xt7rr49g565q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g565q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1960 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 31, 1960 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 31, 1960 1960 1960 2012 true xt7rr49g565q section xt7rr49g565q . » r   ' Y  
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Volume XXXI February 1960 Number 1

     I    .·   »»V,   ._ ·  -. M I   #1.-    I  -·-»    ~~»a¢¤·»·#·?¢" 1» ··-—. -=*-t·.y..,‘·ss¤=¤¤·~. · =~ --*·  tw ~¤:·   ...»‘;}~‘·‘*7“' —. Z`? Y1
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5 at Lexi
  $5.00. _ 1
if Assccia
I? ' Alumni
at ,_...é
gg • • • • • • • • • • • Kent,
{ Aluir
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Q Oh. hou" the ltalI> ol the 5l'l$ did rt·>ouud with .uliiug uioaus aud Omcc.
—. . . . . , th . t
  groans the other \\`1l1lt‘l` alteruoou ulieu I »u·pped ui»idt· the doot. \\ hat » nieis;
'I this} I troudered—a new uiu~i< l1eat—>it le l1t·at—~»i I ueared the .\lutuui Ollite, l uioxt xurely l>ee;u1it· .tu·.iie that tlu·»t· ‘{°“ K
  >ouud> \\'L‘l`(‘ touting llroiu that utost eiititietii spot, ()li. the lteatlx Iiuug
  lo\r—the spirit was aliuo~t goue. \\'hat has ll1l[)l)(‘lIl'tl} \\`liat ha» liaippeiital} Ex
zi . , . .
  No one s iolae lor a ietr lll()IllL‘Ill\~ u¤t too tliolged u >. I ·~ue¤~. I Iu·u. DVR?
  l   l rv Iasxi
ii out- loyal \\`L)l`IiL‘l` uiuriuuretl "Oyer {MMIII . _ . oter Eklltlll." Slowly theu. [Q2?
LF . , . .... . . . . . . . . . , . . . _ i .
a{ the story tu1lolded~II·.XXl;§hI·.l·. lI.\I) I5Ia.\ I I·.}x l S _\(. \l\. liut. how H°,;$,'Q
 5 could it be, how could tt Iutppeur . . . the hitter tiuth uiu~i he l.ut·dY Bjiih
 I , . . . . . ;
 ’j \\heu they sent Ulll their tall lor aluuuu lIIClIll)t'l`Sllll)\, their aluiuui au Mzilly
,   swered hack so oycrtrltehuiugly that .IIL'llIIL`>\(‘t' heat your .\luia Nlater iu Ivwim
 V its alutuui tueiuliership light by oyer 2.000 lIlClIlI)(‘I`>lIII)\. 'l`I1i» i» not happy s"g;I$i
’  2 tietvs yvliich we must pas> aloug—l1ut the figures tell the xtory—?I`<·ii1u·~»t·t·. Ri‘;)I:;*;
  over E),(1()U I]I('IIll)Cl`>llll)>. Iieututlay. oxer 7.(ltNl uieuil>t·r>liip~. Gwiej
¥i  _ Y _ V V _ tt. ii.
V ; .i\ prixe was awarded ICllllL‘\\l'Q' at the Iyeuttulu-l¢·iiiu·~»t·e |>a~Lt·t 196
. _ _ _ ‘ · \\’:tthe
l`  hall game iu lyuoxyille on [au. lb. (Tc
 J ` jmqes
V  I It is not too late lor your IIICIIIIJCINIIIIJ to touut iu the touttwt, lioyr- Helxvéy
eyer, as it is coutiuuiug. ll you are uot a tueiulier ol the l`l§ .\luuiui .\¤- T_l°§‘
T sociatiou. wou`t you neud u¤ your 55.00 today aud lioost our total uiuulier L Ig:
Q ol` coiitrihutiug iueiuliers? \\'e`ll |>e glad to we you! Hogg?
i 3 Lex
  ]. Ste
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A Dr. II
l   Len
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771 K t lc Al
The Kentucky Alumnus
Published quarterly by the University of
Kentucky on the campus of the University,  
at Lexington. Subscriptions to non-members.
