooperstown
Mary Lillian Davis, AAS, senior:
(Continued on Page Four)
Difficulty in getting the magA May queen and her eight at
Day significance. Three prizes
In duplicate prizes to some students,
azine printed has caused delay
wil! be awarded to the most original tendants have been chosen form the was brought to the attention of the I think it would be wonderful for
and three or more awards will be
assembly. A committee was ap- the rest of the spring; however, the
in its, publication date. Miss
nd most approproate float.
The following group of girls: Mary Lou
presented in several cases.
pointed to investigate
before a summer term doesn't worry me as
Yates said.
judjres of the floats will circulate in Witherspocn, Mary Pox Clark, Sally
I won't be here (I hope).
unknown positions among the pa- - Branch, Sun Ann Bradford, Kitty stand is taken by SGA.-The' magazine will Include
Roy Cunningham, Law student:
The class of 1896 will celebrate
Sue Flynn, A n g e 1 i a
rude audience and the winners of Crapster,
short stories, poems, features,
If you want to make the Univer- Its fiftieth reunion at the seventy-nint- h
the prizes will be announced at the Meisch, Doris Smith and Nancy
and miscellaneous work by stusity the "playground of the
The bacteriology, zoology, and the
annual commencement exerMay Day dance Saturday night. Catherine Taylor. The queen and
dents, including sketches and
reLanguage examinations
anatomy and physiology libraries
outdoor classes would be cises to be held at the University
Those organizations entering floats her attendants, all dressed in pasother illustrated work. Miss
May Queen dance
quired for advanced degrees will
have been combined into one unit,
excellent, but
in the parade are: Pi Kappa Alpha tels, will be escorted by the parade's be given by the Department of tional standardsI'm afraid educa- of Kentucky Friday. June 7. The night, 9 to 12, In the Student Union ' Yates stated.
which will be called the Biological
would be a sec- class of 1921 is scheduled for its
fraternity. Zeta Beta Tau fraterni- unknown jester.
German on Wednesday, May 15,
ondary objective.
Sciences library, acording to Mrs.
twenty-fift- h
Members of Alpha Lambda Delta,
ties. Kappa Theta sorority. Outing
. . . will meet at
during the entire day but the
Jan Timmons, A&S, junior: It's
ohn W. Moberly, assistant departAccording
to the Dix plan, Canterbury club
Club. Delta Delta Delta sorority. freshman women's honorary, wil! be
examination must be finished by
a great idea, but I don't think adopted several years ago by the 5:30 Monday in Christ church parment librarian In charge of the new
Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Sigma Phi usherettes for the program to be
4 p.m.
there's even a remote possibility Alumni Association, the following ish house. Mrs. Harry Taylor, misB. Jobe, Lexington, and
fra- - presented.
Epsilcn fraternity, Sigma Nu
that such a plan would be put into classes are scheduled to reunite, in sionary a China, will speak.
new uorary win or in room
club . . . will meet at 7 p.m. Gilbert Rappaport, Louisville 00411 100 of the Biological Sciences build
addition to the two mentioned:
Paul King, A4S, junior: Gets 1944, '40, "39, "38, "28, O, '19, '03, Monday in the Ag building. Offi students in the College of Law. re- ing. Library hours will be Monday-Fridamy vote.
cently passed the bar examinations
cers will be elected.
8 to 11:30
1 to 5. and
02, '01 and 1900.
Cyrenne M c Co n n . Agriculture,
7 to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday: 8 to 11 30
Because of the shortages of food Alpha Xi Delta . . . open house for of the Kentucky State Bar
junior: Sure would like it who'd and accommodations, the Alumni Pi Kappa Alpha and Phi Sigma
a.m. and 1 to S p.m.
ever get tired of looking at our Association Is not planning a for Kappa from 4 to 6 today.
mal program for these classes, but Honors Day convocation
10 a.m.
Conrad Richardson, AAS, senior: class members interested in returntration, Veterans Administration, present controversy but when Ker
reporters OK if held in the shade and drinks ing to their Alma Mater for reunions Tuesday, Memorial hall.
Federal Public Housing Authority nel and Courier-JournJewell hall open house
to view
and the Student Government As- tried to get a complete story, they are served!!!
are asked to communicate with
Pat Mullins, A AS, junior: Swell! their class secretaries, who in turn portrait of Mrs. Frank L. McVey.
arising from a change sociation.
were barred from the meeting.
but just try to convince the are requested to notify the execu 3:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday.
in rental rates at Cooperstown, UniQuestions Answered
The University has been charging
May Day parade
4 p.m. toversity veterans housing project. a Hat rental rate of
tive secretary of the association as
lor a "Rate of rentals are established teachers.
NU, B for the respective honors by Sigma
Steve Rauh, A&S, sophomore: to plans. Every
were discussed Tuesday afternoon
made morrow.
$32.50 for a by FPHA and were established with
effort will be
Chi fraternity, sponsor of the
Why not classes in art of sleeping by
7 p.m.
conference between
in a three-hothe association secretary to ar- I'pperclass Y meeting
house since the first respect to all homes including the
University officials and representa- houses were occupied a few months 200 houses which the University in front of the Union or at Boones- - range for whatever meetings the Tuesday. Y lounge.