$5.00. Membership (Type A) in the Alumni
Association includes subscription to the FEBRUARY 1960
Member of National Editorial Association. 1 ·· · 1 ·
Kentucky Press AssOc,a,,On’ American ALUMl\I ASS()(,IATIOl\ l\E\VS     ., ,.....,.. , .......,,....   ,...... .. ..,.. 4
Alumni Council. , V _ V _
-—-—  ALUMNI REUNIOIN I)AY RESERVATIOIN CARD .. .... . _... .. .. .... 4
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post
0fl‘l¤¤ ¤1 L¤><1¤s1¤¤- Ky-· Mw 1. 1952·l1¤d<·11 ALUMNI (J ‘ E` .   .  , ...,_.....     . .. . ’
the act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alum- LUB NOT S V V   V `V   V `V`’V O
' A `e t’ . . . , . ,
  CENTURY CLUB PLEDGE (ARD , .,... . ..... . ...,,.   .......   . .._. . .__.,._. t;
Betty Bowen Wiggs ................. Editor _ _ V _ V ,_
Helen G_ K,ng ___________ Managing Ediwr (.EY\TUR\ (ILUB DOINORS . ,. ......   ,.....,......., . ..........., . ...,_......,.Y...,Y..... 1
M:trgtic·ritt· McLaughlin .... Associate Editor V
Ken Kuhn .....,....,....,,... Sports Editor .·\B()UT THE ALUNIINI . ...... .   .. . ...,.... . ..... . ....,....... . .... .. .........,.. 8
UNIVERSITY STAFF NE\VS   .....l............. . ..... ..     ....... . .....   13
EXECU'*`l‘"E €0*l*’l'1"l`EE 1959-*10 tixiviaitsirv Armnts .. ....   .. .........   ..   .   .. .......,.,,..___.,.___ 16
Dri Ralyh ]. Aiagelucci, President, 2101 Nicho-
asv' 0 Ri; . L·xi gt , y. - · ~ —
L, Bc:k,,_,_     1§’£S,,1cn,’ 1624 A1de,,_ SPORTS l\E\\’S ,... . ..,.. .. .... . . . .... ,. . , ........l,.. .. .,...,... . ....,. . .... . ........... 18
son Court. Owensboro, Kentucky
Helm G Kms- Dirvclm 21 Al¤m¤l M*¤1rS» BIRTHS WEDDINGS. DEATHS ,,.. . ,...... . ,..... .. 18.19
522 Sayre Avt·., Lexington, Ky. I `V   V A `V`V ` '```V A `````
B. A. Shively, Treasurer, Athletics Department,
University of Kentucky
Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place Ver-
sailles Pike, Lexington (Term expires 1962)
\V%iam IR. Black, 300 91%,,) 38th. St., Paducah,
  ('V· ` 1 ..) ,. . _ »
    Il'., Cadiz, Ky., (TEUH Niriuglblharn D°°P·   (:13)* Hendcrs0n’ ken-     COvER*B€r[ Thomas
· ' 1 U .· 1 · .
R,§,’;§::1°SEl9g;gp€r‘ Somcrscg Ky. (Term ex_ 3{1·{u§(11m;; Gj]11, Paris Road, Lexington, Ken- Combs.   I'€C€1\'€d 11lSLL.B. degree
G,,l;:“;i_ 123;,281e,V 1,_, 1469 1_,,1,ewO0,1 1),,1,,,,, Mr. \Villinm G. McConnell, 2106 South Main, [NNI] Uk In 193*1 was inaugurated as
1,,,,,,,;,,,,, ,-1-,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,5 1962) Hopkinsville, kentucky- _ Gowcmor of the Commonwealth of
“· *1   Bl¤¤¤··*1¤*<*· 1*- S_ ,1,,,, S,. ,4Ou,SVV,,,e, 11,L0\11;1§?1·‘511e?1ém1`g,(y 1925 Spring Drive, High School. He was an honor student
K·. (T- .·’ 1961) 1 ' · _ · K ` ‘ 1
Herrldonk]t.mE'1;:ingfn1ie1i11gt01191g§1111d, Lcxgng- Klrhlcknses A. Sutherland, Bloomfield, Ken ::3;; ;I¤;d§;;l¢gl1;;;;-i S;;0;lgitl;1rh(;; 1:;
‘°“· V"· (.°"" ·"“’“°s· - x11 vi1`g11 VVatson 1726 Bevenv Blvd., Ash- · V
1-,,},1; ,§.¢*<{q;$,§,, }r;,;;;g;1;=g*60§1¤*·¢‘» Lm¤=· \ ge1.1$e1,·., P, me Km__C,__ itentnety ten- journal 1.1111 chosen for
I. Carlisle Myprs. lg., 1211_Ricl¤m¤¤d Fwd. ·l"‘ ‘ ‘ ° S’ I" iw ’ " membership in the Order of the Coif,
RohgiifnIilwiiil;11111(t—;iii“§i?5i;;1V'1§1e;316(¥u1se11eS, E§E;\;l1l\‘§,€;¢;r;1,:l1l;;;ur;l€<§t;p€§r;<{)r;$   law School honour}-_
L  tt , Ky. ( o ruste s _ _ ’ . _
1. s€${1‘1.‘:e.§’“111..11.1.1., Séi 11. High si., tem- M¤>» @-311 ¤-nw,1 ,§ ¤r¤a 1·¤¤ H¤¤S¢· umass He manned the fcmm Mabel Hall
*°“· K1'- (B°*“d Of T""‘“‘”Sl Omcmlse spam e ` of Knott County whom he met while
Dr. Ralph j. Angelucci,f2101 Nicholasville Rd., d_ UK •Th h h_l
L—.·‘ rt . (B1 l T st··s) atten m . ev ave two c 1—
\VillidiiiLMl?  B1t1g., o11e.e1.e1e, WE \VANT TO KNOW d_ Lg: ,. _ · 1,, ,1 T
Ky. (Innncdinte Past President) len- 0lS* 0 lears 0 1 an 0m`
Marguerite McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell St.,   n“·_ l3_
Lexinizton, (Life Member, honorary) 7 G ·‘
H.hD. Palinorc. Frankfort, Ky. (Life Member.     S HC served in the U_S_ Ann`- {1-0111
\Villi;igidI`;I. ’l‘o1vsentl. First National Bank Bldg., BIRTHS 1942-1946. He t.hen returned to Pres-
Lexington, Ky. (Lite Member, honorary)   ,0,,sb,u.g to his law Practice, 1:,1.gt
A1>11t)1NT1VE MEMBERS IN YOUR FABHLY $5531,1asE;V:.mi1Ii1(i1·e;(i1iiisiii:V>i11eii
M.n — .e1i<·.s01s is 1,1. ·- .` , ‘ ` ·’
“rv1ll§ni€;11§1ok%lu I Ouigogecox hmm \\1()N’T YOU SEND US in 19;:1 he was named to the State
I I'. 1 . Il Cl', I'., inc CS1€1' 7 . ` °
Avennmn Ashli .... 1 zOil 1 Refining oempeey, 101111 NE\\7S Colm <>1 Al‘l’€“ls· Ill 1955 l1¢r¢S¤g¤<=l¤¤¤>¤> lla} dinner on March ll-, gy Cth,.
  ilceunion day will open on Saturclay mm smililws ml Sumiul umimmm and A ilu. Hi`I.;;l.(li lmH_)d_ mW_H.ll ll lil`, lily; H
  u“)l‘uiu“_ “‘ith‘lxcwiglrlllioll ut [hc sui- ll\C (Ullllll(`ll(`('lllt‘I\[ III`Ugl'§l]ll ;\[ [(1] lltllh   ltlltlh to l)(·((.llll)('I     ,» ‘   I
  P ~ I 5 ` ` · ` ;l_“]_ (yn \[()u(I;gy· u“)]’[]u]p'_ l lll' ((7IlllllIlll'(` lI1\llllllIJ' lll(' §l\\`QIl(l \\l1 ll
  dmll lI¤ll)¤ h`Ill“l [Qu UUIH Iulicllic Alumni Seminar ners bases its selection on lllillllllilllivt lll_l‘ llll
` (I` ` ` ' `* "i ’ I Y c . . . · *
   l;LI¤·=·¤‘11\`U<`l}>11lt‘ lll il\l> ll1ll‘l’t‘Sllll}.{ (i1ll`|l(‘l'l(' Institute ol lecltnolot;\,n1.