Jackson received a sports jacket,
Marion Slater, arts and sciences
owns. The University will be quite boro!
Cooperstown council.
tives of the
ago. Recently, the University made
to be held over through
class members desire to hold.
senior from Erlanger and member white shirts, a sports shirt, a pair
The University told the protesting adjustments in the rental charges willing to operate on flat rates Myrene Stepp, A4S, junior: It's The annual commencement Saturday.
students that the rent in Coopers- to comply with regulations of the whenever FPHA gives it the author- an excellent idea, especially for the luncheon will be held in the Blue-gra- Writers' club . . . Tuesday at 7 in of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, was of shoes and a shaving kit. Urn frachosen best dressed woman at the ternity. Sigma Nu. received an altown was a matter over which it Lanham Act. This act requires that ity to do so," Dean Chamberlain journalism classes. It's stifling in
room of the Student Union room 210 of McVey hall. All those University,
and James Jackson, ag- bum of records.
the McVey hall basement during on commencement day.
had no control as provisions of the renters pay on the basis of their said.
interested in the fictional method riculture freshman from Owens boro
Miss Slater was presented with a
federal Lanham Act set the rates. Income instead of at flat rates.
Accordine to reports. Dr. Donovan the summer.
are welcome.
and member of Sigma Nu frater- cashmere sweater, costume jewelry,
Everett Mackey, Agriculture, sophRepresentatives Attend
to have financial
New Rate Both Lower And Higher said he was willing
nity, was chosen best dressed man a sports jacket, a sports hat, nylon
The conference, held in the office
records of the project audited every omore: If you can find a shade and
The new minimum
at a contest held Wednesday night hose and cosmetics. Her sorority.
six months and If it indicated rental the proper seating arrangement-s- et
of the Dean of the University, was
Alpha Delta Pi, received an album
In Memorial halL
'em out there.
attended by President H. L. Dono- lower than under the old
scale was out of line, it would be
Victor R. Portmann, professor of
Oscar E. Shoeffler. fashion editor of records.
Mary Beth Mc Far lan, AS, senvan. Dean Leo M. Chamberlain, Mr. while the maximum is much higher adjusted.
journalism, was elected president of
In the best
Four runners-u- p
of Esquire magazine and Apparel
Prank Peterson. University comp- than the previous maximum figure. The Cooperstown representatives ior: It s a wonderful idea. Probably
A set of religious books will be Arts, spoke on "Personal Public dressed man contest were presented
A new lease form which all renters submitted questions relative to some wouldn't learn much, but it would the University Faculty Club at a
Stephens, chair
troller; Kenneth
to the YWCA-YMCmeeting Wednesday. Other officers presented
He described current with a man's hat. They were ClayRelations."
man of Cooperstown committee to will be required to sign in connec- misunderstandings of the situation be a lot more fun!
Dorothy Donahue, AS, sopho- chosen were R. D. Mclntyre, pro- lounge library by the Hillel youth trends in dress and presented his ton Cruse, Sigma Alpha Epsiloii;
new pol- and Dr. Donovan said they would
investigate rents; Gene Williams, tion with changing to the
group at
4 p.m. today conception of present day fashions. Ed Hale, Kappa Sigma; William
chairman of Cooperstown council; icy was worked out by Mr. R. Israel-so- be answered either at an open forum more: Mighty swell saves looking fessor In the College of Commerce, in the Y ceremonies at
vice president; Mrs. Louise FreeHe stressed the importance of good Lamb. Alpha Tau Omega; and Jim
out the window.
FPHA, and Mr. Peterson.
or in printed form.
members of the University comThe books are being presented in grooming to the college graduate Strother, Phi Sigma Kappa.
Marie Shrout, Agriculture, junior: man, natural sciences, secretary;
The residents of Cooperstown obmittees on veterans' affairs and vet"We have found out answers to
Judges serving with Mr. Shoeffler
Miss Margaret King. University li- connection
Book who is seeking a job.
with religious
erans' housing; representatives of jected to this changed policy and practically all our questions or have I'm all for it.
Each sorority and fraternity was were Mrs. E. Reed Wilson, president
and the ceremony
Tom Phillips, A4S. freshman: brarian, and J. D. Sterrett, professor Week, May
Legion, Tuesday's conference was held to received a promise of answers for
Man o' War Post, American
Kentucky Woman's
University Veterans' club, Amer- explain the reasons for the change. the others." Gene Williams, cnair-ma- n Outdoor classes would be swell! of English, directors; and Frank is held today in commemoration of asked to nominate one candidate of the Central
comptroller, the May 10 burning of all books in and the Independent party was club; and Dr. J. Reed Sterrett, UniUniversity
ican War Dads, Disabled American It had been charged that lack of
of the Cooperstown council, Especially on the lawn in front of Peterson,
Germany ordered by Hitler.
asked to nominate two candidates versity professor of English.
the grill.
Veterans, Office of Price Adminis information has caused much of the stated.