= lhe new olhcers lor lllbll-bl will be _ I _li“mI.uin__ )l_u__l__`m l_.m_ nw I _ I'? _. , _l   _ I I P _\I,(
3 _ ;tnnounc·c·cl at the picnic. Mil N   l` I P". i. . I.- il In .lmmll)`l `lim U M I-M V tcnclc
F F. Iwo I mm ly yl V I grain tlc-tails see the ·l((U\llI>-lIl§I|lL‘{ stm-(It (.t»n|t·¤·t·mt· (turner at which th Wim
  ) llllll ~   llllll·»~l·— v\lvli·ll ·l_l*lll‘l"'ll story. I I I I awarcls will be prc·sc·ntecl.· lhe tonlti - _) A
  lresiclent and Mts. Diclccy will bc at IIN. yylumm Oulu. WIII mall (I(._ (_m.l_ ls `P(m`(m,(I In mv I\l_mmL\ Rl hnehc
  home to all returning alumni. faculty. IHIIUI i“Im.um[I(,“ IU mcmI)L.`.S UI ‘.l._ Wémh I_—UumI;lIiUn_’ happ·
 Q_ graduating seniors and their families [mgm] klmxw A Iiull. IM`,]. this >Pl.I“g_ ll¤¢‘ *\
 ii lll ll l`l’l`€l’ll"ll lll lllc Rlll`lll`ll Ol Nllly but in the meantime. if any group Ul
 —- Well l)llll`l`· wishes to plan a special party or get-   BAND ENTERTAINS ¢<¤1`I>*
 3 'l`hc· annual alumni banquet has together during the week-encl. you are AT FOOTBALL BANQUET \lll¢‘-
   `V. ` been scheclulecl lor six p.1n. that eye- recluestecl to write to the office and so y I State
  ning in the ballroom ol the Student specily. (llass sc·crc·taries will be noti- l)l· Rllll’ll ·\ll¥*`lll“l· ·\lllllllll \` Hlllll
 P, Union. a11cl in addition to the Hall- fied ol their duties in this connection. ”"llllll"ll l’l`*`$l(_lljlll llllll lll C lll ll “l` " ll<
  V Century Club awards. several other 'l`hose planning to return in May lll" l""lll`ll nl llill“l*`*"· l"l‘$l`*lllll*‘l*‘ ll€lll
 G presentations will be made. are asked to lill ont the blank printed ll’l‘llll`” illlll l’llll`l`l* "ll lll"lli ll“"ll \\"~‘*
 l The annual ".\lumnus ol the Year" below and return it to the office. Re- l’ll”lllll“lll* "l llll` “’*l“"ll_l’“l"l"` ""l‘ lll ·‘l
 I awarcl will be made at the reunion unions are N()'I` confinecl to special ‘l7l’_ l'l$ lllllllllllflllll ll`ll`llll’ "l ll?`  ""‘ "‘ lt'.
          .\lllIlllll I_;lll\ ol \\`i\[(ll('5 \\`l'lt' Iill IITIL
I     l Make ( ) Reservations lor the picnic: Saturday. May ·?8; 12:250 ·I).lIl. I LII?;Iu(I2HItIIIIQIIE;_l]i;`lIIIi$\IIIIIIIIIHIIII Mu
  `I I . . . . 5100 lim uckct I rector Ilernie Shiyely and Dr. .\n1< 01*0
 I - V Make ( ) Reservations lor the Alumni Banquet. May 28. 6:00 p.m. Iuui on IWIHIII. UI. my Mummy [fm
  \i I $2.50 per ticket I _ _ _ _ I _ My
’   I will neecl transportation for ( ) to (lolclstream Farm to attend picnic. ldmillllllllllclll lm- [lll. Iilclllllli _"`l` mt-
:   I May g8_ I presentecl by the Pantomimc: llnnct ml
I   All times quoted above are Central Daylight my l*=··¤€I"**IIfIII IIIIIIIII WIII IIC
""’I`I` II I¤·=··‘II;I;:'E$l(; tor >Z\eil lflumrner. School- ol Journal-
  IlIrIl‘ ulc(l' illl l.‘\l)(‘|ll(‘Il((' llI'(l(‘)Il[lIllllIl I (f(lll|L'l[l()ll mil. ·L"¥ll5h lr0iC5§0r §Il(·huCl ixddc-
ward wi; 'IiIII' .I"IIII ·III""'II UIIIIIIII *·II·‘I‘* I" lor iiiierestetll alumni to bam alitmui slgmi · l\cuU> Dum], Lxtmdcd PIO,
  ,,;_   III,. ..I r...... I ..I II.,       ,,_  , 4_\_( ,, ,,,,1 ,,_c _,,___,,CI;,,,_     -·_···   Ij··I¤>~·¤   I?~·I<¤¤·I·1·
li Iiltlllr IIIIIIIIIIIII uml IU llllilli Ullllill ll-luuls ol the laiiyersitr and toilaltilitztteltoiii- ICT. Hhmll lr0lC»UT`·(Jurl (lfmei D1.
¤······ I x— ··¤~¤····‘I ···· *I>     III ·I·~¤ ·*`······· II ···· I ...... itati ....   ..I l.,,,., I I .,,( I   ‘“F"’* H ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘T‘“‘ ‘’‘‘ I“I’!’: "*"‘“°"*‘
,,“.,,,.,,_ __ ol rt·st·urtlI. trt·utixt· srholarship uml Ulu A ` I;*_I° Mu”°I""‘ AIIIIIIJII DIICCIOI HCICII
wmk 114 |,,,,,,,, `,.,\,,,._ ,,,,,1 U, (.,,,0,,,,,g,. ,,,_ .· h t y h lung: and alumni lenrose-Leton and
fnliw IW wmlmm, ul m,,(,w_ U, “_m_l,n_ (lm,i,m, xluss (omimumuuous—its soual. eto- Mrs. Hampton Adams. Lexington.
I,,,,,,.,.' boys and girls who tould not otherwise
_m U, my {uname their udrumcd study without  ,.,._ , ,
Jug`- un Zl5\I5lllIl(('.
, my R, _\l>out llllll l`l{ alumni Iiaxe JII-      
“.h,,h lh, teutled ret ent set tional meetings ol the
`III‘ IIIIIIII ·II,Hm ('lmm‘l.m lwmi Ul [hl, lwuls lll .-\shIand. liv. M. \\`esley. M. li. liblen. Elizabeth
Hmh R, luglu-r edmaoou in Rentmky. what is \_ _ ‘_ _ N _ _ . (-rm`. ,)Cl‘“m_ RU, UN ‘ HC, T - _
I...,,,,.»..I..,. ..,( I `\4lliIl   II..,,,,.».. IIIII, I III ···· I*·>~ ····— II-~   ·‘I%·I·lt~ II| rg,·,,,,,,k,_ II<‘¤II III the  at ai. meeting II., (),. ill o rtrtsou am . .. .» >sieo1.
()lliters uml tliarter uu·uil>er> ol tlte llllwl lll   xi Mixllnlill ml? °l°"°‘l (I"IIIIIII)II$· OIIIO
_ _ _ _ \I( (' I)l L'\l(l(‘lll. lllllllh IUI II Spllllg lllCCI· _ y _ · ·
IERTAINS WIIWNIIUII lull Inlm Rnlmmuh Dim, ina uml retruiuneut ol new members ·I I`°II°`II~ III III° IlIIII`°“III" PIIIIIS
    l`(‘l)l`L'§(‘llIlll}J` l';iI\l(`l`n l{(`Ill\|l   "_;2_C di`( u"L_d }{i(.h:u_d }{uQhing IIUT KIIC IICXI [CII YCIIYS illlll. CXPIEXIIZIIIOII
V State (lollege. president: Donald I". uhmmi nach, N_l·)l_(_Sm“miwy H(,(,}mSC(, ol the Century Club was given by
IIIIHIIII ·.I~ Holloway. presuleut ·Moreheul- h ' meeting ol the Columbus club. Those
IIIQIIIIIIIXIIVI dent; Charles .»\. lieowu. SCCTCIIITI. Pikeville KY who attended were: Major and Mrs.
WIT ¤¤¢’t·>¤ \\'estern Remmky State (lollege .\lum— ` " _ __ _ _ 1). II. Branson. Dr. jean W. Branson,
Ielore sour ,,, _.\§,,,,-,,,,,,,,,_ hu-,-,.,,,r,-I lelclcu liing_ y .»\ baslgetball {thu (,lnnb to the Mr. and MTS. M. F. Byrne! NI. E. Crav-
mls ol dI- 4,,-C,»,,,,— ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,r,,,,-S_ [1,,,,-,.,-5,,, E.lrainp·tonsln,> was shown ut the ()t·t. cm. Mr. and Mrs. Géorge Farris, ML
IIIIIII IIIIII- ··I I<<·¤¤¤eI, coroner
Ir- 2* ¤=·o· ··I =\I¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i ··\~>·>¤- I<<¤¤¤¤ (L L,,g;,,,_ M,-S_ M,-,-,, D_ MCKe,,,,2,, M,;_
’elert·me t~ *€¢`I`¤`IIII`}` III IIIIIIIIY SIIIIU (ZIIIICIAG Imlmg I)IiL)SI(l°lIII' IIIi*· Rcuccdln MII uml Mrs. \\`illiam Mitchell, Mr. and
over 'lieia ·‘IIIIIIIIII ·‘I*>II‘ B' l\n`k` (`cmigc (" lurk {md _|oe ()`l)auiel.   (president). Mr. and
, ,,·,.,,. l,,, rertors are l)r. \\'. li. O`l)otmell. Rich- Dull (lllllll" Mrs. Paul \\I. O`Daniell. Mrs. F. C.
, ],.,,C,-,,,,, iuoml: joseph Shearer, Louisville: Mrs. V Suimnons.   Mr. and Mrs. C. \\'.