Announce Winners
At May Dance

Baird Speaks
To Vet Club

Says U. Should
Stand Up To Russia




A song contest for
sponwill be held May 22
sorship of the House Presidents'
Council, Scotty McCulloch, chairman, said yesterday. The sing, to
begin at 7 p.m., will be held In the
Memorial Hall Amphitheater with
the usual provisions for bad weather.
Cups will be awarded to the winin both the
ners and runners-u- p
women's and men's divisions. Miss
McCulloch stated.
Each group will be allowed to
sing one song. The name of this
song should be entered along with
the name of the group as soon as
possible. Any group wishing to enter
the contest should contact Miss
McCulloch at the Delta Delta Delta
house, phone 6153. An entrance fee
of $1 per group will be charged
In case two groups select the
same song, the one entering first
will be permitted to sing the song.
Judges will be chosen from the
Transylvania college faculty and
The sings formerly were sponsored
by Mortar Board, Omicron Delta
Kappa, and Cwens.
The committee is composed of
Judy Jackson, Pat Williams, Margaret Shelton, and Scotty

Jean Ellen Query

Is Concerto Soloist

Frances J. McVey
Picture Presented


Prize Winners To Be
Named Tuesday







over-actin- g,


Vet Representatives
Meet Here Tomorrow

Nashville Series
Author To Speak
At Union Building







Big Name Tickets




Two SGA Members
Chosen Outstanding

five-doll- ar




Vague On Sale

Ken-tuckla- n.




Language Exams


Class Of
To Hold Reunion


blue-gras- s"

Libraries Combined

Crossed The Bar

4-- II

Cooperstown Housing Grievances
Discussed By Council, Administration
FHPA Rent Ruling
Subject Of Meeting








Slater And Jackson Selected
'Best Dressed9 On Campus





ADPi, Sigma
Chosen By Esquire




Faculty Club
Elects Portmann


Hillel Youth Group
To Donate Books



� The Kernel Editorial Page






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Bcder th. Act of March 1. 117a.






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u Pat LOWE

Brataeky XBtereoUeflata Pma Aaaoctatloa
Lntncrtaa Boara of Cormnvrca
Kentucky Presa Association
national Editorial Association

MNMNifB aea



On Year



of Tht Ktrnel.

r to o ecmiidered tie
and do not amarli

Story With A Moral
May privileges" for graduating senior women
c I k come an annual custom at the Univer- -

cult to attend-- if admission was charged ami
sjieakcrs came from out of the stale
to our platform, you would fight to get in Memorial hall. If SCiA invited a choru of can can
dancers to perform, the place would he mohhed.
Bm tlie prominent and successful kisoii who
comes to the campus should have enough to
rWTer students in the way of minimal ion even
education to have a good attendance without
having to give away a set of dishes.
Now next Tuesday Miss Sarah Blanding, for- mer dean of women here, and now president- elect ot V assar college will be the scakcr-yo- ii
Vnow, Vassar where all the society gills attend
school in jeans!
There are at least ten reasons why yon should
want to go. You know litem as well as we do.
So write your own ticket and let your conscience
lie your guide:

mstomarilv at the first of the
nionih. it lias ltecn jxrmissible to stay out until
11:1') ).m. every night until graduation.
'I his year it was announced the privileges
would not Mart mini May 15. Immediately tlwre
vas a loud howl. "What are they trying to doit's not fair we've always had a month of privi-J- t
gt s," etc. No one Itothei'ecl to find out avhy
l.liK' they complained. And there was a very
simple explanation.
Mrs. Holmes said that the date was sei up
Ixtause graduation had lieen advanced from
May 2S till June 7. The length of lime varied
Inn a few das. Rut if the seniors wanted it, she
said that the privileges would lK'gin on the 8ih
instead of the ITith. And so they will. It had
not been the intention of the dean's office" to
deprive the women of a single privilege, but
rather to simplify the task of the house and hall
Mtpcttisoi's who have to "check in" IkmIi seniors