T\,h],.,,, lr Mary li. Richards. Rielunoutl: _]oltu lid I'I°mI"I‘ KI" Smith.   Mr. and Mrs. R. D. \\’ood-
I I),-_ _\,,u, Mc(1ouuell. l.ouisyille; .\. l5_ .·\twootl. IIIIII I»IIIIIIIII· IIIIIIIWI IIIS *IIII`· II*II" burn. Mr. and Mrs. \'earl R. Stewart.
mm, I l·`runl»;l`ort; \\'_ S, l)otson. Lexington; Hllvll il IIIHI III IIW IICIIIII<`I§€€ Robert \~\`. Teater. Mr. and hlrs. Has-
Uvcuinu my Mrs. Certrude Lively, Lotrisville: lel- l¢I1\II RIIIIIE IIII IIIC <3. ' T " 7 r H W    47-rrA44__-TljérnrigfrTmr·4Un'Nr"¢
IIlII`l`ll}'Z I’at (lingles, Nushville,’I`erm.; R. R. Dawson. l’tl()()lllIlCl(lZ l)r. lielly at   it *
(L Alnninl \\I;ryrl4)“ l{;ry·l)ur,]_ \]urr;ry·; Algrrreil Vin- llilltll\l[)sUll. lI(I\\`lIII§)(·I`€IJIIZ l·C€ R(II)* x     C Eu. ,08 L Y·
lv CU"]l)lcu,(l SUII. l:I`iIlllLli()l`lZ l‘·I`1ll]li   l.l‘X— t‘\`lSt)ll. (¤`lil$gUI\'i lllylllq HlI<(lldllI}bl§Il;.   dil I•l}(· 1. I 10-[[..1. , C21]?
Cbursc an lh, IIIgll>IlZ l{lIll)l\ .·\llgClll(`(`l. I,CXlllg[()l]Z lIIl)\\'lIlIg (·I`£‘('Il. illlll (vCl·\l(l l`.( ( 5. (ul ` IIN] PC ·l?[IIF18I]% ISl.R1l€S‘:€[li' (jh [ Q
V, Ky. Robert I-l. Hillenmeyer. Lexington: liouu. I\€IIIII€I\I SING ·I€‘II—I · $S0*I·III0II·

 -   ·* . ,. . 1 A  ..·  DV?   1 %** " ' M1? ·.§‘.»·ds·1>.e§L;;i_'i.:i  i ii
  A *‘    "      = -% >~  · »» A ¢ v -*   ‘`·- 1** ”"*? ``‘{       ‘A’`    
  A I Boyd Count;
j Pain cs. B11.;
  And, are we proud of you! Last june the Alumni Association initiated a capital gifts campaign to rain Mm Paul G
A $250,000 in a tive—year plan of payments, pointed to the l'nivcrsitv`s centennial in 1965. $;T:_P'*°"P‘i‘
' ' ' llillll e"
The plan consisted of 500 pledges fl`OlI1 500 alumni and friends, to be paid on a basis of a niini111u111 111 D I C u
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IV ESS 0
  $100 a year for tive years. As of October ti, 19:19, when the first Honor Roll ol Century Club niembers wa~ _;a,,ws K_ B;
  published, a few more than 300 already had enrolled. Since that time 100 more have pledged illltl (`()ll· s‘ D' Bmw
_` tributed with the result that as of january 9, 1960, #122 DVC-lllllllll`€(l-(l()llill` memberships had been glllllr ;*’:";{C;3‘;
ilf`0 . '
E Zll1[€€(1.. ggorik 5;%: CJE
' *0 ` {
g Only 78 more Century Club members are needed to 11121liC this the most phenomenal fund—raising (`Llll1- §l'S_"Q{;r’;§‘;
§ paign ever initiated at the University of Kentucky. Surely, there are 78 of you who are reading this stori Qggjiféjlbg
  today who are financially able to pledge $100 a year for five years. lkfgllllllllg in 19601 €3{i;*°If0§L;n
 ._ The additional listing of the 100 new members appears below, as well as the breakdown of contribii.   Iliiillxl
 { tions. Contribute yourself, if you have not already done so, and get one other al1n111u1s to come in also   ${,3:
 t YVITH YOUR HELP, BOTH THROUGH CONTRIBLVTION AND S()1.lClT.·\'l`1()N, \\'E SH()lY1,l1 `ylyifiixxiiiviiix
  REACH OUR GOAL BY 1UNE 1. 1960. gTis};»?j;1C€
A A Dr. and Mrs
1 Mr. and Mr
__ Dr. John S.
fi  YOU COULD BE THE VERY ONE T() TURN THE '1`ll)El 1;.?;g,,f¥`%i`I-P
· · ` William We
  M1-. and Mr
 ' T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T "" '—‘ T *• Franklin C1:
 f` Clifford E.
 S Fulton Coui
"      Dr. and Mr
 Q - - · - - n 1 c ¤
Q  V4 I Alumni Associotion — University of Kentucky  xd gm
4.     J. K. Beasl
 L Hopkins Co
Q  David H. P
_   . . . , . . , . _ _ _ _ Jefferson C
 j Here 1S my contribution to the University of kentucky Alumni Century Club 1·und in the amount ol _ri_1§m¤r LA;
· _   .......................................... I hereby pledge to pay S100 annually on the dates listed below; or until my lg§;g9Tgg';]j
  contribution totals $500.
Y   SIGNED Year Month Amount
I   .....................................................,.................................................................................... 1959   MOU
_     1960 ........................ 100 394 Pledg
; y _ BDSIDDSS ADDRESS 19111 ..................,..... 11111 1 rica;
I { l Pledg
,_   ....................................................................,........................... . ..........................,.......... NO2   Hm Comrihu
‘   1963 ........................ 100 Gr
    DATE Total nu
 _~ Counting
2 ..»  [ . . . _ _ _ $1,5110 pl
z   All contributions are tax deductible and checks should be made payable to University of kentucky (mmibm
  E  . Alumni Century Club Fund. grand {(,1
Q   1 —--——-—————- ——-
* {  .
. _•s ·# 1
. E LL  
2.    1
M ;»  Ny; I

(October 6, 1959 through Jonuory 7, 1960)
KENTUCKY Lowell A. Collings Florida
Early V. Dulworth , ·
Boyd calmly H. C. Forman J, K, Hays. Winter Haven
Paul o. Blazer A- P· Lee G i
__ . Ml.s_ paul (;_ Blazer Mr. and Mrs. James W. May '°l'K“
ln[lS(' Dr. Grover B. Sanders Malcolm L. Foster, Atlanta
¤······l··ll Cl-my J‘ L `”’““‘““ le‘i“‘Le‘?r·€"€r?"i&’r;.£"l?rQl‘;‘re
William Perry Drake J,,,,,ml,,,, 0,,,,,,,, Marshall *rayior. Macon
tm ol ·
6 Daviess County F' E' zormger llllnols
5 “·l‘ garr6esB}§brliaker Mldlmn Coun"),   W.CCi;t;:;1shaw,CPekind E { H Ch_ g
. · · , rs. a erme armo y s e e, 1ca o
uml J' C' Ra) W. H. Spicer, La Grange
guar Fayette County P Dr. Herbert P. Swartz, Kankakee
Marie R. Barkley E"}? §°;m'y h J
k&Jh ·.0e)’ 'ew ers
giriiscss calcilson Wlllle Dawallerc , w. r. Rairllner. West Orange
ulm_   apI<;:’rl;;lliés. William M. Greer, Jr.     L¤lE¤l”l· ·l¥'·
slum George Ft. Kavanaugh BBW Y°rk _
_ Kennedy Book Slow lrulnlll calmly Hallan E. Goldstme, Port Jefferson
Garvlce D· Klllcllld Mr and Mrs James E Hanev zvvlcllflhiili   llllcliln-€’ §e“l{ $9:17 City
Lullc Logan · . · · — . ug ea, ew or 1 y
6. Justin R_ ]v[qQ;ll-my   1;/Isgrsl R' §l(g;Zil?I,wL . Roger T. Thornton, Buffalo
ll l‘lll· Le¤¤>· Mllcs Dr,. are ME; A? nl M.;re§r§”‘S
·l]` Gayle A" M°hn°y Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weddle Olllll
— —(l· James Park . . , _
J Owen Reynolds J. Harrison Bailey, Cleveland
*l1l.l) lvl; and lll,-Q Earl Robbins Rowan County Mrs. Spencer Earl Harper, Jr., Columbus
. o er . c owe, eve n
Don Ross U l J. Roger Caudill R b l' C M D ll Cl la d
Dr. Maurice Royalty
Dr. and Mrs. William A Seay sw"' Count _ Pennsylvania
Ml`· and Ml`s· Earl p· Slllllc ) 4 L. C1'Rord Davidson Merion Station
Dr. John S. Sprague llll-jllld lllls- C€°ll P- Bell ,1. ,1. Pitzpatrick, Lancaster
Dr. and Mrs; G. P. summers 1l5I‘l“l’l£lll·.l'l“‘“l°l"°lS Chester A. Kuebler. Erie
Frllrlk G' Tnmblc rs` dvlm w' Humphreys Lou Michaels, Swoyersville
William Wesner
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton D. Wright Shelby Count
W C H _ y Tennessee
... _ Fnnklln Coun"), ' ` arnson Murray Raney, Lookout Mountain
Clifford E. Smith Warren County Texas
Dr. Waller H. Grifting `. _
Fallon calmly Ma]. Gen. and Mrs. Elbert DeC0urse},
Dr. and Mrs. Ward Bushart Woodford County ls;] lglnggglf Tyler
David L. Thornton Carl E. Lauer, Port Arthur
Harlan County George W. Pirtle, Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Baugh
J. K. Beasley OU·l—_0F_STATE Virginia
H k James L. Cogar. Williamsburg
op lns County California
David H, Pritchett Herschel Scott. Santa Maria West Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey, Jr. Wllllam B_ Flsh_ Bluelzleld
J Delaware Frank Kish, Charleston
. efferson County . · · O. M. Paisley, Huntington
ol Homer L. Baker Hem.} N` Marsh' wllmmgmn James E. Pinson, Williamson
Thomas A. Ballantine Paul V. Price, \Vi11iams0n
my Mrs, Thomas A. Baiiamirre Dl¤ll’l¤l °' C°lllllllllll James 1.. Sparks, Williamson
{ Chase Barlow Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ardery Harry Schwachter, Williamson
(Six months)
lllil january 9, 1960
100 394 Pledges of $500 earth ........................................ $197,000 Total amount of cash deposited to date .......... $54,340.35
9 Pledges ol $1.000 each .................... . .............. 9,000 Total number ol` "Paid-up" pledges-40
100 l Pledge of $1,500 .................. . ............................ 1,500
l Pledge of $3,000 ..... . .............. . ........ . ........... 3,000 b€€llYlll€$¥
100 Contributions and Pledges under $500 .. .... . ....... 675 Proctor & Gamble (approx. value) ............ 500.00
.-——— New England Gas & lilectric
100 Grand Total Pled ed .................................. $211,175 a wrox. value ..... . ....   ........................ 500.00
ll .
Institutional Growth Fund .......................... 500.00
Tollll lll“lll’°l` Ol lllcllgcs " ‘l0l’ Thiokol Chemical Co. (approx.
Collllllllg lllc Pledges of $l·000 ils l“’0 $¤00 PlCllg€$» lhc value lst annual payment) ...................... 120.00
_k _ $1,500 pledge as three. the $3,000 pledge as six, and the
( l contributions and pledges under $500 ns one, we have at (;l—lm(l Total (lush and Sgcurilies _________________>_>__ $56,06055
grand total ol 422 pledges ol $500.

   11  ’  »  .   .. ~· r ‘“‘.`       i-··    ea ·» ¤    -;`L  
1* J
FRALEIGH WINS $5000 PRIZE Nliss I·Znlu 1.1-1- \\'1·s1 is m1w u llI(‘11
1 ber 01 1ln· |)ll\‘5I('1Il C(IlI(`1\ll<)II s1ulI 1
_   :`. .·» . qr ·_ ‘ ,_ 1 l _ _ V
‘ Dllugldh ?l` l‘:‘l°'$l‘;l·‘ l~_~’l lim . Ihe l’ucIlll lor lIIl`(‘(' xe.11
  ‘l) €1“‘€“ll"“ In me P10 €°hlml‘l idix V _ ` uml has lilllglll in 1he l)lIl)Il( slhnn
if lll lf li ll ll l_‘i”l “‘l* ”l’°_ll*‘ll°_( _ lll _ °-’* 01 $1-:11111- uml Sun l·`r;1mis10.
  Allltllidll Bruge`10 ieuuit Ollgllhl K -l—hl. llmkm. llullrhhm, lH`lhml_
  glllllklllge bl S`llglllFcl`$· ll lllll`*ll`l‘*ll , ` J 1he 0I¤l1·s1 [)1`I\`1Il(‘ s1h00l I01‘ girls .
if ` — —~` · s -· »—- T` · »·» _ l' _ _ __ _ _
` —l"l I)llll€*”l‘lll‘ll °llSlll“l§· All j);llEs< dg New \0rI( (.115 uml was lll(' lIl`Sl IlI—1
K. srudenrs and 190 enmries l10n1 -1 01-   mmm hl the lm,u.Ulmlh;m Mm .
IY. elgll l'f’llllll`l€*· _ _ DSL"   uller L|)lI('g(‘ work l01‘ \\'llII1('Il.
lz He is an ernployee ol 1he bridge de-
purunenr 0l the (lalilorniu Del1ur1- ' ' ' °
j mem lll Hlgllllllll-S‘ _]0ln1 (Z. Tuule